VILIAre RICORD. 17P4@"'' llitait 13C, ELC-0 Ire ejl a Ler. eft.The //iittas Statesman (DelilOcratie,) puhirstedlit Lneor, , hes Owed At tire mld of its Moines netitieot of 1869 (..11etnent L Val!aodighani, of Ohio.' 100..1. a rge rs t T r opp_ r rived Wailiington last week from points in Vir ginia, and have been assigard to tee 'several post:4 in Alta T. ilanailtos•ret in) t‘n county, is announeekas tompetitor tech Gov. Stvan'a for lien. Roverdy John• tot.'s seat in the 'United States Senate. sThe Cencrnissicinev of tht General tend O4iee has received a letter or inriu.iry from England relative to the settlement of ft?ty thousand emigrants, whom it is intended to and to the United States. Ile referred to our Western plains. m_lt is said in eflicial circles.that Gari bolci. a ienti of the Union dur nn the rob - 611ton, is to be cffteially tendered an asylum in the - United States. ilfo_Mr. Seward is still anxious to pur chase the Danish West Indies. An agent of the Danish Government has arrived in Wa hington to treat upon the subject. te-The soldiers of Fort Jeflerson ask the liberation of lb. 31u41,, at the Dry Tortugas, as a reward for his courage and humanity in treating yellow fever r atierits during the sea son. Marld might as well - be liberated as Lett. 1). - hub Lee, VaUtindinglinw or uu) e 1 of the other Traitors and Copperheads in the tend. Mudd is no worse than Andrew Johnson, and A. J. should therefore pardon mJcfif. INN is' trial, whivh was to com mence on the 25th instant, is to be again — postponed, a•despalch received from Wash ington stating that "it seems to be the desire of gentlemen on both sides of the case, for a purely legal reason, that Chief Justice Chase shall sit with Judge Underwood on the trial In view of this fact it is possible that the of trial may be postponed, in order that arrangements may be made to secure a joint accommodation," ImPEActimmT.—A Washington corres pondent says, the special committees of both Howes of COngress, including the ,Louse Judiciary Committee, which has charge of the impeachment investigation, assemble on Monday to commence their,labors again, and to _prepare their rrports—the majority_ of which will be laid before Congress immedi ately atter tie commencement of the sossion, with the exception of Gen. Butler's .‘assas sivation committee," which will not be ready to report before next s.unane'r, if it is ready t Len. The impeachment report has already been ibroshadowed and it is only necessary now t) add that the House will be called upon to decide for itself on the question when tiro evidence is submitted to it. It is known that all the Republican members of the com mittee agree that three points have been elicited by"the evidence which embody grave &largos against the President, but three of the Republicans do not think they are serious enough to warrant the presentation' of art'cles of impeachment. In this opinion they arc supported by the two Democratic rembers, Messrs. Eldridge and Marshall, while Messrs. Boutwell, Thomas, Lawrence, and Williams, Radical Republ:can, construe these points as showing sufficient evidence of guilt 011 the rout of the President to —warrant -- 11 - itr — infrer - ietiliiait7l hese points include charges of misappropriation of pub lic funds to his own personal aggrandize ment by Mr. Johnson clrnmeneed while act ing as military Governor of Tennessee, and finished after his accidental accession to the PrePidential chair, and using his position as • Piesidunt for the purpose of enhancing the value of Southern railroad stocks, in which he is interested. There is no doubt but what a struggle, under Governor Boutwell's leadership, of several days' duration, to ob tain the passage of a bill of impeachment, will occur during the first week of the ses sion. Julgo Wilson, of lowa, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, will doubtless lead the opposition to Governor Boutwei , and while ho . will urge that the President de. servos censure cf the people at large for his' Course, he will argue that he has done nothing of a nature sufficie by criminal to warrant his removal fro office. 31 • :ars Eldridge and Marshall lead the Democra cy in,its eff•rrts to prove t impeachment, but . will denounce the position assumed by Messrs. Boutwell and Wilson and the'r su '- porters, and thus a triangular fight will le inaugurated, which, it is thought, will result in a defeat of the impeachment movement,' The impeachers, however, are sanguine of success, and claim that the final vote of the question will settle the matter in their favor. TUE ELECTION.--01 the States which vo ted on the sth inst., the Democrats carried NcaYork, Now Jersey and Maryland, and the Republicans; Massachusetts, Minnesota, M.0111;1111, Katisas, Wibconsin, Illinois and 2C evatia. llerThe Supreme Court of the District of Columbia had before it on Saturday the case of Judge Fisher and lawyer ilradley, counsel for Surtatt, Mr.,Robert S. Niralkor made _a long Itredment in behalf of Bradley, in reply to the Ming of the Court, 'at the close of which Chief Justice Carter deliveted the opinion,of the Court. Ile sustained the as of Judge Fisher in suspending Bradley, and abnonneed that henceforth he (Bradley) should net_be,allowed to practice in any Court of the District. The Court was man. imons in its decision. All the Judges were on the bench - except Fisher, who was 'not present. TR decision created great excite- LOCAL MATTERS. rir We are now enjoying the delightful 'lnd;an bummer'' season. vft...See public sale advertisement of W W. Walker: 'BANK STOCIL—See advertiseziont of Bank Stock for sale by John Singer,. WANTED —Mr. Geo. Middour wants hides ee — a - dve NEW GOODS.—Messrs. Price & Ilcefich will receive-another supply of new goods on Monday neat. FOR SALE,—Several desirable building lots, easy of access from the businegs part of town. Enquire of the Printer. STOVE FOR SALE. —A handsome parlor wood stove, good as new, can be had 'upon reasonahle terms. ppl,y at this office. EXTENSIVE SALE —We invite special at Ronal property by Mathias Hoffman in anoth ar column of to-day's paper. MONEY RECEIVED acknowledge the receipt of V 2 from D. E. Price, Mt. Morris, Ogle Co Also, - *3.00 from Dr. William James Tra cy, Littlestown, Adams Co., Pa. WASIIINOTON ITOITSE.—The Bali of the "Washington House," by J. Beaver, will take place at 1 o'clock on Saturday the 23d inst. If not sold the property will.then be offered for rent. • WELL SUPPLIED.-It will be seen by ref erence to our advertising columns that 1.11 cgs t es h e wDry —Goods and Notion Dealers, Cliambersburg, are a gain well supplyed with goods in their line of trade. CALL ACCEPTED.—We learn from the last Middletown (M.d.) Register, that the Rev. A. 11.-Bubrman of this plaao, has accepted the call recently tendered him_by the Evangeli cal Lutheran Church of that place, and that ho will enter upon his new field of labor in a very shot t •ime. 111=112 CHICKEN CTIOLERA.—From this disease there has been considerable mottality among the chickens in this place of late. Our neighhor, Mr. John Walter, within the past few weeks has lost upwards of thirty:- oth ers have lost numbers. Somebody writing from an infected district says that chicken feed mixed with alum water has proved both a cure and a preventative. The treatment is simple and worthy of a trial. BAY'S Woiii.—Ore day last week Mr. John Nail husked for Mr. John Good of this vicinity forty barrels of corn, com mencing after 6 o'clock and quitting at sf. Mr• flood thinks that on a wager he might husk forty. five barrels. John is not only hard to beat at a corn heap, but equally so at the table, for we learn at noon the same day Ito ato_ a_whole—chick - en — , (f — ullgrown) besides a corresponding amount of other eat ables. A good hand, but certainly not a very rotatable boarder. A TIMELY ARTICLE The folhiving from an exchange will suit this locallity Us well as the ono for which it was intended. The indignant,article says:—We enter our pro• test against the practice, which prevails among some tobacco smokers, of obtruding their stale smoke and villainous pipes into iublic places, and who complacently puff their second-hand smoke On all sides, to the ntcnso disgust of all who are not addicted to the use of tobacco. ~Every man has the right to smoke as much asjie chooses, but be has no' tight to offend his neighbors who don't smoke. In all mixed assemblages there are some persona to whom the smell of tobacco is perfectly intolerable, and among this class may be counted the majority of Lfadies. Yet• the smoker, in, his selfish en joyment of his elgar.or pipe, utterly ignores their right to breathe the undefeed air, and obtrudes himself and his smoke upon them Itipl.ll times and all seasons. The nuisance uld be abated. TRANSPLANTING TREES.—.- This is the best season of the year for transplanting fruit or shade trees of all kinds. Any time in the Fall before the ground f&tzes deeply will do. Persons having unoccupied lands, yards, &0., should plant them with trees. The re sult will amply pay the cost of Isbor and yield a thousand per cent, in satisfaction, comfort and beauty,. Many of.our farmer's fields are too bare of fruit trees. There should be sufficient to furnish stock with shade during the heat of a summer sun. There is land enough that might be well oe ••upied for this purpoile. Nr. I?,ditor :—ln the Village Record of Nov. Bth appeared an Article written I pre sume by one of the. '.Nationtala.— Among, oth -er statemen-te spade- ; is a complaint of not hav ing sufficient time to get their 'Nine' togeth er. Now sa'l understand the - matter; a mem ber of the 'Nationals (authorized by said Club) sent a letter to the 'Printers,' saying they would be happy to play ua at any time-,. if we would only-come_to W.alttiesboro*, On this we acted. Oo Friday Nov. lbt we de aided Co go to Waynesboro' the - next day, and the Ciptain of the 'Nat ithihre tiei ng iii Chambersburg onthatday (Friday), he . sas duly informed of our intention. We also sent a letter. Another delusion under which the 'Nationals' seem to be laboring, is, that they played the full 'Nine' of the "famous Printers." The fact is, only six of the 'Prin ters' played at Waynesboro?. They being obliged to take substitutes for their right, left and centre fields; one of those substi tutes failed to make a single run. The com partitively small score made by the 'Printers' was owing Ist to the absence of three of their men and 2nd to their having ridden 20 -miles-eramped_ap in an—ambulance not a very enviable position.) In my estimation, the nine who played the 'Printer& at Way nesboro' were altogether superior to tho nine who played at Chambersburg. 'lf the Umpire had been impartial &c.'— The Umpire was chosen by the 'Nationals' themselves, he being from Chambersburg and never having acted as Umpire before, was placed in a rather tiekli"sh position. But we believe he acted in a strictly impartial man ner. The 'Printers nine' is composed of 'res idents of Chambersburg' even to their` in d-for first baseman—who claims that honor as his father and grandfather and grea grandfather did before him. 'PR-INTER.' FISHING IN THE ANTIETAM.—We ate in debted to Geo. W. Welsh, Esq., for a copy of the net passed by the last Legislaturepro hibiting fishing for a stated period in the Antietam Creek and its branches, which we Au Act in relation to fishing in the stream known as the Antietam. or any of its branch es in the County of Franklin. • Section 1. Be it enacted by the Se - nato c and House of Representatives of. the Common wea:th of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the Author ity of the same That from and after the passage 9f this Act it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons to fish with stir, nets, set nets, seins, or baskets of any description in the stream known as the Antietam, or any of its branch es, in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, at any time between the first day of September and the first day of Juno in each and every year. Section 2. Any person or persona so of fending, and being legally convicted before any justice of the Peace in said County shall forfeit and pay a fine of not ten dol lars, with costs of suit, for every offence, the one half to gu to the informer who is hereby made a competent witness, and the other half to be paid to the Treasurer of the Cotnnion School district wherein the offence is com mitted to be applied to the common schools of said districts. JOHN' I'. GLASS, Speaker of the Douse of Repreentatives LOUIS W. HALL, Speaker of the Senate. Approved—The second day of April, An ne Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. JNO. W. GEARY. HomisinE.—A desperado, named John South was shot and killed in Funkstown, Md., on Friday night last by Simon Middle kanff, said to be a peaceable eitisen of the place. The Hagerstown herald gives the particulars, which aro as follows: It appears that on the night in question, a bah was in progress it the residence of 3lr. .31 , which was attended by the young folks of the town and neighborhood, and that John So uth-,—y o traps e late Daniel South, former Sheriff of•this County, while under the influence of liquor, and armed with a revolver and knife. attempted to force himself into the house for the purpose of breaking up the ball, Ile made his way to the second story of the'building in the di rection of the ball=room, but was met in a room adjoining that in which the ball was held by Mr. Mtddlekauff, who endeavored to prevent him from entering the ball room, and ordered him out of his house. Instead of going, as ho should have done, South drew his revolver and snapped it at Mr. and then advanced upon him with his knife diawn. Middlekauff thereupon, in self de fence, fired three shots at him, two pf which took effect, one ball entering his.neek, sever ing the jugular vein, end the other his side. lie staggered into the ball,room, the bided spurting from his wounds upon the dresses of the ladies, where he fell and expired in a few minutes. 3liddlekauff was arrested and held to nom inal bail for his appearance at Court, but the universal opinion of the public is, that it was a justifiable homicide. South was a man of notoriously bad character; an over-bearing, ballying desperado, of whom every body was afraid, and who has probably been .in more disreputable scrapes than any man of his age in the county, not being twenty-one years old yet. CHURCEL SUBSCRIPTIONE3.—Thu African Methodist Episcopal congregation of Carlis le, Pa., intend .with God's help and the lib erality of well disposed citizens at home and abroad to enlarge their church building. The members being poor they make an ap peal to the ohristian public. Addison E. Sheets Ras lately appointed by the Board of Trustees to solicit subscrip tions at Waynesboro' in aid of this work. The contributors so far received amount to $21.45. Addison desires to k iender his thanks to contributors for their liberality. He has yet some $2O to make up and appeals to those who have not contribute 3 anything to aid him in the work. [COM MUNIO,S. TED PETERSON'S MACLIZINE.—WC are in re' oeipt of this popular Lady's Ma7azine for December. It is a splendid number, with two steel engravings, a mammoth fashion plate, a colored pattern in Berlin work, and nearly fifty wood cues of braiding and other patterns, and late fashions. Tho Publisher says, that; in 1867, 'Peterson., l‘lagazine had ar.ore subscribers than all the other Ladies' Magazines combined.' We do not wonder at this, for it really gives MORE FOR TIIE MON EY THAN ANY TN THE WORLD The stories are by the very best writers and are written originally for 'Peterson.' The mammoth colored fashions arc the newest and latest, the Principal Editor having gone out to Par is to secure patterns in advance. About a thousand pages of reading will be given in 1868, when the Magazine will be greatly improved. The terms will however remain two dollars a year to single subscribers. To clubs it is cheaper still, viz: five Copies for $B.OO, eight copies for $l2 00, or fourteen copies for $20.00, astonishingly low. To ev ery pefson getting up a club (at these rates,) the Publisher will send an extra copy gratis. Specimens sent (if written for) to those wish ing to get up clubs. Address, post paid CHARLES .T. PETERSON. 806 Chestnut St. Phila. On the morning of the 12th inst., in the Reformed Church, by Rev W. E. Krebs, Mr. JACOB SNIVELY, to Miss SARAH AMANDA HAMMAKER, ball of Ring gold, Md. At the National Hotel, Chambersburg, on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Mr Eyster, Mr. GEo. I?. SUMMERS, to MISB MARE A. DEAR DORFF, both of New Guilford. A oafs dollar . "green back" accompanied the above notice, for which we most cordi ally -thank our young friend, the groom, and wish him and his fair partner as much pros perity and happiness as is usually allotted to the most, favored mortals. May a ripe, virtuous old age ultimately grown thdir wed ded lives. Snort:-:—Tbe first snow of the season fell here on Tuesday. The squall' lasted about half kriboar. , SeriVr. Johtt Houphinam, of this countyil hag purchased a &mil of 21'5 acres in Clarke county, Va., for the sum of $10,247.33. _ ser-The religious meetings commenced_ several weeks since in this place are contin ed tkittly by the 3.ietbetist and Lutheran congregations Coi n lerable_ interest_ has been - awakened fi mon g our citizens upon the subject of religion;-•- - •• - • Ffitif.=:— A bent 13-Veldelt;'7;ii— _last a straw stack on the lot of_ Terry 4bel, on the alley South of East Main street was discovered to be on fire. The straw was con sumed without further damage, but the sta• bles its the vicinity were very Much ention— . gered, and had not the wind been in an ad verse direction at the time a serious confla gration might have been the result The straw belonged to Jos 11. Crebs and is sup posed to have been fired by children. CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEYS.— Now is the time to have your chimneys cleaned of the soot which may have accumulated in them d-urio-g—tlFo—sum will previl for months to come, and there is great danger of fires breaking out, as sparks may at any moment be communica ted to the soot in the dirty chimneys. ROBSTOWN MURDER —ln June, 186 G, a man named William DJaavan alias 1% was arrested at Manheita, Lancaster county, charged with the murder of Mr. and Mrs Squibbs and grand-daughter, in Rosstown, York, county. A . woman named Martha Ann Pontell, who was traveling in company with him at the time the - murder was corn- noitted, gave information whiph led to his ar rest. At a trill some time ago, Donavan was found guilty, but a new trial was awarded him. Ills second trial in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, of York county, lasting two weeks, created great interest. Ills otse was given to the jury on Monday. evening, and after an abgence of five hours a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree 15619 returned. PERIODICALS. BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE—This very popular and exceedingly cheap Maga zine presents an attractive table of contents for December. Amethyst Wayne's char ming story, 'The Derwent Eyes ani Hair,' is completed; Mrs Edson's exciting aerial, 'The Lady of Lindenwold,' is intensely in teresting, while 'Paul's Romance,' by Mies Hale, and 'My Darling,'a poem, by James Franklin Fats,_ are among the choicest of magazine reading. The illustrations are al. so remarkably good, making this one of the best numbers of Hermit ever issued. The publishers offer unusual attractions for the coming year. With the January number the Magazine will be cularged to one hundred pages, and several new and at• tractive-feature introduced. Miss William has written a rornance an itled, 'So as jA Fire,' which_will commence the year. Am ethyst Wayne will furnish an exciting serial story for Boys, entitled, 'Old Hugh's Look off,' which will be finely illustrated by Kil burn, and will appear in the new department called Our Young People's Story Teller,' a popular author will furnish a oharniing to: ry for Girls, while there will be at least a dozen other stories and poems of the high est literary excellence, and intensely inter esting, all complete in the January number. It will be seen by the foregoing that 13a,- lou's Magazine for 1868 will eclipse its pres ent excellence, while the extraordinary low price is retained It is only 61 50 per year. or 15 cts. a number. Clubs receive it for $1 25. The proprietors have a good cause fox eallin- " 'the • heapen magazine in the wort' by Elliott, Themes & Tal' 'MEL 30 .ILT-01'..41L30... .At the residence of .11r, Mid), Oct. 30th. by Rev. I. Sheffer, Ur. FREDERICk to Mies PRISCILLA NAVE, all of this county. ' _ 'X' XX MI 'X' 0 IVL . On Motidaitle 11th inst., ANNIE 1?,8- TRUE, daughter of 4. F. and Annie E. Kurtz, eged'siii month's and tio (Lips. "This little bad, an young and fair, Called hinc'o by catty" doom, Just cam to show how owe. t a dieter, In Paradise could hloom." SPECIAL NOTICES. rtial3, I 3ttotila s .131:k. S I S SCRATCH ISt: WATCH rrsolmrcir Tyr In from 10 to 48 hours. Whoaton's Ointment cures Tho Itch WLeston's Ointment cures Salt Rheum, Wheaton's Ointment cures Totter. Wheaton'6 Ointment cures Barbers' Itch Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Sores. Wheaton's Ointment cures, Every kind of Humor like Magic Price, 50 anti a box; by mail, AO cents. Ad, dress WEEKS & PO FTER, INitt. 170 Washing ton Street, Boston. Moss. For sale by all Druggists. IT'' TO MERCHANTS AND,DEA.LERS. UPDEGRAFF'S have now ready their Fall Stock of HATS with a full line of GLOVES and attention of dealers. These goods are mostly of their o vn manufacture and direct from some of the first manufacturers in the Country and will be sold to Merchants and Dealers at shorter profits than City Jobbers. Any sixes can always be had. Call and see them. Opposite the Washington House Hagenitoarn Nov. 8,1867. UP LAI)IES'•FURS. 0141 . Furs clearreil, altern.l and Trpnired._ LIN INGS, CORDS, TASSELS, ENDti, iturrory and all kinds of TRIAIMINUS for Ladies' together with Beaver, Utter, Sable, Swan's -Down ar.d Ermine Trimming always on hand or cut to order of any width. All qualities and style's of FURS on hand, HUDSON BAY, MINK SABLE. FITCH SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FRENCH SA BLE CANA DA — MINK7I:I4 - 11"AT lUN I , 17 Rs, &c., &c. FURS made to order at. - UPDEGRAFF'S lint, Fur end Glove Manufactory, Opposite the IVashingto❑ IL use Hagerstown. Nov. 8, 1867. Eir SIGN OF TILE RED FIAT. 12 3 PERPETUAL MO I'ION. I 1 3 Ladle , SUN .UM BRE: LLAS, New Style PA It- ASOL,S, RAIN I.JAIBRELE.AS, ,S;e. A cmnplete MLA. k it UPDEG FT'S Hat, Cane and Umbarella Stores, Hagerstown • • • ,0 PIFIDADELPHIA Tuesday, Nov 12 P. M. —FLOUR AND .3IEAL —There is rather more titling in Flour for the supply of the home trade, but shippers are not buying at present quotations. Sales of 100 bbls. choice superfine t $8,75 bbl; lOU bbls. do. do. City mills at $9.12; 100 btils. extra ut . 60.25; 200 bbls. Northwest extra family at $10(2, [0.75, the latter figures for choice; 100 bbls. Pennsylvania — extra family at $1150; 200 bbls. Ohio, do do. at $11.75@)12, and fancy lots at higher figures Rye Flour and Corn Meal are very quiet Small sales of the 50@8.7-5. lorme - iFit - $B - 50(4. GRAlN.—There is not much Wheat coming forward and not much demand Sales of 1800 bush. common acid prime red at $2 20@2.45 iff bush. Rye commands 81.55Qx3 $1.60: Corn is quite. Sales of 2000 bush. yellow at $1 36 new at $l, and 'nixed NYestern at $1 86 Oats are in fair request, and 0000 bush Pentisylvania soldJ .-- - 73(DT5c. In _Barley and malt nothing rising SF EDS.—Cloverseed has been in moderate request at a decline of 25(550e. hush. Sales at $6'2507 50 64 Ms. Timothy ranges from $2 25 to $2 65. Flaxseed is ta ken onlifir val by the crushers at $2.45Q92. 50. COA [. STOTE —A Parlor Cook ;Store for Ilar fling coal. for rale by W. A. REID • Nov. 15 FOR RENT. r HE (Imitable Mill Property situated one rale west of Waynesboro', known as Washington Mills, is now offered for rent, on reasonable harms. This property hes four run of stone with all the late improvements found in Mill properties. Any per. son wishing to engage in the business will do well by calling at once upin the undersigned. • Oct Ist—tf. H. C GILBEIZT. • Hides Wan-t-e-d-- -- HE subscriber will Fray the highest cash price for Hides delivered at the store of etover & Wingert, Quincy or at the Hardware elore of Alessrs. Geiser & lthinehart, in W.iynestioro'. The higrst cish price will aloe be paid fur 300 cords of Bark, to tie delivored at Quincy. • Nov, 15—tf. (IEO. MIDDOUR. .PUBLIC SALE; MHE subscriber will sell at public sale on Sat " ttrday the 7th of December, in Waynesboro ' 15 Shares of stock in the First Nat. Bank of Way nesboro.' &sle to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by'—ta. JOHN SINGER. THE CRY IS STILL THEY COME, J. A. FISHER Of the Washington House Merchant Tailor. ing Establishment, Has just received another Stock of Goods for MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, of English, French and American BEAVERS.— Plain and Fancy OASSIMEIIES. English end French DOE SKINS. Plain and Fancy YES TIMIS, All will be made to order or sold to suit 'customers. A good stock of Ladies' Cloaking of the Latest Styles. Also, a full stock of FURNISHING} GOODS, 4\3ch as Fuspenders, Gloves, Half Hose, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Fine Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers, Neck Ties of all Styles, the late Style Scarfs, Linen and Paper Collars, all Styles. All to be sold 'at prices to suit tho times. Custom ers can save money by calling and examining my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. J. A, FI S HER, Washington House, West Washington Mt. 1\oa• 15.1/467. Hagerstown, Md. . TO THE PIJIBLIC. THERE is all kinds of dodges made use of in this world to make a certain thing win, and the lust one up is this: Soma unprinc plod person is reporting it that the M. G. will explode and that one did and blew all to pieces. Now I will say to that person that he is a .Liar of the first class, and that he will find that this dodge of lie will not win. For falirehootro are like little chickens, they will come home to roost. What next 1 Try again, W. A. TRITLE. Ncv: 15 — at, -0-----D-S -)V ~ AT' OLD rniamil-- METCALFE & HITESHEW C HA M BE lISBURG, Have just returned from New York-and Pinll, l o. phis with ono of the largest assorted stocks of Dry Goods and Notions dyer brought to Chamberstairg. Wit are selliOg most of our stock at such priori as ranged previous to the waf. Here they-are t Calicoes, g( od tor Comforts, only Calicoes very ghost for: --- Bto 10 Calicoes beat made only r 12. Delaines good (best old styles] - only 121.- " - Detainee, beautthiruewi styles only 181 Delaines, best made, only - 20 Canton Flannel, very good, only 16 Muslin, heavy, ono yard wide. only _l2i tipool Cotton, best waxed, 200 yds. ( Best Skirt Braids 8 CARPETS, CARPETS. Those- b lautiful wool•stripcd Carpets All wool imported, only $1 lll► A full assortment of Carpets of every description at r very low pikes. ..I:O3ELMISE; (IVO 101:8 A full line of Dress Goods of every description.— OIL CLOTHS Isle—ankl_fluor_i will find a full assortment of every article belting. ing to the Dry bloods line. Nov 151 NIETc;AL FE & HITESHEW. PUBLIC SALE. rpHE subscribe; will sell at his rnsitlence in the Ri iggold District, near Ridgeville, on Waitesday awl Thursday, 201/s 21st Nuts. the following property, viz: 19 HEAD HORSES, 12 Work Horses, 5 good brood Mares 2 with font all good Plow and Wagon leaden, 4 Colts two years In= 40 HEAD OF CATTLE confirting of S lath Cows, 5 Bulls, 1 extra Bur. ham Va , stock. 1 do. Des.)ll Va stock, 10 Steers, 2Qf them fat, 2 extra Hei!ers with calf. 15 young Cattle, CO 11 EA D OF 110 GS„ among them 7 Brood Sows, 5 having Pig-, and the others with Pig, tat 1 Boar, balance stock Hogs . 50 - MEAD SHEEP, 1 heavy road evil, 4 Platitation do two 4 inch. treads, one :3 inch do. 1 narrow do. 1 new 2 borsJ Wagon, I one-horse Wagon. I. Spring do. I Cart, 1 M'Corrnack Hooper in good order, one Mower. (llusgels Make.) one Drill, one :Spring tooth Mika, one Windmill, one Grind Stoup, Wheel Barrow, one Wagon Bed, one pair wood Ladders, 2 pair Ilay Carriages, one Patent hay Fork & fixtures, 4 three horse 13arshesvPlowit, 2 two Horao (10.6 dou ble & three single Shovel do. 2 Harrows, Rakes & Forks, I fifth& Log Chains, one Jack Screw, Hutt, [hewn & Cow Cl , riiite, Grain Shovel, Mattock. Crowbnr, 4 sets tireeehban.'s 6 set of front Ceare, 4 sets Plow do. 2 Wegou Saddles, 2 wagon Lines, one pair Checks, 7 set Nets, Collars & Paidles, g Housens, 2 seta dung Boards, n lot Oak .Plink, lot Paling Lathes, 2 Hives of Bees eighteen barrels. prime Cider Vinegar, fifteen hundred bundlos Curia Fodder, 2J tons Timothy Hay, -200 BBLS, OF CORN, • one hundred acres of Grain in the ground more or lees, one good set LI lasksmith Tools, one screw Plate, one Cider Mill, one cross cut eqrtv, Also Household and Kitchen Furniture, one dining Table, one ° Bed steed, large candle Mould, dozen crocks Apple But ter, large chest ; r od boa, one Ten-piate . :St.,ve , " Oft Parlor do. and many other articles too numerous to, iiention. 'J'Elt MS— it'e to commence at 9 o'clock, on eniil day, when n credit of trine months will tie giv er, on all sumo of $lO and upwards; 5141116 under 10. the cash will be required. _ _ MATHIAS HOFFMAN Nov. 15, 1667 PUBLIB 9111 E sub criber will sell at Public Salo et his rraidence. In 14 aynesbora', on Saturday the 2.3 d inap., the following personal property to wit: 1 Lressing Bureau, I hugs Wardrobe, 3 Bedsteads. I Crib, 1 Wash Stand, 3 Tables., I Book Case, I Lounge, 1 Cot; 1 Fowl Rack, 2 seta Chairs, 2 Rocking Chaim, 1 Boa Stove, I Parlor Ooal stove, 1 Cook Stove, 2 Drums and Pipe, I 8-day Clo ck, I Sink. 1 Iron Kettle, I Doughtray, 1 Meat Ves.el, (Gape's make) 1 Lard Press, Sausage Stutter, Barrels. Tubs and Crockery ware, Oil C1011t..4, and Window Blinds. 2 strings Sleigh Bel's; I FALLING TOP BuGuy, I two horse Ambit lance, I Blood Sow and 8 shoats, I cutting box, and other articles too nitmerous to mention. Sale to commence at 1 oidock on said— day ivhen the terms willhe made known by Nov. 15-2 w W. W. WALKER. ON SATURDAY THE 30T0 OF NOV. 1867. unaersigned, Asngnce of M. M. Stoner, I will sell at public sale at his Drug Store, in Waynesboro' Pa., the following property, to wit: DRUG STORE AND FURNITURE; The undivided one filth interest in sixty and one fourth acres of land adjoining the borough of Way - nesboro'; 1 SODA FOUNTAIN. On Generator, 5 'age Zinc and tin cane hold ing from 50 to 100 gal. each, 3 good Barrels, 1 5 gal., 4 2 gal., and 3 1 gal. Demijohns, 3 Carboys, 1 Key Diamond, 24 Tin Cans in good order, 1 small Copper Still Kettle, 1 Printing Pres.' l Bbl Chtizn, 250 VOLS , BOOKS, 0 vols. Druggist Uircutirs, (bound) a lot of Stone Jars and Jugs. t lot of 'Glass Bottles anu Jara, slot of Boxes, a lot of Iron Piping and old Iron, together with many other articles not necessary to mention. Sala to commerce at 10 o'clock on said day. when the terms will be made known by W. S. AM BERSON, • Assignee. G. V. MONO, A uct. Nov. 1.--ta. PUBLIC SALE. WASHINGTON HOUSE. N thesqurir a L9f---IgNESBORO' Pa. The a jbove old an well known TAVERN STAND. will be sold at public out-cry. on Saturday the 23d day of November, 1867. Also on tl.o east corner of the lot, a 2 Story Brick Store House, 20 feet front, 63 deep, all newly fitted upon the latest style. One of the finest rooms in Town occupied by the sub scribec, as a Boi)t, Shoe, Hat &c. &c. Emporium.— The Hall al-ore the Store Room is occupied by Prof. Wilson's Select School and Rents for $lOO Also 14i feet front unoccupied ground between the Tav ern and the Storehouse: All offered separate or sold togethcr to suit the i'urchuser. Possession given of the Tavern Stand on the day of sale. The above Property situated as it is makes it one of the most de sirable and best in Town. For rurther particulars call on the subscriber at his Hat, Boot, and Shoe Store. J. BEAN-ER, Nov. I—ts. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers