_for o ttug I Child's Prayer. • tiabistelh e-' Lord , •w h o -died, 1 p,piarf,log all thelast ; to . lit!slile fetwe with his grace • lailtilit:gfe.shidl last". • 4pi ri t, too, "T 6 come as gentle Dove; To twoll me Jesus' precious ,name, " Aidt/611 my- heartowiii rove. ask the Father's hand To guide my steps aright; And lead mo sale through every spare To his own home of light. --there may jiAtafal . met My friends and teachers blest, tkndising - Aga win:Mess hoes his„graise, -Whose zos 14 s all giv'n us rest. I= Milt 4.lPmive• +' Good day, graritheother," said , young "Fffpley ; • " I am going to the market town, diet shall not eome home until day afte, " • • e' Lord .go with you, my dear lad," e aged grandmOther; "but be.fori. 04 1c 1 Want to knowif you t bave settle'. 'Vie' quarrel with. Ned-Brooks." • - tof 1 have settled' it `that I alkali hay , 'pore to do with him. -Bela tr• muveiYhatily. Ido not intend t. , bifdly in return, .bat 'do not in ' t eeiN to have any thing to do with him." • ,41f Have you forgiven .him 1' 1 ! .f I do not;-intend to d9 , ...biM, any harm." laglave .(k11.1 . 611079 1 1:him r ; Me:4.B'lA ailltAd me to forgive him.'' Utetitber..iihat the Lord *says . : he,. priastand praying, forgive, if ye have augb "est,inst any: for...if ye forgive not me t tr, trespassei, _neither. will your- Fathe Irciitkite .yonr AresEasses.' We..are . allowe. Itraskyforgivenesalfor ourselvei only as w, *forgive others. Forgive us our debts a w forgiVe our debtors. It is not safe lo us to lira 7"Ei ksinglealay.without.hein.. for we mould be. forgiven, we mu: VeLciaiers'." witi,lbgrknlimother, I will try to do.m: .4406,Y. . man went to _the 11181:111. tovon=Alewas busy during the day, an , "thStrbt but little of what he bad said't *hie-grandmother. At night, when be cam ,4o;lid rowii on his' bedi'hii-thought of w.ha Ai ! , had said. ' , Be thought of:Ned Brook,- itialle:heoame:angiT. "He. thOught of hi iarAthen he felt . his 'need ( -pardon,. •Tle.titought the: words of tb Jewd; mop - their; trei: passes."' He felt that he must forgive Ne Brooke, oven thoiii,h• be/did nol turn say, I resant. He tried to do it, an failed. •-" fen IrTneitTri-iiraier;ind aske for a forgiving spirit, , and continued:BBkb; ti g a le wh bad done any wrongto . bita. Tegin a. if . you hop etio wiven.ot-Liod.-4v.:BiTository. ^L • ..: i• v s :' - glie 1108 11 001.- • • When I wasi...,.l!arir little boy, as I wa • ,03.ing on .thentreets of.a, large - p ity, Late. . ttle . -hoy,-yonnger ~than myself, .yil t -' seemedan be in great distress. .His eye ' isreirniffeh siollen-by crying, arallo,lo4 , sobs allf4stotAl9tetli, 4 1 3 N 444404,0+ - • "Abatis the matter Eddie.? ; ' . 1 in ' 4 Why—why? T'yealost .nry penny, an. .74Ather„ncill.silmi....me;" fze_rnialit',4tilhei* i f btill view id& tears. - 14 4eirsdid on lose it ?" , r enDpaii'cl4C - 6flybana, and-rolls 2!ighl.there into the gutter.' ^ ; ",.Vgor." little fellpw I" 1 Apught, as I re ally:sympathized with ltim, , and offered t .U/np Wm find the loatAreasure. 010. brnshed away-the, tears with phi: f .aed,his • connicuanott brightened, aids . •., ,As :he raw me roll up my coat-slee*e. a. Ihrust•my hand into' the gutter. Hot% ip.Sektiz e rlid o lv) .w4ch f eich hitritlfnl..tka i came oat, faughted withosan3i,..nirid pebbles +and _pieces of rusty iron! Terhaps 'th ITSlt'w'onid;,hring out , his penny; r ' At - las . I found it. tt.0 ) ...1. ani, so glad !" ',hear the littl. reliiieli . say. "Ai. • 1 1. 0 7 ,glad you mus shoreLbeen, too'! Atow.you can•dry up litth -,Vidilia's Agars, And, make his face hrigh and his heart happy. Now he (maid skip andnun-allittho.:.way, home without the fear -eefifs-mother's diskepure." But, dear child en; listen - to the end; watapile ir, IcApyt ft yi1100100:y9U 810, 94 pei.hapa.!:princ , a tear , to .yourieyes it may de l , r ion doixe. for a lifetime. I kept little 'Bain as I felt it in torh.and, all coY .lillaistith mud as it was, I forgot all the . ....:ligtojo .1 had learned at home and in Sab eith4ohool. • I forgot about God—that '124501,45ere. lneking right dortn on me. -/Ithearyielced,one entering into me—as yon liiiiri le ..onee ilintilo trades, when for money hei•hetrayadthe . hlessed Sayiour—l seklAny honor, my good feelings, and my 1.96144/4P.!ftaP for a P 0 91 3,5% .t searched a little longer after I had washed' it - and contrived to hide it, and then, putting on a sad tace, told little Ed dirtliat I could not find it—that there was no use in looking, any longer for it. O", hiker the big tears swelled in his eyes as, with a disappointed look, he turned , mtg . ! -How mean I felt! I felt guilty, le siiilMiaight, for I had already broken three of God' s , commandments. I had'coy ;'"ieiil that led me to steal; and theicaine, ifTekiallirofilef; th% lie, to cover' 9) 4 41. f - AlasT what one sin leads to! .ellieriy., years have. gone by since that 4 , ;MUNI apt. Since then, I have asked God kos e liandon me,for that and many other sins I I4AticoWitil*443 r , 5 1 , 1 4 , tl gh : l love my swww, anikhpwe Oat, in his mercy, the sins of-my loath and of my riper years will not be 'remembered against me, yet , can -I new aria T cint - :4.)fattly, memory's page the • .ntavhitiktiatitanddy.penny has im .. .: . • • pan it.—Osrr..Chi&lren's Magazine. & u kty .~ T#ink. "Mamma," said - Kitty, "ya..a calls me a good litter giii,Zindvantityi :, and moat w s.veuynAy; but Tii#,rnet, mamma, good at touire sinly, spit, I:ment . a .* ' K- , augur liWa-Kitty; , "Inuta.nava,got iy u ht whAtii"-.l.mani_ma. „. -,,, , ~. 4 60-0..„, • —at ii tly .1 n ill J.trt W, • said 4alliAl• 'MI6 - 7,1 :: ..;`, 1 100,1 1 ' 10 .,:g 0 to "l a ride yesterday, and t e earnage,oane,,and there was no unuanknio„ I went into the idosiong t andasuntptaid4ou If behaved, very ~ it. .She said 11-ditket = pry, or an 1 , mg ; Int, mamma,-,1 , tlitiiiht-wieked n #4 , -zin , urstairs,andi , ily- dawn, an le e indireked snidlieiak47-- 0 VlAKitty. '"ltitilie4 the ; would n t AndAhe,,,iid iMnses ir . rain. ass a , , 1...,. naughty think in me." " Well, nobody knew it," said John. "Somebody ditl know it," said Kitty. " Who?" asked John. " God," answered Kitty. "He cannot call me good, as aunty and papa do. Mam ma, how can I be good inside?" Kitty is not alone in asking that ques tion. any and many a one is asking it very sorrowfully. How can Ibe good" ? King David felt like Kitty, and he fellci t gito . ou-jiia-. Waco . , and ;payed this little prayer : "cteirsie thou me from secret faults." .Secret faults are in some sense the worst kind of faults, because, first, they, deceive others, for they are inside, and no body sees them ; and then they deceive ourselves, for we are apt to think nobody will, find them out, and if they are not I found out; it is no matter. Was Kitty deceived ? No, she knew they were.not kept secret from God, and it troubled her. And when her mother,told: her, of Kieg David's ,:prayer, she, prayed; that little prayer for herself, aacjAbe ihays, it even? diy. " Cleanse thou na-from'ae cret faults,' . ' she whispered in her Saviouy's ear. And'llie` Saviour, hears and answers, this little ~prayer. As she offere.it she WatChee'dveirlia - oirn theart; and when " naughty think" comes into her bosom,: she fights-against it. She says to it, " Go away, kor:oxiy," loorrim 91 9to - i,i our help her to resistit . oit does, ana sweet peace comes and nestles 'in her bosom'in stes,d. .11. i ars wag ;May help other kihildren•—, Kitt g firg. the Baby. " Come, CiiilO;'.oarniand'ilikd the baby tßaide!! tail. (Jarl o itt'ait. wag.: loves '4 . ,baby dearly. .14tileyt.he.thinks the baby came for him to tstie , taire-of. George has ,trade a harneas for conptdycs . some how or other -to- tiokfelini on to the baby's basket carriage, and off ,0010":PrPta, basket, baby, and all. It is hard to tell which is happiest, Carlo,. Willie,:C4orge, or I. When we stop, he goes roundlet the aide of the_car,riage, putinp. ids _Owe and look s in, 41 T:t as much as to 'say, "How do that, little master Willie ?" hip:4'so.oB*e% . ".(340.0!eft1i0, dear' 0•= lo;" and this pleases him mightily,i . , i. Soinitimes Willie isleft,aftogellier his care out on the green, and it is eutioun to :see what care be takes. Itany strange, person comes up to speak Carlo struts up and keeps his eye on him. If somebody he does not like the looks of= doge, you know, have tkeir, ep likes pretty strong—touches the batcy,..::he 'utters a low growl, as , much as to say=' ig Ramis off, sir." " Carlo is so trusty. Indeed,, he always. • tries to do the hest be knoivs how. .He . looks and looks, if he does not quite unde'r stand; " loOks asking," George says,,.end when he finds out what, you want him to do, how quickly lie minds, and seems pleased to mind.. • - L-wish ..some. boyi a nd girla would ,taktil P4.4* 411 1 :0.0 1 ;i:" . . 11 -salmon. The-Blelguuf and the Burglar. . . rise ,world of fiction hardly,,opiiteimit aE .iiore thrilling ohs ter than'• an 'incident *hi** marked , the' life of. Rev' .whotwas recently cut down in his' prim'ei *bile pastor of the..Presbyteriart the 'village of Waterford; N. Y. The ad -venture; Eggs- the Troy Times, occurred on. eighebefOre Thanksgiving, a tew weeks previous to the commencement of:the sed den illness, which resulted sadl y and fa tally. Mr. Lee was_sitting iii his study -about one o'Clock in the morning, proper discourse to le delivered to 'his 'con gregation when assembled for Theektigiv ing,,worihip, when.he beard a noise beltind . him, and becanie consoious that Somebody. was in the room. fillappeilg . th# 4 . ,nejgb-: .bor had. &ripped in ',upon some . unforeseen, errand, M. Lee eluds " What is the -matter ?" and tureed. around.in his chair. 'He beheld the grime' face of a burglar, who was pointing a pis tol at his breast. The ruffian had.enteted the house by a side window, supposing that all the occupants • were wrapped in slumber, and burst upon the presence,of Mr. Lee, before he . was RV/are that the, study contained an occiipant. • " Give me your witch and money,". said t =he " and make no noise or I will fire." • Mi. Lee said : PaY 0 - 3 141 put.,497 11 your ',Am on, fon: "You feball ono resistance, and you. are ittlibeitY to take all the valuables PolluaWa," • • Thiati'Cglar withdrew his menacing pis tol, and Mr. Lea said : "I will conduct you to the place where my most, precious treasures are placed." He openeda door, and pointing to the cot where his two children lay. slumbering in' the, sweet sleep of innocence, and ,peace. ~ Tbese," said be, " are mycholoast Will you take there ?" , lie proceeded to say :that; as a minister of the. Gospel, he had flii,earthly posses sions, and that,all his means were devoted to but one object—the education of the two Andrea. that were reposing in the•ad joining room . The burglar was deeply and visibly "affected by these remarks. Tears filled his eyes, and he expressed the utmost sorrow at the act •whir& he bad been about to commit. Alter a few remarks . from Mr. Lee, • the.would-be-crimipal con sented to kneeland join with him in-prayer; and there in that lonely house, atnia silence of midnighti-the offender poured forth his penitence and remorse; while the representative of a, religion of peace. azwi good-will told to " go and sin no more:" Such a scene has few parallels. On the conclusion of the prayer, the . burglar attempted to take his, departure by the broken window through n ikioh hu had entered. "Why riot golly the front door ?" said: Mr. tse. The.man replied: " ThgS9 iire, o ,9llfedPrAteft.t4Are-Xl4or4tld shoot either you or me: HS_deiaired Mr. Lee to .take an oath on the Holy Spri - pttues, never'-to reared the particulars Of this singular interview. Mr. Lee said it was unneeessary, as he had the -lciaded feeling toward him, and ahoidd Aroisei,4hgrii! unlitA seen or ,hear:d. , 31/‘;Lee, tgltz~e,wali<izg with bis wife, •met the man in the streets, of ViAtArrOrds iioseqtteilt 444004 saw .hith from gren to time. brie of the, actors, in this singular, epi 40flerfilk:an..earli gravel hut 'by. ' means I,betl4, are nut at liberty to diselnn f i, the eventpdid:wot die with. him. What must be the feelings .of t4e other party to this ,mysterious; meeting, whenever -he reflects 1 "P tt,P4ll Op -101101 ,TPr9we,and #l. 4, ri - Ana/ iiiirathaFt.vitaeeeerl orritheaught, beforPlzhintiriEvirig,;'ll362 Y — 4,; PRESBYTERIAN BANNER.---WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1863. The velosity of waves has relation to their magnitude. Some large waves pro ceed at the rate of from thirty to forty miles an hour. It is a •Vulgar belief that the water itself advances with the speed of' the wave ; but in fact the form only ad vances while the substance, except a little spray above, remains rising and falling in the same place, according to the. llama of the pendulum. A wave of water in this respect is exactly imitated by the wave run ning along a stretched rope when one end of it is shaken; or by the mimic waves of our , theatres,.Thioh are generally the undu lations of' long pieces „of carpet, moved by atteuslants. .But , when a wave reaches a sliallOw bank or beach, the water beComes progressive,laegause then, as it can-, not sink' directly downward, it falls over and forward, seekintrits level: Po awful is the spectacle of a storm at sea; that it is generally, v i iso,tlifiAgh medium s which. 1 :4 8 .9 8 .:411 4 4-.oo49o.nt.r„ * AltY as Naves' ,really,aseii turn magation , aluswithem loftier. still. Na.' waies:•ritir.tiore!' than liti" , rfat!. above the ordinary With 'the: to feet tbatite,surfrice:afterwards d,ss i csnds; ;help*, this ; gives twprity. fee t,for , the . Asight^from the, bottom Of;any- water .valleyt to the . surnmit. This propotritiob-listeasily t proved I tr,ying#einti . gt!t t iro i aphip's, Sat 441 alt ffilkSys ; in; sight over ile - tOps of th r e'wayesi al swanoi .bat9g, ukad,e Ibr,-acmideutal„ ingliptioqa of the. Vefikoj r a44,,ol4.her siuktug4.the we= ter tOe mnob, below the, water i line at the , ns4 my lien she ,relolB4t#,Jflll)Ptt9Pll4tibei hol ow betwe,sn-twO wayejl,, I,l'.tto ipmarygf the sea, driven alogbY•theviOknce of thtl ,wind, eourse,.mtteki.bigher.-than•Ahs Bunn:air( of , th wave, and :fa 'cwfiVe: 'cioniing`lftlainst . desl!,is almost any,elevation above Attlf4d dysicitinighiliiipTe,Vrieir' iitiohes it 'which' hie been growing finite; I'stam i all'the 'Wei' 'Serbia We l ikilali even over • i.. • ...t• •.,• 111=1 iEvery , horticulturist •i e acquainted:,with this pest of ithe orchard and garden. In; many districts of-country they have like; OiSt year,tripped the leti i4 l ves l fru APPIe • PA ACo74r,9e B '. • Usdtkgill, flito .;be. permitted -to b oceur u witlieut - ippysmt,enl4 efforts for their destructiiin. And; -.they, • mil. easily be • destroy,ed r .protidtdthey..arei : taken in time. The .firstnindiesaiewpf t the worm after hatch io g, 4,Nuall-mr,ithe in the crotch of ,thejimb, i near e ,lta g apA.', „Into this little space, exery<Aßll# il. , 9 l :Q.Wded • 4, l 49l4,ingActrid .evenkngiAll.Oiwei : 1 90.09 10 Y, ..With ItEckng-• soa p , 1 114 rkkataingge or TPA 9RutistAik.4 ,PP4). Mib.,Aff i laion o 4 l l ol7 thi.s./nojP*o "Pint tlift,w# l rli: dope. This it a piinplp sknd effectual remedy, and ,p , hyge. OPhPd can 66 0 E? OP#'lo by one , Probably there is no manure. that can be tapplied'' to the' bean-crop-more decidedly beiiefioial in. ibiv:effectst than :bone-dust.. YVlberever,it,Aas been tested, it, has Oitigihaiihti; "and etTipcidily line beei of a sandy texture, .actifjnigpifii-; IY . . B .4PPfiielxitkliirie 'At! kePQIP-#l, which! Mule- .37Ntr0.(. 1 4 1 1 4 10.71Y,fre - :traNTlttfeg. P. 1 1 , 113 I from F ! pglind, in relation ut, its effi4smy,l were regarded by many a!' '44ityi . 14,:f t ti1,,44:0,1 we . have pe,nvtnce ,tilaat of a,1,1 nuinnryai ;agents, pp . far as the developtcent; ,zet.*! bean-crop inyolieci,:boiie-inkilyre ,clu *490419.i0e We; advise Tho 40n . obtain it con'veliently;tO procure' t 4 `small apply' it test" it's vitt' in& for theiatielvee. tritliig &teeing Of , a 'crop at hoeing-time trill llialtently vancii •egtiTeli linyort obit tif ,tile! • 70 01 ° UPI* , ; r To *destroy the - Canada thistle 'all 4thit is necessary. is to:smother it out de existent* or not, to allow theplantillo Itreathe-throngh their leaves, keeping. , them tiont3taritly,ior .daily cut off at or a-littlelhelaw , the. surface .of the earth ;,..ori cover: them with .any sub stance through. which .they cannot perpe trate or .grow_; these remedies, .continmed ,cor,one season, will kocompliah,the.porpose ,Buf..cotting them off daily maybe borions,. or poveringyan extended • stnfage impractitsibje., Thtlitist and .cheapeetlrey„ (hcleforia , , is to ground repeataly. Aullni_# l 9..seoli?.D,l l . o as t:4PPP eTerY.Plant 4,01 , times nnilikr,.. Or soil' is , rather 11 ,47 IR' a cc... Bi0.?:t; five g ood , d(T) and lknorPugh7 each 40%A :Mouth, perfectly ettirpate them. .If,:this soil is light ; it • may be necessar y to =repeat the plowing; oftener: h.. We ailetiksfromvam pie ,fiXperte)tcte on thlemstl '.llnlf-iray Nork: Will be :of no des: These times are , bri#giiettiut *it qualities of oar Ameriediiiwoniel:buittiere is,.o.eAnsortQik 034Adoor..biber...whkuh,,should - bekPargioi.P4tetbik 1 99 1 4e11. ;D1 1 1 1 ; times, and that. is gardening. .Now is the . time to commence operations for thp ,apli n.; if the ground is wet. and:you:lays no:thick boots of your own; 'pair s . of brother's, fling'on oup . 44oxitelmttio-liowl hats, draw on a pair of leather,glovite, 'and isallp.forth , .on. a .reconnpisa.noei off ;SL nulahe itod tt% lukyli: a shine at the gMti.kt flrOrnk wh ich josk..roady :tebreak:thrOnghthe brawn .husk -and show 'their emerald lances. Makeup your minds owhat.to plant - and where to plant it; put 'in a few seeds of early cabbage and peas, ',in, a warm nook, and mske . up . lour minds ••to 4)1(4 ont.such a good beginning, every • ;414: 'or' so through the season . Ohio ; ,-Farmer. 41. 4.: 1 4 /-- - 74 , . _ "Al . TEA'S ,,: 1- wholesale Viand Retail.nak; iIA . 114 BMITEPTIALD 8 - T , 31111.11%. *Pik= oziff ig e. g m; wo If ( "Rif K y RITTSBURG I H - • RA: ap - -- • •` : Pro -cintrwg .liNg u rs,:,9 4 r4 - 71:- .IsTictE.4,v=rufz, AND D Alt Sen La. . ina MOkIIILT 01161111. AND OgoillAininAL, ii"Etew sintsiod 4 4 1Pe w rOutalip ttesili9o a iirgentr444,49.(ls!wirigj . .10. l ifit la , e ociatUr& cF new mum fo e 'Moir, Singiug , and' 8 1, 4 . Araktiteringp, and .I.lWOrgaw and MetprietT . I , i A lidtatr 420'6* jirletot, -7Signal:ObitoWill , .: Plup cidiA.Far, .inittiarteEdcOr WAL, ~ ~Oii ,--1, 2 ,, , - - vgittrzowimi It— reborn 1..7 Magnitude of Waves , Tke NPst Wean 1! - I lopeAus;; for, Woilel,#:*s4eit A FARM FOR SALE. I offer for sale a well-Improved FARM of ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX ACRES, two and a half miles from Can onsburg, Washington County, Pu. Fur information apply to the undersigned, on the premises, ur if by latter, through the Canonsburg Peet Office. air Terme easy. spl3-80 rruseAßoßA. AC4DEIIIY. -0- FOUNDED IN 1838. The Summer Session will 'open en TUESDAY, the sth of May. Instruction afforded in all the briseChes of a good busineau education; also, in Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, and German, . Buntings thoroughly refitted and furniabed. Young men desirous of such mental and moral training ae Will tit them for usefulness mud happinese, 'ant cordially in vitod•to become members of the School. Those wilfully die mnirding,the diehnctione-between right and wrong in their own conduct, are NOT WANTED. • TERMS:—For Tuition In English, Latin, and Greek; Boarding, Washing, Room and use of furnittre, per Session of five mouths, EN; payable, by the half Alession, in ad valKe. . . . for fall partidartra apply to J. 11. SHITMAKER, Acacias('la, Junigta Ca, Pa. ApleSts rADJIP4ES NORTAXELNr IitTERZBTB ' I :SOUTHERN 71fDEPENDENOE 2-, • 1.•• ;roe r, • -.it gal* toitrUniteit *Mon.' • • .11-I:NAstara• RZ V 8 .; N. RIZ Al.& • 00 7: Pidee4.1844,3111. • 0 L.1." •; • Ihkflailter*th'phlet of Mr. Stlll4 entitled iSildw a Free People Conduct a bong War,,',haitotitainefta nations; kspn- : • tabon, and Is still to grail d ' enialitli Many of thii first men in our country hatersArrn — frlller 'llittering endorsement.; The present one disehttliftierspine: vigor and justness of! Ahem/tit, and is destined. we think, like career of popu- Arlty and usefulness.. lillidlscutatt aftbsstion - of profound In- . -trigni , AdtPl 4 MaSterlY,AgAY.. 'Pests au latt* l *qa, 1. utany,firif falkinger 9f being into, a fame pesq. 'ltte etid Is coiltsmplated; Without a duo - aaniideratisin o'rthe Ilinismil•kildltat a tesratellizinging thaineelveislolhe opinion, .that I%o;m:ignition pf.the!..'graath as an independent govern' Ment;hmilyme a diamekbernientat the, llnioa, staiuld'iiot liaarittildild, if if &Mid pat 'el and to 'the - War:. any of our readers are thus Influenced, we pray thean,:beforeithey: proceed further, VD _read thiustaphlet, in which tilt quenion • is csrefully coneldered„msl reamn and,history aro employed to . :9pfold the fearftdlssfilta nrrivOntidependent sovereign.' tiesijing•sidefby'elde.'" The suits of the existing war area COD feseedly greiatilint those whichAitosildommircffe .ffach a. factitious listtlement., :would be' unspeakably: r. kflr. 021116 rewsons dispassionately; let Maths Ititty, Witte. same spirit. Also Just keadi; How a '. ? Freaßqople Conduct a log War.' ; ; liq 1 IF .. 15A44.1 , 1 . 034 . Jar Sea bylnail_on receipt. oUther WILL/pl. S. 8/..ALFREDALULTIF.N, ais7ort. .- No. IRA Whaapjlia. MEREHA-NW , A: 1 0,T..4 1 4 < 46 Notili s ' , Street - Atf.4444Jitum. . . .• ii4ll.wirgamrafaiksow..ftwrietips. : R L 41 . o t-211".il ErS 11he'Americali-Buday Sejtool „.., , E- 0 41;Plirr,RWATAP4 .1:11414Y the , Diaries foc diatcilotion atran q in Will - Of die late 'OII:AR.LtB - BltElinit, Will be ready for delivery on and aft.'er Jolt 1003;1.860. , ' • •••• ;Abe Sunday Schoobt untitledlo.thesp Librarian pie /those tr k ..klicgtlony,Connt7, .Pa., *arelk.,a44 Smlicanta will be isqtdrod to subscribe to , etatemant: gh% jpg,natna, location, and. date of drmization the: Wm); me,and• Poet Offiice„ addives Supertuteu ant; awitge lannber of tea - bere‘and'acholara in - attendance, and amount then contfibtit c ed.foraupport WI School... • ` , "7 , :• - • • i.Roapotiabloptde, witur amountotpoutri buttons,ankoth: "P e, Pf•Ofßeri na .Rnq e q". 3 { Witra be reVirid, 'Applf to - ' ' . 1/1.: IL' SKTON, - "tit•JSMOllitliikttatret.& - Co., '*: • ...•-• iir.4)*.eid Fa ..tl .11 t ' 41:;• " I*6 [ IiAORMICPONS t er -, •!!ft , 7::r9 , • co • . • Atii - 444U1ViiiiND . J 4T 2:16.87 14 1EAR1S PRICES. ' •' Iffriiisraiforlliooo6 7 4 Mate ce , letinSAA•misc!iinets are 'low fin npccessfilifpesptiouri • ' 23,000 • I'4el tch 6ot lieeafti We? ?Sti to• ?thinnest. Fabric f:1, , • • hi El'. 4 9. ; I ' WY ' simet itotaucise " iniciatltOstaN ' lip/ lb •r 14 , 7 • • t' •‘' HIGHEST PREMIUMS :44,t4tirartwittlittitted, both frii,*4.o9ntry , ,ili.nd fop ! . °Stained, by tit ; iar g eataale, afid " • eqßeSt'eAdOPtedi 40 ':EalnalYtUae of ; Per 4.4 1 ! Ditq1..40*1511.4vP,4414. W A B B A N,T E D I§s 4 rif,.. A Milleikthaillik . 4,l*P l 4 llo °• • • • WILLIAM .BnitssaiikaQ4 ; • • .mwsezitiisvatairrts; I r lartaira' =I .-: • • .•,. .1' ._, ...., sr _.' • i A.. A . ' // . ' do — ra . w id v Sl. *lke L et eon . THE AL-MRGESTCIAL school: oft the; i3nited Stateq Sith 5 o Patronage 01 nearly TAO 11 - 7 e years, from . 31 7 8t./ate, and the only 0136 which affords complete and reliable instruction is ill -tbe;fdllowlag branebee, vlz • pipycnril y affriffiCricii3W A Wn3o,lV, Bilipft AXID 13 iNkb dia a- . „ MST 'PHIGNIEW 'Pun' am ORpreisiTaz. Picrexidanne"" ALBO, SUILVZfiIiIih . EMEiLEIZIRTAG, • 0114MiLLY. . .10 0O &ys for a,OsmmemaLl Oottre6; StudenMeuteitaNd renew at spy cycK? . . IllinleteiV eons tcatiOn ai half wive. For Catalogue of 86 rigee, Specimens of Brudneecand Or namental Penmanattip, and a beautif* C 9 logB itiow,otelght aq uari feitt,uontaining a greatvariety. of Wrotpg, I.atterlatz and FlOurieldng, r litelotte . 24 dam' a to thellincipala - roarff•ly -:.JSZIBELIQI , I STS, Pittatinzetf, Pa. , JOHN , D. M CORD 2141E'ilD11311111VAD OF - 4IV • 21ANT0PA021414113 AND pEAraza . IN >. gta ti k. l3 o 4, .- s (WAS , I ,voloi.Es4i AI , 1 u AEI' , 1 1 1 - o-d ,• P. Have now on band for Swink sales, &alma and complete as assortment of Goods. asean..beAtind in any of the Seaters c A t 9- c .P 4114 iM f . .; ; • , • Silk; ap.4l'W.tiorat,S, of every style and gnility; OAPS of every finalityand latest fashions; Palm Leatittraw' 3 , Leghorn, and 'Panama BATS; • Straw, and, .1341rJ1 3pNNETI, etc., eto. Persona wishing to , purchase • lolesale or Retail,' will Snd it to their ' santmao tonsil and examine our: stmt. ,morl9-1* ' •MONRY TO , LOAN, QN MORTGAGE asecnred , On property withinthenountnor adjoining conntiaajor alarm . O. years, in aunis.loAndt.. Bondi; .IfOrtgagee, dtc., pegpSaied. 'SU per oink paid on sheet premiam paid on Gold and L Apply at the ofilorror ' G. S.' BATES, .; Butler St., near Allart„Layrraneerille, Pa., • • - • Of "S; • conifr of:ortrNtituid. B o4o , Pitt** Wong i g vjte , t. 4.. attsnititat,of the. public to hie extensive and varied aseosent of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, , TEA& Sitil Hazat4 , Driiidleoef, , Pdab .; abeizse,;Psrefirn and Domestic limits, Pickles and Sauces, Havana Cigars, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, ac., besides a large stock' of H Us_FKEEPING UTENSILS, .Such.as , Propji..iuld Willow Ware, Japanned Tin .Wan), licra24.ealdn4HaOware,.&43., • ~, W 40,4,14.9ALE AND•AIgATG._ • air abode carferdly packed and delivered . free.ntoharge ,for cartage at "any of the Railroad Depots or Steamboat Landinga,Catalegam cnotainingtm extended list,ofignodi, dent 14 7 mairitteldred;andalrevieraliorea receive our prompt and careful attention.' • JOHN A.,RENS,HAT . .e. . . `TRY ; -', . I .I3ARRELIIB . ~.. I 4 , 4, -.1 _ .111111UllEGELUIW . . v, :, 1111112111 Milt, ,'. . - _. . . .suommotik - . . ....„,..,. 0 _ii, , L „ pm. Larry - PAMODIaII if 1611. • •stereirsteinetileenesei, tweeeekia2maseieji ' Ai l n a =ta r in0921% .46 N1VE . .... i. .. , rrT.r-.lft!radWlrril Crq ......11,91.44,e-IFI, ~.., oIIV ts.' ..i.1..t.t:-. , .......„.... a t 1.0410,...... 1 11-1 , :- • • . , 0 1 - 45,014 - v ,l , Millar. "WW I ; .1- , , , ~.71.4" ~,t4 A. li. LO(IAI,t REM JAMBI3iB..M'OORD !!!M JUST PUBLISHED. SEISS'S LAST TIMES. THE LAST. TIMM AND THE GREAT CONSUMMATION. An Earnest Discussion of Momentous Thanes. By JOSEPH A. SEISE, D.D., Author or"Oospel in Leviticus," "Lectures on Hebrews," " The Parable of the Ten Virgine," etc. New and Enlarged Edition. 12mo Cloth BIBLE MIISTRATIONS. BIBLE ILLUSTRATIONS; . Being a storehouse of SIM ILES, ALLEGORIES. AND ANECDOTES, Selected from Spew:o6i " Things New and Old," and other Sources. Withan Introduc tion by the REV. RICHARD ' NEWTON, D.D. And a Copious Index. 12m0.. Oloth • $1:25. , . . , "The want of a coliCction .of really gOod Illuertrations of BibleTnith has long hear; expressed ; yet there are very. few books in this department of literature. The volume now published edam •at.eapptylog Ibis deficiency. I 6 is rich in finc suggestive thoughts; and at the end of each illustration there ls an appropriate aPplication?' a' • • • No. 28 North-Sixth Street, Philadelphia'. • ' l l _ / ! /b 2 9 4t . i:IL le f1 6114Win gi: PAIRBAIRk 7 B .11ERAL5,NEUTI THOM/OK ON JOHN. Bvo _2.25 CSEBS=OIBOOONSVTANGII7---42mii.....4..z«.—....:4=v71:218 WINER'S IDIOMS.• ,•••• 3.50 COLES ON GOD'S SPIERSIONTY: 12Mo TIV HcILVAINE'B EVIDENCES. orrrov O N' TB aco m m.: .. IiELES.FOR,THE PHLPIT..-12uito: TARRARIS''SOIENCEIN THEOLOGY. 12ino .... SWEIII-WL•ON .GALA.I34dO3:: 12ca0.: ." SCHMUCKEE'S P,OEDLAR.,VISGLO,GY.. 1 2 ro WIRLAVEPON THE PENTEE111100: Si° HENGSTENEERG ON ECCLESIASTES. 8v0..:...4.4 >2{_lh. KURTZ'S CHURCH HISTORY. 2 vollA,l2mo—.. Mai. PIT:. TOMES. .:1266.; • . .. . . . SEISS'S TEN VIRGINS • • TA ITHOLUCIPS , SEEMON ONTHSHOUNT: 2.50 YLEALLEG'S VOCABULARY or, BB:MUM HY. : tot- MO apB-2! - •1E" • 13CIARIP'0. — COLPO • TAGE,; •-• • 7.411e' Pit r . • 1 e.rt JOHN. A. RENSHAW'S NEWBUILIIING .4 344:i : /a5 ' , Atiarta-stiiiß;e7t, • ..;v:414;748134i1 R-CH • • • ••••• •-Karidutaddedito 'ato r ei a genii' aneertnianttiftiaddi- 1 1 hie books, of retnnt ieene, by Mahlon, Ciirter, end sitlm t ia : few ,f which ibilowing: lnisnnah - sMpre; mr; Life- in. Kali .and Cottage. ilFlth •: 1 two steel i engravnge. 1,7"-rir.4t, The Way .to Lira. By ' - s' ' 'l. The Smitten Household; or, Thoughts for the Afflicted, 85 Praying and Working 1.25' The Fourth ilk9hikotglallifiillkuci Jiiiitiasned„. 1.70! The Iron Pinnace ; or, Slavery and Secession...----. .1.00, „The Life of our_Lord : niinn-Marth, . .. ... ' Sacrainental W. ...... - 1.25 , Santornn ibe'llebrew Menutains .... 1.00 tThe Higher Christian Lifd. Bola - dins - a CaroliunPerthes, the christiantWtfe Illpstratinns. , 8 400 ; ii 911kisons'ii the Ti th es: B y sereial of Vartoui Biros itai Yi( i. » Family Biblewith Notes- IFaaiilyTestain with Noteii."l. jlornething.for. We We have also on hand many small, books and trachbesolta., 1 " t° r 4 «.),t11,134wv-r, I t t t d ,t k t lntrt°S ta tO t t. t.,°Z e llab. • *Sidi 81 Books. JOHN CIILBEOIO4, tibrerian kbl64f WAVER FEILMESEMINARY. I #fit ,r,JELl.AitbialJ3AN,ebtill, Sal Ili. REV. D. A. CUNNING.ILAR,. . • . REV. - 0..4'. ODMAlnffolliD;:teW *iT TlOsi§eatittarn - formerly:owned . axe acenttlodArrllare•Ail 'lt Wain, P a ttiteeiG.b.otthtly•stßrxeEcerort e tboroaktitY relltherand fnrn ihed;andyill op_ -the' receTpUori . rof !foxing , laiiiiii•Ve . MONDit',iiiL :o„ '031: MA ettrps ohil'eachers tatagdielededi, irfl be present at the opening of the term. - IiAYEP• FO,B'T•E. 4 1 d•PF RANATPIDIMOniatiV+ . , Board and ro o m ' fßildskted,4, lB .oo,-4 4 1,140•AutpliVIII: pair of sheds, idllow- slips, a blanket, an'd th eir . ork ;,4316,. $38.90: Ligtit and luel,t extek. '"-WeatirigcBo cente.per . Tuition, from. $4.00 tozs7.oo.,:Latin, Itranch, and' Gainan,, onntiss.oo.,.lmAc, aoltank,owstiospf,ppiwirig , gat*. Ink, tanibt, fot: whf eh the' usual 'ratio will be chirged. ! ~ :Yor:furtiter, i nfornnititiniaddrinia4 Directore,; • ;E„A, ~I AL T EALY .V ESiii.E;;;ANßillee t - NO4lC4lllOlle, ;Froaration 'PEIRE- TONIC MEDICINE: - *-: 0111140 RATED Ell ie. Milk Mt tilft4t=d4N3YEelt Pfigitir re) • - vEPARpm,BY , 111:4ACK8ON, , Pitilatleiphikkl WILL EFFECTUALLY<TURE MISIL - TOPIFItikINT, IV; SIA, I.SI4IIICK Pro or l Hervous Debaily, , Diseases ,gen, J.lOl all , cliseasca arising, tom ta, dis .l9r6rfirciti,LiOer,:or,:,Stomach, • • . week *i ~, ea Coneti: . ' on; 'lnward • -Pflos;eBaltnese or ' _Bleezdio,thogead, Apid , 1 0 17 f ,Z,Br ii B 4 -.Y , Neir" , - q , isgust for Food, .I.l'nbiene or' fight twtheiatomach, • riC'uf,ruPP4lla,lteWlA tVzz otterthg . at" thl It of tiro totteroti, ro swimqm of the HeirdPilierfilii'aii difficult Brwattzing; Flutter- thisf_atetbeillftiertpoholtleg ..or. suffocating , iseosationei s!hell ~.DilB, l e4 B vill 0 1 1 ,:tobs or webs f the Sight,Froyer and ROI) in the' : Heed,' Delltioney of ''Poieptiatlon, • : Yellosnesi of - tho ' Sian • and: Pain, in I/aok, Monti Llmbe, itc.„Sudden • 'led; of Heat, -= Bomlpg 'in • • the;,-Eleab, . - 001Letikrit . 44491414Ligi encl - greet De . ••: : I., T i rees i on of. epir- VIKAAW4/634, Nur • NoAlcohol-DrSadfrWhiskey4 ••:- They Ina cute the above peeilere , ildnielizrilue*ii cod of lahundrect. . • Induced by,tll.9,extcnelve gale and naversal rularity, of HoottandVaprnditi Bitters , (07.1.. f ZegoAtablß, Wel eackerarid dvdoturere, hart' oPeued upon entferlng fictuanity. the flood-gate, - of lioatrinte shape of poor . gib Wray,- rilply: nomeqopied, dregs, and ebrisferied Tooke, 9 tomacticy and 1310,1 a, Beware - of the Inndolerilble array of Alcoholic :prepara tions in plethoric bottles; and ibig bellied kegs, tindiethe tnodegl!ppellation .of whichaicletcad of : curing, 014 aggp3 l leave 4:919p0t nO4 sp . ifmr In iff. ) oAlMo.^, SERA* :131ITElit I . lre.not Aaave i aridonitriell Article, btit &are stood thateatist fifteen *am trial lax the American AI tatiOn bYlllmitar,..PrVlWP.Rit: Ttie Vioffetdr4 have tbiinsande Of .Gett.iii . 4 frm thee MOM eminent• . • CLNA anißlic•• LAWYERS,PXPSICIA • , . • • , • ''AND •'.' . OZTalatieo . :' Testifylp!of,thei,r,owil mama ,knowledge, WU* del etlscts exidfuodicalv)?luuu of.yree t ßisteß., . v.'.. •i. DO you wAi..,soicenumi .TO Br44:tgal'tig n irop DO YOU'W'ANT A GOOD APPETITE ? - DO YOU. water TO-P BD= .17P YOUR ooprOtrrTeroN DO •YOU WART TO PALRL WIILL?‘ . • : • - • DO. YOU IVAN'S TO ,CIAT. RIO OP Nasus.o.uptsit • -. DO YOU WANT E NER G Y?' . DO YOU-WANT TiII3rEEP , WELIirh ••• . . - DO ,PpIIMANT,A BRISK AND:MORODB4 . PsSLINGIN .It .7ou do, use • H 00 IRLAND'ig OLIN '81 1 VT64243 - ... Prom' J. Newton Brown; D. 11., Editor of the.Bnogcwponin . qf Religions Knowled ge . . Aithqugh not fingceed; to ' favor or .reoomatialielimea IdediCinotriti gefterol,thOVloor of aloft tkligfe4PAti and effikfteflyetluow Ofiaci ()lent reason Whyainan may notleentgad tßO.bbneflf sfee himself to ttave Ft'C' 41441 from any,simple preparotteitr.thEt hope that he onlaii. thus 99n ritUjtO l thopobt ofe t'eltOgldcrtWtflmorlfeadilyiA rd to IlOolland's dertna_p Bitters, Orshiareil by Dr. C. hf..J*ltiton ttiia'.catyTtieilinfe LvtatwrejlfltcedAgaippt them for, many, years, =derail,* Impression that ~ ,they_wore Chiefly an alcohnltomixture.-..1. am cmfabted.t.ti my friend'Robert Shoemaker, Etiq.;:for the removal:Ord& Preiudic:e 1 7 . proper tioticrad for enentirlige ingot try.thion, witafti,eußfritlß rrotoilfretat. , andlimag Cow. tinned debility. ,T epee of three ,I? ot tys ot,Slime,Bityler‘a,t the tieanni ng of Die present' year, was followochy evident relief,otnd restoration tow degree of bddily and mental vigor which,l, had not felt, fqr six menthe . , before, And had Ja m mit deopplr,ed„of . , rugaiping. I therefote Aback God and ,nty friend for directing inc to the win of theta, '7. NEWTON - BROWN. , .?artgAtßticit., June 23, 3861. BEWARE OF 00IINTERIMET_ S. — Bee that the signature of 0 0. M. JACKSON," is on-tie InWFP/ °fflaCil battle. Principal Office and lanufacteTy, No. 611 • •A'relCBtreet, • JONES 4 - A:NS, oiliccemora N.. m. 0 1,4) Sir ?or sale b 7 Arugghge andT m ai r e. • sep27-ly WK. B. Agt93ll#,VEVAi NEW 14 . 7 . :11.;Micit f, , ,t1.9p41.. 07 PM,4114:0441,3 , .• , NEW7VCIAA.., ..,„ , •tratva-X!,4oFoePt.irsi:Kfziteccor.4‘.9.,mpl. . . prt.TSI3IQAMEEFEBTAWOIII4. -LEW& U?. I. C. PRREIHING, ti.li..., 1 1 , 4014 0 it. • -Best :B.4stPi!le 4 t 9,949 e- in NENZTBEN .ttendknoCks t.ye tar , Epperricklaulldin . Th p r q u iS h A l td,X l olll4l4ye coul - se lib ei , TELEGRAPHING and ORGAN RTSIO taiiiig_tit. -VORTY DOLLARS p erlienre for boirdi ,nir &c.: Fink .0411 o 201rH tAftioll tichabel.aqui4Ont for ea ogno. r m, an gll-1 y P read dent of loallfnasi.i thtsblittriatt Xi,nntr, WWEIrciiiT , NEWSIMLP KR,- :*.lilailLOV4 at Pl'Vri333tMal3; B.+ PAMI' 1111111MMINE =~~ THIS IS. '1440 -I.t.:roro.uslir.i.aritzu. • • - Plti:M2) ON ' • I kjA ! • E _ EXCALLFINT Iraq f.sls , $ -$ • . GO' •q•W il t: 111 de; • 1 1 . 3 tf l rili 4 e 11"dr E ne)-... - r ~..rrytROMPINB j;" • : * . otraitil•tbe leadfpg toptcasf the,day, bath n 'lleliglotkedigeit; " :91"..told;P°POST't filta,:s4r.tt,+arethFnitelfriV: t;' •::'• sl4ll.2Ri'.."*F°Y attention` gerignctarpec;ple4re dammed from • the &A—an Keindpoint, a nd I ther ckepieherie Ciliiii4nl charity and enlarged benevolence. ' • :/ 5 %Anon the begirenhag of ottrzpresent.blational ArclubliefiC thi ef . fki'Per'l7,lal.7ll3AUgliCiell;7lttOr P)9 l iOOIO WO , h'is~, ' high aid fparherf groondhAlavor ottlitiComititation , replerly ordafnadpover9sent, and crfth, proiarsraOot! ot: ilfe'etitegi;itiof t tiellzdol; . tittia,ncee agdded, aid 'lkea! be , Wich i 2124 1 .414 1- CAA tit of rebelplit IfirAmy quencliedi Ind ear Akiv-: ,egi!WaS4AlP.!MONgnik./.101.114.. : ' ; , " P t • ‘l2 tsda .•• qT I3 7,t•S - • •:.- •7:l4lollllPAWeenalrOlM/0300 iihkitiailawealoait.ebeabacliftwii , lit.fth ofwhfrokbum out ammetwAtimeillogirwriste. loomfoliewrimotOlM*Aurost4 l4 / 6 0* - 140,1 r--, • • • UZI . THE • 4) A VIEV3TERN - 11Thigider s ' l . 1 . • 'e:.- - wees cpmpleie'vlow Ofbneinees, opinion, i•eliglomi •• car:lcend matters and gi in gene ; NEW—ENGLOID, fr; „ ‘ • 1&: • ' - f i f ill - Y 4 4 Y.f • 6. ` 3E4! "jir b e :! °ll e llll P I VOK.fa l i fill T l AMr t " d i )111-11Txq;ePTIr (TT' ill'lTVPriVrP°7 11~ tics 9r90U.,°1_0 !N reaark ; I • • :rat !.! 1 c 7 r) ; , - g egitikk i k ; i r, .• ' 7fin C %.:Plialti r AIWFSD749 1 : 0 31 " • on mos of the berinewimsewrgers si the mpan: , • MEM •ikifealta• %,:ite ":''f? j 3 .' . ' ' .'. ',7: , .tit. 1 i M oeffittiOnAv i eeneferetipai i ts ~,1 ..„..,..,:. _..,.: ~ - iIIIME • t . ( . 41,4 ? ' 11"51 , . • . A714 1 19411!Raw)! -2,3 Dethastic and -foreign oliewsk , - 64.waga are aid 12'1)6. kid' 31(4116' itte, 'iie r 49 int the divii.o.464. unoejtaiir sit d•or;i2tii4- -ttetor4 .thit the vroacli irmieno °Di gems farayo iliostoce ilAbigintomfor oppempft mfierr, o FAA *M i d; : . =SI ....,12 . 114 , 1•••••• — ., • iri,.tdoi.r.SL 4 1 ° cirtAllifmVig MItOMIDTMs 4 7 I % WAPO °I =EI IME II 0 4 111.0Fiu4.10 •., „. ***arm reatis:44op4;t:givigglipaitWlt a ti e t- r ailantorination, &e, of iiitortiiibafitt l ige • • While at the eametinae 713081Talitehts• • - " 'E L 7. C T Ij . 411 F'S • • • '" from boqlce, magnums, Rod gaer nevi , ono4iron for • MiCiriottan, the p . irent, MO map 0961416 agd tesriiin find or the e.hildebik. IZEIMIII Maier' the • TLAIIII3 OF %%BIN AfiIMSE Pll2 IF' tor g utt o u jAktstic,4 of the Ipptmatton . ri for ' ;0 4 :'•.:! •••;,, • • • nisi paper is furnished at tke..low aatel/4.0"10,405,aa- Vim; WhPul PLO 4w,4d79,0,e; with an "Adling*Kl to Ilhotperaqn gaga& tip a Okab :Of.awarity. <s 3 so at: the end. ofttbe, NATAIO.Nime , Avis wliesk.dointred- bycarrier. • - ; 11 . . . Rik-WV. DAVI2I3-INMENINTI3M,. t; A 1 t::. i: lz, P RAS BYMBEII3SNIiANNE.Ri: :::- ' 4 r.";;•-ei.; ' , ' ',., -.:II7TBDWAIS. PA-,. . ar*NYITE VIV,VMPIAT.IOI! .(qa" •w l iAllic to the PIiiI4(2,OIMA • 46* ieping . 'Tarr fl oor son, ;,,, _ - , , - . ,... ~,, .„,,,6 ... - i . • wimp- ma; be found. a b r :x int emortnilint of all kindttof WY (Mod", required 1n Tri :k homie;lithulltiltin4: th trouble usually azperienced in Tinting such articles, in ova fioui'plsces. • In conse4um"Ceof 'tint giving on - flattantion• to this kind-of stock, to the exelpaion of dress and .fancy goo )de, We can guarantee our Yricea and stylise thiii thit•Eatfavei t . ble in the market. , • . : - •` IN LINEk*GOODS, wa.are,alAsio glee perfect tattsiaehion, •tv the pmt lb, tablithed ZArtipn Store In the city. and havingdng. been for more thatitattintf.-ffears re g u lar . iinportarkfronirsoniii* oft 'Ebaitt tueitrffAurara in Ireland. : We offer, also, a large etocAof - .. &Lt.; •.t: :' ' FLANNELS AND NIJSLINS, 'Atha best qtraffilea to / he obtained, and et the iery !mist prices. Also, Blankets, Quilts, SheetinuePriVe, Table Cloths, and Napkins, Towelling', Itg u ' ,Table anti, I t innO.Ocovers, Agniasiet,a4dl=4,Ap t and Muslin Curtanti,- Mathes, ffurianre " . -Window Egly An, *c. , - • - ,JOILNA Yi.'O 4 IWIILL AftEto.., • _ It. W. corner or Cheitnnt and s ffeventti SU., PP " ' ''• 'F'iwoin***... . .. . . _ T an i i left,4/VINSIC,,,WQRs C: e rilubileertleitinion f dalibsiti-Bial ; New ca 11144:. T4* q &ow4 / 4 1 ) 12 4.P149!i1m : 44 44* ; k af; star; Thenteitiing,ke,'A:' . * .148ztent stwooz xtritc. - • • : :t 3 abbathaohool.tin4x o ... I and 2 Veoldeniake44l: :5 ... • - • - il asivilooArit,. - .,.li.ortotrA iiiicn"&g i r g_VO Y aßlinialairift N:O:4*A . ores ew .i7,1;.f; ncirilifk....--, will 3 4Y. • *,: . ... „ — .777 ,N•Rafili r ll: l , jtjj• W G ..40,,NWIRAIL '" esermiursii; Airs 'numnires, -471 ' T Sl W a e t ll i e n d et a y now ‘ ned . 0 a oaommnu t e,4 kia'lltalifart • ' /L. V; 1. 1 . . "Erls#T I' 'l' 1 - t a " . Ipr - , . • ..._ .... 1 . . ''..... • ,y,..).:, rs,r.llVlsllg..T42t4llllslun_bil •• , AO. 64 WIWIS TtissEy Pittmi v.' ,4 1."-i .- -.-,, ? _ -, .. I ,. , 4 AiitlWhica he will be ha pp y to showto' hhi -triendet•lad .ohowisAtiagtabiv4463.atAtivasiog sidizT . ' tio the (*.approved ertyle, math-ly Ulr AIME B.Y ... '.w;~ tti ;..~. Sfi .. _.. t ':i SE=M = EMIE POST-GrRADITATE CLASS FOR LADIES. The Rev; DS . ..ALDEN, late President of Jefferson College, proposes to give a course of Instruction to a Class of Young ladies who have finished their School Education. He will meet t h e Class-one hour a day, four days in the week, from the first of November to the first of May. No text-books will be used; but, in connexion with the discussion of topics •referenotwwill be made to the best authors, for the beneUt those members of the class who have leisure for readin g The course will be condueted in such a manner, that those who can command one hour daily, can secure all its advan tages. Dr. A. will endeavor, by questionings and oral dis cussions, to lead his pupils to perceive truth for themselves, An.experience of more than • quarter of a century spnit I n teaching, has convinced him that be can best benefithis p u . -pHs by placing them face to face with truth, without ths agency of books.. Words cannot ; then, be cattily mistaken for fhiup. Special attention will be given to the expression of thought by word'and pen. - • ,it Is presumed that the members of the proposed d u , liavh acquired,. finis 'the study of books, such a degree of mental „discipline and such knowledge of facts as will ten. tier' the:lh prepitrid'for the higher grade of Instruction suited to the most advanced class in college. -4- Thefolloiring Mildecta will receive attention: I,l•o:l4ooTOst. , Psittesornr.. Mast Peunicmsr. -14.passwartze- erJima:Tomo AND Carr/crest ABD REMILSE LITEJUTERLE, • 4::POIXIICAL'PELf.OBOI.IIT,'IncIifing PRINCITUSB or Gevriasxzwr, -• • •PRISCIFLEB;OIF,LRGISLATION, Cossrrrwrsos or THE trZllllLDfitsrxs, . :POtisttCAL Bkloll4iiY,' INTRANATIONLL Law. :16. - Nastiast Tiriotooti - • - 6. EVlDgfferS 01 Ottittriat!rry. ""in'these - tenies, the pupils will be led, as far as may be, .perrelvistrath.for,thaisselyss. . At the dose of eich'exercise, Dr. A. will 'remain to criti oise,an.essaypteperadtby.is member of the class lie will /tilsio - he - ready, at all times, to give advice as to reading and other departments of.tisintalleftd: .• . • ."TER:I4B. I -$lO6 foithe'Cotirse; payable 860 November la, sand 860;M4 +4 •• • • •• • Applies:Has can be made io Dr. Alden, N 0.48 Union Square, or. to nAiden Esq.; 40-Pine Street , _ • et:o •wlttesatinustion in which the enter. Prise Is held, by dhainguilbed citizens of New-York jiik l Efsphitss H. i ; Bettor of St. George: • • Thelda ri w dan and ovule eminently deserve and meet !Thy -App dittleinelj 611cl:dated to prepare the young ladies, to sytiontic refers, for the highest usefulness and thermusettUkuleil bagifieirs'of ilk?' I believe Dr. Alden to be highly, qualified to s s . vqrk ;slit the plan he has proposed, with a ,,,s ete e e ; • '• • • • 'STEPHEN H. TYNG. !••I r• ' From Wet. C. Bryant, Esq. I am,glad to learn at the.. Rev. Dr. Alden is about to on. intitru city, of a chum of youn g la certain brsoiches to.,the mom advanced ow' of 'eilutit'sliorit tied inetteluag principles by which ones tiops„rehign,g,to thisurpo i rtaut interests of society are iletided.' I have is L iery'hitti opisZins of Dr. Alden, both as a man and as,an.instrof tor, Tbeektentand exactness of his 'ltitsilmninis; `hieclearnesS end - racility of communication. ani udi k kindly manners,,saulneilificatious of a high order; Mint lie adds tollinlitlOne Of inestimable Value: that of talang a profoundAnteriler4n the, Mask of instruction, and placi ng 'hid amid tfiln in tee and saccessfulf nomination of kat/al .'s:fps:3 The oppocto a ulgy of f being, taught by such a man-se engoired, so. experienced, And so distinguished in his v tort is not ofteskprgeepted„ to young ladies Anywhere, teed rainnot doubt that many wilt make liege to tate ed. ; 3 2 11 4age pf • ft. Irwiltlie*,firsorable• symptom of the state of ante ilhOuraci and the love drisactal knowledge in this Comelll - pp. Wld. C. BRIAz T. • • 7.a. Prom - Citas , Pr e s ident ent of Cbiumbia Cbliege , l'' - Dr.Aldect/propikeeititerlarnillindjast : rue : a Class of Young Ladies, who, having plumed throughthe elementary parts uf. education. may desire to preliesid t ta Some higher culture. Dr. Alden is thoroughly oapahle—hae the benefit of much Ceixperience atiateaChert'-mid theenthitaissm in his vocation which peg eta s enthusiasm , a nd aloonsures success. , •' • • ' CH. RING. :sPriaset .114,4 Acsacißerills,vl4:l).,tEE:H.; •Ckancelfor of the University of the City of New-York. :1%1 regard if Melina ciabli'Maitiriaportant events in the de , Eartmentof education, thmetAighert °Mille of mental train :l4 beoffird to'yonnt lieliet4 who' have coinple. lad the usual Academic studiee, by Dr. J. Alden, President at Jefferson College. No man within the range of my ammaint, am* is Isptter likted/timp httto mcptoptigh, what be propoeo aucciemilaa - suffeient guarantee et eosin dounis,,itigether.new,;effort In our city. moat heartil y commend the inatter to my lady friend& . 13./Si • i'.l! 7 f:, FERRIS. 11"111'."/"racl4kaskr VA( Ness -Tore ' • Acajeft • • I have examined, with pleasure, a pima ipropoeed by the Bev. - Dr. I Idon, for a nate course of instruction for ;Iplac.fadinofebi sillaide Mt excellent one, and, carried irat'undei the personal supervision of Dr. Alden, one Oat ..41P,41011 pliltosepluomplhdistingialsbateducators in this country, cannot fa lit proving highly,heneficial to three who u glte, ottsiliategps . / °this instruction. . . HORACE WEBSTER. Prone Roe. IL Neatens Prise 4 Senior Editor of the . !1•;?`' , :i7,...4 4, It Lea given me much satisfaction, to bear that the Rev. Dr. . t demistebouttoonter uptinttlatawarle"oftEducation in this city. Est cornea from the preeidekcy of Jefferson College, histiflielniebeenOsuirieialyinie - MTitsfeil in-ell :relations, ing compelled by, the health of the family to change his real. i'V.nce. bleproikimitinslipsiSi-Vtillitmelqual hinpreeldency at Jefferson, hts , .ttiged i a wide and well.eprupd, reputation eltaYeacher, ( aMnWning iifdt'th - bronglilarid varied scholar ship,..l peculiarly, faciht,Agenial,euld page ing, method of ina lilerh4e miltig the Pip/term of faience easily Auteitigilliv t9,t.b.,yovottg 4 .andvridiring‘the abstruse stud ies etHe Nigher 'ffiferrtrislitekaf rM - ngs . yelifiesant pursuit. leegTyl Ist tetlti FrittrieWd t irti t te ra bc t i c 7 a . lit ' n " m e ltl e rtiLt eg r4C;;l:bi i rt i = c ip u rti ure e n u t u a d irl MT a?Yr4I T Rev waTtariff4./Ffi,tor.fiffhe 7.; .fromitar coißlailisnbecribito all that my Mead Wilma has 11 1.0, 1 4:14PIT'dirl#400 1 -litudgiatri B e: , • vs% BRIGHT. e• 1 , , ati Picas Wm. Adams, DA., Bfitsitor of the Ala di , sen Square - •nlibturbintrsan Church: • Hays wat confltlein aet a„aumelefnl • - Sher y`l cheerfully cosamiled :to '&0, noldise of my Mends .41 : project as statedmhove., •. W. ADAMS_ • .e • • ..• " • ;1' '• • ../i:.eola Rev. Thos. E. Perini/ye, D.D., the Pat :-..4. - itors of thrlnleyinGoDiasfe fikurch. . ;,,Iltaye . long,pptaptcquaitatnduipoDr.,Alden, and have long 'regaidv4 Etta tealine`of - eier'most able - thorough f nFtruc, torte latthes,olputment, to which,he hat devoted himself, as Preitidentlit 4ris3t;i4ol2'Cfollege; De' tug think, onso Trued. Th.egaiti,/01 - 41L ,Ypung Ladies ' Post a itate - ClassUoVera that departinent, 'and mat have no Aolltit,that dkickgthfixilr4pd vat wit&hfßicinaY, and will be of eitik4Tiefedvatt!eige tortibife wliN may avail themselves of u• , , • • e YEW/MYR. o4tf - ."* • • I ,•,. , 'CHR_ lP t P i• l A 1 0_ A . YD MELODEONS 137 , ": . 'AA Afl. 1B A.) 1:VOIAPI B 8 . : 4.4 01 41480R 1 014it0,..-rganayn, only two - ears - of_ ~ ... ' .*:......--.«...-.....4..... _ ro c llO L19 5° 1 1. 7 1.: 1-i°9 ll lißlanpyirlfiaotiMv.e, very little worl9 14 sol 00d,,dr. 4 oatmo z ,. , Chictorin, ~ 11..,Piano, In Bret race 150 tA irtrit= e t , Art% 1 0 11110 , made e by one of 175 A-11Aott?otkr<1 4 .1:tcmve ispri&Plano, made by Gilbera . .Bearim - mir tri. tscor. ~,..., Pjant 4 Cw.sPiano, a very us A I M alfoitony 6 octa.,WO-P1ZL0,...b....y41.8t00314,7iii1;;;;;;71 'atom -.. ' 48804tagotly • daavair lano,lNct*-Yorksstake.-.....-- 85 ,A 'Walnut Lftee Piano, 6 octave.-........ 7 5 retadaadang, tkattta* Llt , ndßittito, in gotal order.... AS Ajinhopipoy, 53,4 octave Plano-....... 20 ... , -..%,:`pag. ',., 6 ~a .‘t , ..,.., Al Ill6 .l : s l:=B, Thia n i l i alt ale; ,Me rat lodeon, 6 octave, im . ado . by 70 AAtotowood, piano atyle r delodeon, 5 octave, Ont;l - e . b; i- Warl . m.riti....,.:- • ' T : .... S :.".::..t.ii.......-. ~,ltoryoNißsiyet,iieituitti;mt g e , iTi biTriistrt......- ' , A itik.i.VT '- . '- ' 101111 R. WRILOR, • ' 343 " 41, • 1 - , - :tNorn,Wood- T rogoa, Pittsburgh. CIA . :LELAlttiEl ill .. - TI; AUL, ME - • • aney and - Ebonomy, BusPABB 42 iTirlell'ILLIIMINATING 011,3 now is market. it will burn in selles _of coal oil lamps. Is PeP s - nAio odor. Manullictored and for sale by . • . ' ' ~~~ 1 '~ ! ~11 . , . . NEST int.A.N 11 CH'lOll SCHOOL . . 3 g.takwierip , tsiktus. Buttes rearmed September Bth,. 188' . 2. The ACCOMITI 3 - tioneterVgYARIIING P17P.118 are equal to soy in the .'sl 3 I . lnrise of instruction thorough. Pupils received at ally ,agelgepariu iry entitling the Rtgit School chores. TERMS,har per . quarter. Por Oreille* Mitre. P. DONLEATX . LONG, A.M., Principal. !i' • JoionytehorrylLypooxfog Co- Pe. , . • ' . 4 !.... , ASia , 1. . A . 11; . - , ( e .a 3 C l' 4 we ,I - ..; : i. 1 : f: ) ti ..i 4 • I: •.: . . 0 P I EcOPIIM_ TROCHES, . I.9 rtliWnlealail . Belief and certain Care of - - Uallitont.ticlettilisientzti, knittnta, lionrse.. ,: * • PeillK Xr.,- 110 , 1 1.1kilti.Atkpitit ) , Catarrh, Bros " comi;viateiilr ttienthlnkc. - 'Sore Throne, '.• ' .. . - ...Etc?) .:Iglt RELIEF I l ir/aRWITAD EICTE34 MTNIITEd , Vor 141i:tinter*, linbic 4;e/than, and Singers, aerie TROCHES ere inclisplnmhtefoirOesting and Strength ening the Voice, Remcrrineiliareenese, etc. ill The .ea4o with: wiuth . tiioy are taken-being r 1 eairiird'in the Inticket, regal -Fug no " preparation, '"`" 1- 1, ;ITlaiks c 7PA n . 1 4 I iig lEccitwonak i.6004 i tt rkmu liabie t t o o t tati most ge in c a - -/ISib ct 3 pattintkearaMivd,bila WM:lent recommen d 'tiOn to in io'ilie them i fair trial. . ' ••• xtr ibe.kacsiicteiras - ,*.Nibr "sox. AGENTS : 15. e.. L-a,w-,,.& C u , , 1L.1.. Paanatecii &Go, K. - ‘......- ' ' ilizanxeson a Ban, • ii yi,li • / .StiTll . " ( fai t ir jl9l ' l4.. .! Pragi. . , r ..,.._., N P--"r )p-üBLIcATioNs Oil The Presbyterian Board of Publication, --- ~ „....: 821 Ofiestmet Mart, Philadelphia: *Bilikeienlinzl: - NiiitBT EINER 9.0151 0 - .5 2 linri r s•P A2 , 4o AMA& vim CEFFENTLICILEN U N ' CNN . rr,tch'4l6`cil'imbrularch;talidcke• rtaanrir:olf, Vol.,the i li s eform p ed rice P o rot , ;: : : , t et; r . ` , f 4 . • • M° ' *7"114 § 441413435 4, KINDXFL-HARFE FUR CBSISTLICUE BCHULEN. • ‘ 4llB ebbatlt , Bogool Hymn Book, containing 197 11Yo nF ' with /grutte on each page., 232 pages. Price '2.5 cents. tie:FACTS I , OBD I ETTERS, Nos. I and 2; each t& containinj. o:Ppre Lenfiets for nee in Letters. Price per P 6c. ' Coa SOLDIERS' SERUM, No. 2. Containing 21 New Tact , i° 8 7) 1 1 1 PPer. Price 15 cents. 'HA'S& ird 'give in press' number of new Sabh 2ol c 4 will 084141 during the Sprint'- ''. 'Please address' orders tO' /•‘ 1 .1:•••• 4 '..:r • • - WINTHROP SAROSIt. tibill-tr W. V,OWN, Business Corm
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