Page 2—SUSQUEHANNA TIMES * Illi onioss Check Anti-Freeze Engine Tune-Up Check Wiper Blades Repack Wheels R vy € H ~ Miller’s Tire & Service Maytown, PA Phone 426-3430 Check Belts & Hoses -—- - = " AUCTIONS make the fifa in marketing livestock! -+ NEW HOLLAND 4 difference in auctions! MONDAY—8AM--Fat Hogs 10 AM--Horse Sale i 1:30 PM--Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows & Veal WEDNESDAY—12 Noon--Hay & Straw . 12:30 PM--Dairy Sale : 1:00 PM--Feeder Pigs THURSDAY—11 AM--Fat Steers, Bulls & Cows ’ 4:30 PM--Sheep & Veal New Holland, Penna. -} Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone [717] 354-4341 INew Holland Sales Stables, Inc. MARIETTA CITGO CITGO GAS—GROCERIES OPEN 5:30 AM — 8:30 PM DAILY SUNDAY 8:00 AM — 6:00 PM Ed Reeves, Prop. Phone 426-3863 East End—Route 441 —Marietta CITGO EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS Saturday Afternoon and Sunday Norlanco Health Center (Mount Joy Area Only) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Available Day & Night COLUMBIA HOSPITAL 7th & Poplar (Emergency Entrance) MV | Susquekaia Times [USPS 055-530] Box 75-A, R.D.#1, Marietta, PA 17547 Published weekly on Wednesdays [52 issues per year] Telephone: [717] 426-2212 or 653-8383 Publisher—Nancy H. Bromer Editor—Diane L. Krantz Advertising Manager—Kay Kauffman Marietta Editor—Hazel Baker Mount Joy editor— Cherie Dillow Vol. 80, No. 38, September 24, 1980 Advertising rates upon request . Entered at the Post Office in Marietta, PA, as second class mail u: der the Act of March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate—$6.00/ year [Outside Lancaster County—$6.50/year]| FGA G #1 Friendship Fire Co. report for August Mount Joy’s Friendship Fire Co. No. 1 met Thursday, September 2, 1980 at 7:30 pm. Chief Frank Good reported the following calls in the month of August: Aug. 8, put up sales days banners in town; Aug. 8, wash down mud in West Donegal Street; Aug. 11, vehicle fire on Manheim-Mount Joy Road at Rt. 283; Aug. 12, vehicle accident at New Haven and W. Main Streets; Aug. 15, automatic alarm at National Standard; Aug. 12, automatic alarm at Friendship Fire Co. No. 1; Aug. 15, vehicle accident at New Haven and W. Main Streets; Aug. 20, automatic alarm at National Standard; Aug. 27, oven fire at Donegal football (cont.) [continued from front page] favored to win the section title, and are considered by most experts to be almost as good as Manheim Central. Their running offense is particularly brutal and ef- fective, but their passing game may not be as good as the Central attack which devastated Donegal. The Indian defense may have a few surprises in store for the cocky Raiders, and the outcome may not be as lopsided as the experts think. By ie less, Seine trips more wisely and keeping our cars in tune, we'll keep saving gas. And money—because wasted gas is wasted money. LITTLE BY TALL ADS 8 A " A Putic Servos of Tres Newsoeoer & The Advertepng Counce U'S Department of Energy Schock Presbyterian Home; and Aug. 30, natural cover fire at Manheim-Mount Joy and Lefever Roads. The publicity committee reported that Fire Preven- tion Week is October 5-11. An open house will be held October 4 to kick off Fire Prevention Week. The open house will be conducted from 8 am until 2 pm, with the fire company’s first breakfast in the social hall from 6 to 10 am. A poster contest with the theme ‘‘Partners in Fire Prevention’’ will be held at Seiler and Elmtree Elemen- tary Schools. The fire department will visit Seiler and Elmtree Schools Tues- day, October 7, and Wed- nesday, October 8. The ‘‘Vial of Life’’ will be handed out during the open house by ambulance per- sonnel. The Ambulance Com- mittee reported 45 calls for both ambulances during August. Eight persons will be attending EMT classes this fall at a cost of $50.00 each. A CPR refresher course will be held Tuesday, September 30, at 7:00 pm in the fire hall. It was reported that a new transmission was placed in Ambulance 751. Leon Bixler was admitted as a new member. 4 September 24, 1980 Rr ———. WE CAN'T CURE YOU. BUT WE CAN MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. - Our disability insurance can help all you have to worry about is getting back on your feet again. JACK TYNDALL 805 Church Street Mount Joy, PA Phone 653-5970 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company Nationwide Life Insurance Company Home Office: Columbus, Ohio pay the bills while you're laid up. Sof NATIONWIDE INSURANCE ®» Nationwide is on your side worth of Choose anything you want from our stock of parts, garments and accessories: Snowmobile suits, helmets, gloves, boots, sweaters, hats, speedometers, tachometers, electric starters, trailers, snowmobile covers and so n...up to $400 worth, and it's yours FREE. Extended Offer: $250 worth of extras FREE if you buy a new Cat from October 1 to November 1, 1980. Act by September 30th for the best deal When youbuy the at nobody asks why. LANCASTER TRIUMPH AND SUZUKI Motorcycle & Snowmobile Sales & Service 2981 Hempland Road US 30 W & Centerville Rd Lancaster, PA 17601 Phone 717/299-6561 hook not included). LATCH HOOK RUG KITS Great as wall hangings too! Variety of subjects. Orlon® acrylic pre-cut yarn and printed cotton canvas. (Latch 97 EACH REGULAR 7.97 EACH ®DuPont Reg. TM Rug Or Afghan Kits. . .Easy And Fun To Make! Warm and Colorful AFGHAN KITS “Eight In One’ "with 4 knit, 4 crochet patterns. can be knitted or crocheted. Orlon® acrylic 4-ply yarn and easy instructions. “Ripple” G. C. Murphy Co. 12-14 West Main Street Mount Joy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers