Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, December 14, 1861, Image 1

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    J. ALM ....
Editors and Proprietors.
5080C0.11,710318 $1.50
Caxsa 1.26
TWO DOLLARS, we will mead by mail seventy number
w Our Itottett, thirty-three numbers.
derv,souding WI subscribers and upwardly will
, reby entitled to a paper without charge.
lowaleshon hi be prompt, Utile before the year expires
I payments by late hands, or by mall. •
t alj /otters to DAVID ACKINNIII' a CO.
Pittsburgh, re,
ISIBRS:. EDITORS :—ln these times of
), war, and carnage, it does the heart
.experimentally to know that kindness
affection still exist. While heads, and
ts, and bands are busily engaged la
iding fortthe wants and comfort of our
.err, at the same time the humble,patt
andthis family are not forgotten. ' For. -
and the success of their t cause,
test prayers from full hearts ascend
to the throne of grace, an'a. , repeated
of kindness show that their temporal '
Tests occupy a prominent place in the
ts and affections of, th4b: mo o . , Th e
,er can say,that_slieli ja ; his, experience .
'g the eople -of his charge. Ever
my a , meet& an ' the caigregation of
c i
tysville, they haVe-roanifestedih*kied
ts by repeated and increasing donations
many articles suited to the.wants of the
ily. In these naanifestatibne, young
old have abounded. But on last
Leksgiving day the , stream, t' like the
.dan, overflowed all its banki. Every
was kept a profound secret from, our
'es and family, until after service, when
led wagons were seen ,approaching the
Sc,t accompanied only by a few young
, and not until they stopped at the door
'33 their designs known. They brought
gifts of affectionate donors. Grain,
ir, groceries, fruits of the choicest kind,
)ed every department in the-family : was
;ely remembered—not even forgetting a
portmonnie, filled with silver and gold.
a useless article was given—each as
table in its place as the money could
been; and to crown all, they were the
will offerings of kind and generous
rts. May the. Lord reward each donor
tousand fold in this life; and in that to
3, place on eaoh head a crown of un
.ng glory. ALEX. MOOARRELL.
Claysville, Nov. 30, HU
21 Chestnut St., Phila., December, 1861. f
the Ministers and Metnbere of the Pres-
Iwterian Church:
DEAR BRETHREN :—A. vast and. most
lortant work has, in the providence of
', been placed before his Church, and
almost every conceivable motive, she is
led to undertake its speedy and earnest
, formanee. I refer to the work of bring
the truth of God to bear upon the
ads of those who have gone to fight the
;ties of our beloved-•country. Half a
Ilion of soldiers, and many thousands of
lors and marines, have placed their lives
jeopardy in her defence ; and no Chris
, will fail to desire that they may each
all be supplied with such religious
and tracts as may be best..adapted,
God's blessing, to convert and save their
le Presbyterian Boa - vi of Publication
provided just such books and tracts.
the Catalogue of the Board's Publi
,as may be found at least thirty or
works admirably adapted to form a
try for the camp or the ship. Besides
le, the Board has recently issued, for
express use of the soldiers, several ex-
eat works. " The Soldier's Pocket
" (price five cents,) has, within a few
:ks, been circulated by tens of thou
is in various portions of our •: great
So has the 44 Soldiers' Series" of
(price ten. cents " The Sinner's
tol re, an admirable card, especiallyuse
in hospitals; sheet hymns; sheet music,
. These have been received, wherever
'culatcd, not only gratefully - , but most
Letters are now coming every day from
officers, and others, most urgently
uesting us to forwarclpackages of these
•ks for distribution among the soldiers in
camps and on shipboard. From- the
ititude of these• letters -I-beg the privi
;e of submitting , to the reader extracts of
very few, which he may regard as sem
of them all..
The following is from a chaplain at For
is Monroe, Virginia I have constant
lioations for religious'books and tracts.
great many here feel tenderly on the
)ject of religion,,and on the part of all
;re is a willingness to hear read on the
)ject. Indeed,' reading matter is so
-cc here, that religious booki.and tracts
ld be read as a pastime in leanre 'hours.
iy feel that in view of the dangers to
qi they are exposed, it becomea , them to
.0 earnest heed to the things p'ertairting
their everlasting state. Can low , not
fish rue with some of your small bool's
d tracts?"
Tire next is from a clergyinan in the
tte of New-York :—" Please send me' a
kage of small books and tracts, to be
'ibuted among, soldiers. I can put
to immediate use. At Elmira are
iral regiments,, and we have in .my town
nucleus of a regiment which is rapidly
Mr. Q-, (for some time' a
iporteur of your Board,) is connected
th the force here, and will, con (more,
tend to the work of distribution. I have
.eady given him all the tracts I have.
nse send a good proportion of The Sol
r's Pocket-Book. I have examined a
yy of it, and prefer it to anything of the
d I have seen."
The chaplain of the United States Naval
tdemy, which is now locaied at Newport,
de Island, thus prefers hip repeat for a
ly :—" Would there be any possibility
;cuing a contribution of your books,
tble for a youth's library, on board the
to Constitution? I have a nate nu-
is oft library of religious books for the
a n
iship, and wish to get more.' In: no
cc would the books be more likely to do
We have now one hundred and
lads.on board, and, in a month, will
two hundred and twenty. They are
Py for something to read. On Sab
time hangs heavy on their hands, and
would read religious books, especially
;raphies, with avidity. I know the
,rd is greatly in, need of funds, and if
.cannot fovor us, I will not murmur; but
:opi pan, I will be very grateful for a do
on, and so will the officers. A.Jarger
wtion of, the midshipmen than ever
.e are now from Presbyterian families.""
c plain of a regiment now stationed
Miniey ,Waihingtop, to whom a
of books , and tracts had been sent, thns
tes : " The box of books and tracts, so
.ally donated by the Board to this regi
it, is most gratefully acknowledged. It
material aid: increasing my sphere of
E:ulness incalculably. The distribution
these precious little messages of good : .
' and grace, procures ,fort., me readily: an
late access to nearly :thousand men )
affords suggestive occasions for pastoral
urt, Car beyond my anticipation. The,.
,/tier's Pocket-Book is, fuse ehe ekw
supply of 4.Pak!,.91/PROYA e,
For the Preebytenen Banner
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VOL X. NO. 13.
have .copstant applications for it. , In C01..'
P—'s reginient. of New-York volunteers,
(encamped' close ti us,)" 'a large number'
:could be haPpily distributed, if I could
furnish them.. The Soldier's Series' of
Tracts, admirably selected and published.i
by the Board ; I find are actually worn out,
as', they pass. front one reader to another.
iltindreds . of men, Ihnozo; are' reading and
re-reading,' and 'pondering a fir 'larger'Pdr-
tion religidus truth, by reason' of these
inatrumentalities, camp, than they. did
t in
r all their lives before... Can all this, pre
cious seed be lost, think you ? Indications
of immediate good, in manners and morals,
.I 'have alreadylwieneSSed, heart has
been filled with jey,:by, having seven- men
from different companies 'come -to me, after.
reading the ;.apt , suggestions Of the ' Sol
dier's Po dket ,. Bbok waking direction as to
a place for:private devotion: . - For my own
and the neighboring regiments,' a large-
supply of yont German tracts and s - little.
books are needed. -Th'e supply .1 had, ran
out directly: Constant applications are
being made- to me for 'German books."
There. itire many Germans' 'in each of - the.
regiments here, affording a most favorable
opportunity for the circulation of 'evangel:
ice" truth among theth. -
The, happiest instriiment for good that
you bestowed uponnie, 'wit§ the large pack
age of the Sabbath School Visitor.
beautiful type, the pictures ; ' the printed
tunes, the shert agreeable - . stories, Arid
especially 'its neWspaper' forni, • render it
most acceptable. The men who were On
guard when I distributed' the•papers, called
op me, direetly after tbey'were:relievedi , for
That paper, with the time, sir.' Do send
ins a large Supply, of them, from month
month,' if ' the means of the 'Board, will
" The Afirurch has: . wide field in - the
army, .and a rare opportunity for attempting
a liberal sowing of good seed.. She ought
to keep our Board abundantly supplied
with `means, just 'now; or 'the opportunity
may be lost, 'and worse, the. tares may be
most,thickly sown. Camp vices, after the
war is over, would then, like, the scattered
seed of the pestiferous thistle, be inevitably
carried to
, a million of homes to propagate
soul-destroying sin. May there be no lack
0f'90,2 seed for this sowing. ''Every Con- ,
:tribution holever small, will !enable , yen
to furnish some 'soldier with> that which
may. save his soul. The chaplains will
trudge along the ridges of the field, scatter
ing this 'good Seed,' if - you will only fill
therewith' their seeks tin the' field." •
Perhaps the most Urgently important of
all our army fields just now, is Kentucky.
A clergyman, in that State, who is at work
for our Board, writes as follows :—":I have
made appeals, to a censiderable extent, to
brethren and churches in Our State, for the
soldiers. • Still, the great armies of the
whole country seem to be fast collecting in
this State. The soldiers really clamor and
beg for religious reading, and ought, with
out delay and folly, to be supplied. Ought
not our Board, as a matter of duty, as a
matter of privilege, to do, its share ? Em
barrassed by civil war throughout our bor
ders, with these immense, armies dividing
and covering the State, our own citizens
cannot possibly do as much here in this
work as ought to be done. Then, again,
the great body of the soldiers here are from
other parts of the country, and ..Christian
sympathies can be .there most naturally
awakened for them. I could do almost any
amount of work among these men, with but
little cost. What shall I do? How lunch ?
How can the Presbyterians and others in
the regions whence these soldiers come, be
reached, and induced to .do their share in
this great and neediest of. all the Christian
works now set before us je the whole
" We are in daily expectation of great
battles here. What we do we must do
These are only specimens. of the appeals,
of whieh, as has been said, dozens are now
coming to us from every part of the land.
But what is the Board to do ? It is now,
and has for months past, been making do
nations i of- books , and tracts in amounts
greatly exceeding its receipts: Nearly two
millions of pages of tracts, and many thou
sands of volumes, have been given away.
One, hundred and fifty thousand soldiers
and sailors, at least, have received gratui
tous religious reading from the Board. Its
reactirces are nearly exhausted. Mast it
cease' from this work ? .We now send
forth this earnest entreaty to our churches,
large and small, and to the, patriotic and
Christian men and women in those
chnithes, and beg them to come to
oar help. Oh! compel us not to say
to these soldiers ,and sailors, to these
officers and chaplains, " Oar means are en
tirely exhausted; we can give'you no more
books and tracts." Send ie your contri
butions, largw or small, fei - this bleSsed
Let all contributions be sent to JAMES
DUNLAP, Esq., Treasurer, No. 821 Chest
nut Street, Philadelphia.
a.;;:'' Corresponding Secretary.'
, Pulpit Edhetics.
Tithe are two ways of regarding a ser
mon ; either as a human, composition or a
Divine message. If we look upon it en
tirely as the first, and require our clergymen
to finish it with their utmost care and learn
ing, for, our better delight, whether of, ear
or intellect,-we Shall necessarily be led to
expect much formality and stateliness in
its delivery,, and to thiplc that all is-,not
well if the pulpit' has not a golden, fringe
round it, andia goodllicushion in 'front of
it, and if the sermon be not fairly written
in. at black book, tole' stnoethed upon a
cushion in a majestic manner'before begin
ulna— all this we shall duly come to ex
pect;, but we shall at the same time con
sider the treatise thus prepared-as some
'thing to which it is `our duty tO' listen
"without restlessness for half an helix or
three quarters, but which,;' when that duty
has :been decorously performed, we may
, dismiss from our minds in happy confi
dence of-having another whenever it shall
be necessary.
• But if once , we begin to regard_ the
preacher, whatever his faults, as a. mensal
with a message to us which is a matter of
lite and death whether we hear - Or refuse;
if, we look up - on Turn as set in charge over
many spirits in _danger of ruin, and having
allowed him but an- hour or two in the
seven days to spear`Wthorn ; if iveittlake'
some endeavor to bcinceive how precions
these hours ought ito be to him, a small
vantage on the side:bf .God after his flock
have been 'exposedlor six days together to,
the full weight of the wilrld's temptationd,
and he has been forced tonratch, the thorn
and the . thistle springing in their hearts,
and to.see what wheat had been scattered
there Snatched from the wayside by, this
wild bird and the other, and at : last, , when
breathless!and weary with the week's tabor
I they give him this interval of irrip,erfect
and, languid. hearing,_ he has but thirty
Minutes to, get at the separate . hearts
their of
e all
thousand, men,. to,i convin4 tem (if
e4mePeeer shame thPn i :frop,a).l
their isles .to man them, of
dangers, to try by this. way and that to ,stir
'the . hard fastening of those doors where the
Master himself has stood and knoekednnd
yet none has opened; and to call at the
openings of those dark streets where Wis
dom-herself halt stretched forth her hands
and, no man regarded—thirty minutes to
raise the dead in; let us but once under
stand and feel all thii, and we shall look
with -changed eyes-upon 'that frippery 'of,
gay &nature „about the placer from which
the message-of judgment ; must be. deliver
ed, which , either• breathes upon the hones
that ibey may, live, or, if ineffectual, re
mains recorded' in - condenination 'perhaps
against the utterer and listener alike, but
assuredly against one of them. We shall
not so easily bear with the silk and gold
upon the seat . ef judgment, nor with
m the of oratory in the .mouth'of the mes
senger; we shall wish that his word* may
be simple,. even when they are sweetest,
And the place. wherelie speaks like , a mar
ble rock in the desert, about which. the
people have gathered in their thirst.
Ruskin. •
• -lecWd.]
'Prayer lot the Nation.
Ronmbly, 0 God °!' before thy throne
Our contrite hearts and spirits,bow ;'
Teach us to feel:that love:alone .
Prompts ,thy ,chastising,rod, e'en nova•.:
In daYs gone by, which'tried man's souls
By blood,,by fire, and dark dedpair,
The orossiwhieh then our fathers bore,
0 God! now help their sons, to bear.
• In this - darkluour fill thou. eachleart
With, holy 'faith ; and courage true ;
With love of country fire ,eaoh bteast ;
In freedom's cause our strength renew,.
Preserve to us our 'naticon,' Lord! *
Cast us. not: off, nor hope destroy ;
Behold the waiting millions, now, , , i
Who,loolc,to us for freedom's joy.
In coming years may we Itgairi, '
As in years.past. we oft have-done, .
Come to thy temple, Lord, with thanks
For thy great help in triumphs won..
And as we reverence those mho gained
Our glorious heritage , of fame,
So may the nation,,agesthence,
Our mem'ries bless, and praise thy name
Loup Diasoft , s DAY—THE FREPABATAGNS . rTHA PRM E MBT"'" , "
. • LONDON, Nov. 16, 1861.
LORD MAYOR'S DAY, the 9th of Novem
ber, is emphatically an institution of' the
city proper, stamped with the - seal , of cen
turies, and in , spite of its intrinsic gew-gaw
character and the loss of a whole day to
business men, occasioned• ~by its Annual re
currence, is alike' historic and suggestive,
in connexion with the growth of popular
liberty, and the curbing of the power of
kin g s. This year the day had two special
and novel characteristics; .the first being
the presence in . ,theprocession,of,a guard
of honor to the Chief Magistrate—not, as
in past times of a troop of ' the Horse
Guards from Whitehall, but two powerful
bodies of city volunteers. One of thesels
composed of young men of business; the
other, • of working men; both in an admi
rable state of discipline. 'Along . with
theta were mustered those embryo soldiers,
the " cadets "—fine = boys, or little men,
from fourteen to sixteen years of age, who
are dressed precisely as are the volunteers.
themselves, and who elect their own officers
as well I As the lamb in due time becomes
the sheep, so in contrast' to this meek' de
velopment, the volunteer cadet becomes the
volunteer soldier, and thus afresh supply
is secured ,to that band which stands• ready
to repel, any rude invader. Lord Palmer
ston, in his speech at Guildhall, could not
help saying a word in this sense with re
gard to the volunteers; but the rest of hi's
words, like thoseuf the: American Ambas
sador, were singularly free from warlike
alhisions, and full of enlogiums on the
blessings of peace and good will. Never
theless there was an underlying conicious
_nese, as it were, in the, breasts of those'who
spake and those who listened. The Amer
ican Ambassador ignored, as far as silence
could do, the existende of civil' war 'at
- Hme, and spoke admiringly of our . Queen,
4liss, Nightingale—our poets and philan
thropists, as being regarded by Americans
as their property as well as ours. And
right well did he discourse on the honesty
and truthfulness which ought to charac
terize diplomatists. But after all, neither
he nor the crowd at the splendid Guildhall
banquet, could forget that blood was flow
ing, that a black cloud lay upon the future,
that Lyons had been 'writing Seward; and
Seward had been smartly replying to Lyons,
, that diplomatists were not, usually candid,
And that as for Europe, Louis Napoleon
was still the arbiter on whose fiat—per
haps ominously muttered forth on New
Year's day—depended , :the , fate of Italian
liberty, and the great-question of a general
European 'conflagration.
The second peculiar feature of this pearls
.Lord Mayor's day, ,was found in the :.fact,
that the, Chief Magistrate tvho rode so
grandly in that richly gilded coach with
all his glittering train, and who went- fiat
to , Westminsterllall ,to be'sworn inhy-the
Chief Baron,, (after a.fiattering genealogieaa
and biographical portrait, drawn, by,_., the
learned Recorder of the City,) and then
came hack in the afternoon to in.eside' at
-the feast...As rare peculiarity, I say; of the
Alay was, that Alderman ,Cabitt , ,was Lord
Mayor a, second lime. Thefact-was, •that
his wealth enabled him, to meet the.,
better. than Most Aldermen, (and
these are at the - leaat,',' in ordinary, years,
,ZIO,OOO each year;)' which 'must inevitably
be, incurred next year—the ainus.mirabflis
.of the Great Exhibition—mhen strangers
,of high degree will be in ourmidst, and
the Mansion House, with its noble Egyp-
Iran Hall, will become a hariquetinglouse
for the elite of all nations. .
.But let us , mingle with the crowds that
Jiue,,the streets on -Lord Mayor's day.
The rand procession = with the • men in
armor, banners and bande, Volunteers 'and
city Companies, the Lord Mayor and
Sheriff's 'carriages, with all the Aldermen
in. succeasion,--passes about, noon'. down
gh e p ; p B io n , ;.l .which to-day,. is sanded ,and
,ravelled,. t c he a usual ,tipsiness traffic being of
course:fOrbidden ,and sUspended. __Each
- side numbers"of'ali`ages,
and the windovis ciflahops -and warehouses
':are filled with;ladies: and; their children-4
the , latter in great ,delight , with the
"Show." As . soon, as the Lord Mayor's
Carriage . and its train have passed
by a`l:fondon • reab of '"roughsu—thin.,
wiry young fellows---flock into the • middle
of , the, ,, stNo , ,e,, and . amuse ; themselves:, by
", 4 :boimeting," one another t ,notsparing the
hat of the - honest "rils"tic,,orYeach-cheeked
farmer'frden. &Sex.' pr'Kent µ - f
Let us +keep :clear of- these '" roughsf? , and
:aver ; the,3.4oxd , Mayo - 411as far, as Audi.
gahe Hill,, step faiderito r vkat a is, called St.
Paul's church-yard---in reality a, street
outside the paling and gates of the Cathi
drat. The penple are here in 'force,' for
this is a holiday, and' they will waittill'the
L 'll Mayor comes back again.:: There - ,are
Tle\ ty of attractions and tempting ",bar
01.7 se;.e'•trofror example,
the first of several
Claims to popnlar rdo t' ard. Who `"i's her
Why, the man.'whb- last' year's Old, andial
ways sells ." gold (?) ~ ehains," ow. Lord
Mayor's Day. Listen' to him. "Look:
here," he cries, j' this is not a country vil
lage, where 'gaping rustles, can be easily
gulled; no,- nif friends, it is the iteit 'City
of London, where a jewellery shop-may be
seen every 4 second house. ' I'm here onlae
count of a wager between two ,gentlemcn,
as to the possibility
, of selling one hundred
gold rings in St. Paul's Church yard in the,
nineteenth century." The rings (of 'gilt
brass or, copper) are then displayed and
quickly sold for a penny a piece.
But who comes next? A man who.
mounts a blacking box (which he curries
with liiinyin order to Mike himself con
,spicuouS, and who-holds forth after 'this
fashion, speaking with the usual' volubility,
of the street. salesmen : " Gentlemen, you
are surrounded, by impostors ; ; y fellows
(a hit at the Preirious salesman,)" who pre-,
tend:to sell ever se many thingi for a'wat"
ger; I have come here to-day, for the , pit'r;
,pose •of .rovvarding the public,- by ;giving
away,: some spare, money::: Now,`then„. gen- ,
tlemen-speculators 1 who'll give me two`kmd 4
four pence for half a Crown." Iminettil
ately several offers are 'Made,' and he dilly '
pays the-half crowns. - He then- desceridk
.to small sums, with each offerinala premin
um such as a shillingfor tenp,ence, dowrsi
to " a pennYfor a h,a/fpciing," (what a rush!
herd of the knell boy I) " for a haliVei' i
He' does not however lose more thin &Shil
ling in this way, and: then comes his-harl
vest. ,For, .t once he produces a number
of glitteringgo/dchains, and next broaches,
with "precoous stones set
. all round
gold; and - then having quickly disposed , 'of
them at a shilling a piece, he disappears:
Be is followed. up by other .candidatesi for
favor, not forgetting <the . palterers" who
incessantly call out " a beautifal 'colored
picture," (displaying it in folds like rib,
bons,) "'of the Lord Mayor's Show-only
one penny I" ,
Thus the afternoon passes--away, and- the
people 'gather 'on the 'side paths of thh
Strand, Fleet Strect,,Ludgate,liill, Cheap
side, and , Wood Street, to see the Lord
Mayor return from ' Westminster Hall.
Next follow for an hour ind''a,-half;''the
carriages of Cabinet ministers, Foreign
Ambassadors ' West End , Magnates,: and
other invited:guests who drive up to the
Gnildhall, and then enter to take their
places, and some Of them to make their
speeches in that multitudinous company.
• DOCTOR CFLLEN is seriously alarmed by,
the small support which the B,ornish gen
try and middle clash in Ireland, gave to
the " Catholic University," and by their
sending their sons,to the -Queen's College:
He certainly gets_ the most of it in „the
battle between Constitutional liberty
led with an education fitting - young men`to
compete (and competitive examination ini-`
partially carried out is now the rule,) for
appointments in the civil service of, the.
Such bitterness and bigotry are quite in
keeping with the mission of this Papal Le.;
gate, namely, to arrest the ,progrdss of lib ,
eral ideas ; and to: dissever Reinert Calm- ,
lies from. all association
_with, Protestants.
Thus also we account for the coarse attack
made on Lord Brougham on account :of
certain statements by no means sectarian,
madehy him= at the Social Science Con
gress in Dublin ' some months ago.
The Chief Secretary is at present in.
Connaught, closely investigating the social
Condition of the people, and es'peCially as
certaining how far there is ground for the
cry of approaching . " famine,"-Which some
times is raised, by Popish priests, without
good reason, and who, as a ,class ; disgraced
themselves by their abuse of public money,
in - the famine of 184647. Thee is no
doubt that the crops of the poor'peOple iiu
nineteen regions have been well nigh de , '
stroyed by the rains, and from the -same;
cause the, peat or " turf," is not found in.
the Irish cabin. I am . sure if public} as
sistanee is needed, it will be accorded-l-,
rather that voluntary subserititions'
forthcoming from England, if the alleged'
distress is,proven to:1),e a reality. .
well knovin in connexion - with Revival ,
meetings there, : is announced• to clelivenan
address in Freemason's Hall, On "The,
Present Religious Awakening?' As . a
mentioned in forrnet letter, Sir: -
Smith delivered addresses at- ffeifeva,.durlf
ing the period' that 'the Evangelical Corr:7
ference held its sittings ; and Professor-Ia ;
Harpe acted as his interpreter. His, min 7,
ner is pecilliar, and in many respects pop
ular and pleasing. But r fear that there
is too flinch of a tte m pt e d excitement, -an&
that the distinction between the Work=of
Christ in reffirence to his justifying right;
eousness, and that of the sanctifying Spir
, „
it, are not always' sufficiently preserved,
Never t heless, in what Mr. Smith has plab
fished,. I see nothing:of this, nor the stnall
est approach to Rationalist error.
THE BISHOP or OXFORD 'is exceedingly'
Active in preaching and speaking on behalf ,
of the Society for the propagation of the ,
,He -shows no favor, to the ,Church.„-
Missioriary Society, and certainly its thor
oughly evangelical committeehave no du
fidence in .him. His eloquence is emplOyett
on behalf,of another Society, whose chief
events in the Colonies and among the hea-.
then are High 'Chtirehnien.. There are ex
ceptions to this, but only in measure. 'The
Bishop, howeier, =when he goes to speakUr'
preach in a town.where the Evangelicals,
are strong, has a sermon, or speech Wank
ted .to ple,ase,and win them; and,viee 'versa ,
wherothe " High and Dry,", or.your semi-
Tractarian Anglicans, are dominant.' Some
say " lie is Much =imp'r'oved."`' 'And 'tin
dwibtedly,-;in ,his opposition to.the:Broad.::
Church, Negativeiand, ifE§say " SehOolo,l l ket
has been compelled: to, fall back. on those,
grand objective truths, which, whenever'
they areinade'prorninent, necessarily'ihrow'
the ApoStolic,al Succession of a priesthood;
and Sacramentatiamism into the . shade. But
while .thus,tlie Bishop smites, Bationalism,
he and his party were the occosin, of its,
deVelopment by reason of the. OXford Trac
tarienisin -which 'they Originated, endorsed
and pampered. - He falls:back insrgiitnent ,
now„enlOhrist's. reiraclesn—but ithistnot td
be forgotten- that, his, Tra t ctarien friepds put
the 'false- miracles of the "the Church"; t
the - igen time on a' , levei'With the mightY .
works .6f 'Christ ;"' and radii thdit'
little ofl external evidence in their -teal for
'tradition ':However, let
us hope that pi:. Wilberforce is improving.:.,
He works hard, pres.clies a great deal, and
gives good 'Practical lcblriee
Last week he'preacheda'Seinfon,hii 'behalf '
of a "Hespi, Derby, which-brings Mita
Senae PtAislelitlT.WeOstkgi- lihittext
" GU your way m andAll, , Tejm.the,PUßßy
which you. have _seen and lie - aid." The
aares' t dls6iflei tolls
works of healing as a. - special proof of - liir"
Meialahihip "lf 'Why* fie r. only„
power,hut because there;was something, in
thein which separated his
,works from those
of Piiiirliefs Patriarehs under the old t
'dispensation. We shall therefore .eofisider,
1. The special feature which ;connected the,
act .of, power., with, Messiahship. 2.
Whether, in the, act,itself or in. the Iflay of
doing it, there was any speciality that
- marked' it OiA l ikditcOitig Mina the acts bt
those- who canietefere hint, or Who - followed
him as his::witnesses.-. Th,e following is a
portiO4 of, his
_remarks ton the second of
these topics :
Take Moses, or the prophets,:or the apostles,
and 'you *ill `linethattherewas nothing about
their , 'Works that ctintiebtedthe Work. t3ssentially
with the worker. On the, contrary there was a
studied endeavor to separate two , Inthe
cue of Moses there Was a special dangei (as We,
may•suppose,) for ,the i children of Israel, if they
should think the power of working miracles was
in- him, ,q , tilerefbre; all was dotie`by a rod. Ile
was merely the, worker, and rthe.instrument, not
the source of power. And. there was a constant
witness thatlhe Old.' Testament messengerk from
God did- not ~work 'the wonders, by their own,
'power; the eyes of men were et:intim/ally turned
to entither.'' Thßiirefeee "Thus said:cilia Lord;" 1
usually declared.who the <worker was.:: Begdes,
they , were, often wrought after earnest,, _sincere.
Prayer' that God "would - grantthern the power of,
working, ..signs. and wonders, ...And this runs
through the•When , ,the, fire ( fell from
heaven'the'eacrihce aihiount Cairriel'it, was
answ,eitolPrayer-:Lwhen Nharnan, the Syrian,
was 1t.0.,be. healed of his leprosy, he. wasdisap-'
pointed that there Was 2 nti personal Worker, and
that he: was "only told :by 'the prophetilinW he
might be healed. So -when Peter and, John
healed the lime man at the gate of the temple,
'they were oareftil to-show it. Wei by the power of
another.- " Whylook ; ,so earnestly, on" us, as,
though by our power _or holiness, welutcrmadel
this nian to walk:"' Aral' When about iO'heal, l
they directed him to ,'another,"est the source of ,
power, " In the name of. Jesus
,Christ, of Naze-;
retkirise up 'and walk." Then, another re-,
,markable thing is, that, taken as a whole; there
Wll3, no.,e4clusive character ,mercy about their
works,' `ll.cises'began with simple acts of power,
las a rod heconiine a serpent, = and 'budding. ,
Then, works of, severity and judgment follow,eci,
as signs of God'a 'preience and' power- r as the
plague , of hail, locusta, &c., famine, blindness,
leprosy_--all works of judgment, ,startling like
the thunder pealing in the heavens, and over
a*eing like the lightning's flash from 'the skies;
but unlike the gentle rain descending as mercy
and love. In our Lord's works,horrever,you
will alWays obsetie this character Of :'loving
merey.i... The taking Of-the man , to' bet healed,
aside out of the crowd, asking him, " Dost thou
believe," 'moistening the clay, and personally
anointing, him; ;also 'the 'putting of his hand
upon the leper (thoughthis was forbidden by the,
law of Moses.) These thinge were clearly Works
- of .mercy, and were to•teitele that front hirn; from
kis body,,in some way, through the personal act
ing of his own will, the. work of healing was
Wrought. 'There was no prayer for the help of
another; but it is. said, ",I ; will, be thou clean.'!
All was done by the simple exercise of inherent
power: ."-That 'ye may know that` the Son of
-Man hath Tower on earth, ;to forgivesins , he
smith to the sick. of the palsy, I say unto , tlee,
arise, take up: thy bed and thy way unto 'thine
house." And so also, he cast out the spirits by
his word, not .by prayer and ,healed ; all that
were sick. And, in that great inefarice,'when
he triumphed over. the last great enemy of man,
he said,, with simple kingly power, Lazarus,
'come' forth ! " 'there was no stretching himself
upon the child—no-earnest supplications to his
father—but, as, holding .himself the keys of
death anclhell, he says " Lazarus, come forth
and- it is done; Tophet and 'Hades knevr his voice,
and the. enemy of man.. delivered, up,- at, his sim
ple bidding, the prey that he had taken. all
these 'points therefore-Lin' ihe way -our blessed
Lard, exerted-the poWer, there Was_a great.differ
elms to those wito.either i weht, before him, or,who
-balm after him, &Shia' Witnesses. -
Tit& following.;' taithe inaproirement we
Should make; both witiviegard to sickness in
our , own- persees,,,a,n,d .8.9 respects. its visits
tion,upon others, is, very. excellent. 'As to
personal improvement of affliction, he says:
. . . ,
. . .
As to the first point, we, ought in disease, 4*
God's witness 'against sin- - -God'ElteStinititit to
the corruption-tliatpis. in every-one-of-us, by na
ture, which. is - workingeluwardlrint. the central
springs of our being, and menffesting itself out
wardly in the tabernacle, of:- the body. We
. to bear sickness, when 'it comes, as
Penal infliction, that comes froni the hand of our
Heavenly Father,..and to pray for submission under
it. We ought. to see in it a mark of his great
love, that he turns' every part of the penalty, as
to the redeemed, instrument Of their sal.
vation. Disease le intended to:lead ns to Christ,
for the restoration, in our own person, both of
our body 'and- - our 'soul. And is not • this the
great lesson of our religion? . ,to . nnderstand that
our whole life here is a time of restoration, to be
received •freni the band' of Chrisf;the Lord --a
time of service•forins, and not
.full enjoyment;
that he now,giTee ns s a stOostion of our weak
nese; and' that our fill injoynietit shall come
when Ire are.Rerfect., .We are in the presence of
the Great Physician, and we are
. to seek contin
ual'healing froni his own hand; • and; just as we
say .to a rich'. friend, who Al too 'anxious, and .
likely to t ,irgure, going back to his.
business leo soon, " Remember that ,Your pres
ent workis tote.: so this' is God's voice'
in .. affliction..• , We, ought, to -: seek his healing
pewer, that he,may renew ua'inwardly, stamp his
likeness upon us, th'at he 'would teach' us to open
our hearts to him; ; tp take our -secret, unknown.
individual burden unto him; to go to him
amidat'ther press and • throng' that 'are around'
about him in the professing world, and 'bay, "If
I can but touch the hem ; of his . garment ;
,I shall
be made . whole."' And so - ' beloVed • br'eilireif,:
seek this close, personai 7 work.:. - oDeperid upon. it.
there is nothingthat the -natural:heart of,;man
Will not : rather do.. :An - entire' a:Lori:floe 'of 'the
heart is required-when we turiNto . -Christ. But
the heart. wishes .to keep„sonie, indulgence,. to
Cherish some to practice some bow
ing downin the house, of :Bimmon, , but it'shriziks'
above.else frookltiw.closei contact; with tho
Lord. Yet, without this, outward clevotions,eut
Ward'"ordilianoes, outward' efforts, zeal for • der- .
tain objects; and in doing certain ad* are; All is
vain. .Whatever stands between the. soul, and.
that Soul reaching Christ., is to 'be ieinOVect If
wol :learn this, ,we shall •learn..the very Secret
of life ; . for our
. great object ohould- ,be "that I
May know him, and the power *Of his' resUrrec-,
lion." And see hereAhe. blessedness of sick
ness, and weakness of -body,, as instruments' of.
good. The strong Min rejoicing in his strength,
is smitten down with fever, his -weaknetia•
he reaches forth to take. held.npen tbe,strength
of the StiongOne.. So the man whO has friends
he loves, anti a family he dotes 'upon; sees sick
neap enter into the family, seize.upon his dearest.
earthly. One, or, with its partial operation, harass .
his • nWri• life.. • Why Because the love 'ot -
Godi wo)ild-not sillier his .Tedeeme'd ones 'to have!
their portion here; and these trials . are angels, in ;
who while 'We lingel'and delay in `the'
cities of the plain, , laykhold, upon us, as they:did; j
upon the tarrying patriarch, saying ." Escape fon
thy life; look ' not' behind' thee; neither tarry I
thou:in all ;the plain,: lest thou:be:destroyed-7 . ;
• sit,ttrill- be observed that, id:.mir.sentence
of these passages, is there a reference to;
aught of priesthood or. 4tionalism i butnto
Christ alone.'
l'atCly'lat` its ..eiteelienf. Tretisnrer, Mr.'
Tharritini . : of Olaiihitin `Common; ken" of'ilin
siey' to lie venerated 'Jain' ThOtationPiho
was One.ofithe earliest prifnnoternAyigener,;:
tins rgiftgA(L.ze.alPAS,Pifortfog the British,.)
and FOreign itl64 Society, and of every.
libidred Thefathers end foetid
ers'ot the 'great''Societies
.are fait passing'
away. ::We , sigli as 'we read in the- newspaL:
pars negkoe' .of : .their 'departure, just , 'wit..
makes,, reaoi of the death Affenek
lifter another .Of those, that fong_hp„withi
atiVaterloo. ut or .akft cause
and °Mrla:of' '
the .Great Kling aisouitarit goi.iiessiiin:of able! !
',andlev,nted: men ,toeatch,..up thei banned.
rfrom.the deao h a n d of Iligge,wbc klav,e,f4eia.
lin the„field.' Enemies to the truth have
1 4 1 froin ' .unexpected; quarters,
'never. in''.lllnriiii6it • • 'Afri ca , ',
among Jews or Gentiles, was the writter,.
Word ! ufightra.„9l.4ickener. an .nowtib
dieating,Ata authogtir by. the most. glorious.
4)` * f sIY purailin,,the breaking, of, the., stony.
Mats* after '
the Divihetit~ ► '• fat ; 1
v W - 4
rib& thaa , 'Mist s'aid •
fairest! knowto in,Ariglaudd Ifor; years,,,isy
WHOLt 'NO. 481.
very severely the Lancashire and York
„shire populations, in eonsegitenbe of ceiia
tion of work, or "short tiiitte;P by those
whose trade is dependent on the /supply of
cotton.* The population earn a great,,deal
in good times, but they, are, as,a rule, self
indulgent and improvident—thus raying up
little or 'nothing fbr the ” rainy day,",
Earnest. counsel has been tendered te , the
mill-workemin various places by the "masters and ,proprietors; but it is, almost iney-,
itable—if unexpected relief does not mine
'from a sudden change across the Atlantic
<in connexion - with' the great naval 'eXpedi
.,ticin of the -North—that great mispiy land
,distress7itLinoxperienced.. Nevertheless,
our aovernment stands firm against the
idea, I shall not, say the proposal, of brea
th* the Blockade.. I 'ant not, so sure, if the
Tory party were in power, that, they would
be so
"quiet in :this, matter.' Lam firmly
convinced that sympathy for the. South is
mainly fdund among' the Tory party, who
have a natifial 13ylii'plithy`iiith the descend
.ants'of the Oavalidri:! Still i (if the war be
-long continued i the 'Multitudes, both in
England and. France will ;feel and 'express
impatience; and as hunger is claimant, no
American need wonder at, or blame such
impatienee...' • ' • '
No doubt the Southern Comthission
ers," now r viiihdo theiribest
to fan the flame discontent..-, May the
Infinitely Wise,. Just, 'andMerpikid One
solve the difficulty inhis own way; for hiS
and the -downfall of 'everY sYstein
degrades humanity and binds fetters
on any section of our race. - J.W.
* It is not merely the want' of Cotton; but of
market for the
,production of, the mills, 'which
causes the working on "short time." The mar
;het isfeutted mith , cotton yaiits 'auct fabrics, ana
less pr . ocluotion is, to,some,extcat,l necessity;.—
The , Constraining influence of Example,;
Ten years ago, *hen an unconverted
=man, .1; boarded,,in the familylof a pious
woman, whose husband- was not a, Chris
tian. There was a daughter of nineteen,
another of'fourteen7and a son of ten. Ev
ery moraine after- breakfast,' I heard; that
humble woman gather her family- the
kitchen, and read :with them a chapter—
" Verse about" in the'Bible. Then, as I
could nothelp listening, there was a peon- .
liarity of service which Mystified me. At
last asked, One day, if I might remain.
She hesitated, her daughter blushed,: but
said I could 40 so if I really desired it. So
I sat down with the rest They,gave,
Testanient,,and re all read T!teu kneel
ing on the , floor, that-mother began. her
prayers audibly for 'her'dear ones-there, her
husband, and herself ; , ,and,then pausing a
moment, as if to gather her energies or
wing her faith, uttered a tender affection
ate supplication for me. She closed, Mad
her daughter began'ito' pray: Poor girl;
she was afraid of me; I was from college;
I was her teacher-; ,but she tremulously
asked for a blessing as usual. Then came
the other daughter and at Jest the son—
the youngest of that circle—who only re
peated the Lord% !Prayer, with one . lpetition
of his own. His amen: was said, but no one
rose. I knew in the instant they.were wait
ing for me. And I—poor prayerless I—had
no word to say. It almost broke my heart.
I hurried' from the room desolate and
guilty. I few weeks only passed, when I
asked them s permission to. come in once,
more; and then I prayed too, and thanked:
my ever-patient Saviour for the new hope,
in -my'lieart,and the new song on my lip:
It is a great thing to remember, that there
is in the G-ospel 'as in the law provision
made, not: only for "thy son and ihydaugh
ter, thy man .ser;vant and thy maid servant,"
but also even " ler the stranger that is
within thy gates."
Boarding in Ilard
In the judgment of iiiauy Christian men,
times like the present seem to justify hoard
ing, far beyond what,,would• be. considered,
right in periods of prosperiiy. "We must
put by.for rainy day,' is 'the exclamation,
"we know not what' may happen." We
propose now to. give orie or two reasons why ,
this kind' of covetousness is unlawful.
In the first place, observe that God has.
specifically warned us against accurnula
don. There is an awful admonition given
to us in one of the' dread scenes that
Scripture unfolds'. 4 'l will pull down my
barns," said a • rich man, f‘ andlmildgreateri
and there I will. bestow„all,my frnits.,apd
my goods. And I Will say, to ;my Soul;
Soul,: thou . "' Salt much' goods laid 'ttp 'for
many.year43take thine ease, eat, drink and
be merry.; That God _said, unto
fool, this, night thy soul . shall be required of t
thee; Mien whose shall these things .be .
East prOided ?" And SC
Paul tells us dial they '" that rich,
fall into temptation and a snare, and. into
many foolish and hurtful lusts, whiph,;-„de :t
your men in delOrucifon and pr.,4ihipn,..l
And then coin*, tt6t fearful. judosent
" No covetous man;iiiito is an idolathr; fiat'
any , inheritarde in :the • kingdom' f Christ=
T.he covetousness which is here forbidden,
We. cannot lont, think, is' that which, when
competency 'is' obtained;, seeks to acctimis
late, to turn income into principal - as if in
insurance against the risk of God govern
ing the world according :to his „own
Two' sins are invOlvilin "thiS. In the first,
place, we turn frau' GOd's tieasure----frBm
the .work :othave, of mercy;
,our fellow men--;thatmliich.shonld,
be consecrated to ,its use,. .. Hoarding itt A tt.
cancer, which; the moment it is,permitted
to touch' that c — Whtpi we hold' in trust ;
'stretehek4uti itliNdritoties 'until 'it gilipit
and theii.corodes . : t W.:betrayer We hog
back. a little, we roh, l eve i ry.tbing. • ' :And
the second place, .we thus,y4hdre,3v...onr.
care from Gbdoind put it ipcn ourselves.
We, the iffe'ali, the blind; - ' the iaiieiable;
tOttering, under the our fespon
sibilities, turn our sullen' auntenance from.
him, the;all4o,ving, wherrjle seeks to take
our hp.r4en on
,hinaself, a#,4,l..hug it, to, Our 7
sei+es the 'closer, and' t 01144 on till. we are
-Thet) is% donnterwron g, in Alia:4 e
sin— T ai wild In:4,y/retched : impiety, toward
GFoct And, then , it is iFilling ogr oyf ß , R ouls.
No inail`fi t igreh'teinp i arliritY the Imam for
this distnietnf %kid. • Rich, Si well` alit:10r;
hang ecrity . itpin lin: bounty': =. What the
Lord. w 4114; *V to be,: the; Tpostioru.of each;
a94.P.hat0,414, f:ailtwhicki sPlimAitller to.
keep or to heap . againit
• A.nd, thin;.
fer the Pail world' The heart tgat in its
hciardings has noniiihed'n' disgust of Wiit
until thaVdistrustaleotinieit s daricanduif
-1)19.191%108 Vbioh WI kept ..on. itridisobb ,
dieme. ungtikis:*vpcskble TistOpllion- 7 -1ow•
heart t in It for, chill pike pie 'alio dir
of ifisi r •lnstr 'I" • • • r
And End luit , tstt4it inrivithotitikin't
ings, written;iin“the saddeit and -413Pesi
lines, to, enforce these tcornmands.
voices of,,mourning for l their j ohi6
dien—the `sientar r le.of failier,,,who had
lid - so haralY,` Sluicing nuclei' the . Vurdeli
of Ingtatitude-2-lial
earierience of - tuivall.? • That tlrinkribita suf
••‘ll.loh AluAt , connttori off °iv!
lace, t' s ictll iefe .,WedPfdlA4lY49TßltiAlk
thein tralispiitteu. peskal,ty oulacciuntd i ation.
ki'llici'kutialitif the 'future---thS i titilfaink
up - oft/the eillfiliecritliejridgnieilith lit UP
fulatoiAlis hliwtinglof 11w/lamily RON*
GA P ' BITIGIRTOS, Si Para lin, nrrianntag, PA.
PituAnitslFAl Soern-Wss , r 'COIL lo TT/f me costarE
1 ... ADVEif TW i( I; Vi_ENIE ~g, 4
S. 4 ,
A Square, Ol Bats or less,) one Inserti ,on t3O Oektu rat
',,v 9 equent ilaltertilp c "fibl. Vi 4 0 ,r. 1 1MEPts
A SoitnES par qti , $4.00 ;e h line , ans , nts
A,the,year.z- ""* ....": . -. 7.
BUSINESS NOTICES Of TEN lines or less, UM. ath 61 / -
ditlonal line, 10 - denni ,- , ' . - c
DAN - 11). ' SITIKIISSI - Ei r St , C O.,'
~ is '7
th ese , aecumuktiene„Wherever you can find
them, and , see whether they are not impreg
nated with a curse whieh,spreads itself as
they descend. God - has: bound ~tis over, in
the recognizance -of the love of children, to
keep this," his '
Then , the , huntantheart itself becomes so
inhuman, under" 'the influence of this pas
, There grows ,up, a subtle I megihrane
abont,it which closes f/ret, this and then.
that channel "through "which joy and 'foie
*-mightiflbw eirk" Sim& the charities
of'sbcidl, thew those of .domestic life, cease;
then ; comes that choking misery—that
- . morbid r suspiciousness and, malevolence—
' 'WhiCh groWs upen. a heart walled in upon
itself. And next comes that ossification
under which the covettitis _man will, be in
' eatable of one gusli - of %veto man, trust
in God.- His, /forever, in now that awfid
!burden which God. once , soPlovingly)offered
to take:on his,"!oon, Divine , hreast. It is la
judicial state, that of the octrittotts
Whicit God has Perreitted his jUdgments
to be executed in the life-time, so thatnien
"`might See and take r heed.
;From this we' see the 'Wrong of hoardinY,,
on the plea, that we cannot golabroad with
our charity, because ohaTitybeginsat RostA.
Observe the hard ingratitude of this,. toward
God. No "human benefactor would be thas
- treaied. - - Here, for inittirtee;
-a:father has covered . With bounties,' with' he
.assurance that whatever else is wanted, will
,he sUpplied. A. constant flow of *badness
shows how secure this promise is. When
the father sends a suppliantWih the mes
sage" Give hintiyour stores—l will
repay you "—would that -messenger be re' ,
pulsed.? Yet Godi.who has heaped such
blessings on us, also, sends to ;ELS messengers
with the same, entreaty.
--,- Every poor suf 7
ferer in our midst`every missionary on our
dutposts—every nuifernent ofidve for which
the Church , appeals--is such a messenger:
Unless we so harden. ourselves that we are
past feeling, we must listen. The messen
gers comefrona him *who .has cared for As
BO gently-and lovingly, and whose promises
are so sore. Yet do' `we not often throw
contempt on-this"tenderness and constancy /
by.saying that we. still fear• for. ourselves;
and that charity begins at home ? Is• not
this to say . that wemill not pay these mes
sengers of our Lordy. becatiSe we cannot
rely on the heavenlyaspurance,,,,fhat ,if
*e cast our care on 'him, he Will { care for
us,? =lt may be that these-lift:On' eisengers
are 9sent to try , whether' we really , have
faith in : Gcsi. If faithless,how can we en-.
ter heaven ? ,
It is not only to him who resolutely re r
faSes to ,give, on the ground that'he uivat
first provide for his household, that this
warning.conies., --He Who-reluctantly doles
opts few drops of 'charity, while he is ae
cumulating streams„ or , instead , of.
hoardin, scatters in profuse living, inlike
Manner - stints his Ohs to the Lord's treas
ury, add equally r refuses to cast hiS care on'
the Lord, And to-hint the result is equally
perilous. This penury,toward his Master
gradually eats out his,heart. The eyes may
appear still to reflect_ light—the hand to
move—bat this . coldness toward God, this
practical• want of belie - f in him, should
bring up , to you, who thus live,' the awful
question., Were you born again? Could
you be so dead to your Master—so irre
sponsitre to his tender appeals had you re
ally faith him`—if you really believed, in
the sweetness of grace, , that he HE DIED
FOR YOUR:BOUL ?—Episcopal Recorder.
Dr. , ,,, t ognons on Preaching.
In recently; reading Professor Park's
" Life of Dr. Emmons," I met with some
sententious sayings of that eminent divine,
pertaining to this - subject, that I considered
worthy of noting down and most attentive
ly poadering; and I earnestly desire that
they. might have the most extensive Ginn
lition. He ,714 a minister of the Gospel
for seventy-one years, and an active pastor
for fifty-four years oithat period.
Being once asked what he considered the
'secret of popular preaching he replied:
..To preach without meddliny with your
'hearers' consciences; and with animation.
enough to produce a great excitement of the
natural sympathies' which will .make per
sona feel that they have some native good
neas ;...and let your sermons be without be- ,
ginning, middle or end."
Again he says:."lf you desire to be
popular, do not eF . r . litin your terms. Preach
about totaf.lapPralsity r regetoration, &c., and
leave yoni b arers tcriinderStand your lan
guage -in their own sense, which they will
all approve. They.will, praise you for say
great many good tjiings."
:Another' of 'his .tiiithfal and suggestive
:apiitlieitie thieinibjent,l must here in
sert:: • • :
‘ Those ixiinisteramho punch the Gospel
ftilly,andAithfitlly, do not usually
'leave their. people-se they find them , from
Sabha* to Saboath. They either conciliate
or it/le:nate the affections of their hearers
toward- their offended Sovereign."
,HOw.much. truth , there is in this I If
t4P•fltosPe/ ift the power ,of God, and the
pre* own soul is properly aroused by
it; fi l efUgiliit he in earnest, and he will
be iihlaEraioieStat in' rousing others. so that
thipwillfeel!they must either yield, or of
fer..'; very, determined resistance—so that
ihmeannot feel comfortable, while they are
in a , state of rebellion against their Sover
eign. Fine=spnn ' Moral essays, rhetorical
flourishes, and soft sentimentalism prettily
dreited, will never 'do this , work.• We have
a vast, amount of "rose:oater religion," and
a:corresponding amount , , of the' same kind
of preaching. There is a terrible lack of
moral. power in the pulpits, as well as in
the pews. Bothyneed to be baptized with
the Holy Ghost Both. need "hot higic."
Certainly 'there is nto higher form in
whiclfthe evidences of Christianity can be
presented, than that whisk fe 'seen in the
man of mind as he walks with' God, living
in usefulness to others, and waiting in con
fidence and hopefor hie own .dismissal to
the better world., The saints approved of
Golare witneskei CC-the' highest order, to
the worth .andr . ,power of the religion , hy
which they „lived and, died. They furnish
portraits ; ,of the perfect man—portrsite,of
moral • lovelinessi , painied by the Holy: Spir
it's 'owipenCil, anili_hring up by him' in the
greitqPioture-gallery'of the visible Church,
istthe-fairest.garhiAure of that living tem
ple.„ ,"*lirliFre in the worldwone such are
to bei,niten, And yet what Christianity
doet'for naan Oriearth is oPlylie' feeble be
ginnings'6f *hat it will4lo''for him, when
theisin.ishforever separatigi.freill his petsoir,
and oho As. made li jut aestur.OhrietAbilthei
*cskitive perfecticc h pLbeaven. i t "cloyed,
ugly, are we the sons of God, sni t it doth
'shall tie II
not' yet appear we ut we
know whiefre shall apputi'tive shelf
*dike:Min; %ewe shall 88e hbil as lie is."
-77.1. i John , ?i•H , Dr., L.McLeo'd.
„. • - ,7" - - .'""7,..•,, 1617,3`4 :,. ,t ,L
i 41 1 tr ie r0i, , the gi t iat,,,Totesiplit of t rinee,
.. fitly' published a %got { iii ' doaey
tilieLeentrallii7wer ofl Roine, anAtiliereby
i b:W i shed AhekorOidziostilholisiile ; has been
iirodigions• foe. ,Frazioeothilefirenedition of,
in ti .- cs ifoTni of i a snide day . . . The see
t."edition is yreVariiii anew;ll no 'doubt
1 o-off-witliAnidikaffidr43 ' ” •
p -- .1 . /1411:UW1
Christians 'Witnesses
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