PUBLIC SALE. IV HE undersigned will sell at public sale, at his a residence, about 1 mile East of Ringgold, on the fairn belonging to the ifeito of Joseph Garver, dec'd, on WEDNESDAY THE 1.5111 FEBRUARY, tErn, the following Personal Property, to wit: Eight head of TILEABLE 1111,111 I lIORSES, among which are 3 ezeollont Wagon and Plow Loaders ; 1 good Drood Mare, 2 two and 1 yearling Colt ; 20 HEAD OF CATTLE , among which are; good Mich Cows, 2 Heifers with Coif, I Bull, and the balance Young Cattle; 12 head of FINE SHEEP; -813 - 111E18.1:30 31EICCOGI4S. BROOD SOWS; I Dodge Reaper and Mower combined, with Self-Rake, nearly new - One Willoughby Grain Drill, withGunano Attachment, I - Spring-tooth Hay Rake, 2 Farm Wagons, 2 pair Hay Carriages, I 'Wagon Bed, 1 spring Wagon, I New York Horse Power and Jack, 1 Cider Mill, 1 Eureka Fodder Cutter, I Wheat Fan, I Rolling Screen, 4 1. 13arshear Plows, two of which are new, 4 Double and 2 Single Shov el Plows. t Cultivator, 2 new Harrows, treble,dou- We and single trees, ! new fifth. 1 carrier, breast and butt chains, 2 sets breechings, 4 sets front gears, two of which are,new, tt housings, collars end bri dles, 1 four and 1 six-horse line, I wagon saddle, halters and plow lines ; FIVE BARRELS GOOD VINEGAR I Work Bench, T Grit throne, Grain Cradles and Mewing Scythes, Grain and Hay Forks, Roltes!and' tihovels; I complete set BLACKSMITH TOOLS, I Screw Plate and Bitts, a lot old iren,l Dinner Bell, 1 Sand Screen, 1 40 Foot Rope, new, a• lot of Empty Barrels, P Feed Trough, 1 SauesgQ Cutter, and many other articles not necessary to mention. .itLia 61,43) 4S ACMES 0 glififf IN 1111 RPM 1 Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. VI on said day, when a medit of lcd months will be given•on all sums of $5 and upwards, the purchasers giving their notes with approved security, sums under $5 , cash , . Bo property to. be removed until settled for. DANIEL H. G %EVER: Jos. ROWARD. suet. jan 26-ta Yr HR subscriber, intending to quit farming, will I offer nt public sale, et his residence, 21 miles Diorth-west of Waynesboro'. and about of a mile from the Waynesboro' and Greencastle turnpike, on TUESDAY, 711 E 21ST DAY FEBRUARY, '7l, the following property, to wit : 11 11FAD HORSES -& COLTS, among which are 1 fine Riding and Driving Horse, 4 Wood Mares, 3 with foal, all of which are good Leaders; 3 Colts rising 3 years olt:!, 2 rising 2 and 1 yearling ; 20 HEAD . or CATTLE, 5 of which are Milch Cows, t ie fresh and another will be flesh about the time of aale,the balance are Yount; Catt le: 13 3E33EALID OF 31E1NC)131-13, 1 part Chester Boar, 2 bows with pig ; I three-inch NV arm, 1 Dodge & Stevens [teapot, 1 McCormick Mower, 1 Drill, (alt -nearly new,) S SPRING-TOOTH RAKE, Top Buggy. nearly new, 1 Sleigh and Bells near ly new, 2 pair Hay Carriages - 2 seta Dung Boards; 3 plows, 2 three-horse and, 1 two horse plow, 1 sin gle and 6 double shovel plows, 3 harrows, I wheel barrow,•single, donhle and treble trees, 2 sets breast chains, 1 set butt chains, 2 sets front gears, 3 sets breechhatls, 6 'els plow gears, 6 fly meta nearly new, 9 blind bridles nearly new, 10 collars, 3 riding bridles, 2 riding saddles, 1 wagon saddle, 1 set sin gle harness, 3 harnessnets, 12 halters,ls cow chains, •2 four-horse lines. nearlyinew, breast strap, (Hes - trkh's moke,) 1 windmill, lot of fork+ and rakes, 3 grain cradles, 2 mowing scythes, 2 spreaders, I em ery grind stone, 1 large dinner bell, 25 bags, 3 plow lines, 2 shovels, 2 picks, 2 saws, 2 axes, I bend saw, 2 bushel baskets. Also, ainumber of articles will be sold out of the house, such as ON.E COOK STOVE, 1' Coal Stove, 1 Wardrobe, It Bode and Bedding., 1 Chebt, Applebutter by the crock, Lard by the pound, Hams. Shoulders and Bacon by the,pound. E 0 ADM 01 MII Tlii ROM I Hay by the ton, r odderhy the bundle. Corn by the barn]. 1 Rohe, I Buggy ISpreat) and Blanket, and a variety of other articles not rifeVAßAly to menu n. sale to commence at 0 o'clock. on said day, when a credit of 12 months will be given on all sums of $lO and upwards. Persons in want of good stock or farming utensils, should not foil to be present. FRANKI,IS G. V. Mosel, auct. jan 2645 PIJIL[II3 SL,III,EII, WWILL be soli at public sale, at the residence of the subscriber, two miles outti-east of Ringgold, near John Welty's Distillery, on W RDAESDAY, THE BTH OF FEBRUARY, the following propertyoiz: 6 HEAD HORSES AND COLTS one a fine Family Horse; DOVE HEAD OF CATTLE, one Durban Bull, 33C-10.A.30 CO3O mccocvss a Boer; 1 four-horse Wagon and Wood Ladder*, 1 two-horse Wagon and Bed, in complete order, 1 -one-horse Wagon and Bed, 1 spring Wagon, one .Hay Carriage, Horse Power and Thresher, ONE KIRBY REAPER AND MOWER, in good order, 1 Cutting Box, 2 three-horse Plows 2 Double Shovel Plows, 3 single do., 2 Corn Cov erers, 2 harrows, single, - double and treble trees, one long machine strap, I Wheelbarrow, I Digging Iron and Mattock, rakes, toas t shovels, 1 log chain, two sets light breechings, 3 sets front gears, one wagon saddle, (nearly new,) collars, bridles, halters, butt and Breast Chains, ONE SET SINGLE HARNESS, lot old Iron, Grain Shovel, 13 nggy Pole. Grain Ca ine, and other articles not mentioned. • Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. on said -thy, when a Credit of 10 months will be given on all sums of $5 and upviarde, the purchasers giving their notes with approved security, sums under 15 'cash. Ns property to be removed until settled fur. • (MIA BLEO A. erm UFFER.• ' jan 26-tf Patin Bowmen, Suet: _ -111EPORTANT TO FALltillEtti. RAMSDELL NORWAY OATS. • . .411,1R16 Oats is far superior to any other for its .11., great yield per acre and excellent quality. The stalks grow Aim and' 4u not lodge easy, mini of them bearing lrdes clip 6 260 grains. • Ummex.—.We Lillian:id - Ace that many bushels Isere sold lantseasonunder this pante, which was 4111 entirely differed and inferior •grain. ',his seed was obtainkl - froailf: W. Reinslell; - 44nd is warranted genuine, free of ell font seed.- -Furnished in any aired saki deaired. - Address BELL & BRO., WaynesboroVranklin Co • es. jan 26—tf. 11011811 , FIERNITURB! ;IA T M it, Wiliness'° and Retail Dealer. and Manui'winter of . Us. 3: FU RNiSTUIiE t AND •• UPH 0 STERER. OREEN C AbTLE, PA., taketethis method of informing hiticustomets and the .public that he hags' REDUCED ince. PELEE OF PIITENITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Owing to,theadvan. taps he has over other Manufactiners he can end will sell Furniture atlrtileas price than any other .Manufacturer in the brats. Having THREE STORE ROOMS . filled With. every variety of Furniture, from a plain, common article, to 'the finest in use, be feels war ranted In saying that he can . please ail tastes. , EXAMINE LIST 01? PRICES. MIME:AM COTTAGE—lmitation of Walnut ss t 6,7, to 8 bolid Walntkt JENNY LINU-3•Arch Top Panel, Walnut " " 14, 18 to 18 " 8-Arch Top Panel, Imitation 10, 12 to 14 Round, Corner•foot, 3 Panels Walnut. carved: " Foot, Oval Panel Wal- nut, Moulded 30, 35 to 40 ANTIQUE—New sty le 25, 30, 95,40 to 60 FINE ANIMUS UHAMBIIIII, Some, Pull Marble 130 to 175 COT...CHAMBER !SUITS,. 35,38,40, 45 to 60 /SOLID WALNUT SUITS 60, 76 to 85 BUREAU& Imitation. Wal., 4 Drawers, with gJass wood top • $l4, 15 to 16 Imitation Wal. 4 drawers,with glass, Marble top 17, 1840 30 Solid Wa1.,4 Drawers, with glass wood top 20, 22, 25 to 32 Marble top 95, 30 i 32 to 60 10, 12 to 14 Imitation •TABLES. Dining Table, six legs, $7,50 to $9 Breakfast do, four legs, . 5 to 6 Marble rep do. 20 different paterns, 9, 10, 12 to IS Extension Tables, per foot, 2 to 3 CHAIRS. Windsor or Wood Beats (iaoz.) from $5,6,7 to. 10 Cane Seats, per half doz., 9,10, 11, 11.50, 12 50.t0 30 (Have over 600 of the above on band.) • Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, from 1.25 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chain?" from 2 to 7 W Wow Seat Rocking. Chairs, from 2 to 10 'Spring Seated Chairs u4hols •4 ' loth,-Brocatel, Rep 4Vl'er-- Ty r - ranging in price. per half dos, tiom 25 to 75 Racking Vhairs r upbolstered as above, ft to 15 Tore.a:retes , upholstered as above, (each) from • 20, 22, 50, 25, 30 to 75 Box or Plain Sofas, from. 18, 20 to 30 Lounges, upholstered in Hair Cloth, Broca tel,•Rer,Terry:and Damask, spring Seats, (each) from 7, 8 , 0, 10,11, 12, to 30 WARDROBES. Imitation Walnut, for $lO, 12, 14, 16 to 30 Solid Walnut, Also, bide Boards, Wash Btanus,lllattresses, and in fact everything in the Furniture line. The lim its of an advertisement-is entirely ton narrow to give a full list of prices, and kinds of furniture manu factured at this establishment. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. 1)i" Remember the place. I. H. WHITIII Greencastle, PUBLIC SALE, MIHE undersigned will sell at Public Bale, at bis 1, residence on the road leading from Quincy to . Mont Alto, ON WEDNEBDA, FEBRUARY 16TH, 1871, the following property, to wit : 3 WORK HORSES 2 MULES, young and well broke; 2 Colts rising 3 years. one en extra; 17 HEAD 110R111 CATTLE, among which are 3 Mich Cows, one fresh by time of sale, 6 Heifers with calf, the balance young cat tle; 3 Fat Steers; 3 Sows and pigs, It bead fine Shoats, 1 large Chester Doer; 1 Road Wagon, foil , inch tread, with bows and cover, 2 Plantation Wa gons. 1 wood bed; I pair Wood Ladders, I Falling top fuggy, (good) I Cart, 1 Spring Rake, 1 wheel barrow. 2 parr Hay Ladders, 1 Threshing Machine and Horse Power, 1 Corn Sheller, 1 Cloverseed Huller, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Rolling Screen, 3 SETS BREECHBANDS, 4 seta Front Gears, 3 sets Plow Gears, 6 collars, 6 b ind bridles, 4 fly -nets, 6 housens, I set Harness, 2 plow lines, 1 six horse line, 4 pair spreaders, wagon saddle: a lot single trees, 2 three-horse, 2 two-horse Lees, jockey sticks, 3 three horse Plows, (locker smith make); 3 Harrows, 4 double Shovel Plows, single shoves plow, a lot old iron, rakes, dung, pitch and shaking fork., ahoy •ls and matiocks; I co ri stove, I desk. 2 sets breast chains; firth chain ,2 car rying chains, 2 sets dung boards, 18 3-bu bags, 3 meat vessels, 1 patent churn, end many Litho; arti cles, On sums of $lO and upwards a credit of 12 months will be given. Hale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. on van! thy. JOHN HELLER, vr. jan26—te] G. V. Muse, mitt. PUBLIC SALE. 11PHE undenigned will sell at public sale at the residence of Jacob Bender, East Main street, On Saturday, February 4th, the following' property, viz:-1 Table, a I,t Chairs 2 Bureaus, 1 uedstaird, 1 C, roar C.:nib .ard, Look ing Glass, 1 STOVE AND PIPE, 42 y irds Carpet, 2 Feather Beds and Pillows!, bed clothes, dishes, kettle, tub, canned fruit, crockery ware, together with sundry other articles. Sate to commence at 1 o'clock, P. at., when terms will be made known by —) W. iS. A MBERbON, W. A. REID, Ez'rs last Will and T. of Mary U. Cochran, dec'd. jan 26—ts - PUBLIC SALE. • HE subscriber will sell at public sale, on SAT URDAY, 4TH FEBRUARY, in front of the Bowden House. in Waynesboro', the following per sonal property,. to wit: 1 fine warcrze . dt- strAL3Ea.m. 1 good bpring Wagon, 1 standing-tvp Buggy, and I set New names. sale to commence at 3 o'clock, F. M. whim a credit of tfix months will be given. jan 19-te (3EO.MIDDOUR. OMNIBUS - LINE! rring attbicriber inbrnis the public that he is now proprietor of the Bun line running daily be tween Waynesboro' and Greencastle. heretofore run by Wolfersburger & Monet. With good horses and a firgt-class fotulorse Omnibus be is enabled to 'convey :pissengent tti and fro with comfort and eenirenience. • His Buss will leave Wayitesboto' at 61A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 8, making quiik =sand sure connection with the first Pasienger train at 81 A. M. L e avei Greencastle at IS o'clock, P.M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at 8 45. He is himself Pro. prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivery Adams Express menet to and from Greencastle. All Ex press matter 'expressed tLe same morning an d through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons wishing to send goods by ,Express.will do well by giving hinsa call.— Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown should take this route. Ale train leaves at 9 lb making connection with the Wash ington County Railroad. B ug 20 ifj • J. R WQUERSEEDGER. NOTICE. 8,9, to 10 25 to 30 a • a FALL GOODS 16, - 18,26, 25 to Et) at lower prices than they have been for several year., to which we call the attention of all who wish_ A full arrortmant of Cloths, Casaimeraa, &c., for Men and Bop wont at A. IL Sr. Co's. A full anortment of Delain, and all kinds of sum mer goods lot Ladies at _ _ A Blec Co's. Bleached and Brown !kiosks selling low at A. B. dr. Co.'s. A heavy stock of Ingrain, Importel, Rag and all kinds.of Carpet at A. B. & Co.'s. Cil Cloths and Matting. a large lot at A. B. & C 0... Wall and Window Paper in great variety at & Co.'.. Ladies and Misses Shoes cheap and good at A., B. & Co.'s. ' We have a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Queenaware, k rilwaro, and Gro ceries to which we call }our attenlion and feel con lidera tha t we can give you full satisfaction in re gard to price arid quality. rirGive ua a call.,du ANIDERsON,JIENEDICr & CO. d.c 1-1870. IVALNESBORO' BIKINI' rtiOrk 4E4 . k1:11 THE subscribers announce to the public that thev have opened a Bakery end Confectionary on Main street, Waynesboro', opposite the "Beet:- den House", where persons at all times can be sup plied with fresh Bread, Rolls, Pretzels. all kinds of Sweet Cakes, wholesale or retail. A full supply of Candies, Nuts, Frilio, etc.; always on hand. ICE reguiarly supplied during the season. Having erected at considerable expense a first class Bike House they feel confident that in this department of their business* they can give general satisfaction. T.sey therefore solicit a share of pub lic patronage. may 5 —tf SLEASMAN & MORT. VOICIIIIIIkIVG. THE subscriber announces to his friends and the public that he has purchased the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is now engage) in the above business, oil Main Street. at the East end of Waynesboro'. flaying a knowl edge of, the business, and emyloying none 'but practichi workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness he hopes to merit a share of patronage- All kinds of new work on hand and orders filled promptly. jan 14 tf GEO. B. 11A WKER. MILLINERY GOODS ! C. L. HOLLINOERGER has just- re ceived a full supply of new Millinery goods aches are invited to cell and examine her sttmli. now 3 tf MICE co-partnership heretofore existing between Geiser & Rinehart in the Hardware business, was dissolved by mutual consent on the let inst.— The books and accounts of the firm err in the hands of the subscriber, who will continue the business as heretofore. upon whom all persons indebted are re quested to call and make early settleno.nt. • jan 12tf • BAhIUEI, B. RINEHART. 13AttiC WANTED 1 'FORNEY & SONS Will pay the highest market. price for'6so corals of Rock and Mack Oak Bark damned a t,their Tan nery in Waynesboro'. ,Hider and erkinstaken in end weighed ••at the Caller of C. Roches Sticio Store, for which the high. eat market price will be paid. ppr 21-1870 ' • to "I OS el 3 t Ws are now receiving our first supply or CHEAP GOODS. TO TU➢E LADIES! DISSOLIITION. NM GOODS! NEW GOODS! TiiE a tteniion:of the communitynow iliticod tolllio,largoOnd vvoleassorted wock of - FALLG.O 0 D S just opened at PitICE & HOEFLICHS, For the season's traile.conriAingian'l the late nov. eitiea of the day, end st very cheap prices to suit nll mankind. So just drop MAIM sea the varied col lection of Bry tioods, Uiroceitiekpnil Notions. Ail the tete styles of Ladies' . Bross Hoods, Such as Alpaem, ' Popline, Cassimers, Cloths, Velvets, Velveteens, Cords, Jeans, Satinets, Bob Rep, Pikes Peak Claseimere, Paisley, Shawls, Plain ghawls, ,Long Shawls, Square Shawls, Breakfast and Shoulder Shawls. Helaine, Merinos, Cashmeres, Twills, Mohairs, Chignons and Switches, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers. Caipets. wool and Home-made. Oil Cloths for tables and floor. Window Shades in Oil and Holland. Blankets white - aud grey. _ COON Skin and Buffalo Robes at Paws & Ilossuctes. • SQUIRL, Coney and Mink Fura at Paws a Mosrtiwn's. -- r - roßsr, and Buggy Blankets at Paws a Moorman's. F LOOR and Table Oil Cbtots at Pawn , : L ARGE Stock of Shawls at Pawn *Mantas. CALICO by the pound and yard at Pews k Hosmou"s, L ARGE stock of Gloves and Hosiery at Perna a floasmou's w A TER Proof and Beaver Clothe at _ • PRICE & p LAIDB, - A Ipaccas and Empress (Melba at Pozen & Hossmen's, F INE assortment of Knit Goods at PRICE & Efossbion's OYAL Bikini Powder and eirlver Gloss starch pot Paton a Hopsocu'a. N E W Orleans Molasses, now crop, at Pamir & iIoSFLICEea. OOLONG and Imperial Tens at PRWE h 110131.1CTI'F. CAI3TED and Green Colleen, --Pe HOMPLICH'Eu. GRAIN and Ground Fepper at Peres & Homan's. cHE EKE and Crackers, fresh, at Farce & Hogrucn's. MILITARY Over and DpreßaiseE & Coal of ~,Lion.s. B OOTS and - Shoos, cheap,ar Phlcs & Hoitrttcrien, C ARPETS tutds,Carpet Chain at PRICE& llosirticn'e. rr. INVALIDS DON'T DESPAPRI - e ir. 0 5\ Thonsands have found relief, and , . si, s ~ 1 thousands will turn to this Medi- t,. I, eine, after exhausting their purses fr and patience in search of health. " Giddiness of the head, dullness of the mind And breath, coated tongue, loss °raiment°, pains and_weak nese in the stomach, enlargement of the liver, yellow nese of the skin, constant foyer and thirst, with a tong disrelish for business, pleasure or any kind of employ ment. FAIIIMEY'S PAHMIZA, if taken and persevered In for a few days, will remove this whole class (tramp toms. The fluids of the body become pure, and mnad clear, the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite improved, end the whole system so benefited that disease, In bad weather, is less liable to aftliet you. Dr. , 1 3 . FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. Asa medicine for children, the Panacea is, In every way, calculated to take the place of the endless variety of divas which are annually sold for that purpose, and which aro often very injurious. A medicine which pos. scenes the qualities of a cathartic as wall as a mild alter ative, and which is capable of arresting disease without the least injary to the child, Is of incalculable mine to every mother. As a cathartic, It is very efiectivo, yot it does not, ifgFiven in proper quantitate, cause nausea or disinvi thoomornaeh or bowels. It la very pleasant to the two, m Melt Is a very important feature at a medicine for children. As aprecenflce of diteano It la unprecedented, as it acts directly upon the digestive or gans and the blood. In all scrofulous diseases, it is tit , most etlective medicine ever mitred to the public ; and, if given regularly and perseveringly, those eruptive as- CIVICS no common to children may be entirely eradicated. a Prepared by P. Fahnsers Bros. & ;r7io.o,l'mt.b° L rp_.4 ' al :1 h a ni)I9D4oP. • t r. •St CUICAGO Pri c e SI.YS per noli1; 1 1 for sale by Wholesale and Fatal dealers. Anti by DecoMber 8-Iy. ANTIETAM WOOLEN FACTORY. THE undersignedrespectfully announce , to their customers and the public generally that they have now ondiand a full stock of WOOLEN GOODS , ATICFI AS CASSIMERES. FLANNELS, BLAN. KET&COVERLETS, etc., all of which are be ing sold at reduced prices. tAirpeting, both woolen and cotton, made to or der at" short notice, and aft other custom' work at. tended to promptly. Tho highest market price paid for Wool. Persons wanting anything in their line are invi ted to call and examine their stock of goods. The thanks of the firm are tendered the public for past patronage and the hope entertained the they may be enabled to merit a continuance °lone favors. J. W. BAER & tOCBEIALER. act 20—tf CARPETS cAnrurs I. H. WHITMORE Has just reiurned from the cities with the largest and best acsortmeni of • CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, OIL AND LINEN WINDOW sll ADES, DRUGGET AND CRUMBCLOZBS, RUGS AND MATS, COVERLETS, COUNTERPANES. &c., ever offered in Greencastle. LACE CURTAINS, with all the fixtures for putting up. RAG CARPETS constantly on hand and made to eider. FlTBelling lower than any other house in the county. Call and hear prices. Creencsat le, Dec. 1, 187 0. ' The highest cosh price will ba for Calm Iron I.3craps delivered of the maks oi the fly if (MISER M. CO. Buipress Clotbp, }toppe, Kersegs, Tweeds, Deo 8-1870. GEISER'S PATENT SELF•REGUTATING GRAIN SEPARATOR CLIAIIRMSGEBAIEFOVERS No Implement more Impartant to the farmr Ilion a FIRST-CLASS GRAIN' l'IMES(11:11 AND CLBAN Ell—for none pays him sn well and epeeil ly ' • . 'The above cut shows the ONLY GEISER MA CHINE now built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional im prevementa made during the past It vests, and now with first class workm•nandmateria7this m.chine justly stands high up above ail otitri c ass. As a Thresher it is equal to the beet, as a Cleaner it is RU. perior to any existing machine. This is admitted by all honest competitors. • Indeed it in the only machine that really can. by one operation. thomu g,h ly thresh and clean grain fit for market/ lint the tact that grain direct front this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any other machine, grilles the question of its superiority, as a cleaner over all Minos. Lopatin! judges at all the State and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in coin! eti tion withlother leading machines, always agree that it is more simple—more easily upderstuod and op erated by those unskilled in machinery—more dura ble,—threshing as much and yet cleaning better— with less power and more comfort to balms temp any other m chine in use—and besides all Uutt in sold for les money according to capacity. These facts are fu ther attested by the theusands rf put it chasers, some of whom have had them in unn for the last 18 years. To supply the wants cf all, we now make 4 sizes, viz: From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to a ten Horse Lover power, with prices ranging from $l9O to $3O, without power. We also make the latest im proved triple-geared Horse Towers suitable t ot each size machine ranging from :4;90 to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further inter motion send for Circular and Price List. Responsible Agents wanted in territory not intro diced. Address • THE GEIER 114_4NUF.A ()TURING CO., W &NIMBI:10RO', Franklin 1:11 , n nn. jan 21—tf] See Here Read This I NOTICE ! THE subscribes bee just returned from the East with a large stock of Goode, such as BOOTS. L'. 7 l - 10F.IS, GAITERS, BALMO. RALS and all kinds Boots and Shoes - fiir - Men - oml Boys, Women, Misses and Children. which, he is selling at prices that will please. FIATS, OF Bvii:ll,Y STYLE for Men and Hoye, Cops of all the lending ay leg to suit and fit any head. We blught our stock cheep and an, determined to sell accordingly. Notions ! Notions ! Notions ! READ THE LIST. Shirteand Drawers 6 — t.uspenders Driving-Clleves --- Paper Collars - Fur top Gloves Buck. Gloves Hosiery sheep Skin Gloves Wool knit Half Hose Lisle Thread Gloves Colton Half Hose Wool-knit Gloves . Germantown Half Hose Butterflies Black Sisk Ties Fancy silk Ties Broad End Ties * Ladies & Heists Pa cuffs Linen Handkerchiefs Pocket Hooks Poitmonies Brushes Pocket Knives . Cloth Brushes Pen Knives Shaving' Brushes Nail Knives Hair Brushes . Fancy Soaps Tooth Blushes Perfumery shoe Brushes Albums Combs rill? and Needles Razors Lead Pencils Gum Caps Slates Violin strings Ink Note Paper Pen Holders Envelopes Blacking Hair Oils Memorandos Toys I iarpct tacks Crochet Needles Fancy toys, &c &c. &c. &e. end so fourth. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, American, Swiss and English; Seth Thomas and o ther Glocks. Jewelry of every description for La dies, Gents, Misses and Children at ureatte realm prices. Finger limp, a large stock, plain Gold, Fancy Bett,,Chased and Fancy Finger Rings; nv er and ether Pimp' !tinge in great variety, watch chains, Guards, Rams, Bracelets, ClOlll7llOl, 'sleeve Buttons, Gold Pens and Pencils; watch chain hooks keys, tte, ITrunks, Canes, Umhseltris, Baßkets, MoN Vn •• %tart Bogs, R. U. Bags; Tobacco, Cigars _____,...-z.... • ruo Snu ~ Candies , Fruits, Hai - sus.A ata and I Confectionaritv of all kinds Come one, cbme all, and—buy. Thankful for past (Isere he bopee by a desire to please to merit a liberal share of public potronnge EZEKIEL ELDEN, Oct 8 IRO9 FAIRVIEW MILL FAMILY ' FLOUR, ETC. THE undersigned having rattail 'and added all the latet4 improvements to his Mill, (follnertY Fr .ntz's) announces to the public that he is now manulacturing a superior article of, FA OILY FLOUR. which will be delivered to ptrsons at market prices. He has also on hand a supply of MILL STUFF of all kinds, which lie wi•l wholesale or retail at the Mill, or deliver if &Area, at the fairest market rates. Having refitted his Mill with the most improved machinery he feels that he is enabled to give general satisfaction. His Flour in sacks can be bad at Iteiirs Ocoee ry, where orders may be left. The highest market price paid for WHEA7' delivered at the Mill. COOPER STUFF wanted. mar 24—tfi DAVID PATTERSON. PRIVATE SALE: fr HE imbecriber offers at Private-Sale a tract of I lend, situated a short distance from Bear's Fac tory, adjoining lands of John Funk, Martin Hoover and Isaac bnockey. containing 5 acres, more or less. with bummer House, good Barn, Hog Pen. and oth er necessity buildings thereon. There is also on the premises timber prepared to frame a dwelling house 22x24, and an orchard of choice fruit frees. A fine Spring convenient to tea property. Posses. anon will be given on the Ist of April next. dec 1-tf MATTHEW METCALF. PRIVATE SALE. IHE subscriber offers for Bala a Hones and Lot of Ground on North street, Waynesboro'. There is on the lot a well of gwid water completed. Also' 8 Building Lots on Broad street and 12 on West Main street. On ode of the latter there is a Lime Kin and good Stone Quatry. Money can be made upon this lot by Lime-Burning. Also 6 Out Lots ranging in size from 11 to 4 sires. If it 1 I desired purchasers of-Building Lots can getsporsession of them this Fall. sup 8-tf . ALEX. HAMILTON. For Rent. A pleasant room in the was of .my offices, with 2-1. four largo windows in it especially adapted for a shoemaker shrp and now occupied by Ford. Jan 12“ 1. N. SNIVEL-Y. TILE MORNING GLORY Foa For We nt NV. A, Tilt 1 1,E'.3 new tltove and Tin store. He has on hand a targestonek of the ahoy,' stores. all of the late inm roved kindq. There is added to the M nning 4 f this year an oven, which is neat in appearance a 8044.1 Halter. You can heat fr.tas fake, Boil, Stew, and it doe.; not interfrre with the operations tlft a Parlor Stove, . In regard h) the Meet of nine 81ore, who F9y that their particular stove , take 4 ferpt anti gives more heat than the Moulins , tilorp. you can t t t the, Morning; GI ere has been rota (in tins part of the cronitry) ) for four yean4, and in that time I have put out over three hundred of their,. and never ha I to tike ono hack hecau4s it would not do its work or it was riot what 1 sold it for. Now that enonct lea said of any other At'Ve ever oti'•ro t in this mar kot. Th-t ie tho proof which is the stove. I-113V° 011ICr style: or heating- stoves for cod or wood. Heating Fitrutees pot up and wawa:fled • My (look t•ltuv-iN aro of t 1 o hest in iriarkut for Cl)fi Pr wood, all warranted givtil •ker=. Alga a twvi Parlor (look atuve, something that Can't. lie ed. Call and aee m'. YOU will find my .tnek of Tiro Sheet-Iron and ,other wares of lt:o best kinds, and at low rates. On hand, the beat Cletteg•Wrinffer in market.-- Mgr) a good and cleat, WastOtitt Maeltino. Hoofing an I Spottrtint; dime of the bog stock arid at stroprt notice. Jolt work of o'l khias in my 1n,,. done' at low rates. The 11111 V )In , le in I. whcs y_ou_ can g.t your copper - work' - dime ben g the Only Copper place t)et IJ lAIPtEILEPTIII)I;AD - re A PENNY SATED SANS H; OLD ADAGE Welt, how and where is the pinho to da tt 1 Why WhereVer you ran Use your money 10 the best iulyttologe popular opinbm tins long ,AlllOl3 given the palm .to Stover 4. Wolff, 17r keeping the boot and cheap eat store; all they want is 10t buyers to tali : lid (•N I Inifle their stock n rid con , Itiert tknots.lvos Our *tot k consiqts in pert of the folit , tving ortieot : LADIES' DRESS GOODZ, bt;Gil ALPA OAS, MO II A HIS, POPLINS. A R.MIiNS, • DEL AINES, 0 PEIL.I. CLOTUS , REPELL A N ENGLES II VELVETEENS, &c , .11/E033. 5 ' .Cloths, Doerkin Cagsimers, Cords. S.itin..tte, Cot totiades, tinenp, Tvreedr, Btc., dr.c. We would coil especill attention to nur stork of LADIES' CLISTOM-MADE-SRDES, in Lasting, and Morocco, cheap, GR OC ER IES. We have bought large, COM equently bought cheap All our gentle have been bought at pinie prices, conwpient.ty we are enabled to underseli those who bought bottoe the decline. ger' CALL AND SEE. "kia And we will prove to you what we say. All kinds of CountrT Produce BOUGHT AND SOLD Nov. 24, 1870 STOVER & WOLFF O. '" \ Zi l i t iAa 0 4 , , ), 41 THE undersigned. would most respectfully in form tbe citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity Wet he has opened a new Tin :store on kart Main. street, opposite Stover & Wolff's Dry Goods em porium, and keeps constantly on hand a good sup ply of COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc„ at prices to suit tho times, All kinds of work done in his line W 4 tn neatness and dispatch, such as roofing. spouting end repairing. You will find it to your ir.terest to givt . t• him a rail before purchasing elsewhere. The .iin is the Dig lied Coffee Pot Always on the Post. Thankful for past favors he hopes for uernitinuatice. of the same. Yours Respretfutly, CLAYTON' M. rm . _ -EXECIUTWOrNivriON.- nay 1$ WHEREAS letters testamentary ' 71 . 1 1, 11 1 of Misa Mary B. Cek.firan, born; deed, have been gmhtedlo thii.:44thise All persona indebted to the said estate are reiinest4 to make immediate payment, and those claims or demands. against the same will preoent the same without delay. W. S. AMBERSON, W. A. REW. jai 5-6 w C. BRACKBILI ft PHOI'OGRA PH ER. ir • • e. E. Comer of Ow Diamond, \Voltam:mono% gAS atoll timoo . a tint, nosortment of Pietare rtaro. , o and Moultlinal Vail awl ova spec/. aiou pictures. ionc 9 tf. W.A. TIC IT I, 13 nu PS; Executors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers