DURYEAS' MAIZENA. ~R eceived two 'Prize Medals" [FROM JURIES 3 AND 4,] AT THE International Ezhibition, London, 1862 BEING THE SOLE AWARDS GAINED BY mrimtura OF THE EXIID. It also received the Superlative Report of "Exceeding Excellent Food." MAIZENA, At the Great International Exhibition at Hamburg, July, 1863, Received the Highest Medal FOR ITS DELICACY AS AN ARTICLE OF FOOD. Used for Puddings, Custards, Blanc Mange, &c., without Isinglas, with few- or no eggs. It is excellent for thickening Sweet Sauces, Gravies for Fish, Meat, Soups, &c. For Ice Cream uothing can comparctiwith it. A little boiled in Milk makes a rich Cream for Coffee, Chodolate, Tea, &c. A most delicious article for food for children and inl alids. It is vastly superior to Arrow Root, at d much more eco nomical. Put, p in one pound packages, under the trade-mark Maizeoa, with full directions for Use, and sold by all Grocers and Druggists. WILLIAM DURYEA, Wholesale Agent. 166 Fulton Street, New-York. August 22-6 ml Dr. Brunon's Celebrated .Remedres for delicate diseases. NO. 1. THE GREAT REVIVER. —Speedily eradicates all the evil effects of self at use, se loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of via; ion, or any constitutional derangement of the system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price one dollar. • • No. 2. THE 11/a.m.—Wilt cure in from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(claP)is without tade or smell and requires no restric thin of action or diet; for either sex ; price $l. NO. 3. THE TER= will cure Gleet in the shortest possible time, and I can show certifi eates of ,cures effected by this remedy, wher all others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. THE PUNITER is the only. known remedy that will positively cure strictures of the urethra, no matter of how long standing or neglected the case-may be. Price one dollar. NO. 6. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case. of Gravel permanently and speedily remov all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price one dollar. No. 6. Tut 'PaEVENTOR is a sure preven lion against the contraction of any disease, is less expensive and far preferable to anything in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l. NO 7. Tun AZIARIO will cure the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef feethally removed by-any other treatment; in fact this is the only remedy that will really cure this disease ; pleasant to take. Price $ l. NO. 8. THE ORIENTAL PAATILS are cer tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the monthly periods. Price two dollars. No. 9. THE FJCHALE SAFEGUARD. or Off spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by Mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu lars containing,valua'ile information with full tilesetiptiaikof -each' Remedy, may be obtained by etielosing one post stamp. Address .• • ' 1)R; FELIX BRUNON, Box 99, ' These Remedies are sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY LIBHART, where circulars con Isininea full description of each case can be Obtained gratispon application. General Depot, North East Corner of York Avenue and Callowhillstreet,Philadelphia,Pa 11?' In complicated cases 1 on be consulted by letter, or personally at my office ; entrance No. 401 York Avenue. Da. F. Bannon CRITTENDEN'S COLLEGE, N. E. corner of 7th 6- Chestnut Sts. PIIILLDELPHIA. 11lie Institution, which was established en 1844,. "and is now consequently in the eight eenth year of its existence, numbers among its graduates, hqatireds of the most successful Merchants and MbillSS Men in our Country. . The Object of the Institution is solely to affordgpung men facilities for thorough prepa nitions for business. Thc-Branches taught are, Book-keeping, as applicable to the venous departments of trade ; Pennmans7iip, both plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law, Mathematics, Navigation, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. The System of Instruction is peculiar; no classes or set lessons are made use of, but each 'etude& is taught individually, so that he may Commence at any time, and attend at what- Never hours are most convenient. Catalogues are issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the students for the year, and full particulars of terms, &c., and may be obtained at any time by address ing the Principal. In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution offers facilities su perior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for business, and to obtitin A DIPLOMA, which will prove a recom mendation for them to any Mercantile House. rr Crittenden's Series of Treatises on Book- Keeping, now more widely circulated than any other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Attorney-at-Law, PRINCIPAL. Jan. ,15,62-Iyl CREAP READY-MADE MOTHLNG I! Having just icturned from the city with a nicely selected lot of /ready-made Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; having laidin a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is detest . : Med to sell LOW, FOR CASH. His stock crtosisla of OvER-COATS, DRESS, FROCK AND SACK. COATS, PARTS, VESTS, PEAJACKF.TS, ROIINDBOUTS, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c. Everything in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL. corner of Elbow Lane and Market Si next door to Cassel's Store. Cr HEAP- LAMPS. A FRESH SEPSIS OF Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns of eveij patern '' suitable for the Parlor, the nitchen and the Chamber ; Hanging and Side Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices, Having ptirchased'them from the manufactu rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates we can sell them much under the usual retail prices,although every other description of goodare advancing. RATTERSON 4 , CO. UTTA PERCHA BLACKlNG—without VT brushing': For Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriage's, and Military Leather Work. It gittrAtthe leather a polish like patent leather, ;Wilms it water proof, does not stain the whit eiltarticle of dress and need not be applied ot tenet than two or three times a month. Foi sale at Dr. Landis' Drug Store. D s W. BRNOE having purchased Dr . WesVs interest in the West & Both Drug baskqesh an hiving located in the Borough or mane tt" .for the practice of his profession, wadd 3pectfully oiler his professional servi ces to , tag -public. To pry CITIZENO OF 'MARIZTTA I take great pleasure'in recommending Dr. Wm. H. BrArgw as a Physician" in whom I have every V t fidence, believing that he will give sans ion to-all who inay employ him. H. leitnei, M. D. Marietta, NovemPer 8,,1862. . *5O BiiitRELS APPLES , ' NOrthera SPY, dreenings, and Runeets,:the best New-York fruit. ak SPANGLER 4* PATTERSON'S. VOLUNTEERS AND ,CONSCRIPTS. MO SOLDIERS or any others wishing to increase their income, there is IJCP better way of doing so at this time, than from the sale of our Watches. TREY ARE WARRANT ED AS REPRESENTED ! "Particularly valuable for officers in the army and travellers."—Frank Lelie's, Feb. 21. " Prettiest; best and cheapest timepieces ever offered."—N. Y. Illustrated News, Janu ary 10. "Very pretty and durable Watches for the Atmy."—N. Y. Army Navy Journal [Go vernment Organ,] Aug. 20. "One of the olaest and most reliable house■ in t usiness."-- Lonisvi ire, Ky., Journal, July 31. MAGIC TIME 0 MLR VEKS, Being a Bunting or Open Face or Lady's or Gentleman's Watch Combined, with Patent Self-Winding Improvement, a most Pleas- ing Novelty. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST, most conve nient, and decidedly the best and cheap est time-piece for general and reliable use ever offered. It has within it and conrcted with its machinery, its own win ling attach ment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this Wash are composed of two metals, the Outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action lever move ment, and is warranted an accurate time piece. Price superbly engraved, per case of half dozen, $204. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, $35. SILVER A.TCHES I First Class Hunting Time-Pieces for accuracy of movement, beauty of material, and above all, cheapness in price, these watches must, insure universal approbation. An imitation s.) faultless that it can hardly be detected by the most experienced judges.— The material being of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the in ner one is German Silver, it cannot be recog nized by cutting or heavy engraving, making it, not only in appearance, but in durability, the best resemblance of SOLID STERLIDG bIL VEA in existence. The Stile of these Watches in the Army is a source of enormous profit, retailing, as they very readily do, at `5.25 and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary business tact sa• AT WHOLESALE ONLY ! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good running order, by the half dozen, $66. Sold only by the case of six! .Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarrantee of good faith, we will send watches by express to any part of the loyal States, 'cUllecting bal ance of bill on delivery. This easures buyers against fraud, giving them their watches be foie payment la required. Soldiers in the disloyal States must remit cash in advance, as the express companies peremptorily refuse making collections in such dangerous localities. Itemember, Cash in advance from within the army lanes in rebel states! We guarantee the sale delivery of all Watches, whether they are sent by mail or express. HUBBARD BROS., Sole Importers, 171 Broadway, car. Cartiadnt St., New Yolk Chain of Ratio' Commercial Colleges, SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND New-York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Buffalo, Troy, Detroit. Cleveland, Chicago and Satnt Louis. Philadelphia, Pa. Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Ar rith nietic, Commercial Law, Forms, Cone pondence, &c., practically taught. These Colleges being under the same general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities for imparting instruction than any other similar institutions in the country. A Scholarship issued by any one is good in all for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently, enlarged and is now the largest most prosper ous Commercial Institution in the State. Bryant & Strattan's series of Text Books, embracing Book-Keeping, Com mercial Arith metic, and Commercial Law, fora, and sent by mail. 113 - For full particulars, send far a circular. For the Fruit, Flower .and Kitchen 1864.) THE V. 864. G ARDENER'S MONTHLY, W. G. P. EarprcicLoe, Publisher Office: 23 North sixth-st„ Philadelphia. TERMS-31:50 A-YEAR. EDITED BY THODIAS MEEHA'N. Hints—Flower-Garden and Pleasure-Ground; Fruit-Garden ; Vegetable-Garden ; Win dow-Gardening. Communications—Embracing the views of the best writers on Horticulture, Arboriculture and Rural Affairs. Editorial—Giving the Editor's views on the important Horticultural improvements. Scraps and Queries—New Fruits—New Plants —Domestic and Foreign Intelligence—For eign Correspondence—Horticultural notices. With each department handsomely illustrated. These general features will be retained, and the publisher pledges himself that no labor or expense shall be spared to render the succeed ing issues of the magarine every way worthy of the favor with which his previous efforts have beenamply rewarded. _ _ ADJOURNED COURTS FOR 1864. It is ordered by the Court,ttln.t the Adjourned Courts;kfor 1864 for the trial and decisions of cases in the Common Pleas, Orphans' Court,' and Quarter Sessions, are to be held as follows: I week, commencing on Monday, March 21st. 1 " 6: " June 20th. 1 EC 44 " Sept. 19th. .t I 44 46 Dec. 19th. To continue one week from the said days re spectively, and as much longer as the business may requite. All the cases on the list for ar gument in the Orphans' Court, shall be taken up on the first days of said terms, and be pro ceeded with until disposed of, unless continued by consent or cause shown. The cases on the argument list in the Quar ter Sessions shall be taken up on Wednesday of said term, if not prevented by the Orphans' Court, and if so, the cases in the Quarter Ses sions will be commenced on the termination of the Orphans' Court business. The argument of the.cases in the Common Pleas to be commenced on Thursday of the week, if not prevented by the Orphans' (mart or Quarter Sessions cases, in that case, the ar gument list of said court is to be taken up at the termination of the cages in the other courts and preceded in until disposed of, unless con tinued by consent or cause shown. It is further ordered that the absence of counsel at the time appointed for hearing the cases mentioned in the preceding orders shall be no cause 10.1 suspending the proceedings therein, unless by consent, or legal ground for a continuance be shown. it is ordered by the Court that Adjourned Courts for Jury trials in the Common Pleas, will be held as follows 1 week, commencing the let Monday, Feb. let. 1 " " 4th " Feb. 22d. a 4t sth .Feb .29th 1 " 4th " May 23d 1 ti I " I is EMZI =3 And such other periods as may be appointed at the aforesaid courts. or at regular terms. JOHN S.ELDOIIIRIDGE, Prothonotary. yr OPTARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA, Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems—new and reliable treat ment—in Reports of the Hoviard Association. Sent; by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free ttf chop?. Address, Dit..r. &actin H OU GH Tow, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. - 11‘qttArt, givo- & co's LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA CHESTNUT STREP.TS Garden THE MONTHLY CONTENTS ARE: SEND FOR. A SPECIMEN FOR ARGUMENTS ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS sth " May 30. sth " Aug. 29. 3d " Oct. 17. 4th " Oct. 24th. Ist " I MMF 77AI A 4) 114.11.: - 1142-0101111:101 CELEBRATED STOMACH 11:0111i1 atZgA A PURE AND POWERFUL. TONIC, Corrective and alternative of wonderful effica cy in disease of the Stomach. Liver and Bow els; cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Head ache, General Debility, Nervousness, Denies+ sion Of Spirits, Constipation, Colic, In termitten- Few's, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of either sex, arising from bodily weak uess whetner inherent in the system or produced by special causes. Nothing that is not - wholeseme, genial and restorative in its nature enters into the compo sition of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element ; no fi ery.excitant, but it is a combination of the ex tracts of rare • balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mildest of all diffusive stimu lants. It is well to be forearmed against diseaso, and so far as the human system can be protec ted by human means against maladies en gendered by an unwholesome atmosphere, im pure water and other external causes, HOSTETTER'S• BITTERS may be relied on as a safegua)d In districts infested with Fever and Ague, it has been found infallible as a preventative and irresistible as a remedy, and thousands who resort to it under apprehension of an iittaek, escape the scourge; and theusands who ne glect ro avail themselves of its protective qual ities in advance, are cured by a 'Very brief course of this marvelous medicine.. Fever and Ague patients, after being plied wi th quinine for months in vain, until fairly satu rated with that dangerous alkaloid, are not tin frequently ^estored to health within a few days by the use df Hostetter's Bitters. The weak stomach is rapidly invigorated and the appetite restored by this agreeable to nic, and hence it works wonders in cases of Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forms of indi gestion. Acting as a gentle and painless appe rient, as well as upon the liver, it also invari ably relieves the L'onstipatian superinduced by irregular action of the digestive and secretive orgar.s. Peisonsol feeble habit, liable to ner vous attacks, lowness of spirits and fits of lan gour. rind prompt and permanent relief from the Bitters. The testunonv on this point is most conclusive. and from both sexes. The agony of Bilious Colic is immediately assuaged by a single dose of the stimulant, and by occasionally resorting to it, the return of the complaint may be prevented. Last, but not least, it is The Only Safe Stim ulant, being manufactured from sound and innocuous materials, and entirely flee frem the acid elements present more or less in all the ordinary tonics and stornachics of the day. No family medicine has been so universally, and, it may be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the community, RS HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Store keepers everywhere. fig.IYJRAD.F-D'S Genuine TrePailtiou. COMPOUND FLUID F.XTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY For diseases of the Biaddnr, Kidneys, Gravel, and Dropsical SWellings. This Medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Colcareous de positions, and all unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and inflamatiou. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. For weakness arising from excesses, habits of dissipation, early indiscretion of abuse, at tended with the following symptoms : Indisposition ti exertion, Loss of Power, Difficulty of brewing, Loss of Memory, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vission, Pain in the. Back, UniVersal lassitude of the muscular system, Flushing of the body, Hot Hands, Eruptions on the Face, Dryness of the skin, Palid Countenance These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fzts, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently fol lowed by those •' Direful Diseases," "Insanity and Consumption." Many are aware of the cause of their suffer ing, but none will confess the records of the Insane Asylums. Melancholy deaths by Consumption bear am ple witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution once effected with Organic weakness requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which . _ _ HELbIBOLD's EXTRACT BUCHU in va r iably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES. In many affections peculiar to females the Extract Buchu is uneaqualed by. any other remedy - , as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu— larity, Painfulness or suppression of customa ry evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leuchorrhoea or Whites, Ster rility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits cf dissipation, or in the decline as change of life. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength, to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, pre venting and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflamation, so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling all poison ous, diseased and tacornout.eraittef. Thousands upon thousands'Who have been the victims of quacks,And who have paid hecvy fees to be cured in a shott time, hare foetid they were deceived, and that the "Poison" has, by the use of "powernd astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Mar riage. Use Hembold's Extract Buchu for all affec tions and diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diuretic, Helmbold's Extract Buchu is the great Piuretic, and is certain to have the do sired effect in all Diseases for which it is Rec ommended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsi ble character will accompany the medicine. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE, or SIX for $5.00 Delivered to any Address, securely packe. front observation. Describe Symptoms in all Communications. ! Cures Guaranteed Advice Gratis Address letters forinformation to - H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. 104 South Ten th-st., be!. Chestnut,-Phils. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, RELIIBOLOI Drug and Chemical Warehouse. 594 Broadway, New York. Dec. sth Beware of _Counterfeits and Unprincipled _Dealers who endeavor to dispose "of their own" and "other" articles on the 'reputation attained by . Heimboid'a,qePPine PEePerationi— ; 4c: ExtriK,t Bhciay. - 44 " Imprcived Soso Wash. Sold by all' Druggists everywhere. Asir , f_sir fienkboid , a. Toe no,other Cut nut the advertisement and send for it• and avoid imposition and exposure. DR. JOHN L. LYON'S FRENCH Vtriohital drops THE GREAT • FEMALE REGULATOR, IS THE ONLY kNOWN REMEDY THAT WILL SUCCESSFULLY AND nvariably restore and regulate the female sys tem, removing all irregularities, and producing health, vigor and strength. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are a fluid preparation, the only one of the kind ever discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy, but not at all direct and positive. Are you suffering from a constant anxiety for the regular return of nature's prescribed REM Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, if taken a day or two be fore the expected period. will positively and invariably regulate its coming, as sure as ef fect follows cause, as sure as daylight follows darkness. Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or una ble to bear the labor and danger of increase? LYON'S PERIODICAL DRONE Come to you as a blessing, for is not preven tion better than cure ?. If regularly taken, it is a certain prevent- ive, and will save you much peril and many hours of suffering. Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints incident to the sex, that have baffled the skill of physicians, and are hurry ing you on town early grave? L YON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are the.most reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, all those irregularities that have defied the doctor's skill. Will you waste away with suffering from Leucorrhcea, Prolapsus, Dysmenorrhces, and a thousand other difficulties, all summed up under the name of suppressed and obstructed nature, when an investment of one dollar in LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely save you Do not use the Drops when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure, and harmless at all other times, they are so powerful and finely calculated to adjust and 4o'vern the lilac Wins of the sexual organism, that;l: Chen at improper times, they would produce results contrary to nature, against which all, particularly those who would re produce, should carefully guard. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Cannot harm the most delicate constitution a any time ; yet the proprtetors wish to guard against its misuse, hoping that a thousand bottles will be used for a good purpose where one is used for an illegitimate one. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS the never-failing Female' Regulator, is for sale by every Druggist, in both city and coun try, and do not, if,you value your health and wish for a reliable medicine, buy any other. Take no other, but if the Druggist to whom you apply hae not got it, make him send and get it for you. C. G. CLARK & CO., P3OPATETOIS, New Haven, Conn For ask at Wholeash by JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAt. a, COWDEN, eow-ly) 23 21.:43th it., Philadelphia: $l.OO Fievcrarcl. I FOR A MEDICINE That will cure Coughs, Tickling in the Throat, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Or relieve Consumptrve Cough, AS QUICK AS COE:S OMR iia.l.5R3V. .OVER FIVE THOUSAND BOTTLES Have been sold in its native town, and tint single instance of its failure is known. We hare, in our possession, any quantity of certificates, some of them from eminent phys icians, who have used it in their practice, and given it the pre-eminence over any other com pound. It does not dry up a Cough, but loosens it, so as to enable the patient TO EXPECTORATE FREELY. Two or three doses will invariably cure tickling in the throat. A Half Bottle has often completely cured the MOST STUBBORN COUGH, and yet, though it is so sure and speedy in its operation, it is perfectly harmless, being pure ly vegetable. It is very agreeable to the taste and may be administered to children of any age. In cases of Croup we will guarrantee a cure, if taken in season. No Faux r.v should be without it. It is within the reach of all, the PRICE BEING ONLY 25 CENTS. And if an investment and a thorough trial does not "back up" the above statement, the money will be retunded. We say this know ing its merits and feeling confident that one trial will secure for it a home in every house hold. Ir.3 — Do not waste away with Coughing, when so small an investment will cure you. It may be had of any respectable druggist, who will furnish you with a circular of genuine certificates of cures it has made. C. G. CLARK, Proprietors, Sept. 24-6m] New-Haven, Ct. Clotbe , s No. I.—Large Family Wringer, 4010:00 No. 2.—Medium, 7:00 N0..2i. ,c cc 6:00 No. 3.—Small " 5:50 No. S.—Large Hotel Wringer, 14:00 / No.lB.—Medium Laundry, to run by) 18:00 steam or No. 22.—Large Laundry, hand, 30:00 Nos. .2 1 i and 3 have no Cogs—all otners are warranted. •No. 2 is the size generally used in private families. Orange Judd, of the American Agriculturist, says of 'o,rbt aniberzal Clottes Wringer "A child can readily wring out a tubfull of clothes in a few minutes. It is really a clothes saver! A Time Baver ! The saving of gar ments will alone pay a large per centage on its cost. We think the machine much more than pays for itself every year in the saving of garments! There are several kinds, neatly alike in genera] construction, but we consider it important that the Wringer be fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our own is one of the first make, and it is as good as new after nearly four years constant use." Every TVringer with Cog Wheels is war ranted in every particular. No Wringer can be durable without Cog-wheels. A good Canvasser wanted in every town. 113 - On receipt of the price from places where no one is selling : we will send the Wringer free of expense. For particulars and circulars, address R. C. BROWNING, 547 Broadway, hew-York. T HE GRETA CAUSE OF , 'HUMAN MISERY Just Publahed In a .6'ealed Envelope. Price Six Cents A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper inatorrlima, induced by Self-Abuse; Involun tary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. By Ron. .1. CUL VERWELL, M. D., Author of "The Green Book," &c The world-renowned author, in this admi rable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences o Self-abuse may be effectuall.y removed with out medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, oougies, instruments, rings or cor dials, pointing out a cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, - may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lec ture will prove a boon to thousands and thou- . sands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two post age stumps, by addressing the publishers, CHAN. J. V. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New-York, P. 0. Box, 4586. No. 20 North Queen-St., Lancaster HAVE COMPLETED THEIR ASSORTMENT OF HATS ABM CAPS, fa b OF TUE NEWEST STYLES FOR FALL AND WINTER. ffantxl suric 1 ,ffanq ,ffurs I We have now connected with our business as Hatters, a very large, elegant end complete assortment of Ladies' and Children's Furs. of every quality and all selected with care and judgment. Our stock comprises every de scription of size and fashion. We would con sider it a favor if the ladies would call and examine our stock comprising Furs of the first quality. Ladies and Misses Beaver, Silk and 1 elt Hats, made in the latest fashion and trimmed in every variety of style and taste, such as the neat COQUETTE and the jaunty SPANISH ; also Hats untrimmed. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended us in the past, we hope by a careful attention to the wants of the public, and keeping a large, excellent and complete assortment of - goods on hand, to merit a continuance of popular favor. A First-class Fanners' Magazine for Pennsylvania. 1864.] THE PENNSYLVANIA [1864 FARBIER AND GARDENER, DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Affairs. EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY WM. S. YOUNG & Co., No. 52 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. TERMS: ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Ate' The Sixth Volume commences with the January number. Having obtained the services of eminent and practical Agriculturists, Horticulturists, Stock 'Breeders and Bee Keepers, ice confidently of fer the current volume as one of the best ever issued, for originality, practical thought and reliable information. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. CHAMPAGNE and ' other Table Winess guarrantePd to be pure, and sold us low as can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. H. D. BENJAMIN Picot Building. O LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch T and Irish WHISKIES, warran ted pure, at H. D. Benjamaires. BUY one of those beautiful SOFT ink HATS at Carr.L'Et. 92 Market-at. Bu itNETT'S COCOAINE, For sale by DR. L4NDTS. . 1‘4 1 1 ;i 1r l I R F BDINIFENBACHiS S PLENDID NEW BOOKS JUST ISSUED BY CARLETON. PUBLISHER, NEW-YORK PECULIAR. Epes Sargent's great novel, concerning which there has been more talk and speculation, per haps, than about any other book issued for years. The thrilling and extraordinary facts with which the author has become acquainted have been thrown into a plot and story so start lizgly bold, and yet so truthful, so tender and so gentle, that every reader who begins it must be lacinated with its unflagging interest. Ilia selling like wild-lire. Price .$1:60. KIMBALL'' WORKS. Embracing his capital new no " Was be successful," one of the best fictions of the season. Price $1:50. Was he Successful. 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