BAKER, Editor and Proprietor_ VOL. NINE. ttrziLISEEED WEEKLY AT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, E=l QFF'ICE on Front Street, a few doors east of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas ter County, Pennsylvania. TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in ad vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within sik.months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged. No subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discon tinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to noti fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. ADVERTISING RATES ' One square (12 lines,,or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col umn s, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE; but for any additional lines, five cents aline. A liberal deduction made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. Jon PRINTING of every description neatly and expeditiously executed, and at prices to suit the times. lC The following beautiful, sweet and sim ple lines, will make their way directly and to the heart of a reader: I REMEMBER, I REMEMBER. I remember, kremember The house where I was born, The little window where the sun Came peeping in at morn ; lie never came a wink too soon, Nor brought too long a day, But now, I often Wish that night kled borne my breath away ! I remember, I remember, The roses, red and white, The violets and the lilly cups, Those Rowers made of light ! The blacks where the robin built, And where my brother set, The libernum on his birth-day, - The trees living yet! I remember, I remember, " Where I.used to swing, And thought the air must rush as freshly To swallows on the wing ; My spirit flew in feathers then That is so heavy now, And summer pools could hardly cool The fever on my brow ! nemernber, I remember, The fir trees dark and high; I used to think their slender tops Were close against the sky ; It was a chidish ignorance, But now 'tis little joy To know I'm further off from heav'n Than when I was a boy ! TRIFLES. 0,•• • ~,,, ••• how is it o'er the strongest mind, That trifles hold such sway? A word—nay, e'en a look unkind, May darken all Ws day. Oh, in this world of daily care, The thousands that have erred, Can any'hardship better bear, Than they can bear a word. The man who with heroic heart Can stem misfortune meet, U ollinchingly perform his part, And struggle 'gaunt defeat, With faith unaltered—yet can lose His temper, e'en fin ought Which fulls not as his will would choose, Or proves not what he sought. And woman can forgive a wrong Which casts her ou the world, Far Letter than forgive the tongue That may some sneer have hurled; A thousand times parer a lot As hard ae want deplores, Than feel or think herself forgot Ity one her heart adores. Alas, the human mould's at fault, And still by turns it claims A nobleness that can exalt, A littleness that shameS. Of strength and werikness still combined, Compounded of the mean and grand; And trifles thus will shake the mind That would a tempest stand. (ire me that siml-sutilirior power, That conquest over fate, Which sways the weakness of the hour, Rules little things as great; That lulls the human waves of strife. With words and feelings kind, And makes the trials of our life The triumphs of our mind. UNFADING BEAUTY. Ile that love a rosy check, Or a coral lip admires, or from star-like eyes doth seek Fuel to maintain his tires ; As old Times makes these decay, So his flames must waste away: But a smooth and steadfast mind, Gentle thougths and calm desires, Hearts with equal love combin'd, Kindle never dying fires ; Where these are not ; I dispise Lovely cheeks, or lips or eyes. An exchange paper gives the following ellusion of some inspired poet: I kissed the tiny hand I held, pressed the fairy form, 1 vowed I'd shield her from the blast, And from the world's cold storm She raised her melting eyes to mine, They were filled with drops of wo, With quivering lip she said, "Now, darn ye, let we go !" fn alubtpukut Verutvitmuia afaurnal getrat6 to ratifies, Siferatute, Agriculture, Ran al ftz Pap', `Natal alai - enigma, -gt. THE HYPOCRITICAL HUSBANDAT HOME. "Why the devil isn't my breakfast ready 7" This is the gentlemen's first "saluta tion to the morn,"Aeliveredina tone of voice admirably expressive of having arised from his couch with a determina tion of being in a particular ill humor for the rest of the day, or, as the saying is, "got out of your bed wrong end fore most." "But, my dear, it is not late 7" "Not too late? not too late I.:Suppose choose to have breakfast a trifle earlier than usual, when .I< am half starved.— But people are so infernally lazy in this hone—Ah I here it comes at last ! The old story—muddy coffee. It is strange that,l can never be allowed a drop of chocolate of which .I am so passionately fond." "Well, my dear, -why .do you .never mention it beforehand." "Why do you never ask me if I should prefer it 1" • "You generally take coffee'—even when we have chocolate on the table." "Ind what of that 1 The very reason why I should prefer now and then choc olate for a change. At any rate it would not give you a great deal of troub le once in a while. Who made that fire ? Or rather who was idiotic enough to imagine that pile of green logs could ever be converted into a blaze—Pll be d—d if the people in this house know enough to make a fire. Pray can you inform me what this dark colored mess is supposed to represent ?" "Thatis brown bread toast." "I thought - so !by heavens this was put upon the table, expressly to enrage me—you know I hate the cursed stuff. I heard some one ring this morning— who was it ?" "why that young man, that—what's his name—who has been to see you twice before you know—l told him you bad gone out—you say he's such a bore. I know you wouldn't like be bothered with him at breakfast time." The married man throws himself back in his chair and smites the unoffending table with his fist; to the evident aston ishment of the cups and simmers. "And who the devil authorized you to deny me to my friends ? You are al ways making some cursed blunder. I made a particular appointment with that young man to see him this morning. And you have told him I was not at home ! It seems to be your soul-study to see what you can do to put, me in a passion." And in his rage, he unconsciously brings one elbow in contact with his coffee cup—which consequently Rising its equilibrium, the contents are duly de livered upon his brocade dressing gown. "There by--d ! Now I hope you're satisfied—you have been the means of ruining my mourning gown, which cost me twelve dollars day before yesterday ! "I'm sure I didn't request you to up set your coffee." "But you put me in a passion." "I put you in a passion ! You have been cross as a bear ever since you got up." "Take care 1 Don't impose too much upon my good nature." "You're a brute, for all you're so mighty loving before folks." "Will you hold your tongue ?" "Every body thinks you're a pattern of a husband, and that I am the hap piest wife in the world. Oh !if they knew how you abuse me whenme are by ourselves." "Will you bold your tongue?" (with s. grinding accompanied of the teeth.) "And yet, before company, I must pretend to be mightily pleased when you kiss me, Pooh ?" "If you don't hqld your tongue this instant I'll throw this cup at your head !" "You dare not I you dare not, you vile monster !" "Ah ! I'm a monster' am I a---Whizl and a cup is launched at her head with the very best intentions, which hOwever are frustrated py the, lady's stooping, with a celerity which could only have been acquired by the most frequent and deserving practice. She escape's the missile, but alas ! not the brutal blow which speedily follows it from the hard hand of a Hypocritical Husband, who doubtless considers it his duty to punish her for his having broken a coffee cup and damaged a dressing gown. Hark ! the door belt rung, and now the poor wife vainly endeavors to sup press her tears and sobs. The servant announces a visitor. The Hypocritical Husband approaches her with a threaten ing air, says— "You're, not surely going to blubber before company ! Dry your eyes quick- 1 - ,11 - I;iritt - 4;vrt+. MARIETTA, PA., SATITRDAY , ,, !;. M8E11,13, 1862. ly, or else, by heavens, as soon "as the are gone, I'll resume my remarks whe I left off." The visitor is ushered in.—The : y pocritical Husband immediately assumes a cheerful amiable expression, and pass es the usual compliments in tones of singularly sweet and gentle modulations. The visitor (a lady) remarking the ap pearance of the agitated wife exclaims : "Bless me? how pale yoa look ? how red your eyes are I Have you been un well !" Ba our gentleman will not trust to his wife to reply, and hastons to explain with— "Oh ! nothing is the matter ! She sat up very late last night reading—rnin ous to the eyes you know. I often tell her t 'My dear, you abuse your eyesight reading small print by candle light,' but she won't listen to me ; and you see the consequence, the next inorning she's pale as a ghost, and her eyes look ex actly as if she'd been crying.—But she won't do so again will you love? She promised to be a good little girl; hav en't yon darling ?" SO saying, the affectionate creature presses her fondly. THE MOURNER RA-MODE. I saw her last night at a party, (The elegent'party at Mead's), And looking remarkably hearty For a widow so young in her weeds ; Yet I knew she was suffering sorrow Too deep for the tongue to express, • Or why had she chosen to borrow So much from the language ofdrcas Her shawl was as sable as night; Her gloves were dark as her shawl I, And her jewels that flashed in the light Were black atia funeral:pall ; Her robe had the hue of the'rek, (How nicely it fitted her shape !) And the grief that was heaving her breast Boiled over in billows of crape I What tears of vicarious woe, That else might have sullied her face, Were kindly permitted to flow In ripples of ebony lace I While even her fan, in•itslplay, Had quite a lugubrious scope, And seemed to be waiving away The ghost of the angel.of Hope t Yet rich as the robes of a queen, Was the soinbre.apparel. she, wore ; Pm. certain I never had seen Such,a sumptuous sorrow before ; And I couldn't help thinking the beauty, In mourning the loved and the lost, Was doing her conjugal duty Altogether regardless of cost. One surely would say a devotion Performed at so vast an expense, • Betrayed an excess of emotion That was really something immense ; And 3 et as I viewed, at my leisure, Those tokeis of tender regard, I thought: It is scarce without measure, The sorrow that goes by the yard Ah ! grief is a curious passion ; And'your's--I am sorely afraid, The very next phase of the fashion Willfind it beginning to fade ; Though dark are the, shadows of grief, The morning will follow the night. Half tints will betoken , relief, Till joy shall be symboled in white ! Ah ! well—it were idle to quarrel With Fashion, or aught she may do; And so I conclude with a moral And metaphor—warranted new— When measles come handsomely out, The patient is safest, they say ; And the sorrow is mildest, no doubt, That works in a similarway I WINTER. The year is hastening to its close And icy fetters hind the ground; The march of time will soon disclose That earth's revolved her circuit round The snow- flakes thickly mantle earth, The *int'ry blasts their force unite, Nature assumes a perfect dearth, And cheering sun-beams loose their might No more is heard the warbling notes Of birds that flitted through the air One glance around this thought promotes That we the winter's gloom must share Notir is the, time for dazzling belles To glide majestic in the dance; And some admiring beau now tells The pleasures _which these scenes embrace The tinkling sleigh-bells new are heard As they pass by at even-tide, And happy times are now enjoyed Be lovers of this sportive ride. The poet's muse is filled_with fire, Resplendent glows his fruitful mind ; He clothes his song in rich attire, ..knd all his verses are refined. Thus winter has its charms for some ; Nor should our better feelings rest Till all;VhO are b3' want O'ercome; Receive a share from those thus blest! [From the New York • Mercury.] THE SOLDIER'S DREAM. The sun had sunk below the lurid horizon ; the radiance of the dying day had'ilisplayed,its . dolphin colors. in the west; the watery skin:l s mer of the new moon was seen _dimly, through the smoky haze that floated over.the field of deadly strife; the camp Ares ware lit, and cast a glare on the moving forms of worn-out soldiers—on , the begrimed and blood stained faces' of wearied men—on the trees despoiled of their waving branches by the irresiatable round shot, or stripped bare of leaves and twigs by the explosion of volcano-like shell. Nature mourned, for the fallen or mu tilated children of the forest, for the fruitful field whose waving- corn was trodden into the dust, for the velvet sward charred and blasted ; but drinking the, blood of men, which had fallen to the ground like rain in spring, hopefully Waited the time when the sanguineous flood, more enriching than the fertilizing overflowings of the Nile, would make the blasted field thrice blessed, and the barren desert to blossom in unwonted luxuriance. So the cool night-wind rustled through the trees that bowed their broken forms in acquiescence, fanned the fevered brois and shattered limbs of the wound ed 'warriors, caused the flames to leap merrily from the fires, and shed a glow of heat and comfort to the chilled and disconsolate soldiers, who stood with outstretched hands before the grateful blaze. Distended muscles will,relax ; over taxed frames demand rest; high-strung courage, the danger over, will_becoine depressed. A soldier, brave as a lion in the com bat, true as steel to the principles that nerved his arm in 'the hour of danger, tremblingly held his weried hands over the dancing flames. The excitement of the contest was over ; the wounded had been gathered- tcithe hosisital ; the * dead had been buried.- A-few half-shed tears had attested the worth of a slain com rade, and borne witness that the viarri . or was still human. And now, haff-re clinfng against a tree, he looked wistful ly into the fire. Hisface was lit up by the red glare. A look of blank aimless nesi pervaded his countenance. The body and the mind alike rested. NOW a deep sigh escapes him—active con sciousness is returning. He casts a look of hasty survey around him, shrugs, his shoulders as the scene of devastation is sensed, and relapses into a waking dream. Sinking to a sitting posture at the foot of the tree, his eyes bent earnestly on the glowing centre of the fire, his thoughts wander to the home he has left—to his loved wife—to the helpless babe who was but learning to recognize his voice and spread out its tiny hands in welcome as he sprang to embrace it —to the well-known haunts andTamiliar faces of friends and companions. Re sees many a scene depictefi in the glow ing ashes that'had been acted long ago. The quip, the joke, and the light-heart ed laugh sound in his ear, A smile . beams on his face. The blood thrills through his veins. The current of thought is turned. Joyous and strong once more, he is about to utter his thoughts aloud, and to start to his feet, when a groan from some wreck of hu manity fighting with death in the hospi z tal-teni, recalls the present to his min animist:ins& Ho stares wildly around, as if doubting his locality, and with a deep sigh, he wonders if he ever shall see- home again Languidly, he stretches out his limbs to 'the heat: He ponders what will . be the end of:all his.toilS. Why men suf fer, bleed, and die, apparently in vain.— Puzzled for answer, he ponders over the enigma; heaVy grow his eyelids, sientor eons his breathing; his horny palm sup ports his reclining temples. The sol dier sleeps, The unconscious body . twitches - and starts with nervous uneasiness, but the active mind, following the last dominant waking thought, pursues the inquiry, and demands : " Why `am I here ?" and "What will'my reward be ?" - Unsatisfactorily the subject is dis cussed. There appears to be no solu tion. Suddenly 'he 'dreams 'that the trumpet-sounds wake the echoes of the night—the rolling drum reverberates in the vale. The elarm-shots of the ad vanced post proclaim the enemy near. The soldier starts , to his feet. He obeys the order to fall into ranks. Mounted officers ride back and forth in mad haste. The heavy rumblb- of thci lery -sounds like the forerunner of an earthquake. The hissing signal-rocket Established April 11, lE3s'4_ pierces the atmosphere, as if it were a fiery fiend escaped from the burning pit to make war on high heaven. " For ward, march 1" rings out clear above the hubbub. With a loud cheer, the batal ion moves machine-like in - its tread.— Now the dogs of war begin to bay.— Screaming rifle-ball and swashing shell rush on their mission of death and de straction. A= masked battery thins the ranks of the . batallion. The dead lie in heaps in the harvest-field of battle. Up to the cannon's mouth they rush. Hur rah 1 the battery is won. The 'guns are spiked. The retreat is commenced.— Ab, a flash I a shriek ! The soldier dreams that he falls. The life blood gushes from' his month: The death damp is on his brow. The spirit has lost its dominion over the body. In the hollow made by the exploding shell lies the corpse of the soldier. The burial -patties see it not. Th'e rank weeds hide the remains from the gaze of the casual passer-by. The* spirit, loth to leave its earthly tenement, hovers over it, and strives to guard it from the invisible vulture, Corruption. Alas, in vain ! The next midday sun lights the approach of the gnawing worm. The warm wind blows on the cheek of the corpse with putrid breath. The night dews tot the iron muscle. The autumn rain pelts pitilessly on the peeling skin. Creeping things of the forest riot on the flesh ; birds of prey fight over the well molded features. A few rising and set ting suns, a waning moon, and the wild beastsgnaw the bones of the warrior. The spirit sees the bones scattered by the foul feeders of the wilderness. Only the skull is left The•dome of the tem ple of life is stripped of all ornament— eyeless sockets, tongueless mouth, brain less cavity, attest its desolation. Yet still the soul quivers near it in affectipn ate remembrance. Still there is enough: of ea7th left to attract the spirit born of heaven. Througli the pale moonlight, through the dristcy night, through mists and fo'gs, through storm and sunshine, in summer's heat and winter's cold, flickers the in visible welcher. Revolving suns pro claim day and night--moons wax and wane. Retufning and departineseasons proclaim the lapse of years. Still the anxious sentinel keeps its post. . The clash of arms has long since ceased to resound in the valley. The pestilence bred of corruption has become extinct, for want of food. The silence of noonday has been seldom broken by the sounds of human voices. The val ley, has become a wilderness, tbrougli which the lonely traveler hiirries with awe, imploring the protection of the heavenly guardians. The abomination of desolation is made perfect. But from the ashes of Corruption springs tho,phoenix Prosperity. The trodden soil' enriched with the bones of men, watered with the rains of heaven, warmed by the godlike sun, slowly renews its prolific powers. Grass grows where the fierce wind drove about the dust a:nd'sand in clouds.. Wild flow ers of variegated hue . shed their Sweet fragrance where rose the'vapor of ac• casing blood shed by a brother's hand. The light:foOted deer crop the sweet verdure. Then comes the cheery voice of the hunter—the honest bark of man's truest friend among brutes. Soon the distant sound of the workman's axe is hee,rd. A. cottage• peeps from among the trees. Ascending smoke—the in- cense of universal humanity—seeks- its way from earth to heaven.. The,jocund laugh rings out in the still air. The sound of the cow-bell iv borne by the. gentle breeze'. 'Morning ' biings the shrill, glad voices Of happy children.-- Eve-ning lists to the song: of praise` ad dressed to it-bountiful Creator.--- The abomination of desolation is re moved. The watching ppirit begins to see the end and purport of the life-reiPsion., The low of cittle, the' blealing of sheep, the, cries of tame biids, form a happy medley in the valley. Hoes ,. eared corn, nodding wheat, and bearded barley glisten with golderptints in the . sun. The birds of the air`join in the joyful chorus of the cliildren` of the earth. The plow and the. sickle hare resumed their reign. Suddenly, a thrill,l of joy fla'sleh on the lonely spirit: The skull—the last tie binding it to the ma-, terial—has been lifted from the greund by the soft hands of a child. "Mother, what is . this ?" is the eager question. "The skull of a man. The hood of one who was once living, like. you." "Like me! Mother, it has no eyes, nor mouth, nor body, nor limbs.. Where therore NO. 20. "All turned to dust—what we are all made of." "Then how is this not turned to dust oo?" "Through time it will." "But how came the man here ? Why did they not put it deep down in the ground, as theyput my poor grandpa 2" "Most likely he was a soldlef, who was killed in one of the battles gr,andpa used to tell you about, and there was no one to bury him." "Poor soldier ! • What Inkida them fight ?" "Bad men tried to mist the country that they - might do what . they pleased. They wanted to treat black men work ing for them like cattle ; and they want ed make poor white men do whatever they told them to, whether they liked it or no." "Were they once so cruel here ?" "Yes ; before our country was in its glory—the joy and hope of the world— there were many dark deeds done by evil-minded men." "Bat why did they not put the bad men in some place where they could not hurt nobody but, themselves ?" "Evil had its allotted time in our hap py country 'as in all others. And . it seemed to our fathers that the bad would finally triumph and the good al ways suffer. But ttt last the fruits of evil, which is ruin, became the portion of the wicked, and then the good pros pered, the nation became happy, and the victims fled to other lands, to hide their heads in shame and oblivion for the rest of their days, and to die miserably." "And to drive the bad men away they had to fight ?" "Yes. Had they not fought we would have been at mercy of the rich men of the State. Long ago there were few schools . that the children of the poor could go to. Many poor men could not read. Bad rich men "'told the people anything they liked, and they believed it so that the poor were in the power of the wealthy, and did as they said." "But I would not have done it." "But you would - known any better, nor your fajhor, nor I," "Then pa would have to do as Squire Bernet told him." ‘eYes ; and you would not be going to school next spring, and John would not have learned to read, nor M.ary to play•" "Then this poor :man fought against these bad men," said the child, looking wistfully at the skull. '"I hope so. Most likely he did. Be thankful, my child, that those horrid days are past. We can learn and speak what,..we like now. The lash of the oppressor and the sound of violence have left our happy land forever. Let us bury the skull." With broken branches of the under brush they managed to scrape a hole in the yielding soil, The young mother as she thinks of her own happy home and her fond husband, sighs over the re mains of one who died unconsoled and alone in the wilderness. A tear trickles down her cheek, and falls on the rem nant of human mortality. The skull is laid reverently in the little grave. A. ray of sunshine pierces through the leaves of the bushes, and sheds a-golden .glow on the bleached'bone. The watch ing spirit, though without power to ut ter words of thanks, so affects the hid den springs of feeling, that mother- and child feel the blessed consciousness of doing a good deed. The earth is filled in. Mother and child turn away. Their voices - become faint and fainter in the distance. The spirit's watch is ended. The blast of a trumpet resounds in the air. Louder and louder it grows.— Seal and body reunite. The soldier starts from his slumbers. The witch fires have ceased to burn. The sun shines in golden glory. Doubtingly, the &miner looks around. He sees that he is still clothed with the garment of mortality._ it is the reveille that he has heard. The deties of a soldier claim his attention `still. But, nerved by his dream, hopefully, and even joyfully, he obeys the summons. eir A jolly old doctor once said that people who were prompt in their pay ment always recovered in their silliness, as they were good customers, and the physicians -could not afford to lose them. An Irish pedagogue recently in formed his pupils that the feminine gen der should be applied to all ships and vessels afloat, excepting mail steamers and men-of-war. , tieb It is a papular,tt „ elusien that pow der on a lady's face has the same etLet as in the barrel of.a musket--assists her -to go off.
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