II o n be here. :Ind (111.. t is done, needs to he done q ui c kly. A:4 you sit in your totbrkible chuff dies and 5 , th001-rootus, )(member these poor French people must soon shiver in the cold winds' Of the you help them. Reinem. prairies, unless her too, that the glorious Saviour: will, at the last day, say to those that from love to him have aided his poor disciples, "inas much as ye have done it unto one of the these my brethren, ye have done it nun. me." Will you not make that blessed.ivelcome your own ? •-In behalf of the • Board of Church Ex tension, Your friend, H. I. Co::, Secretary. VARIETIES. VIUTOItIA'a 'PittsT illommiT Or SOY riu,lONTY.—Willinut the Fourth expired 4lbtJUto : midnight at "Windsor Castle.jhe Archbishop 'Of Canterbury. with other lri!ghlunetninaries of the kingdom, was in attendance. As soon as the Kin g had brentfied his last, the Archbishop quitted Minclior and made way to Kensington '3'alace, the residence at that 'time of the Princess Victoria, where he arrived berme daylight, and announced himself, request ing an immediate interview with the Princess. She hastily attired herself, and muetthe venerable Prelate in the ante,roont. ile informed -her of the demise of-the .crown, and did homage to her as the Sov ereign of the nation. She was at eighteen tucen of the.only realm, in flict or-history, on . which the sun never sets. Shy was deeply agitated, The first words'Ae ut tarel were these : " I ask your prayers in Ty I ehttlft.' l, They knelt down together, slid the young Sovereign inaugurated her reign like the young 'King of Israel, by ti , kirrt.ifron 'on hi,-11 aan nr'derstanding h; tto :tidge ao -gr at a pcop'o, who could nut tie namomeo Jur the mu,- tiitude," s 'STORMS ON THE Nur.—Dr. Phelps Writes:from Egypt to thi Nelv-Yozk 'Ex- Gininer : • : 7 " Kit di nie4, for two or three 'days cethe:r; a strong wind from the ,North or _Nc.ltb,wyst,•k can. ] 3hiam dce ett. fills all the , air. with tine sand, and the unlearance of ,tIie,IIOIIVVIIS, with tho dust elOulsja Out horizon, obscuring. the- sun, i - that'of ,a,prevailing storm. Yon would there is rain•Or hail yonder, but it is (July a Fland storm, so severe at times as to prevent sailing on the river." ,ENIANCIPATION 01' RUSSIAN' SERFS.— Via Gazette du Novi/ publishes intelli gence respecting, the emancipation erthe fs in Russia', and states that the princi pal measures proposed en this subject, have I een adopted' by:the majority of the depu t;,cs of the nohles, and that., the general 'en frnchisement will be,rcalized•in -the;Conrse of: next '-Auttlpiti, on..the'thllowing basis: Initneclitite of" person id liberty to the pelsants, which has become all the nrore indispensable thatboth th'ey . and‘their nluAers.coaiider it to exist de facto ever gibe() the prOttlttlg,dation of the ukase 4.ro pounding the,, general, principles of the cmancipatiOn.. The official proclamation of th.i , personat•liberty - of the `peasatits.allows, liewevei., a transition state of two:Years, utter which the emancipation shall be corn plete...'.l)uring the: said two years, the land,ownerwill have the faculty of treating with- the peasants for the sale of .the fee simple of the land they occupy, or letting it to them on lease 'for a term not less than six years; ease the land=owner should not be able - to come to any .; such'arrange nicirt" before the 'exPirtition Ait - tiro r years, the Government will 'intervene to give. the portiants.a quantity of land proportioned to theit.means. Finally, as soon as-the-serf lt.is Om obtained his' right of the citizen ship, iris former master has no longer the least claim upon him." It is hoped, the above jutirnal observes, that, these resolu-, -clogs wilibring. the, great Work of emanci pation-to'a satisfactory conclueion. • PROGRESS OF TILE FREE CHUROIL Abundant evidence was presented to the AsSembly that it was advancing both s.pir ituallynud materially. The reports on the res.knla were of an exceedingly ,interesting chat acter; and, while care was taken to ex ercise a wise . discrimination in judging of ruullfsi,:apdlinmeclifferdnee op,i,ition pre vailed on-the subject of the means used, it. was agreed on all hands that a time of re fres'hing:'from:on high had been enjoyed. Theitate of the Sustentation Fund . shows thnt.the 'ministers of -established charge:4, who 4erelin office at the time of the'Dis rtiption are tidy receiving .E2oo,"andf.those .of.ohapels of ease £l6) :r year;while the, aver4ge dividend over nearly (I t hundred , 'froth' the General SuAtentation Fund is £135; thutamount being in many. tases,peatly exceeded.. and in nu ease is ther6la Stipend falling - below it ins -- a fully equipped„charge. !the fund fbr the sup- port - of uge:d ministers On their retiring frant-offieetwaer repnrted as being to. eff,i . r.dicig;tenitriiinuni retiring sitlitry• of £3O a year, and in some. eases it provides .c. 12.9 a yeiiT for,,those who had-- borne the burden anl.lint Of the seheme of Christian henevo!ence which is Without a.parallel by any other Church in the whole world. STRANOERS IN LONDON:'—The CoMMig siJner of the city of London Police, caused an :,(Ccount to be taken of the number of persons entering the city within a given perind; The result shows that the amazing numl39r.of ,seven hundred and six thousand six ,hpridred and twenty-one individuals passed-ititti, the city by its various entran ces cb.Aring_ ; tte..twenry-four: hours. tested; and :ne t thejitty aeleetett fertimenunterati on was. free. from, any extraordinary. attraction to th,e‘eity, there can be no doubt that the rmturtijurnishei .a fair , estimate of. the tiverage,daily : influx. .These -numbers:are .p.ttogether. , irrespective 'of the resident population: PERSONAL. Ilfr:iikerkinddge is said to be the young est milk - ever nominated for the Presidency, be beFt4in'his fortieth year. Mr. Calhoun was Drought forward for the Presidency abotitili e DOwn,to JB2B, eyery :President had been taken from the Ad thirteen 'States. Now, of the,ninerival candidates for President or Vide:President, 'but tine (Mr. Everett. of Massachusetts.), is , a Aitizent of. an orig inals State. ' Alt five of the clin`clidates fbr President--:-Li n coin, Douglas; Ifreekin riclete,-13611, and Houston-Lliveln !the , sissrpifi-valley, or near its borders. The tatal ages of the five Presidential_ cavil dater.; Bell Breckinridge, DouglusyHous ton,' ti:tpilairicoln—is 265 years. making an averageonf '5B years. Mr. Bell, who is in his year. to the eldest ratan of the four reg,ularty)! nominated. Mr. Breeltinriclp,e, the youtlee; is 40 ; Mr. Douglas is'4B; Mr. Lin'tbln . 6l; and Mr. Houston 62. The Deathof Jerome Bonaparte .is re , . ported. Youngest brother of Napoleon I, he was .ilfteenyr.rs c hit qui ha,v41,,, ,, been born in 1784'; a r b di edtolils76llt year. In Peeember, 18A -haying just - completed his 19th year, hq signalized himself, in this country, his marriage`with Miss Eliza beth Paterson, of Baltamore-young, beau- Cful, am'd'ammplished—Who was much too good foi-hiti. Early in , 1805, he returned t ) Frp4e; Where,Napoleon ; Wirtheff Em peror.. Ilia wife teas not permitted to land, and went tc England, where. in July, 18,5, was born,' their son, who, as,,,weli as the mother,•4till lives in Baltitieapo #e- Napo lean broke the marriage, of ..his , .,4>wn au thority,'ToPePink Vll,,,refttsliitrt4rant a Dull,antxnllin iii. Etrmooted,ftrati to; the rank of Adraral and next• to that'Ol" Geu- =7==rma eral, decorated with the Le,7ionpt tenor,' and created a Prince of the :Empire, Je.. come Bonaparte crowned all, 1807, by marrying a Princess,-of giS House of \% n' urtemburg. He Was then d. .his ?3 year. Immediately, after thiifiage, the , Kingdom of Westphalia created foi him, and he nominally kgoverned . it, under the surveillance of Napoleon's Akers. As a Ri rig he was a mere nobody- 2 -un : digniftect, rough in manner, and intemperate at table. He commanded a division of 10 , French army in Russia, with so little successthat. Napoleon, in a fi t of passion, ;sent , hiiii home. In 1803, when Germany , turned. against Napoleon, Jerome :ran', away from Westphalia and found safety in France. On Napoleon's first abdication ; he fetiied to Trieste, and subsequently commanded a brigade at " bloody and most bootless Charles Goodyear, the inventor Of:the art of vulcanizing India rubber, dieffiin New, York, at the Pit% Avenue HoteVen - Sun day, after an illness of four weeks, Mr. Goodyear was born in New comber 24,1800. The disease whiCh nu- tutted his life, had its origin ii the severe and long continued privations : and anx iedies • which he suffered, and: struggles which he made, in order to perfect and in r troduce into public use the greatlßVention, Vulcanization, to which:his whele life since i 139, the date of the discevery;',has been devoted. Jahn Tyler. ex-President of the - Ifilited . States, has written •a letter, in which be declares he is a Disunionist, in the event of the election of either Lincoln, 0r,,13e11, or Douglas to the Presidency.. Madame Zulaysky 'lomat on ' i day morning at her resicienee;'ih'Bkook lyn, aged 'forty-three years. Madame Zu laysky was a sister of Louis Ktissitth, and had been in this .country::•since mem orable visit of the • distinimished 0 0 rim) exile..- Ilistory of. the Nineteenth Century:-.7The , fourth volume 'of 'the great W6ilt., of Pro fessor Gervinus, " History of the Ntiteteeth Century,". is announced. It inclidea. the periods of the Cougress'es of TroppOu, Lay bach, and Verona, (1820-220 niithfis rep resented as abounding in interesting dis-: closures.respecting the intrigues of -Russia to bring Europe within the steady. and dis ciplined suiveillance of the Abk)hitist Powers. It also throws much light tilt the Italian_plicy of Metternich and Austria. Thaekeray on the Georges.—Tliacke'ray is about to publish his famous lectures 0.11 ,the; Georges in the Cornhill Nagazine:.which he edits. lle purposed at one time'cduting to this'country in the G reat E4stern., but was compelleu to give up his intention, in consegbence of the additionallaber.„'forced• upon him in preparing notes and supple ments to the lectures. . Qum Victoria's inconsistency -is :Iming criticised rn issuing a stringent. pr' .. cClanut tion for the suppression of all kinifs of . vice within her realm, including .lbetting . . and gambling, and herself attendinttle . Derby races; than which therejs`qaictio,be• no more vicious and immoral 'in any land. P.m the Presbyterian 'ltinp.er . . Presbytery of Erie. This Presbytery held an adjourned meeting the 2fith inst., at Georgetown. The Moderator, Rev. J. V. Reynolds; being Absent, Rev. J. R. Findley wati chosen Modera , tor pro tern. , Mr. George Scott presented. a certifie4(e from the Presbytery of Washington, and was.received undel• the care of this Presbytery - . - ItleAsrS. Samuel M. Glenn and. Wm. it. Moore'weve ceived under the care of Presbytery; titt'eantli dates for the Gospel ministry. • . Presbytery adjourned to meet at Greenfield the next day, (June , 21'th,) to ordain and install:Mr.. George Scott over the united charge of .hlvans burg and Greenfield., • ' ."' At the appointed time and place, Presbytery again met. Calls from the above-named lturclit. 'were put s ' into the bands of Mr. Seem. He baying signified his acceptance of them, and having piessed his excmivations preparatory to ordination, Presbytery proceeded 'to ()Ethan and install him. Rev. A. C. Junkin preaclieCtlte sermon ; Rev. J. R. Findley presided, ,delirtre the pastoral charge, and made the•orditining prayer; and Rev. J. 1.1. Shields deliV6red` the charge to the congregation. - Presbytery adjourned to meet in-West Green 'ville, on the first Tueadity of November. -- J. D. nowsv, Temporary Clerk. nir the Priabyterian BannFr. Report of J. P. Million, • . 7'r. , eathrer to' h.e. Board of Dolisestio Miniona,Edu- PuLlication, and b'und for annuated Ministers, for Jane, 1560. DOMESTIC MISSIONS. SYNOD OF PITTSBURGIL—Redatone Preibytery: First church, McKeesport, ad. $l.OO. Saltsburg - Presbytery Rural Valley, 12.00. 'Ohio .Praby tery : Concord,•, in part, 15.00; Hillsboro', 5.00. plairsville'Presbytery : Cong,ruity, 29.00,' SYNOD OF% ALLEGLIENY.—BeaVer Predqdrry: Pulaski church, $1.00; Westfield, 6.14; Neithan nock, 27.00. Allegheny City Presbytery: Cedtral 70.00:, Elie Presbytery: C0ne0rd,.3.40; SYNOD OF WILEELINO.—SICUGentIitIe PreiWery: Waynesbuyg, $6.05; Big Spring, 4.00. :247eleZis 7 bon Presbytery/: Deerfield, 18.15, SYNOD Or Onto:— Ifoostei• Pre,ibytery:,Swir Creek church; balance to constitute Itobt..Dityis, awl in part to constitute Jas. - Lattimer Honmary Members, $40.62. Coshotton Presbytery, 113nity, 34.00. . • SYNOD OF NORTIT ERN INDIANA.—Fort .Tqyne Presbytery: Bluffton church,' .4.00; .I . llia ton, 5,26. .• - . ED ( !CATION. SYNOD OF 'PITTSDURGI.:---RedBiOne PriSbYtOry . First church.• McKeesport, $0:50; Ohio Preaby' 7 . P.ry: Bethany church, $3.5.25; Rae Coon, 2q.0.0. Blairsville Presbytery , : Unity,,3o.oo. SYNOD or ALLYGRENY.--Alleglieny Presbytery: Centreville church, $14.00. Beaver Presbytery: Leesburg, 3.60. - • - SYNOD of WI:TEE - LlNG.—Washington Presbytery: Prospect church, $23.60. -. SYNOD OF 01110.- Wooster Presbytery: Jackilon church, $6.50. Zanesville Presbytery: Aluskin gum, 7.00. PUBLICATION. .-'Snrembr Prrratutto.Ml--Ohio Presoytery :4-Mil lees Run.elturch $lO.OO. Srizo - o br - WfIERLI*G.-- Washington Preibyterif Lower Buffalo church, $3.00. • - ' 'SYNOD or Ortio.—Richland Presbytery: I.s.g.hlami church, $14.22. Woosirr Presbytery: • &tier Creek, balenoe ,to constitute`Joseph .Cul.4. &life Member, 27.50. SUPERANNUATED MINISTERS' FUND SYNOD Or PITTSBUDON.—Redeonff Pres'ytery, First church, McKeesport, $24:50. SYNOD, OF WIIEDLING.—Meulwille Pres . bytery Carrolten church, $3.30; Rieuninid, 4.00 l • TorALs.—Dotnestic lkliisions, $284.62 ; Edn. cation, $145.45; Publication, $54,72; Supiian tutted Ministers' Fund, $81.86. • CLOTIFING - Ladies of Indiana church, for Father Chini qufs Colony, one box, $86.00. .•T. D. Wimaaras, Receiving Agent, 114 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh, I''.. June 3P, 1860. For the Presbyterian Banner. Report of IL Childs, • .; Treasurer of the Board of Foreign Missions,- fir June, 180. Clarion Presbytery : Perry congregation., 514.4 , 00; Ladies' Missionary Society, Bethesda, gong.. 13.00. $27.00. ; Ohio Presbytery : Miller's Run. cong.,- 20..00 ; Central church, '1 it tsbilrgh, monthly concert col; lection, 14.58. $84.58. f Redstone Presbytery: Brownsville and LittlO Redstone congregations, $9.08:: Blairsville' Presbytery: FairAeld oong., 8 . 78 t Poke Run, of which 25.00 is to ealupte David Kirkpatrick, Ifidia, 68.00; Ftamale"Missicaaryf Society, Jacksonville cong.; £3.00 ; No* Siilefia, 28.80 ; Maysville, 10.90; $126.66. Allegheny City Presbytery : BridgewnierTirat church Sabbath School, to constitute Joh* 44 Whistler a Life Member, 83.00; Highland co*g-i, 12.26. $12,26. Brie Presbytery Fairfield cong.; 1740 i Georgetown church Sabbath Sokpol, ton lghtttion,", Sten beuville * PFesbyierY Carrolle4 044 lEEE 9.68 ; Kilgore, 6.00; Bloomfield, 13.00'; Rich mond, 10.00 ; Beacon Ridge, 9.00.. $47.68: Zanesville Presbytery: Buffalo song.; ,28.00; Duncan's Falls, 4.00. $82.00. Washington Presbytery,; First church, Wheel-. ing, . . Allegheny Presbytery: Muddy Creek cong., , 10.64; Pleaaant Valley, 8.00. $18.04. Coshocton Presbytery: Coshocton Sabbath School, 10.00; Mrs. S., Coshocton, 10.00. $20.00. . . Saltsburg Presbytery: Ebenezer cong., 18.00; Concord, 18.00; Glade Eon, 27.00; Ladies' _Missionary Society, Gilgal cong., 24.00; Month ly Collection, Gilgal clang.; 7.00; Mt.;Pleasant cong., 2.00. $91.00. - • . Total, $522.79. . • - NOTE.—Middlesex tong., reported in May re ceipts, should have been $6.00, instead of $14.00. CHILDS ReeeiVing Agent. June 30, 1860. _Chunk ExtOnsion. . • Received from Cherry : Tree cong., Saßabat Presbytery, $40.00'. . : ..T. TI. NEVIN, Receiving Agent. Pittsburgh, Pn., Jthie.3o;lB6o. . . • 6nterat Vtius. Attention is called to the advertisement of the TVilteox .84; - Gibbs' machine. Two hundred - of these machines have been already sold in , this city. A neighbor of ours, who is s veny compe tent judge, has used one for a year, and expresses her entire satisfaction with it. A company consisting of gentlemen from Pitts burgh and Allegheny, was organized some time ago, for the . purpose of encouraging astronomical science : among our, citizens. A remarkably fine telescope has been purchased; and the building for its reception is now ,heing consfructed.on: an eminence North of the penitentiarY;in Allegheny, and will be' completed by the Ist of. September. The obServatory•will occupy a position so promi 7 nent that it will be visible both "frotn Allegheny and Pittsburgh. . .The bulldingsfor this muchneeded institution, now in •process of, erection on the line •of the Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne and Chicago Raitread, and . overlooking •the Ohio River, below Tit s burgh, are being pushed forward rapidly. The main building is up to the third story. The - Managers, accompanied by a number of con tributors-and visitors, - -went down to the grounds on Friday, the 6th instant. - The occasion was enlivened by speeches and singing. The presence cif Miss Dix, who•has done so muclifor the insti tution, added to the interest. The eminence on which the Hospital stands is to be called; in honor .of her, Dix Mount. • The number for. July, just issued•by Saxton, Barker '& Co., opens with an essay on Flat•Cul ture,,by- the editor, Mr. Mead. By flat culture is meant the method which, in•the cultivation' of Indian corn, potatoes, beans, &c., keeps the ground tetween. the -different clusters of plants perfectly level, instead: of forming it into locks. Mr. Mead profesies to have fully. tried 'both the flat culture and the hilling sietem, and gives his decided approval to the, former: 'its Advantages are that it riquires less labor, admits Of a more thorough miltivation of the soil, les sens the evils of drought, admits of the use of the most apprOved agricullural 'implements, and presupposes athorough preparation of the soil. There are various other papers on horticultural subjects by writers - in different parts of the coun- - try, which those who are interested itr these mat: ters may read with profit. Colored engravings of five different kinds of cherries -illustrate the number. THE XOnTir CAN RIN CEW, for July, 1860, contains: 1.. New edi ion of the Septuagint %WI. Landscape Gardening; Hawk's Ilistoiyt',of North Carolina; IV. James Gates Percival; V. Slavery in Rome; VI. Jefferson's Private Char acter ; • VII.. Margaret Fuller Ossoli;: VIII. Strauss and the Mythic Theory ; IX. Charities of Boston ; X. Influence of . Political Economy, on Legislation ; XI. Repent French Literature ; XII. Ugo FOscolo: XIII. Critical Notices; XIV. Neyv - Publieations. This number commences a new v4tifine of a' Review which has for nearly fifty years Stood at the head of the literature of our country, and, has numbered among its contributors most of our eminent literary inen. The writings of Webster,, Everett, Bancroft; and Prescott, were fiist made, known„through this work; antlits,pagmarenow filled by articles from our most prominent writers. Itisimblished. cniarterlY, in numbers' of nearly three hundred pages each, at five dol lars a year, by Crosby. Nichols, Lee &.Co., 1.17' Washington Street, Boston. , ' THE I.IIEDLOGICAL AND LITERARY JOIFUNAL, for • JulY, 1860, has seven articles, viz.: Sir William Hamilton's: Metaphysics ; Memorial of. Joel Jones, LL D.; Theories Erroneously .. Called Science and Divine. Revelation ; The Apost.tic)l and the 'Man of Sin ; Darwin on the Origin or , Species; Designation And Exposition' of urea of Isaiah; Literary and Critical Notices. WASUINGTON, July 113.—The. Secretory: of the Inferior has invited proposals till the . 10th of September for the use by government of the line 'or lines of magnetic telegraph from thelVest line 'of Missouri .to Sun Francisco, nt:ler-the recent act of Cougrois; the lowest . offer to,be.ttccepted and guaranteed tor the -perfor'manee-of• the ser vice: CHICAGO, July lO.—We learn from Minnesota that on the sth•inst.; Rev. H. M. Nichols, pastor of the Congregational Church at hlinneapolis, his wife and child, Mr. Cleveland. his brather-in law; =and twd daughfersof Mr. Clevithatd;- - • went into Callunin Lake to bathe, and getting beyond their depth. all were drowned but Mrs. Cleveland 'and 'an infant of Rev Mr. Nichols. This sad oc currence has thrown a gloom over the community, where.theeleceased were highly esteemed. We advertise to-day la new style of glue, which must be needed in every 'hous.e. This is reported to he the indentical' glue' with which the man gluedhis dog together after be jthe dognot the man !}'bad hiaiselrin 'two halves 'by -run ning against a sharp post while in pursuit of ,a rabbit. It is related of this unfortunale dog that, he was stuck tegether with two.legs up and down, and remained so. for 'the , rest of his life; albeit he was a more durable dog after than be fore this slight accident, because while be was running on two legs the oiler two were resting, and he bad only to flop over on the rested legs and go, ahead, afresh. This only shows that care should be taken in sticking things together, when you have a good glue to work with—Zane.- vale Aurora,-November 25 1839. At a competitive - examination of the studenht of Duff's Mercantile College, Pittsburgh, held in the College Tuestitty, over one hundred d o ll ar s wilremiumit'Aiere distributed *by the en terprising proprietor. The examination "Was conducted by the Principal and Professors as sisted by A. B. Hatch and R. S. Davis, Ems. The first preitium in,book-keeping was awarded to W. T. Beatty, of' Washington, Pa.; the second to J. Y. Doke, of ' , Pittsburgh. Pa.; the third to T. A. Pordeaux, Cumberland, Pa. The first pre mium in ,penmanship was awarded te•J: MACS. of Pittsburgh ; ther second to C: ;Tones, Leiart - Falls; Ohio ; the third to W: C tarot'', Pittsburgh, Pa. , ( The first premitim in commer mercitil law was awarded to J. M. Tem,' Browns ville. Pa.; the second to J. Robinson, Haidin County, Ohio. Many of the problems in book keeping were of "the most intricate, character, .and the , mantes:. in Which'illei we#ritell,retikee• tans the long ;estibliilhiid teOittAtiotkottleihigt,i. tutiolutor Ate,ouperite tittaitimento at its sty dookT÷rrai Prot piti4§By.T..p...RiA. - N - .)).0: : .19.'..,; : z; - '_f..4ll : oopAtf! - El - ty 14, i 1860.. For. the Preahyterian Banner Another Saving Mitchine Astronomical Observatory. Hospital for the Insane, The Horticulturist. (oad Washington. Drowned. New Glue. ' Duff's Mercantile College '..! eforrniexprwr.i Tape Worm met by -tr. 1111dne's Celebrated ."'.. I ' tillage et . . Yizr -YOLK, August 2, 1862. A certain lady in this city testifies that, after using Dr. MfLanet Verinifuge, prepared by , Fleming Broil. iof. Pittsburgh, she passed a tape worm ten inches long;' and has no hesitation in recommending it:he:every person afflicted with worms ; as, in ItePoi)inion, it far excels every other remedy htliv itCnse. The 'name of the lady,• and further piiirunildrs, °in be leained by call ing on Mrs. Fraiihil, Olinhafrait i itlace, or E. L. Theall, Drugilaie/coinor of.ltiliger and Monroe streets. .:„•r;'; Purchasers tillilieritifeftd to ask for Dr. AP Lane's Celebrated lrerakfiiiiii.,:'inariufactured by • nenzirg Bror. of Pittsbeifk; S. AlrotlhOiVermilligee iu comparison' killit.; worthless. Dr". DPl..doe's It ? O genuine Vernii ge, w- his,.' Celebrated 'Liver Pills, can now . , - . liiid . at. all Tespectahle.th4 stores. Nime:Onuine without' the' efinitaire. of FLEmiso -linos. • • ''. ' ' [4B] Pt* Ntio. , The rales!i*,.:sihicifi, t pltinerfilfether Point on July Bth , biiiipp.verpoolidiieti to . June 28th: LONDON, Jutiliolo—Ntimerous meetings of the working cleft Were , held at Paddington Green last nigh[, tb,coitsider the-question of the present high priee't . 44 provisions. Resolutions were passed thaite:present famine-prices were not justifiable, - andhave resulted'from a system of monopoly. Robert Brougif,' the:author and dramatiet, is dead. •. The Post has it.2.telegrain inn - cornicing that-the Sultan has establialied •a Council : of Finance charged, with drelring.,up regulations necessary for's, good admtaisttittl'on„and arranging the de tails' of the ree4l*.U' liatiliXpeailitUres of the :State'. tr^ , • The Times stiitilhe 4 promised' Neapolitan 'con stitution comes 'f •The British linnee„of Lorde debated theslave trade question; anli;tidepted a resolUtiOn in favor, of the re-appoint ' irfinlit i of a Consulate at Mozim m Mane as a cheek,. - 4otivithstatidinithe opposition of the government. t- • lit-- . It is reported,thitelln, ; Gbidittonehastleternin- • ed to resign on acpount of the 14me report adopt ed by the Committee"' of libuse ' of Commons on the rejectliniNtit i lte .. .,,Htusti'.of -Lot:ds of 'the bill repealing Ihepti er-d uty.' - • The London Ti . hiebit: the 2' th''says that Naples, by a sovereign aetAicler, the date.of the 27th of June. grants constilittional and representative institutions. A gerikraettinnettfy is recorded to all political offericl‘rs. Spinalllis to form a_gov ernment and stal lifer directly, and an agreement. is to be made withc•Sardinia for the adoption or the tri-colored flagotivi aPalagousAnstitutions for Sicily, with a lioyalYrinoe and Viceroy.. • The correisporidet:of the . London 4Terald says that the greatest - 14eavori' ate being made' by.. the Neapolitan ';gererinn;ent to-- induce' Victor . Emanuel to liceptAte offers-cif friendship from the King of Nsples e 4nd that-the:grant ,of a COll - of the kin*lom:of Naples -is at the statute of the Emp' er'or Napa** ••• The imperial inf e iew ;at Baden is reported as ,having resulted ifigin . I=day-banding. bitween. Austria and' Prnsiik-fregardinglle reorgansa- Lion of the militanyi - contuagent; and the Consti tution for the GermatCOoledentdon: ' • The Emperor Nitpoleozi is said tohave deter . , mined not to iticoalie the annexation of Sicily, Tuscany, andihe Nttkilittgna, to Piedmont. '• Prince JeromeNlipolien Bonaparte will visit Savoy in-July. . • • • Since the return plithe Emperor Napoleon from Baden, the troops ,eoncentrated, on the Eastern 'frontier or Francefiaie been withdrawn. ' ii reported'tgetha i new. French loan bill will call for fropftftvi(trity ,to thirty millions pounds sterling. t.... • The Paris Boaratwas oppri g no. • The Austrians ~.47 mo, lg ol i f t,...m t p !a ry "preparationi in ?AWL, " •, TAL .- • , It is said that theleapo dans overnment had determined to . restOfeAlie A merican vessels oaptnreillmit tEe 'Aineffeari' Miniiner hati de manded' repgration 1F45 . 4 4, tlieinsultfto the-American' . . he King of Naplepis i 11.... • . • . le .asserted that:tge NiaPollien Council lies reilielved to grant a constitution and general am nesty, a total chailgiOcif 'i.he ministry, & ffie* . press, rind Italian• tilliilndo with Piedmont, &e:; .but the King's assenOscwinted. ~ • • • It is reported that ;the Spanish' and Russian legations have thittidoited, v ` toOilt.htlimr unless Sardinia stopped the'eijiedttibne - 0 kdvices from NaphOsiibat ('he King has ie cepted the propositiofieluside by . hie Candi for 6 Constitution on a 1t,440.1 bails; 4:general , ate sleety., a free press, vdtal cheep ..itk•-lthi!.minhf 'try. with other itnportant'oonilitEms. • 'The National 'GtOrSs; organized 14933trihoildi, 'are to occupy the fdiffereht, -.Positions' •in and around Palermo dat . Mg, , his eperatiotib' agehist Messina and other poiflts'o.n',theinai.4l4d. • • CAIN, . The China overland **Aldine been ielq;iliph.- . . . The steamer Afaktiai4iitvfng- aboard :Lord Et 7 gin and Biron English nitti'l'itinich Ambassadors, has VesliviirriCked ,Galle. No lives wefeillikt. ' •" -• • : The bullion in tifflipliiii;*-,together with the credentials and all the..papers of the AmbassaL dors, were lost. ' 'trill be delayed at Galle until the title tifOupe. " 1 • CANTON May 6. 2 -.--"1imly; from the Chinese to the lait communies,tionlannli.he British. Ctibinet, is forwarded by this mail. Tha Chinese' are ste= lively preparing' to ; The Allies hnve.neen7 pied C 611 9 .811 withon(felistanee. The trade of Cantanlate improved.: • • • • , . • • . Law., 4. • • ITALY PAX, duly • .1.0.-t ) , - lhel•ateamahip: Arabia, from Liverpool Queenstown on July Ist, has irriiied: Tort: en. route for Boston. ' ' Gnribtldi cOntinnedVii i: i l niatione for iii4vir government. - The agitation atifairS , arhad.increased. Moe ' • . inthmatory proclamanqns had been issued by the Central,Revolutionpliebinmittee, calling on the people to rise. • • , . The French Ambainqqr bad •been seriously maltreated in the streefii!dt• N4oles, it was sup possd, by members of l •the.Anti-Reform party: He was beaten senselest,:.. Naples , was proelaitead in, a. - state . of siege, arid street assemblages ,Veie Ptohibiled. The Hover - rip:lent: liaclg c ieldesl to the .energetio demands of the Amerieun7and- Sardinian minis: ters,-and ordered the relaitie of. the two captured' vessels, their crew and.ppasengers. The Amerii. Can sloii ‘ ip-of 7 war /rortofew, entio.Naplesspecial: li.to assist' the Amoritak Minister in his repre.: sentation.': 1 • ...........s,.y. .. .: ... . , i lII' is conftrmei•ttiat itkr King of Naples had granted 'a riaW 'Liberal elsatiintion on the terms already, pulAtsbed. . ..: . , ; .7, . . • "The Neapolitan Government continued its . preparations for hostilities, the proclamation of reforms not appearing togtve sitisfiction. Eng-, .land and Austria have'asiented' to the proposed Conference •in`the FranCilwies 'queetior". - Tl.e latter protests against the-tdmiesion of Sardinia. . - GREAT PRITAIN.—The ;proooodings • of l'arlin. :meat are unimportant. .:11Ficios !had been.given of ti r s esolutioit. in the "Commo R iritial would ,bring ta.a direet issue tlis opieiti i . of . privilege . raised lirthe Heitie of Lords in `'noting the "bill abol ishing.the paper•duty. t',.i,tr, • . ,!: . • • , Peattoz.—The rumv o s 9 r_of-la contemplated • Film* loan of £20,009, j e i re . olficiallit; WWI* ''The probibition 'aglidiP:tlio . : publication . of Eiiisoottilltaatorala in theViiniolipTaiiijiiii r tiiiii 7 withdrawn:- • . t', '.4,1,..1 s•:.• It , • ! c : ';f.' ' ,R.p . mg,-,fewas reportpdithgtAtiyapal govern meat was about to Oust 14 . 1 rform. Uablivia.—The Sardi4l46' ;chamber of Pepu ties had voted new loans; b'y 215 - to 3. ' ArtsTata.-,-A conventimt p lad-be.on signed h tween Austria, England and. Vie ( Forte. fir a sub marine telegraph' betweei4agano and Alexan _ . drift. ! : ix • RIISSTA.—It was holievltyitnitlhe new - Russian loan in 'LendOn 'Would proliVitiliiitre. The ip plications were light, : ant elliitliciuld close on the• Both ult.i 1 t.:ii . s • 4 ,' , '"," ' .. '. •! • 11.111 ' • • ..- :. .. . tgliftDAY, .7;Ily io, iseo. , • . . .: . ASTMS-Node. Ash,. ni.S l c,:..llTider, . 204.g0ty„,e.; Pearly .6 1 ,i45%. The . stock In find bakds is arnplo for all ordinary ; purposes. .1 ...• . ' f.J.ti . •. . . ' I,A.CON -.fillOtlidel: / /,67,0MC: . fOrlet. 11 1 41 , 1.1AW4 1 . 11144 . iIOMS: 1 .II.;6 10 Ue" . B' l CU 14471 . )e'l,L l6 . ,BEAN .6-86aM WI; ta, 6444,ietail pr1C.8•44 ass* per bobs'. - • ',- , .. rx,R014:115-Lifiiiiiitiiin: tale; r ,:sl . ii;i2 s .= .. • iIUTTY.II.4-Fraid l / 4 1toll; 114025f t er.th.. - in Oda. = - ' CANPLES AND BOAP--OAn. e : dippt=d. I*o4 - 11tonle, I*. and itdamsntine •IPtii9c. V 3h. 'Fonya. sc. "for. cominnii. foMe. for NOR), and VC. for Stisrisf t if Toilet and Citedi/e ; &AV". trirflovryer's chi.inleal nliVt7-ibld 7e: fivr,llPrmnn. CLIEEFE-NYy - , Woktsrt 4.litsysl'ri 2 ; tiagvc.; thiss44 2 suisi. 100. lob h' °OW. lite4Frinev tro• ' •., /' AlEaVet, •.,Tl= . ' '', r,, , .a,•:. ! r,", 1.1 z 4 ,00 )4440 % ! 'l' I) t7DlFftliTApplea,lirneM:nn; 1140994 Packed, 1.341.4e3, dos: -, atf - 4•lr, CI; -•-,;,• rPi q • . IgAiLLERS--Jeri • -4401:01. % 111. . • • ', • • =MI == OR :AT BRITAIN ==l=2l WIL lit 0111 Th " PlBll-No. 3 Mackerel. large, 12.50 re bbl.,and half loble. THE do.. t.• 25; . Like Wb4., ff. 6040.0.90 l + l Uhl.; half bola do., 5.(a045.26. ',Lake Trout, 8.50 14 bbl. Barring: Baltimore,.: 411ZWSZONge. 401'411190.121Fr0 LCOX y ualay7o); .11allfax, 5.50. „ .. . FRER-Middlings, $1.00®1.10 per 100 lbs.; Shorts, OXIi Price' $BO.OO. Drab; She.; Shipstuffs. 901Z01.0e.' , Paten's]. June 2, 1857. Ite-issued July .13,125 g. Patented FLODR-.Super., $ 5.25@5.30 ; itxtra, 5.5508.60; Extra AAP u-t 10, Si June 1, 1858. December 15,1857. and 1.1- Family: 8515., 5:8080.20 :., 'Fancy. Vi. 25. 0.2007.00. censed Tinder x Patents. ORAIN±Corn, 55,. sfV o oc.,_ Oats. , 3 C@ 37 c- - Eye , 75 ® Owned serenity by klieg Rowe. Jr., Wheeler & Wilson Pc, Wheat: $ 1.26001.23 for red: from store. . 'Manufacturing en., 1. 111. Pinger LCo and Grover & Baker 1 GREEN APPLES--sl.fier@2.oo Whbl. _ " . ..,„ ,8,,,,i ng . yu c hi ne o ß ent i eny. . ~ GROCERIES-Coffee: Gond Rio, 14- 3(4(40- s e• - "P r: `, 74- Pa:eh:lsere may therefore feel aasured that they are buying 8. , ,y 4 69c. for fair to prime N. 0. Molasses, 480e6 , 0e. for hew a first-class machine. . Orleans. _ _ , • . i , The points of tameriority, peculiarly its own, in this Un - HAY-850842A ''4 7 ton. at wale& chine. may be briefly stated: lIIDNB AND LEATIIEIt -Green beef hides, B@fY l e.; greew 1_ I.Facer. The n unlikable simplicity and accuracy, of its salhid hides, 714@iY 4 c.; dry flint 10@lfe. Rough country, i imechautut manifested in the fact that it Is capable of mak leather is'dull at 2f8F027c. Dressed leather is quoted its fol- lug. nnerringly,, four tlwueand stitches a minute. lows : RedzSpanish Sole'e fb_ 21@,25e." Slaughter Sole 11./4c,`,. 1, remits , It will nut drop stitches 9 and is rwisaless in its op 41(420c.k,Upper Leather. le dozen, $33(g):.; Bridle Leather, eration, vii, dszen, $10045: Skirting Leather 'll lb., 32 ® 34 l uni ' ll " °, TIfIRD. The facility with which theirs:re:el.:nay become fx- LISIE-I:nuitivine. $1.25. Maryland 3.70. .. , pert in operating it, inaqmuch as no mistake can be made In , setting the needle, or in regulatinglho tension., LARD-1.5,4@11c.'40 to for No. 1 city In bids., and 11W ,G, Rearm. A patented device of rota utility to learners has 11 ket in iregs: country- 10010)4e. • - ' 4 ntAitly been being lied which prevents the possibility of the .ItLESS PORE-Country,l4o.ool§l6.so; city. 518.00010150. Miteithio being run in the wrZing direction. or the balance QIL--No: 1 Lard Oil, 85eSSe.; Refined Coal' Oil, 05a70e.; NORA wearing a Ind r y's dreip, ' ' Linseed, n2aPsc. ' ' , 11 , 211. B-lug made interchangesblo in all its parts. any of PinATOES-Neshannneks, 50n5be.: Reds, 35ii.Me.: Blues, . : .hem 'dan_readily be replati din ortW of accident. 45e: Pinkeye", 45a50e; mixed, 40e. Jerseys (new) $4.70a5.00 TUC'''. J. HUNTER; General Agent, 'bbl. ' No, 51 Fifth St., Pittsburgh, opposite the Theatre. SA LT--No. 1, sl.oo(al.cri. Jyl,l-3ni BDEDB-4N0ver,51.25®4.37. .Timothy, 53.0003:12. Flax, STPARINT: I I.O% per Verve. TALLOW-Rough, 7c.; Country rendered, 03feigi10c. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. BEEVES-The offerings during the week emountrd to 8(110 head, gf which 4ro' were .solii at prices ranging from 2c. to 3c- gross. The remainder will b, tient emit. SII SEP-The offerings ronnunted tol,o l o Rend and a fru' wProsold at V..00a3.50* cwt. The tot:wander will be sent East lIJOS-605Y.c., ttioss..according to onalifY. • NeW•Tork. Niter Yonit, July 10...-Itlour: E5.1540:25 for supor. States.) 5. , 10n.5.60 for extra gtrito; 5.15af..15 for Ruplr. Westoin;t .5.40m5.60 Mr common to medium extra Weston: F.7Far;Bo for shipping brands of extra Round 11. Ohl. inmilitn Flour: 5.45a7.40 for common. to, tholes ,extra. heat! 'Winter red Weldor& *Hits keniuciy. 1.8541:87.; Amber torn. 1.31; good Winter Oblo,1.18: 81111rankit. Clulk 1:18a1.20 Chicaeo SpHng, 1.25. • pyo. St&lBc. ,Corn 62e3i for sound mixed Western ; 64e5 for .IVotdern;.yellaw. and. efete7 tir round yellow. Oats: 37a10 for. Western Cana dian. and 4011.15 for Strata. *pedal liotico. I 1! • MRS. ?WINSLOW, an exiiiieneed Nurte • • .;*i •i- and 'Temkin' Physician ; but aSco!l'iug„Syrup for, cbil•lren . , teething. which greatly faellitatee the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing an inflammation—will allay kill pain and - regulate the bowels. Depend upim it„ mothers, ir will givo rest to Your*:'rim Rod _ and health to your Mite. Perfectly r are. In all cases. See advertleement. . ARarricV. -"In 31 . .lieespert Pa.. May 24th. by 11ev..12. ‘Viloon Mr. Ilaatizies MAFIALAIi liileiifov, the fonnur, of Mtliec - iiPtirt,and'tlielattor from the vicinity of the tonne.' •Al thejealdence,of the bride's father Jnna 27th by .Itev. <F. WIWI:in/Iqt. Wittlite J.' ?Jitter, of l'a.. to Stile likt.ii.n.'datighter of tdaj.-Ww; Caren, of the vicinity of the:named place. . • gn•tilktr•TOth of Junvoi.t. the American Rouse Brookville, Lbr: %Nees ai Nseti to Miltrt .A NN Ll34:atatirs the 2let .it Jun at the . Yon,. WHITE. to . Mitm SIA:WARET iiiretsbu County, Pa. On.Tuelitirky'evetiing,.Tuly 3d, at the resulonee or the bride's fatlier,.bylles.l.lll3 Y. ISIVAI.tn , y ,Mr. Sz ‘.l Mt. Wa.shittgtou, to Srlit,Ly. of Tempentuc,ville. • On the'3dinst., at the hOtise of B. Ounp. in he betrough of:Cberry•Tree: by Rev. J.. P. K , •unely., Mr. DANIEL D. YOUNG to . WI WI SIISANNA S. &Jun, both of Clearfield Co Pa. . . , 'On the 13th ult.. by Rey. Wm. Hunter. 3tr. SUILUEL Etc Le ant/ to•Mles Aoyxs, daughter of Janne Hood, .be.q., all of- Waehjngtpu County, Pa. On Thn many, Jnne 16th„ by Rev.• Robert T' More, Mr.” SA)nt I. CHEW, or /IMS, Ohio, to Mra. MAIM A. Wr.nonx, of, Shelby, Ohio. • • • • . June'2otb. by Rey. f,R. J . Alexander. •Mr. JAldt.4 Lerrt.7 to Mkalußz:/. LllCkeli:b . olli of . 'West Finley,, Washington County, Pa. . • . • . In Slielneta, nn the 2let of June, hylltev. M. AL Shirley, Mr. Tuosiss BLARErif, Of Shah:into.. Indiana County, Pn., to Idtss fain trig A. ItoLls3ui.,of.l.ldet•ton, 'Armstrong Co., Ps. -June .27th,: by Res. P. Al'efty, Mr. 'Wu. of: Venungo ',County, to Miss Lizzie. S. GARDNER, of Clarion. County; Pa.' . • ' On-Worineetfay. Jt'snik Mb,- by Rev. W. M. Ferguson. Me; JA.uns s. A. Dowsers, of IllisOUti, to Slut ELVIII.i J. IZosr, of tlenocaiille, Ohio. ' • . • • On Tuesday evening. the 3d lust, at tho bowie of the bride's father,•by R , Y. R. B. Foraminn, :Rey. P. W. MELIoK, LO:MISS Ectirs NE, daughter of Mohair! Camden, Esq., all of - nom Bettiol;•Sortharnntori County, . • • . , . Juno 28th; by Tier ; &mutt D.D.. 31r.' A AR eN mare . t0,411 : 1101461314 . W0T.54.14, both of,Faytata County; Pa. ObituarD. =I . . [ANIIIrNCEIIOIIi9, ORATIS ; ' ADD/TrAli . mitfaip4 FITS Clara ‘4l;:bliE, NINE WON . D asitcd A . WT.] - . DTEl);.4nae:lsth in New Cumb-rland: Ohle, CYN-' 'ANN - ,' Wire of Wm: M. Itubiiieun, the . ,33.t.h year uUhte. . • . , . • DI . ED—An the rommlng•of the 2.lpt Or: MI Osp - u LA WCAL.IIO4, 4:..Walker Towin hip, OtAgre.co.; sed , yeair. 4 . • • - • . :DlED—in M. Egosomytt. rotm .relland ("runty. Oa, OD the 24th.of Jun. • SARAH It. CUKSINI.II4IC"agnd 34 yearn, nuxrths, . • Oid. . dap DIED—Of .ukterrol .sUr.u.•thr.uu. July 15t..1116A. 'WILLIAM ag"yomiii;* sum uf §: A. Wdb4:'Of Wayne Coduty, Jblo, ed *Our,: • • . . • . • • • .. . •• ' DlFETkirtao 12tfi, Mrs..IIANNAII, wlft of Mr. James DI'eADZIP•Kiftf Rohintion..Townnfilp, aged 0 year'. iroiesend her faith in Chrint and con tibcted4elfselfiwith, the Presbyterian church at Montour.. kinee,ttplf:tinte, by a long lifer of Christian fidelity at home, in the ebarch, l aii in the world, nlie gave evid.tnet. of the gonuitil;nianit lof,her-Prolbseloos. .7 -nus. an all-aufiteient na ,viouri wan:the' only gronorinf her hope, and misting here in ;dinttWasselie Mid thinoin she sweetly tell all?ep in J.:was, thaluil tope of Ahe giorioun re.surrection. The home cir cle ie l2rokea.. Use Clnirch has lost a faithful, member, and the poor and-necdy will miss a true friend. • ~e . • .t • : DLED—Nenr : Antritn Oueitisey . amnty. Ohio, on the 10th of Mar, Me& JAN.i:. ANJAMSON, In Ihd:iuth year of her "Tbe'rnenfory of il€,lnsilieblesseti," and we cannot print t ,therenialns.Of this excellent'woman to elnnilfer in the duet withi•nt a feeble tribute to ker prides. Though visited ew'- denly . hy the.d”stroyer, she seemed to he calmly resigned to the will of:her Maker.' During ilPr illness she would often praise lkud In' singing, and was 'given:a foretaste of those :heavenly Joyit thatormaln for the people of God. She truly siorned hey hristian profession' by a godly walk and con yersatiou ; anl,when•her eyes' were closed in death, no one could look upon that calm and peaceful countenance and pay, Ji•istui bath not *tight life am[ immortality to light. , •• * Dirs..Anderpon will not Soon be forgotten.... Efer gentle manners arid. klull.lMart won for her mani . friends. who deeply lament her cary,deatb. _ •A.L.it. DirD—M iv 19th. 1860„in the .57. th 'Tear of his no, Mr WILLIAM CItAWFJIID, of Carmlehaoleas. Acoordittg .tc file own statement, Mr. Crawford •in early life. embraced_ skeptical sentiment.. This s. Jerome sub e quentiy the • 'Occasion of no liitle annoyance to honself. When it TiletiSett the LOrd to Moraki n him to a sense of his lost dondltion, his former skepticism embarrassed hint much Li his efforts to belieie. in ,Christ and to receive him cerdially f.ralt,tho purPoeee ,pf , salvation. ,In Novembet di, lE4'4 Croxford'became a member of New Providence church. J I Sis; he win; elected, and shOrtly Wile) two dr td the office of Ruling Elder in the' witim ChurCit. the :duties of: 'continued to discharge till incapacitated by Abe:tame. Ito was a habitual attendant on prayer-meetings, on the Sabbath School, and thosancivary. lu hisinte.rcoui ea ho was social, in hitiattSchmente 'cordial, in file depOrtment `eletnlqnrY: Darifig hie illness' though' sometimes trOubted 'withmiegiviogstatohiaecceptanceandinterestlnChrist yet with conflete'ncOhecontimied to the lost to rely. on the merits of the Saviour at the, duly ground of hie hope, and hope of a ealtn, sweet, etyrnal rest in heaven. J.M. THIS':WEEK'S ADVERTISEMENTS. )314 4 1,17 TEP.(Rr.r*PEtts• - ' krP.LV,TON 1 43 a CO., • Piiii:•44i and *5 JUAT rIIJAIFIT .D THE , li/013137 VERNON. PAPERS. , . ISt' •.00lVAltti art LTr. , , . • . ' . . ... .. .Cluth SI.Z. 0/"1/V./O‘N'S THE PRESS. •From the kreid.Pyterian. ' ' • . . "iThiSvoltirne will no . donbrobtain, ItA it deserves; a very wide circulation. The reminiscences and sketches• of illtui tricots litClilly and political chantctnrs--1-:cott, Louis N apo- Icon Pmureort4to.nd.,lldlain, tion,liundmldt, Prince Metter , nich, Talleyrund, and others, are very intemuting..' . • F .• Fruin the Chrietlan Ohicrver. , ", Coming from the pm of .an emin-nt scholar and e,tatet e man idr iulvaneedirr years. discussing themes of national In , terest, it will be ciivived by, the public in thliv form ns n book Cor Vi'llitiLlieneVultil.." • —' ' E rooFLA:. WS' OJERIVAS pealtivelY cure. , ' • LiVerDOESaint, • Dyspepsia, Nerroall ' Reouttura's Orrice, Jeanine, d.hiabnla Co. Ohio, July . 1, Dn. 0: M. JAcatids :—Dear, :-1 bave used IT autlinfre German IlltWre lu my family, oecasioualiy, wlnm tht..cwd r. - gully! for_about six yeare peat ; and , have teetLd-Ita awitita.in IDYetkpilliebiver Complaint'itsd• Wrr.dfs EVebtlity - andiam gratin.' to certify to its g*l-effrct,thatoittaintwrittercht reoommeadat. lon given ui it. arid freely recommend It to'nth arewitiesd—nuidaquirbibeiiisak.acri which tiAy ire pre •JAIIr" Wini N c t" , a "Pr,d e F . • r oktailZZailliista and Dolan, everywhere. Prise 75 nentare ' .• • • . • ••,1714-le ' WEST 111tANCIMETIG ll ' sCfloo L, 3ERBlit ilutawitcommo ,CIIINTY, PA: a:4,4 4 ;saiiik_ bulb feud, mil:open term Neonater arra. ase Marano hevii4),Vertired , the bereft's, so priodra, or ply. W. V. DAVIS, late Priem:pal of tharlDpb Ballool at. baroastar,' Va., can netcalivnead tide Sebolli to to and cuardlats att a inret,deeirakile don In which to pfc.' their children and wards. Thu course of buitivetion ,•robraces every depadment of education taught In the be.d. ACad. totes. to all the andl( the paella are therotighly grounded and taught to under stand.and apply what they learn, Tbejoyealuportnm oldie acbolars wilt by partitulaily under the care and irtAractivn .'af.a tidy, whose many aconniillaitteerdi ) itndloneexpirviertoe s.:4 4tied 6u r f 4.} t r l l ?t / I "..lY.F$P.' l .!>/tfit v , a ti Pew. blot ' ' keyllortbrir tr a t eat icalareitaeily tniltre, J:3BTY.,VENS; Mant tbd Or Ws eriucipsol. bl 4-70 F=MM ISSUES - DURING. TH • E MONTH OP JUNE 0174112' ,Presbyterian Board of Publicalion, NO. &In -CHESTNUT STREET; • : • PhDadb'phi6. PLANTATION SERMONS,•SERIES r IT. LkSSON'S ABOUT SALVATI N FPO'd TIT.. LI PS 'AND. N'T ,tirDS ,J US .11• Int; a S cad Strips of Plantation Styntons. the Bev. A: P. Dickson Orange- I.ltivsputh olina. 12nm., nr..254. ; Pries 55 news.. .., • • 1 Good News.- - 2 .191w1 thsl3aptist. , 3:-!Touptstion: •: . . :4 Scam or Jesus' - Mlghty, 5 slee of Jesus', 'Mighty , Winks. Works. E. M ro . of. Jesus' Mighty , Wise Words. • • ; : . ; . •-. Words. 9 The... Sower:. 10: 'The Prodigal Son 11: Christ's:Friends and En& ' Last . : l4. Trial and Death. 16. It in` Jesus Win' 0 ime Again.- • ' ' ;-• Serieajhr Fatah: IStao. Mistrated. NURSERY TA.LEii , FOR 11ER LiTII4I,FRIENTM. ry" C.iu g ixi Martha. .lEttai. 7u.. Prow 20 and 25 cents. .'t 'Arco , 'THE-SA BBATIt &TOOL '131.1.1: 'A 'New Coll&tion of Choice Myinne and Tunes, Okigitial and 4tendsiii. Cothil:ed , 141turtic.. Waters: Pp: 144.' lirileel2'edults percopy; 'or MO • par liknopies. r •A nd;tha • folowing,in French : , „ .• • .r. WATTS 5 cents. W.E.-TMIAt:T. It 811 8T..11 t AT..01.1.1651. -' 4 cents.. - 3 cent& !.; • • Itrir F..WI•SS - P ASAlit. 3 ceitts: TWar,s:oAftLET.'iltißD.-' - 3 cents.'. ; - -• •; inPlttsbargh the. , , PmshytPrian Book- Rn Clicir St: e'et_ Jos :13, ;. - 11.1Y.11 . -tf ; Age n t. 1: BU3INESS NOTICES: H•' • - SA V! THEM. BEFORE. Ig.TOO.LATE. r . htM r e moved to - :".. - 216 Pennr:Street; hrthn !ulnae formorly ,emnplert by Dr. G. G. W.-pm, opposite OncietehureM -11.n114,ve nit. the Modern improvement!, Teeth insvrtml "at VqllOllP price*. P._11131 $l5 TO $O2. PER SET, - Itia , 4REMOBB:- Rvv. W. D. 11 WARD, 11ev. SAARI r. PINDL - Y. A, RRADLEV, A. G. Wi*A. l / 1 1.....5. 11.7 - r Germx, G-2 pen 13. KrYSER, W. nuiDtr, . .mitr2t.ly Poi Biilliancy and Economy, I - SUIiPASS S ALL . 01:11 ILLO.SI.I.ISITIICO 011 A D. Win tlinarket. ItAvill•lturn in all styeis of emf oil lanipe, IR per fectly 'safe, and free from all offensive odor. Manufactured 'mid f* sale by W. MA C . KEO W N, telt-ly ' PTT Unto NO HOTEL,RCHANTSHOTEL, 4 . 6 'N o ft. h 'Four th -s t.r t , • r PHILADELPHIA. • • C. & SON. Proprietors. marmy• L D S • BRITTQ4V C 0.., • . . Manufaeturers and Wholesale - ant Retail -Dealers, , No 4-N n ixes S;aitun Sr., atuse 11 /Act Phihuielphia. Thelisigest, cheapest and bei3t assintinent of 'Ptittu and tra*T,,,Httyps of any other establißillirntt,in the United Stays. promptly attended to Give us 'a:call and baii3f yourl<4vvb. ' ' "'- febP-ly O.IIIIILERS • bemrs. Anchor lipttin ttholhe Porr.ble :51i11.3 Fr:36oh Burr Smut Mubines, Mill Irons, ScreenlVire, of. ;01 ktivi& . • OffibU:3l9 Liberty - Stree*Pittibitrib jtura.if. W. WALL%CE. STRAIN MARBLE WORK S. _ . M 11trir..8 MANTELS always on hand, and, belng mann rhadr4d by m whin try, mild at low'prtboiC These mantels . are always mut, and ad.) mom to th..b.nray of a Irmie.than any other article that-can be bought fur the same moncy. , Mallet; and Stanu. lIIILMIR and ' - : - . Marble Tops . ~ 10, Furniture. Waoli-tandl, C linters /Le. Non fun , nts, 'fablets and Gratastun , a ; always on; hand. at. law 10 , ...,41 . . sir , Wirerooto,323, Office 319,"1:berty Ftrret.'Pltbilmrgh, . ?a• ' . W. W. WALLACIL. i . • kin 234( - • .. .. . • • • • - ipp I A ER PA R f9 v }.:XTRA W,HITE and P.11.048,1'ni; furl I -t‘vn.4. sr. •rin-mited • • .W A 1.1.:A.M., SISMito-rtp .64 rr.t. IlittAhinG.7.l! • .P "WA* LACES FOUNDRY,. , . Boiftr. . . . . . . 0: , $ l9 LIpERTY• 01t1KET. , tr;,(311 l'A. "Ettegni Engines for. driving 111119 Fiatories, bit aid felt ,Thiashing Machin; a, .Prtnting Preface' te,' with Vortabln . and Stationary hollers . altray . s. on bend„ and made to'nrder.! Steam Boilers, Balt Jte.- m nr, Waxing. Brick Ilachinery end raking- of all kinds, made to order. Sax' M. II Irons. Water Wheels. Vault and Cellar . Gratis, Npli.ut Slarkatel Giant Bars always tin hand. Wir fiftim!, 319 liltrtnty Street; rittelotvalt. Pe. Junt!'-tf .. W. W. WAT.I.A. P. •Viiiiti•ESßEit - G, • - IE NW /girl/or/or, No. t,1)4 roll/. TH: STiflaT, - 10{ itetwatii.W4d Smithf ield Street:.. • v 'H' - "P. • Olt FIOV iYXr : 7 1 ;Prom 9 o'clock A. 4141.0 4 tecloc.rP; M.: • • • :41e01- 1 7' . • • . • ...r , S. 17. E • N • • • • - • . • •• Bac& ariil • Orotci ..- r:TAT',O:JtIf, ST-AD:PITY PLR, :11S. IYJ IK BIAXII NADA UDER;! and Dealer In A3IEND.A.". AND FOIL YGN Plair.l3l S:', Cotner or Alnrkgt and Second, .sitiO Wood s and .Thirdiltruets, Pittsburgh Pa.. • Partlcularattentien paid to Pr.intingeataingWV for col Ogee aa:Somiharies,: Progranummi; Diplomas, and Schliol Report/1- MM. M 7.1 y ' • SPRING .AND summEn- GOODS. • : •• ,IL, SMMI • • Merchant . ..Tailor N - 0...44: Wylie Rrecti—Pittaborth, Deaixe,tfully incur publlcattenthaiprbianele * mut .xt e n,..fve assortmentuf 1 tabionalde S.PIO.No•A.•D.SU3I.3IE,It U r DS: onbrabing•alr the. new and 'dodrable otirids for wear; nideb - *ill be. made t..a.,a doe to b.wt manner., at eseonabl e pr:rwa. mlrl7-1y IQUiDr RENNET, • VOR MAKE 0 DK& W '3ITIKrTzE, • DELICIOUS , DESSERTS, hefts with Milk the Meet :'teediiis ourat. Hamm . for the Table. ••• TIIE LIGIIT4ST AM: II eT G-AT -MIL DIET FOR IX- • • ' 'NAIADS 'A.-.1) L.IIILDIii.N. • • Teaspoonful Canierld a Quart of Alah- intaa Firm Curd. Milk contains every el mutt of the bodily constitution— when co agulitid with I.eunet It le a Iwoya light and easy of digestion, and supports the system with the Ica'.4 poasible ex citetn. nt. ,Tle , ,beurcnience and ctic..iy of the article over the fertn;:r trotlblegime and uncertain way of pppriting Ourds and'Whcy•Vati,let and Prugolue will recumni..nd it ot once to all who au ft. There arc f..w• D.-a:sorts' for the table_ so erwidmical, deliCiow, and healthful. Full d.yections accompany each bottle. Par Rennet to the only' Li no aiiiisiniple wet for the purity of Milk. evoixieed 'front the cl,nn and carefully prepared atomac!, of the Calf, by the hllnufactur , re. ' -I•LAtli Patirmocnutists, Philadelphia. For Bole titan Grocer,. and Dtuagista. Altit - ..Wholesale Depot 71 C:olar :Arm, (between' the . Post Dike andlli•littairay.) Neu; Yurk Jy7-4t* A":"VERY- PLEASANT Suraraer oarding •. .minvenient toleltx, near_ dr, Beaver . Elationon • both net opened at ituriitt Point. by i . ' .• ' • • . '"•'• • • 11. C. )1 CULLOIIGII. Lenye the ova niltritlgotritor. • Juuto-Nt* HAIM ,VPPORTUNITY. lIALE:. JR. & CO., trewhitryport; illass..,.wilrem pl.l millet and r cnialot to act as hrtal ur. tract Ring agent... 'rasa, tattc•in th..ir employ avvragu Ywm V. 40 to VW pl. 'math. ' We cannot in th's air:rats-rat tit particularize the brogues% hat we wilt in a. circular. (free ur aor,). til all who address us upon theol2jrit.. %WU kelt Irril AlStorltuilty for tame out of mploymcnt °titan aii hozonable situation. jrr-fl FRUIT JARS'!: PICIDIT;;TA S 1 • THE BEST 111" THE MARKET: . the KeystAirk e abd Willough by thuw bre simple in their ar rantremont: require no content,. awl areverfectly air-tight. The lieyttlons Jere ate the.aely.islc-testing jars:in the inethat. Witli.thhi jar. the "cimilig(rits.;,T the - fault. dui be . told :at s.ght)co.)tuid if alut prop , rly:Tui 'try irint ith r i t y,c blluie itself in tiros to save 'the trait. The itnporielbility f i 'the stopper blowi4' out mid thi s ease with which Oil at, d. ousted, loge theist jars, tlpf.piost duiitublertOthrukthwhoblk.: Manufactured aidfor sale by, .1 • , , ADA mt 3, •BiACkitifirif CO.; , , Cur.•Reat !Intl WiftecAlte.. rittriblitibao M1Vcii . .3.711. :It: A :11 . :4 .E. 414 :,• -; 07 -• • •,- L • : ' ' .The American.• Sun lay:Uad Unica( F9R , . • ' sl . o iliinier_Eitibooi'Librittiei l Si ifistribudois rz body Sat • WW* BllNlW4iipirl}l be Matter 106 'MI: • •f • The Sandeit Moots entitled to - , thiens Litbriebe Inn Onee estetiliebed in • Allisteiny i County, -Pin, since liar& pet, • 18e". • ' •r - Appireante*lll , be required' to enieroribe to 'ointment gil ing nexac, I. , ntlon, and dote or organisation of thq name and Offer rlfice address et Atrwriotendent; flv,:rav mantic? of iriCirril'and whalers attendance, and'imennt ,thunsontril44l:for eTippy.ut,of 1301291, , • .Iteeaonablivilldebce •by inionnt or amittibuidene* - Otto. Oriedeenot tikvernignennwof theidettool frilikbe reankedA: - `Apiff ie M. tr. MAI' N. Of EeTev, On QSM At r llYbe tid. a Anil 914 Nailtorilit. AcialsCia• ing p r 4>lo . irri f .;'-- \ 14. 6 1 10 1;\ it a p' 1; 4;::•.\ \ s ch* ,$) ECONOMY! S p ot 41 4 i D` f l a ° 4spatcs ...• n Sl'B IHe rieees! •?. . 4 .• jejjl hitppen, ex,* in mi.,: wow it lam, 'land**, wiry deirnahlor to'hitve soine chow And oonvenhatt way for ruppold , ,ing Furulture., ;Toy., erspek.r,y; SPALDIIIG'B7T.REPABP:O SUM *woo. eli .melt emergaispien r vid bottnelaoid ems afraid to /ti withist tt I 1 Iw titete:tl ready and up to the ettektoo paha. ",There le no %Omit: it ieNitotity fo . t limping chatoh eptleterad eo• nteto tooolloot t ttolle, met ,htltk.,t. epulles It to too the article Lit eoiiim: mitt tatiot:tirttentettiet work, eo jetsetter with Who ef:tellitenttot nod tone:" • : ' - Tide nrGnituhle,pretptrwthm Is used sold, being etesroludiT bel' to '..ol6thm. sod ins.sennhut wit the vslashla stuallaer n't Ole bet phlnsvrterks6).:!‘.lllne, It may Ate' mad in tits pis.» nlierrt " " (lAKFITI. IN icy rut nousk. , . lirgdsth siiclinloglifewesets'tsmle. Piies. 25 cart, Wholoioto Depot. No. 30 . 1" ) tatt.st., New Tort. HENRY SPALDIFO it CO., Buz No' 3,600, Mow Y•zk. 13243=1 Piit tt;i-Mr Mellor* in CAAHA eoutainfew roar, eiit I. Mind twaive 'dosata—stwautirurt k iitomi:N{Ou glom ilaral 4erompanying Mich rAelowe . Sir a duple borne ArrAl.DINll'l4 PREP AltV.ll 11111 wlllvove too tlinem iM cout alotuxll overy, hutuntludd .4AI Sold b 3 dl proluionait Six Sown.. Druitgbau. fluolunoe an! fumhurilmieri. il'rocur... oiut Fosor:.. Uodeto. Comfit) muteluoukulluseld mutton note SrAI•IS N YRS SLUR, Oho. stinking up diet, Hot 'll. 4111 saand.44 OOP D ramwmi tram No, 80 Platt Street t 4.8 C.IADAD,A PR Wl'. dew Y.rk. .1,4,314 Y ,CATE PU'ILICATIONS, &C. T HE, _SYNOD'S BOARD OF COLFORTAGE, 45 St. Clair Street, Offers for sale a choice selection of books , suitable for all classes; on' very 'readonable terms. The collection embraces the entire, :publications of tho Presbyterian Board, of five bandied and'itxty-nine distinct works, and a large variety or !Psalms and ;Hymns. and the Psalms of. David in metre. Also, a good selection from Carter's late publications, Mar- Nelitinis- Mateetehusetts S. S.. Society, Tract Society, and S. S. Union; •. - nudge on o , rinthiane. 2 vole ..." " Eitheatairt - The ,B . `orqs.ana,:aind Jeeue `The Promiser„ • • - SCA Bow :or -,Communion with G Cumming's Brent Tribulation ' ' • Senuone to• Working Men. •By .1. W. A.lexano, .The Chrietian'e !low. A Prize Balmy Family 11:-Iikion. ' Ry Smith Bather and llrr Times. lty J. M. Lowri. Last Days of AT 9,114. Ily T. V. 31oore Titles . of our L.rd M thud 4 Riches. of Ennyaie Sings for little Owl' at litinr. Ths Stara and:the; A ngt4s • Coardrnan'A Higher Christian Ltfr Dr. Str.neret• "Sketchr,r %lamina's tAgßerna itbout J Rev. J Mtlison,Alosantter's 8 'mons. 2 ......... 2.50 I 1 ec. J. W. Atoxanrlces Forty Years' L •tters. 2 vole 2.50 R• P. 3. W. Alexanrlor's einvolatit;n to tho Fntf•rtng 1.2-5 Per. Dr. Litontry A.teoctions of the ..... 1.25 erovince of itmaqon. By Y , ung 75 Nelson's 131.nutifiti Oil Col. Vir•ws Of Antortcan aura , n.nd ast"rn C:tios in packages of tw , lve views 25 The ilogrd, bav taken special care to obtain a choice selec tion ami large variety of Sabbath School books, embracing 1875 vole., and several t,ibrariee, embracing from fifty to ono bond ^•d v-dumes each at from $l5O to SAD AO. eelocted from -the Board .of Publication., earter's, Marti.nes, 8. 8,- union, Tract &piety, Massachusetts S. S. Society, and Nelson Sone. Aii'thesc they offer" at a very dt.count. au en 4nduce ilwnt ,to -Superintembmte and Teacher• in- the country die, team; vilmse schools have been slug end-41 during the Winter. awl are actin to be recommenced, to obtain the boat library marSi-cowa NEW' BOOKS LATELY RECEIVED smrrg, ENGLISH r . (Sz '..BookeederN Publtshms. and Importers, No.ANorth-Sixth Street. Philadelphia: KURTZ'S- CHURCH HISTORY. ITIST 1 1 , 1• OF ;THE CIiEIbTIAN CHUM H TJ TUE REFORM ATI ON. From the G mon of Professor KAIFU., With _k.ntem:ations and Additions by the 11ev. Alfred Eder shein, Ph. I ). B , ru.,'Llath, 51.50. • • Chrislianity in the First Century; Oa TLFI: NIW4IIITII OF TUE 801 lAL . LIFE OF MAN TM oOUOIT TIT& ,818' NO OF CII ISTIANITy. by • Chr.-'llMllttan. Translated frtm the. German. Cloth, 81.50. .• TOOKE'S. PURL.Ey. TINSMs lITVERST: t.F P t:E,Y. By John Horne Tooke.- 'With Ts uthkroui Additions from the Copy prepared by the Author for re-publication; to which is added his Letter to John Dunning Esq. Revised and Corrected with addi. tional Notes, by Richard Taylor, F.8.A., F.L.S. 6v0., Cloth, 5.00. ***Any ofttheabove will he sent by mail, upon receipt of price. advertised. NOW .READY. A GREAT 11)0K TN TR AUTHOR OF "GRACE MARY BUNYAN, The Dreamer's . plin i Daughter. A TALE OF .11ELIGIOUi PERSECUTION. 1:Y 3111 S: S. ROdiESTLR Vd111). uj Luuittilli.. *Thum. 'llnia. 498; Illuitrated. Price 81.00 The great 'popularity of "Orwai Ziuman," (of which thirty thousand copies have beau euld,) will secure, fur this thiPummis uf. readers. READ WHAT THE PRESS SAT OF IT. 'rum thu ,New-York Examiner. The nuinerons readers of " Chace Ti uman" have here Anothei wyi k fin a topic oltdeep and thrilling interest. from the autiaior of that highly popular book. Mary lawyer'. the mind daughter ot ti,, fm.o iittl dreamer, is reierred to re peatedly in his autobio%mpliy and other works. hhe was ibout twelve 3 . pare,orage.when bunyan was imprisoned in liedfind Jail. and his. anxiety on her behalf was one of his principal couses.of.dlidress lo.bia long immisiitiment. As drawn by Mrs. F.fril her character seems to have been one of great modesty and lovelineea and the story of her .love,for SFitlu m punier_ and of his dtath-for the cause civil and religion,' freedom, has much of the pathetic element in it. Mts./ ad is evidently thoroughly au fait in the inci dents if kupyane fatuity. Judtory. and in the topography of Thifford and allow. Wean safely predict for the work an extensive sale. From the *ewLYork Evangelist. The simple Incidents of Butiyan's life, his protracted im lriwintueut, his heroic endurance and lofty faith. are of them selves full of the deepest. and most thrilling interest. It mieileri-only the picture of h:s Mind daughter Mary, in her ,tentlentsm and pathritm , under sore misfot nuie, to give com pleteness to the, tragic yet noble scenes in which Bunyan figures :so modestly 'yetlentnitly conspieutine. The author of the volume before Ai has carellully gathered up such histori- Cal facts. and they are fortunately numerous and well an thentieated. xa could throw light upon the aultject. and has employed theuf witErgrpat sagacity and effect In the construc tion 01 her story. ' ' th. American Baptist, N. Y. The announcement of a new wolk from the pen of theaccran plislied authoress of • Gnuw Truicom " will o ed a thrill of thi•sugh tlibUsandeot heaite. the book will be read with au enthuriasra ranelyleqwslled. There will be many a mole. trned eye over the heautifn I pages of misting scen e s in the history of one whOni; all know only to love. MOM It wail tea Ot the press, five thousand spice hail been ordered, and We doubt nut it will have au immense sale. . . • • From the Pittilinrkh Chronicle. This is the butt -product from the pen of a lady whose writings are rapidly becoming popular. Ilor last work, ' disco Truman;'"' had's sale of over thirty thou - Awl covivn, onil this one is said to b.. a better and a more interesting book. It, is a very • pleasing tale of fiction. the scene of which is in 'and the chief character. the imin.irral and kr.!ver.to-be-forgottou Jam Bunyan, writer of the Pilgrima ProgriA - ip. 'Pahl tilled by TRH: AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, • NO. 9!9. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Wars, as suitable for individuals, churches, families, and Sunday Schoule , , a large variety of STANDARD. VELIGIOUB PVIWCATIONS. Of these, a law number id intended fur Children and Youth —the volumes banp handsomely illustrated by fine en gravings printed in clear type, and well n.tund. The assortment embraced over four hundred and fifty volumes: . RI ORA PO, TWAL, • Dt.VOTI °NAL, Ordure may boaent to MO • JUST..PIDIBLISHED. THE SIGNET-RING, . AND OTHER GEMS. BY REV. J. 1).0 LIkleDE. 63 centa. O.E:T..N I. The Slgnet•Rlng and Re ll:twenty Motto. 11. the I iilpritenee, and tin- Juurucy to obtain It. 111. Th. fluipwruckialiTeaveller. The writings' of this author are highly popular In Eng land and Ueiniany • Phew tiny have had a large bale. The getin9 ouitimAtt df lihti t•reign preas ie eirilinnAd in the fol lowing froin the J3e! thith-Guurd.un: -We have nut found totoad small& notimutta a *l,B of Chrhaian experience 60 preg nant w.th linitrUntaula 1 all who are enraged in the Lord's work". • . • • lemo..— MORNING HOURS IN PATMOS.. The Opening Vision of the 'Apocalpse, and , . iThri.t's Epistles 'lO the Seven .. •-' . • • Churches cf Asia.' ' BY R. V. A. C. Y1.1.05iPb0 1 .4, • hnthtir.of `Olie:11441:r L tud,".••4lathered.Litheu" &c. WITH BEAUTIFUL FRONTISPIECE , ' • ... s • ... 7 12m0.--.•—Algthi. v ...,.sl : tio.• .., • • _,Aal l 'fiet47'etiTe . v. , ll4'' , 4 theckunue,pr needitations on the I' nitit•thiec chapters et , chi Aitukthiypoe; the Interest . of which I ,la smitly uttlatuced by ) tio.stithur e rcceut visit to bueutoe 'aecthe'llatisol,th‘iie'v.ll 4 4iiilc Chinch re... 4:: '.:;:".*;;'13 . -zr„e44.! •• ~... "THE3IILS %OF. G.Liffil. ~ ...1 , . , lc Eitiiirif4o . l ltiiiviOn . lrelapol:11118,59. • .- —.li itt., s pLIA.3I talliOff. • • ''t.rolhnter of•Chrlett 'halm in QUU O n .B College, Beir•lats 1934 Miiieratia ul t.1.t0 G-ovrat AalarillAY, Or . .. thMlVO4- •.: :.• j_. • • • ....byt..,/ijap,Chu4ch 4) . .Itt lead.; ... .: ..r.. * wlii r *i r lSTltO..trcrior 'BY air. BiaOil Siap; lija.,. . • . 14*,....'.-----c140..—.—..5t. L'.'' . ..- . • 4i , ..2ifiiiOnginntiloriiinilirpre'pansil fiii:initiin po. wt. 1s -and bkin,, by Pl..t °them, e iifithli4l4 7 thilletitfiY litibd IC :did UWE: ie the ottly Pprn i* ' '" 1441":t° . - 04.Akinfigebtlyttth...... . , it t v, 2.y ).• dcisfrirtlock,44 410 tou ngoottliee of . .the, huctiei t the . lititlfinectuire of :etnitthiniel., the' language -lint! 66nduct of .the c4rUccita;,tlu; ittrituilieilcct, of thot..tdr.k tiiiithebuttah3 'unit h'th a its the cii enmity, cfc. tcrider It e volume et es :tiltnrnitifib' inktnet. 0111 a. .- In T IVO; vi , :.::7)(' to Iv* VoitepUrativad:ifipingr. • ;.,.'•.:: .-', '.• . , to - witeia.lW wolid”t ha uit'it-Aa , ut-Lit? . ~•'. --•• ' • ext. ' 644/r e ili Vit u 11 ' i i i O I L I VEWV , Y 4 4 1 i 43 i* Via . ' , • •.-: ~ ... 4 •"t it ff• lifts' MUM ' riatisitO/L ... „ . N: Hi. tuthiXty ; lit! WeeLluout. lib.t Aitoutt. .$3OO 2.00 TAII'IA & FItiLDIN & CO.. 116 Miami Streol, N. Y HISTORICAL, YItA 'A L, IL.LPS TO READ THE SIDLE IL N. Tlll6B LL, Tract II .use, 9'7.9 ChNgtilut Street. PIMA. 30 , 1.00 "E,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers