ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE.] AND LITERARY REGISTER. NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. 49.] GEO. W. SCHROYER, Editor and Pubisher. Office—Front Street, three doors above Locust Tensts.-11'he COLUMBIA SPY is published every Saturday morning tit the low price,pf ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. or erne dollar aid fifty emits, oat paid witlim one month of the time of subscribing. Single copies. THREE CENTS. TERMS OP ADVKllTOONG—Advertisements riot exceed ing a Bemire three times for 81. and 25 cents for each -additional insertion. 'I hose of a greaterlength in pro portion. X 5.5. liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. Joe Pitivxmo— Such as (land-bills, Posting-bills Cards, Labels, Pamphlets, Blank, of every description Circulars, ete.etc.„executed with imatnessand despatch and oil reasonabieterms. REDIOVAL THE UNDERSIGNED takes this medium to in forms Ills mends and the public that he has removed Ins TAILORING ESTABLISH:MI:NT, to within one DORSI. OF TOE CORNUR of LOCUST STREET. and 11111/111^ reco vered his liealts so as to be able to attend to business would respectfully invite Ins customer:, to give him a call, feeling well assured from the liberal patronage that he has heretofore received, that he will be able to give subs. faction to all who may feel disposed to gtve him their work. He would not say that he is the only one in the place who can make good work. not wishing thus to pulf himself ito notice but would assure the public that work entrusted to him shall lie executed in a neat fashionable and substantial manlier. Ile keeps constantly on hand a fine assortment of Cloths. Cussimcres & Vestings, which will be sold at very small advances. I% W. FISHER. N. B. I have a large stock of ready made CLOTHING which I will sell at prime cost. J. W. F. April tbl, IO4S. REMOVAL. THE Taioring Establishment of B. Young has l.eea moved up stairs iu the Barbershop. oppo-ite the Washington Hotel. at which place he may he found at all times, ready to do work in the neatest arid best style for all who may give him u call, as he intends to devote his whole attention to dressing the community in the most perfect style of the day. Huving received allthe different reports. lie flatters himself he 'stile only one in the place able to do so. B. YOUNG. P. S. He will at all times be prepared to give instruc tions in cutting garments to any of the trade. so much in rear that may disable them to come up to the age. mid stands open against all publishers of systems for investiga tion. No more, but hope to get is spat. a YOUNG. of Colombia, R. 5. HATH's'ON, of Marietta. Columbia, April 8, le4B..stf NEW STAND AND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this method of innornung hi, inends and cosiomers Nat he hat reined the New S ore Room known as Huldeman's New Cornier. being on the South West corner of Front and Locust Street. where he intends to keep constantly on hand a good supply of READS.' MADE CLOTHING. SHOES AND BOOTS. and a general assortment of Funnily Groceries ; together Ninth Flour and other Meal ; Oats. Corn. and Chop for horses. Al o, Liquors on all kind,, including Wines and Cordials. All on which I pledge myself to sell us cheap for cash as possibly can be mforded. Please call and ox. amine both the goods and prices. X. 13.—A dwelling, and trout shop adjoining, to rent on inecommodutiog terms. Myself and Son would like to bcmrd with the tunny. ELIJAII nARRATT. Columbia, March 23, 154f.—tf MORE BARGAINS, The subscribers have, during the pu,t week, ntAde u large addluoa to flaw aortner stock of - - FOREIGN AND DOMCSTIC DRY GOODS, which, for elezninee and elleapuesq. cannot tic ‘urpti%sed. Among %Odell 1.. a very lunge n••ortment of prtysTs. at 4tt 1:i cis ❑ en. 10 et, awl In2k en, per yard. as low• a, 1.21- rt.. 19 etc. and 25 et,. Al paca. and I.9neu. I .itqtre, A gen. era 1 risboruneut of FITItSISIIING GOODS, . - - - Snell as 4-4.5-4. 6-4. awl lu-3 Oleaehed and 13rown Sheet tags. 'ricking, Cheek, Cra-h Linen and Cotton, Brown and Bleached, Table Diapers, &c. GENTT.EAIrN'S DRESS Gnips Sap. Blue and Black Ft encl. Cloth, , et.p. Illuc, flack, Brown, and Olive 1:!.14-h Cloths , Plum and Fancy Can simeres, Satinet,, Vc.ttngs. CHINA. Glass. and Queenstwirit Tamily Oro- ('Cries. selected wlllt very treat cure. nITIOng which ore :C.,v Crop Surars—Loaf. Pulveri,ed and Crushed Sutrnr , Collees. Spires, the Superior Teas of Ilte New York Canton Tea Company. Oils. Yfsh. &c. All of which they are determined in ken as Low as the VERY Liners?. tor cash or country produce. Thankful for past favors. they retipeeffully Follett a continuance of the patronage heretofore bestowed upon them. .1. D. kJ. WRIGHT. Locust St.. 2 doors below Second St. Colombia. Morel' br4n—tf WOOD'S QTEDI IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY, Ridgc J Ruud. nl.ove cod Mrect. Ciatulelpittu Inne ilditLiNos for public and private Inaldinus, and pub lie squares of every variety ot torn and pattern. CEilPi ray ItraLtNo.s. of Clas.te and nint.oe de , rzits. cm- bracing upwarn , of one bulnlled dttf•rent en net Inov C titan, AND SETTEE:. tor Garde Hulls and Piatins. —new sty lc. VERANDAS AND PLASTEDS, Irilr Cottages, made in every Superior Wuricoirr GATLS. for Carriage entrances. New style BALCONY BRACKETS. S.C. Inc,' TAME.. of vs riOtTS styles. embracing Louis XIV. Eli /abet lwn. Gothic and modern patter:is. with White, and Gold Italian Marble lops These ta bles have been introrliteed by the subscriber for Ifowls. Restaurant , . Ice Cream Saloon , . &c. They arc beau &ill articles of furniture for lint Store, and other es tablishments where at is desirable to make a grand as- play. Irr He has recently constructed an elegant substantial CAST Inca lfrrenisci Posy. in form admirably adapted to permanency of position. highly ornamented, and repre senting a well executed Hem, of that noble animal, the Horne. Such an article has long been a desideratum, and is now offered to the good taste of the public. Strangers visiting Philadelphia, are respectfully invited to call at his Varerooms. and examine his different spe cimens of new and beautiful work. ROBERT WOOD. Proprietor. Ridge Road. above Buttonwood street, Philada. He has recently published, at great expense, an or iginal work exhibiting the new designs and patterns which arc executed at his establishment. embracing , all the above articles, and the various arid bpleutled pattern, of Cemetery. Balcony. Step. and other Eluthag: which have been manufactured for Laurel Hill and other eele htnicd cemeteries. designed expressly for his own estnii ltahment. and which may ire sent to any purl of the world to those wno desire to make a selection. Undoubted re ference will be required to ensure a prompt return of the work. after an opportunity for making the selection. Philadelphia. April. 22. ECILE'S EMBROCATION FOR Horses. This Embrocation, so well known by the Boatmen. Wagoners, Flamers. Farmere,Stage Drivers. and Private Gentlemen, with Horses. is spoken of in the highest terms for the following complaints: old or fresh cuts, wounds and bruises. old strains and swel lings. strains of the shoulders, galls produced by, the col lar and saddle, and to all cases where the joints and tendons arc in a relaxed condition. For sate bs>• 1V..1• LEADER. Columbia. reb.l2-tf GROCERIES. A LARGE assortment of fresh Family Groceries .4. 3 .„ just recieved at PRY SL'ASCiLLR'S. DRIED BEEP, Dried Apples and Peaches, at W. & S. DAYTON'S Cheap Ca.ll store ayartt-tf EWE WATER, NUMMANTED to cure Weak or Inflamed Eyes. v For bale by May 20. WM. A. LEADER JAILS. xALF gallon Jars and Quart Beer Bottles just reeelved and tor sale by Ap148.41 \V t. A. LEADER. F+';7:ll STYLE Chashmeres and de Laines In great aa net) .1 FRY t SPANGLER'S. Fed19,403-tr THE COLUMBIA 'SPY. THE GERMAN PATRIOT'S SONG. [The following beautiful song was, until lately, prohibited being sung in the German cities and towns. The translation shows the spirited char. acter of the original.] Mere is the German's fatherland?— The Prussian land? The Swabian land? WIICTC Rhine the vine-clad mountain laves? Where skims the gull the Baltic waves? 0! no, 0! no, 0! no, 0! no, lie °wiles a wider fatherland. IThere is the German's fatherland?— Bavarian land' or Styrian land" Where sturdy peasants plough the plain' Where mountain SOlll bright metal gain' 0! no, 0! no. Where is the German's fatherland?— The Saxon hills? The Zuyder strand? Where sweep wild winds the sandy shores? Where loud the rolling Danube roars? 0! no, 0! no. Where is the German's fatherland?— Then name, then name the mighty land:— The Austrian land in fight renowned? The Kaiser's land with honors crowned! 0! no, 0! no, 0! no, 0! no, 'Tis not the German's fatherland. Where is the German's fatherland? Then name, then name the mighty land! The land of Hofer? land of Tell? This land I know and love it well. But no! but no! Where is the Germatif. fatherland?— Is his the pieced and parcelled land Where pirate princes rifle ? u gem Torn from the empire's duidem? 0! no, O; no, Such is not the German's fatherland Where is the German's fatherland?— Then name, 0! name the mighty land! Where e'er is heard the German tongue, And German hymns to (tad are sung. This is the land. thy Hermann's land, This, -German," is thy fatherland. This is the German's fatherland, Where faith is in the plighted hand, Where truth lives in each ey u of blue, And every heart is staunch and true, This is the land, the honest land, The honest German's fatherland. This is the Germans fatherland, That scorns the stranger's proud command; Whose friend is every good and brave, Whose foe is every traitor knave.— This is the land, the one true land, The Getman's one true fatherland. This it the land. the one true land, O 1 God. to aid, be thou et hand, And fire cacti heart. and nerve each arm, To shield our German homes from harm— To .hield the land. the one true laud, One Deutschland. and one fatherland Select .torics. THE CAPTURED FLAG. A TALE OF THE MONTEVIDIAN WAR "Caramba Que Insolencia Theso words were uttered by a lovely woman, whose flushed cheek, fl.t•hing eye and knitted brow, spoke even more ileum worde of the indignation winch filled her heart. She wan the young wife of Commodore Coe, the commander of the amxll navy of Montevido. Tile lady was Spanish by birth, as well as in feeling, and the c u-c of her anger was the sight of a ship which had been for two days standing off and on betilre the harbor, using every Signal of insult and defiance to induce the vessel of Cue to come out and fight him. This the latter could not do, for two reeSollls. The first was illness, which confined him to his cot—the second that he had not one.third of a crew—not even men enough to work his battery. At the moment when she uttered the words which commences this sketch. Brown the com mander of the Buonos Ayrean ship, had hoisted a flag at hi., gaff, whereon W4B embroidered, in large legible letters, the inscription : `• Coe the Coward V` This was more than his noble, grey wife could st..nd—for well she knew her husband's truth and valor. After gazing one instant at the Big, she raised her jewelled hand, and taking therefrom a diamond of great value slue cried to the officers and men who stood around tier on the deck: I will give this diamond to any man who will bring. me yonder flag !^ For a niontent there wita no response.--The men looked at their officers, the officers glanced at each oilier, but volunteers for a service so desperate seemed scarce. •. What, is there not one of you who will dare the trial! Is my Im4band's ship indeed manned with cowards 7" exclaimed the lady, while her beautiful lip curled with scorn and her flashing eye gleamed with the fire of contempt. A young offirer, an American, who had been lately appointed, stepped forward and modestly suid: " I was only wailing for my seniors to speak,Se. nom. Had any one of them volunteered, I should have begged to accompany him. As it. is, I pledge myself to bring you yonder flag before the sun rises again, or die! But I ask not your jewel as a prize for my success—one trees of your glossy hair shall be my reward." "You shall hove both, brave boy !" replied the young lady—and her cold look or scorn changed into a sweet smile as she asked his name. " It is Frank Bennet, Senora," replied the young man—and he blushed beneath her earnest glze. He was shin, but well formed—looked very young, but in his dark blue eye and compressed lip, an ob server could read one whose manhood was not made by years alone. The sun was setting behind a bank of slowly ri. sing clouds, which threatened darkness and storm. The moment that bisservices were arcepted, young Bennet turned to the crew, and as he glanced among them, said : "I want six men to man the whale boat which hangs at the after davits 1" Struck by bis gallantry, nearly ono half of the crew started forward. Now that they had a leader volunteers were plenty. Bennet glanced his eye over them, and hi a few moments chute six by name, men whom he knew to be both daring and firm. They were Americans. "Go sharpen your cutlasses." said be: I shall not have a pistol or a masked in the boat If we 1 1 )octri). BY PIED BUNTLINE COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, IS4S fight, it must be steel to steel and breast to breast —tor we succeed or die." Those men answered only with a look.--They were of that class whose motto i 3 " Deeds not words." They hurried below to obey his orders, while others proceeded by his directions to muffle the oars of the boat, to put sails, water, &c., in it. One half hour later the sky was ca vcrcd with clouds, and darkness lied set in. Bennet had been careful to take the compass course of the enemy's ship when the last light of the dying day gave op. portunity, and by this alone lie hoped to find her. At this time the lady was on the deck, standing by the binnacle light, regarding the preparations of the little party who were about to shove off. At the moment when the boat's crew cried out that all was ready for a start the young leader came afk to the side of the Senora, and taking front his neck a miniature, be !tended it and a letter to her saying: "If I am not on board at sunrise please tend that miniature to the direction of the letter." The lady looked at the Dict urc. It was the like ness of a young and beautiful girl. A tear filled the Senora's eye. " You need not go!" said she. "No—you lore, perchance you are beloved. Your life is precious. I will not expose it. This is—." "My only sister whom I almost adore!" inter rupted the youth—" but one who would scorn me it I played the coward or dishonored my name. Send that letter and the likeness to her if I hill. Farewell till to.morrow—or forever!" The lady was about to answer, and again entreat him to htay—but ere she could speak he was over the bulwarks and the boat shoved off. The night was pitchy dark. A calm was on the sea and in the air, but It was portentous of a storm. A small binnacle light and compass had been placed in the bust, and by these Frank shaped his course, himself taking the tiller and steering. "Give way cheerily, men ! a long, strong, and steady pull !" said he, in a lower tone as he left the ship's side—and lie soon fell, by the trembling of the frail boat, that his directions were obeyed. Out right into the offing lie pulled, regardless of the rising clouds—keeping his eye fixed steadily on the compass, until tic knew, it the vessel had re mained have as she was at sunset, that he must be very near her. But he looked in vain to see her dark bull loom up In the gloom—he looked in vain to see a light which might guide. Admiral Brown was too old u fux to be showing his position by lights. At this moment, when he was completely nt a loss winch tray to steer, the dark clouds which had been gathering over him, burst atilt u long vivid flash of lightning and a peal of deatiming [Monier. Ile heard not the thunder, he heeded not the rising storm. The Rash of lightning, had shown lain the vessel, not one cable's length from him. "Steady, boys:" he whispered, when the thunder ceased—" I shall pull directly under her stern, tine get on deck by the carved work and netting to her quarter." The men rowed slowly and silently on, and as he marked sell her position. the young officer in is moment found himself close under the vessel's stern. At this instant another flash of lightning illumina ted the sky and water—and then us he glanced up the gaff; where the flag had been hoisted, lie saw that it was not them It had been hauti d down. Ile paused—thought fur it moment what could be done—and teen Unified his resolution. I shall go on hoard alone, men," said he " keep the hest where she is. 11 that flag is where I think it 1., in the admiral's cabin, I will have it. If I urn not bark in five initiates, and you hear an alarm, shove aft; send back to your ship, and tell them that Frank Bennet died like a man. You must lie cautious : reel the foresail, for the warm will be down upon us in less than ten minutes." An this was WiliSliVri'd to the 1111 . 11, whose heads were bent fin-ward to hear their orders which they dared not disobey, much as they wished to share their leaders peril. Springing lightly front the boi.t, Frank caught the quarter netting with his Minds, and noiselessly ascending to the bulwarks. lie could heat the re gular tramp of the officer of the deck, who having already bud everything reefed down liar the blow, and nothing to do but pace the dea r —but it was so dark that he could not see him. A second more and the brave boy war down on the deck and at the cabin door which stood slightly ajar. He peeped in through the narrow crack and orliv the red Need Admiral seated at his round t.ible, with two of his offisers by his side, ragged over the contents of a square bottle which looked like that usually found to contain schnaps. A glance at the settee just to the left ofthis table stood the oli . jeet of the enrerpri•e. 'rho fi ig tier which he had periled his life lay there, where it had been carelessly Ihrou it after it was hauled down. The young officer did not pause long to consider what to do, but tpth tly walked into the cabin and taking off' his cap bowed very politely to the ca. cern, and as lie stepped toward the flag, said in a calm and courteous manner to the Admiral: I have come to borrow this banner, air, to wear to•morrow, if you please." Who the devil arc you ? Wriest does this mean?" cried Brown us he and his officers sprung to their feet. •• I am Midghipman Ilmnet, sir, of thc Montevi dian service !" replied Fronk, who had now seized the flog—'• and I mean to carry this flag to Com modore Coo !" As he said this he bounded to the cabin door, followed closely by a bullet from Brown's pistols, which grazed his ear, and ere the alarm became general he stood upon the taffrail of the vessel. Look out for me below l" lie shoaled, and flung himself into the water without the least hesitation. His boat's crew recognized bin voice; he was caught in a moment and dragged into the boat, while a volley of pistol balls were acot down at random by those who were above. The storm had now broken, and the wind began to come in with fierce and fitful gusts. Up foresail: Be in a hurry lads up foresail, and let her slide:" cried the young hero, as soon as be coula draw breath after his ducking. The crew did so, and the next moment the little boat was flying in toward the harbor, before the blast, like a glad sea bird winging its way to its young one's nest. The enemy opened a harmless random fire of grape shot in their direction, but it only served to tell the anxious watchers on board of Coe's vessel that soon.titing had occurred.—The latter therefore at once showed lights, and enabled Frank to make straight course for her. It was but half an hour after the first gun had been fired by Brown's vessel that the boat of the young adventurer rounded to along side of his own Have you captured the ifac 7" cried the Senora, as Bennet houtalcd over the aide. The only answer she received was lhe banner, wet as from the water, und cut in two places by the bulls which had been fired at its captor. The lights of the ves.els gleamed nut half an bright as did the lady's eyes when nhe caught the noble youth in her arms, and kissed him again and again. Thirty-one thousand English women died of con• aumption and tight•lacing in 1839, owing to a peculiarity in the custom prevelsot in that year, which prevented the frrc expansion of the chest. THE LEG OF MUTTON; OR Tur. CURIOUS ADVENTURES OF A GENTLE ALAN Wlio Nvi:Ni"To m_truira.. I= I am going to state to you the remarkable adven tures of a very remarkable man, who went to market to get u leg of mutton for his Sunday din ner. I have heart, or read somewhere or other, almost similar statics ; whether they were real or imaginary,l ant unable to soy ; but 1 can vouch for the uuthemicity of my story, for I know the hero well. In the year 1812, it will be recollected that we lied sonic military disputes with England, which elicited some prettytull fights, by land and sea, and the land we live in was considerably excited upon the subject, and patriotism rose to many degrees above blood treat. Philadelphia, about that time, like all other cities I suppose, was the scene of drum-beating, marching and counter-marching, and volunteering of the patriotic people. The president sent forth his proclamations, the governors of the respective States reiterated them, and a large portion of our brave republicans were soon in or marching to the battle field. There heed and wrought at his trade, carpentering, in the city of Philadelphia, about that time, a very tall, slim man, named lioup; Peter limy. that was his name lie was a very steady, upright, and honest man, married, had a small, comfortable family, and to all intents and purposes seemed settled down Mr life. How deceptive, how unstable, how uncertain is man, to say nothing of the more frail portion of the creation—woman. Peter "loop, one fair morn. Mg took his basket on his arm and off he went to get u leg of mutton and the trimmings, for his next Sundays dinner. Beyond the object of re search, Peter never decanted of extending his tra vels for that day, certain. A leg of mutton is nut an indifferent article well cooked, a matter what difficult too, to amateur cooks; and as gond legs of mutton as can be found on this side of the big pond, can be found almost any Saturday inern. mg in the Pennsylvania market wagons, which congregate along Second street, for a mile or two in a string, Peter could have secured his leg, and brought it home in an hour or two ut least. But hours passed, noon came, and night followed it, and hr the course of time, the inurroke, the joy. oils Sunday for which th•. leg of mutton was to he brought and prepared, and offered up, a sacrifice to the household gods and grateful appetites; but nei. titer leg of mutton, nor meat Peter, hu , b.urd and father limy, darkened the doyrs of the Carpenter's humble domicil, that day, the next, or the next! I cannot of coarse, realize hall the agony, or tortures suspen%e that must II roe preyed upop that tvi re's heart and brain, that tolls( have blunted her fever. kb dreams at night, nod her aching mind by day. When grim death strikes a blow, ..Vheitever so near and near a friend Is levelled, cold, breathless, dead —we see, we know there is the end! Guef has it.; season, the b3I:OICAt of woe then calms, subsides, or ceases; but the tort hi , It lope prevents mourn ing as dead, »d whose death like absence almost precludes the idea that they live, cog.. iiders in the soul of true affeetion a t loolny, torturing and des. pondiv sorrow, more agonizing, than the sting ac. Ina! death leaves behind. 1 have endeavored tide. piet what must have been., what u ere the feelings of Peter flanks wile. She mourned and grieved and still hoped um, though womb.% and years passed 111, :my without imparliog the sliglitt , t clue to the unfortunate late of her husband. tier three chit. .:ran, two boys and a girl, grew up; ten, eleven, welve years passed a way, and no tidings of he ; lost man reached his f.olittly ; but they still lived with a kind of despairing hope that the husband and faker would yet come !romp. And so lie did. Let us see wlia t becnrue of Peter !limp, the car• ;tenter. As he strolled along with Ins basket under hi. ern), nit the everithi I morning lie sought the leg of mutton, he omit a pla boon ol own dreesed up iii uniform, muskets on their shoulders, calms flying, drums beating, and a mob on burraliers hollowing and shouting lor the volunteers Yes, it Was a company 01 volunteers, just a broil shipping off for the South to join the•• old Z irk" of flit day, Gen. Jackson. Peter Haim saw in tlo , ranks oldie viol. mowers several of los old churns; lie spoke to them, walked along with the auto of Mars, got in. spired—patriotic—drunk. Two d.oys atter that Lvent Jul Soturilay on which the quiet, holie4, and tridu-triOna carpenter left his wife and children fell or hope and happiness, I.e fiontod himself in blue breeches, roundabout and black cap, on boa H a brig—bound fur New Orleans. A volunteer for the war! It was too late to repent, then ; the brig was ploughing her ov.oy through the moiling bil lows, and in a few weeks she arrived at Mobile, us she could not reach New ()Titian., the British un. der General Packenhain tieing off the Balla.. So the volunteers were landed at Mobile, and hurried on over laud to the devoted f or u us to be)Creseent city. Peter Homo was not only a good in in, liable, as all men are, to make a false .tep once in a life, but a brave one. Having gone so far, and made step so hard to retrace. Peter's cool reason got both cred; he pruned the spirits down to keep Ina spirits up, as the saying goes, and abandoned himself to lute. Caring neither Ihr lite nor death, he was found behind the cotton bags, which lie had as.isted in getting down from the city to the battle ground, piled up and now ready to defend his country while life lasted ! Peter fought well, being , a man not on. like the brave old Hickory lnmselt, tall, firm, and resolute looking—lle attracted General Jackson's attention during the battle, and afterwards was per. sonally complimented for his skill and by the victorious•chief. Every body knows the history of the battle of New Oilcans; I need lint retail it. After the victory, the soldiers were allowed considerable license, and they made New Orleans a scene of revel stud dissipation, us all cities are likely to represent when near a victo. Huns army.—Petir Hoop was on u "regular bend. er," a" big tare," a lung "spree,' and for one so unlike any thing of the kind he went it with a per. feet looseness. A rich citizen's house was robbed- e -burglariously entered and robbed; and Peter Houp, the staid, plain Philadelphia carpenter, who would not have bartered his honest repulaton for all the ingots of the Incas, while in its sober senses, was arrested as one of the burglars, and the imputation, false or true, caused him to spend seven years in a peniten tiary ! 0, what an awful probation of sorrow and menial agony were those seven long years: But they plowed over, and Peter Huup again was fret, not a worse Mali, for tUtiutt-ly, but a much wiser one ! He had not seen or loeard a word of those so lung dearly cherished, and cruelly de.erted—his family —fur eight years, and Ills be art yearned toward,. them so strongly, that peniless, pale and cure weir!' as lie tens, he would have started immediately or home, but Icing a gond carpenter, and wages high, be concluded to go to work, while be patiently awaited a reply of his abandoned 'amity to his long and penitent written letter. Weeks, months, and a year past, and no reply came, though another letter was despatched, for fear of the miscarriage of the first; (and both letters did miscarry, as the wife never received them.) Peter gave himself up as a lost nits,his family lost or a -littered, and nothing hut death could end his detailed wretchedness. Hut still as fortune would have it, lie never again i sought refuge from his sorrows in the poisoned ' chalice, the rum glass; not he. Peter toiled, saved [81,50, PAYABLE AT SIX MONTHS. his money, and at the end of four years found him. self in posession of a snug little sum of hard cash, and a fully eat. blislid good name—But all of this time he had heard not a syllable of his home; and all of a sudden, one fine day in early spring, he took passage in a ship,arrived in Philadelphia; and in a few rods from the wharf upon which he landed, he met an uld neighbor. The astonishment of the latter seemed wondrous ; he burst out— "My God! is this Peter Roup, come from his grave 1" "No," said Peter, in his slow dry way," I'm from New Orleans," Peter soon learned that his wife and children yet lived, in the same place, and long mourned him us forever gone. Peter Holm felt anything but merry but he was determined to have his joke and a mer ry meeting. In an hour or two Peter Hoop, the long lost wanderer, stood in his own door. "Well, Nancy, here is thy leg of mutton and a flue cnc too he had. The most excellent woman was alone. She was of Quaker origin ; sober and stoical as her husband, she regarded him wistfully as he stood in the door, for a long time; at last she spoke— •` Well, Peter, thee's been gone a long time." The next moment found them locked 111 each other's arms; overtasked nature could stand no more, and they cried like children. The carpenter has held offices of public trust, and lives yet, i believe, in old and highly respected taco of Brotherly Love." Illisccitaucou9. I= AN APUSTRuPIIE. There is an imposing grandeur in the varinus eleinehts of the natural world, that cannot but command the admiration of the most insensitive, nor fail at times to excite in the mind of the purest skeptic, contemplations the must elevated and the most profound. It the gaze of the observer be di. reined upward to the lofty firmament on high, studded with its glittering starry hosts,in brilliancy, only eclipsed by the vestal light of the Lord of Day, how grand, and more so horn its incomprehensi bleness, the aspect; And when the thickening tempert lowers upon earth, and the majestic roar of Heaven's artillery is heard in its awful reverbera tions across the vaulted dome above, how incom parably sublime the scene I—and the snow storm, ton, when witnessed from the lolly prominence, to the student anal ere, bow becomes it the theme of exalted 11111111rillI011—surveying the broad expanse of our own planetary abode ul4O, arid beholding its iniamtain upon mountain rearing their lolly peaks as monuments to their great Architect, with the lISCCII,IoII from b 01111.! of 11.11110,4 perpetnal incense to high Heaven; viewing its billowy oceans—its "deep blue bk:il —.lts rolling river and tranquil lake—its terrific cataract mud gentle easeadt.—its aniilmg brook and baugeing streainlet—its inaje4tic forest and verdant lawn:—these, with the bewitch. ing landscape, the perpetual minstrelsy of the feathered throng, and the never-ending chorus of the innumerable insect tribes, are, to the column. plative, us evidencing the wonderful character of their Creator, each and all, never-wanieg objects of enraptured delight. But the contemplation of these service the rather to interest the I unaginalion, and not to attract or enlist the affeetirms. Ali I a more genial light than I tout which old Sol uffords—suinething superior to the splendors of " planets, suns and adamantine sphe es," must be found to animate the soul:—am: this is hound—found in the moral influence of wed ded love. It is the purity of that affection—rare though its existence be, and yt•t nut the result of ' "human will"—which looks up soul iii soul, and amid the wreck of matter. conducts by the strength 01' an ender ince w filch wanes not with tone—"for the heart that bath truly loved never forgets"—its happy pa rti nts, one and undivided, through the bewildered extravagsiizta of scenes earthly, to the never-ending and beatific delights of the Heaven o f heavens above. Wedded love may well be regard ed ss the great cnneervative power of this poor smitten sphere of Earth. It is that which gives dignity to human nature, adds fresh brilliancy to sun, inium, and stirs—that renders inanimate nature interesting, and constitutes a ^ heaven of earth." Had, wedded love, rirsterious law, trite sourco Of human offspri.ig. soul propriety In paradise. of all things common else Up thee adulCrous lust was driven from men Among the bestial herds to range; by thee, Founded in reason, loyal, lust, and pure. Relations dear, and ah the charities Of father, sot, and brother, first were known.— Here lose his golden shafts employ, here lights Ills constant tamp, and waves his purple wings, Reigns here and revels : not in the bought !mule Of harlots, loveless, Joyless, unendeared, Casual fruition; nor is court amours, Maid dance. or wanton mask, or midnight hall. MILTON. ALTERATIONS OFCLISIATC IN TfIC ALPS.—In tray• citing through the Kander Valley, I had the coin. pony of a pleasant, intelligent man, a pastor, who in spite of ruin and wind, gave me a great deal of information concerning the mode of hie of the peu• plc of his pariah, as well as concerning the moon. tains around, with which he appeared throughly acquainted. He confirmed the account I heard from the inhabitants, that the glaciers and masses of ice on the Alps ore constantly increasing, and the pasture land diminishing in the Same proper tinii. Many a valley lie was himself squainted with, which in the last century fed large herds of cattle, where now scarcely as many single head can pick up a scanty subsistence. Thus for instance the Gamer Valley a hundred years ugo, afforded pas. tore fiir six hundred cows during the summer; fifty years ago about half that number could find food ; now it will barely support seventy. This same complaint I heard repeated in many different quar ters by the herdsman un the Furka, and in the Gri.ouq. The ice and snow are continually aug menting ; the glaciers are pressing down more and more into the valleys, and filling them lip ; the tern. perature is sinking ;the soil deteriorating and grow. ing marshy. What can be the cause of this alarm. log change ? Aro the Alps rising higher, forced upward by some powerful subterranean fire 7 a cause that is conceivable with the chalk forma Pons; or does this alteration of climate proceed from accidental causes of a temporary n,ture7 This much is certain, that where large trees once grew no tree will grow now ; and that large roots urn beneath what is now called everlasting •now. • In some valley s, where the mount. an-sides are clothed with firs, they ore obviously dying away, and no art can make u young plarration oroKper,— Io the UrsernValloy the few pine* lea by Suwar. row remain, but they do not increase; and in de scending from the IVegner Alp, at the foot of the Jungfratt, to the Grindelwa Id, you ace In the loft a number ofdying pines, whose blackened branches have as spectral an appearance as those on the Norway, beyond the polar circle. On the ‘iv ereg ner Alp itself attempt have been made for years to encourage tho growth of Ines—they will not succeed; and it is nut tillthree or four hun dred feet lower that they fioniialwal in luxitrimit rigor.—.3fogg's Strit;:rrlence. [WHOLE NUMBER, 940. HUM. OROUS- A builder had a job in the vicinity of Horn', ma. loon. The wag had occasion to call on him, - and enquired of the workman—an Emeralder—where the Floss was. "Be the powers he's gone till his dinner," rem ponded paddy. " Are you a mason ?" demanded Horn. " No sir." " I thought not: but you aro a hod-fellow :Ova is nearly ti: same" • "Doctor," said a lisping. fashionable young belle, who had graduated at half a dozen boardingschools, to a friend of ours who had just been introdocedlo her at an evening party. "Doctor, which do you prefer, tholidity of intellect, or brillianthy? SOMO admirals brillmnthy, and others tholidity ; but ath for nie, I prefer brilhanthy and tholidity combined 1' The doctor sJnk into the nearest chair. The Albany Knickerbocker fathers the rot:owing: "One boy in u shop is as good as a man. Two boys, however, are worse than the devil! If there be only one youth in the room, be is the most sedans customer to the party-. Introduce another, however, and ground and lofty tumbling, and somerscts orot the stove, trill be the order of the du y, from sunrise till dark." MSCOIPTION or A BAD ROAD —"Stranger, which is the why to villegc 9" "There's two roads," responded the lellew. " which is the the hest T" "Ault touch difference; both on 'ern very ',ad.—. Take which you will, afore you've got half way you'll wish you'd tuck t'othcr." A good way to manage a gun that has been load. ed fur a long tme, and that you don't like to fire for fear of u burst or a breach of the peace, is to leave it out of doom all night. It. will be cute to go kr before morning. "I meant to have told you of the hole," said a man In his friend, who stumbled into a pit full of water. "No matter now (ilays the other, blowing the mud and water out of his mouth,) I have found it." Torisa 111 E INlAnr:.—John T. Too was lately joined in wedlock to June Muria Merke. We isp. prove of tins in toto. "That is the hardeat rickyet," as Louis Philippe said, when the people proclaimed Franco a Repub. lic(k.) Why has a clock a bashful appearance? Be cause it always keep:. its hands belore ila face. Why is a dog's tail like the heart of a tree? Be cause 21 is Ida-thereat from the Lark. u I'll hike the shine out of yuu," os the celipso said to the moon. "I'll turn you round," es the wind said to tint wc4thereocis. =I RULES OF LIFE The aspect of the social world would bo ditiartmt from what it is, if we could all remember and obi. eery° this brief but comprehensive rule : I Be you to all us kind and true As you wish all to be to you . Folly of Anger.—Anger in dispute is like an un quiet horee in a dusty way; it raises such a cloud in the eye of the under:davit:lg, that it obscuro its vision, and impcds its operations. TV/on disposed to utter a harsh judgment of a bristlier, it is a good rule to puuoc a too. merit, look inward, and delay the judgment until conseumce says It rn•iy be pronounced honestly, sincerely and ~onsistently. Let not any one soy he ennnot govern his passions. nor hinder them nom breaking out and carrying him into sawn; for what he can do before it prince or a great man, he can do alone, or nt t'io presence of his God, if lie will.—Lache. Men arc frequently like lea—the real strength and goodness is nut properly drown out of them till they have been for a short time in licit water. Zither avoid those vices you are naturally inclined to, than to aim at those excellencies and perfections for which you were never mado. Sir Phillp Sydney says : What is mine, even to my life, is her's 1 luvo; but the secret or w r friend is not mine." Pitch upon the course of life which is the most excellent. and custom will tender it the moo !NM 4e• IN* Tue ScsrhrisioN BII2DGE AT NIAGARA.—This bridge * seys the Iris, has a span of 800 feet, will' bo 320 feet high l'roin the water, and .2.8 feet wide, afford ing two carriage tracks, two sidewalks, and a track for the railroad cars. At each end will Lin two sot. id stone towers for supporting the cables, 63 feet in height and 14 feet square at the base. The bridge will be suspendd 16 cables, each of 600 No. 10 wires, firmly secured in deep pits drilled into solid rock. When completed it is to be capable of sus. taining a weight of 000 tons in the centre. This calculated power of tension of the wires is 6,500 tens. The cost of the whole work is natio exceed 3100.. 000, Mr. Buchanan thinks it will come within $145,000. 'Pie Iris also states that the contract with the Railroad Company will pay the proprietors of the bridge 6 rr cent upon their investment, so that the stook can hardly faille be profitable. Pasiengers are now drawn across, and persons will be able to pass over by a foot. bridge as early au the first of June. 'rile number of those who now pass is great,—much greater than is consistent with the convenience of the workmen. One dollar is charged for each transit without diminishing the number of its pa,sengers. 'file receipt,. from this source amount to 1.5 per cent, on the expenditures so tar. Ladies are more venturesome than geniis. men. Some olilac latter decline Telma themselves on a wire hundrds of feet above the roaring flood. but no lady has as yet hesitated. It is believed that carriages will cross on the Suspension Bridge as early as July next. RoLt..—Fiat never lose any time; do not think that lost which is spent in amusement or recreation. some time every d ty; but always be in the habit nt being vinployed. Second, never err the least in truth. Third, never say an ill thing of any person. when you can say a good thing of them; not only swak hat feel so. Fourth, never be irritable or unkind to anybody. Fifth, never in. dulgc yourself in luxuries that are not necessary.— Sixth, do all things with consideration, and when your path to act aright is more ditlicult, feel confi dence in th it power alone which is able to assist you, and exert your own powers as for or they Betnevotrlce.—There cannot be s more &orlon' object in creation than a human being, replete with benevolence, nicrlitriting in what manner ha might render bim•elfmnrt acceptable to hi• Creator, by doing mart good to him creatures.—Fielding. • compulsrmy journey nor a precatiOns road, on Mitch the moro luggage yon have the more lightly you travel. Let ree ,,, e ze before every enterprise, mad et= gel bonne rvery action. Phan erten inculcates this wrest in-crept, ••L+ thins• man n uric and know thyself,
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