stailb— JOSEPH LEVI W. G. GREENEWALD THE PHILADELPHIA] BRANCH STORE & & 244 LOCUST STREET COLUMBIA, PENNA Up-to-Date Clothing] Furnishings and Hats Youmans of Them. “Have you any Married Women's elubs in this village?” asked Mrs. Strongmind, strolling ieisurely up and down the sidewalk at the railway sta- tion in the little town where the train waw making a stop of 20 minutes for dinner. “Yes'm,” replied the sad-eyed native who was sitting en a nail keg and whit- tling a stick. “Lots of ‘em. That big brick buildin’ over there on the left is a broom handle factory, ma’am.”—Chi- sago Tribune. J His Sphere of Exécllenee. “Was your son Josiar a leader of any of his clas:es?"” Mr © “I reckon,” an®wered Farmer Corn- tossel. “I have been told that a good mapy of the young men who tended *hool b'longed to the leis- Ss. An’ faom what I have seen lar durin’ harvest tim>, I should that Le'd be right up clus to p."~-Washington Star. His Uncertainty, “The missionaries are arriving from every direction till, actuaily, I don’t Kuow--"" Jd'he cloyed cannibal yawned a yawn of such cavernous dimensions that for the ncence his countenance resems- bled a frame of sated paganism sur- rounding a self-satislicd sausage mill. “—where my next from." —Town Tories. al is coming IZonors Even, Dercas—That woman yeu Con’t like was overheard to say that she would get even with you at Christmas. Mrs. Dorcas—Well, she didn’t. I made her a present of a wrapper that won't wash, while she gave me a cloak that I couldn’t wear, because it would make me look a fright. So you see it’s what you men call a stand-off. —N. Y. Ilerald. Ida—Before their marriage he used to call her “the harp with a thousand strings.” May—And now down? Ida—Oh. he picks on her time. —Chicago Daily News. they selttled are all the More Satisfactory, Guest—Waiter, bring two boiled eggs. Waiter—Boss, couldn’t you take | dem aigs poached? Hit's been found mo’ satisfactory all roun’ to open dem aigs in de kitehen.—Leslie's Weekly. Finds It Quickly, Hend&sou——gges your wife ever lose “Per temper? Henpeck—Yes; but she finds it sa mighty quick she never misses it.— Ohio State Journal. Before and After, “This,” said the druggist’'s assist: ant, “is a most wonderful hair renew: er. It's our own re par id.” “Well, bald-headed ma thinlo of 1g ®ve d : 3. give me a. A said oR HERR’S BOOK STORE One of the most useful Christmas Presents is Teacher’s Bible We've got an excellent one, ! Flexible Covers at O5c¢. we've got an unsurpassed line of Lamily Bibles and Albums BEAN NWI V IVI AINA L. B. HERR, 51-53 Nort Queen St, LANCASTER, PENNA. CONDONE FF = AOSODEHOCHOOOE HV A New Repair Shop! I desire to inform the public that I have opened a Shoe Repair Shop in the basemen of David H. Eagle's Farniture Warereoms West Main St., Mount Joy where Lon prepared to do cobbling of every dascription at reasonable rates Men's Shoes Half Soled and IHeeled for Gc Sewed on for 75 cents Shoes Half Soled and Heeled for 4c Sewed on for 55 cents According to Solicited Ladies’ and Boys’ Shees Size A Trial Job Harry Sheaffer Girls’ n ¢ + + + + 0 MOUNT JOY, PA. Our Solicitvr will call on you crery Tuesday and Deliver Every Friday Your Work Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PGP et ototobotbododotdots : : : : } ! : Devo tote 900040000000teooto PARISIAN CLOAK & SUIT (0. 28-30 E. King St Lancaster — +3 A Lectiirs. — J) Ree Ladies Only | [ Need a winter Overgarment ? Yes! Then youare interested in our lecture. What style—Short Jacket. | Box Coat, Three-Quarter Length, Raglan, Ulster or | Newmarket ? We have them all at all prices to suit | all pocketbooks. iL | Ladies’ Coats 25.00 Se ling { GR a gin Prices Are Right : x As i RR So are the Goods CANNED GOODS SPECIALS Oc 10c 8c Peas, 5 and 9c Baked Beans with Tomato 5 and 10c Small Can Tomatoes, 7¢C i2:c 10c}’ Sc 7 and 9c 15¢c 30c zl. Large Tomatoes, Large Table Peaches, Corn, Sauce, Arbuckle’s Coffee, Good Loose coffee, Ginger Snaps & crackers, Raising, Cheese, Good Table Syrup, TEIE: RACKET STORE Mount Joy. Rover's Saddler Shep West Main Street, Mount Joy Iam still making all kind3 of Harness strictly hand made, no machine work. 1also sell anything kept in a sdddler shop. Repuiring Done Promptly. | Prices to suit the times. STANDARD COACH WORKS IN NEED OF A I¥ Jenny Lind, Surrey Some, ER 82 To encourage the early buying of Christmas Gift Furniture, and also relieve the over- crowded condition of our floors, we will offer, during the first half of * December, any article in the store for about seventy-five per cent, of its value, Those who are ae- quainted with the high standard of our goods and their uniform low prices will appre That the reductions We simply ciate fully the advantage of being a little early in their selections, are genuine goes without saying, from our well known business integrity. offer you any article in the store at considerable less than its marked price, Turse PricEs EXPLAIN THE SAVINGS: | | | | | Ladies® Desks—Quartered Oak 5.00, to the early shopper 3,75. Dressing Tables—Mahogany 10.50, reduced Morris Chairs—7.00 reduced to 109.00. Oak 10.00 reduced to 8.00, Bird's-eye Maple 12.00, reduced to 9.00. 3.50 3 By making a small payment, purchasers can have their goods reserved. W.C. SAPP. | 7.50 reduced to 5.90. 41-43 S. QUEENSTREET LANCASTER, PA. Remember if you want anything in the line of Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. the onty place to get it good and fresh is at the sm »- —- = A Empire Bakery - FPLORIIN. PA. S. SS. GIINTGRICET, Prop. WATCH ES! Funerals Supphied at Short Notice The Only Place to (fet Good Bread, Cakes, Bugs, &e. C—lS AT Scholing’s West End Bakily ee Christmas ILLUSTRATED CHILDREN'S; When you think of Buying a Piano. for touch, tone and durability. Goods: Beady or Your Selection | CARD LETTER AND WRITING CASES POCKET BOOKS DIARIES FOUNTAIN PENS, $1 TO $5 PAPETERIES roc 70 $2 A BOX TOILET CASES AND WORK BOXES ntti NEW PUBLICATIONS CALENDARS BOOKS FAMILY AND TEACHER'S BIBLES CHURCH BOOKS PRAYER AND HYMNAL ENGLISH CLASSICS, 25¢ to i ~~ i mm am i em Call and See the Book Store of John Baer’s Sons 15-17 N. Queen St., Lancaster. REMEMBER THE NAME, “LESTER” Famous the world over Not lowest priced hut cheapest. KIRK JOHNSON & CO. 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Penna. Mount Joy, Penna. POTATOES. have just received a Carload of New York State Potatoes which 1 am sell- ing at Lowest Market Prices. Prompt attention to mail or telephone orders. T. N. HOSTETTER. The Largest Stock of Solid Gold, Gold Filled and Silver Watches to select from at the Lowest Prices in | the city. You willconvinee yourself by the foilow- | ing prices. Solid Silver Watches gents® or ladies’ from £2.75 up. Gold Filled Watches, gents® or lad- | [ ies” from £3.25 up. Solid Gold Watches, ladies® from : 212.75 up. Gemls® Gold Watches from $20.00 up. All the the above are guaranteed for time and quality, PIROpH & SIMMONS The Old Established Pawnbrokers Oh Tes! Oh Yes! GEORGE S. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER | Post Office Address, Florin, Lancaster Co., Pa. Telephone Number 851. and Jewelers, Rates Very Reasonable for All Kinds of Sales 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Penna. Opposite } Woolworth’s 5 & 10¢ Store rox S4LEBEI Three Acres ayd Fourtee n Perches Gravel Send + Bd ti fegpoe i S11 Ar 101 19]002 prs _— = . pd Cold Weather Bargains » at Warm Weather Prices ~.. t1-Men"s Heavy Duck Coats, wool lined at . . $1.00 Lot 2—Men"s Heavy Duck Coats, wool lined and rubber tterined at £1.25 Lot 3—Men's Heavy Waterproof Coats, weight 6!4 pounds at $3.50 Lot 4—Men's Corduroy Pants, Sweet Orr make at, ’ . $2.50 Lot 5—Men*s Corduroy Pants lined, Sweet Orr make at $2.75 Lot 6—Men's Knit Jackets, fleece-lined at ‘ . . . $1.00 Defy Competition. A Full Line of Wool Cardinal Jacl ets from $1.50 to £3.00 in colors and all excellent values, P. 8. —It will be to your advantage to watch these ads, from time to time. £z~The Colder the Weather the Warmer the Bargains. =&8 RETR SO II.EFE—
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