=I MTN ME C • BY F=I:ZDAURg wog RAINS of this road, sun • by Reading Rail TRoad one, which ri ten minutes faster than that of Pennsylettha Railroad. MUSS in Tine ito4D RDA AA 101401,A; LEAVING COLUMBIA AT U A • M Paisenger traftifor 7'l Readi ng abditatertnidiste stations, lesing Landisville at 7a43.u.,ua l i•Manheim at 7:58 ; Litiz it 8:13; Rpliva& Rea_ holdsville at 9:08; Binding kaiinglict 9:40 and arriving st R, ading at ten :o'a.leek At Read. ingconnection is made with Fast Rip:east rairi of Esat Pennsylvania Railrel4s, teaching New York at 2:30 P. M. with train of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, readhing Philadelphia at P: M., and also whir trawa putts ville, the Lebanon Valley and Harrisburg. 1 P, M.—PASAEMER g iali a l a _ buns, connecting al.kangui v ili a at 2:60 P. M. w ail Express trainip t eri vi plaknta. R A R. l both Eutand Weat, leav /1., gullet& Af3:26; Litiz 3:41; Ephrata at 4:1 ;MRelialicifdakfl'e4f374 Sinking Springs 6:03 and, sirtiging4CAtulding at fg2o P. M. At Reading chMugetioP ma de , with train' for PottsvilleandiLebaluon v.auey. --- , A LEAVE READING T , ' 0 A. M..-412A,IPP.ASVE/V170411111 0 ; for Columbia liked intermiditteNts• 6 bons, Waving Sinking Springs at 6 16 ; Rein holdsville at 6 44, Ephrata at 7 11, Litiz at 7 40, Manheirn at 7 68, making connection a Landisville with train of. if.emplai lAD_ ro , teaching Lancaster , at-8,63 , AM. and ph . - delphia at 12:30; arriving at Columbia ..9 o'clock, A. M., there.connecting , theiFer for Wnghtsville and , 'Northern. Central Attila.. - d, at 11:45 A. M.with train of PeniPa.llailroad for the Went. - ' ~ 4 1, •-.- .1 'Mk ;for 6:15. lc)o . l.l.=rat i gbo t er i T stations witn ariasengertlaffii* t 12 M., and Philadelphia atit3o P. IVI i m ealling;Sink ll ing Springs at 6:31; Reinholdsvill 49; Eph rata 7:26; Litiz 7:30; ' Manheim ij: • ~.atitdise ilW 8;27; arriying al. Columbia , a% P. M. 13... The Pleasure 'Travel to $p ratA_and, Line Springs trod New4ork,„ThradAlftia,. Baltimore and other points, is by this schedelle accommodated several times p er day with Ex press trains connecting an alllairtifitions. Through tickets' to"'Nett,,e•YestF,rhtla fielphia and Lancaster Bola at princrp# Cons. Fright 'canted Niiiiilittriost. yrchit flea and dispatch, et the foweat ratee., Further information • with regard to Freig or possenge, may be' obtained from tile ageat of the Company. ' - • 1.51 EN DES • C 0 HEN, .Surrinteidetit.' F. F. KEEVER, Gehe'rai 'Frefflit Agent. Stobtql gotobtall John Sliangler, • Market Street, 31nriet(a, Pa. AS the season for Stoves ds fastapprosehing would call the attention of- all- wishing ill purchase Parlor or Cookitig_Stoves, to my large and well settai t iasig,.aliecun braces the best and moat desisnhle -Stoves that the Eastean markets afford, andl;oM were purchased early, whicltiVitredlittle - rne to dis pose et them advantageouidy.do Among the leading ParloWlsaild Cook Stoles are the coneys:log: Parlor Stoves. !C.Rokkg Stoves. Meteor Gas Bunter; Columbia do • Roy 1„ . Oval do do .-Wisiv rivs teal, Wellington, Gem, Lehigh, Tropic Egg, - Charm, Monitor, , -;-Sunirder Rose, Also, the Vulcan and 'llarifordls/ Heaters, a ;11l desirable article fr'r "hating tVVo-or four zooms with very little,iniag,thore fuel than an Winery parlor stoVe Would consumer , Ranges for couking,Jtionetantly on hand all r of which will be sold On it iniOnable terrify.-- I:P' Call and -examine .before purehissing, WILLIAWItiedab 4t- SON, 043. BROADWAY,. NEW-YORK, • AGJONTI ATM T81LL,!,E1.2811 , HAI Neu Patent Piano Forges Which are creating the greatest senestion-so musical world. and have received the ;high eat testimonial. fro 11Dm Aiding` r hats in the country 5q1°11.g..*40141 S. Thalherg, • Tinca:42:lllll°H;ltironals L. M. Gottschalk, • Wto. Henry Fry, lte9dose bL Strackosch, Mix Maietzel4.. Denman A. 1 ,, Ciltenhaupt. 'laving purchased Ore Agency di George A. Prince Is Co's M elo deo n s Automitteand School Organs, fro _ heir: rieß, E. Bacon, we will be plese,o to mows nr ars, for those celebrated Instrumerifil; and whys endeavor to k keep a su ffi cient sup IT P"'" hood to fill all.orders atleSit. The west lob eral discounts given to the '•TisidieC'hurclicai. Clergymen and Schools. AUlteriftailasis tear ranted Arils's 'years. ' " 114.11137ACTUREAS AND IMPORTERigaIt 17141!83 Banjosp, Guil Violin gtrings, Actadmis arc, and all Einds of Brass and' otlieP:-Aftfltiesl In struments-for Bands. '; f PUBLISHERS OF SEl,Fr4T:Xta'' Just published. e" The Venite,Na mew leash:or of far, age lipismal Service,- opening and closing VoTurstaricii,ldusicat So-' Classes and foram' Circle,,by tirgil C. Taylor. :Price jaolleardh, Wes:into Cloth, One Dollar* t In press, soon-het.iasued,Akagini's w entS M elodic Roller art of Exercises : for.ineissmy isf' the sin yi At* Bassinifiluth or of e as e •, Art of 14011. • AND Pr akkrontsexciErerksiltes, lk Collection of Rue ,Ei atord and seas' POOP Of t see° ' fo! speedily - developing • the muscles 4k ,, fisigera and aCdtitritretitat degree of flex lut'utY. i ndependence and, volutsilitly,,,,which ° r i n,,dispensable% to:a goodlesfortniate oo rime Fork By Nsaseutiltrilroune. marks sent by snail, poettpasikorilateelpraiS the %redprice. WiLzraleklanwill Boatil 648, BroadwayiaNstalffi - ork• .••• • _ . , .. - , ~ tat J. 74 HO Ogg» : . 2 - . DENVISt, . , tinv $o ..-- OP Tui-WAttslooks Varzins *1 -!! 0 •0.. OF DENTAL'EItIRGEIigO , , ATt, OF......„_,Vnlaßciatt - ,- -,------ . - - t O#P I CE:—Pront strueti.,4,2o a° ro w, Wail ° l4o - Drug Storo; boween-Lociug lood grab4ut meg % oakelbig: _.- I DILCOD:LAtiIIij I : Aikeil D.; 1 , XXX•ViI. i , --.....44b 411...- ~-.,..... . . ~, ........__., _ 1.. I JP r ',• . ' : 7111,.. ' ..".. '5 ; • ,'.• . • A + ,' ", ' . ‘,. tr A.• ' ';..‘ . 7- ..- . - -, ? : • . 6 , . 7 }t7. r' 7 r - t .. -, " ' I . PUBILISHED WEEKLY • .$ AT ONE DOLLAR AND A RAW A YEAR, P 4 YAALE IN ADVANCE Officein " LizinssiOs "BUILDING," second floor, on k2bow Lane between the Post Office. Cotner an& Front- St., Marietta, Lancaster - Pennsylimieig. , AD9EI[IIBMS- RATES: - One.. 891 J ire (10 lines, orleas)76 cente for thefibit inaeition and One Elpllar "pc1: 1 "-bitlf, for 3 , :inlisrlione t Pro fessional and Business Pat da, of six !ince or less at 16 per annum; Notices itr.the rtniding col nmni, ten cents ci-/ine llartitiges died Deaths, theteiniple inpon"4ll/001.iillE.E ;lint .or • any additional, iinelyten- earns a • • • A liberal ded4Ction made to lerarty r ad .half , . yoorlyAdvirtioiro. flaying just added a " NEWBURY...M.OI/N -*Twin JOitssa '-frtiss," together with & large assortment" of rtevrJob - Sfid Card , type, Cdtl, Borders, tir:c:',,,tte.. to the lob- Offic'e of 'rue .a 'd RIETTLA Which wilt insure the- f net,and speedroxecution of all kinds-of Jon &Swill' Pax rrr X N tic froni the srnalksl Card : to the Iw EiT POST Elio at i'sonable We,nre born,; ,wpjoogb; Weloie ; :ate dreop4 we.dieJ. Ali 1 wheret:ore.do,we laugh or weep? Why do we live•or die.? W 60_ knows that eficiet: deep'? ,Alas not I I whyjdotb 4.h0 violot-opring- 'Unseen tty:lumao 'eye KY 0,, * () th:p • .?colkaPti 9Qqi 6 o 3 ; brit g --4Syteett.houghtorgukt gaick , ly tly Z-7 Why do our foodthearts cling.. " 4 110ttriegellutt-dief ":* We toil,—thronshßaja. nal, r i rdny, Was fight --andll - y ; - 1 _ Y We 1 4 ie ; see In - e4,and then ere long, tuße-,dend,,- lie. , 0 Life* V iii (ill `Oy song, ' Endure in{m ? '. 4. kt Foa - TKE 'MARIE Wl4' . I ". GENTLEMEN %rib...l6llTE" n ueornieen people, " :common people, , cani make it out, when eistfir's raised a gentleman in - the family , gentleman all complete, only the money's been forgot. If a man won't work ell`the time—da in and day out —if be snioltisthe= 6re . or whistlee , • o,nt of the windosi e the Very, gals bump Agin him and say 'get out of the way, loaf V Now what I say is this-LH peo 7 :ple halo% had genteel fotchin'. up, yoU can no more expect 'euito'behaVe they had been fotcb.. up genteel, than you can make goodcigarso4 of a byoom handle. Bet Billy, my boy, never mind, I and keep 60,a lett,in' Aijij ',the world's i_tailroad and tha,careis jump ' have to 'do Is te jum p chalk tree. There ,- will be a time—something•.mnst. 'llaPnetti.. Rich widders-, are about, '"though they are shopped' ep :so ofest,.. Rich wldders, Billy, iirp, n l i3pegiel ,iresi .dences,l% seat here like-rafts, to. pick up deservX,,chape when theyeen'tsWl - cp no • longer , . ;When you've-bin , Billy, and etregiy.then'*iihes widcler, Hostile- along.- e Why a srlddei,i . s,tiziteMst of 111 ; pfli.eiis . srvers, when a man ill most a case, like you and me,, 13 4 1 .Y." NlcHe4tAs. If there .were:' , /aot sentiments akin ,to those of " and 't Btu:pieta" in-high; places as well: as in low ones, teen 'we .mighrleave' all:those lucid Oil- - mop/deb page, _without - making „Ahem subjects pioral and ,social yri 'b. 10 But , a - deplorable ant to there is hilior-eif•any:ikind; aitiong the pervert -d maties:df oar rice ;. made so - sal doabt by, perniciois examples, audmort geol.._ cions , sentiments, inculcated , thnbligh 'false eystinis - of nal/cation:and aridWrit ,tip association. .I.t t should be constant ly boirnslßMinq, thatifistocratfc mai— mad 'ire not 4,,..i,i l xclusive moooply of the richole t intelloctual,aad the high born, but a r e equally sharedbY the poor, .the,ignorant ,and the low' born i, and if such=sentiments manifest theipielves, in a toOkreetiliive and contemptible form amongane Glass thwanother, the , , pre. pouchirenpsis nearly always on the side of the fatter. The pretenifoue or' a , en perficiallpedutinted4abi, or one who " haintlrlmd getitnel'fotcbin%lp," often' texhibit Aketneelves so ,ridiculouelyAtod *died ldliferkitiliegericid io4h - tiv cir= ate as uncertain .a catching' , "iritlkeunb - sa,Ettit!r of modesty and cometances t init lives,. whondom t aiay" `rich widkiv4 theiViaditi&dia: gOod taste, that chEistian charity is o scoose - Alrey,tiave bccranefinjelp i d-fen-; ` .. ,isdrii- Cue' strained to its atm:est.:tension, in award, tlemen. It is , not, gentlemenly Aol be , ing to him -that:ionsideration which is hic.cemberlike, a ( lniiys for sare,,,of t i a dive:llhp! at oche `qe two ,;due LO'him, member of a . combion "something, to. turn-up;' whoin *l9pd- Ldcllem ea daylsie.-test ;falticg L into the, '!amily of our race. • • bend to , the things that •Vbleak 4ndsbaerenswaye loaferism4.lle ' flowerer ardently lheitoet: Mat sink are around you, aou can, by :„Sur owe-;iiineelieniblettolithOinfortunnte tubed ndlloviever loudly we- ler , ink° the indiildhalVfrorts, assist - Tin turnink that • tee r dilitiiiSktinu s ,`lii fob? brAve ' *Rip " --Forth ! make, the then, II P 7- 1 19 1 44;.:At4ing Adayi, lip' , each !weeki ididneti4 iffut obit the fellow " eiill, practically; IlOsivilitt forinlnethinkthati" st ,figge .. ',uke ‘4,Wistiji t ipri**ag "seise“in'S p`iofit poet was ' in • tirid i' iniata kew al"utt- 4 41 t_ l o,:tt,mo. :AiqfP.,.fjo . :tiickap„'etree; =tags riellkiefß*V ek it rr ai - 10 — eur• observation erztenikr,—it is .doestperlsnis wore towa rds trallutoThilliter,sloketirtl&Pr's4rallliPQN,lOT,4Ukrulett4 olear.that"lrsq4 makes tiie man." - 6 -- Finiqya - s - IlAtifT;•totn --- csa -- pneitiblyi-Psithaps - lbe , ;moateruzscconntlshls,Atid 149 1 ,efulli lieulthinuluegtatutalUtit;•.-theliAohli 40 . 1111,4 Setiediniiints•feasetia Waferienroatott 4 t...4* ! IP 0 C ' 4 0 ; 0 that the i applied erase lifirelNAH tiffishiteP vorw ; 000614/ b1i , 74.41.4iir irr. , ;!. f'; , 4 Amok. 'MARIETTA, SATURDAY MO, R ., N . I. N •- . q. s, P ir E Ull 2 7 r ... e 5 . - - ff. .' '.,. ` 4.9 41 "i b lT -kSA. • VOL L - .-. • .. . U: - . —. N • 7. 0 ,-. 4 - ... . - ... .. . _ 4., 8416:J =EI :t: ! 1 HT qAA NTALLUBF T e 4, liklentie en i ura glut irt f, ti3Aa, ; want of wok)) npmano no, and reduces us to the condition 'of , a mere "fellow," if its effect is not :Were disqualifying still. •If this view be 04 ) 111 . 1 4; \lll,ll it ib not so very surprising Aitat, :Sicholas N °Midas, 'and his npfeatibtatimPia so ciety, shouliblai,ao inntli stile& :upon the Pcsseseion of-" prey" as the sine qui non iosille,c9inpletion-,of a gentle man ; or -that= beeiraile , a family may be unfortunate tiiough ( to , have a useless bundle of indolemeitin it, whose aspire : tiolietirapely.:inifey.-lteard, that be is therefore-unappreciated, and hie case difftbalt to." make out„ by those who are " qqatinon, law andoury,r ,only• be came) they, are sober industrious and , heVe - st: ' iiiiiky of Ncillikiree.' philciso-' piftici a'ri trtallEf, Or peal: apiroiimations to the truth, but w tkey are truths of such, 'character apd finality as. to, have very little dtracticel epp,itchtiott to, .Itia ,own life ; like hundreds ot other preachers in the world, *hegira Constantly exhort ing ut"l'n 4 Ct to'cio as they do; but to do )they say." ~For instance, it is liter; al true among a certain , class of peo ple,y that if a man don't work, or " won't worksall th'e.time, day in and' day alit ," at some occupation which they can uu-, 1 derstaedsifa'recogalitt:es'vofk;he is therelore jostledtas a "loafer," - and a fit subject feriny 'amount of aniniadiersion` and reproach. They . don't seem to' un derstand' Ilaht . there is alaber of the mind and_ the briga,. ; which, in all ajes of. the world, has been infinitely more po tent-than tea which bas been- yielded . by the bands. Sat,' as ".there cannot truly be an internal without, an external,' this mind labor must, in' aqike mehnitr manilest.itself in a, tangible - and •visilittr orm, or else it will be - inbject to the suspicion that; it * really• does exist int fact, , ,but is only as:sumed, for, sinister! and unworthy ends. It is alai) traa that .versop wbo:has not been Vacated tal a ct genteel, cannot or will not , contiutin g to.aa, in all the varions rel,etions of life, as.it betor she had been so, educated— nor can they be , compelled to,do so, any 1 more " . ,than yoq can make good cigars out of a broom handle." Now when we say tiaducatsed," we do not by any mesas allude to those merely who have `been fortunate enough to have gradtia.i ted at fill'hatitllte, fi Seminary or a Col. lege; for ft must be evident to many minda,„thtt there are numberless install= cea of,scholare having gone, through . , ell the routine of class, time, and. studies, even do the obtaining of a ;diploma—in our institutions of learning, and are yet not ; what _maybe,yegarded as truly tdu cated. We know that -this -idea • runs right athwart ` that eaperfietal iiiii,:‘ifiuch cherished dogma among certain classes, that their offsprieg t hßite r finished their education"—'or "aind aus gelarned," according to a tirovincialhitn among old Pennsylvania germane ; but it is never theless "true Se t preaching.'"' -- - The true atatue.ef a,:geatifeanaP.Aere jfai i hnot a conditionlhat Pcan be as suddenly assumed, or oan- be made to bncemeli:man, as soon". as: he happens to become rich. •Instead of his riches con (erring upon- him- the -demeanor of a gentleman, ktniay only'make of ' -him a more thorongh and splendid loger. The question wee asked, and ponied - into Perpetuel recor,d,, tholllPde of y Jeers ago—" Can the Ethiopian change his! ellm or the Issopard his spots, ~ s o. May g who .they do.oo who have beengoMutidit4iir: to do`evil."—lf therefore an individual' boo a:vcustomeci himself act gingen:lfeet ell his tice, • about as unreasonable to sepp_ose_that the leopard, by hit Osvii. volition_ alone, could change his repo l tS, as to suppose Abet , such amindividual• cono, on suddenly beConiing rich old days , as suddenly" change_ his—habits 'of 1 jin dspecome' the'iiipOsite of What.l he haditlways been by freedom of choice. I We are not intinidicir to 'question the possibiLityief each :A ;thtpgm bat l p t endo strongly questieri - he- no? /419 y, of it. Therefore, time, iv/ie . :Ate ce.4.4PL644 or unconscionalys 'cif the philosophical school 4 orNollihihs'and tfiiiinfre; should take heed:kik they haye IsocOgp, Ron ESE ;C: , thelnietits'efid reftlifisiittreflellr of the' righrd elicit - a - erect ntdiptll - spiv 3ei trttif' n4t , itren• the goal we ainrittlerthit tired itivAibier fittaintd — applicierftheseuslin which eltternal T r A t i m P 4°c ?ii4A4t- 1 1 n 0 6 41 11 M sod vipered,ip nether wow)... , , C.: VT,, ,, • , T1 2 #95/ps , q:1414 :‘ , ll l ll l 7flrmit Tailioad,end.t4 Cara,are coming' bet ga inll, ?P e P9 ° P! 6 ; l ll l 'fr 4 j s irtsll274 pope, but " t wl r tter, ,f could evethape_"prja,pect to " chalk, free," no matter - howllbsele he. rimy " neier Mind:ani keep not.ashillitrraitlY It is therefore no,par;tiof the lohetactet of eigii'htleman;-batno -the !contra* :it nwthearnesteceneitutisesessidepeemfalLeaf, erism, for a Remo% toffOOter in his mind i4P 11 ,, , a kitififkAhlirg? ; cox, With ,l the intentioh.of I^ A out in the aetop,oc;eiver, 3 ,..The most by alt hy - condition, Of so, niety ,z eimi ts where thosethai - amposi Irom their oriztfau oice, are in the effort to an cord to the laborer his hire in - a things , and to heAditiallY'Udcoutit _him worthy of it. Stink a societyta ess fl erktifilly,com posed ..of-Arne..geationien, niaginlitter their Scholastic:- oduoatiint- pe- 1 bur : airy eirctiMatknena Aiiiiltil'who Cherishe' the 'daily ' tation getting : ,,t.hittgl4lfor iatellk9A, who at i the sania,tim -productive :tabor:as: :wool& enable him :to db tinto:others tie he worild - that 'others! ahorild rid unto &et raluing. tossedeidniad &Col Tititfeterie;: and the sooner, he, is rooted out; of eoci• ,rity, or his peroigions„prioci.ples are rooted .out of ,h im.,. the. so one r t that nook ety r will be blesee'd witl;tgentlemerio, and, l'a- 'corresponding' It quite o ssi 0” at tlie`''wii~ld"st large'' .does not ponder Abe eryF,iiropoe - tiqn-,t,he desire ta.,,grit something for no thing—with .the proper degree < , of -ribturthought. ihu-sirbje'ct of-it'rdone: as'eiiEireetlyJoiter the difsiro arab' to give son.eliin`g fat} nothing; then he or ' she,. tierbani wit ti n g ly, eatartnill one Of m thri_ , ; mos t selfish affections known to ourTfallon humanity. The lffe - A,4lOll9E,Ack, sake of the; legitioiati use ofikkiat aff.94404: ie the worthy waercisemt ona ofGods most lireciorhogifts-46 niitu the-4ibuse it, 'that 'evil' f l orm - of . self-love which7is titelrOdutl i Worteof r ill that is „wicked and rf4 self-loring man, Looking, e i f or something to turn, up:" :finds a well filled purse,-..and -ander :the - impulse of _tatting sorriat4iug' foe trot:Mot teirridie diataly appropriates faik own- use, ,iv idiom., regard to Ihe:e; Off:4pp .68,antaiis qP9R- 49 1 1i k9141 ° 49.2; 1 90Fi,P f it= who may, have lost his all:, .When a man's self-love •iiv assailed;' he cud revile; and' profane; bat th.ele'lexhi bitions of tibia attribute are no cdarpirri son in Wickedness to lie !flail and for cible withholding- of-that-which belongs is to. antithei;when it is in his:parer to remora it tolta propei owner. ..„ The true gentleman thermorenot a ALM:. abuteci eauaa o( that this;ja-atts .484Int@cjAle t!lh ~,T , of the , loefer,i for the .Joaferde also. o 6 "spcingh" thietabsartwevgilithing—tha , t it comae — in - hi:hit:Wet veittlit"iii'd;zqiiillise t : vt it i t tlar l3 ,o PreiePa , PC'YeFs4-ve i t! to quotb4. The greatest waste Oftha', loafer, co ottiatt ia4L l l.9 , waste,4 able bourrio time.; 01,2 1 1. 1 4#7 when he - mfghttobnildhigJup habits of_ l use for les in idlirdr,'"itCVlribh 'hifi might., croilie'iiilseir and securely • 4 vz... * 4.• .:* , fhl I he is overtaken by its cheerless winter.i , tae could Ihake:AigilletiAr4ll3Arp, certainly, and. in a shorter n agageskaigie, 'if litlitirere to Maketatolterfeet effort, thou, he could acquire th4m,'" in waiting Si* widder; to ,:come„ 'signet. , This 'waiting' for such• Ivapocialf prorideueas " Ciirestiliptited , to .coosist - inktho ifitfeii Of rich' tiideas; rerfiie - dekery maa j h H of hose aiv;-ido; - Orton .' .8 Apt 9 l oj jritar„ 'X , V Ce VT: O W local] r, , rajectotll lave rAh.righs ll 9FPkt 9P171 , P,9 PI rookd rsostonable,acertattiesaud .10P014,Pri*: ImuriiiifeefVor , tial ,, tprdstiliet ,oars of those chancesltiali:aiiiiiii ,-...; ..“, • ' ...; 7 smilf 1 •..1, '~ ~~t;~e~ r«.-. . =!M!Win eatiffilet PieltismberlAßßlTPt Rililoßoßtkve*:parrelleneengpsiskiti, - ,dame .,.,; times singular—quiteafl-pf i telt.atottgjAg 7 --and perhppirpftener-m141.,..` sadde ning, iMorsiirthi'itte‘iffiiretiildVai exist amd keit kilt what ifcniirtin or ' l O 4.3 614;864 drat 14,1 ill; M I '"ll ' :is : k "" s er v ant gent . einan. a , on fatiii : 11 1 `10"doilii . biff p al tediWaffigitliMini 1C413 of it, remarking at the ifasllucittxtbattrionttofithoigengesien ttnind , :ite =-.4llistbonpatimbn:toideirtiffit Ocirlerpan =Wendy otariratbatlitvgo,noilk ' fodt.mprely hfliroadetnaidanidopeiphlNB Iciano,pb.et tbirepaview ,Ofcwhat enastitdtes sTsed.tlemap,dbeztotlfoipsm ipciationicK‘ttfile doilaStbilltrofkrid:undet aimilarapircamstpitompAwtoild,,be . ni x ins facicreviderico7`l4oX: the -4 1 4er mum-a: loafer, if indeed he. might: not, bparankptl: Fith e the thief: -- lertheitixtrnmion ofl t hio -,. • - 14 , d slbject.it Very'difficult: not to come to the conclusion " Ilidiaigiaideihis 'AM to all gteseirfil;Bliijimiiti aft part'fi: of the world and , kic0g.1.4,31.3 n Ih,rtyite, merely the excepu Bit t in In vjsr e,- • 14,:.• • Were arp necelaarily aiterenl, grades off tfilifers to bp recognized, te . well licrebt 'thZ44lli , e' taidniAent' kind lit'loaltiPs, and a crimi nal kind, as -welLps-art-iniiifferen iniermediatetbe.tViiielhaltvioZ sziich Of--tbeid kintifizwb elitidi3grelYsteshathis;t•anit:latiPmatk;•ft Cite tither9lN d 41184 Urn' veni,l'ermiirf who . , are' unconeditinelisithilwitfiontinny tyre leiftfensiti,iftiticierl e thbefAttPlither - 8413V •hitreraMltiirMFgentlernalilyasliits i pallit i tPlictiiiistaribekil;:ditbkr` - tilt-Pugh' Vontfpultiioir-tbi.aotiat 'or mf finial position—to becOinglentledgm; and i? L .t.9 6 .lPM* l :3P,FKi r i e • 4.c a ti c 'te us : 331 % ' 9 1 Y- ri a ii n il3 lti r w a°l6ll . el A l e - A ge ! s. 2 Tilt Iliptc.T:4 or s i atger F . scions icifei; form PertiapsiliM ftigest for it may be said some q ti &t % f t Anfi'd V' 31.0 V ,of the more moderate , shad u ps t mf 9r.4.,, er classetialiO. n ibis c ass mad also ct.nllllllll keit be ranked many members of the mripLje sex ; for the-femibLiitio-spentfi' `sble=hours sitting "' day-in tint .daylont tat lfiti , fifiatihe 'effeetL-eienzirshOe•lias si stildetr. edge iiiicfrtifitddeOlboNacPbnitt h tufribtreitt eagerly -batiilfinr-itit ever/ brawl ; and ifterVangifighi„ Ifiiiiitieniii;hlfroffaiteil 'tip &edam 14, proximation to a loafer as iltatile:' , lddki . .to awaits ; 7 ,- ; .ttip kong,ppre 3 p.op coptix tail Int esithM• wirdt-h 00 1t.( 001 4 1 . 0 0Atligr apepd .whstloasPObA.4l EfPoSelt99.4B,4lllßiltg .betffoeurithOilWilY/J‘htif/4441(ordilit {)'.+ Atiofte. Wh..o lAtibbrilPillgAn94 fnoM l PhOrsbn o 4l 3 l oo Vttritg o APA;eig&at- 4 era p r excellence, then it wonbi l ibp. fi di-- fficult to stisigtethem-tirtiteir appropri• v 4 llre) s pendg,t ate class. Those 'females woo an hoar • or more t in unprofitable "' goseipt`at Et* thp grocery . store, t i n t' t p e rformance o f. an errand thrit - OltibewittlWetipY s dare j , t t han five ob tain- more ofilibje in formatiiih' subject, .ity, dust , ....oltening; thil qr .daily papers diing'sxlionte-oil, theif 00 tables-area; so rx; of seini4oaferg, but: becolith fallyiiinchrionLaretAbitc at reprehensible nerd their! Iltatfrar ins: not covered with an enact el3at7 as ,t t les 94 l o9 /i Ni!'l l 4 l WP7 l l7 l 4sTirn i tiVaril,- .40' , "Xi d Pk?i'4PV ( .1 4 1APi.41,70,2atItaiii,13 :tiiit , mAinukig,dvni,V&Nelt i alJemeAffe ~veniillat}ot~,~ of the fpoipsOtAg.: 0 4,ir more ,1-,aPP.rgatria.tev.,alo more tiBKilYur hands. for in the discussion of that, side d of time irjrtre;l4-01111116.P.V40 o Ibo most eascura l itereeption teat tt:gr:eatei' RICA ( AIN / e l l 1 2Nl u i / 714'.: gmg, j oie Ift. t l le e iors 4"P a P e 1.11 ft!"; Lava .sl= I° wed' °T:VIEP B tiPP I 9 I OII impossible -that er individi nails; iticaiiiil;ittlietihO ilafers or gentlemeo ;' ~i' when ` snd .411'614iiiiy , ?ou'jd'. ri ZlVreakailitiv"Oe Barfly Athe r ir malfiPhi the i -experiences of•ltheirhedert ,, 7.g.esrei , iu mar these gliscrtmiaatiehstrina,approprii" ate , materigittemork-,upep i we_wealt fra r them to theadbrorowdPitO,Abili4ti' ally esselithbr:abhut - ltralioad statimistt in aji se so year , o all a of t he (tit ancf ilea, ,QV 110 1 oiliVr"viiiikia 4 - .tS'ZI t • 261 Z purpose tnau to jta e. : at tne ragtag. train of -oars,- ti ‘ itoriiaitt (4*i - so& 4liby,lasei emelt/mint pitilal 2 . l liNihattor ishiredieeskithiatitin, tiPblieggla‘sixteratleith'ralogra e.T4raltip o t guish between those w 1#64, 8 1 tkuritßalaArtstol*C.479sniaglir TO' Asoodsmiyasoke ilkirtskisaffictriza during the winter season, .aaLetk ,e 4fi ti , pop i p a t-is urinj the_ MIL ittr 1441114 V extrxt EMI °rT~ ~fMm~tC ' ..::: :'(.-., '4.f., ,, ,, .5-...!....:i 4%4 poll any futbjj la- 11 ` ant material 7 especially in the genteel. er grades of loaferiem—for the exercise of this ventilating process, and the classification of its results. But per hips no where else will a fruitful school for'the . study of loaferism be found, than the!, furnished by some public street oven!, in cities, towns, and villages. were undisguised loafers often most do congregate, in spite of municipal author. itaijo:4ol:llitt opinion, and in high car pilaLlqiiirt, ~ h e extract of the "noxious wcr 7 ,qpca,passeis by, or descant upon pipit. ckilogiolieir : figure, and their pe lea,tlsianlini.,, 4 lf any gentlemen are found Anienctlicin,.they are of the most pee. LopiAleciszikcter,. and may be known by the absence of profanity, of ribaldry, and of...eiggar.jest... -The-people who, tits akird;eittly,kthroughoot the six work ing dityticoltbe f lweek, spend all their Itheigter invursuir of the almighty dol. liiiyared then +airs the Sabbath in lan ,gdbfitifig itiltineic, or irreverent gossip, .iire'lierilarre.-uitil their own esteem—a imrtfoltanthdrized.loafers upon whom it night lint bef.-Well'to exercise too rigid 4.6101418 th: ' fleireno a discrimination, heitiitislinleCeisttf i end mere indolent in rclinittiatiff 111-may' charitably be made. Ilibe' ocver :fastilliotie -and censorious amodg the. cuetbllions'of public morals, col lip :deb *ANA thosii men who stick a -iiigiir iii i their. niouths, and their bands Ithr , thiClO pock-rite; after every evening meal;'end4hen ablient themselves from j t l lleir fts - rbilre s rif near the noon of nighf,"iis: *no ' l . beitir th an loafers ; but .1 .-.. , ng-..1‘•1: surely the ipod in tentions of these men although tisoisiii, "the way to hell is paces ...- - r , r -4 ~..,*fti4CO,d inieptions "—ought to taLtaktin' somewlak in extenuation' of rr a fi_J 2t,. C= - )1V11.f,1 • heir 011epoe, if any. 41,1 4,4 the... . t. . Oa cold scene ,of mere etiquette 7,-I cl, a scene , o f a tud digsifind , lsarning, the - Chesterfields of :44hity Are ,wont to make distinctions fietWeen iniiii, as `gentlemen and loafers, lint ulaill.of thime' distinctions are as .1 1..1.. •Ik t.. 1 .% i', - IlEtrit9oilab e end uojnst, as they are en t2...F. -..:81;7. - 1 ',,,',' ~ . .-- A . . .R?r?ijI2IIIIZ,ILII . d conventional. plain, ligye4t, and onedapated man may .be a , gentlemao latev'gr position in society Ile,olay,oceopy,Whilet the man of better iducationiatosumwelention. who ha -bftrildly sileavehitilitt with the brim up -iit an angle'Of forty-five degrees before anttbehind, shielding the moral and ill. 4telietsttfal regions of : his cranium from view; and Unduly exposing the animal satin ddmestio'region, may not be able to 'altogether dive/it:Maisel from the lep. -rosy of ioaferiew : This same fastideous ;soltilelbilf eviticsfalio Condemns the man who, habitually things both his bare Tir.kaule l -cj i ""l,l"',A . fa t 716:0w5. 4 in his coat breethes'itpiket,ao,po better than a Yoaf u e;:, 4 9Ve are iii'd unsop histicated to this c h arge, lset"or,tinflerstand all of this charge, but at th e semilime we might call the .4-7 . ..,.., -aftynkl? l , l , Of the intelligent an d gentle. manly reader, to the general dignity and bearin,g.aLthe-thini—Thire is another , othltalor.tueit,who..netier ou any occasion cOr Rider, any circumstances, seem to be - tibleito4taniLetill, or-upright, or square (l3r4 for fiveminutesttugether ; bat wheth eiv titayt arectunder. the- ~..,-. philosophical in. fiuetiewsif itilhesterfield or a Nollikinc, "deponent sayeth mit.* :.Nor will we attemlipb7dlffiffe- or - classify, at this ' i slitting ' ir ' thehabit,'l t • , so previ en in ma 's-ace:v..4 * • 1 1 ,07 1 ,„ qhotiiiie:will o r dered families and I places, of appear at , public and pri -1 " ' thecoat 2 7ate,tabilis,and soting with off, iiid 4 the shift Sleeves - 1.61'8d up to the 111:iiiief4iidriitching the head at the table ;n, babitally.. licking off the : MAN:and, then, unceremoniously dashing it ittio„ttket inttilit ,er preserve dish ; or .taking tkilliXOW, quantity, on the fork thou titeenAMMit'silatention of the mouth , Will .1141Witi - eitdyithen caulking up the reaidlie.atl,atsifiett it in, , like bay or strawrinr-7- or the con 'it;ufeclitfilig"-iii-thiiiye into every dish iv, ;; ithin't . tie lA' vision, and betray .. , , Is ti 'mainfeet anxiety of not getting "eziOurgli:".. Bit at ihe same time we might iniggise;'tbafirthere the -heart is right, the intentioiiii disinterested, . charitable, AadiiiiiiireT the Lopes aidaspirations elevaticil, and the mind humble and re. [A l e ; nothing that.is repulsive to such . . 1 9 8 tidequo VtrkifilllcP 4 lo4,neceasarily ap- In conniption, we sincerely believe that tign—rt in the Itf society, and the/30 INSVIr it; Aram submersion in Wet/Dad sea. , of eviLbabitand popu lar error.."' -- - • • -- lend 'fury little 4 dbidi` illii:4liW- , -,"Adnuctoxii Aunt Lu- WycaieittitiP*4l44l6-whittperit to het and he hugsi. 1 1::!D tr , ,•,, teKVirr — attr , ir"" 4 , 4 e o f 10:0; " • . go i ) she 'Zeus' - - ' t.. does net
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers