PAGE 4 LEER i . THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. dS Wednesday, January 31, 1912, EATEST Mi i Ne ON EAR O. nH, ZELLERS LIST x | WEDDING BELLS A GOOD RECITAL hough young in years, Miss Kray i! duit TH FEBRUARY | 11 bids fair to be one of Harris- ca aU . ’ ' » i i 1 : 1 i — — | nesday, Feb, 20, In Mount Jo) ¢ COMP Y | We I Known People Join the Mates pie Audience Hears Miss Kraybill's mre's most accomplished musicians, A prominent citizen of Evansville, | Borough, real estate of Levi : hank, APPENMNGS IN THE BUSY Vi a ’ monial Circles Recital hat her excellent work at the Steve Ind. writes:—*1 was {ll for five [ dee , by Chester Fuhrman, executor WUE WEST OF HERE DRY-MASH | : Er, ens Memorlal Church Is appreciated months with a pulmonary tr uble, and | TPhursday, Feb. 22, 1 mile south- 1S A WONDERFUL EGG Ferd kin Lh d Miss Rosie Ein \ large and appreciative audience emonstrated by the presence of bad the best of doctors, I had hemor: | west of Mount Joy, on the Marietta ocal and fPersonnt Briefs That Have PRODUCER-IT MAKES THEM J dg. both of Columbia, are man and eoted Miss Kravbill at the B. E any members of the congregation rhages and was in a very bad way [and Mount Joy turnpike, on the Sam- Occurred Since Our Last Issue in L AY OR Ce wife since last Friday Stevens Memorial Methodist Episco- | at the recital Through the advice of a friend I tried | wel Hoffman farm, live stock, Jarm- Our Hustling and Wide Awake ig pal Church, Harrisburg, last evening Mi Kravbill is a granddaughter Vinol, and I feel that it saved my life, | Ing implements and household goods, . 5 BI IST A "ZS Harry S. Elslager and Miss Dora yy) . : hy N ¢ ’ ‘m Y Mr sl ; ¢ It is all yon recommend it to be. 1 [DY Mrs. Noah Mumman veighbor Village, Florin, NA Jl. Le ; ; en she gave her second organ re- Be Vr, and Mrs. Lewis Seeman of this beli ‘ i is tl t licine on —— ) Kuhns, both of Columbia, were ¢jtal Miss Kraybill .was very ably | 100 helieve it is the greatest medicine { Saturday, Feb, 24, at his ware- arried Thursds: va " : sti S 2 earth. I have advised others to try house in Mount Joy Borough, new Mrs. Alice Morton spent Sunday at Don t go without eggs this Fall and BREMeY Yharstay events; assisted by Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris, ” S——— Vinol, and they have had the same implements, new and second hand Middletown early Winter. It'seasy to get them : : soloist Much favorable comment | . results.” (Name furnished on re | bugsie carriages, buck boards, farm Mr. Frank Phillips spent Saturday if you do your part (feed the Park & At the U, B. parsonage, Manheim, was heard at the close of the recital Read the Mt, Joy Bulletin, quest.) | wagons and harness, by G. Moyer. it Lancaster Pollard Dry-Mash) the hens will Rev Behney united in marriage Subsgeribe for the Mt, Joy Bulletin. We want every one in this vicinity Wednesday, Feb, 28—On the Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Musser spent do the Te hat toduv. . Milton McComb, of Elizabethtown, : who is troubled with chronic colds, | Maytown and Elizabethtown turn= g.ndav at Harrisburg I kif i i WN ¥ money and Miss Sadie L., daughter of Urias | — C coughs, or pulmonary troubles, to |[pike, near Ramsey blacksmith Mr. Addison Bs Reman has rented ack 2 Rol sus #0 Keener of near Mt. Hope, Rapho ’ 4 . vs | shot i Ras ) ’ "et 8 \ (1 0 renema as rents or Sale by come and get a bottle of Vinol. . |shop, in East Donegal, horses, COWS, | "0 oy gion proper BRANDT & STEHMAN township If it does not go to the seat of trou. | shoats and farm implements by the Stoll property Mount Jov Pa 0 ammation and stop | Smith Bros Mr. Jefferson Bishop has rented Ask the man that feeds it, -—— oo : ; : a ble, heal the infl wg atic gl Pp i ae a the 8 - rw A the man that fheds it “ . The great success of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medieal Dis- the cough, we Will « weerful y return | Thursday, Feb. 29, near Maytown, eS stad is property Manor Mutual Fire Insurance Com- covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak every cent pa 1 ug for it. This shows live A k and arming implements, Mr. Henry Young made a business pany Elects Oflicers lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on our faith, and that you take | by Michael Grove trip to Lancaster this week. The annual election of the Manor the recognition of the fundamental truth that ‘‘Golden nn chan . MARCH Mess Charl nd John Carson - . - AM abicy Wine Ts : — Medical Discovery’ supplies Nature with body-build- i. W. GARBER, Mt. Joy, Pa. | Friday. Mar ear Moore's Mill, i J ee ! ' A Subscribe For The tual Fire urance Company was ing, tissue-repairing, muscle-making mate rials, in cone in R apho town large lot of live pent Sunday at Lancaster at Lincoln Hotel, Lancaster, Pa densed and concentrated for With this help Nature | ! t al 1 d hter Fan --ry , - u fol ; laote ! supplies the necessary strength to the stoma to digest stock i fax n implements fr: 8 FH ¥ $ we 2 4 \ N : : Ea BNE S ne M h An 1] h ; ments, by i t Palmyr 5B J 1 \ { IB [arr food, build up the body and thereby throw ofl ing a w | Mich wel Wal : ATTY obstinate coughs. The ‘‘Discovery’’ ro-estal sh the % \ ' \ Te 1c n 1 oe : \ rda { 1 p— digestive and uty « . Wd Rn ; ™" yA i1aonyr 0 f and enriches t l t Kop \ short esta e UDI GL | Shot evisioish WN ke “ « ) nH ‘ ? J iti r n A _— ( . » & g 3 | A i ¢ i i @ MJ 1 A - > ig r “" Dr. | 1 r, Med- K 8 A i G icine -date k I i \ Editi ailing x "n i 1 only. { t i" Y ] g ¢ AND ' — - ee E wm DL Lhe 3 \ I te = _- : { Amos ( mu | X, live ( 3 t1 home of Henr ich ' Peotoy I 11 Eras vid » L¥ and farming le I unuel i : : Hy . oY x I nts, amu - y - : : 3 ees 4 v >» % "3 . g | Horvase REPAINTING ove 1: Harry L Lefover. 3 Cot I vv 1 iN : | Mr. Edwin Stoll and family of tace Ave., Lancaster: Hiram G. War “ X . La Aces | Rv} ® m| Wednesday, Mar. 6, on the road pittshur loft {1 hema : yn : ; . : | s ) left 01 vir hom a Qa fo ar . Lars » nl . Bs from Mount Joy to Moores At : ome on All MaKes of Cars fel, Saf Harbor, Route 1 B. F. pe @ i " - wo NTA x ‘ i Mill, on the Henry M. Engle farm, Yondal . Greider, Junction; C. H. Frank, Lit = BAKED UNDER IDEAL CON- bo! Ty : * ’ ¥ \; ®R on " ‘qa IN SYTHE O : mm | live stock and farming implements, r. Clayton Lefever \has accepted We employ more skilled mechan- itz, Route 3: A. M. Greider, Landis- e he 1n S Aad oncre Le or » DITIONS IN “THE CLEAN- = by Jacob H. Lindemuth. a position in a shoe factory at Phila- | lcs. (not boys) in this work than ville. The following are the officers A —— = IST BAKERY IN " Thursday, Mar. 7, near Keagle's delphia. all the garages in Lancaster City of the Board: A. N. Lehman, Pres.; ; ® AMERICA n Mall], in an Doyegal o¥usip, 0 Preaching services will be held at |added together, and our facilities B. S. Stauffer, Vice Pres; B. F. BUILDING BLOCKS - = Re Be yi . : > KEby’s Church on Sunday ‘ning ¢ ¢ y e Creider Treasurer Snol E Delivered in - stock and farming implements, by °°, ‘ ( yn Sunday morning at [are not equalled by anyone in Lan- Greider, Treasurer and A. M. Gre id- NV All Styles and Colors = | Andrew McKee. ) o'clock. raster City or County. er. Secretary. The Company's office nd ; MOUNT JOY a Friday, Mar. 8, in East Donegal The First Quarterly Conference is located at Landisville. ¥ oh; Porches, Columns and ] township, along the Colebrook road, way held by Dr. D. D. Lowery, D. D,, BE 5 ——— > ——————— mic EVERY MONDAY, WEDNES- g|on the Cameron farm known as the of Harrisburg. P 1 Fi Banisters > = | Clark farm, large lot of live stock Mr. John Oberholtzer of Mz: , y \ Facts and igures AY AND 8! R . Ll) : Mr. . n Oberholtzer of Maytown is . . : DAY AND SATUS PAY m and farming implements, by Samuel spent Saturday in town, as the gest ANCA 0 [ ll ONO | ( () Iie Foresters Bald ‘of this Place Door and Window Sillé ml M. O. BILLETT, Agent mW Tressler. F ot ’ ’ di 4 (i a I Us are desirous of informing the public ¥ : - x of the friends. Lintles, Chimneys, EO dR Saturday, Mar, 9, near Marietta a : . : . as to the receipts and expenditures f promo ’ V8, I I Sa ay, 1 . 9, ne: Ma La, Mrs. Henry Flowers of Elizabeth- (Garage Never Closed) i £ Nd . rae 2 Ete > - in East Donegal township, large lot t holt several dave with 3 : of their recent supper in Mount Joy ey of live stock farming implements De several days with her sis- hover i. : : \ ter ra : 3 y all. Meet Me on the Bridge and We'll | and household goods, by Mrs. Joseph | ter, Mrs. J. Rider. BUICK Recaibis Retailer of the Best Have a Plate of the Habecker. Mr. M. W. Kelly of Downingtown, LCCOMOBILE Donat y ! ¢ 26.9 Grades of © Tuesday, Mar. 12, at Hotel Mc was the assistant ticket agent during al : onations . ‘in .3 26.30 irades of Cement . Ginnis, Mount Joy Pa., 12 shares of Mr. Cox’s absence : AUTOCAR AND Receipts of Supper 81.73 Best Ice Cream in Town | First National Mt. Joy Bank stock. Mi ur a Witt] BUICK TRUCKS a " 3 1019 Mr. and rs. Henry Wittle were > A R lerms payable April 1, 19812, by . Bi $108.03 | peasy «gg p— — — "a" ! Amos W. Newcomer and Ezra W. ts of friends at Harrisburg, sev- Wire : Er iad) x TIN - . TaN IN AL | Newcomer, administrators of Jacob eral days last week 230-238 W. King St., Expenses : y e : bi : - SeWeoIner, ad i of Hasta Hall. Oveiers. Cream, Rental - et 3 NS SS I n y GEC, 1 Jear yf Harrisburg TASTE ONIN A : tig — - _ He ; j : ! ITZ, LANCASTER - = = PENNA of Dishes. Printing, et : £3.90 . L : Wednesday, Mar. 13, 1-4 mile ent Saturday in town as the guest , . » é A s y ¥ AG Y south of Mount Joy, along the Co- hi +3 Mes. Heave Doar S 3 . 4 Be i i | flumbia road, Bast Donegal township, M atop} yo enry meal, Balarice : Ss gan STARLI 1897 mules, horses, cows, and farming Ir. Gabriel Nissley of Harrisburg, The only strictly first class garage The band wishes to thank all who in ments r Toe Zorn ; ic here on a it aT Sn y : : 2 } a vishes 1ank a ABA SO NE PEP ” implements, by Ezra H. Zercher. i n a visit to his mother, who and repair shop in Lancaster City or ', yi, dly assis ¢ oka tl Ye 1 | i 7 a Thursday, Mar. 14, on the road is confined to her bed wi i : so kindly assisted to make the supper WX v Ba Gf q Ta yy oh ead onfined to her bed with sickness. (County ry 8 £had Lo ® ading fr Mot Joy to 1i0 y : .: : ye a SUCCESS. sading from oun : Mr. S. 1 Gainor, the Assistant Teo ( f Square, on the Mrs. John M. Brandt farm. mules, horses, COWS and farm- ing implements, by Emory Warfel. Saturday, Mar. 16, in Mount Joy Borough, household goods, ete., by the heirs of Mrs. F. A. Ricker. Tuesday, Mar. 19, near Silver Springs, on the H. C. Greider farm, live stock and farming by Milton Miller. AT ZELLERS All Flavors at All Times. Special Prices to Parties, Festivals, Suppers, Etec. Mrs. CG. H. Zeller Marietta Street MOUNT JOY. Krall Meat Market lage of Newtown, lot of farming implements and household goods by the estate of Martin Metzgar. 3 Saturday, March 23, In Florin, near Moore's Mill, wagon, buggies, harness and household goods by Mrs. Simon B. Gish. Saturday, March 30—At his sale and exchange stables, in Mount Joy, entire livery outfit consisting of horses, wagons, harness, ete., by Ed. Ream. 1 always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton. Prices always right. H H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, PA. — The following letters remained Jan. 31; 1912. Mrs. Elmer W. Brubaker. Mrs. Elizabeth Gartz Mrs. Elsie Kulp. Mr. Wilbert Dougherty. — Mr. John H. Ginder. TROLLEY SCHEDULE Mr. H. B. Horst | ! | { S— ! Mr. John James, sell Telephone. Lancaster, Rohrersicr=, Landisville, Mr. Peter Voss. Salunga, Mt. Joy and Elizabeth J. FRED FENSTERMACHER town Street Railway Co. Postmaster WESTWARD Leave Lancaster—a m. 4.30, 5.1 5, 6.16, EVE VERE ee 8 1 | Prairi N ly .. ly he hy N y de le he. ly . ly . le 7) ‘Buy the Prairie Teave Rohrerstown—a m, 4.50, 5.85, 6. | is 8.35, 9.35, 10.35, 11.35, P m, 12.35, 1. | 1 , 3.35, 4.35, 5.35, 6.35, 7.35, 8.35, 9.351136. | Leave Landisville—A m, 5.12, 5.67, 6.67, | Sta te 1.51, 8.67, 9.67, 10.67, ner. Pm 1.67, | 2.67, 3.67, 4.57. 6.67, 35 1.1] 5 9. 180 { pisenve So ln, me ‘m, 1.00, 2. 300. | If you want an incubator that 4%, 510, S00, 20. 5.5% 2.0, Be 15 | hatches 100 per cent. buy the Prairie &.15, 9.6, 10.15, 1.05. Pm, 12.18 15, | State. No better evidence than these El 415, 536, eB, 41 83, 5s, | three hatches by Mr. Harry Gainor eae al Kbsshethtomn—, 4. | or J. 8. Carmany of East Donegal. LE 465, 5.65. 6.65, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 1 m. | pirst Hatch, 100 eggs, 97 chicks. Live Alia eV ARD mi Th Second Hatch, 100 eggs, 98 chicks. 8.46, 5.45, 10.45, 11.45. 12.45, 1.45, 2.45, Third Hatch, 100 eggs, 100 chicks. { also supply you with 1 m, 12.45, 2 8.45, 4.45, 6.45, 6.46, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45, A m 8 We can 3 30. Leave Mount Jog—4 m, 6.30x, 7.1 16. m 9.16, 10.15, 11. , 12.16 18 BS, a, eis, 7.15, 815 9.15, 10.15, NW. | p50 voy may desire in that line. a | Drop us a card and we will call to 30, | see you. 33 Will also supply eggs for hatching B or chicks from thoroughbred Barred Rocks or White Leghorns. $.50, 10.30, 11.30. P m, 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, YX Teave Landisville—A m, 5.48, 833, 9.33, 10.33, 11.33. P. m, 12.33, 1 2.33, 4.33 5.33, 6.33, 7.33, 8.32 $.33, 10.33, 1 1 1 rave Salunga—A m, 6.45x, 7.30, 83 1 1.0. Bs pre, Td fh 55, 9.55, 10.56, 11.50. n, 12.66, 1.56, 2 | E558. 6.65, 6.66, 1.56, 8.56, 9.55, 10.85. 11.86. | 8 g , 1.25. \ A Neg at Lancaster—A m, 6.30x, 816 A : YE )_ \ 0% 35, ai Si A Borie 1135, | u I} r \ (| ( 0 1% . , 9.15, 118, 11.15, f ; A. m, 12.15, 1.8. : : t Us Ll AV A On Saturd-ys a car will leave Lancas- | v ter at 10.15 p m; Leave Blizabethtown | . nepm Florin Penna. On Baturaa, and special occasions cars lid lenin : rill be run Fetwwen Lancaster and Joy every half hour form 6.15 a. m. to 8.15 | TOBACCO SEED P sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at 16 a. m. Leave Fliobet iowa at 7.46 ps m. Car marked (x) connects with News Express at Lancaster. EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE Estate of Peter Koser, late of Mt. Joy township, deceased. Letters’ testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted there make immediate Weaver's Imp. Broad Leaf, § oz., Individual plant, $0c; 3 oz. No. 1 grade 25¢. For sale by all leading merchants or by mail JOHN S. WEAVER Glen Mawr Seed Farms “INZER'S - - PENNA. jan. 31-8t, MAKES EATING A PLEASURE GEST implements, Wedneday, March 20—In the vil- | Agent, at the Florin chased a fine No. 5 Oliver typewriter. nti EE LW Station, pur- =) Pp. Mr. Roy Baker and family of Eliza- bethtown, Sunday in guests of Mr. and Mrs. tle. ev. D. D. Lowery, D. D., of Har- risburg, delivered a very mon in the U. B. Church on Sunday Days at town as Henry Wit- spent evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Young of near Marietta, called on the former’s par- | | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young, on (the Florin uncalled for in the Mt. Joy Post office | | ciety of the U. B. | evening at | | | | ! Sunday. | Mr. J. S. Eichler of Elizabethtown spent several days in town, as the | guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, | Harry Eichler. A leak was found in the main at reservoir and same was | repaired by Mr. Weaver, before much damage was done. The Senior Christian Endeavor So- Church will ren- program on Sunday Several prom- | | | der a special 7 o'clock. . inent speakers will be present. All| are most cordially invited. Mr. Clarence Schock had an acci- dent on Sunday while driving his au- | tomobile along South Main street. The machine skidded into Mr. Ben | Fair’s lane, which took considerable | work to remove it. Fortunately no | one was injured. | Program for C. E. Society, Feb. 4, ! Arena building in | Hatches 100 Per Cent. | space has been sold for exhibition | purposes and many applications for Florin U. B. Church | Song Service, Prayer, Song, Con- gregation; Scripture Reading, Ques | tions, Special Music, Quartet: Ad- | G. Renn; Special | dress by Rev. U. S. | Music, Duett; Recitation, Questions, Song, by Society; Recitation, Address Rev. C. Mease; Offering, Reading, Special Musie, Octette; Recitation, Remarks by President; Song, by Con- eregation; Benediction. All are cor- dially invited. Runaway at Florin The two horse team of H. B. Gibble and in charge of his 17-year-old son, Harry Gibble, was at E. S. Moore's | Mill at Florin, on The horses frightened at a train and ran In an endeavor to stop the one of the horses tread on | Mr. Gibble’s leg, badly bruising it. | The horses were caught and there was no further damage. I I Saturday. away. team, Harrisburg’s Auto Show | The third annual Harrisburg auto- mobile show will be held in the big that city from February 3 to 10 inclusive and prom- ises to he the greatest display of its kind ever held in this section of the country. Every inch of available space had to be refused. cm tA Read the ad of G. A. Gerer & Son of Florin, in reference to the Prairie State incubators and brooders. The firm have local testimony of 100 per cent. hatches which should prove vory interesting. Don’t fail to read it W. M. HOLLOWBUSH able ser- 48 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa day at No. 52 North Duke Street Seat =a e = | T= Tonya a § foal S =a & AQ Qa Sues for Services Rendered H. K. Berto vs. W. L. Heisey was FENN TANIA Ul ~ ' [ILAI 1A : PENNSYLVAN BULLDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts.,, PHILADELP HL nS ecover a balance » for NOTARY PUBLIC a suit to recover a balance due or eins -rondove ati pr a = FI 5 “hy T - NG e services rendered with a traction en STOCKS BONDS INVESTMENTS sine and fof labor performed. The 2 MIKUTES To any Grain Market in America 30 SECONDS To Chicago Board of Trade Lancaster Branch 220-226 Wooiworth Bldg. Attorney-At-Law with a credit There was for the de- claim was for $102.12 of $48 paid on account Lancaster, Monday and Fri- |no testimony presented fense. Annua LEAN arts Thursday, Fe Ends Saturday, Feb. 10, 1912 In order to move quickly the remaining lots of our Winter Stock, we are going to out-do ourselves and give you bargains never heard of before ; ofoodoeforfoofoofocforiorfoofoofecfectoofoofesfofororforfocfocorforte ¥ % oforfoogesforgeefongosfesgoofesfosfertoofonfocioofoefonfefosfortooferfoofonfoofertecfo ofonferfeoforforfonforfenfesionfocfonfoofonfecioofooonfocfonfocfonfortonfecforfocforioofeatocfecfurforferionfeci: Sedoerfodedsofodododofododeofodoisefuiodoe ee ne Blt Beatle Bo Le etedectececheilectortoctrelsioniretocissfoctostechecosteefoctociosfiosecfocfocfocpefocfecfocfocfecocfeciocs JoofososrsfocfesecfosiofocfosfocfrsfrfochsfosfofefecfededrfedrprpitreraeeeeTTTTTTeEE TEETER ETT oe ge + Boys’ 50c. Sweater Coats at .................. 25¢ ( Children’s 40 and 45c. Rubbers, per pair ........ 25¢ : {11 oe 1 x Ladies’ 75c¢. Outing Night Gowns .............. 50¢ { | Ladies’ Rubbers, per pair .............c00ee 45¢ oe i | oo Men's 50c. Heavy fleece lined Underwear per pc... 35¢ Men's 90c. to $1.25 Rubbers at .............. 50¢ og > Ladies’ 25c. Heavy Winter Underwear, per pc, .. [| S¢ Mon's Hubber BOOS. ...ccacusishinnes sri $3.00 3 Ladies’ 30c. Heavy Union Suits ......<....... 35¢ Boys’ Rubber Boois ......cccornvvecennr.s $1.00 * Men's 25c. All-Wool Hose, per pr. ............ 15 Ladies’ Black Petticoats, each ...... cxvesns0, ie 3 3 Boys’ Heavy fleece lined Underwear, per garment. .20¢ Ladies’ and Misses’ 25c. Woolen Gloves, per pr.. -15¢ * Men's Felt Boots as low as ................ $ 50 i| Men's and Boys’ Astrakan Gloves ...... 177 and 21¢ > | + oR tras : % ° Men's 50c. Work Shirts ............o--eeeeeon 25¢ Men's $1.25 Buckskin Gloves, per pair. ......... 50¢ L J + Men's Heavy fleece 3 Hose, per pair .......... 12i¢ ||! Quiiting Cotton in } 1b. Rolls, 15c. grade at ... -10¢ ole - i of It + Ladies’ 25c. Black fleece Hose, per pair ..... ..-18¢ J PICTURES I LJ 11 : . = Ladies’ 15c. Black fleece Hose, per pair... 10¢ | | Landscape and fruit subjects, ea.. -O¢ 10¢ and 23¢ i ; go ae + + r \ "oe i de ge 3 » . He ge 9) 3 Mount Joy, Penna. He -> - - - - - t Our advice is to come early as the quantity is limited and may not hold out- the Ten Days 4 Bt tof de doi bi Seeded din eff obeb op bpd 10% 12 2 Mpepielo de Pi Bball DER R BIRD PrTYers vere
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers