ONE DOLLAR A YEAR TN - ADVANCE.] AND LITERARY REGISTER. NEW SERIES, VOL. NO. 14] CEO.IV. SCHOYER, Editor and Publisher. Office—Front Street, three doors above Locust TEXlts.—The Spy is tiublisbed every Saturday morning at the low price of St' per annum IN ADVANCE, or one dollar and fifty cents, f not paid within one month of the time of subscribing. Single copies, THREE CENTS. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages ure Paid. No subscription received, or paper discontinued, for a less , period than nix months. -Letters to restive attention, must be post-paid. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. [Fifteen lines or less to the square.) Advertisements will be inserted three times at the rate 131 $1 per square; for every subsequent insertion after the third, 2.5 cents will be charged. Tine number of insertions desired must be marked, or the advertisement will be con tinued until ordered out, and charged accordingly. A !Iberia deduction will be made on the above prices .o yearly advertisers. 1MP.03.1 , 11N 1 1 1 TO 'MILLERS. TIM subscriber has purchased the Patent righil 1 of Timbrs improved Water Wheel, which has been proven to do more work with less water than any other wheel now in use. The wheels can be seen in operation at John Limner's Saw nu, and at John nerr's Saw Mill. Persons having Mills on streams of water where there is not sufficient fall for overshot wheels, will find these wheels to do more work than ,either Pitch-back, Under lihot, or Flutter Wheels. JEFFERY SMEDLEY, Machinist, Sept. 2, 1848.-ff Columbia, Lane. co., Pa. HATS AND CAPS. • T EWES ifIIEDENICK & Co., late from Philadol _LA phis, dealers in HATS and CAPS, would most 'res pectfully beg leave to inform the citizens of Columbia and its vicinity, that they have purchased the old and well known Hat Manufacturing Establishment kept by -lours VAINIIIEN for many years, next door to .1. Felix's; Jewelry Store, Front Street, Columbia, Pa., where they hatend to spare no pains ar,d means to carry on the above business in all its various•branches. Their stock con sits in part .of fine Mole Skin, 13caver, Nutria, and Caii. tor HATS. Also,' a splendid assortment of Pearl and Braid Summer HATS of the latest fashion and style, to gether with a good assortment of CAPS of every sire, price, and q u ality. New style Silk flats, which we have Just received front Philadelphia, and which we will sell At city prices. With the confidence resulting from an experience of a number of years with one of the first hatters in Philadel phia, will guarantee us in saying. dint for fashion, neat /less, durability, and CHEAPNESS, we millet be sur passed by any establishment in the Union. LEWIS TREDENICK. k Co. Columbia, June 3,1845..—tf. DR. HUNTER'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. Iluntr's Pana cea warrants the American people in solicittng fur treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES - - _ that can be found in the COULtry, in secret and all diseases of the urinary organs. It acts first by purging &rail irri tating matter from the system which aggravates the dis ease and at the same time acts upon the secretions through the =diurnal' the blood, by which all vestiges of the sypilitie taint are eradicated from the system It also eradicates secondary syphillis, cures whites or leueor rhea in women, and is a general purifier of the system. He sure to ask for Hunter's Indian Vegetable Panacea. Price St per bottle. For sale by I.;eptember 2, 1849. W. A. Ll:Am:rt. NOW ]S WISE TIME TO SOB MONEY. By calling at the cheapest CLOTHING STORE under the sun you can nave twenty per emit. C. LEVY 8: Co., Front Street, one door above Schrei ner's 110 w, wonld respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Columbia and vicinity to their large and splen did assortment of SEASONABLE READY Aunt CTOTIEING, Consisting of French Broadcloth Coats of all colors and descriptions, Pants, Vests, Caps, Ilandkerchiefs, Cravats, Stocks. Suspenders, Carpet Bags, &c., &c. C. LEVY & Co., Ratter themselves that they can sell the cheapest Clothing in. Columbia, or any where else;; and if you do not believe it, lust give them a call. Columbia, August 10, 1848.-2 m REMOVAL. L. }JELLING, Herb Doctor, late of Marietta, v, begs leave to inform his friencls and the public gen erally, that he has removed to the house of Henry Martin, next door to 13oyle's Hotel, Front street Columbia, Pa. Whilst he returns his sincere thanks for the very• liberal encouragement hitherto received in the prucnce of his profession, he respectfidly aCqUililltA them that he eon filmes as usual the PRACTICE, OF MEDICINE, in all its 'various branches, and will atteud, either by day or night all those who may have occasion for his services. Columbia, July 1, 1848.—tf NEW STORE. RE übscribers Respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have taken the Store ormerly occupied by S. B. Tloude & Co., corner of Locust and Front Streets, and are now opening an entire new Stock of Goods,purehased at the present very low prices, among which are FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMERICAN BLACK CLOTHS. Olive, Drown, and Blue Cloths; French, English, and American Black and Blue-Black Cassimeres; Striped, Plaid, mid Figured Cassimeres, Satinets, Summer Cloths, Gumbroons ; Low priced Summer Studs. Cords and Bea verteens, &e. LADIES' DRESS GOOD . Grenadines. Organdies, Passlins, Barege, Silk Tissue, Lawns, Gin hams , and Black and Blue-Black Gro de Mines, Plaid and Striped Black Silks, Fancy Dress Silks, New Style Chamelies, ALSO, Calicoes, Muslins, Checks, Gingtams, Ticking, Cliambreyse, Linen and Cotton Table Diaper, Napkins, Gloves, Cotton, Alpaca, and Silk Hose. New Style Bonnet Trimmings, &e., &c. ALSO, GLASSWARE & QIIEENSWARE--GROCERIES: Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Mackerel, Herring, Molasses, Fish and Sperm Oils, Soaps. Candles, Spices, &c , &c.. &c. Our goods are all NEW and selected with great cnrc, and we hope by strict attention to business, to receive a share of custom of our friends and the public. All kinds of Country Produce taken in at the highest prices. ROBT. CHALFANT. PETER HALDEMAN, Jr. Columbia, March 25, 161 S—If BALD I=lU/S Gllads,Red Reads, and all with Bad Hair, GRAY Road! Mr. ABRAHAM VANDERI3F.BI, of 9.8 Avenue D., New York, certifies that his bead was courtly bald on the top. and by the use of two as. bottles ofJoi ics's Coral Hair Restorative, he has a good crop of hair, and %vitt soon have it long and thick. Mr. William Jackson, of 90 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa., certifies: Chi Vac ad of February, 1847, that Mr. Thomas Jacksoti'a head, on the top, was entirely bald for 15 years. and that by using two as. bottles of .love's Coral Hair Restorative. the hair is growing Instead thick, and will soon be entirely restored. Gray Heads! Gray heads! Read—l hereby cm illy that my hair was turning gray. and that since I have used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely erased tailing—is growing fast, and has a fine dark look. Before I used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative [combed out band lulls of hair daily. \V. ToMPKINS, 92 King at- N. V. Mr. Power, a grocer, of Fulton at.. find his ham choked up with dandruff; and Jones's Coral Bair Restorative en tirely cured it. Do you want to dress, beautify. and make year hair soft and fine. Read—l, Henry B. Cullen, late barber oil board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones's Coral Hair Restorative is the best article I ever used for dressing, softening, cleansing, and keeping the haw a long time in order; all my customers preferred it to any thing else. Sold only in N. York at n Chatham street f and by It. WILLIAMS, Agent for Columbia. ,e24'48-4)m MOB.NZSTO =LAIN AGAMT. Between York, 'Wrightsville and Co- Inmbla.—The President and Directors of the Baltimore and Beannehannn Rail Road Company having consented to combine the AIOILNING TRAIN between the above places. 117 - The Car will leave Columbia DAILY. [Sundays ex cepted] at al o'clock, A. M., and the Train will iPIIVC Wrightsville at SI o'clock. Relenting, the Train will leave York at 8 o'clock, A. M. D. C. 11. BORDLEY, Super't. April 17,1E47• SOAP. TOWS Italian Chemiea Soap is called by the it) Medical Society of Paris, " a blessing, a miracle and a wonder," to cure eruption, disfigurement or discolora tion of the skin. It cares' pimples:blotches, freckles, salt rheum, scurvy, sore heads, tan, sunburn, ramphew, and it changes the color of dark, yellow or sunburnt skins, to; a fine healthy clearness. For sale by R. WILLIAMSAAgent for Co lumbia. 1e2418-fitn THE • COHLUAT...-ITA' -SPY. 13noine5s Otraton). TERM OF TIM DMECTORY. To persons advertising in the Spy by the year, there will be no extra charge. Subscribers can have the Spy and their card inserted for one -pr by paying 51.50 in advance, or if they have paid for the paper, 50 cts. for the card. Those who are not subscribers we will charge Sl for inserting their card one year. JOHN F. HOUSTON, Attorney. Locust Street, between Front nod Second Sts PHILIP GOSSLER, Attomey, Walnut St., between Front and Second WILLIAM S. McCORKLE, Physician, corner of Locust and Second streets T. TY RILELL, DENT IST, Nos. 3 & 4, Walnut street, above I lotel P. SC REIN ER'S WATCH. A D JEWELRY STOIZE,No. 1, t.:eltreitter's flow, Front Street HERR'S WASHINGTON HOTEL, Corner of Front and Walnut Streets, Columbia. l'enna CONNELLEE, WOLF. & COy Manuf'rs of Stove, Hollow-wnre. n.c.,'WrighNville. Pa J. D. dz. J. NVIIIGIIT, Dry Goods Merchants, Loeu,t st, 3rd door below god st FRY As SPANGLER, Dry Goods Merchatna,Locurt street, helow the Bank W. & S. PATTON, Dry Goods ATerchnots, S. E. corner of Locust & Front st CHALFANT & HALDEMAN, Dry Goode Merchants, N. W. corner olLocuts & Front, st • J. W. FISHER, Merchant Tailor, Front street, 2d door above Locust st JOHN JORDAN & CO. Merchant Tailors Front St., between Locust and Walnut A. G. STEVENS, Clothing Merchant, No. It Front Ftrect. WILLIAM A. LEADER, rornerist, Front Street. between I .oeust and Walnut St, IL WILLIAMS, • Druggist, Front st between Locust and Walnut G. L. MYERS, Druggist. Schreiner. Row. Front street LEWIS TREDENICK Sc CO.. Ratters. Front Street. a f•w doors below Herr"; I fotel. AVM. TEMPLE, HATTER, No. .2, Schreiner'a Row, Front Al. P. SEIBERT, Cabinet. Maker, comer of Third and Locust Street JAMES JORDAN, BOOT AND SHOE an an - • . pp ...le ie n St. r_ C. GROVE.. Boot nod Shoe 11Tnoofnewer, laljoinior. Here.. lintel FRANCIS BRADLEY. BOOT & SHOE Manufacturer, Second, between Locust and Walnut St. J. M. WATTS, BOOT & SHOE manumetwer, Prom SI, between 'Jo-not itha w:atun SI S. GROVE, font rind Shoe Manufacturer. Front, below Locust et J. H. HUNTER, foot nod Shoo !!;tore. No. 40, Prom to J. N. TIVOARTY, BOOT AND SHOE. Manufacturer, Locust street, opposite the Tows, Hall. F. X. ZEIGLER, VARIETY AND Shoe Finding Store, Locust street, above Front street JOHN SLACK, Vnriety Store, No 41, Front 44 MATHuyr, Variety Store. Front ft. between Love-t and Real nut Ft 'NM. U. SPAM:LER, Book seller and Suninner. Front ht. :id door shove Locust SAMUEL EVAN S, Lumber Merchant and Master Builder, Locust street SUYDAM, PAINTER, GLAZIER, Paper Hunger. &e., Second, between Cherry & sr. MARTIN & REULING., Herb Doctors, Front street. next door to Boyle's Hotel. WM. ELI dGETT BARBER ANI) ITAIR DRESSER. bnek of Ileres Wainnt street JOSEi)ff KELLEY, SIIEET..IIION i .. I -.1 l• w. r r •'. t. jit .1w • .1, FRENCH xtr.voLtrTxotir. TYRANTS as well as Illommolies must fall, so must prices. That i 4 a filet which can be proved by calling at the Ohl I , :itabli9lied CLocx, Ws.xcit, nod .Itve- ELRY Stand of John Felix, Front street, a few door. below Ilerr's Washington Hotel. The undersigned haying just return , ell from Philadelphia and New York, where he has purchased, at ,the pre sent very low prices, a large and splendid assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY • of every description, tvhiell, together with Its former ex tensive stock, he is determined to sell otrquick and at small advances. Now is is year time if )0u wish to purchase JEWELRY of the very Lest quality. and at astonishing low prices. The following embraces seine of the leading articles of lus inagniticeta stack GOLD and SILVER PATENT LEVER wxrcur.Ft, full jeweled; Gold and Silver Lepinc. Quarticr, and Eng lish Watches; Gold and Silver Al custom Cases, Silver Table, Tea, Salt. and Mustard Spoons; Silver Sugar Tongs, nutter Knives( &c.; Silver Scissor Hooks, Silver Combs and Hair Darts, Silver and Sleet Belt Slides. Gold and Silver Spectacles. Spectacle Glasses. Silver Thim bles, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens, German Silver Spectacle Cases; (roman Silver Table and Tea Spoons Gold Fob and Guard Chains, Steel do.; Gold, Silver, and' Steel Watch Keys; Bracelet Clasps, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, Breast Pins and Bosom Studs (never!: description Curd Cases, Steel Purse pings and Tassels. fag and Parse Clasps; a large assortment of Silk Twists, Shell Side and Back Combs: Pen Knives, Pistols. Spy Glasses, Music foxes, Pocket 4300 ks mid Purses. together with a large variety of other useful and ornamental LlTliCiet, usually kept m Jewelry Stores. Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry—and all work warranted. Thankful for past favors, the subscriber solicits a roll dna:nice of the some—which be flatters himself to merit from Ins experience and by a strict attention to hmunes.s. JO lIN vEr,ix. N. B. Remember the place. It pi to Front .trect, a few doors BRIAR' Ilerr's AVa..htrattna Hotel, Colum bia, Pa.. where tau can bay cheap and good Jewelry, and warranted to give eanstactiort in every in:amine or hate your Inoue) refunded. Columbia. Auctivt In. \TA?TED a first rate Wagon-maker, to take v clmrge of a shim and carry on the business an los own book:above the Depot. A shop will he rented to a good intchanth at a b out Sl3 per annum, out at least .120 worth of work given by the subscriber himself to start on the first year. The work is principally on heavy Ore Wagons. For further particulars address 11, M. WILLS, August 19, 1519.-em Columbia, Pa. - - .7775 T RECEIVED ja A NEW STYLE OF BATS AND CAPS at CR Lewis Tredeniek & Co.'s Fashionable HAT &CAP Store. first door below John Feltx - s Jewelry store, where you can always get a Fashionable Hat or Cap at the lowest city price. Call and examine our New Style and judge for }ourselves. TREIWNICK :v Co, August 5, 1%8-ti Froot Street, Columbia. Pa. rTXlF:7'Mrri. OF THE head, fare and hands, such as scanty. erysipelas, saltrheurn, Itch. cores. sore heads, tali, freckles, sunbtftn, morpliew, yellow, dark disfigured skin are cured. When these causes arc removed, persons who use the bath freely should remember that more than water is required to remove the humor from the pores. I have seen persons who have had filthy skin diseases, for years, and after trying everything in vain, have be en cured by washing the skin with Jones's Italian Choinical Soap, and can conscientiously utter it for any of the above complaints. It is particularly adapted to persons from the sunny SoUth. They would find their skin much whiter, clearer and smoother by its vac. But they must be sure to ask for Jones's Chemical Soap, as there are , numerous counterfeits. Price 50 cents. For sale by It. Williams, agent for Columbia. au20•48-triec24 A STRAW "HORSE WAS taken up by the subscriber on Sunday morning last, about half way between Columbia and Washington, and is now at tus residence, near the Bear Tavern, where the owner is requested to call and prove property, pay charges, and take hint away. Sept. 20, 1848.-3 t JAMES GiLVX.S. WANTED. COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1848. portrn. Al DOUR AT TIIE OLD PLAYGROUND. eat an hour today, John, Beside the old brook stream— Where we were school Boys in old nine, When manhood was a dream The brook is choked with fallen leaves The pond is dried away, I scarce believe that you would know Tine dear old place to-day. The school house is no more, John, Beneath our locust trees, The wild rose by the window' side— No more waves in the breeze; The scattered stones look: desolate, The sod they rested on Has been ploughed tip by stranger hand, :+utce you mud I were gone. The eltestun tree is dead, Joilll, And what is sadder now— The broken grapevine of our swing Hangs on the withered bough t I read our names upon the bark, And found the pebbles rare— Laid up beneath the hollow side, As we had piled them there. Beneath the grass-grown bank, John, I looked for our old spring.— That bobbled down the alder path, Three paces Cron the swing; The rushes grow upon the brink, 'rue 1,001 Is black and bare, And tot a loot, nits many a day, It weals, has trodden there. I took the old Hind road, John, That wandered up the Lill, 'Tis darker than it used to be, And scenic so lone and still; The birds sing yet upon the WIICTC once the sweet grapes hung, But not a voice of human kind, Where all our voices rung. sot me on the fence, John, That lies as in old time, The same half panel in die path, We used so oft to climb, And thought how o'er the burs of life, Our plal. mates had past on, And left me counting on this spot The been that are gone. Zelcct Zale. roton the Columbian for October. THE ORKIAN BRIDE. b' CllAbLtb: °MYNAS, r->q• "A fine establishment, that," said I to my friend Manton, as a splendid carriage, with an elegant pair of bays,drove on the ferry-boat just in advance of us, as we were evo:Aing lbr a drive to Green wood. "And a lady to match," said lie, "if you could only see her; and what is more,' happen to know her, and it would do 'you good to hear a bit of ro mance that I could tell you, if you were not such a hater of nil that sort of thing." " I do hate romance," I answered with some spirit, "when, as in most eases, it is admired be cause the like of it never did happen and never will. I hold that nothing is worth being pleased with but truth, and as to your glorious creatures of ro mance, that were born in the brain of the poet or novelist, and painted on paper for so much a page, I think they are well enough for girls of seventeen; but for full.grown men to be pleased with them, or even to tolerate them, is out of the question." " Stop, stop," says Manton ; you have no idea, have yon, that the beautiful girl in that carriage was born in the brain of a. poet, and painted for so much a page?" " Well done, you have me now," I had to ans wer; " but you dont mean to say that your romance is about the mistress of that establishment? You did not tell me an, at first, and I was simple enough to suppose that it bad only suggested a story of your own or somebody else's invention. If you have anything in the way of a true tale, that will suit a matter-of fact man like me, tell on, I listen." "I hardly think I will, you seem to be so fearful of being pleased. At any rate, I shall save the story till another time." The boat was not crowded, and Manton reined his horse to the right, and let him come up to the coach, and again,us if by accident, he pushed him on a step and brought the Tilbury to its side. The lady recognized him instantly, and I caught sight of her as she bowed, and asked him where he was driving. Fortunately she was bound for Green. wood too, with her sister, who was visiting her from the country. "Could anything be more delightful ?" asked Manton, turning tome, as we were driving off the boat. " You shall see her, and perhaps you will then be willing to lacer the story." " I am ready to hear it now." 13ut you shall wait, and you deserve to be pun. ished for doubting the truth of what I was going tote)) yon." We rode on in silence, and as we were in front of the carriage we alighted at the entrance of the cemetery, and waited its arrival. The ladies pre. ferred to ride ever a part of the Tour, and would then join us in a ramble through the more pictur. esqe and secluded portions that could not be reach. on wheels. . . I confess that I grew impatient; not so much'to hear what Manton had to tell me, as to hear 'the lady herself, who had excited my curiosity not a little. Manton and I had come down for a stroll in the cemetery, and having secured our horse, walked on for a short limo in company with the carriage, and then taking a short cut across the grounds, took. a scat in the shade to wait the com ing of the ladies. As we had saved half an hour, by crossing, I begged he would improve the oppor tunity by giving the promised bit of romance. Well, she was pretty, was she not 7" ho asked as I pressed him to begin. " She was more than that, she was very beauti ful," I said. "In truth, I have rarely seen so much sweetness and simplicity in a face of such striking beauty. It seems to me that she is not a city girl; she reminds me of those I knew fifteen or twenty years ago. when I was a young bachelor in the country, and not an old one as I am to•day." "Then it makes you feel young again, does it, to meet such a woman. end yet, you have been, merely pleased with the first sight. I wonder what would happen if you should find her as sweet as she looks, an angel in heart as you think she is from the lustre of her eyes." " I had to submit to my good friend's humor, and let him go on in hopes that be would soon begin to relieve my curiosity; s 0 I told him I wa■ too old to think of falling in love. and I wished hint to skip all allus'ions to any such future possibility. lie said ho would prefer to wait till we returned home, as he feared the lightness with which we had been speaking would be a poor introduction to the serious story ho was about to give. How ever he would indulge me. " You know," he began, " that I spent the suns our, two years ago, in the country, but you may not have known thit the most of the time I was quietly domesticated in the beautiful village of r-, in Massachusetts. I was in search of health and rest, and found just the spot that I wanted, in the house of the village pastor, an ex cellent man, with a large, warm heart—an uncle of my mother. Ono morning, at breakfast, he told us of a painful scene that ho had been called to witness the night before, and which had so much affected his feelings that ho had scarcely slept since he returned from the house to which lie had been called. " Mrs. Norton was a widow and poor, and the mother of five children, the eldest seventeen, the youngest nine. She had been born to affluence, but her father had been reduced in his circumstan• cos while she was yet a child,and she married early in life a young man who was struggling to acquire a competence, but found the labor beyond his strength, and with a numerous family growing poorer every year, finally sunk under the weight of anxiety, and the pressure of a business that brought no relief. He died while lie was yet comparatively young, and left his wife with a family of little chit. dren almost without any means beyond a small hence and lot he had contrived to save when ho saw that he must soon leave them to the care of Providence in a heartless world. " Mrs. Norton's parents had been some years dead; the friends of her father had disappeared with the fortune that had bound them to him, and she was compelled to feel that her dependence un der God must be upon her own exertions. The sympathy of the kind.bearted around her would be a comfort in her bereavement, but would furnish little or nothing in the way of pecuniary support. Nor did she wish charity, as that cold word is un. derstood in this cold world. She preferred to help herself, if she could, and was willing to endure ar duous effort rather than depend on the reluctant aid that others might bestow. Her eldest child was a sweet girl of only eleven years, but very efficient for her age, and able to assist her mother much in caring for the comfort of the younger children, and attending to the house and neat little garden in its rear. Mrs. Norton engaged with a coura geous heart, in the attempt to earn a livelihood for herself and thetas children who looked to her for daily bread. She had been well instructed in the best of village schools, and was able to give her little ones as good art ducation as she had received, so that she was at no expense in this important part of the training of a young family. Her re sort, as the chief and almost only means of acqui sition, was her needle, the beat of all inventions for woman, when without a husband or a father upon whom to lean ; and this proved to he enough, and no more than enough. The garden and the needle yielded her enough to feed and clothe herself and the five children who were growing up around her, the solace as well as the care of, her life. Every body loved Mrs. Norton's children. They grew in comeliness as in years. There 'was a gentleness and grace in their whole aspect and deportment that won all hearts. You would have known that their mother was a lady, if you had never seen her, Not that their manners were formed after any of our city models, or that they tool; upon themselves any airs that marked a distinction between them and the children of the village. It came to them in the natural way to be genteel. Mrs. Norton had been used to good society in her youthful days, and took pleasure in moulding the manners of her children, as she knew full well that on their deport ment must depend all her hopes for their success if , she should be taken from them. She was a Chris, tian, too, and her children were early taught to fear God, and keep Hie commandments; to put their trust in 'Him, and love Him in the days of their youth. Now all this was very well, and as the children were universal favorites, and every one loved to make them happy, and they always seem ed to be happy, none knew the struggles in that widow's cottage, struggles that made inroads upon the heart and health of Mrs. Norton, as she toiledil day and night to maintain her offspring. In these efforts she derived more and more aid every day from her eldest daughter, Mary, who seemed to have imbibed all her own energy, and to possess excellencies that gave dignity to the humble wades of life, and exalted the retired and lovely girl into a heroine. She assumed the burdens of life as if they were her highest pleasures, and went cheer fully to the severest duties with the sweet conscious. ness that she was lightening the cares of her dear mother, and blessing the home of her younger sisters and brother. Her needle was the best friend of Mary, as it was of her mother. If. it must be confessed, our pretty heroine had learned a trade, and actually went out' to work by the day, making clothes for children. She was a tailorese. Alas for romance, you will say." Go on, I beg you. I like it all the better for the real life of the story. Go on." "I will. You read of the heroism of character that high life at times .develops, where the eyes of the world and the applause of the world are the ex citements to lofty action, sublime selrdevotion, and toilsome efforts, that seem to demand more revolu tion and energy than belong to ordinary mortals ; but there is more real heroism in the silent, steady, unflinching performance of duty by an obscure country girl, with such a load on her heart as Mary bore, and such nn object berme her as Mary kept in view, than in the brilliant Quixotism of the Maid of Orleans. "Nearly six genre had elapsed since the death of Mrs. Norton's husband, and it was becoming painfully apparent that sbe too was soon to sink in.. to the grave. Her constitution, never vigorous, bad proved inadequate to the increased responsibilities laid upon her at his death, and now she was about to follow him. It was at her dying bedside that my host, the worthy pastor, had been the night be.. fore, and he was now describing the scene through which be had passed. "The children were around lier in an agony of grief that melted all who saw them. The neigh• bore had flocked in to proffer kindness and assuage the anguish of that dreadful hour; and the pastor came to bring the consolations of the gospel to console their breaking hearts. The dying mother and her daughter Mary, deeply as they must have felt, were the calmest persons in that mourning house. " Mrs. Norton was evidently drawing near her end. She took her children one by one and gave each a mother's dying blessing, and committed the younger ones to the care of Mary, to whom they were to look up and submit as they had ever done so dutifully to their mother, who was leaving them. Never did Mary seem so lovely as when she put her arms about those little orphans, and, restrain ing her own measureless grief that she might soothe the clamorous sorrows of the children, told them to trust God, and all would yet be well.' • Mrs. Norton said to' her good minister, that she, bad committed them all •to the care of Him who had said,' Leave thy fatherless children with me : I Will keep them alive; and let thy widow,' trust in me and she was willing to trust that gracioni promise, even in death. [81,50, PAYABLE AT SIX MONTHS, "She died that night, and there even before the dead was laid out, while they stood around the yet warm clay, to which the children clung as if they would not be parted from the dust of her they loved,—even there the friends and neighbors of Mrs. Norton, in the fullness of their hearts, provided homes fur those dear children. Whatever disposi tions might have been made by will of the little property left, it was obvious that it would do com paritively nothing to supporting the family now that its energetic head was gone; and it was thought best that they should all at once leave the homestead, and derive what aid they could from leasing it. Mary and Ellen, the two oldest, would take the youngest with them to a room which was immediately offered by one of their friends. Ed ward, a boy of fifteen, was pressed to make his home with the village teacher, who would give him his "schooling," and find him a situation in busi ness as soon as he was old enough ; andtherc were so many who desired the company of the only one left, a sweat girl of a dozen summers, that it seem ed difficult to decide who should have the privilege of her adoption. " You remember the old saw, so shines a good deed ia a naughty world;' but you never heard of en more beautiful instance of doing good than ibis. It was the spontaneous action of warm hearts, and when. those children went to bed Inwards morning, they all felt that if they were or phans they had a Father in heaven, who had raised up friends on earth for them in the season of their darkest trial. Mary kept an eye on her little charge. Seldom did a day pass without her seeing ell of them, and Sundays they spent together at Mary's room, and at church, cherishing the memories of maternal instruction, and strengthening each other in holy purposes of living, as they had been taught to live by her whose bands they still felt on their heads as she laid thorn on that night when she left them, " And now when I tell you that the ladies in that carriage are Mary and her sister Ellen, and that Mary is the mistress of that establishment and a house up town to correspond with it, and that she lives here in the city in style, and shows herself a lady •to the manor born,' you will want me to go through a long story to tell you how it all came about. But I shall make a short one of it by simply telling you, what is the simple fact, that while Mary was at work at her trade in the family of Mr. Wiley, a retired merchant from the city, who had left his son in business here, and had es. tablished himself in a fine mansion overlooking the village of F-, his son saw her, and had sense and taste to fall in love with her ; and as everybody in and about the village knew that Mary Norton was as good as she was beautiful, instead of envy. ing her when she became the bride of Henry Wi ley, the neighbors all said lie was a lucky man to win Bitch a prize, worthy and elegant and wealthy though he was. Indeed, they were as handsome a couple as they stood together in the village church, when they were married, as your old bach elor eyes ever looked on. When Henry Wiley laid his heart and his fortune at her feet, Mary Norton told him with all frankness that there were objec tions to their union she could never remove; she had promised her dying mother In be a mother to her sisters and brother; they were dependent on her for counsel' and her care; and she could not leave them to become the wife of one who would take her to a distant city, and remove her from the trust she had received. But not only did he hear this magnanimous resolution with patience but de. light, and immediately proposed such arrangements for the family that they were all included in pro. visions for the general happiness. A home in the country was secured them during that part of the year which she would spend in the city, and the summer she was regularly to pass in the midst of her old friends. "There they come now. I shall introduce you, and you will agrco with me that • truth is stranger than fiction,' when you know the worth of that poor girl, an orphan child, working for her living but two years ago, and. now not twenty years of age, the wife of a' rich merchant, and the centre of a circle in which wealth and fashion and true worth revolve." I saw her; walked with her, rode with her, re. ceived a very cordial invitation to call with Mr. Manton at her hotise, and have since found my new friend, Mrs. Wiley, 'to vay 'nothing of her sister Ellen, among the very pleasantest of my acquaint ance. I love to repeat the story of Mary Norton, as a contrast to those cases we so often meet with in which those who have been reared in luxury are brought down by sudden changes of fortune, and compelled to drink the bitter waters of adversity. Such is often the result of pride or perversity, and comes' upon its victims as a just judgment. But so beautiful an illustration of the care which Pro- vidence takes of those who put their trust in God I have seldom met with and the longer ,I have known my new friena Mary Wiley, te more I have admired the way by which she has been led through the paths of simple duty, and a long way of self.denying labor to the affluence and influence that virtue only either merits or can appropriately enj M o y.y friend Manton I often meet at Mr. Wiley's, where Ellen is spending a few months, and he frequently insists, as we aro walking home, that Ellen is the finest woman of the two. He thinks so, and lem half disposed to believe that he is right. If Manton did not think so, and does not soon tell her so too, old as I ant 1 verily believe 1 will. believe lie llunc m . THE BRIG= Box.—Master—Well, my boy, yo slipped up.' didn't you Boy—No. I slipped down. Maater—Well, stand up by the stove and dry yourself. Boy—lfow can I stand, unless I stand up? Master—Take your scat, you blockhead. Boy—l can't take my scat, it's nailed down. Master—You can set down, can't you ? (giving him a wipe over the head.) Boy—(Going to his seat) No; I'm not a lien—r warn't made to set. Master—Now sit up there, and aUend to your books. Boy—Sit. yr ; I should like to see a feller sit ! rrr Master—Vold your tongue. (Boy runs his tongue out and grabs it with his fingers. Master calls out .. first class" to read, and the scene closes.) A VOIJCIIER.—A man once went to purchase a bone of a Quaker. Will be draw well?" asked the buyer. "Theo will be pleased to see lain draw," said Nehemiah. The bargain was closed, and the farmer tried his horse, but he would not stir. lie returned. • That horse will not draw an inch."' • I did not tell thee bewould draw friend," said the Quaker. " I only remarkedAbatAbee would be pleased to nee bim draw; and se arpuld I, but ho would never gratify me in tkat respect" EIVIIOLE NUMBER, 957. HAIM MARRIED.--An English paper contains the following bit of information; at the same time a bit of warning to all those who are liable lobe in a like situation: Not long since, while a marriage ceremony was in progress, a most amusing circumstance occurred which completely put a stop to the performance at a most interesting part of it, and sent the disap pointed maiden and her anxious lover two different ways, any thing but rejoicing. It appears *Lithe young couple had gone separately to the - 61Iffirch, for the purpose of being made one. The ceremo ny went on well enough until the minister came to the words—" With this ring I thee wed t " when the bride, essaying to take her glove off her maiden hand for the last time, could not effect it. Whether it was agitation or heat, nervousness or perspiration, the leather clung to her hand as man ought to do, and would not part company. The bride blushed end pulled; the bridegroom (bold man V; laughed outright ; so did the father; so did the mother; so did the spectators, except the cler gyman, and lie exclaimed,. I did not come here to be laughed at ; " and shutting the book, left the ceremony half finished, the glove half off. It is happily added, however, apparently for the infor mation of all who may sympathize with the (limp pointed fair one, that she tried the -next day with more success. That time she went to church with gloveless hands, and the nuptial knot was tied," tight as a glove." FORMATION OH llattw. e, afessor Steve!ley, at a meeting of the British Association, read a paper on meteorological phenomena, in which he attempted to account for the formation of hail, by supposing that it must be formed when after the fall of some rain, a sudden and extensive vacuum being caused, the quantity of calorie abstracted was so largo as to cause the rest of the drops to freeze into ice balls as they formed. This principle, he said, had been strangely overlooked, although, since the days of Sir John Leslie, every person was familiar with ex periments on a small scale illustrative of it. He also said that the interesting mine of Chemnitz, in Hungary, afforded an experimental exhibition of the formation of hail on a magnificent scale. Ia that mine the drainage of water is raised by an en. gine, in which common air is violently compressed in a large cast iron. vessel. While the air is in a state of high compression,, a workman desires a visitor to hold his hat before a cock which he turns; the compressed a ir.,as it rushes out over the surface of the water within, brings eat:eon= with it, which is frozen into ice bolts by the cold generated by the air as it expands ; end these shoot through the hat to the no small annoyance of one party, but to thus infinite amusement of the other. NUTR INERT IN DIFFERENT SUESTANCES.—DF. Warwick, an English lecturer, gives an interesting comparison of the amount of nutriment contained in difilrent vegetable and animal substances, and the time for their digestion. Of vegetables, he con siders that beans contain most nutriment. As to animal substances, he remarked that mutton con tained 29 per cent- of nutriment;beef 26, chicken 25, pork 24, cod and sole 21, haddock 18, &c. As to digestion, boiled rice occupied an hour, sago an hour and forty-6ve minutes, tapioca and barley two hours, boiled cabbage four hours, oysters two and a half hours, salmon four hours. Venison chops one and a half—mutton three—beef three—roost pork five and a qparter—raw eggs two—soft boiled eggs eight—hard ditto, three and a half. PorrNr.—ln an English book upon the sub ject of adulterations of food and drink which re cently came under our observation we find the sub joined account of the materials employed to manu facture an imitation of Port wine :—Twenty.four galluna of cider, six gallons of elderberry juice, four gallons of Port wine, one gallon and a half of brandy, one pound of logwood, and twelve ounces isinglass,dissolved in a6gallon of the cider. Bung i► down, and in two months it will be fit to bottle, but should not be drunk till . the next year. From this the habitual toper may be enabled to glean some idea of 'the villainobs stuff which he itisome tithes called ' upon to put into his stomach, under the appellation of wino, or brandy. , MAKING IT STRONG. -A newly imported Irish girl was engaged at service in Now York, recently, and on the third day of her servitude she came to her mistress before breakfast and 'engulfed " how the meals pleased the lady ?" "'Why do you ask Biddy ?" " Because, mem, the brixfiel will be beth. er to•day." How so?" " Di:ought the coffee and my was too wake, meaelf, foryino laisyshiy, so I jist mixed 'em together, to Make 'em stronger, me lady." Her mistress went into hysterics. El= A DELICATE COMPLLIIENT.—IVAAII4IOOII war sometimes given to pleasantry. Journeying 'east on one occasion, attended by two of his tuda,he asked some young ladies at a hotel where he break fasted, how they liked the appearance of his young men. One Of them proMptly replied, "We cannot judge of the stars in the presence of the sun:" = U'We once heard oft young lady who said there were but two things, which, on looking over her past life she regretted ; end one of these was that she did not eat more cake when her sister Fanny was married Probably the other was, that it-wasn't her wed ding cake, instead of Funny's. " 'Biddeford 'Herald. I= Tux Pactsix.—ln the East, they suppose the phoenix to have filly orifices in his bill, which are continued to his tail; and that after living one thousand yeas*•, he builds himself a funeral sings a melod lOUS air ardifferent harmonies through his fifty organ-pipes, flaps Isis with a velocity that sets fire to the wood, and censuses himself.—Rich. ardson. = Borst arm SHIPS Couvaturn,--If the invention of a ship was thought so noble, which carrieth riches and commodities from place to. place, and consociateld the most remote regions in participa. tion of their fruits, how much more arc letters to be magnified, which, as ships, piss through the vast seas of time, and make ogee so distant participate of the wisdom, illuminntione, and inventions, the one of the other !—Lard Bacon. henry IV., of France, one day reached Amiens, after a long journey. - A. local orator was deputed to harangue him, and commenced with a very long string of epithets: "Very great sovereign, very good, very magnanimous— " And also," inter. rupted the king, " very tired." DECIDEDLY MAAN.—A woman who pule 'lees aborteuing in tho under crust of a pie than in the upper. So we think. 0 - Blessed are the orphan children ; for they,hate no mother to spank, them. Z — Bleattod are they that do - not advertise ; ler they shall rarely be troubled with customers.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers