lite Pariettian. Ts , - 6,, MARIETTA. PA : Suturday Morning, March 23, 1867. =EZIMI!!MIM=MPME, ink ear A report ,htls i teen . presentedthe New Jersey LeffisiatureAyiM"r_ aur-% phy, of Newark, in favor of a change in the State ririattiffititiChritfiltirg Out' the words "white , and , tmale," fthus con ferring upon the women, and negroes the right; Of sniTi'age, 'here seems to be a strong feeling on the part of - many members of the House, both Democrats and RePublicao„to strike out'the Word white, but not to entail ppon the women the duty of going to the polls. sgr A. D. Richardson, the former war correspondent of the New York . Tribune, was escorting'eNew York actress home last Thuriday night, when -her-hnsbantf approached him from behind, and fired three ebota at him from's' revolver, one of them taking effect in the groib. The wound is not dangerous. R had befriedded the lady—who is a writer as well as'an actress—and will prosecute the assailant to vindicate his own char acter.- • sr Since St. Marie left. Rome, a friend of his,Charles Case, in the Papal Zouaves; who bad known' Surratt, has been murdered.~ This supposed that be was killed because it was suspected that he knew of and aided in the arrest of Surratt While St. Marie was in Rome after Surratt's arrest, he received letters threatening his' death if he came to the United States. or Judge Russel, of New YJrk,last week sentenced a fellow who was guilty of the despicable offence of impersona ting a policeman and levying black mail, to a doe of $l,OOO and an imprisonment of two years. Some years ago he sen teoced a garroter to forty years impris onment, and this put a stop to that kind of but ioo°.B. liff The old Congress continued in session up to the last moment allowed to them-12 o'clock at noon on Monday. With the exception of the Tariff' bill al most every important measure was adop ted, and the President, who was at the Capitol the lest hours, as is usual, signed all the bills including the Army bill. er The Washington Republican states that Mr, Peabody made a will in 1856 which demonstrates that he was worth tarty million pounds sterling, and it esti mates that the increase of his fortune, by good management, has made it amount to one hundred millions sterling—Eve hundred million dollars. fir A. young lady in the New Orleans Itlnseam who goes into the lion's den, put too much pomatum on her hair. The unctuous odor excited the lion's appetite, and when she stooped to let him-jump over her, according to the programme, the sagacious beast bit off her waterfall. itar A riot between citizens and sol diers occurred at Carlisle, I'a., on Friday night, A soldier and a citizen were killed, and a soldier and several citizens were wounded. The fight was caused by two soldiers being attackcd by two citizens as they entered the town. tir One of the Provisions of an act paired during the last hears of the Thir ty-ninth Congress, provides for the ap pointment of a United States Marshal for the District of Columbia by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, instead of by the President, as at present. It is stated that the Message ve toing the Reconstruction bill, was written by Judge Black, of Penusylva nia, Buchanan's Secretary of State.; while the veto of the Tenure of Office Bill came from the pen of Mr. Staubtry. ear Andrew Johnson is already try ing to pave the way to get into the Uni ted States Senate, from Tennessee, after his presidential term expires. All his appointments is that State are made with that view. Goy. Geary has vetoed the bill allowing the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to increase its capital and to issue bonds to secure the same , by:mort gage. lir Theodore Clay, son of Henry Clay, has for over thirty years been an inmate`of the lunatic'asYlum, at Leking ton, Ky. He became insane from disap pointed affection. . Or It is repoitod . that. the President will appoint Frederiek'Douglas a 'Com missioner in the Freedman's Bureau. far,The Mississippi Legilature •has appropriateo.s2,ooo ne. e defence rued for Jelkereen • , But fout,mentbere are now in the Vnited 44.1.,00,:Penate who were ,there twelve • yearilt eg,o. _ rT Itie anpounced.that Mre. Jaffir ion Davis has ,presented - ;berideizaband with a fine boy. • ear A Washington dispatch to the New York Tribuneilaysil.Thel2so,ooo in gold belonging to tilie ItChmold banks which was capture with Jeff Davis' , party,- , about two years ago, and which has since been stored in the Treasury vaults, is likely to occasion some legis lation. Representatives of the Rich- Atreendbanks- - are - now here,- who have been very enterprising in endeavoring to obtain possession of the gold, and have so far succeeded as to obtain from the,P,resident an order• ,Treasure r- Spinner to turn it over to their custody, itakitg bonds for the faithful deliverfy 4 of , 4 the same, and its return in case` Of fu tun.c.Pl?gE9BL ad-,t04 1 ,-actiog log it. The Treasurer, upon receipt of the order, assured' parties in the most emphatic manner that they could give no bonds which.woyld be ,satisfact ory to him, and flatly refused ,to allow the be taken from his keeping. ar Below will be fouri'd a darrett . ta ble of the legal Weights - of grain, seeds, &c., per bushel. As selling by measure is no longer'in vogue, it may be of inter est to some of our readers: Wheat ; 60 lbs ; Rye, 56 lbs ; Corn, 56 lin ; -Bran, 30 lbs ;- Barley, 48 lbs ; i3ackwheat, 48 lbs; Oats, 20 lbs ; Beans, 60 lbs — ; Clo• ver Seed, 60 lbs ; Timothy Seed, 45 lbS ; Dried Peaches. 33 lbs ; .Dried Apples, 22 lbs ; Flax seed, 56 lbs. • The Mechanics' Bank of Bahl_ more, has just discovered that it has been defrauded out of some $300,000, the defalcation running through a period of 27 years. The parties implicated are Samuel H. Went; general book-keeper, who has been an officer in the bank for thirty-five years; and John B. Rogers, paying teller, who has been in the bank twenty-five years. Both have been ar rested and held in bail of only $lO,OOO each. Both are men of family. Giri John Minor Botts has written a letter, under date of March 7tb, to a prominent Congressman, in which he states that the rebel Legislature of Vir ginia will fix the first Tueeday in May for a convention ; that the rebel forces are thoroughly organized; and will eel. tainly control the- convention registration law and"provisions for rat ing by ballot are'provided at; the pres ent session of Congress. In regard to the pursuit and cap. tore of John EL Surratt, the Judiciary Committee made a report to the House of Representatives on Saturday night. The conausionS arrived at are that no efforts were made by the Executive to have Surratt identified or traced, and that there was great delay in notifying our Ministers abroad in vegan' to the movements of Surratt after the Govern n3ent had been notified of them. ay . The appointment of John Quincy Adams, jr.,1300 of Charles Francis Ad ams, our Minister to England, and grand son of the "old man eloquent" President John Quincy Adams, and great-grand son of the eider John Adams, to be Na val Officer at Boston; has been rejected by the United States Senate, the Mas sachusetts delegation having recoramen. ded General Bartlett, who lost a limb in the service of hie'country. ohlr Over exertion, either of body or mind, produces debility or disease. The usual remedy is to take some stimulant, the effect of which is the same as giving a tired horse the whip instead of, oats. The true way is to fortify the system with a permanent tonic like the Pern vian Syrup, (a protoxide - of iron), which gives strength and vigor to the whole syet or Another African Traveler has fallen a victim to the dangers of, the country with which his name has become famous: Dr. David Livingstone, the Christian, the scholar, and the advec turons explorer, was killed by the 'Oaf fres, a`tribe i lfhose condition he was try ing to ameliorate. Be was a native of Scotland, having been born at Biantyre, near Wascow, in 1815. air new trade, that of "spy," has been started in Paris. A person pub licly advertises an office at which people in search of information can apply to make arrangements to learn family se crets, trace debtors, procure the surveil. lance of persons in whom they are inter ested, or procue any 'eervice. air The lumbermen of Arostook, Maine, are hearty follows. The Boston Jotirnal soya that a party of thirty-ti ve of them consume every ten days 11;7 half barrel of molasses, two bushels of beans a barrel of pork, five hundred pounds of flour and other articles. lt is reported that Secretary Mc- Cullough will resign about the. first of. April, and establish at Loudon, in con nection with. jay. Cooke, an American Banking House. - , ar Samuel Washington, formerly of Culpepper, Va., and grandson of Gener al Washington's brother Samuel, died at Delhi, Ohio, on she. morning of. the 18th, aged 81-years. sr, Generals S eho field, Sieklesjhom as, Ord and Sheridan, have been appoin: ted commandere.of the Southerik,Siatee under the_rpße4t-a4 of -Congress. Gar Faleyofonthelasta6ayeibis Mayor of Covington,-.14. 1 died ov-the. 16th instant. ..cSTI - 11J - ] MARJETTIAN.g-N-, Ni 133.30 i33ritt.l l , 7... -' -- t .0. : General Juhal Early is talked of as a • candidate for::Goverlor of the Stat . e" of Virginia. lie will undoubtedly "run" well in the Shenandoah Valley. Prince Salm Salm, a useless staff offi cer of McClellan during the peninsular campaign, is, commanding the imperial garrison in the Mexican city of Orizaba. A bar of Al ontana gold worth $100;000 is to he sent to to the Paris exhibition, raid Pennsylvania, wilrhave there t - fieb: ble of coal weighing six tons.- - ; Artafous Ward' has directed in - hiS h r9Re 01. the death of his mother, be used for the . 1 td erection of en or syrieranua. . • • -; Printers. A.German iron• master will send to the Paris Expositkon-a house made ,en_ tirely ; of-iron; at a:cost of $5,000. It can be, taken, to pieces, and is easily heated; for 'the walls ;are; hollow, and may be connected:with a furnace or a hot water chamber. - - A crazy SeCond A.dventist in - New York State has for ten years been - feed• loge big ox for a feast when Christ should appear. He has starved his oth erstock and spent aearlyall his prop erty in purchasing food for that'ox. At a recent wedding in- NetP : York the bride's presents—silver,' - jewelry, laces, shawls, and the rest—were vulned at $lOO,OOO. The Republicans of Reading are_ju : bilant over the rejection of Ancona, by the United States Senate, as the nomi nee for naval officer at Philadelphia Robert'Toombs has returned to his home in Washington. Georgia. -'• The Rev. George T ;Williams, who was arrested. Jur pocket picking in, a New York omdibus, is, reported as hope lessly insane. The Mar)land Legislature has pas.sed tbebill appropriating $5OOO for a "sta: tue'ol Chief Justice Tane - y, to be placid in the State Lipase grorlnds. ' Senator Saulsbury, of Delaware, has signed the temperance pledge at least twenty-five times since 1860: But that is no sign he is going to keep it. The Governor of Illinois has signed the bill making eight hours a legal day's work in the State, in the absence 'Of contracts to the contrary It goes, into effect immediately. Last week a piece of coal, weighing 1679 pounds, from the mines of ihe Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, at Summit Hill, passed over the Lehigh Valley Railroad to New.Yo'rk, where it is to be shipped to the Paris Exposition as a sample of one of the products of the Lehigh Valley. A Russian general of artillery has just died, after having ; deposited in the bank of St. Petersburg a sum of £BOOO, to re main at interest until the year 1923, the anniversary of the death of the Emperor Alexander I, and then to be given to the author of the best history of that sovereign.:- The' aum will amount to £384,000. Mr. Cowan has asked the Presfdent not to reappciint Ministei to 'Aus tria. George Peabody is going . to retnrn. to London in May to remain three nars, when he. will come back, and 'make his perintteent residence at Salem, Dr.:Oraven the reputed author otthe " Prison Life Of- ,rei!erson'Davie,'!-haa been rejected by the •Senate ae roes, mister, at Newark; N. J. In Boston, $30,000 have been subseri . bed for the relief of destitute southern ers. A snow-slide occurred On the Ist of March upon the town of,Kearsarge.Ne vada,,killing one person and destroying nine houses. Theresa Weiss, of Newark, dressed herself in male'attire, went into the street, met Mrs. Mullersmd flogged her severely, for some unexplained griev ance. Mr. Weiss, Theresa's husband, came up and roughly handled the sup posed ruffian until by her cries he dis covered he was beating his own wife. A bill is before the Legislature of Louisiana which proposes to license gambling hoagies at 810,000 per annum. The bill requires each gambling room to be on the ground floor, fronting on :a public thoroughfare, with one or 'more large windows to the room so that the paiters-by may see, all that'ls going' on witlan. • Gen. Joseph Markle,• died a few days since, at Pittsburg, aged ninety two piers. He PM a prominent Old Line Whig, and 'was defeated for the Govern orship of Pennsylvania_in 1842 by Shfink. He was -a soldier in the whisky- war in 1798, and in the war of 1812. The.citizens of New London, N. H., at a recent town meetingi l voted to raise $1,500.t0 the arrest, return and prosecution of Samuel L. Carr, who re cently eloped with. Mrs. _,Bitrfne, a resi dent of the town,,taking 'with - pro p,enty tor.the attio,egt so116,000`on$8;000p leaving his wife pennilessland destitute of clothing. Ai Att,- Supplementiry to an Ati, ineorpo . ptng the ,45rough of Marietta, ap rolied th , ?!.lsth day of February, if! D':1834, liranting . ceitain powers to the Chief Bd.] gess and Boroagh—Constable: SECTION I. That from and after the passage - of this Act, it shall be law ul for the Chief Burgess ; of the BOrough of Marietta, iEt the:County of Lancaster i krany'Revolver, 44-100 inch Calibre, r, 36 in the absence of the Justice of the Navy Belt R Revolveevolver, Navy 100 - " " Navy-size Calibre, 'Pelick - ors - afd"Botongh; upon complaint li.oetw Pocket ice l o t c ev e o t iver, Revolver, 51-100 in. Calibre, or upon view, to issue his to the Pocket Revolver, [Rider's patentl 31-100 in. , Constable, or any 'proper perscin, - 0 At-1 _ (Calibre; - '-- " . -Repeating. Pistol, [Elliot patent 1 No. 22 and rest any disturber or violater of the 1 32 Cartridge, [ridge, veace.within- , said ,Borough,„and,upen,,..-V0...t gocitll-K01 N P 1 91 2 3 3 % 3 P,..aildl l Caqk Gun C' ane Igo. 22 and 32 "Cartridge, ,hearing have power to,discharge the of-1 Breech Leading Rifle, (Beale's) No. 32 and 38 ,fender, or offenders„or:bind him, her , or 1 Cartridge, Rifle, 36 and 44-100 inch Calibre them, over to appear at the next Court i Revolving,RiE. REMINGTON 4 SONS, of Quarter Se,ssiOnS,'.of the coon v,, in ' ImoN, NEW-YOGIC. --O-- one or more sureties. And in default L iIINCIP.S L AGENTS. n , of bail, to commit such offender or of- Moore & Nichols, New-York, oston, fenders, to - the county jail, to be Wm. Read & Son, d - i 9 .' Jos - . C. Grubb & Co., Philadelphia, charged according to law, makihg his 1 Pou:tney & Trimble, Baltimore, °lsom ar. Co.. -New Orleans, returns properly to said Court, from big 1 Henr y obre in F , Spencer, & Co., Chicago, docket. And for such service he shall i L. M glialfley & Co., St. Louis, . Albert E. Crnne San Francisco be allowed, and paid by the county, the March 2, 1867. ' 30-6 m are allowed same fees, as are allowed Justices of the PelaCe SECTION 11. It shali also be lawful for the Borough Constable to dispel all nuisances caused by crowds of boys as sembliug at the Post Office corner, or along the"streets, obstruciiug the pave , meats, using profaOe and obecebe lac , guage, and annoying the citizens ; and in defaalt'to'dkierse When ordered, the Constable shall arrest the offenders without warrant, and bring them bef,re the' Chief Burgess, to be dealt with as he`tiiay think prnper. by One or by con fininient in the look-up of said borough, not to exceed - twenty four hours. Ail such fines to be paid to the Bt. , ruugh 'Treasurer, and for such cervices, the Chief Burgess, shall foi: each indiciduul arrested, receive the s'iint of twent:, - -five cents—and - the Con Stable thirty Calts— be paid b'ytbe boraugh. ONE of Misf.Nathauiel Wolf has ; been held to`bail by Alderrean floltne, to answer the charge of misdemeanor. -11e*Was arrested in Frankfort, while in the a'ci, of begging; and, it is alleged used'deceition to' aid him in obtaining money. 'Elia plan of operating was to .enter shop at an office and to write an ,the counter that hie "object in soliciting fuuts'Was to enable him to Litre an op eration performed for a wound in the neck, which deprived him of his '2 pooch. -Betevitig him to be an impOster, the police took him in sharge, when he 're covered his speech at once. tie had on his person a list of names well knolvn in Franlifort, with different sums opposite them, which the prisoner admitted Were not . senuine. 'Phis fellow is only one of many. They . may not have lost their speech and recluire — an operation in the neck to restore it, but they have tales egniilly'false - and transparent, and theY succeed with them, otherwise the busi ness would soon be broken up. Public baggers of every sort ought to be-arrest ed, and if policemen neglect to do so, they neglect theirduty. ear The follo viing notice Of the little craft "Red, White and B11113';"• is taken froun'the "todlon Shipping add Mar: cantile Gazette," of March 3, ; "The little ship Red, White and Blue, which put in here on - Friday evening,' sailed this morning for Havre. It was blowing bard from the eastward, with a heavy sea, neverthelesS ihe little craft behaved nobly, and went ''away steadily under fore it'd main top Sails and fOretoPmast. sta'ysall. Her behavier udder 'canvas had th'e effect'of very much*;altering the opinion' orniany Seafaring spectators as to her having actually sailed across the s William Tell,,the Swiss patriot, has followed Pocahontas into the re gions of fable. AM r. Barring S. Gould Master of Arte,las applie&his schotary energies to the work,of proving Tell, a myth and that his story is no morethan a feeble copy which has-been re peated,regarding men or many lands, remote from each other, during the past eight centuries or more. On the fact that the same story as Tell's was cur rent far antecedent to the date of the popular one, rests Mr. Gould's theory that William Toll is not an historical character. Cr Among the new devices for diet day are paper pantaletts ladies. A company has been organied at Mechan ics Falls, Me., to Mariufacitire borders - to ladieielirawers and children'a pantaletts —an ornamental appurtenance to be buttoned to the garment, which may be readily replaced' when soiled. Agar Eva Reinhart; a German girl of 17, died in Cincinnati, on Tuesday. Da ring ths•last year she had been a subject of charity at the hands of several benev olent institutions, iucludiug the Relief Unica. The cool satin of, $6 of which,sl,soo was in gold, was foundju her room after 'her death. CI. The number' of-`European Boyer sigma is now reduced AO-thirty-nine, con sistirig of four Emperors, the Sultan, the PoPe, ten Kings, two Queens,six Grand- Dukes, five Dukes, arid ten Princes. sorMr..James Gorden Bennett, Sr., is said to be writing his memoirs. REMINGTONS' A r -r -Y-1 Md by the Trade Generally. A LIDERA I. DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 ftlimisig6 fig, s.Gtobe,inMenf. New Trimming aiztl Variety Stoe, Opposite Dlyenback's old stand, and two doors TYest of the Golden Mortar Drab Store, Market Street. MRS. MARGARET ROTH BEGS leave to announce to the Ladies of the borough of IVlarietta and'vicinity, that she has just returned from Philadelphia, where she laid in an entire new stock of fashionable and useful TRIMMINGS AND FANCY AR TICLES, NOTIONS, Src., embracing all the Novelties of. the Season, among which will be found the celebrated new style Tralligp.444.l2l4.hrt,Fauy-Eulor,s; Queen lloods,Ckildrens Coats 6- Sacques Plain and Pcini'y Mantua and Velvet, Gimps, Cords and 7assels, and Bui:ons in endless variety, Paper and Linen Collars and Cuffs for Ladies and Gents, Hosiery and Gloyess Linen & Emb'd Collars, Zephyr Shawls, Plain & Emh'd Opera Caps, Silk I.t: Zephyr - Scarfs Susneneers;,- Gerinintowb Wool, Twilights, . Breakfast Coseys, 'Braids a:. d. Shetland Wool, • Bindings,. Zephyr Yarn, Laces, Neck : Ties, BA LMOR SKELETON SKIRTS:. Corsets, 13elting; Edging. Eittlitng, Cord of all colors. Fancy Fans; Kid,- Kid-finish Silk All.l White Lyle Thread Gloves, Silk ' Mitts, Embroidery, Men's Woves. end Neck Ties, Pearl Cuff Buttons, Belt Buckles of carious styles; Tape Trimming, Linen and Thread Th;mbles, Sin: 'Diesels, Emery Bap, Fancy S .ape: Perfumery, &c., Particular attention has, been paid to the se lecting of small wares, such. lib Sewing Silk, Cotton and Linen Thread, Whalebone, 'looks and Eyes, Needles; Pins, &e. lr The put is are particularly requested to call• and examice,for themselves. . pp Mrs. It. is agent for the sale of the cel ebrated Singer "Al' Facaily, Sewing. Machines which took the first pre - in - fern at the late New York State Fair. -She' Will 'also instruct per sona purchasing iron her, how to work the coachil.c. p,ELOUBET ORGANS AND MELODEONS Unanimously awarded the first prize, a Gold Medal, "AS TILE BEST CABINET ORGANS," American Indthute,-New York. October, :865 Being prom.,unced superior in Quality, Power end Variety of tone, and in number of combinations.. "A the Lezt inatruments of America were there contending,' whichever won the bahle would have notinng left, to conquer."—Amer wen Art Jozirdal, (edited by a well known musical They have also , taken the first premium wherever exhibited this season. . PEDAL ORGANS," one,' - `two and there batiks of keyw—six eizes=s2so to $1.500 Without .mdats, single and double bank in greaf'veriety,- $ll5 to' -$450. 'These Organs, with their smooth,, pipe -like-quality- of donee, beautiful solo stops, strength of ehorqs, un equalled pedals; and general orgari-like4effecti are superior for Churches, Halls, Parlors and Schools. They are ,put up in cases of solid Walnut, fancy'i'eneered Walnut ( new and unique ht) la a) and elegant Rosewood, of splendid designa and finish, and - of the best workmanship I—it being intended that each instrument shallie a model of its class. All instruments do'we IO a fide octavo portable Melodeon, have the beautiful.- Tremolante stop, without eactra charge. A large teasoitinent constantly on * band at our General ‘Vite!eatile and Retail Warerooms 841 Broadwey. Our Illustrated.- Circular and Rate lists, with our new .` Styles, are, now ready. Scud for a circular. PELOUBET; FELTON & Co.;'' Manufacturers, No. 811 . Ilioadway, New York city. March- 9,-3m H AINP:S' BRO'S. PIANOS. ^' T lUK PIANO OF AdIERICA. These PlanOS are universally acknowledged by competent judges equal to the best Piano made. For reference they have - many Vious and city and. country residents- including large numbers of the High Schools, Seminaries &c. These Pianos: have not only stood the con tinual use and ,heavy practice of clue_ Year, but have been used.tlie last Fifteen Years to the utmost satisfaction of those tiling-them. They have taken Premiums-, and Medals wherever exhlbited. Such has ti . 66ii the . de- mand for these Pianos, that Messrs. Brio's., have been compelled_to,eniarge their works to the extent of 24 to SO pianos a week. Having now one of the most extensive and complete Faetories in the United States, Fac tories alone covering over 3:4 of au acre of ground, comprising 4 frontage of 219 feet on 2nd Avenue. They are undoubtedly the cheapest first class Pianos in 'market: Petty guaranteed for ,5 years.. Send for illustrated Circular. HAINES BRO'S:, 356, 358, 360, 362, 364, 366, 368,-370, 372,- Second Avenue, New York City. 18 arch ~ • - EXCELSIOR :! eiNsteNrs gxtettiiirmfoh . , For , To the ladies'especiall3r this invaluable de pilatory recommends itself as being an almost' indispensable article. to female, beauty, is esti- ily applied, does nut burn or injure the skin, but acts•directlyia the . -roots. - warrant=" ed. to remove.sitimifluous pair from low fore heads; or froin any Van of the body, complete ly, totally - and radically extirpating the same, leaving the .skin -soft,. smooth <and natural. This is the Rply article used, by, the Frenchi and is the 'only real effectual depilatory hi ex- Price-,To cents: . per: package; -sent* post-.paid,-to any address, on,re.ceipt,of an or der.; by' 13`Eli:G'E.R, SHUTISIk Co., " Chemists,- 2f.1.1411,yer SL, Troy, N,.Y: CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERS an ex cellent article for ladies. Just received and for sale at. MRS. ROT V • The HO WE Se Wing TirachieeB, 699 Broadway, .view -}>;r,4. FOB: FAMILIES & MA NUFACTUR E: Rs ,16 ilepplupea selDiu Were awarded the highest premium a: the World's Fair in London, a n d six first premiums at tide State Fair of 1866, and Are celebrated for doing the best tvnr c . a much smaller needle for the same "th„,,:i lilac any other machine, and by the introduc tion of the most approved rnachint:7, now able to supply the rely best machine s ;, the world. These machines are made at new and spacious Factory ::tßridgEpo:t under the immediate supervision of the ' 1";::: dent of the Company, ELI A.S HOW;,,, rt.. original inventor of the Sewing e The ; are adapted to all kinds a Army CloLbing. and to the 115.2 of . stresses, Dreas makers, T.ilc•rs, ere of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, las, Clothing, Buts, Caps, Shoes. liarnesc, Cadd:cs, Line:, ( ; 3 5 . aia: 3. brellas, Parasols, etc. They 1; yta well upon silk, linen, woolen VI:. geode with silk, cotton, or line:- th:7 , 14 2. will seam, quilt, gather. hem, fell, ca;,!.. bind, and perform every species el -cal—, making a beautiful end perfect stitch. both aides of the articles sewed. The Stitch iliveLted made on this machine, is the and durable, and all SL10::n.?, .11,1 jcct to the principle invenrid h;ni. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. AGENTS IVA "TED. TiE Howe MAC/lir:T. C.0212.A G 99 Broadway, Cir. rot.rth-S:., New-Sor.k. February 23, 1,67,-Gin.) LATEST F.d.s.ur S Bradle) 's Celehr ticd I bit 1)41:11LL s.pniz.c.ii S:,: , s i. IHE Won.:erfui ra-1. 1 colt and v.:ensure to :Any Duplex hilip icSkirtwill be titul4riy in all crowded assi-mi.:d, carriages, cars, eh Chau a for vrolvniade and iiJosa dirt, , akict can be fold. d Wien in 1112 small place as eas.ily and c:ore:::::;:!‘ as s silk or muslin dress, an it.valaahle tp,;; y crinoline not foun,l in any sin la ; A lady.havipg enjo3 c.; the and i.peat convenience of woariag zhe Elliptic steel s?iing shirt for a siogle c. ,rail never afterwards will1;;;;tly ;te , t use. For children, rniees, y they are Auperior to all oth. r.,. They "will not Loud er &teal: lil:o Spring, but will Festive thelr grace shape when 1111-e or four will hare been thrown aside as usArs. hoops are red w•th dont, e aO,l thread, and the bottom rods are not only loub:.: springs, but twice (or double) covered: pro venting them lion: out teem cli.gglo; down steps stairs, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is : all ladica axtrLis , .uniyena.l, ren,r: niooled the Faihion Magazines as the stand:r:l 01 the fashionable world. To enjly the following, ges in crinoline, viz: sup-nriv. p manufacture, stylish shape a,.d il•mr.l.- ty, durability, comfort and caawicy, erour orJ.W.BRADLEY'S Duplex Fill:A eel' Double Spring Skirt, art! be sure you zet et , genuiao . . CAUTION:—Tc. rigri'ust particular to notice that skirts oile,id n ••Dr- PLEX" have - the rod : •‘ Bradley's Duplex ECiptic Steel Springs - ape tne waistband—none others notice that every hoop will admit a pin rein; passed through the centre, thus iv tae two (or doubic) springs braided to.ether mete in, which is the secret of their „frexibitityL•iid strength, ends combination not to be f. , ualis any other Skirt. For sale in all stores where ei , r; skirts are sold, throughout the United Sines and elsewhere. Manufactured by the sole owners of the patent, {VESTS, BRA DLL' 3r,t CARY, No. 97 Chambers and 79 k Si Readentits, N.Y. Tannery' 26, 1567.-3 m; There cometh glad tldinp of joy to To young and old, to great and to small; Tb' beauty which once wasso precioushoe rare 13 free for all, and all may be fair, BY THE USE OF CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID ExAbla, For improving and beautifying, ,he Ore plexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use, for-giving the skin a beautiful pearl like tint, that is only found in youth- I: quickly removes tan, freckles, pimples, hloo - moth patches, sallowness. Eruptions and all impurities of the skin, kindly heeling same leaving the skin white and clear a; ala baster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable prepa ration is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considered by the Parisian as indiensable to a perfect .toilet. Upwarlts of 305,11p00 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its effisacy. Price, only 75 cents. Sent by-mail, post-paid, on receipt of an or* der, by BERGER, SRUTTS Chemists , 2So River St., Troy, S. Y• ib'ZXa UTILLCOX & GIBBS V V rmanELEss ,!9;atnti_g.. Oeuting. jta.chine The most simple, complete and east y m: aed Sewing Machine now in use. It does every:description of work—now atone at or needs to be helped over seams, but does al/ its work rapidly and well. The needle re quires no adjustment—you cannot get swish wrong—it makes any width of heel you wish —does braiding beautifully. The Braider id in the foot of every machine and pat of it ' and is always adjusted, never gets out of plate. Call and examine them belore purchasing any other, at 11. L. Sr E. J. Z ABM'S, Corner North Queen street and Centre Square, Sole Agents for Lancaster County. Lancaster, February 17, 1866.4. EXCELSIOR . ! 1 GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALV. AMESBURY, MASS., OCT. 13th, 1561 Mr. Grace---Dear Sir :—llaving been sf' flicted grievously for several weeks with a se vele abscess upon my side, I used several remedies for its eradication without receivinf any relief, until I applied your salve, whil effected a 'speedy and permanent cadence therefore feel happy to certify my confidence in-its virtues. Yours with respect , JAMES BEAN.. 1 certify to the truthfulness of the shoe statement. IL S. DEARBORN, M. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE SON, Ik Tremont St., Boston, and for sale by Drug gists generally OM ET HI NG NEW Patent dasp 0 et books, no gum bands to renew, adaptc to any condition of the finance, at JOHN SPANGLEV. i t. , IINERY . 40 ee ' l o4, 0 4, •%, \\\* 4,7 o 4 es c , --, 76 '4V '` .- -A ts • s N M BEM LL Kinds of Bianke,Deois, Fa. MEE
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