The Columbia spy. and literary register. (Columbia, Pa.) 1848-1848, June 03, 1848, Image 1

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NEW SERIES, VOL. 1, NO. 48.]
GEO. W. SCHROYEE, Editor and Publisher.
Wee —nag Street, three doors above Locust.
Tarins.—The COLUMBIA Sex itt published every
eaturday morning at the tow price of ONE DOLLAR A
YEAR IN ADV.ANCE, or one dollar aid fifty cents, i
not paid wlthin , orie month of the time of subscribing.
Single copies, THREE CENTS.
Teams or Ariv sexist No—advertisements uot exceed
ing it square three times for SI, and 25 cents for each
Additional Insertion. Those of a greater length In pro
portion. ti•A liberal discount made to yearly adver
Jon PrtiaTtna —Sneh an hand-bills, Posting-bills
Cards, Labels, Pamphlets, Blanks of every description
Circulars, atc.etc., executed with ocatnessand despatch
and on reasonableterms.
TITE UNDERSIGNED takes this median] to in.-
fonds his triends and the public that he has removed
his Tivtr.onmo EST.dI3LISIIMENT, to within one
Dons OF Tire Cowan of Loom Sntsmr. and having reco
vered his berths so as to be aide to attend to Ituaincas
wonid respectiblly itivite'his customers to glee him a call,
feeling Well nattered frown the liberal patronage that he
has heretofore received. that he will be able to give sods.
faction to all who mss' (eel disposed ro give him their
work. lle would not say that he is the only one in the
place who can make good work, not wishing thus to pug .
hisnaelt Po notice lint would assure the public that work
0111/LIJIOJ to him shall be executed in a neat fashionable
and substantial manner. Ile keeps cOnatanny On hand a
ate Itssorhnertz of Cloths. Casain2cros dr. Vesttngs, which
wilt he bold St very small advances.
J. w.
N. IC. I have a large stock of ready made CLOT/11-NCI
which I will tell at prime cost J. ‘r. R.
April Lida.
THE Tailoring Establishment of IL Young has
been moved npstatrs in the Oartiershop. opposite the
'Wm.:anion lintel, at which place he may he totind at all
times, rendy - te do work it fleetest and best style ibr
all who may give him a call, as he intends to devote his
whole attention to dressing the community in the most
perfect style of the day. Having received allthe dtiferent
reports, he flatters inniselt he is the only one in the place
nine to do .0 11. va UNG.
_ .
P. S. will at nil times be prepared to give initrac
tillils in cutting garments to any of the trade. bo much in
rear that may disable them to come up to the age. and
stands open againsfull publishers of systems for inveidiga
tion. No more, but hope to get a spat.
H. YOUNG- of Columbia,
S. S. RATIIVON, of Marietta.
Columbia, April 8, 1,81,e.-u
AND NEW GOODS. The subscriber takes this
method of informing his friends and costomors that
he has rented the New Store Room known as lluldeman's
New Corner. being on the South %Vest corner or Front
and Locust Street. where he intends to keep constantly on
hand a good supply of
and a general assortment of Family Groceries ; together
with Flour and other .Meal : Oats. Corn. and Chop for
horses. Also. Liquors of all kinds, including AVM.. and
Cordials. All of which I pledge myself to sell as cheap
for rash as possibly can be afforded. Please rail and ex
amine both the goods and prices.
N. 21.—A dwelling and front shop adjoining, to rent on
accommodating, terms. Myself and Son would like to
board with the family. lIARRATT. -
Columbia, March P.5,184P.—tf
PARGIINS. The subscribers hare, during tlut
past week. made a large addition to their mariner
mock of
which, for elegance and cheapness, cannot he surpassed.
Among which is rt very !urge assortment of PRINTS, at
4 et.. CIS. Nett. 10 CIS, and 10 cis per yard. DRESS
GINGHAMS as low. as 12! cts,l2 etc, and 25 eta. Al
pacas and Linens, Lustres. A general assortment of
Such as 4 - 4 , 5-4 , 6-4, and 10-4 Bleached and Brown Sheet
ing& Ticki.g., Chock.. areskll, taltmi aria 11.;MI011, — Tin,Irill
and Bleached, Table Diapers, Z.c.
Sup. Blue and Black French Cloths: cup. Blue, Mork
Brown, and Olive English Cloths; Plain and Fancy Ca,
suncres t SatineN, Vestmg.,
CHINA, Glass, and Clueensivarc; Fresh Family Orn
cerica, selected with Very great care, among whirl' are
Sew Crop Sugars—Loaf, Pulverised and Crushed Sown rs.
Coßees, Spices, the Superior Teas of the New York
Clinton Tea Company, Oils, FAN
All of which they are determined to sell as LOW es the
rimy - LOWIPrer. for cash or country produce.
Thankful for past tairors, they revectiiiily solicit a
rontinuanec of the patronage heretofore bestowed upon
k .1. W111(111T.
Lomisr St.. 12 doors below Second St.
Columbia, Mardi 51,
igDRUG AND MEDICINES. The subscriber
sincerely returns thanks for the very liberal en- I
couragemeut be has received, and flatters himself I
that by strict attention to linsiness, to continue to merit n
share of pr . dilie patronage. Ills stock of 'Drugs and Medi•
tines is of the very hest selection, and as complete as any i
in the place. His variety of goods in connection with
the Dreg Business is very extensive. The following list
includes only a small part of his stock :
Paints and Oils. ready mixed Points, Campliene or Pine i
Oil, Ethereal Oil, Dye Stuffs, Wriniow Glass. Putty, Shop
Furniture Bottles, Porter Bottles, Vials—a full assortment ,
—Perfumery, Colognes. Florida Water. Bay Ruin. Po
made Philocome, Beet - Marrow, Antique Oil. Extracts for
the Handkerchief. Toilet Powder, Pearl Powder, Hair
Dyes. Depilatory Power, Pomade Devine, Highly Per
fumed Soaps of every kind. Medicated Soaps. Jones's
Chemical Italian, Haute's Nymph, Rouscll's Circassian,
'Ordway's Clunese &c. Hair Itestoratwes, Haute's can
Lustre!, Jayne's Tonie, Jones's Coral, Oldrices's Balm of
Columbia, Hair Carling Liquid, Itobey's Month Aromas,
Lip Salve. Bandoline.
Ttings,Tassels, Clasps. Silk Twist, Steel Purses and
Bags. Also, a general variety of other Purses, Crochet,
Hooks, and Patina Books.
N. B.—The subscriber has also a large assortment of
Comstock & Co's and Comstock & Tyler's Patent Medi
cines on hand which he obtained directly from the pro
prietors for CASH, which will enable him to sell them
from IA) to 50 percent. lower than their agents—warrant
ell genuine. R. WILLIAMS.
Columbia, March 115,1549.—tf Front Street.
DRUGGIST, would respectfully Inform his numer
ous friends of Columbia and its vicinity that he
has Just returned from New York mid Philaela with
a splendid assortment of all articles belondginpghi to the
nano riust stmts. vi z :
Together with a superior lot and style of HAIR and
CLOTHS BRUSHES that took the Medal in the Me..
auntie's Institute of New York.
Also a constant supply of Camphene and Eetheteal Oil
Lamps with n. putt and geed' Material to burn in them.
Com , m)* Merchants, Druggists. Physicians, Bakers.
S,iorc Keepers, Fullers, Dyers, and dealers in general will
find it to their advantag,e to call at the GOLDEN MOH.
TAR DRUG STORE, Columbia, before pnrchnsing
where. WM. A. LEADER.
Columbia, March 25, 1.9-13.—n:
- fly their own Cars in charge of messengers, and
under locks. DAILY between Philadelphia. Lament
ier, Columbia. Wrightsville. York, Gettysburg, Ilstkintore,
Washington. south. West, North and East, by EVEN-
lit. tc Co. are now prepared to forward in their Cars,
Packages, Parcels, Bundles, light Cases, and all descrip
tions of goods and merchandize ; also Specie. Bank
Notes Drafts, Bills for collection, orders, &c., to any of
the ab ovei named places by passenger trains and mail
speed. Being desirous of affording every facility for the
prompt and economical transaction of any commission
entrusted to them, they respectfully tench the patronage
of all to their line.
All minds or packages Must be marked "By Miller &
Co.'s Express." D. F. GRIFFITH, Agent,
ilßller dc Co.'s Express. Columbia.
Orincia.--Corner of Third sired Olresurnt street, Phila.
delphia•.C.has. Norman, Lancsatert-H. Kauffidt. York;
3tuseue;ilksildingr, Baltimore; Cay it Cm, car. Wall and
Breadiff, N. Y.; tiny & Co., State Ca ,
ington, D. C.; Richmond, Ya.; Wheeling, Ye.; Pitts
burgh, Pa.; Gettysburg, Pa. Nov. 6, 1e47.--tf
- 1111TALF Gallon Jars and Quart Beer Bottles just
received and rm. sale bv
Apr 4.1--it " WM. LllAnutt.
Can I forget the sunny mile,
The rosy cheek and bright blue ?
The laughing tones that did beguile,
My weary hours, when thou tvert nigh?
Such charm+ as thebe email e'en suppre.,
The sight that aches the bean at eve;
When man alone can know distresc,
And feel the pang that son... give.
Alt! no, when I ant far front thee,
Alone upon the traekleii deep;
The nr,ll that bilids thee now to me,
Will cntsse the sorrowing heart to weep
'Tis cruel fate that bids us part,
And forces me this world to roam;
And causes me this bitter smart,
To leave thee and my sunny home.
Stveet recollections of the past,
Endearing ties or ]nippier hours ;
Will check the tears that follow fast,
Whet; thoughts arc thine ht distant hours
l'Orgct tithe! no, the thought is WWI.
Your image hves airmlit the crowd;
It lives and move, in memory's train.
Though envy speaks in accents loud
Titer, fairest, cherish thoughts of me,
Of brighter day, that Mete have fled ;
Let love awaken memory,
And sigh for me, us of the dead.
WrightsvOle, May t3,1r1:1. A. It. B
MR. EDITOR:—As I was passing through our
borough the other day, / overheard some very loud
talking, and on going round a corner, observed two
of my acquaintances on the opposite side of' the
street. One of them; Bill Hopper, was " laying it
down on a high scale," and gesticulating in a vie.
lent manner. His arms were flying about like the
fans of a wind-mill, and with such u variety of
flourishes, that I had apprehensions for the safely
of Joe Blueskin's physiognomy, who stood near to
him and constituted his entire audience. Mr. Hop
per I found, was declaring with all the indignation
of an injured citizen against the tyranny and'im
position of all governments in general, as well as
our State, county and borough management in par.
titular; and after delivering himself with suffi
cient expletives of a severe philippic against all
supporters of any government at all, concluded
most emphatically, that "he'd he d—d if he'd stand
it any longer." Hollo I thinks I, here's a moss, a
something that smacks of rank rebellion. The ex
ample of revolutionary Europe is not without its
effect in staid Pennsylvania, and as a citizen of
the United States disposed to the peace and good
order of the same, it is my business at least, to sec
there is no overt act of treason. I crossed the
street, and as I approached the worthies, I said,
"why boys what's the muter, what's the use C
a waste of the raw material I think."
" Why (says Bilh I'll tell you Jack all about it.
I am not to blame, but I do think I am imposed
upon, I am but a poor man you know, yet I have
my rights that I cannot surrender.
" Why said I, who wants to injure you. Every
body knows you are poor, and I cannot think any
one would hurt yen."
"Now said lie," look here, what I complain of is
that I am taxed up to the eyes and more than I
can bear. There seems to be no end to the taxes, it
Floor man must pay. There is a "State tax, a coun
ty tax, a borough tax, a school tax, a water tax,
and ever so many taxes that eat up all a poor man
can earn. I labor hard and try to make a living,
but these outrageous taxes will not allow the to
save a cent. As soon as I get a copper, there is a
collector here to get it, just as if' he smelled it, and
I am determined not to pm up with it any longer. i
"Bill, said I," "tell how much your taxes amount
to in a year." Then counting upon Iti's fingers he
said," there's the State tax 75 cents, the county
tax 75 cents, the borough tax 81 50, the school tax
75 cents, and the water tux $5, making till together
$8 ; and that is entirely too much for a poor roan
with a - wife and six children." "Well," said I, "
am sorry to hear you talk in this way. You can't
object to paying your taxes. There is no remedy
for you. You must pay taxes as well as other
people if you want to live in this world. There- is
no getting rid of them. They are just as certain
as death, arid it is always best to pay them without
grumbling, for that won't help yott. But you have
• no cause for complaint, and if your taxes were
double what you state them to he, pit ought hi be
ashamed to say a word about them."
"Why so, Mr. Fustian" said he. "I will tell you"
said I,"but do not be displeased, far I shall tell you
some truths that may be of advantage to you."—
"Well go on" said he, will keep cool and listen."
"From what I know of you Bill, I believe that if
there was a necessity for soldiers to go to Mexico
to defend your country, you would drop your tools,
leave your family and march like other good men
whose patriotiiin would not permit them to remain
at home; sod from what I heard front some of
your neighbors, I think about six or nine months
ago you had a nation to go. I believe too, that
you would not hesitate to make any proper aacri
lice for the benefit of good- old Pennsylvania, your
native State, if it were necessary. Am I right in
"Yes,' said he, "as a. citizen of the United
States and of Pennsylvania, I am at ail times dis.
posed to do my duty." " Well then," said I, " this
State tax is unposed for the benefit of the State,
und - is applied towards paying the expenses of the
government, and the interest of the State debt. As
the State is in debt forty millions of dollars, expen
ded for improvements for the benefit of all her cit.
izens, is it asking too much, if she calls upon all to
contribute a mite, that the interest may be paid
and the debt gradually reduced; and who ought to
Pay this debt and interest and the expenses of the
government, but the people who enjoy the benefits
arising therefrom 7 Besides, recollect, that for the
payment of this 75 cht. annual State tax you have
the inestimable privilege of voting; and if you
were willing to rick your life in Mexico for your
country whybesitate to contribute a few cents or
a few dollars when your own State is in need 7
Well," said he,“ as for the State tax, that may
do, because I think we ought to help the govern.
anent, and for such a sum as that I would not like
to lose soy vote."
"Your County tax," said I, "is levied for tho
purpose of supporting the affairs of the county. I
You must have courts and juries to protect your
properly and your rights. You must have a poor
house to provide for the unfortunate and helpless—
jail to secure and punish the vicious--bridges
and roads to enable you to travel from one part to
another, and all these with othet necessaries cost
money hat must be raised front among those who
are benefitted by them. The payment of a county
tax also confers the right to vote, and I am sure
For the Columbia Spy
For the Collooloa Spy
you would not part with that right nor all these
benefits for double the amount of your tux. Now
answer me, would you."
"No," said he, "I would not, and I suppose the
County tax may he well enough, for I did not
think of the money being applied to such uses."
"As to the Borough tax, you know that is to
defray the expenses of the borough. 'We must
have a town hall, a market house, a town council,
good streets, good alleys and pavements. Every
body knows the importance of these. %We cannot
do without them, and they will cost motley which
as a mutter of course must be paid by the citizens.
You are one of them, and I ant pretty sure that it
your name had not been inserted on the list as a
tax payer you would have been offended. You are
not so unreasonable as to wish to enjoy all the ben
efits and privileges that your neighbors do, without
contributing in common with them a portion of the
expense. You would not want to throw upon your
fellow citizens all the expense of all the comforts
that you and they enjoy, and you must admit we
have many, that persons who live out of town have
"The Borough tax," said Bill, "may bo well
enough, but I thins it is high enough too, fur it is
double whet it used to be."
"That is true," said I, "but recollect, the bo
rough some years ago got into debt about emoo or
more for necessary improvements and the citizens
have thought it best to double the tax and have it
paid off which will be done now in two or three
years; and our comforts as citizens can be increas
ed by additional improvements."
"Yes, and additional taxes too," said Hill.
"I do not think you ought to complain of this
tax, for as citizens we have comforts that farmers
and others out of town have not, and would gladly
have at any reasonable expeose."
" Well," said bill, "I believe you arc right, but
go on."
"The School lax," said I, "you will certainly
not complain of, when you have six children re
ceiving the benefits of the common school system
for the sum of 75 cts. annually. "Do you object
to this ? " No," said he, " I will not and do not.
All who send children to school ought to pay, as I
know many persons who have to pay a School tax
have no children to send, and we who have the ad
vantages ought to pay without scruple."
"The last tax you complain of," said I, " is the
Watrr tax."
"And the highest," said be.
"The water company you know Bill, have been
at great expense, as well as great trouble, in bring
ing the water into town, and as good water is ono
of the positive necessaries of life, you would not
think it unreasonable to pay in common with oth
ers for that. Look about you and see how many
nu better oil than you arc pay the tax without a
word. Without water you could not exist. The
pumps in town will not afford a sufficient supply,
and if they did, your women would have to spend
one half of their !line in carrying it, and you would
always be under the necessity of running to the
pump when you wanted a drink. Now you can
have it in your house. The only misfortune about
it is, that sometimes the supply is short, but that
cannot be helped, for in dry weather the springs
will fail." 'a
light, '. IV V "
d i, ore s t a k id ne n v il4"
buttl t i a a l t dng Iw a a l s l a things little
in I
11 1 3" , .. -- ai ways ulougllt it
went into the office-holders pockets and enriched
them, while Mlle or no good came of it. If that
is the way the taxes are disposed of I don't know
that a man ought to object so muoh to pay them."
Now fill, as you are in a better humor than
when I met you, let me tell you that you forgot to
mention one tax that you pay without any ecru
•• I don't know what that can be," said he.
" I'll tell you then. It is the rum tax. If you
would quit. paying that, your other taxes would bo
net great trouble to you. I know that you spend
at least twelve and-one half cents a day fur liquor,
which makes eighty-seven and one-half cents a
week, and 845,50 a year, a sum more than enough
to pay your rent, or to buy your flour. You call
yourself a moderate drinker too, but drink up that
amount without deriving any benefit in any one
way, for it is not necessary for your health, com
fort or advantage, and only makes you that smell
poorer at the end of the year."
"You complain of being a poor man. Now I
say you have no right to complain of being set, as
long as you throw away so much money. That
you arc poor is a fact, and whsle you spend so
much for whiskey you will remain so. If, howev
er, you will spend on this way, you ought to think
yourself rich, for the richest men of the borough
do not think themselves rich enough ill money or
health to spend half the amount, or any amount at
all for drinking purposes. You have no right to
say you arc poor, because you know it is this un
necessary expenditure makes you so, and it is 0
matter of choice with you whether you will con
tinue so, or whether by saving this 845,50 annual
ly, you will lay up something that may be the com
mencement of a fortune and the foundation of
comfort and happiness to yourself and family as
you grow older."
"You complain of paying taxes for the many
civil rights you possess in common with your fel
low Mimetic who pay their taxes without a mor.
tour, and yet you voluntarily tax yourself every
year 845,50 to buy liquor, which only tends to
destroy your health and capt bility for work. Only
a few nights ago, you complained you had not the
means to buy your wife a calico dress, and I
know that in less than 24 hours afterwards you
swallowed 25 cts. worth of liquor. Now suppose,
that your wife would do as you do, and she has
just as, good a right to drink as you have. Sup
pose that she would spend her 87i cts. c week for
liquor, what would you say or do? You would
ask for a divorce, and say that you could not live I
with a drunken woman. If it would be wrong for
her to drink, is it right for you? You arc bound
to provide for her and your children. With all
your labor you can earn about $1 a day, and yet
out of this small amount you can find it in your
heart to abstract 945,50 to spend for liquor, which
you daily guzzle down, and of which neither you,
your wife nor children are any thing the better,
but much worse. Look at yourself. You will
pretend that you were made after God's own im
age, and that you conduct yourself as a good citi
zen ought to. Behold your swelled face, your red
eyes, your trembling hands, your rags and filth.
Look into the glass and think upon the cause of
all these things and then say whether you have a
right to complain of your taxes. Think of what
yen have already squandered for liquor, and of the
privations of your wife and children for the want
of the money thus squandered. Think of the com
forts this money would hare conferred upon you
all and then decide, whether it is best to continue
in those habits or to become a sober man ; whether
it is best to cling to the liquor and enrich the h.
quor seller by squandering your money, or to pro
tect and make yourself arid family comfortable by
applying it to proper uses."
I was going it, pretty strong and found myself
getting warm, when Bill said," now stop Mr. F . 113.
tian, you have had a good deal to slay, but I think
you are laying it on rather thick. I think you had
better keep your temper too. 1 am free to ack
nowledge the truth of what yon say. There is no
reason why a man should drink liquor, and Joe
Blueskin here knows that I told him I was deter.
ruined to quit all kinds and join the Sonnies as
soon as they would permit me. lam not in liquor
now, altho' you think so, and I hope to prove to
you and all others that I can be a subcr man too if
I wish."
"Then," said I, " Bili, if those arc your scnti.
ments give us your hand, You will always find
a friend in me. The Sonnies will receive you
without any trouble, and I will take upon myself
to raise the funds necessary for your admission. I
can easily collect it among the temperance men
who are always glad to contribute if they find a
man disposed to do right."
" And now Bill, I want to (ell you a few things
more. You know I used to drink just as much
liquor as you do, and I had to make a great strug.
glo to quit it, but I resolved upon it and succeeded.
I feel confident now I shall never taste a drop on
any account or for any purpose, in sickness or
health, and I would beg leave to caution you against.
pretended friends who will tell you, you ought not
to break off at once, but gradually. Those who
will argue this way with you, only wish you to
violate your pledge and get you back to your old
habits, that they may laugh over you and the tem
perance men. Those who do this arc either fond
of liquor themselves or arc dealers in the article-1
and perhaps both, hut pay them no attention, for if
you do you aro a gone sucker, and all the pledges
in the world wont save you."
"I will show you by an array of facts why the
liquor dealer will so affectionately coax you to
drink, and facts arc always convincing. My neigh
bor the storekeeper says that whiskey is bought at
.t.n as. a gallon, which makes a barrel of 33 gal
lons cost 67,59. ' Phis is retailed at 3 eta. a drink
or the half gill. As there are 64 half gills in a
gallon, the retailer receives $1,952 a gallon for what
cost him 23 cents, and for a whole, barrel which
cost him 67,59 he receives 863,36. It may not be
that a barrel will actually nett this amount, be
cause very ellen twelve and-a.half cis. will buy five
drinks with the landlord in, instead of four drinks
or four half gills when the landlord is not in, and
the landlords liquor is therefore to be deducted from
the amount sold, but I may safely say that a bar
rel really sells for 855 by retail, giving a clear
profit of 847,41 on 57,59 invested. I think the
profits are too exorbitant if the traffic was even
good one, for no one else engaged in a fair business
can realize no much on so little capital. I used to
be a pretty constant attendant at the bar and made
for a time pretty much a whiskey-filter of myself,
but on making this calculation of the seller's pro
fits, I resolved, that my money should not be con
verted into whiskey, and drank by myself for the
special benefit of the liquor dealer, but into bread,
meat and clothing for the benefit of myself and
tinnily- Who has a better right, Bill to our money
than ourselves? You and I have to earn it, and
why should not we and our families enjoy it. to
gether 'I Is there any reason we should give it to
the liquor dealer and enrich him who &ears 80f)
per cent. on his money invested, and what do we
get for it that is of benefit to us or any body else,
while we ruin ourselves by drinking it. I can't see
that we get any thing."
" I am told, too, that some of the retailers can
disnoso an( “•1•• LA, I.IIU lthabl.l./. - 111 .
chiefly poor men like you and myself, I have
learned to know why the retailers can live, dress,
and look so well and genteel, Willie a•o poor whis
key drinkers are kept hard at work all the year
round to earn money for them, that they may boy
more liquor at 23 cls. a gillon and sell it to us at
51,92. That game I dont stand any longer, and
as you ore determined not to stand it either,i hope
to see your name of? the drunkards list and placed
as high as possible among the water drinkers.
The retailers can build and occupy fine houses, el.
cgantly fitrnishcd, ride in elegant carriages, drive
fast horses and have all the case, leisure arid com
forts of gentlemen of wealth arid respectability in
society, while we poor devils who make them so,
hove to huddle together like martins in a box, or
rent and live its poor mean houses at a rent of from
S3O to $4O or $5O a year, with little or no furni
ture and few or no comforts. When we ride we
go upon Shank's mare. If we want an airing in n
carriage we find it in the Irishman's sulkey, called
a wheelbarrow, and when we aro hungry, must
get bread and meat as we can, for our money is
gone for liquor. Thus you see, there is a very Mi
-1 vortnnt distinttion between the retailer and the
consumer of liquor, and who has made it 7 I an
swer, the consumers themselves, for if they did not
drink they would not Guy and the others could not
sell. They enrich and build up the fortunes of the
retailers and forge their own fetters. flow strange,
how lamentable, and yet how true it is ? What
better is the retailer than the consumer ? Nut a
jot, except that the one has the means acquired by
the other who has nothing. The one has the gold
earned by the sweat rind muscle of the other who
in return has received nothing but whiskey, and is
ashamed to acknowledge that he mode so poor a
bargain, and the money thus acquired makes the
retailer ix. roan of fashion, consequence and pride,
while the poor consumer realizes the drunkard's
bard Are, lot and end, which is nothing more nor
less than ruin, misery and death."
What a fool and a madman the drunkard is,
and yet how many do wo daily see bearing evi
dences of this 14101 He makes himself the tier.
vent and slave of the retailer, and converts for him
his whiskey into money at 800 per cent. profit, to
the sacrifice of himself and family, On every gal
lon he drinks he pays a tax of $1,69 to the seller
for ruining him ; and abstracts that and more from
bas awn pocket. Drunkards are always the locers
and never the gainers, while with the seller it is
always gain. " Heads I win, tails you lose," or
all gain and no loss is the principle of the truffle,
and when at last, Bill, death overtakes us, no mar
ble monuments arc erected over our remains, no
eloquently penned obituary notices fill the papers,
no large funeral trains follow US to the grave, no
splendid mahogany coffins contain our bodies, no
preachers attend to eulogize us, no show or parade
is made about ns as we always see done, when
some of the respectable and fashionable liquor
dealers " die in the midst of their usefulness."
Instead of this, we aro buried at the expense of the
county, or by contract and in the cheapest manner
possible, for we arc poor drunkards and better out
of the world than in it, or perhaps one or two clev
er neighbors in sympathy for our families go about
and collect a few quarters to purchasea box of rough
boards have its buried quietly and attended to the
grave by a distressed and destitute wife and family of
children, and perhaps a faithful but half starved
dog. Now what sense or reason is there in pur
suing a course of conduct that must and will have
such an end? I say to you Dill, it is better that
you and r keep ourselves sober, save our money,
protect ourselves and our families and live as res
pectably as wo can. Those who choose to drink
and will drink have the beaten track before them.
They know it, and if they will persist in it we cant
help it. JACK FUSTIAN.
..P.e.oom-- , -
The Spaniards have a wise saying—"Ateiglitern
marry your daughter to her superior ; at twenty to
her equal at thirty ; to anybody that will have her.
The war had broken out between England and
Prance ; Bonaparte bad broken the treaty of Ami
ens; all was consternation amongst our people in
India, particularly those who had cargoes at sea,
and those who were a bout to return to their native
land, I was one of the latter class; so I joyfully
accepted a passage borne ou board a Dane—Den
mark, as yet, remaining neuter in our quarrel.
So far as luxury went, I certainly found her very
inferior to our regular Indiainen ; bur, as a sailor,
.slic was far superior, and in point of discipline, her
crew teas as well regulated, and as strictly coin•
manded, as the crew of a British inan•of-war. In
fact, such order, regularity, and implicit obedience,
I could never believed to exist on board a merchant
The chief mate was one of the finest young men
I . ever saw. He had just been promoted to his
present post--not from the mere fact of his
being the owner's son, but really from sterling
merit. ire was beloved by the crew, amongst
whom he hid served, nn in usual in the Danish scr.
vice, five years, and was equally popular with his
brother officerq, nod the passengers returning to
The only bad character we had on board was
the cook, a swarthy, ill-looking Portuguese, w h o
managed, somehow or other, daily to cause some
disturbance amongst the seamen. For this he had
often been reprimanded; and the evening when
this sketch opens, he had just been released front
irons, into which he had been ordered for four-and.
twenty hours by the chief mate, for h.ving, et.
tempted to poison a sailor who had offended hint.
In return for haring punished him thus severely,
the irritated Portuguese swore to revenge himself on
the first officer.
The mate, who was called Charles, was walking
in the waist with a beautiful young English girl,
to whom ho was engaged to he married, stopping
occasionally to athh.lre the flying•fioit as they skim.
med over the water, pursued by their cruel deb - troyer,
talking over the anticipated bliss their union would
confer, their hopes and fears, the approval of their
parents, their bright prospects, indulging in future
scenes of life, as steady as the trade-wind before
which they were quietly running—when suddcrilr,
crc a soot could interpose, or even suspect his de.
sign, the conk rushed forward and buried his knife,
with one plunge, into the heart of the unfortunate
young mail, who fell without a cry, as the camlting
Portuguese burst forth into a demoniac laugh of tri
Unconscious of the full extent of her bereave
meet, the poor girl hung over hint ; and as a friend,
nho had rushed forward to support him, drew the
knife from his bosom, her whole dress, which was
white was stained with his blood. With an effort,
Charles turned toward her, gave her one fast look
of fervent affection, and, as the blade left the wqund,
fell a corpse into the arms of hint who held him.
fly this time the captain had come on deck. lie
shed tears like a child, for he loved poor Charles 39
his own BM. The exasperated crew would in
stonily have fallen on the assassin snd taken aim,.
grniruls by their commanders presence. The cook,
who appeared to glory in his deed, was instantly
seized and confined. The corpse was taken below.
while the wrestched betrothed was carried, in u
state or insensibility to her cabin.
Eight bells had struck the following evening,
when I received a summons to attend on deck. 1,
therefore instantly ascended, and found the whole
crew, dressed in their Sunday clothes, together
with the officers of the ship, and the male passen
gers, assembled. The men off duty were lining
each side of the deck; the captain, surrounded by
his officers, was standing immediately in front of
the poop; and the body of the uritortuulte victim
lay stretched on a grating, over which the national
flag of Denmark had been thrown, immediately
in the centre. In an instant, I saw that I had been
summoned to be present at the funeral or the chief
mate, and my heart beat high with grief as I un
covered my head, and stepped on the quarter deck.
It was nearly a dead calm : we had passed the
trades, and were fast approaching the Line : the
sun had begun to decline, but still burnt with a fer
vent heat: the sails hung listlessly against the
masts, and the mainsail ;vas brailed up, in order to
allow the breeze, should any rise, to go forward. I
had observed all the morning a still more sure
indication of our opprouch to the torrid zone.
Throngli the clear blue water. 1 had remarked a
couple of sharks following the vessel. accompanied
by their usual companions, the pilot fish. This the
sailors had expected as a matter of coarse--as
they superstitiously believe that these monsters of
the deep always attach themselves to a ship in
which e dead body lies, noxiously anticipating their
dreadful meal. In their appearance, however, I
only saw the usual announcement of our vicinity
to the Line.
In such weather, placed in a ship, which seems
to represent the whole world—shut out from all
save the little band which encircles 11.3, With the
wide and fathom/oes element around us—the ethe.
real throne from which God scorns to look down
upon us: et one moment our voice rising in solemn
prayer for one WO have loved, and the next, the
plash of the divided waters, as they receive in their
bosom the creature [Le has these, at such
a moment, make the heart thrill with a deeper
awe—a closer fellowship with its Creator—than
any resident on shore can know—a conseiousncese
of the grandeur of God and the feebleness of 111.111,
which these alone can feel who "go down in ships,
and see the wonders of the deep."
I took my place with the other passengers. Not
a word was spoken, for we all believed we were
about to wiliness the last rites performed over our
late friend, and, consequently. stood in anxious si.
hence; whim suddenly a steady tramp ;vas heard,
and the larboard watch, with drawn cutlasses,
slowly marched down the waist, escorting the mur
deter, whom they conducted to tire side of the
corpse, then withdrew a few paces, end formed a
line, which completed the hollow square.
We now began to exchange glances. Surely the
assassin had not been brought here to witness the
burial of his victim—and yet what else could it
be for 7 Had it been for trial, (as we had heard
that the allies often proceeded to instant investi
gation and summary punishment) we should . prob.
ably have seen the tackle prepared for hanging the
culprit at the yardarm. This, wan not tire ease:
and we all, therefore, felt puzzled 29 to the mean
ing of the scene.
We were not long kept in doubt. Tire second
mate read from a paper, which he held in his hand,
the fell powers delegated to the captain to hold
court-martial, and carry their sentences info effect,
the law in similar csses, &c., &c.; and called on
the prisoner to know whether he would consent to
be tried in the Danish language. To this he evil.
tingly assented, and the court was declared open.
The flag was withdrawn from the face of the
corpse; and even the monster who bad atrnek the
blow shuddered as he beheld the calm, almost Per.
aphic, look of him whom he bed stricken.
The trial now proceeded in the most solemn
manner. Evidence of the crime was adduced, and
the deed clearly brought home to the accused. I
confess that my blood turned cold when I saw the
knife produced, which had been used As the instru
ment of the murder, and the demon-like smile of
the prisoner as he beheld it, stained as it was with
the blood of one who had been forced by his duty
to punish him.
After a strict investigation, the captain appeal.
cd to all present, when the prisoner was unani
mously declared guilty.
The officers put on their hats, and the captain
proceeded to puss sentence. Great was my sur
prise (not understanding one word which the com
mander said) to see the culprit throw himself on
his liners, and begin to sue for mercy. After the
unfeeling and obdurate manner in which lie had
conducted himself; such an appeal was unaccount
able ; far it was quite evident he did not fear death,
or repent the decd ho had committed. What
threatened torture could thus bend his hardened
spirit, I was at a loss to conjecture.
Four men now approached and lifted up the
corpse. A L , inu I r number seized the prisoner,
while ten nr twelve others approached with strong
cords. Ju a moment, I understood the whole, end
could rot troudcr at the sirugglcs of the murderer,
as I saw him lashed back to back, firmly, tightly,
' n . 111,out the power to move, to the dead body of his
I,felitn. Ilia erica were stopped by a sort of gag,
and, %al ithieg as he was, lw, okb the body, was
laid on the grating, and carried to the gangway.
The crew mounted on the nettings, and up the
shrowds. A few prayers from the Danish burial.
service were read by the chaplain on board, and
the dead mid the living, tho murderer and his sic.
tim, were launched into eternity, bound together.
As the dreadrul burden separated the clear wa.
tors, a sudden flash darted through their tranmpa.
reney, and a general shudder went round, as each
one tell it was the expectant shark that rushed for.
ward for IJis prey. f caught a glance of the
irmit's rye as he was falling; it haunts me
even to moment—there was mom than agony
in it
We paused wily fur a few minutes, and imagiu•
cd we saw some blood•ctains rising to the surface.
Not one a mong,st us could remain to see more. We
turned away, and sought to forget the stern and
awe.inspiring punishment we had seen inflicted.
Of course, strange sights were related as having
appeared to the watches that night. For myself,
I can only say, that I was glad when a sadden
breeze drove us far from the tragic scene.
Ton NE tarsi , To CICINA.—In the report of
Mr. King upon steam communication with China,
the nearest rout to Chinn is considered, and the
conclusions of Lien!. Maury, formed upon well
known scientific principles, are given as settling
the question. The idea almost universally has
been that to communicate advantageously with the
west coast of this continent, it would be necessary
to construct a ship canal across the Isthmus, and
thence proceed by way attic Sandwich Islands to
Canton. Lieut. Maury shows conclusively, hoW
ever, that the distance across the Pacific on this
line is almost twice as long as it is to go northerly
on a great conformity to the figure of the
earth, and cross from one continent to the other
where the degrees of longitude converge towards
the Pules and ore tlnt Jr. wt.!,
placed on a globe at Panama, draw It tight with
the other end atSliangliae, it will cross the isthmus
diagonially, pass up the Gulf of Mexico, and
through Lour.iana to the west of the Mississippi
river, and dccribing, a circle, will pass to the south
of Columbia river, and crossing the Pacific will, in
its greatest northerly inclination, touch along the
diem of Aleut. in or Fox Islands, and as it up•
Noddles Japan and China, pass the straits of San•
ger, between the islands of Niphon or Japan and
Jesso, and through the sea of Japan, parsing near
to Quelpart's island—which has been when posses.
bion of by the English—and terminate at Shunghae.
This line explodes the idea of a ship canal across
the isthmus, and establishes beyond controversy,
tho great necessity and importance of a railroad
from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean.
Tue IlesnArtostes:.—lt has been ver y truly re.
marked that the farmer is necessarily a pliilantlirc
pi.t. The grand object of his efforts is not only
the supplying of his own wants, but he labors with
a constant desire to render the world better and
more beautiful than he found it, and to add to the
stock, as much as in him lies, of human coreforta.—
It would ho happy fur us, and for the society at
large, were the nuinberof these more numerous.—
" We consider agriculture," says a nolcd author,
" es every wty subsidary, not only to abundance,
industry, enmlitrt and health, but to good morels,
and ultimately to religion." We regard the farmer,
stripped to his employment, and cultivating, his
lands, as belonging to the first order of Nature's
noblemen; we wish him bountiful harvest., and in,
voile upon him the blessings of God in all hii
untlettahings.—Boston Olire Branch.
----.....e..,• , itr.14 , , ,
MtIGINAL Asszoors.—D r hett Dick Almz first
crossed the into York State from the Cannada side.
be took lodgings at an inn in Canandaigua. A
waiting.maid sat at the table with them, and Dick
spoke of her us the aeroant, to the no small scan.
dal of mine host, who told him that in his house
scrvauts were called help. Very well; next anorrt
ing, the whole was alarmed by n loud shout.
ing from Dick of" f !yip !help! water`. water! help!"
In an instant every person in the inn rqual to the
t.i sk rushed intu Dick's room with a pail of water.
l'in very much obliged to ye, to be sure," said
Die!. "buil here is more water than I want to /hark
wabi :" "Shiva with !" stioth mine host, "you
called " help! and "water!" and we thought the
house' wa^ on fire." "Ye told me to call the ser.
vsnt and do you think I would cry water
when 1 anent firc." "Give it up," said the land.
lord, es he led off the line of buckets.
run LOT.—Oar friend Burgess, of the
well hrtawn house of Burgess, Stringer & Co., tells
a capital anecdote of himself, which should not be
privately .I)usficd up.' Ile is a member of the
Methodist Church, and being at a camp-meeting
nenr Sing Sing, last summer, lie had the misfortune,
ellct two or three days' and nights' attendance, to
full asleep in the midst ofi a powerful sermon. It
was just after the New York Trade-Salo of books,
and Mr. Burgess was dreaming thereof: and to the
searching questionings of the speaker— , Will you
longer delay 7—will you not choose to• Jay whom
you ore In serve 7--what course you are to taker
'Take the lot—the balance to Burgers, Stringer.*
Cat' exclaimed Burgess eagerly, as lie awoke and
stared wildly around him, when lie saw everybody
staring still more wildly at him, and the minister
liimeielf petrified with amazement.—Kniekerboater.
Morn Nor, wasyr sem—There arc fifty-eight
thousand one hundred and eighty-four acres of land
unoccupied and unenclosed in the New Forest,
Hampshire. All that is kept there is three thou-
sand five hundred arid filly-two deer, and "the
produce of timber for public purpose's" is returned
as "nil." la not this hideous folly T This land
would sell for more than a million and a bal., end
employ ten thousand men yearly in agriculture.
The surveyor and drputy-surveynrs hare received
in salaries £5,500 fur selling £2,032 of land.