wont (I.laritilialt. DIAItILTTA CAR HOURS. The several pas senger trains will leave the "Upper-station Depot " as follows: Morning train, East, at ten minutes before S; Mail train West, 12:11 : Harrisburg Accommodation train, East, at G:32 and the evening train West, at 7:02. Marietta, Penna., Salurilay, April 9, ISA er We are under olligations to Judge Champneys and Gener3.l Glatz of the State Senate, and Alesrz... Smith and Bowman of tho House of Rep rtwn- tatives fir Dr. W. H. Deane is, we learn, fairly settled down at Bainbridge in the practice of medicine, having taken the place left vacant by the death of Dr . Horace West. Dr. B. will, beyond doubt, soon engraft himself into the "good graces" of that vicinity, as he did here, We were sorry to part with him —he has left many warm friends ia this place, where he has resided but a short time, but long enough to draw around him a host of well-wishers. Wltev. John Chandler Gregg, Chap kin in the U. 8. service, will preach in the M. E. Church, on to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock. Preaching in the inorning by .the pastor. Chaplain Gregg is a brother of the pastor of the M. E. Church of this place, He has been as signed to duty iu the Gulf Department, to an liospital in New Orleans. Go to bear the Chaplain before he re-enters the service, which he is about to do. Itgr, Capt E. D. Roth of the 1 107th Volunteers is home on short furlough. Tho regiment, he informs us, has re•en listed to a 11111 D. The Captain and some of the boys we have seen, look very well. r. Walling, of Philadelphia, has just 'Tyne& a Family Grocery in the room formerly occupied by Pr. Landis. Air. W. bas nearly everything. in his Slue, fresh and cheap. Sponial attention is invited to the card of Jacob Hurley, 622 Market st., Philadelphia—in this issue. His stock watchrs, jewelry, etc., is large and those culling ut his store, cannot fail to be suited. cir The Commissioners of Lancaster county were rtilhred large sums of money beyond what they needed on the let of April at 4 per rt•t!t. Mil" Mr. Vandever, itte of the Linen II MI IPV4 110 W p OSSe Ss io n of the "Done. gel," 00 Market. Square. Onr Bauk has already 'old ovrq 5: 4 0 1 1000 of the - Ton-Forty" 5-per cent. s. loan air. The Sasiiiii , hanntt i in fine ran. !ling order and its flanks are lined with PrievA are Irielitful!y high. P,Pad I V'olle'y cards in an otl4er coin= LIST OF LETTERS Ream in '7ig C..' ;.7 Na P r 1 ... 1j... in me PORt Office, at Marietta, Pa., fur the week ending April 7, 186.1.• Azler, Christian Isoae, Philip Bownorth. Wells & CaLighltier, Gen W Broakun, Isaac A •-1 Myers, harry Bennett, Emma Miller, Rosanna Brenner, Geo .. Pathan, Smah Bishel, Casper I'le t - .. linntlngi!on, Baker, Kate o , ,ven4 ' Muses Colilaruve, A .1 Powell, William Carter, Wni :t• Pl•elps, Simon Carter. Lizzie Heim. Aler:iarrt • Carter, Sallie ' Reimherr, Philip Epell, Christian Buinhcm, Anna Eagle, John Small, Ft tt: Sans Calbough, &untie' Supple 6: hr 1 icr Bill. Charles Shiugh, Peter I I erline, Melker l'einne - , (gate-keeper) Dilute'. Andrew Willie's, Martha Hilt, Win Ita''Perserig eallia4 for letters in the above tigt.tvill please gay they are advertised. One cent wilt be charged OH each letter, to pay for advertising. A. CASA:L, P. M. ti z 1; In this Lorough, on Santlily hist, Mr. Hr.:snY L. Gtaoa, aged .26 years and 5 months. On the 4th ihstaat, 4r. Cu=t ALES KELLEY, Of this borough, ogeti 43 years. . , QUARTERLY REPORT of Til F. Flan. NATIONAL I3ANI: or• MARIETTA, County of Lancaster and Sta,e of Pennsylvania, show ing its condition on the morning of the lst day of April, ltil-t, before the transaction of any business on that day. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts. Indebtedness of Directors of the Association,s6,9s o : oo Due from Banks and Bankers, 17,924:51 National Rank, Phil's, 27,729:36 " " Ass. T. U. S.. Phil's, 12,000:00 Specie and otter lawful money of the United States, 64,03.7 . :00 Cash Items and Revenue Stamps, 762:51 Bills of solvent Banks, 19,300;00 U. S. Bonds deposited with Treas. U. S., to secure circulation, 60,000:00 U. S. Bonds for other purposes, 10.000:00 IL S. Bonds on hand, 43,000:00 Real Rotate, , 3,800:00 Expense account, 1,139:60 I= Capital, Circulating notes received from Comptroller, $50,000 Less, on hand Notes o u tstanding, Profit and Loss, Due Banks and Bankers, Due to Treasurer United States, Due Depositors on demand or on time, State of Pennsylvania, ss. County of Lancaster, On the Ist day of April, 1564, personally came before the undersigned, John Auxer,J. P. of aaid county, John Hollinger; Presidnt, and Amos Bowman, Cashier, of ",The First Na tional Bank of Marietta, Pa., who being. duly sworn, upon their oaths, say that the foregoing 4 a true and accurate statement of the affairs and condition of said Bank, on the morning of the Bit day of April, 1564. Jolnr Howtror.n, President, Amos BoUrmax, Cashier. Subscibilfd ant sworn to the day and year above w itten. JOHN AJMER, J. P. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE BOROUGH OF _,2lLizi4eitem, .For the :tear ending April I st, 1864 Balance in Trea,ury April 2, '63 $ 73 Received frwn P. L. Balm-, +axes, i049 : 65 T ax es clue from 1 53, 56:53 Ree'd from A. Iliestand loan, 1,000:00 'Toren flail Rent, 23:00 Payinent of debts previous to 15,33, 411,331:79 do do during 18153, 73906 April 1, 15G4, Balance in Treasury, 1111:56 Liabilities of the Borough, April 1, 18 U. Amount of unpaid , orders, 1 . 251713 Bond due li. B. Society ' .400:00 Bond due tini...quelninna Lodge 0. F. 308:00 " " P. Company, 139:12 " " A. Mostand Gletz, 1,000:00 Less Cash in Treasury, Total indebe.lne:,s, Payment of debts contracted previous to 1863. Balance of Note due A. H. Sunnily, $119:92 do do Sam 1 Hippie, 376:72 do do Geo. Rudisill, 38:11 do d John Foulks, • .77:50 co do Ho .' 08:74 do. do J. R..Dilren'oach, 105:45 do do Pattorson S: 50:00 do do A. Gable (North), 78:07 Two orders to A. noswiler, do no Patterson & Co., do do Da.vid Roth, do do A. N. Cassel, do do Melialfey, Houtz & Co., 99:74 One " Sadnocl Hippie, 70:.0 do " S. &AB. flies:and, 05:03 do " John H. I:lo , ldt:tan k 3:75 do " Jolla liozentobleri/j0 7.48 co " A. Lomwiler, 5:50 eo " C. Budisill, 2:05 do • '' A. Snellenberr„er, 81:48 do " 11. Nei, 17:41 Two " John Mine, 12:00 ea " Barr Spangler, 39:00 do " Saninel Hippie, 297:85 do " Sanibel 11.. Hippie, •83:42 do " Theophilus Hieatand. 13:00 une ~ Jacob If. Mussel, 10:80 do ' " tJohn Hildebrandt, 4:10 do " Henr y S. Lihnart, 100:00 Two " P. L. Baker, 31:50 One " John Naylor, '2:50 Two " :lames M. Anderson, 15:25 One " .I,:i6n Jeffries,' :75 Two C. C. P. I,m:in, 13:97 Officers ni Elteciion; '5:00 Ona " Alexander Lindsey., 5:00 Pvanklin Samuci C. luestund, do " John Auxer, do Jacob S . andoe, 20:00 do " George Ll. Ettla, 28135 do " David Cuchma, 4;44 do " A. 1:::nswilor, 1S:00 Total, Ifirzt National lank of Skiariaa, Ada Designated Depository and Pinancial Agent of the United States. 10-<lO . 'a is_ L:structions from Secr..tary of the Tica,ury, dated Marcn 2tilb, 1864, tits Bank is authorized to receive subscriptions IJV the Notional RI 40 Five per cent. Loan, in Coupon or Registered bonds. This Imati, principal and interest, is pays hie geld, on li J nes of .SOI.M and upwards, semi. nntontliy. (lsrof Marini and September) am! on llnise of Icss denotinuailo.is annually, (let of Match.) Spbsc:thers can receive Bonds with Coupons from ?dare') Ist, by paying: the accrued inter est in coin, or in lawful money by lidding 00 per eimt. for premium.. Or, if preferred, deposit the principal only, and receive lb?nds tv;;;, Coupon.. from date of soliszriptiOn. Registered Bonds Will ik(Z issued of the de -O.IIIIIIH t a $5O, $ iOO, $5OO, $ 1,000, 0,000 and tslU,otht, and Udopou Bondi of.sdo, $.lOO, SUVU and $1,00./. For the greater convenience of subscribers, the dtlferent Banks and Banliers throughout the count;} are authorized to act Its ageitt for the Loan. As only $200.000,000 of this Loan can be issn e o s we would urge Limn persons h vi g surplus money, to subscribe pininintv Nni se cure the investment at par. The Secretary i.t presenting this new 'Loan to the public through the Natimml Banks, re lies upon the liberality nud patriotism of our people to use all honorable means, dial to make every exertion for its sale. it is hoped that Lancaster county, haiing done so wtAl in Inc past in turnishing the G..)- vcrinnent means, Will he equally prompt at this time. JACOB HARLEY, SUCCESSOR TO sTsunT.r. & 11.112LEY, No. 622 Altaket-Street, PHILA DELPHI A . Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES. SOLID SILVER-WARE, fire Gold Jewelry, and the best make of Silver-Plated Ware. Constantly on hand a large assortment of the above goods AT LOW VKICES. Watches and fine Clocks repaired by skill ful workmen ; also, Jewelry repairing; En graving and all kinds of Bair-Work to order, at short notice. Don't forget the old eland, Number 622 Market street. Philadelphia. April 9, IS6$.-3m S and 11 ettz, r g N II E Co-Partnership heretofore exist 10'4 ing between the undersigned, trading LOTunder the firm of ( 11 C0j DR. BEANE 8:, CO., 01 has been dissolved by mutual consent. C The Books of the late firm are in the H A hands of T. HOFFMAN BE .NI,, who :3jean be found at the bid Store stand,(now 1 D• 'r Landis') during the month of April, '2 where all indebted are requested to call immediately and settle their respective ac counts. W. H. BF. A :', E. GEORGE BEAN. A CARD. $ 70,993.a3 The undersigned having removed to Bain bridge for the purpoSe of practising his pro fession, would take this method of thanking the public for the patronage bestowed upon him, and would most cheerfull) , recbmtnend Ur. Henry Landis as his successor in thiyrac tice of medicineas well as the drug .birkuess. • . BEANE, M. fit' Cre--a - rYI WOLPE'S ICE CREAM SALOON open every Ikay and Evening—SUNDAY excepted, where can be had some of the most finely flavored ICE CREAM in the State— Philadelphia not excepted. 1.36-6 m $331,184:9 $ 71P,S00:00 C LOCKS, WATCHES .St • e ,,, Q ' t JEWELRY h,-, .-.4 -. Carefully repaired at Wolfe's. AllieL t .o" work warranted to give satisfaction. H. WOLFE, Market-st. 50,000:00 3.356:94 6,517:96 56,500:00 MISHLER'S A N D STEOVER'S BIT ERS,--Agency fcir both at WOLFE'S. 114,009:99 031,184:59 CHOICE A.HOICE HAV_NA SEGARS, and the IL) best Chewing and Smoking Tobacco at WOLFE'S. IRIME New Crop New-OrleanErMolasses —the very best for Cikes. Just received by SPANGLER . 8c PATTERSON. CE COLD CREAM MEAD made of, I Lebanan County Honey. at %VOLPE'S. B OHLEN'S long celebrated GIN, IL D. BENJAMIN 10 EMPTY Molasses Barrels, For sale at J. S. DIFFENBACIPS $2,232:21 I=l $2,232:21 = )z),02 1 :6b 161:J6 1861:32 =I 4S:01 JS:39 EOM r 00 $ 739:46 A M(l5 BO WM A.N 2 Cashier I=l _~ 1864. SPRING' J. R. DIETENBACH Invites attention to a large and handsome assortment of New Spring and Summer Goods, Purchased in Philadelphia and New-York, consisting ill part of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Prints, Lawns, Ginghams, Chintzes, Challies, SHAWLS, &C., Together with all kinds of Domestic goods, such as bleached and unbleached Muslins, Ticking, Checks, Denims, Fi'rniture Checks, Drilling, Le., &c. One case of Prints at 121 cents a yard. Case of Bleached Muslins at 12 1 cents. Latest style goods for Gentlemen and Boys wear, Fancy and Bieck Cassuneres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cloths, Vestings, &e., &c., Large lot of fresle Groceries of all kinds. Rio and Java coffee,. Teas, .. White & Brown Sugar„Presh- Spines, New Mackerel, Extra Syrups, Salt, Sugar-Cured Hams, &c. 20 barrels of sizzar at 14 cents per pound . Hogsheads Syrup at 66 cents per Gallon. Mi,spellctneo#.§.l French Corsets, Traveling (leer-Shirts, Neck-ties, Hantik , rehiefs, Shirt Fronts, Large toc of Pure Liquors He also continues to keep on hand a large supply of stipeiior Brandies, Wines, Gins, Schnidunes Schnaps, Makes, Plantation Bit ler, and that, superior Old.liye: Persons ppr chasing Liquors can rely liPon gettibg the best ar de at the lowest price the market will afford v../—lliglicst prices given for country produce. VIE DRAFT ! et#MTIIE 'DRAFT !! Who would- not-be out--of-the Draft? 1 UT that which effects us in connection with the Army, is not the only one—the :Limit upon the POCKET these times is equally severe—consequently u tchase-goods where we get then. cheapest. ]iii Bparibler, SUCCESSOR TO-DAVID ;ROTH , IN • THE: lIARDRPARE.BUSINESS, Would take this method of informing the pub lic that he is now prepured_to furnish anything in his line of buSinish, , sbch us ' a:00 4:011 Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Iron',' Cail~eTztei's 'To7ils 'Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Nails, all kinds of Building:material, Coaelm.aker's Goods, Cederware, Clocks, Fancy Articles in large variety, with a full as soi•tinent of shelf goods generally : which he will sell at the lowest prices, wholesale•or il. Call and examine the stock. 151a.iet.a, IVlarch - 5, :1864. - • • IV DIES Sz LIQUORS. it L-1. D. 1311NJAM IN DE Az En IN WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. fEGS leave tp inform the public that he will continue the WINES LIQUOR busi 7 nesi, in' all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds or, Brandies, Wines, Gins. Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials. Bitters4c., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND, A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. All H. D. 13. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their put chases from I im S. :3. RATHVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At P J. Eramph's Old Stand, on the Car ner of North Queen ani Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. RATEF U L to the Citizens of Marietta k_jfT and vicinity, for. the liberal patronage heretofdre 'extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a contilmance -of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act orconfidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES A N D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes; constantly kept,on hand anti manufactured to order, promptly, And rea sonably., as taste or style may suggest. ALSO, ir-ALA DE CLOTHING', Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belting to a Mer chant Tail ring and Clothing establishment. MARIETTA MARBLE YARD. Michael Gable, Agt., MARBLE MASON AND STONE CUTTER, Opposite the Town Hall Park, Marietta Pa. --o- Ii E Marble business in all its branches, will be continued at the old place, near the Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys Tavern, where every description of marble wore will be kept on band or made to order at short notice and at very reasonable prices. Marietta, June 29, 1861. 49-ly PHILADELPHIA 1564 1564. .SPAPER 11ANG1NGS.i TT owELL & BOURKE, MA NUFACTUREUS OF WALL PAPERS AND 'WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Corner of Fourth and Market streets. PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—A fine stock of LIZZEN StiApes con stantly on hand. .4.LINER sTP, 21,w In GOODS IN eve* VARIETY. „,..,•°" -0- The latest importations 9f the newest and most fashionable styles. I= OUR STRA W DEPARTMENT, will comprise every variety of Bonnets, Hats, and Trimmings to be found in that line ; of the latest and most approved shapes and styles. I solicit an early call. H. WARD, Nos. 103, 105 and 107 N. 2d at., , PHILADELPHIA. DR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, OF THE BALTIMORE COLLEGE • - OF DENTAL SURGERY, LATE OF HARRISBURG. F F T GE:—Front street,_ next door to R. Williams' Drug Store, between Locust 13 n d Walnut streets, Columbia._, LYCEROLE!! !--Removes dandruff' in stantaneously, and renders the hair soft wile" harsh and dry. It keeps the skin. in a healthy condition and stimulates the'diseased hair follicles. _ Its cheapness brings it within tile reach of all and none sholud delay to pro,- enre' a bhttle, as it is decidedly the best article for-the hair ever produced. Price 25 cents. Prepared. and sold ;only by Dr. BE..kNE & Co Ct TEALINWS- AMBROSIA, for the Hair, just received and for sale at the Drug Stoke .of DR. .1.4.1)//),/3. FISH'S LAIIII) HEATING APPARATUS 1864. • • By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost of a cent's Worth of u - very comfortable breakfast can be cooked. • • —N. Y. Tribune. * * • Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment • • • convenient to have on hand. • • Drug git•t's Circular. • • • Fish's Lamp is one of the most popular novelties of the day, • • • the utility of it is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heating apd cooking small articles, and can be made to cook meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on th ambulance cars which carry the sick soldier,. * * Scientific A m erican. • * * For family use, hospital tent; bar rack, picnics, fishing, nursery,_or sick. room , it's an article of 'comfort beyond all propor tion to its cost. •-• * gall's Journal of Health. * * I—have tried ,tbe..apparatus, and my wife and I proelainythe same a most velu able, aild, Andispensaide Wide, and we now wonderhbNirwecouhl h aye' so'l ong done with outit. * ' Ed. Coal all Circular. • 'An economical eontnvatee for getting ulielieat at short 'notice-Imtuybery and general - ,h6nsehOld purpo.ses,4 .* :s ‘• one hopottant pilot is the saving in cost over coal * N. Y. Evening Post Prices from Two to Six Dollars. CaPactitt from One to Four Quarts. Under-Shirts, Drawers, Balmoral Skirts, $T Burner. Arranged for Kerosene or Coal Oil, or Gas. A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty pages fur nisl,ed gratis. To.he attached to a Common Kerosene. Lamp or Gas Burner, by which watermay be boiled, and food cooked ; also arranged, to support a shade. • Every Family needs one. I.VAL I); RUSSELL. Agent. No. 206 - , Pearl St., New York. • Agents Wanted. , rIOURT. - PROGLAMATIOP. —.Whereas the Honorable HENRY G. Loire, .Pres ident; Hon- FERREE-BRIN TON. Esq.. Associate Judg-s of. the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county . of Lan caster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Tvrminer and General Jail Delivery end Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and' for the county of Lancaster, have issued their Pre cept tone directed, requirine rite, among ether things, to make public Proclamation through otit lny bliliwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and a general Jail delivery, also a Court of Gene ral QuarterSesstotis of the peace and Jail delivery, will commence in the Court House. in the city of Lancaster, in the " Corn moty.vealth.of Pennsylvania, on 'Lite THIRD MONDA 17 in AP RI L, '3864, in pursuance of which precept Pubfic No , ice hereby given, to the Mayor, and Alderman of the city of Lancaster, in the.said county, arid all the JuS tiCCS of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons with their; rolls, records and examina tions, and their other remembrancd, to all those things which le their offices appertaining in their behalf to be tone ; and also all those who will prosecute against the, prisoners who are, or then shall be in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to pros ecute against them as shall tie just. Dated at Lancaster, the 16th day of FEB RUARY, I8(54. F. SMITH Sheriff. Formerly Keesey , s, OPPOSITE MARIETTA_ pnis old Ferry—one of the oldest and most safe crossings an the Susquehanna River— . is now In charge of the undersigned,' who thas refitted the old and built new boats which will enable him to do ferrying with safety and dis. patch. No unnecessary delay need be endured. Sober and 'experienced Ferrymen always en gaged. No imposition in charges as the fol lowing list Will show : Farm Wagons, each $1:00 Dorses, per head :25 6ingle. horse and rider, ' :25 Two-horse Carriage and two persoti, 1:00 buggy, horse and two persons, :60 Foot Passengers, each. :12 Sto6k of all kinds at the old charges. All Luggage over fifty pounds, 25 cents pcx 100 pounds extra.' - _ _ A LEXANDER LYNDSAY, . Fashionable Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET .§TREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER:: himself,is enables to select with more judgMent than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit. Call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. IMPORTANT TO MARRIED, LADIES ! • TRULY A BLESSING ! ! I will send, free of ckarge, to any lady - who will send in her name ani addrest, direction s how to prevent, the extreme pain of rhild-birth; also how to have perfectty healthy and beau tiful children ; also one other new and import ant secret, the only sure and safe remedies ever discovered. - Alt object in making the above offer is to indite every lady to test my remedies. Address - MADAME DULENTAUX, M. D. 3in j 767 Broadway, N. Y. First National Bank of Marietta. rpHIS BANKING ASSOCIATION HAVING COMPLETED ITS ORGANIZATION is now prepared to transact all kinds of . .6 ANE IN 0- BUSINESS. The Board of Directors 'meet weekly, on Wednetday, for discount and other business MBank IJours : Front 9 A. al tO 9 P. m. JOHN HOLLINGER, PnssrneNT. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. Marietta, July 25, 1863. - T. C. FAIIMiSTOCK, .... RESPECTFULLY offers his prolessional services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinit), assuring them that all operations in trusted to his care, either in Operative or Mc ehaaical Dentistry; will be executed in a tho roughly scientiCc manner. OFFICE : On Main street, ct ; f2w doors west of the Post Office. ' fv9-35-Iy. Boiling—Frying—Stewing—Steeping— WITH THE ?LAME THAT LIGH TS TH E nooar Three Articles Cooked at one time with one I ME I THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Price 50 Cents, Thy Glatz IPerr-37_ JOHN ECICERT July 15, 1863 SPECTACLES'to suit all who cun be aided with glasses, can be bought at .71, L. 4- E. ZAIIM'S, Cor ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames, at short notice. [v6-ly ALARGE LOT OF . BUI , F WINDOW SHADES at rematkalljrltiw prices to close 011 t. JOHN SPANGLER, Market Street, Marietta. A SUPERIOR COOK STOVE, Very plain style . , each one •warranted 1- - to perform to the entire satisfaction of 4. the purchaser. PATTERSON & Co. "-oda, DR,. WM. 43.-FAHNESTOCK, OFFICE lt i r NEARLY OPPOSITE Spaniler Ei Patterson's Store. • .? : Fnom.7 TO S A. M. OFFICE HOURS. 1 ra 2. ~.3 0 6T07. P. Tei brando—goarranted to be 1111 genuine. 1.;'D.1 &midi/tin. The New York Herald The cheapest paper in the World pHE extensive Rliti comprehensive facilities in its possession enables the proprietor of THE WEEKLY HERALD to guarrantee the latest and most reliable in formation possibly to be obtained, nut only from alt parts of the United States, but from all parts of the world. Its borne correspondents, engaged at heavy cost, and connected with each new naval and military expedition of the government, prove that it is determined to leave no spot unco'- vered by its operations and no event can occur that shall not find immediate report in its col umns. It costs the proprietor over one hun dred thousand dollars per year to maintain its corps of correspondents iu the field. In its collation of Foreign News the Herald has for kearsluild a high position, and it will endeavor in the future to maintath the stand it has assumed. It has special correspondents stationed in all the principal cities of the world: Its telegraphic arrangements extend to wherever the electric wires are stretched.— When the Atlantic cable is laid, which feat will soon be accomplished, telegrams will be received from Europe and Asia, as well as from the I, , sited States. The ti our readers Will have the events of the week - in all .narts of the civilized - world regularly and clearly laid before them. ' The proprietor devotes a portion of 'th - e pa-; per to Literature, Fashion, Agricu,ture, the Mechanic Arts, Sporting Matters. Business, Theatrical and Fina9eial Reports, Cattle Mar kets General News, and -repurts of all events calculated -to form an excellent metropolitan newspaper—a weekly photographic view of the events of the worldand all at a very low price. The Weekly Herald is issued every Saturday morning, and furnished at the following rates: (inc copy, $2 Three copies, 5 Five copies, ' 8 Ten copies, 15 Any larger number, addressed to names of subscribers, $l5O each. An extra copy will be sent to every club of ten. Twenty copies, 20 one .address one 'year, s2b, and any larger number ut same.price. An extra, copy will be sent to clubs of twenty. Advertisertient to a limited number will be inserted iii the Weekly Bera • The Daily' Herald, three cents per copy.— Ten dollars per year for three hundred and sixty-three issues. Five dollars for six months. Two dollarS end fifty cents for three months. JAMES GOB .DEN BENNETT, '" Editor and' Proprietor. N.. West corner of Fulton and Nassau sts., " New Yor't city, N. Y. There ate no traveling agents for the Herald. H E iCAL elf in ABU LE:I"rE: This Fertilizer is composed ot night.snil and the fertilizing elements of urine combined, chemically , and mechanically with oiher - valuable fertilizing agents and ab sorbents. • It is reduced to a pulverized condition, rea dy for immediate use, and. without loss of its highly nitrogenous . prupellics. Its universal application to all crops and soils, and its durability ,and active qualities, arc well known to by all that agriculturists can (Wire. Paley. $2 PER Totv.. CH EMICAL COM POST. This Fertilizer j is largely composed of animal matter, Such as meal, bone, fish, leather, hair, and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass,' and rc tlin the nitrogenous elements. It is impregnatedthorough with urine, and the thinner perilous of night soil; It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities,- strength and 't liPap ness, have made it vary popular with - all who have used it. , Price, $25 PAR Tots*. CUREE & Fhl.flT FERTILIZER. It is a highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is par ticulutly adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy - growth of wOod and fruit, and ,largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot house and househofd plants and flowers, it will be found an' indispensable article to se— cure their greatest perfection. It win prevent and cure diseased conditions of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. The 'formula or method of combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients have re ceived the highest approval of eminenteliem ists and scientific agriculturists. Price, $5O PElt TON. .TVIOSPRATE OF LIIIIE. The. Agrieultu r- ral Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Limb in accordance with a new and valuable formula, by Which a very supe rior article is produced, so far as to be afforded at a less price than otlier.manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the; market- Pike $45 .I'lt.'ll.7lV. lip TERMS CASH.—Cartage and Freight to he paid by the Phrchaser. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Co.'s WORE'S, Al Canal Wharf, on-the Delaware. Qffice, 4.132 Arch St., Philadephia, Pa.• R. B. Furs, General Agent. The Company's l'hamphlet Circular, ern bTacing full directions for usior the above :Fertilizers, sent by mail:free, when requeSted. DAVID COCHRAN, Pointer, Glazier and Paper Hanger. ' OUI,D most respectfully inform the cit ” 'izens of Marietta and the public ener ally that he is prepared to do Haase, Painting, china Glossing, Paper Banging, At very short notice and at prices to suit the times. He can be found at his mother's resi ,dence on the corner of. Chesnut and Sccon.l streets, a few doora below the M. H. Church, and immediately opposite the old Oberlin Coach Works. [Aug. 3-Iy. Qilllitiro U. L. & E. J. ZAHM ESPECTFULLY inform then rrk.friends and the public that they still continue the WATCH, CLOCK ;•1.--„i A INT E. JEWELRY business at the old stand, North-west Corner of North Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa. A full assortment of goods in. our line of busi ness always an hand and for sale at the lowest cash rates. D• Repairing attended to:per sonally by the proprietors. Lancaster, January 1, 1359. The American. \Vetches. ripliE American Watches are among the best timekeepers now in use, and for . durabilifY strength and simplicity-far surpasi any other watch made in the, world. H. L. ¢ E. T.:. 2 A HRL Corner of North Queem-st., and centre' Square: Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the verb lowest-sates—every watch accompanied with the manufacturersgusirrantee to' ensure its gen uineness. TILATED WARE : Large and kne stock r of Plated 'ware at H. L. St E. J. ZAIIM'S. Corner of North Queen 'street & Center Square Lancaster, Pa. Teti - Setts, in variety, Coffee Urns. Pitchets, Goblets, Sait Stands, Cake .Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, KoUtes,. rasters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prttes. H. L. & E. J. ZAIIM'S. Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan caSter, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all goods warranted to be as represented. REM-Arran attended to acmuderaterrates. ILWELRY.—A large' and selected stocksof 0 fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the best factories in the country can be found at IL L:-It' .t." 2A1L1V.6. - Corner of Center-Square and Nori4Queen street, Lancaster; Pa. - • 00 POUNDS EXTRA SUGAR I:J4 - _ cured . liatns and:Dried' . - Reef for J. R. DiFFF.NBACtDS. UM NEW AND FRESH DRUGS Herz, NM;AT LD take this opportunity' to inform Y the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that having, just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most completa assortment of eve rything in the drug line. 5 rot of Ttmq aid Toila RVECICS, consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving soaps and Crea. Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other I lair Combs, Hair Oils, Ponzades,etc. Port _ironies, Pocket Books, .T'uff Li and Powder 803 es, 6T., 6•c The celebrated 13atchelor's HAIR DYE, DeCostei and other Tooth Washes„lndia Cola - gogile, berry's Tricoperous, for the hair, Ilay Ruin, Arrio/d's Ink, large and swill sized bot tles, Rahn of a Thousand Flowers, Flour or Rice, 'Corn Starch, Hecket's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical rood, an excellent ar ticle for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con sumptive cases, [rennet, fir coagulating milk, an excellent preparation for the table ; Table Oil—very tine--bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of HaePs perfurnerv,poinades, soaps, .k.c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the best. A LARGE ASSORTMENT - OF 'BOOKS AND STATIONARY. Sheet Music always on hand, and procned by weekly orders from the city. Having secured the services of Mr. Harrison Roth, formerly of the firm of Grove Sc Roth, he feels confident that he can accommodate as well as please his numerous patrons and friends. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. The Doctor can be professionally consulted at the store when not engaged elsewhere. j~Eb: W. %.VORRALL, SURGEON DENTIST, Having retioned to the Rooms formerly occupies by Dr.. ::12rentzel, adjoining Spangler 4- Pat terson's Slore,Market Street, where he is now prep 0.n...d to wait on all who may feel leasMeppsed to patronize him. Dentistry in all :ts branches car - ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this nlae.p . , would ask a continuation of the lit ronage heretofore extended to him, for he will render every possi ble satisfaction. tr,P* Ether administered to proper persons JOHN BELL, Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta . - 1 RATER) L for past favors I would raw k_Tmy thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a tull and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES 4 VESTPIGS, which will be made up to order at the shortest notice by the bast of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to Wait upon my old customers and all who see proper to patronize me hereafter. rget.:29-,,56. Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer., ri)}l};.: undersigned having just 4ompleted new paterns for the manufacture of the cele brated Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer.; - He has removed several objections to the old, pat ern, and now feels certain of being able to wash one-third more iron oro per day, and much - cleaner. Machines manufactured and put up anywhere desired at the shortest no tice, and the working of the machine guarran teed. He can refer, by permission, to Col. James Myers, of 1 ir-egal Furnace, Marietta, and to lames L. Shs a.. Esq., adjoining Mari etta. Address SAMUEL HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster Co., Pa A MERICAN HOTEL, PfHLADELPII I A . Located on Chestnut street, opposite the OLD STATE HOUSE, and inclose proximity to the principal. Jobbing and importing HOuses, Banks, Custom !louse, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or within a square) for any depot in the City. The Rouse has been renovated and refittea. -TERINIS $1:76 PER DAY. WYATI‘ & LIEULINGS. PROPAUETORO• RITTER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban dages, Shoulder Braces, Instruments for Deformit3 &c. TheSe articles aro 11 very highly recommended by Profes sors Pancoast and Gross of the Jeffers - on Med ical College of Philadelphia, and the under signed /mows them to be the best articles, of the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. .D. - • A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for Cooking—something. very nice. • Liquid Rennet for malting delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and othe line Soups.. Frangipannic ane other Extracts. For sale by Da. 11. LANDIS. 13 URNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound of Cocoa-nut &c., for dreging the. Hair. I•ur efficacy , and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy and vigerousgrotyth. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the lichest lustre. It remains longest in elle.. Beane:47A:o. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, ESTATE of _Eliza&llt. ! Nlittoiro4,. late of the Borough of Marietta, deeeas6d. Letters of administration on said estate hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to, make immediate settlement, and those having claims or domands against The same will pieced them without delay for Kttlement to,j the undersign ed, residing at Maytown, in F.ast Donegal township. .f. D. LO!' G 1 COE:AP LAMPS. . . I.'RE'l4 Sur2LS OF Coal Oil T. nips and Lanterns every patern, suitable for the Parlor, the idtchen Lind the Chamber;,, Hanging and Side Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices, Having purchased them from the manufactu rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates we, can sell them much under the usual retail prices, alththigh every ether description of goods are advancing. t PATTERSQN Fr CO. li_43IIIIERE . D a d ROLLED IRON. A General assortment of Hammered and Rolled Iron, IL S. Bars, Norway, Nail hods, American and (leen* Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon Boxes, Iron() Axles, Springs for Suiths,lre For sale at PATTERSON At CO's. 1171QUAL or REGULAR TIMEKEEPERS r a t can be had of-H. L. & E. .1. ZAIIIII, Col North Aaueenst., and Center Square, Lancas ter,' Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers— the-best article of Swiss leveranow in the mar ket. They are lower in price than any watch of equal quality and ust as true for timekeeping THE GUM CLOTH OVER COAT is the very best th ing out fir wet weather—not Oil-Cloth—but something far superior c war ranted not to shrink. 'Call and examine them ' ' AT DiFFENBACH,S. CHAMPAGNE and other Table Winces gnarranteed to be pure, and sold as low a; can be troughtin Philadelphiaor New-York. H. D.- BEBIJAILM Pratt Building. B.:ARAELs. AP'' , LES .Northern Spy, k ) 11 ~Etaldwin?4,;Gr.eeninga, and Russets, the best New7llfOrk fritit. at SPANGLER 4 PATTERSON'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers