The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 18, 1867, Image 1

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I;itirl oN & MUSSER'S o f
Street, Marietta, Pa.
1,111 row & MUSSER, successor& to. Dr. F.
A 1,. , will continue the business at the old
where they are daily receiving additions
, stock, which are received , from the/
iiiiable importers and manufacturers.
!,,,v would respectfully ask a liberal share
are now prepared to supply the de
of the public with everything in their
, 1 trade. Their stock of • ~
she alines 44 4 )
;•11 Ids of all kinds, Fancy and Toilet
of every kind, Alcoholic and Fluid
Ilstruct6, Alcaloid and Resinoids, an'
the best Trusses, Abdominal stip- •
porters,Shoulder Braces,l3reast
Pumps, Nipple Shells and
Shields, `erring Bottles, -
A large supply of .
powder and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery,
• •, Combs, Hair Dyes, Invigorators, 2c - C.;
oil, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wick, Btc;
..‘•iciaus supplied at reasonable ratea.„
brines and Prescriptions carefully and ac
compounded all hours" of the day arid ,
11 Charles H. Britton, Pharniateutist,.
Lit pay especial attention to this branch '
the business. Having had over ten' years
experience in the drug business .eria
- to guarantee entire satisfaction , to all
Ina) patronize the new film.
ilAbsex's Compound Syrup of Tar, on
~..1 sod for sale.
A supply of School Books, Stationary,
be.. always on hind.
to 10, a. m.,—12 to 2, and sto 6 p.
..'!l.s 11. Britton. A. Musser.
October 2.0, 1866. Iltf.
A. LINDSAY, ..dlat
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
.1 this Borough and neighborhood that he has
r, Ihi lour the largest assortment of City made
p,11; ever offered in this Borough; amongst
xnah way be named the new-style. .
7';1i1) Hoot, and Globe-iii:iNS))oY”4ls
A, L. being a practical BOOT AND. SHOE
mAKEII enables hint to select With More
sl l tment than those who are not. Lle,contin
les to manufacture in the very beat manner
vaything in the BOOT AND SHOE line,
chick he will warrant for neatness and at.-
rt-call and examine the new stock before
me; eleewhere.
,ikunila ,difteiclibie.
The cost simple, complete and easily man
ned Sewing Machine now in use. It does
,Ivry description of work—never stops at or
to he helped over seams, but does all
it• work rapidly and well. The needle re
ines un adjustment—you cannot get it in
makes any width of hem you wish
, lees braiding beautifully. The Braider. is
the foot of every machirie and p..rt of it.
4,,.1 is always adjusted, never gets out of place,
Cell mid examine them before purchasing
other, at
H. L. Sr. E. J. - ZAMA'S,
~.rner North 9, waen street and Centre Square,
Sole Agelits for Lancaster County.
Lancaster, February 17, 1866.-tf.
P_ 1-111..i1K._125.,
Physician and Surgeon.
11. A V I NG removed to Columbia, would em
brace this opportunity of informing his
;11,er patients and families in Marietta and
lofty, that he can still be consulted daily,
',l%%ren 2 and 3 o'clock in the aifternoon, at
nu: n.ditlence of Mr. Thomas Stence. Any
nd left will be piomptly attended to.
Marietta, April 1, 1867.-tf.
rrl FrlCE:—ront street, next do or to R
U wilians,Lgstorebeteeneust
Walnut streets, Columbia.
1) .01EL G. BAKER,
GPpusite the Court House, where he WW at-
A' .1 to the practice of his profession in all its
\ ;trio n a branches.
Warra , ll,
Surgeon Dentist,
'l , fogier .Rich's Store, second floor,
11 . S. TROUT, M. D.,
uirer a his professional services to the citizens
of Marietta and vicinity.
(I ran :—ln the . Rooms formerly occupied
1 1 . Dr. F. Hinkle, Market-et.. Marietta.
:/eY't3 Gun Caps, Eley's Gun Wadds,
l'"Unt' , Sporting and Glazed Duck Powder
inltuutire Shot; Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks
n • , ' - o ------ IVIAStK THE SEASON 1 ,
iotother arrival of those incomparable Gas
Illirsing Parlor Stoves. Also,
Can and see them at J. SPANGLER'S.
It CHOICE Lot of Books for children called
uhlistructable Pleasure Books ; School and
hkrr hooka, Stationary , Pena, Pen holden'
"1. Da. LANDIS'.
Q wr JUNG NEW ! Patent clasp pock
1,1 et books, no gum bands to renew, adapte
to any condition of the finance, at ,
_ -
1P1A.341.1L OF AMERICA, for beautifyinit
corn,,,lexion, softening the akin, re
: k fr ,, tlilea and pimples.
• ,ti hr. Len.lis , " Golden Mortar."
T4t 1-.41
The Mariettian is published.weekly,
at $1:50 a-year, payable in advance.
Office, in "Lindsay's Building," new,
the Post office corner, Marietta, Lan
caster county, Pa.
Advertisements wilt be inserted at the
following rates : One square; ten lines=
or less, 75 cents for the first -insertion,
or three times for $1:50. Profession :
al or Business Cards, of si.zlinet 97: less,
$6 . a-year. Notices in the reading col
tl'MPOS , ten cents a-line ; general adver
tisements seven cents a-line for the first,
insertion, and for every
.adclitional in-
sertion, four cents. A liberal decluc
tion made to yearly, advertisers.
Having put-up a new Jobber press
and added a large addition of job type,
cuts, border,. etc. „will enable the estab
lishment to execute : every description of
Plain and ~.Fancy Printing, from the.,
smallest, ca . rd to the largest poster, at,
short notice and reasonable rates.
Who counts himself as nobly born
Is noble in despite of place, -
And honors are but bonds, to t k one
Who wears them not with nature's grice
The prince may sit with clown or churl,
Nor feel his state disgraced thereby;
But he who has hat small esteem
Husbands that little carefully.
Then be thou peasant, be thou peer,
Count it still more than art thy own ;
Starid•on 11 larger heraldry • .
Than that of nation Or of zone.
What though not bid to knightly halls'?
Those halls hava missed a'courtly guest;
That mansion iS not privileged • '
Which is not open to the best.
Give honor due when custom alike,
'Nor wrangle for the lesser- claim; •
It is not, to be destitute,
To have the thing without the name
Then dolt thou come of noble blood,
`Disgrace not thy good company;
If lowly born, so bear thyself,
That gentle blood may come of thee
One winter evening many years ago .a
fair young girl stood before the glass in
her own pleasant little room, giving the
last touches to her toilet. That night
was the first party of the season, and
perhaps Emma might be excused ifsh'e
lingered a little longer than usual,
smoothing once again her dark brown
hair, and adjusting the soft "folds-of. her
beautiful dress.
"Come, Emma," called-her mother at
ength, "I am afraid .14u have forgotten
that Mr. B- is waiting_ for you."
No, Emma had not forgotten, as 'the
rosy flush that stole across 'the -elfeek
testified. Her last thougbt, - as she-stood
smiling at her reflection in . the glass had
been, "'his is the color which he likes ;
I am sure he will be pleased."
Quickly she'urried down stairs 'and
after playfully excusing her delay, while
the flush deepened at Mr. B--'s ev
ident admiration, turned to her mother
saying, 'I believe I am ready at last.'
"Take good care of yourself, darling,"
said the mother, as she wrapped a warm
shawl around the slender form, '"and
don't stay late."
Their destination was soon reriChed;
and as the young man moved through
the brilliantly lighted room "many a
glance of admiration was cast at hip
coropaninn, and more than one of hit
friends whispered, "James is ,
fellow ; I'd give a good deal to be able
to monopolist Miss BIOME , . as tie does."
The evening sped, joyously on, arid at
length, towards its close, • refreshments
were handed around. Mr. B was
standing a little apart from Emma, who
was the center of, a .laughing -group ' of
young girls, when the lady of the house,
with a smile, offered
,him a small glass
of wine.
"No, thank you ; I do not
was his reply.
"Paws? I what nonsense," she return
ed. "no one has refused it this ,evening,
and .I don't intend to allow you to be
the first. Come, ust one glass, it caret
hurt any one."
"I cannot do it,",,he answered gravely
"for I have determined never , to taste a
"Come hore, Emma," called the lady'
"I want you to coax this obstinate young
man to take a little wine. I know he
will not refuse you." ,
Emma took the glass in her little
white hand, with a Benito wlkicb few could
have resisted, said, "Como,: James, yon
will take just this one glogr!,,
"No, Emma," he answAredo with- a
painful effort. "I: havec.made np
mind, and you must not asklne,to-ohango
it "
"If a s'aughty 'girl should hurt 'you; like
a good girl you would forgive her, would
you Lot ?Yeg, warm, if I couldn't
'''rhos you shall, accoo3paay
36tptOtut Vtnnsetatnia 4tatrital far - *ant Ortiz.
ma, with an angry flash of her dark eye ;
"now take your" choice."
"I must bid you good bye, then, Fmk
ma, int camel to that,"` he' said, serrciw
rani; “1- would'do'anything elan
for you, bat that: I 'cannot "do.;' So say
ing, hoved anff turned away.
"Never: mind ; , • Emma, I'll see you
home," said,a, yonng,man,standing ,nemr,
whose flushed face betokened, that he .
had : taken moTe.than one glass, "Let
him go, the illmannered; who
So saying, he.offered his arm, which
Emma'accepted, and they moved off to
More than ten years had - passed away,
Mr. 'was Marlied and established'
in a prosperous business, `and by degrees
the' inaidents of•his.parting with Emma
were almost forgotten. - - .
One day a man. with - whoar he :was
slightly.acquainted came into hie 'gore
and aiked . .for.amtloYinent.- - •
"I am afraid I Can% give - it to you
Norris," was Ake answer.. "I, make it, ,a
rule never to_ have anyone in my employ_
who is intemperrate."
"But I mean to stop that , lkir. 7 ,—. 7 , ,
said the,MIIII earnestly._ , "I have wade_
up my miad„ to quit ,drinking entirely.
It's rather hard ~not to giv.e a man a
chance when he wants to reform."
"WeIV said Mr. It
relenting, ^Twill try you. Oome , into;
the be,clCpait of the 'store, and I will
glve'you some
A brindle was soon made up with which
Norris departed.- Several days elapsed
and the - work not. being returned, Mr.
S--- - sent to his residence to ask the
reason: .., :
Alas ! it was .the same old tale, of
sorrow. The husband and father had
gone 011 . a drinking . frolic,, leaving a
sick wife and , three starvingchildren.
generous heart, prompt
him to go to their relief at once. : He
entered the miserable dwelling, and from
the sick woman lying in a room, bare of
fnruiture, while the children
: sitting -by
the bed-sida, were crying for bread.
A few kind words and a prornise of
-ornethinglo eat, scion dried'their tears ;
and hastening to the grocery,he return
ed with =Ample supply, which he broke
among, the facuishing;children, •
While he stood smiling at their delight
the mother burst into tears and exclaim
ed,: "Oh, Mr. - 13-, can you forgive
me l" . _
'What do you menu?' he.atilEnd in as-
Don't you remember Entnia F
Don't you remember me offering-you-the
wine 'at the paity, and' 'your reftieing
Goil 'knows I wish 1 could forget it, but
it seems `as if it-were-branded on my heart
in letters of fire.'
It was some moments,. before
B-- could realize that the triisprp-,
ble creature before him was indeed ,the
bright, fascinating girl, from whom he
had parted so many years before.
'Poor Emma, how you must have *suf
fered,' he said pompissionately.
'But do`you fOrgiie me she
J Certainly; 'say no more about, it.. You
must not stay in this wretolied place,
Ie your-mother living r.
'Yes, sir, in the country.'
_,'Would you npt to•her
with the, children ?'
sir, but J. means'
'Do not trouble yourself,: as soon as
you are sufficiently recovered, I will
take care of that part of - the undertaking.
Let de know if - there is dnything
can do for you. No thanks,' lie' added
hastily, wile:poor:woman commenced
a' grateful' acknowledgement: 'Good
This was the second parting. •
.Yciungdadies who are accustomed to
press young-gentlemen friends to ..par=
take oLwine, pause now and ask.-your
selves the question, whether , you are-pre
pared for the. miserable fate of the
drualiard's wife.
gartEirlyin the mar, • when all were
more or lees green in the war .bueiness,
an "officer of the day" reported to,Greis.
Rosecrane that he had arrested , an officer
for some irregularity. "What did p o d
do With him 1" "Pt him-in, the guard
house." "You can't put a commissioned
officer' in the' guard'-house"l" said Rose.
crane excitedly e'en," si
Greed. eßiit'it'ie 'contrary to , the reg
ulations." "I don't care' what the rein
tationsteay ; he's teere, any howl". was
the conclusive :reply. . , ,
A teacheraiiidlO'alittldgiii at EfOool;
-VIWAY;:i.,;MAY--1:8; 1867.
A young medical student frotaltliehi-. - 1
gin, who- had -been attending lectures in
New t York-for. same'time, and who con,'
sidered himself exeeedinglygood looking:
and fashinating,,maild a - deadly onslaught.
on .the; heart and Portant) of a blooming:
younglady. id the same family with• him.
After a prolcinged siege - the!lady surreu-;
dared. They were on Wednes
day,:in the morning. The _same' after
noop the young wife sent forand
ted to the astonished - student a beautiful
little - daughter aged three Years and a`
'Good heavens! then you were a
widow ?' exclaimed the student.
'Yee, my 'dear, d this is Amelia,,my
youngeet,i` .. to-mbrrW, Aguatus, Taffies
and Reuben will arrive from the country,
and then - 1 shall have my deiar children
tagetber once' more/
The unhappy student yeplied not a
word 1 . his feelings were too full, for
utterance. The 'other little' darlings'
arrived. Reeben was six yeare, 'James
nine, and Augustus irsaucy boy'Of twelve.
They were delighted` to hear they had' a
4 .1
new, papa, because they could now live
at; ome, and have all the playthings
they wanted. The 'new papa,' as soon
as he could `manage to speak, remarked
that Agustus and James did not much
resenible Reuben and Amelia.
'Well, no, said the - happy mother ;
'my first husband was quite 'it different
style of-man from my second,—his cpip
plexion; temperament, the color .of his
hair and eyes—ally different'
. This was , too,much::. Ho had net only , .
married a , widow;,,lint was her.third hue:-
band; an the 'astoriiehed stepfather ,of
four children. •
But the fortune, thought he; that
Will make. amends: -He spoke` of her,
fortune.", •
'Tlidse• tire my treasures, said , ehe, in
the Roman matron style, pointing to her
The conceit matt quite out of the Mich
igandey,who, finding he had 'mide.
complete,goose of himself, retired to a
farm in lis ... own native State,. where he
could gave a 'chance of making 'hie' boys
useful, an! make them, sweat for the de
ceit, p r actised 'apes hina hy their *that.;
DE6PPING TELE "-H."—A schoolmaster'
was hearing one of his pnpils reed, and
the,. boy, when ,he" Came to, the word
''hocor," pronoipced it full; the master
told him it sheuld be prononnced with
out the H, as,thcis 'on or. '
"Very well, air," replied the lad, "I
will . r,e,meinbor for the 'fatilre.','
said ;the Master, "always drop
The - next morning, the Master's tea,,
with a hot muffin, had been brOvight
hitidesk ; bnt the duties-of his yocatipn
made:him ' , wait till , it. , :was : when!
addressing the same•boy,. he t tplii, him to,
take' it to the_fire and heat i@,•.=
!'Yea, sir,"' replie•dr' the ,scholar, :and:
taking it to:the fire, he ate it. •
Presently the :master called lor, , his
"I have eaten it - air you bade , me," re
pliedrihe heir.
Eat it, yoesodendrel ! I bade you take
it to the fire arid hat it."
"But,, sir," answered - the "pester-
day you told nit the
"READY, E.E.CountEn.: 77 .ll,L. young In
diem failed in.hisinttentionfiltmra :_yonng '
squaw. She made'vomplaint to an old
chief, who appointed a hearing
The' lady laid'the ease before the
an s eexplained'the iiabirenf the Protiiise
inade to her. , consisted" of Sundry
Visits to her wigwam,
"many liftle`nu'de
tinable - attentibiiicaresent4iCbinieti
of feathers and Be veial verWe' of
nel." This was the charge,' - The'faiih%
less swain denied_tbe "nedelleabie alteri
tiens", in 49t 1 2.,w Haohad . , NiaiPliit,hl 3 T
father's. NvigNaßfor4h 4 l-PlarEciß.9 P
in,g,a1 7 47 lfowt011:1-0.t.eiothisPi
ent. to .homit,..p.„nd. hadlgiver i the : .f'eathettl
and flannel frcini kfkiePo.l9l l 3 3 oiYell, , and
nothing ,farther.JJ:inting ,tbejatter,patt
of the defencethe.sqnsw. fainted. The
plea , wati'considered -, invalid 'qitidiAthe
offender lehteinced`tO give - thelady
yellovrfeathoti brawl thati.was then
'dangling frem bistiose, indli dozen coon
skins." The Sentence Was no 'sooner
concluded iliari-the'44ltiaw- sprang meoe
her feet and clapping tier bands ;exclaim
! TiP be
ltartedtigaiH.t,;:;~ is 1
' ' The only way tch 0 43 .7 1 A PPY7
take the-drops-of-bappiness - as-God gives
thebi , io 6a l ebery ilaroffoni:ilivesi ,, ! The
boy DI ustidarci to be: happy. whil*.bels
trale , ; =thenifircharib while
he is making his fortune. Ifte fails 'to
loam his,art, he. wilrnaiss his enjoyment
Honor Thy
As a; tranger went into the church
yard of a pretty village, he beheld three
children at a newly made grave. A boy,
about ten years of age, was busily en
gaged in placing plants ollnrf about it,
while a girl, who appeared a year or
two younger, held in her ,aprou .a few
roots of wild flowers. The third child,
still,younger, was sitting on ; . the grass,
watching with thoughtful look the move•
ments of the other two. The girl soon
began planting some of her wild flowers
around the head of the, grave, when
stranger addressed , them :
Those grave is this, children, about
which you are so busily engaged ?
'Mother's grave sir ' said• the boy.
'And did your father send you fa place
these flowers around your mother's
grave ?' . '
.No,.sir, father lies here too, arid little
Willie and sister Jane.'
•'When did.they die?' • • • .
'Mother was buried a fortnight -yester
day, sir,:but father 'died last winte'rilthey,
all lie here t. • • ' • .
'Then,who.told you to do' this V
'Nobody, 5ir.'.:.:... . ..-
'Then why do you do it l'
They appeared at a loss for an: answer,
but the.stranger looked at them so-kind
_that at'length the eldest replied, as
the tears started in his eyes, - -
'Oh, we love them, sir!' .
'Then you put these grass turfs and
wild flowers where your parents lie be
cause you love them 2 1
'Yes, sir,' they all eagerly replied.
What dap b e more beautiful th'en such )
an exhibition* ChilAren Ifoneilng de
ceased parents ? ,Never forget 'the dear
parents Who lo'ved'amicherished youln
your infant days. Ever remember' their
parental kindness. Honor their memo
ry, by doing those things which you knew
Would Please them - Were they'now alive;
by a particular regard to 'their dying
commands, and carrying'on plans ofnse
. , .
fulness. "
,PARTY PREJUDICEz-A good anecdote
is ; told of a countryman from New York,
who. was visiting •Washingtoa at .. the.
time when M. Van, Pirea. was Yip,
President. He was-a red hot,democrat, li
and of course held Mr. Van Buren in the
highest reverence. He ,sat in the circu
lar gallery of, the-Senatc,, gazing at the
Vice President mingled feeling
of awe and ) .State pride, when suddenly
a tall. and manly form , appeared at the •
side of the hall, and beckoned to, Mr.
Ven Bureb. There.was little business
doing; *and the Vice •President,
a Senator to-the elfairdoined.the person
mentioned, .when :both seated, themselves
on the' sofa; snuffing from the same - box ;
the hand of . the Vice President was laid
playfully upon the knee•of tile other, and
ever and anon a hearty laugh would es . -
capethem,abowing that, whatever might
be:the topic, it was agreeable to both.
"Is .that Mr. Calhoun with the ,Vice
President ?" said lie country frienkto a
person near him.
",No, sir."
"No, sir."
"Is it General Wall?"
411 a -,
"May I ask who it is?"
"Why, that is Mr. glay."
"Mr. (pay I' almost, ehrieked the man
"eid,Ooes Mr. Van Buren speakto him
Rot me if ever I vote for him again i""
And the fellow stalked from the hal
firmly 'believing the 'country was loaf:
• lir The Smithfield Tinies tells anoth
nr story illuitrative of old) -that
couree.of true love never' did =ran
til'ocitli:" A ybung couple in Smithfield
had laid a tilan fo,outwit tlie vigilance
oriel' infante; and elope. The TIMOi
secret IbUS The youth stood
hPe i qeth the wieideit.4e led;etteMPlied
to climb put-41;en, oh 1 horror, some
one.detained)ler frop.tiie roctl! 1 "Why
doat thou not come, gentle - . Amelid!'
51Man_lwer,e4 in fp;i jigitated voice,
can't, Bill;Mam's fr g l
t holdd on my tiltors.
k gallant olds Scotch officer was
narrating the`nnfortnuate hiefory ;Val?
eerlf.friOd*liii hair been hilted- -- -by - ' , a
&tie beauty in - faior of the puke of
-";:ein'd 6e i cOnclu . ded'hfestOty thug
ltrix'teni3 ted , ol'eciiiition , :
be neverioVoviiiitli' ) No'Bir;lt4al 7 th'e
aa4..l.4ll,lAfttialy -RAPS°
Pfilik 2 AWsh :PAth 99_ a Aa itkOftad ittthiraA9,,i -
Vhp,4l4l,,nollivfiliftnett years
„efler t it.ll ';:iv. 4.•
"Am I not a li - tilt - paler - inquired a
idfirulrenVief a
crusty old bachelor. 'You look' more
IL'ae a loi! tub I' was . th blunt .re .ly.
L. XIII.-NO. 4L•
In a. Harry to get Married.
A few days since, a man in his shirt
sleeves, rushed into the clerk's office,
Rome, N. Y., and requested a marriage
license. The deputy informed him that
ho must apply to the probate judge.
" Stranger," said he, "if you'll show
me where that are, I'll give you a shillin'
and I'm in a hurry."
*hen next heard of, be was with his
intended before a justice, who inquired
W4.he did not go home, put on , his coat
and be married like a gentleman.
".Shaw, squire I" said he ; "it don't
make the least bit of diffierence, and if I
go to the boat after my coat, I may lose
the gal:—There's two fellere r wants her,
and she dOn't care which she has !"
The "silken cord that bound two will
ing hearts" was tied, the bride inform.-
leg the sqsire thathe needn't have said
the part, about putting asunder, because
there wan't no danger of that.
The, squire took his fee and said :
I hope you have-a good wife."
-"Well, he has," responded the bride.
"And;'' added the bridegroom, " I
calculate I am pooty well to do in the
world. I'm captairrof a canal boat, and
she's going to be head cook; and if
ydn'lloonie aboard, squire, I'll astonish
you with's warm meal."
Whether the squire" ever got his
"waiin meal" is uncertain. It is a pea
itivo et however, that the- bridegr.em
c pletely astonished him.
Thu Bumv..—Some writer gives the
oflowing analysis of the book of books,
the ' 4 44
It is a book of laws; it shows the right
and wrong.
It is a book of wisdom, that makes the
foolish wise. - ' *
It is a book of troth, which detects all
human errors. ' ' •
It ie the beak-oElff°, and shows how CO
avoid everlasting death. '
It is the most authentic history UV
published. - •
It contains , the most remote Antiqui
ties,tthe most remarkable events and
wonderful occurrences.,
It -is code of laws.
It ie a perfect hody.of.dvinity.
IL is ; am, unequalled narrative.
It is' a book of biography.
It is a book of travels.
It ie. a book of Voyages.
It is a book of the -best covenant ever
made, the best deed ever written.
It is the-best wilt ever executed, the
best testament ever signed. - -
It. is theLyobug man's best companion.
It is the scheolboy'a instructor.
It ie the learned mltl's masterpiece.
eir A revolutiemary soldier" 'fun , '
ding for Congress, andlis opponent .wasi.
uyourig man who had "never -bedn! to'
the wars," and it Was the custom of the. ,
old Relolutionary to tellof the'buidettipty
he had endured. , Said he:"P•elliiweit-i
izens. I havefonglit , bled - for my
country. I helped to whip tbe
and ;the Indiana. I have slept on - :Ou t
field of hittle . with no , other
than the canopy of heaven. " I have
walked over the frozen ground 'till every
footstep was marked with blood-!--" just
about this time one, of the soveieigne,
who>had bedome ,greatly interested din
his 'tale of sufferings, walkedup in &tint
ofltheispeaker, wiped the tears - fromi his
eyes, with.the:extremi ty of lis,coat. tail,
and interrupted him 'with : "Did you say
you had font the British and lojnna?' .
"Yes, sir." "Did you say you e .„ 1ep,5..,, 4 0n
the ground whiie,sarving . your cottOry:,,
without any lover did." DiQ
yci?, 119! .yotif.jeat, no,ysre,d.4lie grouod
you,wolked. over with blood V' "Yes,' , '
replied the spealrer t Axnll,ing,ly, " Wetl y
then," said the tearlul,sovereign, "1 guess
Pll .vote .for Valk'? . chap, -for I.lV,be
Whined if ain't done enough forlyour
dorintry!' . .- 4 ' '
GENEROUS YOUTE.-13„alty,' said a
green yo4ll,!tt
. a veoent.bin `,whit Yhat
and gray pants, through which
projected-half a fciot, perhaps 'mere—
tiefcire we go inte , thicknueediii to
'seeAblietebinbitders;- Fidnt•lo , =ask you
y~Pel'l,~lclialiod wlist=is it Tr
`tiPe' (bib Lbilflilli3BB is
,gwipp tp eost,!, hpilsneTter.
kova't tp t r;l3, kr.muchfor,goth
iq,,, g70.1h
,d,C9l:t PAY the 1 51 Csn'tl:.°2•7B€4.!'
'A woman is at the botttink of all mia
-gkkeKis4lo49e lid‘Yr al* .‘,,`and
-w.111.3,1A N'so, tg gst,irits) „m}schigf, my
pole; FAELO-#1,1_40,4,003,0,r,w.e...
The man who never- told an editor how
'lMlCOuldahatteiGhltilpaVer; khtta gents out
West to marry the woman who never
looked into alookiug-glass.