HELlutiout f COMPOUND FLU ID • . CATAWBA: PE . LS s. Component Parts--Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Jaiee. For Liver Voroplaint 4 , Jaundice, Billions affections. brick in Nervous Headache, IL:nativeness, etc.— Purely Vbgetable, , cm.taining no Mercury, Miner als or Deleterioualbruo.-, These Pills are the most delightfully pleasant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. There is netting more acceptable to the stom ach. They give t tie, and cause neither nausea nor griping pains. They are Composed of the finest ingredients. Alter a few days' use of them, such an Invigoration of the entire system takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising frontimprudence or disease. H. T. Belmbold's Compound Fluid Extract • Catawba Crape Pills are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar=coated Pills do notriissoive-,bat - Paskiirrouglr the stomach without dissolving; consequently do not produce the desired effect. Tne CATAWBA. CraVlng. Pius, being pleasant in taste and oder. do not neer,. sitate their being sugar-coated. 'PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX, Henry T. Helinbold'is- • staliGi opriOgfifßATiD COMPOUND: Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Will radically exterminate from the system Setolu ta, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Lrga,'Sore Mouth, Sure Head, Bronchitis, Skin Dis• eases ) Salt Rheum', CaidterA, Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancerous Affec— tions, Nodes, Rickets. Glandular Swellings,Night Sweats, Rash, 'Fetter, Humors of all KindsChron ia Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in the eyitem Pulsars: Being prepared expressly for the above complaints, its Blood-purifying pro} Orties ore greater than any other preparation of• Sarsaparilla lt gives the coat- - plexion a clear and healthy color and restores the patient to a state of Health and Purity. For puri fying the Blood, Mitiorinc all Chronic constitution al diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood, owl the only reliable and effectual known remedy 'for the cure of Pains and swelling of the Bones, Ul cerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face,.l3rysipelas, and all Sealy Eruptions of the Skin*, and beautifying, the eoropik lion. Price, $1,511 per I3'ottle. Z i g HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CoriCaNTh Wain fiIrIXTRATTAILTIIII7—' --THE - GRE - AM - DII/RETIU, tLgivatt, ltcitaiwn of the lAiltrand-1 iiitiatnmation or the Kidneys, Ulceratiim of the Kid nets and Bladder, Retention of Urine; liscasee of the Prostrate Glrnd, Stone in the Weider, eaten lus, Gravel, Brickclust Deposit, and notouror Milky • lischarges,and for Enfeebled and Pe!ieato Consti• -- tuti,nislor - hotlceexisi, attended with me following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, boss of Pow er, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,_ Weak Horror - of—Disirristeftrt-- - ii se, Di'mness of Vision, , Pain is the Back, Hot it ands, Flushing of the !Jody, Dryness of the skiir, Eruption on the Face. Panic' Countenance, Uni versal Lassitude of the Meseta-lir System, etc. Used by personsSroin the age of eighteen to twen ty-five, and from thirty-five to fifty-five or in the,de •cline or change of life ; alter ,conflusrnout or labor paws; but-wetting in children. Ileltnhold'A . Dstract iln;thu is Diuretic and Blood purilying. and.eutes all toilettes@ arising from habits of LlissipatjtOrtuttl Excesses and Imprudecce in Lae, impurities of the Blood, etc , Superseding Copaibs in AfT•ctions for which it it tint!, and ttyphilttic ff ctimes:=inAhese - iia?,ates used in eon: nettion With kebob id's Rose Wash. LADIES. • • to many effectians peculiar to ',robes, the Ex. tract Ductal is untwisted by any other nut-ay-11M iu 1:1/fraOSIS or I-locution, Irregularity, ratt.fulness ur suppres-ion of Custom try. Evacu ttions. 111cera. Ara or sehirrus state of the ljteres. Leueoribce t or Whites, Sterility. and for all compl outs inzident to the wie•thir arining from Indiscretion or habits Dis.ipati ,n. It is prescribed. .x te i,siyety by the most eminent Physiotans and Midwives for E.nfe,... bled and Vel.eate Constitutions, of both sores and all ages (attended with any of the above Diseases or Symptoms). 0 H. T. 1 . 41011301/D'S EXTRACT AUCIIU CURES I)IsEAsES ARISING FROM IMPRUDENCE, lIABITS OP DISSIPATION, Ere, in all their stages, at little exp.nse, little 07 no change in diet no ineinorenterree, and no exposure. It cau ses a trequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing' Obatruetions, Preventing' and Cu ling Strietuies of the Urethn, allaying Palo and In. tittnihation, so frequent in thi' t lass of diseases, and expel ing all Poisomia II matter. Use lixtutirn'a Lxra*ot Ituenn fir all. Airtc- bone and Ih.. flieli of the Urinary Orono, whether rxi•ting lit Male er remelt. from whatever eau.° miginaring, anti no matter at how long darkling, Price, $1 50 per ]3attle. Yr 11. T• lIELMBOLD's IMPROVSD ROE W ASH cannot be surpassed ite a Face Wnsh, and will he found the only• specitied remedy in every species of Cutaneous Affection. It speed i'y eradicates Pim ) les, Spots, Scorbutic Drynes-, liiderotions of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., di , pels fleiliiess and In cipient Inflammation, Hives, Bash, Moth Putches, Dryness of the• Scalp or Skin, Frost Him, and , alt rrurposes for which delves or Ointments are used ; -restores the • skin to a state of purity and statue's, and insures continued hedsby action to the tissue of is vessels, on which depends the agreeable clear .nose. and vivacity of complexi so much sought end admired. But however valuable as a remedy far existing defects of the "akin. :He lielmbold's •IRose Wash•has long sustained its prim iple., cleino to unbounded patronage, by possessing qualities which render it a Toilet Appendage of the most Su perlative and Congenial eharacter, combining in en elegant formula those Protitinent requisites, Safety and Efficacy—the invariable' accompaniaient of its :use '—ier a' Preservable 'Ada Refresher 'of -the 'Ciim'• It is an excellent 'Latin foi'•disessee of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of di sips-' lion, used in contieetion with but Extracts, Kuehn. Sataiparilla, and Catawba drape Pills, in such-dis eases as recommend, cannot, be surpassed. Price, ' . LOD per bottle „ • .. • • , :tsarina exArit directions accompany the rtied;;' • Evidence of ,the most responsible, and reliable haracter furnished co appliestioo o with hunilreds of Lowlands of living sitrosea,suiii tkpaiv .ails of 30,130 V natilicited certificates and recommendat2ry lettere. any of-ntliek. are titan A/aline:test seuri as, 'Melia: lug eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, tc • The p oprietor has sever resorted to their nub icationin the newspapers; bo,does not do tuis tt IA ha ltibriiis artiilea - rank as Standard ions, and do not need.biliirpropped up by eeriii— stew • - : •• tENRPT. HELMB 0 S GENITI.NE, TIONS, Delivered to any address. Secure from okoservs; tl. tigenty,•,yea6. sd,hi 151 ' iultglitts everywhere. A 414 1 .048 hAterif.r infiirms on, in-coadattiq tq 'HENR Y ''C ,11,11,511101.1.4 • igist inil'4•lt;usiiii. • Outy-Dapottu L T.,III II LIKHOLTVLDrtii..eitt, !lemma' Woeh9ufte. 51%, 594. lituatlw,tik New ark. or tb 14 T.. "140L14 /10111As•lilediiirDepot, 14. elmsth .Tenitt, &free ittglatiel ;I's ; • ; ,•• -RE WARE OF ,COV,LYTA;RFZI73. Ask , for F.lllltY ' l. 1fEr:1140, + , 4115'. rpg; q Omit. Mgreh 2, 1871; • EVERYBODY READ THIS AND REMEMBER THAT MILLER & • BEAVER liave receive 4 thejr )'all ulna Wieter Goads, nina are eidsi, keatbi 6)1)&1. great, tn.lpeemehts ti ii e!! veh 01# 11 f4 11 PkilrebnB,4 o #: 'Weft '" ' • ocataao aadaco we-Males end Gaeta coneiet et' at the late styles ; such , . . . Silks, Alpt,eas, Mohair, Meriatees, , Mepps,- Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Overcostings Velveteens, Cords, tatinetta, Jeans Tweeds, ct c. In 'the notion line they have Cuifs,.collars,. pins, ties, handkerchiefs, Hosiery, gloves, mitts, comforts, -switches F ehignopsycorset4,--suspendersOtW 4 w - ta - Pes, trimmings, and hadietrand Gents underwear. For Ladies' Wrappings they have Long, Square, Shoulder and Breakfast niaswls, Nubies, Hoods, etc. Their stock of GIitOCEIRIES, ]HARDWARE, Queenaware, Cedarware, Oil Cloths. Carpets, Ric., is large and was selected to suit the trade. All they ask is an inspection of their stock to be con vinced of the truth. No trouble to show goods. Fresh ButtetvLard, Eggs, nags, ei c taken in ex change for goods (now 10 PUBLIC SALE THE subscriber 'will sell at Public Sale at his resi fence, about 1 1-4 miles Northwest of Way resboro' and 14 of a mire from the Waynesboro' and Greermasiie turnpike, On Friday the 17th day of ,Marnh, 1871, the following penionel property, to wit ONE FRESH COW and Calf, l Heifer, or micyarss, among whicivis one bro,d sow with 10 rip; / set ttlackonith'Cogs, a lut of kon and.titsel, 1 grind stone; 3 - 11M11 1 Corn *huller, a lot Locust arid Gatatain POVI estnut hails„ a lot flak and Pine 7.000 =LAP S Lion rd it,-1- g a te4-vi neg a r - by - t he - bn rrel, -- alot - of grain` bags, meat vessel and Winches, Lags dinner bell, a lot tools, angers. saws, hammers. 'blasting tools, stone sledges, crowbar, digging inn., rail hokler,lad• der, As. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, scull as bediteads, bureau, safe, table, wont I'OX, applebutter by the crock, I half lot.ll - baskets and other articles not necessary to mem Cleft. 6alts to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when she Lewis wi.l be made known. DA MEL HOLSING ER. tab 22-3 q G. V. Mona, mot. PRIVATE SALE OF 1 1 114111BLE TOWN PROPERTY ! THE subscriber o ff ers his Valuable Homestead situated in IVaynemboa, containing 2 Acres of well Improved Land. - The improvements consist of a large two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, .newly fixed up and painted both in and outside; Good , Water supplied by hydron in the kitchen.-- Also a new two-story BRICK WASH AND RAKEZOUSE, containing two gond Dwelling Rooms and Bmnko House up stairs, all connected with the main Alwel ling house; also near by is a gew two-story Frame Work Shop, Woo.' and Coal Honee combined, to gether with other necetuary out.buildings. The yard and surroundings of the house are nisde pleasant and d, Nimble by convenient Brick Pavements. Nand walks and about two dozen Shade and Ornamental ; About 100 YOUNG FRUIT TREES, of all the'ehoieent v.ifirties This is one of the most desirable and finest lo cated Homesteads in this town or neighborhood be ing e•itunted on an levation unincurnhered by. other properties and affords a magnificent view over the town and ail the surrounding country. The soil is in a high etirte of cultivation and is of a nature that makes it /lion than ordinarily produe Live, and in both the titteat and dryest. seasons its situation being high and on the sun side is well cal culated for gardening, early and late, both for Fam ily and Marketing purposes. IN'"Good term" will be given. atilt& not cold be fore the Mb of March neat, it will be otl.•red at Public Sale on that day. feb P. GEISE3. _ XILCI.A6S9UMI, .A..1-arT73O The following record of ono day's accidents, all from the fame cause, viz: the us(' of inferior Coal lhh is taken from the Pailidellitna Ledger of a re• cent elate: "the alarm of fire, last evening, at 7 o'clock. was rtuhed by the burning of the dwealing, corner of 16% and Poplin resulting from the explosion of a coil oil lamp. - Mrs. Hersh, occupying the setontl story of the dwelling had reified to her apartment, a few momenta before the discovery of the lire I ht tottering her room, she was found lying on the flour, wrapped in Limes," "About 7 o'clock yesterday wining, a coal oil 127 y in the hands of Narah Alexander, who lives on Cowslip lot near 16th. Hhe was sever , ly burned '44largaret Colligan, residing in the rear of 618 South st., was but ued by the explosion of a coal oil lamp. Her husband. while attempting to cirtin, guieh the thaws ' was tilt* severely burned. 'two of the above named victims have since died of their injuries." = • All such fearful acciJents, , resaiting in death and the destruction of valuable property, may be avoid ed by using,"CARSON'S SI'EL LER OIL," which is known to tie **perfectly safe arid reliable illumi natot.-'ltisf+rseleby' •• • itmberson,'Benediet Ift.Co.iWayriesboro'; E. 4- inget;l4unicy. • y e b 2-1841. Assignees • - . lILTPTICE is herefy given,that Henry Oaks of LIR tVaibinetiitildwitship, has appointed the uri oere.isned assignees tinder a deed of belontaryas. inpatient:tor the.benefit of his creditors. A 4 per sons havmg,claims , „ot aimpt the *OO Henry' .9aks. will ' , resent them duly angina Limited for settlement, and those indebted will mitio piliment wrtbo,l4 de the,tindersigtied;: ,JOHN o.•AldtiEltBo:4' t"b , „ Aisignees. A dnionistrattore :11Totfc,e, ~ r. i~~ jO i I'JOE is hereby gijan shat Tatters of Admin. : l ' i atra verpsio the eststelof Jitob• Garbsugh Cato- of •WsibitOrters•townslaip, deed; ham been granted to the; nitdsisigned." • All persons knowing them eelres'indtbbi,a io siiist estate, will plesse make im mediate paymis a llj Ind", thesS baring c 1 sims *goblet the same, will pAewnt them I ssneny authenticsted f ur ia l de l eat. ' • H ONlfr EU HAVUH, • •Plldtdhs febl6 et ' .;.' 7 : dm' rtie iv 'cp. - Diflanis)4l6: 01111ING GLORY F 011469. Fersale at . W. A, TRITLE'R new Steveand Tin Pore Ile has on hand a lirge stock of the above stoves; o'l of the late ituFroveo kinds. - There is nailed to the Morning of this year an oven, which ie•neat in appearance. It is a- good "Joker. You can heat Irons Hake, Hull, Roast, Steyr, and it does not interfere with the operations as a Parlor Stove, In regard to the blast of some Stove Dealers, who say that their inrticular stove takes less coat and gives more heat than the Monthly glory, you can put that hind of talk down ns a Blow.well, ar the tilornine to iry has been gold (in tins part of the Country) ler four years, and in that time I have put out over three !toothed of them, and never had -40-take-ono-letek-te-ostrstrit - avauld - trorilw7its work- or it was not what I sold it for. Now that cannot -be -ed isthis mar 4-said-of-any ilther QtlVfl ever nfi:►e ,ket. ThPt is the - proof which is the - 1 i Tire o ier-styles-or-heating:moselol:kucoiti=or= - 0 - troil. - 71'ialing Furnaces put up , and. warranted --lely-Conk-Stovos - are - of - the - best - in - market for coal er wood, all warranted good Bikers. Also , a new i'arlor (look Stove, something that can't 'be excel!- ' ed. Call and see me. You will find my stork of Tin Sheet-iron and ,other wares of t&) best kinds, and at low rates.' On hand, the heat Clothes Wringer in market.— Also a goof - nrra — clWWWaTahinit Machfne. Roofing and Spouting done of the hest stock and at short notice. Jub work of all klnds in my line done at low rates. The only place in town where you can get your copper work,done, beit.g the only Copper smith in the place. net 11 W. A. TRETLE. HOUSE FElthirtin! 1. M. WII I T IWO It IE, Wholesale-and Retad 'Dealer, and Manultet mar cd HOUSE FURNPICURE, • : Amu UPHOLSTERER. GREENCIAsTLE, Ps., tskee•thie method of informing his customers and the public - that he has REDUCED THE PRICE OF FURNITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Owing to theadran• tegee beim over other Manufacturers he can and wall self Furniture at a less price than any other Manufacturer in the elate.' Having THREE STORE lioo filled with every variety of Furniture, from a plain. common article, to the finest in use, he teel,s war ranted in sajnig that he can please all taints. EXAMINE LIST OF PRICES LIEDS7T L. corrAGE —holm tion of Walnut $5, 6,7, to 8 elalid Walnut 8,9, to 10 JENNY LINO-3-Arch, Top Panel, Walnut " 14, 16 to 18 " " 3-Arch Top Panel, leotit ion 10, 12 to 14 Round, Corner foot, 3 Piinuls Walnut curved 25 to 30: " • "Fo t, Oval Panel Wel nut, Moulded 30, 35 to 40 ANTIQUE—Neer s tyle 25,30, 35,40 to 60 FINN AziTIQUIG CNA:CIRO SUITS, Fug Marble enT. ()HA M F. It 61 1 11'8, bind!) W A LA UT tqlllrm BUREAUS Imitation Wal., 4 Drawers, with glaFa wood top $l4, 15 to 16 linitation Writ, 4 draivere,with glues, Marble top Solid Wal. 4 Drawers, with glass wood top 20, 22, 25 to 32 Marble top 25, 30, n to 60 10, 12 to 14 Invitation TABLES. Dining Table, six Irgq. Breakfast do , four 1.10. 5 , to 6 Marble lop do , . 20 eilrorent paterns," 9, 10, 12 to If) Extension Tables, tier font. 7 2to $ CHAlltt4. Windsor or Wood Seats (4 uor,) from 85, 6.7 to 10 Cane Soots, per ha If Joz., 9;10, 11, 11.50, I 2 50 to 30 (Have over 600 of the above on ! and.) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, from 1.26 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chaim, front '. 2 to 7 Willow Seat Hocking Chars. from 2 to 10 Spring,Beated Chairs, upholstered in' ' . Hair Cloth; Droestal; Hap & ll'et- ' . rymn ging in price, (ler hilt doz. from 2i to 75 Ricking , l3bairs, upholbtered its above, ' 9to 15 'I steps:Fetes, upholstered as- above. (each) from • 20, 22, 50, 25, 30 to 75 Box or Plain Sofas, from . 18, 20 to 30 Lounges; upholstered in Ifair Cloth, . , Bootle!, Iter,Terrynnd Damask, • Miring blesta; - (each) . . . . , from ' , . 4 . 7,8; 9, 10. 11, 12, to 30 WA RDRO it ES. • . •' , Imitation Walnut, for • ' ;',' ' *ID, 14,14. is:to 30 solid Walnut, 15,18,:11, ...MAO() Also,r4itle Beattie, Vttesh`Fliantiti l Muttresscri Anil in fact everything ip,ttie , The inn its of an advertisement is entirely tea narrow to give a full list of prices, And kinds of furniture 'mann. lectured at this eitabliArneetT . •-• CALL AND'S= ZOO YOURSELVES. Ciritinnember *be glace. „ ' 4 L 11.'W;HITMORE,, dec447l fitaancaaile, Pa. D.R.D. A. ISTOIDNIPER; '• ~ DENTIST, •0 . „ . , GREENCAISTLE, Experienced kr trentidir.:*ill ioserf'.llo - q'ti 4 3' teclh at'priersio .64: 4 • I!he times, kb 14-1671. ,•, .• r. • CAILSONTIIIII4II, o.lll' • THE alarming increase Inaba number of fright.' fel accidents, restibit ' terrible deaths and &sit uctioefic valuable property, caused , by the hi diecriinguitir rise of oils,. known under the innie of Petroleum. prompts Us to call your special attention to an ankle whit If will, wherever used, remove the cause .if each accidents. W e allude to ;CARSON'S sTELLAR OIL for ILLVII4ItATINGI rui; POSES The proprietor of this oil Fan for severel yew felt tto riecefisi(y of providing fur, and preset/lir g to the piddle, es a substitute tbr the alaimerous pounds sohichaYi.e.nt ha ino.cast over the country, as nn oil thot la sate, brilliant. and entirely rel ia ble. Alter a long ilf•tHill of lidieriou or el costly experi ments, he fins minced' d re providing, nitu now of fers to the imbile,' „ lsuch subgitute, in g• CJIMON'S STELLAR 01L.' should be used by every family heeling° it Is safe be •on a (meatier.. he urimiry purpose in the preparation of, STELLA k OIL has Mien to nritie : it Perfectly Ban thus hunting the lives awl prof - erty of those who arse it. Its pre•Hlt ettindird of SAFETY end' B kiLLIA NO Y w fil7Vllp4 ' be moots= I Wined, for upon this the proprietor depends for sus , bitting the high reputation. the STELLAR, OIL now-enjiys.. To prevent the. ailtilteratiow of this oil with the explosive compoUnds no w know under the name of kerosene, Rm., &c. it is put up fur family use in five-gallon tans. each can being sealed nod srsmped with the trade-Mark of the proprietor ; it cannot, therefore, he tampered with betwei n the rnanuinc turer and consumer. None is genuine without this Wadi -mark It is Itni duty and interest of all dealers and con sumers of illuminating oil to use the STELLAR OIL only, because it donee is known to be safe and rut bte. — lt for bale by A inherson, Benedict & Coo,, Wayneakerd'. Manun & '. ,Statler, Marion H. li, Winger, Quincy. • Gelvvicks - drituckhaidTCharnbershurg. W. L. Dixon. r.4t. Thomas.. J. Hostetter & Co., Greencastle. Thomas C. Grove, IllercereSurg. Joe. b. Ritchey, .1 JAIWEN & CO., Wunt.xsatt AHRHTfIr No 136 South Front St., Philadelphia. leb 2-1871] LA POW MBE A PENNY Well, how end wherolis the .IRCOto do . it T Stover ' for keeping the best and cheap est store; all they want in for buyers to call and examine their stock and Cl/lir:nee themselves Our stork consists in part of the following nrticeir LADIES' DRESS GOOD S , Ett3 ALPACAS, REPS; MOHAIR'S, POPLINS, ARMUNS,, DEIJALNES, OPERA CLOTHS, REPELLAN I's., ENGLISH VELVETEENS, &O , &c., IVIE e ss; Near, Cloths, Doericin Cassimers, Cords. klatinetts, Cot r tonades, Linens, Tweeds, dtc., &e. We would call especial attention to our stock of LADIES' CUSTOM-MADE SHOESI GROCERIES. We have bought,large, courequrntly bought cheep , All our goods have been bought nt penis prices, consequent.y we ate enabled to undersell those who bought before the decline. Xr OALL AND SEE. -1011 And we 11,111 prove to . !you what we say. 411 kind* of Country Produce BOUGHT AND SOLD. Nov. 24, 1870. ' STOVr.II & WOLFF. PUBLIC SALE. MR} tindereigned. adnienialratara of Jaieb Car. bough. deed, will offer at pubic sale at the late tread. nee of said deceased. on the old Hagerstown solid. 1 mile houthweat of Waynesboro', atljoining the Willow Gror.e Mills,. on 130 to 175 35, 38,40, 45 to 60 60, 75 to 88 Tuesday th'e 14th day of March, 1871, the following personal property, to wit 5 WORK HORSES; 17, 18 to 30 14 HEAD. OP CATTLE, among whith are b.,llilch Cows, one fat Bull and Steer, the balance young cattle; 1 Buggy and pole, 1 Sleigh,•l pair (lraio and Hay Carriages, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 wheelbarrow, $7,54) to *9 1 PLANTATION WAGON with lied, 3 Barshear Plows, 1 single and 2 double Shovel Plows, 2 new Harrows, 1 new Spring-tootll Hake, one Neir spreaders, single, double and treble trees, 1 crowbar. 2 sledge(. 1 set dung boardi, one barn shovel, forks and rakes, grain bags, cow amnia, 2 log chains, a lot corn brooms, grain cradle and mowing scythe, 1 rifle, pair steelyards. 1 saw, one dlnner bel'; 2 sots Breechbands, 2 sets Front Gears, 2 Flv-nets, collars, bridles and halters, 1 wagon sad dle, 2 acts Single Harness, I set Double Harress, 1 string Bells, 1 pair large Scales, 75 Locust Posts, a lot il:hestnet Ilene, a lot Lath; 50 BUSHELS of WHEAT, 75 BUSHELS OATS; IS AMS OF OM TOE GROW I I Becretary. 4 Bedsteads and Iledding, one Kitchen Cupboard, 1 dinner table, 2 small stands.,! lounge, 6 chairs 2 rocking chairs, a lot varpet large copper kettle, crocks, and, numerous articles not necessary to mention. tins to commencs,at 10 o'clock, A. s., when a credit of 9 months will be given ou.all mum* of $lO and upwards. ' HENRY f.'1411134 , tilllolli I.ECROIN, 4dmes., feb 23 —ta G. V. Mon, auct. SURVEYING , AND CONVEYANCING. /11HE undersigned having had some ten years,ex -11 perience ea a practical Survey - win prepared ta' do all 'kinds dr Surveying, !eying eut,,and op I ludo, also ell kinds of w,riting usually Julie ty' Scrivenere. Parties iihirit *irk ur address the undersigned at vy giy wisher e, Pa. " Ceti 2.:--tr] , A. H. STOLER. •,. • • • LEW , ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ,VireyeasnattO, WILL give'pr.impt an'd Thise attention 'to 'all V.V! husiness intrusted to his care,' Office' • nes l door to the llowdeu House, in. theiWniker buitils7 aug tt • . SAYS THE -M. _____fob eon. use your money-to-the— eat — eavanlage v4and popular opinion dos-long rimed- - given the palm to in besting and Morocco, cheap 2 FINE BROOD BO WS ; "Inrd 4 ls received a rriteileter.k oi*Oitleottill is al Ulna): t daily malting athlititat to Iti4siipek. He has • • SPI.O w. Prime Rin Colton, lirshwtriiii iUtif;•-• • re" Brown bin, ilrrunlind T l'isdnreil White ‘s s symps, sup •tirir in P. Hien awl N. Otli•niislefolusliip. don Btarelt, iThueolate, inketn. (4'; • • _ PiablepylUutoup, Grneitin 'Cakes. c 7 3 ' CA A. Snit, Finn r • sugar cu-reti Hams. , • ' Call and Ica*ne t .;;Ao . kaable tio;ahow goads. I afro' the aluwe nE pric4;:tirsttiiiilibtand ing,thry uru on. gle."alat7 ter the Cove OYSTERS in 1 and 21b arms, away); on bond, sold by the in or doz. . +itt wurraisitorlioni gold. Wb.ai y,nti go to Picnics. or to On 'moohonin, ontnc__okoere—you• got good ()piers. ;Lad ernekero, chueso ozz. FRUIT AND CONFEUTIONIIIiir. - Layer Raisins, drench Currnips, tSindion , I.lralive, Loki one, I.latts, Onsun, Prunus, Ample, tints of several kinds. FOR 1 ‘KING,AND JUT :;REAM.—Wo have good and pure extracts of PIII.III, OfallsZP, Strivviterry; essences of Lemon.Winnanrun,, data Get the ling. Soda for making Biscuit. E:l9 A S 8 W A RE.—Look at ourtchoop_golleis,4l-ioli turnbters,asktiThioluststst itoto, chimneys, &c. We have the best and chettifest in town. rQU E ENS WA R E.--An unrivaled assortment, roll stock, lower in price than ever. Tee este, cups and saucers, meat plates, soup do..Tea,Dinnerottl Breakfast tie. We have the real granite, no decep tion tit the quality. _ We hare the common ware. new stock. HOUSEKEEPERS Are invited to look at our knives and forks, butcheir knives, large• spoons, common Ohara and shyer pin ted.tea andlable spoons, clothes bassets, buckets tubs,nnErkerbatikeWTschoul do.j NOTlONS.—Yollet_F,oaparaperfunterr, combp, - pbcaet_books r peacils--ihk -eaßleitfittatud-uotepaper Superior Whale Oil, tient Xeroeene Oil, Chemical Olive Snap, • Harlow's Blue • Wick - Yarn, besides many useful articles always on hand. Country produce and "greenbacks" taken in exchange for goods. / am nankful for past pa tronage and solicit a continuation of tht. same e, , the FAMILY GROCERY store. W. Waynesboro', June 2, 1870. GEORGE FRI ,-'l4 SBA 111IGINli 1111116, WAYNEsHORO', FRANKLIN CO., PA. MANUFACTURE PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAIVI-ENGINES. HA VING increased lacilities for inal.nfaeloring Portable and tstatinnary :Steam Engines at snort notice, of sizes from two to one hundred and fifty horse.power, I would call the attention el persona wanting portable engines for threshing grain, acc.', as I am now prepared to furnish them at short notice. lam also prepared to furnish shaft. lags, puler, &c., and all work in my line of busi. nese. Personii in want of anything in soy line will please call and examine xiy work Gwent buyii.g elsewhere. Fot further particulate send for circular. 6EO. PRICK, Waynesboro', /rep 10 tf] Frntlkhn Co., Pa. Tailoring Establishment! ii — AHE subscriber would respectfully announce to 14 the citizens of Wayneshorn', and vicinity that he has commenced the Tailoring business in the dwelling house of Mro.B. T. Brothertoo, opposite the Bowden ticuse, and is now prepared to make all kinds of clothing to order, which he will guar antee to give satisfaction ; lie asks ii trig). aug 25-if GEOhGB BORUNER. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ()TICE is herehylglven that Cyrus Schriver, of shington,tosvushi p, has appointed th e u n dersigned assignee under a deed of vo untery assign ment toe the benefit of his creditors. All persons having claims against the said Cyrus Schriver, wilt present• them duly authenticated for sett lement,and those indebted will meke !payment widrut delay 1.7 the umlertrgnod.• NEN ItY SOH RIVER, Sr., id; 9 atj Assignee, Barbering! Barbering riHT. subscriber informs she public that he coa t tinues the Barbering business in the room nes door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is aidl times peparnd todahair cutting, shaving, shampooning e te,, in the bed style. The patronage of the pub ie is respectfully solicited. W. A. PRIG } . • Aug 2 1867. L. C. BRAMBILL, PHOTOGRAPHER, 8. E. Corner of the, Diamond, WA varessono', Pa., IrrAS at all times a fine assortment of Picture Oaf' arr.% and Mouldings Gall and see spec/ man pictures. inns tf. JOHN A• HVSSONG, ATTORNEY A I` LA W, HAYING been admitted to Practice Lawat the /event! Courts in Franklin. County, all husi. 1111041 entrusted to his Care Will be promptly attendind to P. O. Office address—lllercersburg, Pa. jaw .y For QUIN. ' ' • Penknife Blades, a ' Ropaking Family Corn" pliellers, Call on nov 3.tt J. H. DltkibiatTlON. TILE co-partnership beretoGnie existing between Geiser & Rinehart in the iffsrdiware business, was dissolved by mutual. COnaent on the Ist inst.— The books and accounts of the firm are in the hands of the subscriber, whewrill continue the basins:ls as heretofore. upon whom en: persons indebted are , se quested to evil taut make early setelemrnt. jan.l2tf tl tCJEI. 13. RINEHART. Tr=M GEMEIII • Pkti ELFlBl.4lltit :GitAiNIESPATOir'. Ctlignagaliffitini No Inipteniont Muni imporiant td the fitrioue FIRST—CLA.ISS GIG% IN '111141;1311Elt AND OLHANE ft—fin "loop piyo him so even ethel The above r a ft Antis the OBISFR 111 t 4. riihvE novii,huilt tinder the immediate eye of the old inventors' themselves, with all the adibtional inn.• provements made during the itssi 1R years, anti now wathjirst class teorknirn and materiattbio mnchiner justly stands high up above' all of its aloes. As Ic Thresher it is emtutl to the hest, as a Cleaner it issue perior to any existing machine. This is admitted• by all helmet compotitom. !mired it is the only machine that really can, by one operalion.thorough ly thresh and clean grain fit fur market. But Me ted that, grain direct front this machine commands. from 2to 3 cents a lotAhel mere till .arms' alieece tem any other insch;ne.st ttles the question of ite superiority, as a cleaner owr all others, hopertiot 'Ode. a at all .thn mate and County Fairs where it: woe thoroughly and practically tested, in competi tion willitother leading michinee, always agree that it is, more simple-more easily sod ep orated by those urodtillrd iu machinery-more dtiro- Me,- threshing as much find }et Ir:coning better - with lees power and more comhot to 1101111 i tflfirl• any ether marhine in urn-and besides alt tl,pt it 4. FOlll for lees money according to capacity. Theme facts are further attested by the tin mounds rf pur chasers, some at when hove had them in Ilse for theism IR viers. Tit euNtly the wants cl a 11, now make 4 eizes._vi7 Frour-a-te-tioree-Itoilwirv- Or 3 Horse Lever Power. to a tea' ',Matt power, with• mires ranging from $31:0,, without power. We also emhe the haem nn pro red Iriple-geared Horse Powers I.uital.le for each size machine ranging from 4190 to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further iulur-• motion scud for erscular and Afire, List liespnumble Agents wilt 4 l etk in territory not Mira. diced. Address THE EJ:5k: It. M ANUF CTIIPING CO., W nnoiromo% Franklin !ir , Perms- jar' 21—tr) See . Rere Read This I NOTIGE_ HE siiiiiieriber has iviih a large stook uI Ovoi6, Klett us BOOTS. $110141.3, G-A 1-114 RS BA LI RALS and all kinds Boots and Boys, Women, MOWS Mill Chil irell. which he is selling at paten that. will please. HATS OF EVERY STI:L.I4I for-Men and Hoye, Caps of all the leading — Wiles to- isuit - and fit any' head. We bright our stock cheap and ar dutermined• to sell accordingly. Notions!. Notions ! Notions. t READ , THE LIS?. Skirts and Drawers G.finitlets, ' • Suspenders Driving (Neves, Paper Collars • Fur top Gloves- Buck. Gloves Dosiery • Sheep Skin Gloves Wool knit Half Nose. Lisle Tliread Gloves Cotton Hie, HIMEI Wow-knit Gloves Germantown Half N ose Butterflies black Siik Ties Fancy silk Ties Broad End Ties Wise & Gets Pa cuffs Lima Handkerchiefs Pocket Books • Po:monies Brushes • Pocket Knives sloth Brushes Pen Knives • Shaving Brushes • Nail Knives Hair Brushes Fancy Soaps Tooth Brushes Perfumery . -, Shoe Brushes Albums Combs Pins and Needles- Basins bead Pencils Gum Caps Slates Violin strings ink 4, Note Paper Pen Holders Envelopes Blacking Hair Oils Mfmorandas 'Toys II iarpst tacks Crochet Needles Fancy toys, die &c. Sic, &c. • and so fourth.- 4 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES; American, Swiss and English; Seth Thomas and n. (her Clocks. Jewelry of eying description for La dies, Gents, Misses and, hildren at *sally reduced prices. Finger Rings,* largo stock, plain Gold, Fancy Sett, Chased end Fancy Finger Rings; Sikr er and other Plated Rings in great variety,' watch chains, Guards, Mims, Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons. Gold Pens and Pencils; watch chain hooks keys, &c, 'freaks, Canes, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Valises, Carpet Bags, H. R, Bags; Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff. Gentiles, Fruits, Rai-ens, Nate and Confectionarilt of all kinds Come OOP, come all, and—buy. 'onlifel for past favors he hopes by a desire fo please to merit a liberal share of public patronage EZEKIEL, , Oct. 8 1869. A K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST,, WAYNESBORO I , PA., Can ho found at all times at his office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best basis in used and at pri-es to suit the times. Teeth entracte. without pain la the hse of chloroform, ember, ni trous oxide gig or the freezing process, in a manner surp'assed by none. • UTE the undersigned being acquainted with A. 11 K. Branisholts for the past year. can recom mend him to the public generally to tie a Dentist well qualifies' to perform all operations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful manner. Drs. J. B. A MBERSON, I. N. igNIYELY, E. A. HERRING, J. M. RIPPLE, J. J. CELLI°, A. A. BONEBRAKE,.. sept 29ifj T.D. FRENCH. How is. this for High:! JOHN I . OltD in returning thsnks to • the publie for their psfionsge announces , that he inroad* remoiring hid shop to the Basement of Walker's Building. (and not leaving town as is the betief of many) where he intend* •earrying 'on the 800 ANL, SHOB 1111:41N.E81 as usual-. MI persons knowing themselves indebted to ma will please call and settle their accounts. for I pay cash Or my stock and must have my iminey.-. Duni. Want to see tte face of that unweizotne visi• tor, the Deputy from "Port. Fletcher."' prowling a• bout my shop seeking.whom ho my devour, dtc. Customers will. therefore find me at the Base. meta referred ranker the tirst. of April next yan 261 I. F. IPS4IOCI4VRATL DR: J. BIL alj.PEDDjef,, tate of Strairattelierr, hoilowited in Weynesboro' f and will o tend to all the branches of the profession. in a thor oughly practical moaner. Teeth extracted toilhoub. join by .Nitrous aside Gas, or a highly improved freezing process. Glficr two doors west of the Village. Record OE Sax • " augll4li rit_ttle_Enst MT= f'S for Men find
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers