E ; gra/ anef i stiS cA. - if Lr iil(s 4 s. The iiity:etitt pas- Ise e r t pr in A s will it ii sliti the "erAttion, Depot 2, as tothrwise--illdosaintipitrain, East, at ' . ten minutes before 8; Mail train yi r estxlll3B ;1 Harrisburg Accommodation 'train, East,tall9 ' minutes after 6; ihi Isiah 1: .- triiii West, at five: minutes before I in the evening. , . 0. .. , SATEIRDII;Ittr SO, 1863. 11066 fitiost- horrtd murder wail nouraiitted 'on. Saturday night'ibate lit bharles'A. Bradyywho has kelit ror'seVeral Apribgs a 'drinking and eatiftrialoon' on.) - the bank of the; river a short-distance. above Mehaffey X.ll4llTY'shtndink, for', the, accommodk- Iten bf river-n arn was found dead in the, gitti.tee: ,q'ecr,iii,:3ll'..by - hire, on Tuesday evening-last, murdered in a moat brutal hiarttehr: Mr. Brady bad not been seen *tie relatives'froth the Satbrdriy , evEi %trig' Pre'iions," and beeorriiiii,'alarmed v.ent,to the shantee tq . eek for him, ,phere, to their surprise apd horror, they found himiying in his_ona blood, ..dead Various rumors are afloat concerning the *Murder, none of which is worth retelling. Two or three grafters were detained idperficially eltidoined, but nothing elicited to throw any light upon the ,perpetrat9r . of this most fiendish mur-. .cler. Deputy, ,Coroner 'Squire Brown of .Maytown; in thei absence of Esquire '4l.fixer in Philadelphia, was sent for, *hn held an inqudst on the body, which AturneCa verdict of murder at the bands of some .persoa or persons to the ~ jury•unknoan.. Upon an examination of "the , body, it vas found to have received bretubgafth made evidently by an axe iir Iltitcret iiiimediatelrover the top or . tzli44l6,9f,ttle head, and q.j f struck from behind, la} ing open .the skull for six length, and the brains oozing out profusely. After the murder was zoomtrritted the murderer evidently rifled hie victim's pockets,. only four Tents %ivlng been . found on his person, by the ,jug, and . he was supposed to have had .00nsiderable money aboutLim; it having treen: cetiorally known that the spring was a very profitable' one to him. 'The leitrttment'Ot detith could' not'beftitind, but it is opposed that it was thrown in to the usco6l],anp4.• .A4er .finishing his tiumnable work, the murderer closed the door and locked. it, leering the titlallltttch ices at•cking cn the outside The bo'dJ bbdhiy,lt'is suppond, froni Sat urday night until Tuesday evening, when search was umde. A t this writing, Fr . - vli!xt..,afternoon, there is no, clue to the Willowy!. who ,perpetrated. this most "ifdal-o f nr do ts. larj . he formal reception' by-the on teagne.aoCth.e.collation by the Pa triotic Circle will take place this after noon, at the Towniiall. Every citizen, "With ten alb toet particle ofjatriotisrn; f!mtird zarticiilate in .this 4i4)lay. Tho ,or have been quite busy for the past week getting in readiness elite good things for the inner , man, and we know they will succeed as ladies 4 1 . 4 '-'itlif'sticatied. Through the many Vibisaitui %blob this: patriotic as ocia •tiop IROpp) compelled to pass througb, maintains its usefulness and phil aiinthropy:, May its patriotic ardor neiser cool., Read the route of proces sion, &c., in our advertising columns. fto V=sp- ,ear. For years, past, the spring season, at this point, has been fruitful 6f coun- Vtiiif6iisiiiii , i;taid indeed metal money flits spring partictilarly there has been en, immense deal of4resh of both kinds in circulation. An arrest was made on Wednesday last of Albert Spangler, who was seen with considerable money, ' which, upon examination, was founeto Ike ntic'ounterfeil... fle was committed to jail to ankwer at court. , INF We'paid a flying visit to the Qua- Vet. City a fe* days since, and.while there called on our young friend Ily. L. SuHz- bath; noti in businefs at 346 Dillwyn st. itertms - u - firm opening and being a prat!- ' .400 currier, and a perfectly reliable gentleman, will no doubt do well in the Chtrying and Leather Commission busi . Hem • Ba'tzar Ray an old german, long I a resident:of the lower end of Marietta, fell,some weeks ago and broke his arm, and being 'too old 'to recuperate, died on,ihariday'last. Poor Frank Loser, who was ta- . ken to the almshouse by officer •Emswi s le • r, a week since, has paid the debt,of nature. Alas for poor; weak human na ,, ture---rum was_his.ruin. . . . . WV The S. B. Thomas Rifles will hold a meeting at their Armory, on Mon;dayevening next at: 9 o'clock, for the purpose of electing officers. eir The day of Appeal &dal the Bo ronglr aseesement will be held in Pion eer Hall, on Monday afternoon next, between the bona of 3 and 5 o'clock. eir The Borough Tax colle.gter de sires as to 'say that he will commence his tour on Tuesday next; when he hopes all the tax payers will be ready for him. ,f r ir 13. B rewster,,a.lifit long -Demo crig,, and distinguished lawyer of. Phita delpeia, will address tha Lancaster Uni on League sonietimeaextlveel:. Avery iotereatilm , tetter from the - Forty•FiCti Ifs fqq44 i emir columns . this week.: , •,;17 4*o. osner •Nitesltrva f;'" I+l Letter: froatheTensylvaniirForty4llll . Hustonville, Lincoln County, Ky., I MAY 18, 1863. , Pear Col :-1 suppose that your read eis know that the 45th Regiment, Fenn eylvania Volunteers, is doing duty in the ,State of Kentucky, and that two companies of the regiment are from your and of the county. I'suppose also'that a few dottings will not be uninteresting to the two thousand readers' to your, pa per. The 45th is part of the 3d Brig ade, Ist Divition„9th'Army Corps, and came to Kentucky a short •time ago, when our. General (13ttaxsrex) assumed command of this Department : General Willcox, who formerly commanded this division, is now in command of ;the Dia trint of Central Kentucky, :Which leaves General WELSH in command of the let Division. I need not add that he com mends it well, and that the division is considered by military men one' of the finest and most efficient in the. Federal. Army, The Division Head Quarters are 'now located at Hustonville;, our regiment:is doing duty near Head Quar ters. The principal duty of this division being . to . prevent reberhordeS' Ittider Morgan, Wheeler, -Chike & Co., from invadingaentucky, and I'th'ink we will do it effectually. Should Morgan pitch , into this division, I think he would' be pitched out of KentuCky in double quick ; at all events, we are ready to have him try his luck. We are in the heart of the finest coun try; in the world. You know I am par tial to Lancaster county and boast of it on all occasions, but candor, compels me to say, in point of fertility and rich- DOSS,• this country cannot be excelled even'by our own dear garden spot,. 't'h'e people, too, are Union-loving through out this neighborhood—indeed in this respect, too, they surpass Lancaster county, for, if rumor be true, you are in fected with a deep tingue of the Vallan digham-Sanderson school of would-be (if . I wasn't afraid) traitors. By th e way, Col., did you hear Burnside bad sentenced Vallandigharn to the Dry Tortugas for two years ? I hope it is true and a few from your way may go the - same way*. Tortugas, you know, is on the southern coast of Florida, and will, no doubt, be a warm residence— but as these gentlemen doe': appear to believe in purgatory, it may be that Tortugas will prepare them for the, neat hot place to which their treason should consign them. I regret to learn that our Army of the Potomac was unsuccessful in its recent 'Jon_ to Richtnond." I hope now that nothing farther. will be attempted Lin that direction Until-conscripts swell-6e army large enough to insure success, be yond any doubt. the patriots who ard awaiting the operations of conscription' will then have au equal chance to' shed their blood for the good o'f' their coun try. The Ilariettians in Companies "B" and "K," are all in good health. The long - absent Simon Sanders returned to Co. K, or rather to the Guard House, a few weeks'ago ; he has been tried by a court martial, but the ,sentence has not yet been promulgated. As it is custo mary for deserters of Simon's crass to get abOut n ix months at labor on govern ment fortifications with other little open dages, I presume that will be Simon's fate; well so let it be,—for during the 'Vase eight - months while we were fight ing the battles four country, and living On ht.rd rations,' Simon was luiurating at home on all the good things of this life, and should things for the next eight months be reversed, •we will have no cause for complaint--will we? Our two companies will require about forty men to fill them up, and I hope that number of able bodied men, to whom the conscription may have some terror, may rush forward and join our companies—and come immediately to this land of plenty, where happy soldiers, fine horses and pretty women abound*. Send us The kariettian occasionally.--- Address, Co. "K," 45th P. V., Ist Di vision, 9th Army Corps, via Lexington, Ky. Truly yours, &c., Nora :—We shall always be glad to hear from our much respected friend. "Benjamin," and his incog shall always remain inviolate. We regularly mail our paper to three or four friends in the 45th, himself amongst the number. We are too sorry to be compelled to admit the truth of oar coriespondent's stric tures upon the prevalence of copper lieadism in our 'midst. Pretty women, —perhaps the long absence from home may have some influence over the judge ment of "Benjamin," for 'tie said all women appear handsome to those long 'robbed of female society.— Ed. Mariet tian. GI - The Susquehanna is quite low andlhe sand bars are beginning to show themselves. lar The Patriotic Circle will meet on Friclaay evenink next, at MM. John W. Clark's. DIED. At ankles, on tile ?Aft; FaArm EAGLE, infant son of Jesse 11..,,and Mary Lnielyn, v., aged One niontb and - five days. • JAthra bniiingh, on . Tiannsdny last, pa.izzan 4-447, at all --advanced- age. ; . . 4 .4. , • ) ,a -*•-an lav'r.."-4 --tene&l7l-T.E, Twa , DISX/LBES or--Eitacnte--( Lea :Maiadies d'Erreur.)-1, John B. Ogden, M. D., author and publisher of the above work, do hereby promise and agreeto send (free of charge) to ally young man Who- will write for it, a,' sam ple copy fOr,perusal. The proper study of mankind is M'• N. This valuable work is is sued and soul forth for the benefit of suffering humanity:'lt. treat hin iiinple-laoguageon all the:diseases of Error, including Seminal Weak n ess,.Ne'rvoutrDebilitY,'lnJigestion, Melan choly, Insanity, Wasting Decay, Impotency, &c., &c.—giving .4safe., speedy, and effectual prescriptions for their permanenteure, togeth eravith much valuable.information. All who favor me with a desire to read my work shall receive a sample copy 'by return mail, free of charge. . Address 30.11 N B. OCDEN, M. D., No. 60 Nassau St., New York . . SPECIAL. NOTICE :- O n and after Jqi." . ir Ist 1363, the privilege of converting the present issue of LEGAL TENDER Noirs into the NAL TroicAL Six . .PER CENT LOAN (commonly call ed "Five-Twenties") will cease. ' All who'wish• to invest in the Five-Twehty Loan must, therefore; app!) , before the first of July next. • JAY. COOK, . subscription Agent, • WO, 114 South THIRD Sp set,Pßilade/phia. Program ms , FOR THE RECEPTION OF TIIE "MARIETTA BRAVES." riIDE..WS:ION 'LMAGUE _of Marietta and all'Loyal Citizens ' , rho wish to partici pate' in the reception will assemble at THE TOWN BALL, ON SATURDAY, MAY 30th, at o'clock, and i mmediately after the ringing of the bell, the procession will be formed by the ChiefMaishal and March to the hotel of Lieut. Jolinstin, where they, will meet the returning volunte,ers aini.escort-thent to the Hall to hear an Address by Rev. Dr. TraiLow, after which the soldiers will partake of a collation pie pared by the Ladies Patriotic tiiale. ORDER AND ROUTE OF PROCESSION : Ist. Menbers of Executive Committee, to the right. 2d. Officers of the Union League and Clergy. Burgessland Town Council. . • 4th. .Mernbers of the Sbhool Board. sth. Fire Companies and Beneficial Socie- 6th. Members of the Union League and all Loyal Citizens who wish to honor 'and wel- Corns our brave vo:unteers teturning.from the I= Line of March:--The line will be up .Bank street to Second, up Second to High, up High to. Perry, down Perry to Front, down Front to Walnut, up Walnut to the Town Hall. By Ordie'of the Executive Committee. ' 'MILLER, Chief Marshal.. THOMAS STENCEj GIRARD Min, Assistants. 'ir,bt Proplto Aat anb Gap Stott. SB - 1/I.IZ & Nifits, No. 20 N. QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. HAVE. now completed their assortment of HATS AND CAPS, Bs • AND ARE- ENABLED TO OFFER Many new and elegant styles, - Manufactured in the best manner, including . all THE- POPULAR STYLES wines' HOW PREVAII: IN PARIS, AT VERY LOW PRICES. REMEMBER 'l' H E PLACE, SHULTZ & BRO., -. Hatters, Np. 20. N. Queen st., Lancaster. Black Hawk•;lron Ore Washer Ls. gin:lF:undersigned having just completed new paterns for the manufacture of the eele hrated Black Hawk Iron Ore Washer. He has removed several objections to the old pat ern, and now feels certain of being able to wash one-third. more iron ore per day, and much cleaner. "Machines"manufactured and put.up`ariyw here deSired at the shortest no tice, and the working of the machine guarran teed. He can refer, by permission, to Col. James Myers, of Donegal Furnace ? . Marietta, and to James L. St ullz, Esq., adjoining Mari etta. Address SAMUEL HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster co., Pa. Marietta, May 21, 1553. • Waiated. ..... 50 CORDS OF HEMLOCK BARK, 50 CORDS OF CHESTNUT-OAK BARK, 10 Cords of Wh!tc-Oak Burk. H. C. LOCHER, Lancaster, Pa May 23, 1863-3 t. FOR SALE.—A Top Boggy nearly new, U of good make, and for sale cheap. Ap ply. at,Patteraon & Co.'s Hardware Store. JOHN SPANGLER,. R EN- I 0 0 GUI A A N D T gi ( 1 3 2. 11 * . li S ITI nearly new, and in good order. ' Enquire. at this office. Marietta, May IS, MO. Ice•Crea,TY - 1 WOLFE'S ICE CREAM. SALOON BENJAMIN Open every day and evening—Sundays Market Street, Marietta. lIHOTOGRA Plf ALBumsli A fine assortment of Photographet , aa • A - I_, 13 13 - M S, • ranging in price from 75 cents to Five Dollars. For sale at DELLINGER'S Photo ; raph Gal ery, Market street, Marietta ' 4 VANILLA BEANS We have just re ceived a very superior lot of VANILLA. BEANS, new crop just imported, which we offer for sale at a fair price. - WOLFE, MARKET-ST. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, BACK BACK PAY, & PENSIONS, Collected promptly. Discharged wounded sol diers are now entitled to bounty. o.pricE at Shaffner's Hotel, Mountjoy, Pa. G. R. HENDRICKSON. Mountjoy, May 2,1863-3 m. 1 - IANIEL G. BAKER, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. 24 NORTH .DUKE STREET, opposite s the Court House, where he Will. at tend to the practice of his profession ion]] its various branches. f Nov. 4, ly A GENERAL Assortment of Hammered 1 - 1 and ROLLED IRON, H. S. Bars, Norway, Aaili Rods; American and Getz man Spring`rind Cast Steel, Wagon Box:- es, Iron Axles, Springs, &c., for Smiths— For sale by PATTERSON • & CO. ry one of those beautiful 8 0:F me TA HATS . st Cao% 9% Mayket,st: - & sltttEll CGODS. J. R. DIFFENBAOII BAQ :TOW OPEN LLIS,USUAL AN,LiWELL A.SSONT . RO EITOCK OF • 6atai. • t,agging of Nei r Chaniesi Ginolgirms - "-' ' ' • ' '' De Lames and ._ . . - , • Prints; Together with other new' styles of Dress Goods of various named. His stock embraces besides's full assortment of Mosling, ' ' nel Checks, • Dri : Tick;ngs, Flane, ' Brilliants, • Linens, • Shawls, -Hosiery, - • cloves, HankerchiefS, - Shirt Fronts, Spring lbilmorals, Hoop Skirts, • IVhite Embroidered Skirting, A large portion of these goods having been purehased . before the recent advance in prire, ivill be sold at rates below the 'PRESENT MARKET VALUE CLOTHS; CASSIMERES, • VESTINGS, A general assortment of-Spring and - Summer goods for Coats, "Pante and Vests. ALSO, A . Lot: of. .7104 : made clothing, which were bought before the "advance" and vrluchiwill be sold at less than present Whole sale•prices: -- China, GlaSs and Queenswar • • Looking Glasses, Carpeting, Boots and' Shoes, Window Stia..tes, Window and Wall Papers. GROOL'RrEs. - - - . Chofee White and Eirown•Suga-s, al :1 Rio Coffee, 'Green and• Black'Tes, extra Siwar-eured ;Heins,- Ground Alum Salt, Mackerel in z, and eighth barrels„lo barrels New Herring. • ;., LIQUORS. He also continues to keep on hand a lazge supply of superior Wines, Brandies, Gins, Schnidann Schnapps, Drake?s Plantation Bit ters, and, a superior •article of Old Rye, all of which will be sold at the lowest market ratm Marietta. April 4, 1863. WINES & LIQUOAS. H. D. I3ENJAMIN, DEALER IN WINES 8c LIQUORS, Picot. Buildhig, Marietta, Pa. DEGS leave to inform the public that he will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi ness, in .all Its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 4.c., B'E.NlAmiws Justly Celebrated'Rose ALWAYS ON . RANO, , A very surerior OLD" RYE 'TVITtS2.7CE7 'ust received, which is warranted pare. 11:3 All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful eizaminctien of his stock and pri ces, which will, he,is confident, result in Ho tel keepers, and otherd finding it to their ad vantage to make their'pnrchasei from 1 im r OBACCO AND SEGARS - AT THE OLD PRICES. Ilelf'Sprsisli Havana at 3, Qand 5 cents, Smoking Tobaces of the best brands, Lynchburg, liillickni:k, - May Plower, Bose Bud, &c., &c. We invite the lover of a good Segar to call ax d examine our stock, for it is unquestionably the best ever offered in= Marietta. We have the best HAVANA AND YARA SEGARS the Baltimore market affords, and we are de termined to give this branch of our business particular attention. .. .CALF AT WOLFE'S AND SEE. Marietta, March 28, 1863-limos• M ISHLER'S BITTERS An agency for the sale of Jllishler's Celebrated Herb Bitters, ha. been established at WOLFE'S VARIETY STORE, where one bottle, ,or one bandied'. bottles can be had. This medicine has cured when all others have failed: , Look at the cards in the Lancaster Express, of John Gilman, A. Fairer's- wirz, • John W. Colvin Jack, - Levi E. Rife, - Henry Cramer, E. F. -Benedict, John Weidman, John Hines, 'Mortise Wallis, Jay Cadwell, Jr. T McCully, John Lemon, kbsolem Fairer, and a host' of othe27. : 141arietta, March . 2.8, 1863-*. MARIETTA MARBLE YARD; Michael Gable, Agt., NAME 'MASON AND STONE CUTTER. • Opposite the Mien. Hall Park, • Marietta, Pa. THE Marble business in all its branches, will be continued at the old place, near the TOwn Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys Tavern, where every description .of marble work will be kept on hand or made to order at short notice and at very reasonable prices. Marietta, June 29, 1861. . 49-ly C HEAP LAMPS. A FREEII-1 SUPPLY or Coal Oil Lamps ,and Lantans evei patern, suitable for the Parlor, the kitchen and the Chamber ; Hanging and Side Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Oliices. Having purchased them from the manufaclu-' rem in large quantities at the lowest cash rates, we can sell"them much wider the usual retail prices, although every other description of goods are advancing. PATTERSON 4. CO. IL L. Sr. E. J. ZALIII ESPECTFULLY inform their jktfriezids and the public that they stillccintinue the WATCH, CLOCK ,a. aNn JEWELRY business at the old stand, North-west Corner of North Queen street and Center' Squire; LancOster,Ps. A full assortment of goods in our line of bust mess always en hand and for sale at the lowest mitt - rates. Repairing attended to per sonally by the proprietors. ITI,HE American Watches are among the beat. I timekeepers now in usc, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world. H. L. ar E. J.; ZA TIM Corner of North Queeu-st., and Centre : Square, Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale-at the eery lowest rates—every, watch accompanied with the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen uineness. TILATED WARE: :A Large and fine stock jr of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZABM's. Corner of North Queen street& ,Center Square - Lancaster, Pa. Tea, Setts, in variety; Coffee Urns. Pitcheis, • Goblets, Satt •Siands,Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Qasters,&c. - ;&c., at manufacturers prices. RE:PLATING attended to at moderate rates. UTTA PERCH/A - BLACKlNG—without kji brushing: For Boots, Shoes, Harness, ' •Carriages, and' Military Leather Work. It givestheleather'a polish like patent-leather makes it water proof, does not stain the whit • 'eetlartiele dreiss'and , need natbe applied ot tener,thari.ityo,or throe times ,a month. . For kele•st-qr:Ltiniiiii' , Dre4 , pfore. • " 13 , 3 E .'zts:•.\7 7 EJ. ere o Druggists 4- Pharrnacittists, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, FA., Opposite. Diffinbach's Store. 1 :1 AYE just received a new and fresh stock 0411)icals, Dye `Stuffs aria.. Perfumery, 6-c. : Also, a large and fancy lot of Coal Oil Lamps, . Shades, Globes, Burners, &c., Inks, Pens, 'Paper . and Envelopes, Fresh Seidlitz, Powders, Citrate of Iflamesia, Cologne, Hair Oils and Per , futnery, .Pomades, Sago, .Tapioca, Bermuda Arrow-Root,. PURE. Ground Spices, Allspice, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace, Pocket Books, Combs," Brushes, Soaps, Gum Rattles,. Balls and Rings, Basin's . Shaving Cream, Burtiett , s Cocoaine, and Kat, Baton,, Flavoring Extracts of Lemon. Va, pale, pine Apple, Strawberry,. Rose and Almond, Infant Powder, Puir and Powder Boxes, Balm of a , . Thousand Flowers, Gar- den Seeds.of the best . Auality and va . • rieties. .113'" 'Flower Seeds consisting of some of the finest varieties. • Cattle Powders it.nd Liniments. All the celebrated Family Medicines, p.at stantly on hand. . Prescriptions and.Fanaily Poceipts carefully compound Ed. [Apl 18,4863. C. S. RATHVON, I.l,:irehant ie. nor, .And Clothier, At F. J. Kromph's Old Stow!, on the Cm ner of North Queen, frill Orangg Streets, Lancaster,-Penn'a. R ATEV [IL to the Citizens of Marietta lOC and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretiyfore extender, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them ' that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIHERES A 14 u V.ESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the markat furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, astaste or style may , suggest. ALS O , — BEADV-MADE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articlei as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. A LEXANDER LYN DSAY, ' • Fasit ionaide Boot and Shoe 'lllanyfacturer, M A.RK ET STREET, MARIETTA. ' -PENN. Would -most respecttully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of-City made work,in his line.of business in, this Borough, and, he ing a pract!cal BOOT AND SIIOMAKER ens,blen to select with more judgment than then who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he mill warrant for neatness and good fit. •. D Call and examine his stock before Fur chasint.r, elsewhere. G EO: WORRALL, - • -SURGEON DENTIST, -Haring removed to the Rooms formerly occupied . by Dr. Szventzel, adjoining Spongier 4. Pat terson's Store, Market Street, where he is now J t* - 7 , 47.-; prepared to wait on air who may feel Or. 44 disposed to patronize him. Dentistry in all its branches car tied on. TEETH inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. All operations -on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON . NERY REASMAJILE TERMS . Having determined upon a permanent ioea tion'at- this place,-would, sk continuation of the liberal. patronage heretofore extended to him, for which he will render every possi ble satisfaction. - r - Ether administered to proper persons. C . . P READY-MALE PLOrHING!! 11.1,.:A. 11 eying just ieturned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Iteady-made.Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; baying laid in a general assort ment of men and. boys' clothing, which he is deterxr ined to sell Low, For. CASH. His stock consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, 'ROCK AND SACK COATS, .PA NTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDROUTS, (knit) OVERHA ILS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SKIRTS, HOISERT, UNDERSHIRTS, .GLOY ES, SUSPENDERS, &O. EyerythinOn the Purnishing , Goods line. , Call and examine be fore purchasing elsewheie. Everything sold at prices to. suit-the times. JOHN BELL. Corner of Elbow ;Lane and Atarkat'Sl next door to- Cusses Store TAR. W. H. •BEANE,haVing purchased Dr. West's interest in the West St Roth Drug business, an I having located in the. lion - igh of Mariett- for the,pructice of his profession, would , 4 ipectfully oiler his professional Servi ces to. die To TRE. CITIZENS or. MARIETTA : I.taka great pleasure in recommending Dr. Wm. H. BEARE as a Phytiician in whom I have every confidence, believing that . he witl give satis faction to all who may . employ him. . H. %VEST, M.. D. Marietta, November 8, 1862. DA. WM. D. FAHNESTOCK, OFFICE:--MAIN-ST., NEARLY OPPOSITE Spangler & Patterson's Store, ------..,,,................--., FROM 7 To 8 A. M. OFFICE HOURS: - " '', 1 To 2. . " 6To7_P. M. • DR. J. Z. H OFF_ER, DENTIST, OF o';' i iiEt'Y'ki m g ß u E ß.G O ETt:Y GE LATE OF HARRISBURG. FFICE:—Front street, nest door to R. 1j Williams , , Drug Store, between Locust and Walnut streets, Columbia. T C. FAIINESTOCii .asairablib 50-Bazuff RESPECTFULLY offers his prolessional Services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity, assuring them that all operations in trusted to his care, either in Operative or Me-. anicalpentistry, will be executed in a tho roughly scientific, manner. OFFICE: - On Main street, ape doors west of the Post Use. Ready-Made Clothing.. J. R. HIPPENBACH having laid in a very aeryiceable stock of strong and well-made WINTER CLOTHING, • such as Coats, Pants and Vests, which will be sold at a lower figure than can be bought ay.y where else. Come and hear the prices. PECTACLES to suit all who S 0304531 'can be be aided wall glasses,_ can be bought 'at H. L. .T..Z S, Cor ner of North queen -at., and. Center Square, Lancaster.. New glasses refitted in ,old frames, at short notice. [v6-ly • . D RINE G R.O C E R'l ES:---Rio - ,,T,ava and Laguira Coffee 'Cr relied, PulverLied and Brown Sugar; Superior Green and Sleek Tea, Rice, Cheese and Spices; . Syrup and prime ba; kingMolassenL Excellent Pearl Barley at J. *.R. DEFFEIVBACIP.S. (`CHAMPAGNE, and other Table Winesi ' guarranteed to be pure, and sold usloiv ss can be bought in ,Philadelphia, IsTeNe-York. ' . D. BENJAMIN PkOt • 110141,,XDPSng a .c.elebrate4:011c,..,1., it: D.' I? giii4lligkrt .1 1 , *: 4`..f.4,•••• . T HE .SOLLDLEIITRIJEM. FRIEND ALWATS. READY. - Long MAYA HOLLOWAY'S El% T.— es, sore and stiff joints, blistered' and inflamed feet, all these the Soldiers must endure, Morn EFS, Brainstorm Tim, when , ypuranns. are grasping" their muskets to "meet danger,. think what relief a single pot of this A HEAL/No & cooplim ' Salve will give to the one you love when . far away from herne and friends. It hardens and makes Mugh the - feet - . so that they can' endure great fatigue.' It and relieves thelnthimed and stiffened . joints, leaving them'siipple,'stiong and vigor.;; ous, while for SABRE `Ctiis . iiii ^ d - GUNSHOT : WOUNDS it sttuids unequal/eVreareving raid preventing every vestige of intlatriatiiin and gently drawing the edges tugether, it yuickty and Completely heals the most frightful wound. WITES AND SISTERS or Oen VOLIINTEERS . You cannot put into the Knapsacks of • your husbands and brothers,' a mere valuable °more . necessary. gift than a supply of this Exteaordinary Military Salve. The lonely sentry walking his rounds at i night, exposed to drenching rains and chillbd night air, is often seized with most VIOLENT PAINS, Cough, and suffocating Hoarseness; first symptoms of quick 'consumption, but if supplied with Holloway"s Pills and. Hollo way's Ointment, all danger is averted, a few Pills:taken night and morning, and Abe Ointl ment well rubbed twice a day over the throat and chest will remove the seveteal. pains and atop the most distressing. or dangerous cough: Therefore we say to the whole , Arniy SOLDIERS ATTENTION! See to your own health, do not trust to the Army supplies, although most These Pills and Ointment have been thorough= ly tested,lhey are the only remedies .used the European Camps and Barracks, for over forty years Doctor Holloway hai_ supplied all the Arrnies in Europe,.and during tbe Crimean Campaign he established a depot at Balaclava, for the exclusive sale of these. G , gat iiemedigs. minyit time 'his special Agent. there haat-sold over a ton in weight of the thrtment in a sin gle day. These terrible and fatal enemies of SOLDIER IN. CAMP; Disrhea, Dysentery, Scurry, Sores and &rear lons Eruptions, all disappear like a charm be fore these Pills and Ointment, and now while the. cry rings throughout the land, t; TO ARMS !-TO .ARMS Do notlet these brave men perish by 4isease, place in their hands theee Precious Reined' ttS Ihat will enable them to resist 'the dangerous exposures, the Fevers, the. Chills, and the wounds which they cannot avoid; and.what ii more, cannot frequently - get succour in the moment of need, whereas ii our. brave men have only to put their hands into their 'Crisp; sacks and find there a sure remedy for rill the casualties of the battle field. How many thousands of lives would thus be - sated who would otherwise perish before relief could' 'ha obtained. IM PORTA-NT CAUTION!—None , are genuine unless the words' "Holloway, Nw York and London," are disernible as a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each- pot.and 'box.; the same. may : be 'plaihb Seemby holdtng-the leaf to the light. A hand some reward will be given to any one render ing such information as may:leau -to the de tection of any party or parties Counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to he spurious. - • -A *.*Sold at the - ganufactery of Professor HoLtow.alr, SO Maide'nl„,ane, Nciv' York, and by , all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Idedicine, throughout the ciVitiled world, fit boxes at 26 cents, 62 cents, and $1 each. N:11. 7 --Direct ion s for the guidance of patients th every disorder are affixed to each box. Kr,There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. rDec.2o-ly l(p• Dealers in my well known medicines can. have Suow.CARDS,TIRCULARS, &C., sent them, rnr.r. or E X PENSE, by addressing DIMAS HOLLOWAY) SO Maiden Lane, New-York. SPRING anal ,Su'rYlraer fiIED 4111310 11310- MIN II 'VIET E have just opened a full assortment of GOODS, adapted to the present and approaching sea son, which we are selling at a small advatret. OUR LINE OF FABRICS FOR tiATMES WEAR 4‘' CANNOT BE SURPASSED, it eriibraces everything NEW, BEAUTIFUL AND RESIRAI#LZ ALSO, a well selected assortineht of' keitit medium: and tight Old fis, eqSaleisfis ana liesf ipas, tor tall soits tslaptod to men and youth's weir. A large stock of 4osiery and .Gloves at OLD' PRIVE& CHEAP DOMESTICS, Muslin..., Tickings, Osn.,..burgs, Checks, Gingtis Ste., &c., at least 20 per cent under the present city rates. • CARPETS AND WALL PAPERS. Ingrain and Rag Carpets ; 4000 pieces assorted Wall Paper WINDOW 'BLINDS; Bair Holland, Green Oil (lah, Transiiiirini (of ail shades): and Paper Blindi. CARPET CHAIN. Colored and Grey Linen, Cotton and Woollev Carpet Chain. QUEENSWARE; Full :Dinner and Tea Setts of thd best makers of Ironstone. GROCERIES. Sugars3yrups, Fish, Salt, &e., at last lfeceta- ber prices. An early 41 issoliCited. • SPANGi.EIt Rz:PATTERSON, No. 66:MAMIE'S-ST. Marietta, April IS, 1863. ENVELRY:=A large and Siolcted atock: of fine jewelry of the latest ptittirns from ths., beat factories in the country can be found at H. L. tr. E. J. ZAHM?S, . Cor. Nirith'Queen at. ar i a Centre. &mare, Lan caster, Pa. Our priers ale riodsrate Md all goods Warranted to be as represented. 'A SUPERIOR COON: STtIVE", Very plain styie, each one warranted to perform t o the entiresatiifictiOn of the porno ser. P.arrthsox gr. Co. IkTEI:NT CROP. New. Orleans Molasses. 11 This is the only kind of Molasses that ie fo od for Cake Baking'. J ustreceived at SPANGLER & PATTERSON. TILE Largest and, best assortment of Tame, Cloth & Cassimerea ahilyesting i.ver °rare& in this market and will be sold at prices ichitir defy competition by 1 R. DiffeAbath. ICK:IRY & Oak Wood, 50 Cords eatit .Hickory and Oak WOod. Orders wirsi be accompanied with the caSh..ribeitherwii4 be promptly filler. ,pangler Plittk.rsom. LANDLORDS.!O Jiist feceitti, Seotcl , I - and Irish TV warran pure, at. EL D.• Beitjarniti&s. ORDERS for If OAR WOOD will bi naive& at-the neap store of DIFFENBACYL -D JL) II6°II3 H s--- . gli D. ar ß ri Z ted genuine. _ a?n C°N'STAVIiLt (lbhand. Monongahelskrec, rifled , whiskey.• BeniamOs. cytin SACKS o fr SAtTT AVV -- Diasbilogek • - 1 , 4141.14 ifibt -4" =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers