THE SPY & REGISTER. SATURDAY MORNING, May 27, IS4S AGENCIES V. B. PALMER is duly autliorryed to receive .tob.terip, ttorts and advent-en/rot% for 11,. p.itter. in the emile , 01 Philadelphia, New York. Bultuuore, And 1/o-ton. and receipt therefor. E. NV CAna, Plaludelplun JACOB I'L WESTIIAEFFER. Lartenaer city WILLIAM A. Pictice., Travelling Agent See Philadelphia Advertisements CORRESPONDENCE.--" JACK FUSTIAN" Will appear in our next "To 3lssr D.," by A. R. 113 , of Wrightsville, is worthy, but was too late for this paper. It will rtie pear in our next =122 Gen. Cameron, U. S. Senator. will accept our thanks for a copy of the report of the Committee on the Judiciary, on the passage of a law by Con. grass, to enable citizens of Slavebo!ding States to recover slaves, when escaping into non. Slave. holding States. =1:22 By reference to another column our readers will perceive that the Directors of the Columbia Bank end Bridge Company have agreed to allow a small per centage on deposits of money, upon the terms of some of the Savings Institutions of the country- This is very well, and will provide a safe place of deposit fur all who may not have immediate use for their money and do not wish to carry it about them. It is a measure we highly approve of. It will he seen, by reference to our advertisement columcP, that our friend James Jordan wants ' help.' Some time since Mr. Jordan advertised his Boot and Shoe establishment in the Spy, and hence the increase of his business. See his advertisement. =l2= SHAD.—The fisheries below the Columbia dam are doing a good business since the last rise in the Susquehanna. We have been informed that the shad they catch arc of the very finest quality. =I TALL. RYE.—We have in our office a stalk of /lye, measuring 7 fcct G inches. It it from the turn , . .f Mr. Peter Holston, Manor township, in this county. He says ho has a ten acre field of the same sort. Mr. Ilciston is a real Lancaster county farmer. IM=22 Tae NEW YORK EVENING Almon, containing the addresa of the New York Rough and Ready Club, to the people of the State of New York, hats just reached us. The sheet also contains all Gcn Taylor's letters respecting the Presidency, =ll= THE BIBLE EXANIINER, a neatly printed octavo newspaper, edited and publiehcd by George Stores, at 21 Sixth sheet, Philadelphia, is received. We have not time or opportunity to examine it suffi ciently to form an opinion of its views; but ob. serve that it finds fault with what it calls " the Passa-christianized theology" of " The dying Christian 10 his soul," commencing " VitulSpark of heavenly flame;' and from our hasty persual of a few of its articles, we conclude that it advocates the ideas of the annihilation of the sinful, and the resurrection of the body—with a leaning towards second edventiam. =l=l LITTELCII LIVING AGE, ',weekly) fur May '2O, is received, and opens with a most delightful paper, "Memoirs of the reign of George 111., front his accession to the death of Queen Caroline. By Jahn Lord Harvey." There are many oilier ex cellent extracts from the last British Reviews, GOOEY'S LADIE9' Boos: for June has been re. ccived. It is a capital number. It contains its usual quantum of useful and interesting reading matter, two splendid line engravings, colored Fash. ion Plates, Crochet Work, Music, Model Cottages, Work Tables, &a. Single numbers can be had by sending 25 cents (postage paid) to the publisher, Publishers' Hall 113, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. The Ladies' Dollar Newspaper. is also sent one year with the Ladies' Book for S 3. The Ladies' Book and the Columbia Spy can be had at this office, free of postage, for 93 per annum. TUE CITY ITEM offers a premium of Dombey & Son and "Aristocracy, or, Life in the City," an ably written and deeply interesting novel, by a member of the Philadelphia bar, to all new sub. scribers, as well as to those who may renew their subscriptions. FOR CORG RERS.—We Understand that Robert Spear, Esq., of our borough will be a candidate to represent this District in the next Congress. The west end of the county, it appears, is determined to assert her rights, and Mr. Spear's friends have strong hopes of his nomination in the Whig coon. ty Convention. I=2! "The State of Ireland :" exclainted.Mrs. Goat. crington, " I wont to know if they have 'next it a'ready. I spose it would have to come in as Territory." The old lady had been reading the Spirit of the Times. An extensive Publishing house in New York, is about to bring out a new edition of the works of Washington Irving, with original illustrations by Maley, to be published in the highest style of art ; and we shall for the first time, have the writings of this charming author in fit costume and sur• roundings. NON•RATIFICATIOY OF Tn. }:ATY.—Tho daily papers or Thursday morning, contain a telegra phic report, that the Mexican Congress has reject ed the Treaty. The report is not considered reli able. I=M!I Tut Ntw Ivor Ilnir.ce, across June's Falls, Baltimore, fell, on Thursday morning, injuring several persons. Tire Vowro has spin commenced dri ravages in Vera Cruz, anal at oilicr hoots in Alesico I=l LAnnreLor Imo been convicted of tunrilvt in the firer degree The Baltimore Convention, after having dis. posed of the claims of the rival delegations from New York, by admitting both to seats, with power to cast a joint vote, on Thursday, proceeded to ballot for a candidate for the Presidency. The several ballottings resulted as follows: FIRST BALLOT Cass Buchanan Woodbury Dallas - • Calhoun • • Words - [The whole vote necessary to a choice, 168. The delegates from Florida excused from voting. The delegates from New York not voting.] SECOND BALLOT. Cass - - Woodbury - Buchanan - Worth - Dallas - - (Neceseacry to a choice, I GI. New York not voting. Florida not voting.] TIIIRD BALLOT Cass . Woodbury Buchanan Worth - [Necessary to a choice. 168. New York not voting. Florida not voting.] FOURTH BALLOT Cuss - - Wnodbury . Buchanun - Worth - - Butler . - [Necessary to a choice, 170. New York not voting.] Lewis CASS having :received one hundred and seventy.nine votes, (one hundred and seventy being the two-third vote,) he was declared to be duly nominated as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency; so that Gen. Cass will be the leader of the Democratic forces, in the campaign of 1848. The military complexion of this ticket will proba bly, we think, be calculated to affect the action of the Whig nominating Convention; and Scott and Taylor stock is supposed to have advanced a few, within the past week. Gen. William O. Butler re ceived the nomination for Vice President. , We have been requested to call the attention of the proper authorities to the condition of the gut. ters in different parts of the borough. It is neces sary, for the health and comfort of all, during this warm weather, that the gutters, streets, lanes and alleys, in every quarter of the borough, should be kept thoroughly cleansed from all filth and dirt. Especially the gutters that arc covered with plank, I where they are " fair to look upon, but within they aro full of" &c. Tits Gtmicr timr. STORM which occured on last Friday afternoon, in the eastern portion of this county, was probably the severest that this section of country was ever visited with. For several miles the grain -fields, orchards, gardens, tke., suf. (bred serious damage. Near 100 feet of the Phila. delphis. and Columbia railroad embankment, near Leman Place, was so much injured as to render the road impassable, and considerable damage was also done to the road some distance below. Arrange. mcnts were promptly made to convey passengers lover the breaks, and but little inconvcnienco was suffered by the tra telling public. The Editor of the Farmers' Library has memo rialized Congress for an appropriation to be applied, under the directions of the Stole Governments re spectively, to the establishment of institutions for instruction in Geology, Mineralogy, and Vegetable and Animal Physiology—in Civil Engineering as applied to Road-making, Bridge.building, and other rural Architecture ; and also to instructions in the mechanical Principles on which depend the Labor saving properties and efficiency of Agricultural implements and machinery,—an appropriation, which in a word, by insuring a more skilful cm• ployment of Agricultural labor and capital, will so far auginetd our solid wealth and power, and thus promote the welfare and "true glory" of our coun try-. The editor strongly urges Congress to do some. thing for this too much neglected interest of the nation. Tne Cnors.—Tlie NVhcat crops of Illinois, are very promising The Wheat crops of Virginia never presented a finer appearance than at present. The editor of the Howard District Advocate, Maryland, has been shown several stalks of Rye grown on the farm of Thomas McCrea, Esq., of that place, measuring 7 feet 6 inches high. In Washington and Cecil counties, the Wheat has headed out, and the harvest promises to be unusu ally abundant, and two weeks earlier than usual.— The account+ from every part of the State are of the same character. The Trenton (New Jersey) Gazette says, the lute rains and the warm sun have done and arc doing everything for vegetation that could be asked for. Every kind of crop is growing rapidly. Every loaf and stem ecems full of life, almost to burst. ing." The Reading Gazette says, our farmers from all parts of the country tell us that the prospects of abundant crops of grass and grain were never better than at present. The editor of the Mercer Luminary, says:— Within the past week, we have visited different sections of the country : and it is with pleasure we can state from personal observation, that the crops of grain look well—very well--in fact, we have never known them give a more promising appear• ante. The other day in pegging through that beautiful and fertile portion of our country, West river, we noticed with pleasure, says the Annapolis Repub. lican, the fine appearance of the grain crops. We are informed that throughout the county, the crepe never looked better or promised a more abundant yield. HARRISBURG FURNACE.—The Harrisburg Tele. graph says: It gives us pleasure to state that the finnace of kle.thwertior Porter, in this place, which was burnt about seven weeks since, has been so far rebuilt and repaired as to be in blast again, and is said to a ark admirably 014 e lUcrrib abroab. SEVEN DAYS LATER. FROM EUROPE. From M'Makine Model American Courier, By tho arrival of the steamship Caledonia at Boston, we are in possession of ono week's later news from - 125 The Elections in France have closed, and the re sult is the entire success of the Conservative party. In the Department of Seine, Lamartinc raccived the highgst number of votes. The National As sembly consists of 900 Deputies from all parts of the Nation. On the 4th of May, the day fixed for the opening of the National Assembly, the mem. hers elect met, when the Provisional Government formally resigned into its hands the power that had been conferred upon it. One of the first acts of the Assembly was to issue a proclamatiou, de claring to the world, in the name of the French people, that the Republic proclaimed on tlth 24th February, shall remain the form of Government in France. - 133 _ - 55 - - 54 - 156 - 53 In Ireland, Smith O'Brien and John O'Connell have merged their past differences, and agreed to work harmoniously together in the geed cause for the future. This will give •` Repeal" a new im pulse. In the North of Italy things do not look as en couraging as before. The Lombards, so success ful at first against the Austrians, have met with two or three reverses. But Charles Albert is still in the field - - 179 . - 38 - . 33 The English Arms have been torn down from the British Consulate in Vunise. The Consul im med ia tely left. There has been fighting at Cracow, and the Poles were forced to give way to tae disciplined forces of Russia. The great German Diet, made up of Delegates from all the Germanic powers, has proposed a fun. datnental law for the constitution of a German Empire, with one imperial head. A treaty offensive and defensive, is reported to have been entered into between Russia, Sweden and Denmark. If the German troops enter Chios wig, Denmark will, if such a treaty really exists, be sustained by these two powers. In this event, a serious war between two powerful sections of Europe will be inevitable. It is not believed that Austria will constitute a part of the German Em pire if one is formed. She is gathering up her strength, for a determined struggle to regain do minion over Northern Italy. At last accounts, Venice was blockaded by sea entirely, the city was in a state of anarchy, and the people in general and deep distress. In Bohemia, the German flag has been torn down. The favorite idea of the insurgent parties is the formation of a great Western Salvonie state, in which Russia would be included. Lamartine will probably be the first President of be new French Republic. In Poland, the most frightful excesses continue ECM In Gallacia, Moldovia, and %Vallcicle, the people are in a frightful state of insurrection. At Prea. burg, the cruelties practiced against the Jews are truly shocking. At Posen, the guerilla war with the seythemen continues to be waged in a fearfully bloody manner. The U. S. mail steamer Berman Arrived at New York on Sunday, with a day's later news from abroad. The French National Assembly met at noon on the sth of May, when an election for Pre. sident of that body took place. M. Buchey was chosen. FROM MEXICO AND OREGON We copy the following telegraphic despatch from the North American and United States Gazette. PETERSBURG, May 24. The Express package containing New Orleans papers of the 18th inst., bus just come to hand. The schooner May arrived at New Orleans, on the morning of the 18th, from Vera Cruz. A quorum has at last been assembled at Quere taro, and were awaiting the arrival of the Commis sioners from the United States to commence their deliberations. The opinions in relation to the peace question arc various and conflicting. The following is extracted from a letter dated Queretaro, April 27th, at 11 o'clock at night : "The people arc becoming weary with sufrering the oppression and sport of petty tyranny. This, at least, is the case with the Mexicans, and by the omnipotent exercise of will, discarding what is called the General Government of the Nation, es. tablished at. Queretaro, it has prostrated to the earth its treacherous oppressors. " At 9 o'clock on the night of this day, without any resistance, it proclaimed the only plan which, in the present circumstances, can save the coun try, viz: 'war, and war without truce or quarter, until an honorable peace is conquered. "Such is the programme of this happy revolu. tion, at the head of which are the distinguished Generals Almonte, 13ustamente and Paredes., to whose voice all who arc Mexicans rather than par. tisane, will respond. The tocsin of liberty has sounded at last. Sons of Hidalgo and Iturbido awake! The invincible hand of Providence points out to you the road by which every portion of the globe will occupy its true place. Mexicans fulfil your destiny !" American deserters arc continually arriving at Queretaro. During the last three days twenty presented themselves to the Mexican government, and were incorporated in the San Patricio com pany. The garrison of Qucretero is composed of 89.0 men of all arms. A wager of ten thousand dollars has been made for and against peace, in which several of the deputies arc concerned. The same correspondent says that fierera has been nominated as President, and that a majority of the deputies will vote fur him. The Yucatan schooner Aparecido had also ar rived at New Orleans, with dates from Compeachy to the 2d, and from Sisal to the nth inst. The dates from Merida are only to the 29th, not as Into as already published. ST. Louis, May 21. Indian War in Oreg on.—By the arrival of Maj. Meek, from the West, 'we have late and most im portant news from Oregon, where all is confusion and bloodshed between the Whites and Indiana— Four powerful tribes have united, and commenced a deadly war. Four battles took place in January, in three of which the W bites were successful in beat. ing their enemy. Five hundred Whiles fought a body of two thousand Indians a whole day, when the Indians retreated, after wounding a great number of the Whites. On the 29th of November,a most horrid and brutal massacre was committed by the Cayuse Indians, at the Presbyterian Mission, at the Wal lah-Wallah valley. Dr. White, his man and wife, with eighteen others, were illed, and sixty or seventy taken prisoners. The houses of the Mts. sionaries and their neighbors were burned to the ground. Tho unfortunate prisoners were subs°. quently ransomed, through the agency of Peter Sken Ogden, chief factor of the Hudson's Bay Company. Major Meek pusbed up the river yesterday, on! his way to Washington, with despatches for thel Government, asking for immediate aid on the part of the Oregon settlers. WASHINGTON MONUMENT The corner stone of the National Monument to the memory of Gen. WASHINGTON is to be laid, with imposing ceremonies, in the city of Washington, on the 4th of July next. The Monument Associ ation extend their subjoined :nritotion to the peo ple of the United States to be present on the occa sion : NATIONAL WASHINGTON MONUMENT OFFICE, t May 3, 1348. s The National Washington Monument Associa. lion have already, through the hoard of managers, made public, the design to lay the corner-stone of the National Washington Monument, on the 4th of July next; and the undersigned have been ap. pointed a committee to make the necessary at ! rangements for that occasion, which is one that appeals; directly to the patriotism and to the heart of every American citizen. Throughout this wide country, every one is, or ought to be, emulous to unite in this lasting token of veneration ; which is to aid in transmitting to posterity the memory of him whose fame has spread throughout the world, and whose name is made the watchword in every struggle for liberty. We therefore deem it expedient—looking to the concourse which will assemble in this city—to learn by correspondence as far as it is practicable, what can be done to ren der the ceremonies imposing, and suited to an ob. ject so august. With this view, we desire to re ceive from every part of the Union information as i to the number of persons who will be here ; and whether they will come as associations, civil or military. We invite the citizens of the States to co-oper ate with us in the general design which we now submit. As the monument is national, a delegation is requested from each State and Territory, with a banner inscribed with the great seal of State, and some other appropriate device, to be hereafter de posited in the monument, with a suitable inscrip. tion to perpetuate to the latest posterity a know. ledge of their origin and use, and the names and services of the delegations that bore them. If wrought by females, there names to be recorded and perpetuated in the same manner—with state. ments of the times and places of presentation to the respective delegations. A military corps is invited from each State, so as to form, when united, one great military and civic procession. Washington was " first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his coun. trymen." Combined with these, we propose to form in the procession the masonic, odd.fellows', firemen's, and temperance associations ; the vari ous trades and pursuits, with proper devices and banners. Literary and scientific associations are invited to attend, together with the schools of the District, under the care of their respective teachers. The different State delegations, military corps, societies, associations and schools are requested to hand to the marshal a roll containing the name of each person in attendance, to be recorded and per. petuated as in other cases. As the board of managers consider the fund contributed by our liberal and patriotic fellow.eiti. zens for the erection of the monument too sacred to be diverted and expended for any other object, we can only promise the visitors on that day a hearty welcome, good water, and beautiful grounds fur encampment. The editors and publishers of newspapers through out the United States see requested to publish this communication, and are invited to attend the cere. mony of laying the corner-stone of the monument, and to bring with them one number of their paper containing this article, to be deposited in the mon ument. If a personal attendance aholl be ineon. venient, they will be pleased to send their papers to the general agent as soon as practicable, that sea sonable arrangements may be made for their being placed in the monument. To carry out this general design, we earnestly desire communications from every part of the Union, without delay, to be addressed to Elisha %Vhitticscy, general agent, who will deliver them to Joseph H. Bradley, chief marshal. Signed by the Contrniitee. KEEINNO COOL. IN HOT WCATllTlR.—Chambers' Journal gives the following well.known devices in hot climates and seasons : The means in present use for artificial refrige. ration are very various, some of them very into. resting. Among these, the employment of porous earthenware may receive an early place. The Moors introduced into Spain this luxury, in the shape of very elegant vases, wonderfully light and porous. Water kept in these,' became rapidly deliciously cool, and from some peculiarity in the process of the manufacture of the vessels, it ac quired, in addition, a very agreeable flavor. In Egypt and in India, and in most sultry regions, this expedient is at the present time a very preva lent one. It has also for some time been eaten. sively employed amongst ourselves—porous wine, butter, and water coolers, of many elegant designs, being now produced at our pottoriom. But porous ware keeps water coolest where the clinic is hot test, the very increment of heat being made to re. act in the production of cold by rapid evaporation. The Moorish names for their earthen jugs was Al &mem, or B ucarros. The Arabs burnt up with the eternal fire of their scorching country, make use of goat skins for water vessels, which suffer a little water slowly to exude, and thus keep the re. maindcr comparatively cool. A common method of cooling wines in India, is one which will almost appear a paradox: the bottle is wrapped in flannel wetted with water, and placed directly in the rays of the sun; violent evaporation ensues, and the wine actually becomes cold. It is a common plan, too, for sailors, in warm latitudes to cover their wine with cloths constantly wetted. Apartments are cooled on a similar principle, and an abundance of water is frequently dashed against the walls with the most gratclut effect. In India, also the cold, so dangerous and penetrating on a clear night, is often applied in a peculiar manner for the par. pose of freezing water. Near Calcutta, in an open plain, there are large shallow excavations made in the ground, and filled with straw; upon this many rows of small, shallow porous pans, filled with wa. ter, are placed atstinset. During the night ice forms in thin cakes upon the surface of the pans ; it ix carefully removed before sunrise, carried to a pro. per repository, and pounded into a mass there, and then covered over with blankets. This manacla tore can only be pursued during the months of ' , December, January, and February ; and in the dia. (riot where the ice is formed in this manner, it is never produced naturally. This ingenious process must wholly disappear before the new import of Wenham Lake ice. What a revolution has com merce effected in India, when we remember that early travellers in that country were looked upon as liars and imposters for asserting the possibility of solidifying water into ice!" There is now no doubt that the crop both of Maryland and Ohio, in 1848, will be less than an average one. Since the stagnation in the Tobacco market, caused by the political changes in Europe, letters from different parts of the Tobacco growing districts of Maryland have been received, express_ ing the determination of the planters to make less Tobacco then usual. The circulars sent by some of our commission merchants to their friends in Ohio, have had the effect of checking the prepare. tions for largo crops in that State, and the probabi. lity is that the crop there will be under the ave. rage. 511/OR GENERAL Pizzow.—General orders bavo been hewed from the War Department, containing the President's review of the finding.of the Court of Inquiry in the case familiarly knotin as that of " General Pillow and the two howitzers." The President decides that there was an unintentional error of a material fact in the finding of the Court . lie finds nothing in the ease for which General Pillow deserves censure, and. concurs with the Court and Gen. Scott that there is nothing in the case which requires further military proceedings. The President acquits the young officers wt.:, took the howitzers from their carriages and desired to retain them as trophies, of any criminal or impro per motive. = DEATH WARRANT.—The Harrisburg Union sap : The Governor has issued a warrant for the execu tion, on Friday, the 29th of September next, of Harris Bell, convicted in Wayne county, of the murder of Mrs. Eliza Williams, wife of the Rev. Mr. Williams, of that county. =1 THE NORTH BRANCH CANAL, in in a good state o repair, and doing an excellent business. The re venue at all the offices exceed even the extraurdina ry receipts of last year. The increase is princi pally derived from the iron and coal trade. =3:22 The death of the venerable Dr. Ashabel Green, the Patriarch of the Presbyterian church, took place in Philadelphia on Friday last. Dr. Green was the first Chaplain elected by Congress, and, we believe, the first moderator of the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church, and first Pro essor of Princeton College. =2 One hundred and fifty-four deaths occurred in Phila. hest week. Of Consumption 23, of Inthems lions 20, &c. Adults .57, children 97. APPEAL TO THE HUMANE Office of the Colonization Society, Walnut Street above Sixth, Philadelphia. Assured by several judicious friends that our community is not apprized of the efforts of the American Colonization Society, to extend the boon of freedom to a multitude of slaves proffered grat uitously to its care, we feel it en imperative duty to state that no less than four expeditions are now afloat, bearing nearly 500 emancipated emigrants to Liberia. An equal number anxiously await our ability to send them. To secure at once their free. slum and settlement in the new Republic, we soli cit the means of meeting the generous overtures of some masters, and the bequests of others. This may be effected at the small outlay of $5O for each emigrant, the estimated expense of the voyage to, and settlement in Liberia. Neatly two hundred of the slaves to be liberated, are on one estate and must be sent speedily to prevent the forfeiture of their freedom. Collections in the several churches aro therefore respectfully suggested. All other contri butions will be gratefully received at the office, or by P. T. Junes, Esq., Treasurer, 85 South Front Street. ELLIOTT CRIMSON, Corresponding Secretary. rl Editors in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, are respectfully requested to give the above one or more insertions. == LAKE SUPARIOR IRO:..—The steamer Champion arrived at Detroit, from Sant Saint Marie, on Satur day week, bringing several bars of Lake Superior Iron, manufactured at the Jackson Iron Company's Works. The iron is pronounced by competent judges to be of a very superior quality. 'rho bars are hammered from the rough ore, and what is ex traordinary, is so pure that it is ready fur use with out further process. The agent who came down, states that the texture of the iron is unusually fine, and with a slight process can easily be converted to the best article of cast steel. The present facili ties for manufacturing arc two forges, capable of turning out half a ton a day, but several companies are erecting works on different locations for exten sive operations the present season. The works arc located eight miles from the Lake, on Carp river; and the ore is found four miles above, ita inexhausti ble quantities. The surface of the country is un dulating and covered with heavy pine timber. The ore is found in fragments on the surface and in perpendicular cliffs from one to two hundred feet in height. = St. Joseph's, Mo., is crowded with emigrants on their route to California and Oregon. Two hun dred and ten wagons had crossed the river at that place. and forty or fifty at the ferry above St. Jo seph's. The emigration this year will not be so large as that of last year—probably not numbering more than five hundred men. The Mormons arc said to be crossing in large numbers at Council Bluffs, and from 1500 to 2000 wagons aro expected to leave in a few weeks for the Great Salt Lake. Major Harris recently arrived at St. Joseph from the front camp of the emigrants. They were all getting on well, except the last. some 35 miles from the town—this party was without a leader, at a place distant from water, and nearly all of their cattle lost—either driven off by Indians, or strayed away in search of water. Major Harris is to go out to California, iii company with Col. Fremont, who was expected at St. Joseph by the 15th of this month. :=Z Why should not Louie Phißippe not resume the teaching of the languages?—Because he is not master of the French A chaplain in one of our State Prisons was asked by a friend how loia parishioners were. " All under conviction," was the answer. = A Lawyer down east advertises for a boy who can write a legible hand, and can read illegible writ ings ! Ile wants to use him in his oilier. personal geanti.—There J. not n single individ ual among this vast community of intelligent persons,liut what:prefers a pleasing countenance and a licamilial coin plexion to a sallow and repulsive visage. We love to look upon elegant portraits of beautiful personages, who were highly popular for their personal beauty, a (air and prepossessing complexion in oft time% a principal feature in the success of young beginners in business, or his or her debut In the fashionable world; thousands of individ uals who are now annoyed with a sallow and repulsive complexion, diseased, cracked, chapped and discolored skin, can, if they will use as a Toilet Emollient, that val uable skin purifier. RADWAY'S CHINESE MEDICA TED SOAP, possess us fair, pure, sweet and healthy skin as the fairest daughter of our race. If you hut knew the manifold virtues of Radway's Soap, you surely would not he without it, its mysterious action on the skin clean ses the secretory vessels from all impurity, removes from the surface Pimples, Matches, Pustules, Sallow, Yellow and Discolored Skin; cures Salt Rheum, Ring-worm, Erysipelas, Rash, Tester, Chapped Flesh, Sose and 'Bleed ing Ups, Weak and Sore Eyes. As a Nursery SOAP, every mother should keep this soap in her nursery,it protects the tender skin of the babe front the cold and bleaching winds of winter. For the Toilet, it is sapertor to all others, it is deliciously perfu med. For Shaving, it is delightful, it produces a rich, co pious, and lasting lather. Each cake, to the genuine, must be signed R. O. Rad way J. &R. G. RADWAY, 2 Courtland St, N. Y. Sold in Columbia by R. WILLIAMS, end Wric A Lusora. May 20-lin. Thirty-five millions more arc added to the mus ter-roll of freedom by the Austrian revolution, Mod 11 ztraordinaxy Work•—The Monied Wo man's PRIVATE MEDICAL. COMPANION, by Dr A M. MAURICEAU, Professor of Diseases of Woman, Sixths Edition. lento. pp. 250. Prier al. 25,000 copies sold in three months: Years of suffering, of physical and mental anguish to many an affectionate wife, and pecunianry difficult!. to the husband, might have been spared by a timely posses sion of this work. It is intended especially for the married, or those con templating marriage, as it discloses important secrets which should be known to them particularly. Truly, knowledge is power. Isis health, happiness, af fluenee. The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters to the author will attest. llere, also, every female—the wife, the mother, the one either budding into womanhood or the• one in the decline of years in whom nature contemplates an important change— can discover the cause, symptoms, and the most efficient remedies, and most certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. COPIES WILL RE SEN'T BY MAIL FREE OF POSTAGE TO THE PURCHASER. Over ten thonsand copies have been sent by mail within three months. with perfect safety and certainty. On the receipt of one Dollar, the Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" will be sent (mailed free) to any part <tithe United States. All letters must be post-paid (except those containing a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau. Box 1224, New York City. Publish log office, 129, Liberty-tit., New-York. The "Married Woman's Private Medical Companion^ in soul by Booksellers throughout the United States. New-York. May %1,194,1 m UNITES) STATES AIOZNAL. Fayetteville, N. Carolina, M..rch Mr. row ba—Dear SIT : Having, used neverid bottles of Wi4tarS 111d.1111 of Wild Cherry in my family, for the complaint+ for which it is recommended, with decided beneficial effect, I cheerfully advise my friends, and all others who may need a medicine of that kind, to try h. N. B. WC.• 410 not ask the public to rely solely upon re commendations produced from States far ∑ ss here the p.•rsons CIUIIIIOt be known; but, having testimony front every State in the Union, we refer all who have ally doubts oboist the efficacy of this highly popular and useful medicine, to their own neighbors who have used the ar ticle. Beware of counterfeit, and imitations--*lyrups, and all other preparations of Wild Cherry. Remember, they on ly imitate in mune, without posseising the virtue,. Buy none lint the genuine mitt original Dr. Wistues Balsam of Wild Cherry. None gen ll ill e, unless signed I. BUTTS:on The wrapper. For sale by 11. WILLIAM., Front Street Colombia, Pa. it.l)e ,Markets. From Nl'Matriet's 51.10 A enerienn Courier P 2 zx. v Puu , Atny 27, 1:,,V Cost.—The simply of Anthracite is yet liutiled, without change in prices. Bituminous, 16 a 161 etc. per bushel. Corroc—The week's sales include 1,200 bags Rio and Istiguityra, at 61 a7l etc. 4 mos. DOAIESTIC Gams—The demand for the supply of the Western markets continues active, mid prices are very steady. Fuaramoi—Prices continue steady. Sales of 8,000 lbs. at 34 it VJ cts• per lb. Fish—Nlackarel No 1. 89 a 10 per bbl.; 57,75 a 8,50 for NO. 2; sod $5,50 a 6,2.5 for No. 3. Flcan AND MCA/lee. Sales at $5, a7l a 6 per bbl. for constants to fair ; and $6, 124 a 6,05 tor choke brands, per Ida. Rye Flour— , sales at 3.871 a 3,94 per hbl, for Penna. Guar r—lNlient—crilei at 51.36, 1,37, 1.3., 1,40, 1,13,1,44, and 1.46 per bushel, ac cording to the quality. Rye—sales or 2,800 bushels at TS aSO eta. per bushel for Penna. Corn-25,00 bushels sold nt 51 a 52 et, per bushel for Penna., antl37 a MO for South ern. Inov—The sales include 1400 1011 A PC•lank. Pig at 525 a !.-N for Anthracite, and Bu 7 a 32 for Charcoal Pig, per ton. We give the market rates: Anthracite $23 a 25 per ton; English mid Scotch Pig. 825 a fl.'3; American Pig, No. 1. 526 a 32; American Pig. common, 510 a 14 ; Swedish Bar, 544 a9O ; American Bar, rolled, common' SCAI a 70; English Bar. reGried, $75 a SU; English • Bar, cowman, $62 n 65; Russia Sheet, lstsinality, per lb. 111 a Ainericrui Sheet, per ton, 81:11 a 125; English Sheet, ems a 1118 Boiler, best quality,:per 1h.5 ; 2dldo, 41 a 41, I...THC—sales of 51,371, 1,45, and 1,50 per 111. Lrstcga— Cargo sales of Carolina Yellow Pine Flooring Boards at $l3 a 17 per 51.; Susquehanna, 511 a is. POTATOL-N—galeS at 75 aeo eta. per bushel. Puovismas—sales of Western Pork at 510.50 a II per bbl. for Mess; Prime, 58,50 a 8,75. Bacon—Sales at 41 a 9 eta. for llama ; Sides, 4 a 5; Shoed dere, 21 n 34 cm. per lb. Lard,6l a 7 eta. RICE-150 casks ,0111 at 41 a4l etc. SALT-4.7(0 bushels. Turks Inland, at eta per bushel. Storms—Cloverserd sells nt 5.3,50, 3,75 a.l per bushel. Stamm—Sales of eOO Mto. New Orlesuis at 31 a 41 cm.; 80 Idols. Porto Rico and 500 his. Mammas, on private 101111111. TA LLOW—lleaikrell sells at 8a 81 CI, per lb. NEW Voris, May !MTh. 184t 1 . Pork is heavy and declining; mess nominally filD; prime do, SS. To arrive mess is offered at .10,50; prime 87, ;2i- Beef is firm, 400 little. sold at fullprices. Lard has advanced a trifle; butter, of which the supply is large, is slow at sole. The market for Western Flour is steady, with sales of 2000 bids., including mixed Michigan and Oswego, at $5 Irk a 525; prime Genesee S 5 50 a 5 75; extra do, $7 a 7 50 ; Southern is in fair inquiry at S 6 a 6 121, with sales of 150 bbls. Rye Flour sold at ea 624. (a small lot.) Corn Meal is scarce and firm ;Jersey $050; sales 2000 Ltda. of prime New Jersey Corn are reported at 501, and about 15,0000 heated N. G. sottl yesterday at 46 a .17. Bscrixottr., May 24, 1049. Flour—The market for Howard street Flour is inactive. Sales of some small parcels were made yesterday and to day at 55 50. A sale of 400 bbls. City Mills Flour was made yesterday at $B. Grain—Sales of good to prime red Md. Wheats at Itk a 132 eta. We also note sales of 35000 bushel. Western red, received from New Orleans, at 136 cts., and 4000 bushels Pennsylvania at 131 a 132 cis., for red and 139 eta. for white. Corn is in good demand. Sales of white at 39 a 41 cts., and yellow 44 a 47 cts. We quote Oats at 32 a 33 cts, Pro%isions—Jives Pork is held at 510 25, and prime at 54 25 a P 50. Bacon 1l a :t cts. for Shoulder.; 41 a 11 for Sides, mid di a 6 cts for llama. Pirrsatmo, May 72, le*. The Receipts of Flour arc light, and the sales are mod erate at previous mtes, 450 a 4 ti2l. Sales of red Wheat at fAll a 92; yellow Cora 13 a 35; Oats 27 1.1 1.3; New Or leans sugar 44 a ; Whiakey 19: New Orleans Molasses V; Rio Coffee 71; Lard 54 ; Bacon, shoulder s 94 a 3, Sides al a 34, llama 41 a 5. DIZID. On the id day of October last, at Tampico, in :Utile', of Yellow-fever, in the 30th year of his age, Rum (late of this Borough,) a member of Company LI, tld Re. gunent., Illinois Volunteers. MEM GILZIAT CONTENTION of Purchasers of Elegant and CHEAP CLOTHING, at prices extremely low, is still in session at the Philadelphia Wardrobe,IOSCHEST NUT Street. The session of this Convention is conducted with uns Parraholefi harmony, and the amount of business done is immense. The President—P. R. MINEILLE, assisted by numerous Vice Presidents, presides with great efficiency; and the Treasurer is kept constantly busy with' receiving money. The Delegates to this Convention are in fits of delight. and have unanimously consented to nominate P. R. M', as GENERAL TAYLOR, Of the United States. If every one ofthe 100,000 patrons of the Philadelphia Wardrobe, should vote for Liar-.p. R. TPNe ale, will prove a troublrsome rival Mother Pre. sidential competitors, We are happy to say that at this Convention all sets of Delegates are received, and no-p arty men's money is accounted just as good as anybody's money. This mag nanimity is highly extraordinary Phila., May 47, 1642.-2 t G. A. SCIIWAIIZMAN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers