• 4. , . 1.1 . 1 I - • A , ll .46.cptuVtutl Vtpusgibaltitt lottitt,4 -'..._.-11971 9 BY FRED"( Lr BA alq. , ;.; .; •,7 i MARIETTA; MMAININ PUTVAIII ELOTii.ES-WRINGEIL . 1 . It is the only reliable selr-Adjuating cr. No wood-work . to• splitY No thumb-screws to get out of cirdet:' Warranted with or tittiigOttreoi. It took the Fira , Prtmitim• Fif ty-seSen State and Ceunty Fairs in 'and ia, out an exception, thebeit Wringerever . made. Patented in. the .Unitett , States . ; 'tnglind, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town. ' '• :•• • Energetic agents can mike fronf3 to 10 Dollars per day.: ' No. 2. $6.50 No. 1. $7.30:' F:$8:$0, No. N. $9.50. Sample IVringer sent and express, piii.d l on receipt of price. Manufactured and soM, wholesale and re uil, by the P UTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Platt §treet, New York, and 71e !tad, Ohio. S. C. Ni/RTILROPIAgpnt, WHAT EVI?.HYI3O.Ip:rIiNOW§. That lrcn well galvanized ; will. not That u simple machine is bettergh,an a cora -11,,:kle(1 one; , , ,• That a tVringer should ,b 9, s eVadjusting, .!a, ;h(e, That Di umli-t•crirtnsOinti Ttistenings cause thia y and t, amble to regulake anAliceep. , in oritee; That wood soaked ih hot water will swell, .prink and split • That winnl twarings for,the shaft to run in will went out; That the Putnom Weitrger; with or without cg-wheels, will not dear the clothes; ''=" I That cog-wheel regulators are Mit eisenttal; 'flint the Putnam: . Wringer has all the ad,- . vantages, awl. uut mte. ot the disadvaliftwe6 above owned; 'That all wiAo have tested it, pronounce it the best ‘Vciuger even made; • ' That it will wring anything from a thr•erid to a b,d quilt Without alteration We might till the , paper with testimonials, tan insert only a . few to conrince the skepti cal. if Each there be ;sand we •gay , to all; test ' rank:lll'S Wrtager..v. Test it thoroughly with any and -4 &Weis, ' and if net entirety satisfactory, return ' it: Putnam M anufacturing Car ' tietcrt.emt:s: I ltrwwfrorn practicdt cipb4- nee thtit iron well galvanized v,,,i,p4,7411C up(noi idize or root one particle: the Putnant cringer is as vicar perfect di i4sitire l , l and I an cheerfully recommend a ip Leateberj. rih use. RespecOully JNO. W. WHEELER. Cleveland, Ohio. Many rears' oxperioneein:the gialvanizing business enable me to indorse the :tbove state uu ts in all parlicist No. 100 Iteekmann ,§ircet. Now York, Jrinthiry, 1804: We have by6teil Putnam'sXlethes , Vringer by practical wuking, and know :that; it Will do. it is cheap ; - it, is royAqi i tLap Om, whether at work or at resef.tfAilittitean Operate it; it does its duty thoroughly ; it wires time and tt.saves wear and:Aeate. - We earnestly advise ult, who :hive .made washing to (1;), With all intelliKeur Tersons..who , have say. to buy this Wringer. 11. • will pay for it acli a year at most. 144 .6 Itppt *cg. 21C, EELY. May 2S, 18114 1 rmn . lenkW. M - ; 331t - te - i - Wiese i:i#l:E# "s #3#TTEIL EW zfOSL PIJ andpowerful TONIC, Corrective and Alterative, or timriderful efneicy in discuses of the Stomach, Liver and Bowelsi'• Dk i: Zep Fe et, Liver Complaints neadache, General Dainty, nervousness, preesion of Spirits, Constipation,. Intermittent, Fever, •,01,-the StomUch, Nausea, Ileurtharn, Disgust for FF:td, Fullness or' in tlie — Sttimach, ing or, ,Flti ttering ' the Pit of the .4": 7 4onntch,,Swimming (lithe Head,Dif cult likathing, Yellowness 91 the Skin and Eyde, - Feder and Dull •pains Fain tie Side,,', , Dick; Chest rind • It will cure every'case of Chronieci,r Nervous Debility, Dibeates the - Iciddeys;llnd Diseates - arising '',froiti 4 a ' di s ordered Stomach, Good- 'Ailed'. Fe- , ColdlieYoutig:' sTheinfosb betieficial' Medicine; 40 1 1' better , satirfa'ction ' -cores more distflies than other preparation o ff ered io,the'puh lie. Prepared solely. by. BIM, Is 8 Itlarketgtriet, 'Harrl4burg:: Fernald bye druggists and dealers'everpdhure. re . elduxttkiErtsc:::6 As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of. Iron is the only sure and, elfeetnAl rettiedyjnAll.known world for the penhatfilAittetffe cifjliyapipsia a e bang, and as there aro-a-number of i • . . . o ffm Icet4e pub li o',Nei wApisl fitit ' , cEmmuniii to purchase.none but the urticimtitpufacturs t k by .§. .4 , - , lpfitaluStrj& iltiO4-VoridLilars their stamp dii the' . top . of 'the cork orptierxiottio. The, yAriritatit thktiiiters are atielrYptinglo,Amitite thisAaluable reme dy, provesi4,}vofth and speakkAetummrl its favor. :, 1 * s : „ 1 A.- . . 1 „,,,,L-rr T. Bitterl4eaof Iron is 'MOT illiAc t rtt and s'l'oo botites, and poi,d by all y meat le druggists throughout tAt ti efuntry. Be nisi' that every betiletiears the fac %v.' eof the proprietor?s'aighattlifetwlo- ,) •.,:" This %Vine inclUdellithe bibliklagreeable and efficient Solt ief . 1 311 1 1 We1,14 16 . 1 01fg , i Citrate of ISlagnelic biade.gornbips4 . witti ,tlle'' most en ergetic of vege , .4bie torties ? Xelfolycepplan bark. The elt:ect in Malty 'btles , b A ! p.ii 4 y„ loss of appetite,' and ' gint•rar t bro r t I l i t , - of an•eflicieni Silt 'of Irdn;"co'inbMe lo.oll lvaluable Nerve • Tonic,," is' triiir it yr.:ll - the appetite, 'lilies pill A lig.e 3 i 'I ortatuscular flabbine.ssirilibres't $5.111101 - 2t debility, and gives a florir vikOi i itirthelbtlitif tenance. " :,,,,;, • GENERAT; • DWP Or, - 1 . llt Ifdriiiq' 'Streit HA ARISBURG, PA. FreAby., WI IgSrle,ctLlbte ,f4Flrigra thrqugl-, out country. ' . 4 '. , ..i [ifti-25-6nitr IM=3 • . RumAsiini WEEKLY .; ' l, • Ro. H ONE DOLLAR AND VERY 1,1 IR, YABL . E. LIT AR-VANCE. MEM INS - _ :Offia ACinill',EVlßo4;" ri•ortt '2; t • . dqpris Valit, of Zlnxi,gi..llotel.-,1 -- - Single Copies, with, or without WI a`Ple'rs, FOUR . OEN TS. 7 LA • CI:. MitERTISINO ITATkS squires .(10 linei t of Irts)Colp pente:fotheftrst inner: ion and 25 clay for claFh,slibseinemc,nserti9,ll[ felfont:l and liusiriess colds, of sik lines or less at S 5 PeVatitfuni. the simitie annonntemerit4 iant but , te't naddithlit ah din esii fry° cent s a lin ey • . o*AberAl de.detAPP , rPfulP j,el4 l jend.ha/f Y,Cff l* Yo AJlvPrtl ers • ;.. . , 'Haying just added "'NEWBURY Moon "hiN ion r.tt With' 'a' large itssoffinenrbf-neW Job and` Caid thie;- c-e 5; borders, 614.,.Eic., , t0 . the :Job 'Office. E yt RIETTIA lir which will insurb the f?.ne.and speedy ex.ecntion . of, all, kinds pk, JO,BAS.A.R.D PRI NTANG, from the emptiest Cahn ,to the LA ROEST POSTER, at AllSollalliC Prices: cat 111111 'Once nried 'a fair j'atiriginaitien; ll s edrttlo B lithe atid qielftryladea Ncii;illt'oryea`ra';" •. Lait,thing, I)tire s'n'a sVia fiiirY, ' Like'thd lidlit''aiidltiey," " ;" I 'i , Vtiit,t,he morn NV 1,9 ,to,aqies wary_ v Lends its head.with tears. Ekes that gledmed as throuldi the light- J , • - • ••• •• , [ ning Sutniner's . sun peers"down all: brighteri- • g Hoary ,clp7s7th4 fret aed.vll, So If i om ?tit those dory., eyos Smiled tiio heaves I loved, pc, I: l ightifig l tip spy claTk morld oenTly „ By the windows of -her f!0,114., c'n ; h 1 4F , e41 h. B C I 9a n Feel when now I'm sad.and lonely _ . a* ILeart►eas ; aimless as .I. ;., She my all to me appearing,. Nadi bright Fpot in life endearing, AlPhee actions I re'veiitig; 2: 4 '' i reakhg :n'oC the blow' - ' But she's gone! The flower has perish- [ed, . , fonilly, dearly cherished . , 645iie; fore'ver'dead Just one year'has paisshil Sinc;e Arrlitid'hie 'death ilre'Vrolits Blooming ou that rpot then holy, Blooming o'er her head. Atilshe's gone.! The 'vase is broken., Go`ne ferever;'notgbt4s spoken • •' From tba't world unknossin, Tboudh the birtispay: . warble near me, Andbloom `to roses blooto elieer nr, E'en. the Oppling wavelets hear me, =CH OE • - •A SeVefellig: A country girl one morning went To market with 'a pig; The iittle Curtail, not content; • s'queale'd out a merry jig. A dandy, who was rifling 5 W ho . yksli9d.to puss a~ohe,, 4 .114 daar,-tiovogrnes your child to cry :W hetrAvrapped.up in:your, cloak ?": The courip7„girl quite.quick.replies, ‘'So-tord , a breeding:had he, That-ever and anon hodries "'''lVhene'er 'daddy"' •t: Or A Maine nfficer ',recently applied a . for, ki yip§ nO : granted .he.-,should!- lose fifty. thoue anal dollars ; This.Tattracted attentions at h eardrift artnisOin I th '6 °Vet' 'whi 'desired taprwsiriti;e4tement of how ; ilip,:wovld leserit. . „Fie did so!to the:. effect:Oat:lie had ibee nain th a' , army "wi th Cnits a lees& of iii,b'shifedlo engaged to :e young la'dp' worth fiFtS` .. I, P i i ;ais;thatiher'a wale, anpth. er,fplipm after. ler, ..- j apd „the% h ghp written to. him that if he, •,did: n 07:come ho m ad Irtiarry , "heri:rightt , away she; wonldrhui tlie''4llo Man. `"al r'got haqAgic r war )I.4c:tag lady. suhertisesl :in z. the BM Clistelan'd,Plaindealer kir $a YOung •gen- , tlkixian'tb: . is'it' as''an' - iiiiiimirehai6::' He' miikt Ve Dia l , te" 4rlte l 'hi 'Ciplier, • i'n,d'. wil t ar ieT,, t eip l iaked l :te iiille eipeOteil l , ..f , 0,7 , 1 1 , . ta..... i F . ', .., ,11- , ,t 1 . /,' .. to read,. ,Ree,tryoqthi,feellag, ,gonyprep, with..ease;Earid: be: able,to,,,play, , cribbage 'and backgammon. He must expect to be'kleecd : wh - eiliilliiieePleaeed, ,end eqf t fed , nhen,shct is no t,;',,but, , as lier temper e'& istacknowledgto.be,good4:Atherenwill: , - . 1 bkniere kiesinitheritcnifitki` ea - 4,oide;like ;t) dresses frecfletttly hide getniitliiel:'wyohfc. alit the understanding. • a l ...II • . . ..,' ....J . . . • . , , ..•. . .. ' • ~- • n • i ' ,Ir .• 1!.0 P.n. t. i lam in: ..........md ` . ‘, . . . .• . T / . 4 i. r .1.M1 15.. '''',.; :. 9 i'..if • '..C.'11 ,n ' ' I ,1 .t., - • . .. . ; 1 . . 11.-; ‘° Ai :1k 4, A .% , . O' • ::' r ' ' ' ' ''' 1 4 '• ' il , •• ' 1, . •jt, ' . --v -0 • .• . • • • ... . : , • l' ''''' If:if rit . ,'t" I / ' • I ! ' 1r -' •4 '' ' .1,., . ' 7 I. ' "' ••• • -,; ,', .: ' r ", 0 , ' ....:,: i ," ~.. From the Saturday Evenzug,:Rost (Tali t i , arn.bere.oloop ! THE PEDDliElt;' " Or, litiv •8! VHS' - tiike# . In ,the,fall cor i l 812, on ;my way„ from New Y.crjr,to ~.Aashingt,oni .stapp.e4 for a .couple Rf,dxtys.i.n . tho,,pleeseot,oityl ,of ;Qn the afOernoOn of,my,anriyal, or eight, er i thantownS l rnap.wer,e oppgcega,te i d 1,1 White Ii O,tA-,tdiscOP.Si tthei character, and • dui has.dyerlingtuPPn pne.'ot .th e i r ',wee notorions?for, his orioningiat,•,a J - .)argain, ,and elpeekstedness irk moogyamatters:- 411 As thelcooversationquaslicarrisd ,, ,,cin, iiP•a pretty, loath k9,3l,lsmaxiaa irell,-leo the .acinrs,speak fertthemselyesvi 1 ;,!lose did yo,n,•say, ?I' .setbarkedy one, w hy, you an L.; . well, I try, ;to 5 sh; ;a dollar, ou,t.ofitheboceari,:aso to ,get t fair ness, opt.of, him dais bargain:" • "A perfect skinflint I",,uttered a little: dissatisfied looking-fellow. I knew him' when 'helvasn't• wcirth% and-now -he counts thousands- Where- 14do hun Ildre'ds;sand all made tly-iliatrlrig-aridtall advantagoi Of ttlie macessities •others.. h•!•-• he. le a sharPei."'' ; , ` l " "True," said another,tis'liatistlieleeri "estaeflo WI ever 'trig w:• 41 LOdk l hew' he, 'did Smith 'in F thdt - 'hdrgain.' YA 34 m'iria ,shothltrisb - eiklyitoltratie4ith(Sthithi r I e'en .telrymi." -•••u 1 : 0, -) • • I ' ll I ' l ;c !being •a• llarper,ml de d ig 4 th irt • • e'd oht' Yankee• -Ylankrdeabnib gi d not ;half ury,y• plit.• in. a platAoiic, ual, who-seemed, desieninedqd a-dd testhatiny. ~ ;es t: KM • dollaresto li'ace'°liim handsomely'-ialierii'lin,'" gala •jiinoilielt party.: •, • f. 1.;• At "So Would - P," repealed- 00)16r-three'. the eonvdegatiOn; Thai' iironkly kedWatikeeffice"ititVivai'paYing'stri6t attention to the speaker "ITE;'.Waq tin:Teddler; tlil4ll7wagiiti4'likd ed=isitthl!‘lanWrni Ilfen th'e When I Ghny-i be - gate to "tailr':o'f''giitink inziney&o have thhienei,ghlibi outwitted; be arose , 'An d Ruttibg ,s `the' 'Yenta pretty strotiglyi;said ,_..:..n r..: • ; Gen tl Nil , 1-rd tin b ' atreta shout whom ~e ' re''i;pehLino=i say, I dun know him—but of ye heN , mind ter stibscrilin 111e - titre grniq,of sitimeitiil'Tust ; ter pay thiS fsiriil n't t'ry in: I cafe':' l'ale'if,`fhikht :be thine. beili'n o' peol)fe afdie; and 1 d'On s ttitoWi4ilt be fetch hid.' rinliTioet' in the tredih' line,'Un id inigeiqty of 'trade!. " ' ".Test the dandy; gdmileinan, l !'exelaiba-; ed 'o f ne'of the, TareY; "jestAlaelicket • for soap" "Yoiere'in' the eidlaitried isiTotbet'; Yds; occypa- Cleitivirdurguidior;'WEtidOw"ii in""the State of 'Maine: 1 kin leetlErciftfibstatqthitig:•' Toitayler help th'e in the fall and winter I peddre ttnoowtire, mostly, lanterns." "lo'n dcip't sell lanterns ?" said the plethoric citizen, ; inquiringly, ITS like ter know if I hain't zot, 00, ; .... three hundred'on 'egn in tee. wagons „in the...yard. • . . 1 rt, h„pou ; have,:eh. Well, you. -are the 'ver o y man we Taut,'' . th 6l "-T#fN , “We make a pUrpe .0f,,5 1 20 roF pa, if you ' ~l baP,4)°°zleiTl-FA'OP4.P7-.=, iiT shouldn't wonder c if yog coul 010 N.. s t rike a trade with h im..'.'„;,,;: "When will you do.it ?" colellate; it - ,kin 13e - dim to-rnbi:ritriV !'l7 dry well--iVyda , Oucceed =tile money shall , ,belQurs" 'Tventy dollars' Wtl9' im'lnediateif lacte d•and:given to•the landlord " earnest,fqof theii"seriongnihs, land ,1,116 party nll64:fleet the least .. eitiil ing:., , On: theif6ll6Winerilornfng, keel acquaintaite,'" intelligent fellow,-pnt , are genteel suit, - TPY in quures;.respectiug the habits, ~manners aiii:ao9 a ra i n c l e, rualipnce,, ,*y, , ni9untCd a Lorne, and: took a , roundabout course for Ws "hqua9, the intenton of stopplug„ these,, retrirn uit from Ph4adllphi t a.,.As: l g 6 Rick Ni:oUldhat,e u it h oy,l l l4fp,,, —,7-71, Was stand,ita_iii:6,iit,,ce his house as the Yftnkee e approaehedv ;, 'to lore 'a A 11,41 -I`6 l ri!! , let ter;." , willi, , gqpibnnauglotorinfonmailie how r , fitrAfg• fropii;Ner - ban ,1 . 41 1 131v1Q , 120'iterh tair,rosilitbDtus ".ttaafkrtw:farcisitttwasilitrlyorktv , "About forty mileßy stage" ` Biliii , 4ibk t Oqlntii rj ueitificrinige g "Why, yeti,' theta" are two of three k i Ati "41t • . -- . . . .1 , t : "I[Cirosorrit tho ors's') - sitiall." riving . . „, i I It. vas clitutit -.snort,. timirtigin • whit e in hopes of Ming' able' in 41Plii`-'ciriViSr musing upon the future, thatimy thoughts 4219 t rsidpic)ii efir'house, has.,,reco,ii;ted, for iturhed uporithniolent realitied . iVtlie artm 3nte r;.,,t i, ~ 3 '.., 1 , Li ) i, gtatieft ilmindiately caneltrtny.reedl "Lans "saidtho Old fellowfgiek• ?lectititd-itherl , ildath-'"oll , Thy , Trib ii d'' +and ,y, tehing,tbo l bOto kr-iliPill'ad.Seeri three sChddlniiitedfolia'Soibibre';`.Aottionsaild 4 1 w4 1 .1•$P,WliIPadPli ilvitlittitliPM:.Onlyitteidey ~ • ehdearmentsslsudthinlY 'Caine" "'tithing before. .. - ..3".11. 0 :31 sthrough Ake: reindlp wtillesra l , IthilinViiiid "Yes," added the ,other, e,ar,elhssly, ' ll ;re'lli,:Wi ( e: litka'vyncitit'el,lu'dir;ilatiold past scenes came crowilineitiohlttlie liti;eihpailaglelrtillbiel"po:ldiirl ' , Ne ' w memory. To thitifethat he who but a, SAl ns Wigfe . ) , 11 °T , ''' " 1 "'di "%v . " •;r-"i 'klibit'iiiiilj Wiccii'l4'4, l '6'llt it 'no g le, not 1 4 - 1 t di 111 ''4 U 4 44 YO lar l lS fge - AiTadailla h tii ' lin' l l' ' W ' S ' 4 ; l9.llWili'fillt . ,P 'blue t oo true ; tchd• fi ltA, P l WC ' . bii - sin b e - giii ) eier .t V On ifav,"e 1;11167 ' li l igd/l i w°ll6ll3".g.4iiie't"'d t goiefrn as .• , f ;•); ca .1 r - 4 .1r 0 , in m f a ti l, a l a i d o hie the ,, scen e .I...fte 12..“ probably beard of our firm--" Hyde 4 . • ~' . r it was'itiltlibt4A r ti r d f" w " ni ""''' ' l ' n; 50.6o,s.Sroje,rDormelly"&t Goo r. -" = . . b utt 1r e Imiig l engagYirly In r , c t istoßrheit at 'ef-I,llca't,eny that. Ilitvelever 'liettfddiir 'hicn a's O't•i 3 450 , 1a "lb titiffli,lnd 'fell' de ill , feCret-lihOli'ittiO ithatdirm L. but [then:Wig:4)6llml /to , wood , m a ttyto r you. .,r. ..,,,i.,- ~,,, t 4 , •, f , .soilill'iiiiiitlice,',#fi'en I.ltrieetiPwdis ,,, ~. ...4 :I•va .- ,P b tu l tis's•liiirlydoin my mint before me would . "Oh,,ves, it,e,a very large hßuse l ". . !lag 0) ~,.., ,-., (34 os. .s- as .+. .... .e . • tax,A.,,.;!..-,, , ::, ~,, , ,t.., 1..01,„ , i '.,, At 41 ,- ,WI ‘ , /110% ow man iantecne lao you wa t nti?" "'''''' ''''.„`"`""Vt r it 's' ll , , ,F? in -m , 1 ?4T 8 if--'; ,•;a; old r n '''''t ' " ' ' •`' • ' ' ' - ' okvciirld'l•ing' ; his'eveinierc'y 1" nib' Turn' 41 q1 4 _1! 9 7 T`' 74_ - ''' , • 'l . 'l/ '''' •1, 'l7. • 1 ~...., ii 1 .^.! " ..1, - 1 71. a ,.:x ,„" t ~, ~ "A[h jar W i tlyq. would, trdok or whatever I ;i'lliree d liuridrp . 4111 dp g ",,, t i i• v -,-• • , 1 ' "Wh .r a t t (51";' jou ! ' pay iL ' hunitired i.". , s : 4 reiSekrlfiiht:' 1 ii ° fahe v 4, l 'itifirl3.ooi•h' ~,, r f i 6 I, d , : L -,, t T.a" f ir" "t,' "' /,; - -hifi—'l.f S'p'dleili'filigaawe',iireftlfere, d lirts rnd y, Wat eforce is 4 , „ ~,.. „„, t ,§sp,-.9,..0-„ANR. ,consoler ~ - 44 d ki beaus . , f i ri ' , kr! Pgri %,. ' ably over the marketable ! ' value of. the ." • ,i . )-• .- s 1 vi• 4 t• .. •.• ••• i , 11 ••••`•. ~.. , 1••••••, ,, , ,, Cep rVor e.. o ll •o, llet t1.1•01e I -deal° it oy ft oi e or nature. article. ' , ~_ • ' fi r i i ,d ht , ,,,w 4 I .q.,,md,3,Blesiishlthetrifime'.ldelii,i,di in .dbreffEleit'Vbilß r ill B 1 a l ts octuence—the • l'hifdaelVilia Th ' '''l "" 1.• Ll v`' •" 1 1 E' I,I) h Mfi l Aki taP I fil Alting i Vatdejth i rirdlt ''r . with the brightness of Spring and We. "-No,•l'lflittiail'tel . t i liii i " - ;' t il t a,...., , d4iesi.el t ii , af v4i . `"C t ly,lift,ikp an t . cio,t,Aem Atilll aacithei dollar `to' 'the", lin &die d and I . wilt rA nt i h r t ii e ..lB , 3 ;i n i. , 4 i a iii:6 - 1 ,1 , ii prase to die sreat t, a i ka,tor ittuit,46,l - .1 tw x ),lst 11!,-.9ii:.1 b.-. 4) .'in,.. t w t tg , w u t , , A ,„ mig k. h i, v . A no 4C p i , , cf. nue ,Rued nr u mr-Tfvfirra ten 0f .9-...r.grr 9,rt A greb din! , gir c rilig ;,31.[Airitg.,,, : l'Ar 0 . 0 , 1 pity .shall stand,one foot ill sea and one on Solid Jand—the;, lofty liasca.,3crav yet ~, „, ..., , ~ . - ~ 1 ..rvrt 1.. f” 111111? 11. ta il 4.l,..tesCii. .41:14.. , . when- Cal' liohlirdOulPtlregal'''''' ''''''' l ` '''' • • 4 , 1111 01 I'. 1. 1 4,1, Pr r 4 4 0 0 { i .1 , 7., n il] two days."' .r0...i4 , -1 . i . 'ne r tile glory of tho Lord ivill dive 3.....t0. lb 1...,.. .11.1.1,'Ll . .Y.".. 1,1 ,-,l"Allaight,÷l.lmustigollicirtrecteignliles ~3,,pt.,,,ber i oni, t112,31°T,P4 'his saving ,BAYArg fUrtber—l'llipay y ow,Lforrtthe Mr i du' 14' t ',...# l ,tl ta !igAl ..Y.itiPilljAC44 l aqt•llrg!t 4o 1 rnturn.ll r." 1.- .., • i -- -..... 3. ;it, - - i, 1*••...., ' revelation, Fkork„i;ko„Pattl4lls", qf11,0 1 1); hi-541"d ) `tp ~,fiTir hoiv,,the hour -, of 1.0 , -5.4e,ri ,some • further:- - conversation, e.)',41. ) - d .tP.';', l : l -I s ,;jlel,,,g l p9,pjf Abfit t i.„.l44h,g,s about•the.sizeitike and "quoilitylnr" the ~ .l, A I 0.- ... ......; , .., (.., ......1:. ET , ll' l ovef i A? l i un o ‘thf, i llulletine.., efi i bitt ; article,. all of whioh served. to 'Arapriiss 4 4•R a vi t 'A ~-:-P 1,91E,,19.1%1?1 hangs kkPi. a old ,8,,,,-- r -yvithrthe legitimacy .oP tnet transactions the .Yankee: returnediti td t'l'liteji: 4g t ai14, 1 . 9,f0,,,g4, , ,r, 1 1 . of mourning , contrms the tale. Tlie,tillifilies t .,e,f pus, , ketry expose reapers in the serried col to.W.l4.put.ten histold , olothes;latidr 0i.1 3 41 wise altered his appearance, so thatoihii Il s C t .\ 4,Y.,,,PrfRIFiIIt , I . P , OURA42,inflrthe 'll4l44l:"d4DlaltWio4ta' deialY''"ebrMet, p„ f , pr j ' mk s . ocv l l3ls.93t,erps,,hyt the , ) old : beho,lding thrzafgh anteing/emelt, ilmok& ' lkir.49,t, itr b riTti., 1 .4L4, 91 , ti ne , 4 00,,,D , 1 as, the,artillptiy;;tbunderingoteeetseiv•thet tattured; dint Lv• ; honored i ll:finder; r .:and ~„,74rFiv,4,1 1 1; Nie • tavern, and after much screwin,”o4 . wipg,9o k likr g A in ' tlizongli ptheirre glazed feyel behold" the & was struck, - the money paid do,urn,4and eh argingi plkianxradd3 with thdit idying2 id 'tfilSaiVill'iivered i . ' ' i ' . ' , • Barik( bat 4.l3heireiglity,ostiout.acifriviutlirycl "'''"A l litiiiiil l 'giiii - ' "tif' iini,liffneiigi'Li n i l ni ; g : i'.;i: Others' like Aber' autumnal leaf i r siliiiitly) have i;', 3 4 13 1 0 13 8 A,',, e * d Ih t i a iT t i'd, -1 0 - • ,;', l t i g t : passoways victims-of unrelenting.diseasc , -faces of six or eight of the *hlitfhhiesii; 'Being far fiom the paternal roof ated•that ;scenes of childhoodrthere is no mother , but nbthing mail Bahia; The Vadifielgot a; frill price-for Ilia lanterlie, pnekhtedilili toinateli 'l4ithatf-lonely'Aucli"if'? Sillier . $2O, nail then itarted'hOrtioNOtiedl , “ "- :.' ' toi offleViat4ris f hrotlibinl `bit Ifefhakarfa ' ~ 0 td.D f-4--•••-wait ed; MP the ideit" ditYf none btfteralm Made fridn'tle` tb piti IV litie sad ,iiiibuttE,[;,.3 ;• =. ,• - : twig i.1.'1 , if '..1 • ; Itil. 'i and the,:nexl, . end - ) the [I frillb witig tine) • and -,,two 1 m ore. -•but •-thrglßlstlcidelfffliil : -Perini itte4l l to 7rtitilibuffbill itecli'sdikeif merchant .Icame. --not.; At' leff'dth, 664 an d-' t6Ah'el , i fff Veil eties'ifhdlif ii h 'bit d' bite a: fe ufaiontlfe,!b'efbrfP•*bidielfilreiffell to lanterns grewvhatetkit'in xthif" , l3l"d'iiiieVii: rejoice in weisterifeeiftlfitieeitird'ite6itint' sight„and wirliadozenrouint oaths, Te d,,,. . ' ectpg scvere y ; upan the mercantile f ~ r; unt . alas : 4 net , to i , ive 7 , •i• ~. r, 1 ' '... 1 f... . ..,.. .SL . 0 i dt .,4 a •If•l.. liallurlii ! 1.11? . 11U 11,11 i in ni ne garret, The " k t conunilo4YiT gq.er,a! , ': the „ttuvage mast. alin es ,1 . d DisVaselial i fied i l tee l tintelekiVing" grasP', Jo O, ig9 - - 1 71 n, ~ ,. • - -,S' Le fi9oril i ] ../.1-03• •- 1 all 4 .sppn,e,7,er i i?pqz kn1i1 , ,,,4,..;,,e0iiiir0m; uto'n ,. pn,Jh ii_in tivo anci:rt, weeks John' that day fortb,the..oldmiser-Ras,kneivel BouderAvas' rifirkiblireit 4 , llll' 4 life end:' 1:4, the E.:O gn9 cf,oo , , 9 ,':, ~ , , c ) ,, D ,,,t 0 . i rE1t?., ,, A' dhlifitra l fAihaidd l iiitildfitaliif l / 2 air` 2 ' lilaY:i4rt - r afterwards :the i ' ‘lld "man,i ihg l frin'lnfetiiii, mitcito (ilia' s. 7 •Chrfiti r ali ' died, and thehandifill that a nnouncedF essli k ellt i ini4uthifullisliistlitikadritPlii q j . il , • ".1 'thelsale of his efrenti, Cblittiiitedilie fel- PY" "Borne from afflictions pow er like' lowing notw/fenf:f ii. ft ;•,-:,. II L !,..11)1 . ; ' the Spl t i;igi , u , nsulliicclllimo.gns it ' t ' 11 44- "Also, at the sameltime 4 lindllitiCii',' cciinli:s.,a - telo speak briefly of my ffiend , .__ . -3 , t ~ 1/...11,411,: ~..,41, t.s, , , t 14r ; e1,0117ie,d ; Zanterns—ahhostuiis gebd aPlte9?'?°,llHoe•,,Rw),•li.pr,kgy,iny,,opft , ar.oety,whiph,-,willi be sold: at ial good' c ?1 1 1_,4, fr ,.; ° l lllt l h° 1 .;',. - §,P.§: fr 9lll7 ll . e 'l e., 9lk ke t b8r0 ° •1 1" ; ;'f' , i ;i'''; .';'• • . ' ''' s t r l u st-e j e, , :;th e ..Q.,-;7,V4 s iA l .A t i l P , tRPRPr „ , .:, , ... ....... , .-- --,-,-,---- . 1 .r , ' , `` ?..7, 13 ', .i'• t he 7 5 114,8 rt i'', l ,,J4i t P,c3'.t. Time carinot efface frodm ill iailid v tlife tt recollections of his. 4 ,tgany_vittnes. Al no;! i PRIf will hcf l .oo tri;,,teggi iFs 103 itself IbitlA hist.i.,,Aftwipeft.aresiud this h'Mtit.,,,hy , Al thols,4l l ,Pilaftrf4PsPGjittie , nai °(• cilik§Oßßitill 4 142'5,064-Ptietli bitititoi. d'?-I c lli9 f ~i n oativgsk,Sriprl / 4 6 1 1110 , - .anit strengthened by tkak i ltionds,,l et, ooMia%ll-!_ ions they can never.skever die:- All in thein,fnierconrset.iiitlirihihi:innistt Ilit'Ve felt thatheoilidiiedzwascirortli# o oriltheir• friendBhip:., ile . looked - lA:for Pupa that. terrli se iVist E11£0,.440 1. Oftentdi waned: Fle,b,elieldifit infla tvirtuilltilioniftisted in' kind words and actions, encouragement • in adversity, faithfcrfrfosi . - during: hours orijoyo int s fradneffs.. 416 'epptiphiiiift 10 - tailless trilotherk, atkll eirili'Cii , "d f it I lliiiikr ' self:?"'Efift;nalif.Ar lltlio ° gdlda litißfl t i'; broken, the 'deep" fell Itoifel ° it ditilit l ;ll,r anti-now the'breeiXh ) tilifig,i - Itt'-incififfiegt; Sounds, ilk? a . Eu1 , 11'1614 t' .o:o f :friend 1,,,..3 l i.;11..;;„, ..0.1 , ,.,*, 1; 4 .$ i that gone .. ..pcs.prcip pf fri4ol,,thlibt, .1 411. 10 Nni p:. t rn, ...p iitigsw him or k ge l vall kia,Qpi.bpjwi mggi TITO fliitrkl,e,, '7,ll l eritil ' co . u l litmaiino: Rift =',.,, AF , -'S 7 efi , 4' '1 3141.1 41; 4. , ,,u,, and merry laugh are Wl's no pp Anait I 1.1.0114 11 m TO . as you gazed iipon.,,,tiiit lifeless body wited.cetrio,tfonsthqaved tilt:hi/slyer& MI , olio)? 144 W lirsAhelnita4 &bran dein fo trAr 'jualeff•ortviolattiddliendaltilid oritiftratitl tuidei fteh-meresthbydaftlrathift ttoisb 6fF generosity to a fault, kindness Aisrlithro [thing, and - of, ste - Rdtgrutifid9nOT3. • 1 i ` , f hiTN lliVerslirio .% BArifts.,34rtre tihq,. , Igtvrit way+ ' all:Atli' , oS t ihitt 4 Bol l s Voth eV we %Ts ed i li i '-' .10 &v.l. &V & 6111 f " 44 eilA n t l 1 r grie f , or to us ioii ii lbes has not been small, and althotilh Milli =I .;t. , : _:;2 :t< /. ' e.jiw I t• rr t ; ; .• tuj Mid it,.l ' l.s' I Orion. ~; ) 411-sM. .; • . 1 -Eutll3Elt 1Q 86t "4 .^121 1 :! ,, °1 Inwv.. co, ...It c: 71,i1!%1P1 A Settler. '--- . • , , 4,1 ,' .I.A: , te'aclief- in — ;'lL' vieitel-n coO .: 'lity, In Canada %fliild'rhiiiing his firs visit to' /. HS' "Oliatitliffl3tl3 `1 ° 0.6? Int° , tion with siii'cient . " - Vairilddiit" lailY,' whb had tlilieri liplliier ‘raide l dhe'` in Vie' "backwoods." Or"course,, (tie school an forme r•teach er came de •fot criticisiii; and the oldJedy, in; speaking lohi's prod \'' I decessorosked :k ltWa'alrltntast r;' whet, do yon' think he. larnt, the soli° lards ?' "couldn'tissy,l ma'ain. Pray c'w atbdid he, teach V' "Wa'al,-le -tbld 'env ',that this p3ro, airth .Iwasi.reound - ; tindo went. a;eoundi:,,get , el :that sink'', o' lthlog.k Now, Master., iwhat doiyoui .tilink•abohtt sich stuff? Donr,t you think ha.w.ag, cm , , .. - ~. . • t... ignorant feller?" o piwi E lling to o cepil ! unde i r the category of the ignorami, thA teacher evasively, remarked: . t'ltireally did seem strange r but r spill there sand, many Tetrad men * W"lio" ipPOil ..Ahim, l things?" "Wa'al," says she,. "if the I airthlis , reotind,laiiit dab' teCiiiiiii;:'iiihit, holds Zit bpi?" ~ "011 1 ,-thtise•l r eaitie r d $i n: ' sa•y-thlat.it'-'ibes -"I itkria -tliel Niiii')liiiidf ' tpatithd buil ifoldiitlttP 6 bi 3 Viittle tiST'illei Ipirof:sittratifdA. ll .? rfbitioolliftliiBYt 3 ll4l , cred itietil -I.spktsfr taal lifiiiiiroof 811i60, i ,responfiddkl oNictiriii, ) ifihiislethigteigirlii vriVl sggigliiTiill9,l432,ol64 tiposiliabeTT i o 9,lfig (ik to.,i44siuli*bbeidadftela44 ;up when the get& yees!doignsWisis a xlieik-s IgAP6a diaildr.ra(Vk l itiegtlAtfilk i ratb;aittits iii/Jaiecie - sniviltaiititl i fa t i `interest to practice bete. i/c " 4474 a ":“ =I ►,,.~~ , t. , _ 3 -1%4 kJ; .1 'Eulogy, epi deatli of. Jolyi. Soutlors n ..; BE • tf'..t • • 4 ,x , I ' Si =1 IMMIE 1 - I ,:v= '~: lIEI MEM ==ll thaVvoidelistened to' in days gone by hhshed r zLihat outstietched hand of g . rehtidg palsied—that anitnated form cold in.deaili, yet his kindness and his dirthesliamiilreareda tablet ha our hearts which shall exist after many of us shall a'Aimilar fate. Though ho hags left: aii.narne for'the pages of history or the.annals of fame to record, around ' , memory will cluster thefragrance of the--" Kind 'Frieda;" the' "Cheering Guide."l. • Marietta, Deceinb4r .10: 1864 r • p rer d e . , l. Ike 12;y qal,Gem." of the 21ari ea t! , High;Selo° • .O.7c L ./../L ab , ; as. ' The.fre'ir4'W''gfeat many bad, habits arid almost ;every persori lias some. o . m ml e, ), ,bpys,. l. 9es ' i l i,., when ,they • are quite ,y.ounft .to ahem and sweep. You tß9 ,n` forcil ; t A olffably, good , idea what kiiicl i cq Tan, he wilh make when. you ,s,9e appar,idßing,thesp;things, Intemper- Lwaqq , isAtrothe'ri vica; It be:ginsi•sorne kirie;cnpau . irihive 'read oftialna,:wito began withstaking the su leftits a' tumkile?;' hrid-by sir doing 41quire'd'ivion'dri&s l fo` r'stiong liquors : they keptcdu till' th'ey became habitual k stealing,'Si l .imetirlies cal . ermg, justas Iby one name itc l lay the It begins with „taking but ends sometimes with tal ins thousands ; There is ,)Ring too, i4gAt,fdla, l quire of paper and tien 89 ,t lyi.ye all, of the, halaits down. I nr,ill , i - lo*? ,1 y : saying ,that makes no dilferepealvbat , name .3cau live, a lie, whAlieY,Y.Qll;call it,,a.falsehood or a lit tile white lip„it-,alkompants to .the same thingrritlrtitfisVa.liti , is , tv.b`ade • thing in the vegimiink very in s o .6lake , i .. ELSIE. II: • ii= VOL. XI.--NO. 19. :~~ _ ~~ , z EttiOPSftdi:= - Ain iCh Anita wanted to lure arretitiabiliaß• seine' slrilfal driver 'd 'Pair - of spirited horses. A l t hour he appointed, four 7 7 ` gili t eAtaa to try, t o, get the Turniug 7 t4Wie onattearest him, he said:: ,••tqow,,near ean,you!drive to a preci pice and not go -oven?" • • "OV!" 'answered the mat; "I can go withiiithrea feet of it." ;TM,' iicoml. man said': aqd I ,can. gb W,ithin two feet of!the k bapk."; , ; '.l3ut whilst:110;10es checking, strong nianowlth a.brawny arm, lifted his head and said . "Indeed, I have been six inches from. • the vexy,ed,ge and drove away safe." Th;inn e gentleman -tuned to the only ops i who,hadili not . pt -spoken, a small, nitild,,lpoking,lipain whom the" others thought would never be in their way.. said • supposelOa 'ean go nearer than that !"P' n • • Sir!" answered he with deter ;.i4t is 14 rule to keep as far from danger, as poss}ble." "Yon are the man for me,' said the, do net wish to hire any onfisto, i sea,, hpw: near he can •drive my family- V) destruction." Aloin.a,.„-r- Despise not t,hy moth er when ste is old. 'Age ,may wear and waste sane therls ,beant,y, strength, limbs sedsdartrridleitat,e'lbai her relation as Moih4Fis i the' sun when he goes forth inliTtliiiiih i t ; ;for'itlS always in the me ana ' g . eveain Tho ••:to person r i M.4. , 1)1.3 gray-headed, pat her niotherly, relation is ever ua its, flourish. Itimky b_ l evea winter with a • .9. ' woman, but with the,inether.it is always ap'ri i ng. as! how little do We appre ciagaairretja4'siendarnessWhile living ! ll'OW'he'edlEii,i:are,Vge youth of all her t . .• arikieti i eg,aad jr.lrOrielal Aut i when she is c ciefl i d and gone when the cares and ccirdlidis l otthiawoi . ld come.withering to di.' g r n experienceWe'"k line true ; sympathy—how few love ufor oarsoWeS . ---hew few will beittaik •leiefo'ritne !—i:tan it is the niother we lievo (1,1 .134 i IMO I, ' A modesHenng man, at a dinner 'pan", iftVening, put the follow :'!"W-hy aile7Most peo ple who eat turket,Aite.tiabids ?" No i reptr. Illiteamodeet fliiiitil4tuehed and wgeldthivel btieki4 ihut: tildly gave ;tht2+4le . asont:'' ` 4 Beeituhe'th4 dre tond of 4 the '•Two:-Middlelated ladies hale faintediii and btlitiS 'remain of the yeoung t anaiiiveie:haittied4ut by the tor tenor on a shutter.j , ' " : ' ' b j §l.O,, a ,pcpar VißfOqtioners advertis- PPIANIASIA)VOi49O4, coots per pound ! .1. A. I.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers