DR. H. LANDIS, DR. HENRY LANDIS, DR. HENRY LANDIS, At the "Golden Mortar," At the - " Golden Mortar," Marloet Stree t, Marietta, Market Street, Marietta, Keep constantly on hana Keep constantly on hand Drugs, Perfumenee, Fancy Articles, Patent Medicines, Coal Oil Lamps and Shades, Howe & Steven's Family Dye Colors, Shoulder Braces and Trusses, papers and Periodicals, Books& StationorY f Portmonnaies, Segars, Prescriptions carefully compounded. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Remember the place, Remember the place, Di. Grove's old Stand Dr. Grove's old Stand Give us a call. Give us a call -:7- REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. AND MEMORABLE P L 'ACES OF THE HOLY LAND , Comprising an account of the Patriarchs, Po ets, Pro phets, Apostles, Princes, Women, Warriors, Judges, Kings, and other cele brated Persons of Sacred History, with a description of Ancient Cities and Venerated Shrines, BY CHARLES W. ELLIOTT Ju the preparation of this work, some of the best pens and most accomplished scholars have been selected. No pains or expende has been spited to make it a work of great and p ermanent value, acceptable to old and young alike—a household book. It is not a work of theology, but of human hie, full of remarkable characters, strange events, lofty poetry and startling history. This Work will contain careful and accurate accounts I.—Of the lives and characters of the re markable men who have made the Holy Land famous for all time. IL—Of Abraham the Wanderer, and Mo. pea the Deliverer ; of Joshua the Conqueror, and David the Beloved; of Miriam and Debo iali and Naomi ; .of the Prophets of old, and Apostles of Jesus ; of the Baptist and the Women who knew and talked with the Sa viour, and also of the Great Herod, and the magnanimous Saladm, with many others. 111. Of the great deeds and surprising events in which they were the principal act ors ; of the habits and manner of that Orient al Land. the ancient Cities and venerated 'shrines ; of Egygt in-darkness ; of Jerusalem and the Great Temple; of Mount Sinai and the Dead Sea; of Bethlehem, and Nazareth, and Tyre, and Damascus, and Antioch, and many other places. It will contain not only accounts of Them in . the Past, but as they appear To-Day. The publishers are confident that this work will be regarded by all intelligent readers, and P specially by the lovers of sacred literature, as one of great interest and permanent value. CONDITIONS.—The Book will be printed from new Electrotype Plates, on good paper ; its illustrations are in first style of Steel En gravings, by the best Artists in the Conntry, consisting of beautiful scenes and celebrated characters of the Oriental Land, and its value is increased by Maps. It will contain over 650 octavo pages, in eluding twelve pages of elegant Steel engrav ings, and be furnished to subscribers in a neat and substantial binding, at the following pri ces, payable on delivery: In extra fine English Cloth, with beveled and sprinkled edges, for $4; or same binding with Gilt edges. fo: $4:50. .rr This work can be obtained ,o NI. Y through our distributing agents, and will be SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. • 43- Agents wanted in every County. For particulars, 'address J. B. BURR 4 CO., No. 18 ASYLUM-ST 4 HARTFORD, CT. February 2, 1887.-tf.l PHOTOGRAPHIC. - 0 - E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of PHOTO aRAPIIIC MATERIALS we are Headquar ters for the following, vlz. , STEREOSCOPES t ta'EREOSCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, etc. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photographic history of the mat contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIE R S ON GLASS, Adapted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our catalogue will he sent to any address on receipt of stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from 50 cents to•sso each, Our ALBUMS have the reputa tion of bring super lot in beauty and duaabili t3' to any others. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS OF GENERALS, STATESMEN, ACTORS, e'c., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOU SAND different subjecte, including reproduc tions of the moat celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods - C. 0. Li., will please remit 25 per cent. of the amount with their order. The price and quality of our'goods can not fail to satisfy. June 16, 11366.-13% CTO VIES ! STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES g'..00.K STOVES., COOK STOVES, STAVES, AT JOHN SPANGLER'S. PARLOR SToVEs, PARLOR STOVES PARLOR STOVES, GAS•BURNING STOVES AT JOHN SPANGLER:S. ---u STOVES, STOVES,-VULCAN STOVES FOR HEATIAG TWO OR FOUR ROOMS WITH. ONE FIRE-FOURTH 'UPPLY IV 0 W READY-CA LL , A ND SEE THEM AT J. Spangler's Hardware and Stove Store Market Street, Mar'etta, Pa. fp 11 E celebrated Guth( Percha Oil Blacking makes a beautiful water proof polish. For hoots, shoes, harness, &cc. For sale only at Dr. Landis' Drugstore. KEEP Mt-VIE FLIES! Cbeap and er namental dish JOHN SPANGLER'S. DOD S LI , kinds of Blanks TH IS nted an d for for sale TH. lai%if a ?aPeriodical Drops, _Da CI tir.' • - JACOB iIIBHART, JR., CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, MARIETTA, PA 111 1=1111 ' WOULD most respectfully take this meth od of informing the citizens of Marietta and the•pUbliein general, that, having laid in a lot of seasoned Lumber, is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE,' in every itYle- a9,d - variety, at short notice He has on hand. a lot of Furniture of his own manufacture, which for fine finish and good workmanship, will rival any City make. its Especial attention paid to repairing. lie is also now prepared to attend, in all its branches, the UNDERTAKING business, be ing supplied with an excellent Heise, large and small Biers, Cooling Box, &c. ICII - COFFINS finished iu any style—plait , or costly. . Ware Room and ManUfactory, near Mr. Duffy's new building, near the " Upper-Sta ion," Marietta, Pa. [Oct. 22. RIPPLER & BRO„ IRON AND BRASS - FaUNDERS and General Machinists, SeCond Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnates, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Boots, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MOST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner • Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, _Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BLACKSMITHING in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give general satis faction to those who may favor us with their orders. rim-Repairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will mee t with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPPLEE, T. R. SUPPLER: Columbia, October 20,1860. 14 tf THE , CHAMPION CLOTHES-WRINGER! JORN SPANGLER has just received and has for bale this celebrated Wringer, with or without cog-wheels. This is now regarded as the best machine in use. It is, more easily adjusted to the tub, and is wider than any ma chine of the price. No. 1, without cog-wheels with ten inch rollers, is selling at etB ; ls.o. 2, with cog-wheels, $9 ; No. 3, with cog-wheels, 11 inches, $ll. HICKLING CO'S. J. SALE OF WATCHES On the 'popular one price plan, giving every patron a handsoine and reliable watch for the low mice of Ten Dollars ! Without regard to value, and not to be paid for unless perfectly satisfactory ! 500 Solid Gold Hunting Watches $2.50 to $750 500 Magic Cased Gold " $2OO to 500 500 Ladies' Enamelled , c 100 to 300 1,000 Gold Hunting Chronometer Watches • 250 to 300 1,000 Gold hunting English levers 200 to 250 3,000 Gold hunting Duplex watch es., 150:00000 5,000 Gold hunting American watches 100 to 250 5,000 Silver Hunting Levers 50 to 150 5,000 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to 250 5,000 Gold Ladies' Watches 50 to 250 10,000 Gat Hunting Lepines 50 to 75 10,000 Miscellaneous silver Watches 50 to 100 25,000 Hunting Silver Watches 25 to 50 30,000 assorted Watches, all kinds 10 to 75 Every patron obtains a watch by this ar- Tenement, costing but 3.10, while it may be worth $750. No partiality shown. Messrs. J. Hickling & Co.'s Great American Watch Co., New York City, wish to immedi ately tiispose of the above magnificent stock. Certificates naming articles, are placed in sealed envelopes. Holders are entitled to the articles named on their certificates, upon the payment of Ten Dollars, whether it be a watch worth $750 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates entitles you to the arti cle named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than $lO is named on any certificate, it will at once be seen that this is no lottery, but a straight forward legitimate transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fasti dious!. A single Certificate will be sent by mail, post-paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five for $l, eleven for $2, thirty-three and elegant premi um for.ss, sixty-six and more valuable pre mium for $lO, one hundred and most superb Wri.tch for $l5. To Agents or those wishing employment this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly au thrinzed by the government, and open to the most careful scrutiny. • Try us ! _ . S. HICKLING & CO. 149 Broadway—near P. 0. Feb. 2-3m.1 City of New York K EROSENE Ik.GAS STOVES. TEA & COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE POTS OIL CANS, K. C. IC3'AII the cooking for a family may. Abe done with Karon ne Oil, or Gas-1:1 Ewith less trouble and at lees itj-pense than any other fuel. 4:11 Each article manufactured by this Company is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it. jr. Send for Circular. A Liberal Discount to the Trade. KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO,, HP] 206 PEARL-ST., NEW-YORK. Ily MARE THE SEASON! Another arrival of those incomparable Gas Burning Parlor Stoves. Also, THE IMPROVED VULCAN HEATER. Call-and see them at T. SPANGI,EIV.S. T Akin STANDS, Meat Stanna, Wine In Kegs, Tubs, Buckets and Cedar-waie enerally, constantly on hand at J.,SPANGLER'S. daiCHOICE Lot of Books for children called indiatructable Pleasure Books ; School and per Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders &c ,at DR. LA NDIS,. DOOR MATTS, Excellent quality, cheap, AT JOHN SP AIVGLER'S HARDWARE. ROGER'S Celenrited Pearl Cement and Oil Paste Blacking at " THE GOLDEN MORTAR. BRASS porcelain lined preserving kettles, cheap, at JOHN SPANGLER'S. rpaAIL SKIRTS.—Go to Mrs. ROTH and see them. DEBT Quality. of Wines and Liquo es.-for . medieinal purposes, at Dr. Landis'. ROOM JUXD.I ! E a L=vs . Tl-I.V. C.ITA.REH! WHY SUFFER WITH THIS DANGEROUS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE WREN IT CAN BE CURED AND ENTIRELY ERADICATED FROM THE SYSTEM BY THE USE OF DR. SEELYE'S LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY CATHRRI-1 WILL SURELY RESULT I CONS UMPTION MESS. CHECKEDHti INCiPIENT STAGES I=l IT NEVER FAILS! Cure warranted if directions are followed, ....... SINGLE BOTTLES WI LI LAST A moATEI COLD IN THE HEAD Relieved in a few minutes. BAD BREATH Caused by offensive secretions. WEAK EYES Caused by Catarrhal affections. SENSE ; OF SMELL When lessened or destroyiad. DEAFNESS When caused by Catarrhal difficulties. All are cured by this remedy, TiliteAT AFFECTIONS, Axe more frequently than otherwise caused by a thiek, slimy mucous, falling from the head, especially during the night, and resulting from Catarrh, and are cured by DR. SbELYE'S LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY! SYMPTOMS The symptoms of Catarrh are at first very slight. Persons find that they have cold, that they have frequent attacks, and are more sensitive to the changes of temperature. In this condition the nose may be dry, or a slight discharge, thin and acrid, afterwards thick and adhesive, may ensue. - As the disease becomes chronic, the dischar. ges are increased in quantity and changed in quality ; they are now thick and heavy, and are hawked or coughed off. The secretions are offensive, causing a bad breath; the voice thick and nasal ; the eyes are v. eak ; the sense of smell is lessened or destroyed; deafness fre quently takes .place. Another common and important symptom of Catarrh is, that the person is obliged to clear his throat in the morning of a stick or slimy mucous, which hart.fallen from the head during the night. When this takes place, the person may be sure that his lisease is on its way to the lungs, and should lose no time in arresting it. The above are but few of the many Catarrh al symptoms. Write t o our Laboratory for our phamphlet describing fully all symptoms: it will be sent 'FREE to any address. AND directions where to procure the medicine. We are receiving letters from all parts of the Union, and also numerous testimonials from those using it, bearing the evidence of its infallible merits. 30- This remedy contains no MINERAL or POISONOUS INGREDIENTS, but is pre. pared from vegetable extracts EXCLUSIVE LY; therefore it is PERFECTLY HARM LESS, even - to the most tender and &licate CALL FOR SEELYE'S CATARRH REM EDY, and take no other. If not'sold by drug; gis*s in your vicinity, they will order it for you. Price $2.00 rer bottle. 21- - All persons suffering with any affection of the Head, Throat or. Lungs, shoUld write at once for our pamphlet fully describing all symptoms pertaining to the above diseases. It will be sent free to any address. ADDRESS DR. D. H. SEELYE & FREEPORT, ILLINOIS. Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists. GENERAL; AGENTS. John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Fuller, Finch & Fuller, Chicago, Ill.; Burnhams & VanScbaack, Chicago, 111. ; Demas Barnes & Co., New York ; D: Ransom & Co., Baffaki, N. y.; Farrand, Shelley & Co„ Detroit, Mich igan ; Weeks & Potter, Boston, Mass.; French, .Richards & C 0.,. Philadelphia, Pa., R. 111. Sellers & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. , Collins Bro's. St. Louis, Mo.; Barnes, Ward & Co., New Orleans, La,; R. A. Robinson & Co., Louisville, Ky. ; Bigley & Bro., Memphis, Tenn.; P.R. Depuy, Richmond, Va, ; Thomp - Ben ikßluck, Baltimore, Md.; Dexter & Nel goer, Albany, N. Y. ; Strong & Armstrong, Cleveland, Ohio ; Wm. Johnson, Detroit, GREAT SALE —OF— DRY GOODS! FANCY GOODS!: • JEWELRY &: SILVERWARE, :Worth. over $2,000,000! All to be sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH! ARRANDALE & CO., 162 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. AGENTS FOR EUROPEAN MANUFACTURERS, announce that in consequence of the over stocking of the English market, and hprnense quantity of Dry and Fancy Goods have been consigned to them, with .instructions to be cleared forimmediate cast', at any sacrifice. A. & Co., have, therefore, resolved to offer them according to their ordinary system of business at $1 each, without regard to value. -The following list shows the original whole sale, prices of some of the articles which they now offer at $1 : 1200 Silk and Satin Dress Patterns "tom $lB 00 to 45 00 2000 Berege and Egyptian Ctoths ic 300 C Alpaca and Muslin do Lainea 3500 French Merinos and Twills 2000 Cambric, Thibet and Mohair " 4 00 to 10 00 2000 Lyonese " 5 00 to 10 00 4000 Printed Calicoes " 3 00 to 7 00 bOOO Bal oral Skirts " 200 to 600 5000 Fine elliptic skirts " 200 to 5 00 6000 Silk and Lace veils " 2 00 to 6 00 4000 Setts fine Culls and Collars " 2 00 to 5 00 2000 Pairs Ladies' corsets " 250 to 6 00 3000 Silk handkerchiefs " 1 00 to 300 2000 Dozen Ladies' Hem stitched handkerchiefs " 1000 Dozen Ladies' fine Embroidered handker chiefs 5000 Dozen Ladies' lawn handkerchiefs " 3 00 to 600 5000 Dozen Gents' hem med handkerchiefs " 5 00 to 10 00 10000 Dozen cotton hose " 500 to 10 00 5000 Dozen woolen hose " 6 00 to 12 00 5000 Dozen Balmorals " 12 00 to 18 00 6000 Dozen Mens' cotton - half hose " 400 to SOO 3000 Dozen Mens' wool en half hose 2000 Linen and Cotton shirts 10000 Merino under.hirts " 10000 Pairs Merino draw ers " 2 50 to 6 00 3000 Pants patterns in Cassimeres, Doeskins, " 3 00 to 700 8000 Coat patterns •in Broad CI )ths, Cassl mores, &c. 10000 Vest patterns in silk ' Velvet, Plush, 'Lie Cas simeres, 5000 Brown linen table Covers 3000 All Wool table cov ers 10000 Yards brown lined Damask 2000 uozen white linen Napkins 20000 Yards unbleached muslin 20000 Yalcfs bleached muslin 10000 Yards frish linen " 75 to 150 5000 Yards Flannel " 50 to 2 OD 3000 Loup Wool shawls 44 650 to 15 00 4000 Square wool shawls ( 4 5 00 to 10 00 10000 Ladies' breakfast shawls 10000 Nubias or clouds 44 10000 Woolen hoods " 1 50 to 3 00 2000 Blankets " 3 50 to 8 00 10000 Linen and Cotton Sheets " 2 50 to 7 00 10000 Yards Sheeting, muslin iC 5000 Dozen Spool cotton " 30000 Dozen Victoria Spool thread Ci 2000 Pounds black linen thread Cl 4000 Gross Shirt buttons " 5000- Ladies' silk velvet and Morocco portmon naies tl 5000 Ladies' Shopping bags di ,5000 Turkey Morocco ' portmonneies, with mir ror GC 5000 Turkey Moracco wal lets and portmonnaies " 10000 Meerschanm pipes " 10000 Fine 4 and 6 blade Pocket knives with pearl, Tortoise and Ivory han- .. dies 1000 French clocks, gilt and bronze, with and without shades 2000 Musical bokeS 3000 Revolvers 2000 Fowling pieces 5000 Head dresses, Hair nets and fancy combs 4. 150 to 5 00 10000 Dozen paper collars " 20 to 50 2000 Papier Machie, rose wood and walnut work boxes " 2 50 to 10 00 3000 Tortoise shell and Silver card cases and Snuff boxes " 3 00 to 1 00 20000 Albums, Morocco and velvet bound from 20 to 200 pictures " 2 50 to 15 00 3000 Fine family bibles " 700t015 00 5000 Fine pocket bibles " 200 to 500 10000 Envelopes 10000 Reams note paper " 300 to 6 00 1000 Pairs Opera glasses " 300t015 00 We have also received a Splendid Assort- ment of JEWELRY ! comprising Gent's gold hunting case watches, Ladies' gold and enamelled hunting case watche9, Gents' hunting case silver watches, gold fob and vest watch keys, fob and vest ribbon slides, setts soltaire sleeve buttons, studs, gold thimbl.-8, pencils, miniature lock ets, gold tooth picks, crosses, plain gold rings, Chased gold rings, stone set and signet rings, California diamond rings, setts Ladies' jewel ry (jet and gold), setts Ladies' jewelry (ca meo, pearl and other stones), gold pens, (sil ver extension holders), and pencils, gold pens and gold extension holders, soltaire and gold brooches, diamond rings, gold vest and neck chains, gold oval band bracelets, jet and gold bracelets, chit ttelaine chains and guard chains, coral, opal and emerald brooches, mosaic, jet, lava and florentine ear drops, coral, opal and emerald ear drops, California diamond ear drops, &e., &c. THE SILVERWARE DEPARTMENT COMPRISES : Silver dining and tea setts, castors, ice pit: chers, table spoons, forks, tea spoons,,goblete drinking cups, coffee urns, tea pots, cream pit chess, sugar bowls, fruit baskets, cake baskets, card baskets, frail knives, syrup cups, salvers, Portmonnaies, pie knives, fish knives, mus tard and salt spoons, napkin rings, egg stands, wine holders, card cases, &c. All the above list of articles to be sold for $l.OO each The expenses are paid by the sale of Cou pons 01 Certificates naming each article in the stack, and its value ; these Certificates are enclosed in envelopes, mixed up, and sold a; 25 cents Each ; 5 foi $1 ; 11 for $2. Whatever article May be named in the Cer tificate can be obtained at ONE DOLLAR ! The article will be shown to the holder of the certificate, and it will be at his option, whether he pays the dollar and takes the ar ticle or not. 1n case articles sent by mail or express are not satisfactory, they can be re turned and the money will be refunded. Every Certificate entitles the holder to smut article of STERLING VALUE! WORTS MI UCH MORP THA•' A DOLLAR E PROOF In proof of this we will eve fr any certifi cate issued by us e and one dollar, any of the following articles:. One pants pattern, one pair ladies' bslmoral boots, or men's brogans, one excellent hoop Blurt ' ilk: one fi ' " e Gent's Hose, or six lawn pocket handker chiefs. WHAT THE PRESS SAY OF US Amindale &-Co., of this city are now send ing out a great variety of Dress Coat and pants patterns, balmoral skirts, boot s, shawls and other valuable articles, in dry and fancy goods, at one dollar each. We contess our inability to 'see how this is done,but that it is done is beyond all question. This firm has had a long and honorable ca reer, and is to be by no means confounded with the host of swindling and bogus coneerns with which this metropolis abounds. We know the proprietors well and can personally vouch for the just aad faithful peifo:mance of all their contracts.--Natienai Workman, New York., Feb. 2, 1867. ExTriaOßD/NAJELY GOOD FortxurrE.—Day before yesterday, at the Jewelry sales of Messrs. Arrandale & Co. two gold watches were drawn by two gentlemen known to this community, whose names we will not mention. Parties curious on this subject can be inform eikat the store in Axing - street, nearly opposite the Beaulain. We were curious on the sub ject, and inquired the names of the parties, and called on one of them, and were shown the watch he drew. It was a huge double case gold watch, and we were informed that it kept time to a second since it had been in the possession of our fortunate friend. It would have been very natural to suppose that after one watch was drawn there was no ' chance for another for at least a month; but, strange-to say, in less theta an hour, another gold watch rewarded the worshipper of For tune. Go all and do likeivise.—Daily South Carolinian, Charleston, Feb. 12th 1866. 6 00 to 12 00 4 00 to 10 00 10 00 to 20 00 A QUARTER WELL INVESTED.—Mr. Eu gene B. Carter, of the Monticello House, call ed in at the Jewelry Emporium, 78 Mein street, yesterday, and after paying his 25 cents `suddenly found himself entitled to a musical box, valued at $3OO. We understand that he was offered $250 for the instrument before leaving the store, but refused to part with it. We should call this a quarter well invested. We understand a number of other valuable articles were re ceived amongst which was a gold watch val ued at $75, by ot.e of the attachees of the En quirer office.—Richmond Times, September 21, 1866. HOUSE AND BUROY BAN AWA Y.—MT. W. H. Wise, Union Hi.l, coach painter at J. J Osborne's, last evening walked into the great sale of Arrandale Sr. Co., 78 Main street, and having paid 25 cents for a photograph found on opening the envelope that on the payment of one dollar he was entitled to receive a fine horse, sett of new silver mounted harness and new buggy, valued at four hundred dollars! Mr. Wise appears to be a cool, self possessed sort of a man, and did not manifest the least excitement at his good fortune, merely re marking , g that he was intending to purchase a horse and buggy soon, and bad a stable all ready, so it would come in very well for him." —Richmond WILT . , November 15, 1866. 7 00 to 12 00 " 9 OD to IS 00 " 6 00 to 12 00 " 2 50 te 600 2 50 to 5 00 ' 6 600 to 15 00 ,4 250 to 10 00 YMENT FOR Lanins,—The most eli gible and profitable employment we have heard of for ladies, who have friends sill ad dress, is fhe sale of certificates for the "Great Jewelry Sale" of Arrandale Sz Co. A lady of our acquaintance has been very successful in this way, not only in filling her own purse but also in doing a good turn to those to whom she sold the certificates, as will be seen from our advertising columns. Gentlemen also can be thus engaged.—N. Y. Sunday Mercury, August 14, 1864. ti 75 to 2 50 " 400 to S 00 •' 4 00 to 8 00 " G 00 to 12 00 CC . 15 to 30 d. .20 to 50 DOURLE-BARRELED FOWLING PIECE CHEAP.—We understand Mr. G. W. Wilkin son, of this city, yesterday drew from the cer tificate box at Arrandale & Co's., 78 . Main Street, a very fine double barreled fowling piece, valued at one hundred dollars, for which he was required to pay the very mod erate sum of one dollar.—Richmond Whig, :September 29, 1866. The GREAT JEWELRY EMPORIUM Of Ar randale & Co., No, 254 King street, in the Bend, is still the prime object of attraction. The,number of ladies and gentlen en who vis ited this establishment on Saturday last, was we understand, something fabulous. The principle of charging a uniform, price of one dollar for each article is one that cannot fail to he popular, especially when tbe stock con tains, as in this case, many valuable articles of flue gold jewelry, and costly silver ware.— Cholle6ton Daily News, February 19, 1866. PIANO CHEAP.—Mr. John D. Bedford, at Old Dominion Saloon, No. 312 Broad street, yesterday got one dollar's worth of certificates and, - mi opening them, found one called for a Gold Composite Hunting Watch and another for a Rosewood Piano, valued a ith cover and stool, at s4oo.—Richmond Daily Examiner November 27, 1866- In sending orders please state what propor tion of certificates you require from each de partment. Where no special instructions are given, we send one-half from the Dry and Fancy Goods Department, and one-half from the Jewelry and Silver ware Department. " 2 00 to 7 50 1 50 to 3 00 25 to 513 3 00 lo 9 00 250 to 5 00 250 to 10 00 200 to 4 00 200 to 4 00 3 00 to 600 3 00 to 600 Whenever desired, we will send articles BY RNPRESS, C 0. D., So that the money need only be paid On delivery of the Goods. We accept the entire responsibility of mon ey sent by Express Poet Office Order, or Bank Draft. - - We want agents EVERYWHERE to whom a liberal conaPausation will be paid, Which can be learned on application. - .E.r Take care and write your name and ad dress in a clear, distinct hand, and address ARRANDALB & Box 5285 162 Broadway, New York. 25 00 to 100 00 " 10 00 to 250 00 " 10 00 to 50 00 " 20 00 to 75 00 Throw away your false frizzes, your switch- es, your wig-- Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig; Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair, And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. " 2 00 to 7 00 For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth orhair upon the face, it has no equal. It will force the beard to grow upon the smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is nothing that will force or hasten the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions are false, as thousands of liv ing witnesses (from their own experience) can bear witness. But many will say, how are we to eistinguish the genuine from the spurious? It certainly is difficult as nine tenths of the different Preparations advertised for the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To such we would say, try the Reparator Cepa' it will cost you nothing unless it fully Comes up to our representations. If your drpggist does not keep it, send us one dollar and we will for ward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the money, which will be returned you on ap plication, providing entire satisfaction is xof given. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. HISKERS AND MOUSTACHES W FORCED to grow upon the smoothest face in from three to five weeks by using Dr. Sev , igne's" Restaurateur Capillaire, the most won derful discovery in modern science, acting upon the beard and hair in an almost miracu lous manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with the most flattering suc cess. Names of all purchasers will be regist ered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $l. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Address BERGER, SHUTTS & Co„ Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Sole agents for the United States. BEAUTY! Auburn... Golden, fflaxen, and PRODUCED by the use of Prof. De Breaux' Friser Le Cheveux. One application war ranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls: Has been 'used by the fashion- abler of Paris and London with the most gra tifying results. Does no injury to the :ham Price by Mail, sealed and! postpaid, $L De scriptive circulars mailed free. Address BER GER S HUTTS tir. Co. Chemis _No. 285 ..iiity4l' REPARATOR CAPILI REPAItATOR CAPILI Silken Curls, ASTROLOGY. 2 THE WORLD ASTONISHED. AT THE WONDERFUL ZIEVELAT/OAS MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIsT3 Rad am e H. A. Perrigo. w .0, from ovecefbrings to- She reveals 'secrets tiotiems,ocrrtabissee,vi,n She restores to happiness th ane _ e i fl knew, love, ldooslsefoufl r e e v la e t n io ts n , s c a a n ta d str f o l p ieilds, lo &c., have become despot:4 m. s s s h of Money, gether those long separated, concerning absent friends or lovienunati" lost or stolen property, tells yo u the , restores you are best qualified to pursue andsniameat: you will be most successful,. cause ',swell; marriages and tells yell the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness endo w acteristics of the person, She reads your ter thoughts, and by her almost supernatural sou?: ers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see in the fim. merit—the malefic stars that. overcome or predominate in the configuration—from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. F,ll not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It coke you but a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable an oppo rtun i ty. Consultation fee, with likeness and all debited information, $l. Parties living at a (Eg an , can consult the Madame by mail with enlist safety and satisfaction to themselves, as ills person. A full and explicit chart, writtec out with all inquiries answered and likeness en closed, sent by mail on receipt of price store mentioned. The strictest Heresy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order urnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, MA DAME H. A. PERRI6O, P. 0. Drawer 293, Buffalo. \.y. COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, $532410:49. THIS Company continues to insure Build. ings, Merchandise ; and other property against loss and damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium r r prep:juts note. SIMTII ANNUAI. a E ro k , Whole amount insured. Less am't expired in 1563, 2'2.336 NY CAPITAL AND LS[JIIE Amt of premium notes, Jan. 1, 1865, $4:20,090:6ti Lees, premium notes expired is 1865, 16,073:45 100 7:21 Am't of premium notes recdin '65, I 15,'fi84:13 Balance of premiums, Jan. 1,'6,5, 3,530:14 cash rpceipts,less commissions, in '65, 40,7(6:9 Losses and ex cases paid Balance capital and as s ets, Jcaiuuly I, 1866; A. S. GALE_'.:, GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., :-'erirtaru. MICEIAEL, S. SH UMAN, Treaiurcr. DIRECTORS' Samuel Shock, William Pagan, Robert T. Ryon, John iv. Zs:te4q, John Fendrich, George YALU, it.! H. G. Minich, Nicholas .11 . Dcnald, Samuel F. Die, ten, Michael S. Shuman, Amos S. Green. S. C. aaynakfr, Edmund Spering. Columbia, March 30, 1866.- y. AFFLICTED !!---Suffer no:More! When by the use of Dr. Joinviile'i you can be cured permanently use at a frilling cost. The astonishing sum-coo which has attended this invaluable medicine fdr physical and ner vous weaknesses, general debility and prostra tion, loss of muscular enc.:4y, Impotency, ..r any of the consequences of youthful ii.di,cre tion, renders it the most vi,duatile ever discovered. It will remove all nervous alfertilr.S. de pression, excitement, ii capacity to study .a business, loss of memory, confusion. t..dt , ghte of self-destruction, fears of insanity. It will restore the appetite, renew the heal:h those who have destoyc'd it by svPsuni ex, ea or evil practices. Young men, be humbugged no fOole "Quack Doctors," ant ignorant praentednet., butjend without delay for the Elixir, nod he at once restored to health and happiness. A perfect cure is guaranteed in eveiv ii stance Price, $l, or four bottles to one address ; &3. One bottle is sufficient to effect a core in ail ordinaay cases. Also, Dr. Joinville's Specific Pills, i - or the speedy and permanent care of Gonorrhea, gleet,,Uretbral discharges Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys sod Bladder. Curets effected in from one to five days. Thty are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never natOleate the stomach or impregnate the breath. _No change of diet is necessary while using them, nor does their action in any manner interfere with business pursuits. price, $1 pet box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will be sent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mailer express, on receipt of price. Address all orders to BERGER, SHUTTS & Co., Chemists, No. 235 River Street, Troy, N. V- N EW WII3TER GOODS AT GABLE 4• STRICKLER'S, .M.i/tKET STREI, MARIETTA, P...., LOW for C. 3.311 ! Having selected our stock out el a lot et goods imported since the decline in gold, Si' lows us to offer goods below New York and Philadelphia retail prices. OUR LADIES DEPARTMENT Consists rf choice styles of embroidered Mo hair, in plain colors, silk plaid Mohair, French and Scotch wool plaids, English and French merinos, figured and plain delaines, all styles of American DeLaines, and a full stock oils' dies wear generally. MEN AND - 1301"S WEAR. English, Prencl and Domestic cloths; Coe' simeres and vestings in great variety; Delve' cloths for Overcokting ; undershirts and draw era; hats and caps, &c., &c., House furnishing goods of all kinds; flan-. nels from 35 cents to .$1 per yard; large lot et bleached and unbleached Muslim, Dills and Cotton flannels. Glass and Queensware; floor and table oil cloths; Groceries of all kinds; Salt and Fish, all selling at con upend ingly low prices. Call and examine for your set ves. Marietta, Sept. 29. 1866. MONEY FREE AS WATER. 10,0 Active Local and Traveling Agent'', Male or Female,'of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade in every City, Town, Village Fac tory, Hamlet and Workshop, throughout 1.16' entire world, for the most saleable novelnea ever known. 500 PER CENT PROFLT and READY SALE WHEREVER OFFERED I §jnaft men and women can make from $5 to poper day, and no risk of loss! A small capas quired of from $2O to $ loo—the more in , Th e Y invested the greater the profit. Nom oneYer quired in advance—we fi rst send the awci e , Wish ftoeceimraekepagoanfetyerwards4 'll You act°3l . - w rite for o full par m tic i u L la N rs o a ß nd:a P d c i ddl O rY . e , sas e n F a ro e mP lY a ' r so 210 BroadWlty, Nevi-York CAP (Feb. r a i l de ' wi N th. ewspapers copying will be liberally dealt JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane,Maristta (IRATEFUI , for past favors I would retutr my thanks to my numerous friends and ps - old and inform them that I still continue business at the old stand, where I will the be pleased to see them at all times, and having s ull and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES VESTIVGS, which will be Made uto order at the abort notice by the best of w orkmen, and on reason ble • • ' • 1 0, s 0.51 , 53' 210:49
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers