VILLAGE RECORD. ll'Avilt-Ns. •11L1 Irrldgiy, Notretuber 19. iteuGeorgie gives 16,000 majority it fa. or of a Con%Pennon, and , the Repttblinan 'candidates for delegates are eleited havery ‘diairict. - - - - 161..Gcn. Schofierd has ordered the Vir gin.a State Convention to meet at Richmond hm the 3d 'of 'December. - Ott is said that Andy Johnson will soon tissue a proclamation pardoning the 11- tion soldiers for participating in the Tar. *According :o late dispatches tile Ital ian war has been tern bated by the defeat of Garibaldi with a loss of duce thousand rocs. (loth Garibaldi cad his son are pris- oners in the hands of the Italians, to_The Copperheads are recruiting, in all parts of the country, a near secret Society, 'the Sons of Jackson,' as an offset to the Grand Army of the Republic. Theyrder is to .be diAlinguished by the rebel gray.— Illovtd-retrd-betret-"lte-sotfs-tsf-Jvfr. Tnr ELErTroNS"--=TIe - returns of the e --L-lectious_hcal:Lthe_Le; .tessa_s_tates on 'rues day received up to the time we go to press are too incomplete for a statement as to the result. illaryland being overrun , with the late Confedelate soldiery has of course gone ConFerva live by a large majority. 86F - 1.. , x Governor John_A. Andrew, o Massachusetts, died of apoplexy at his res• idenee in Boston, on Tuesday the 80th ult. Ile was an able Man and a true patriot. • va&:The vote on the Constitutional amend ment in Ohio, stood* as follows; For the amendment Against " 77 Majority against There were 12,270 blank—votes Hayes, the Republican candidate for (3oi) , ernor has a tnnjqrity of 2,983. VALLANDIGITANI.—The Dayton Journal professes to know that the majority of the Democratic members elect to the Ohio Leg• islature are committed to Vallandigham for the office of United States Senator, and that be will surely bo nominated in caucus, and elected, unless his antagonists 'keep their -,—Poirren I 1 I a I Ec - IN so defeat an election, or unite with the Re rublicans and cleat Jewett or Payne. URDER NEAR JOIINSTOW N.-A most cold blooded murder was perpetrated at Cam bria borough, near Johnstown, on Thursd ty _evening. It appears that a number of boys were engaged in Hallow Eve sports, when a man named Cyrrp Thompson shot into the orcwl with a rifle and fatally wounded a 'y)ung, promising, and only son of Daniel 3le- Dlnald, Esq. The ball entered the side of t e lad, passing through hie body, and com ing out on the opposite side lie lingered in the greatest agony until four o'clock on Fri day morning, whin death ensued. Great excitement prevailed during Friday at Johnstown, and a _party started in pursuit of the murderer, VIRGINIA. —The falsehood that none but negfoes voted the Radical ticket at the late election in Virginia is dissipated by the re turns. Of the registered.voters, there is, in the entire State, a White majority of about 20,000. The ''Conservatives." ores-Rebels called upon every man to vote against a Con vention, and so prevent the framing of a loy al Stale Government under the Reconstruc tion note of Congreas; the Convention is. carried by 104,289 vctes for to 59 180 'against it—a magnificent majority of-45,109-for loy— alty and Congress. Of the Whites , 13,000 voted for the Convention, while some 30, 000 Whites Wei to vote at all. Why not? Bccause the spirit of aristocratic dom ination and proscription was so fierce that the pun' and dependent durst not brave it. Had these stay-at-homes been "Conserva tive-," or ex-Rebels, they would have pleased their proud and powerful neighbors by go ing to the polls and voting '.No Conven tion.," but they could not vote as they thought beat without bearing , execration and hostility as White Diggers," so they com promised by staying away. They count %vial us, not against us.—N. Y. Tribune. Washington despatch says, the an nouncement, by direction of the President, that General Grant is to disband and disarm the colored volunteer companies here in the District, has created quite a sentation.— These companies are composed mainly of men who formed the First and Second District Regiments, which were the first colored troops in the field. They served until mus tered out with groat credit, and then bought their guns from the government, and have kept ap there organisation with commenda ble zeal, but their occasional parades are dis tasteful to the ez.Robels, and their demand to have theta disarmed and disbanded is to be granted. Indian Commissioner Taylor telegraphs to Secretary 14owning to congratulate the President aireiountry on the entire enemas of tike Indian Peace Commission, thus far. The Empress of Austria is—well, no mat- thanksgiving Proof nation: Prom this creation of the world,-in all ages and elitnes § it has been customary to set certain days for special religious observance. 'Miller not always - bee eneed by the light of Christian owledge, nor by any proper conception of the character of that 13reat Being "who ruleth the earth in right eousness, an who daily loadoth With his benefits;" but by an innate sense of the exist ence of an over-ruling Power, by which - the world and all it contains are governed and controlled. Aided by the dictates of col tiwted realm, and the teachings of Divine renlation, we, however, are taught to re cognize io that Supreme Ruler a Heavenly Father ; to whom we are indelited for exis tence and all the blessings we enjoy, and to whom we-owe constant and fervent thanks giviag and praise. It is He who "visiteth the earth and watereth it;" who "setteth the the furrows and blesseth the springings thereof;" who "orowneth the year with His goodness, and whose paths drop fatness;" who "elothest the pastures with flocks, and ooverest the valleys with corn; who "maketh the outgoings of - the — morning and of the evening to rejoice;" who "is our refuge add strength;;' ,who "maketh war to,oease"and "wrath us from our enemies;" whose "throne. is forever and ever," and who "blesseth the nations whose God is the Lord" On all sides we have increased assurances of the .loving -kind o_esslafan_AlLtrise Paren jowl zIE-7 of Good, who has conducted our nation through a long and terrible war, and per mitted our people to repose once more in ,_safe_t_y_,Jlwi_t_lto_ut n y_to molest them or to make them afraid," no monstrous senti ment of' disunion is no longer' tolerated. The Flag., the Union, and the Constitution aro esteemed as the safeguatds of the rights and liberties of the people, and are revered and defended as the ark of their political safety. A kind Providence has not grown weary of supplying our continuous wants A bounteous harvest has rewarded the labors of the husbandman. Flocks and herds are scattered in countless numbers over our ,(1 hill vaticys an Dins. C - ommeree is uninterupt ed, and vessels laden with the produCts of nature and of art, speed, unmolested, over, the trackless deeps Neither pestEenee, famine, political or social evils, financial em barrassments or commercial distress have been premitted to stay the progress and'hap piness of the people of this . great Common wealth; but peace, health, education, morali ty, religion ; social improvement and refine. )ment, with their attendant blessings, have filled the cup of comfort and enjoyment to overflowing. Recognizing our responsibility to Him who oontrols the destinies of nation as well as of individuals, and "from whim cometb down every good and perfect gift," and to whom we are deeply indebted for these and the richer blessings of our common Christianity, let us unitedly give our most devout gratitude • . • . _ _ 2113,987 255,310_ 98,353 1, therefore, do hereby recommend that, THURSDAY THE 28Tu DAY OF NO VEMBER NEXT,-be-set appnrt as a dkyof praise and thanksgiving, that all-secular and worldly businesss be suspended, and the people assemble in their various planes—of worship to acknowledge their gratitude and offer up prayers for a continuance of Divine favor. GIVEN under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this thirty first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and of the Commonwealth the ninety-second By Me Governor: F. JOnDAN,• Secretary of State. INTERESTING RELIC.—The Gettysburg Star of yesterday says: An interesting relic of the Battle-field has been shown to us—being a Daguerreotype of a Lady, which was found a week or two ago on the battle-field southwest of the town.— Although somewhat discolored, it is in a re markable state of preservation, and shows the features, dress, ornaments &c , very dis tinctly. It is on a plate, without a ease, and was found in a Cartridge box, with 43 bullets. The picture is that of a lady of probably 20 er 25 years of ago, dark hair, combed back and falling loosely over her shoulders; a light dress, apparently of thin and fancy texture, cut low at the neck, wide sleeves, showing the arm to the,elbow, gold eardrops, large breastpin, two gold rings, one on first finger, and the other third finger , of right band ;--dark—bead—neck lace,—e neiroling—the neck three times; and a guard chain of dark material passing from neck to waist, with probably watch or miniature attached. The daguerreotype was found in a field in front of the Union lines, between the Ernruittsburg road and the left of the position held, by the 2d Corps, on ground over which the right of Pickett's Division passed in its famous charge! A number of Rebel dead were buried in this field. The attention of the party finding the picture was attracted to a blanket, part of which was exposed by the washing away of the ground, and upon lifting the blanket the remains of a soldier were found, with cartridge box, &e. There was nothing to indicate tho corps, division, regi• ment or name. From the locality, it is pre sumed to be that of a Rebel soldier. The cartridge box wan marked U. S., but many of those, captured during the war, were car ried in the Rebel ranks. We have been par ticular in describing the daguerreotype, as it may lead to its identification. It is in pos session of Mr. 111 1 J. Emory, one of the stu dents in Pennsylvania College. ris.The Germantown Telegraph gives the following plan for preserving cabbage du ring the winter: "Select a city part of the garden—dig trenches of sufficient depth to receive the cabbage roots and stalks up to the head— into these trenches transplant the cabbage, heads up of course—fill in dirt carefully a bout them up t 5 the heads =plant four short posts, two of thorn being higher than the others to give a pitch to the roof—nail shingling, lath, or strips of old hoards from one post to . the other, and an 'other board half way up—lay upon this a number of bean polls, and upon these throw straw, corn• fader. or bean-haulm, protecting . also the sides—and your cabbage will keep in good condition until May. Where there is a fence, only two posts will be neceessary— that being employed as the apex of the cov er or roof." Nine hundred and Inottmillinns of men use tobacco. JNO.'W. GEARY LOCAL MATTERS. °SPECIAL. TlCE.—Persons indebted to this office for subscription, Job-work or ed vertisiog ars earnestly requested to call and settle their accounts. Those at a distance can 'remit through the. mail, After the 25th day of November all subscribers in arreara for two years or longer will be required to pay 82 60 instead of 82 00. Our terms arc 82 50 when subscriptions are not paid within the year Those therefore who settle their accounts within the time specified, will gave fifty cents upon each year for which they are in arrears, _ _ iiiirWe have plenty of ooal but no wood Won't soree..."slow coach" - send na a load:— say-Farmers generally 'ure now in the midst of corn busking. m.ThursdaY, the 23th inst., will be Thanksgiving day. See Proclamation. : CHOICE lilormt.—A prime article of white wheat family flow can now be had at leo ver's 31ill, formerly Oarbaugh's. ALE,—Several desirable Fading iota, easy of access from the business part of town. - Enquire of the Printer. STOVE FOIL SALE —AT — handsome parlor wood stove, good as new, can be had upon reasonab!e terms. Apply at this office. LICENSE —The. Court last week granted Mr. Fourthman of this place an Ale [louse license and Melchor Spielman a ltestaaraat license NEW Goons.—Special attention is di►ee tad to the advertisement of Messrs. U. & A Yingling, Merchants, of Hagerstown, in an other column, FOUNDRY FOR, SALE.—Messrs Hess & Emmert offer at Private Sale in to day's pa• per their Foundry and Machine Shop near Quincy. The Location is a good one and thq opening is desirable one for an enterprising machinist wishing, to engage in business. Hoops - AaA3N.—The fashion reports from Paris announce that large hoops are again to be in vogue, and short dresses to be again worn only by young girls. This is bad news —especially the latter part of it. CREDIT.—The credit system of doing bus iness_is_a_bad_one, and ought not to be resor ted to whenever it can bo avoided. It has ruined many a man. Five per cent profit on cash business is tar better than fifteen per cent on oredit. RELIGIOUS M BET! NGS.—The protracted Meetings commenced in the M. E. Church, and in the Union Church bp• the Lutheran congregation a couple of reeks since are still. beingcontinued nightly. We understand it number of individuals profess to havo em= - I braced religion at both churches. TANDatur SOLD.- Mr. George Middour, of this place, has purchased of Mr. Oyler the Quincy Tannery, for the sum of 63200. We undertand our friend, Mr. F. W. W - eddle, an experienced Tanner and a reliable gentle- man will be associated with Mr. Nliidour in carrying on the business at that place. We wish the new firm abundant success. AN ACCIDENT.—We regret to learn that a serious accident occurred to Mr. Jacob Tharp of this vicinity on Monday morning last. It appears ho was driving his father's team on the turnpike, near Antietam Junc tion, when the horses took fright and ran off. In his efforts to check them he was tramped ddltvn by the saddle horse, the wagon pass ing over his body. The wagon was a heavy one,lut fortunately not loaded. The horses were-stopped-within—a—short — distancefrom the spot where the accident occurred by the erne at the off•wheel throwing itself, which was dragged some thirty yards. Dr. I. N. Snively of this place was called to Mr. Tharp's relief. At last accounts he tvas suf fering considerably from his injuries, but his situation was not regarded as dangerous. REGARD FOR A PASTOR —On Tuesday of last week, the will of Josiah McDowell, late of Peters Township (I, , ecased, was admitted to probate. In it, ho devises to Rev. Thom as Creig D. D. of Mereersburg, a farm situa• ten in Peters Township, this county, contain ing over 200 acres. lie makes a lady in Mercersburg tenant fur life of a house and lot in that borough, and at her death, it is al so to go to Dr. CI eig or his heirs. His per. sonal estate ho directs to be devoted to such religious objects as his Executor may desig nate according to dircetiune given to him in his lifetime. And of this will ho makes Dr. Creig his solo Executor. This will evinces such a regard on the part of the testator, for his aged and honored Pastor as is a thing of rare occurrence nowadays,—Spirit. Outs FOUNDRIES.—TIIO work of repairing Mr. Frick's Foundry which was burnt some weeks since is about being completed. The new and extensive Foundry of Messrs. Geiser, Price & Co. is also nearly completed, and in a short time will bo in readiness for operations. They are almost daily in receipt of orders for their Grain Separator, and ex- pect in a short time to largely increase their force of workmen. The improvements made upon this separator within the last few years gives it a-claim for superiority over all oth ., crs sow in use. Eclitor'iOn Friday night last ,we had the honor of Jeceiving al letter ftem. Chambersbarg signed by a member of the `Printers Nine (so called), in which he stated • that they would in this place on the fol lowing moral to p y tc — giina of Ball, and particularly cautioning us to look out for "'Printers." The notice being so short we oould not get Nine members of our Club to , Miler to play 'them, but by a' considerable amount of troubl - we sucoeedod in gating eight from the Ist: and2d' Nines. all of tbia place, and tt - young gentleman living about . I.+} miles from town. This is the Nine that played the "famous Printers," and "kept their .score down- to such a low figure." The as sertion mado by the "Spirit" in - regard tons having some Hagerstown players is utterly false and his informant was well aware of the fact, but We suppose he thou t a poor ex cuse was better than none. f die Umpire had been impartial we w uld have kept their score down to a m re trifle, and would have had a "Skunk" on in the lust hti`t bis decisions 'were by no means fair, al ways in favor of the "famous" Nine. Before ertcs _o Umpire another game we advise him to study the rules of the game' a little more carefully and invest a few cents in the _Runitaste_cf_a_pair of " tkcr_SxsC 110, fore we olose we will take the liherty-of—as-k-- ing the Printers (so called) if their Nine is composed of residents of Chambersburg, and also. where their first I;aeman is from. ME BALTIMORE SYNOD AND TUE MEY ERSTIVN CONVENTION.-At the late meet ing of the German Reformed Synod in Bal timore Md the fullowin , was the action is ken in reference to the Convention of minis. and laymen held in Aleyerstown for the purpose_olopposing the Older of Worship, which .was sent out by the General Synod to the chutches to be freely used and trierTe cording to pleasure: 1. Resolved, That, regarding the Meyers town Convention as constituted without any proper authority known to the Constitution of the Church, and without the pertuisvion or authority of this Synod, and as arraying itself against the decisions of the Church through its highest judicatories, in a way calculated to foster the spirit of schism io our eongreg'ttions and among our people, this Synott__cannot consistently_ with_ an-y sense of self-respect or regard for the true dignity and authority with which it is bes ted, recognize or entertain_ any propositions from said Convention. 2 Resolved, That while this Synod cannot receive the papers submitted by•said Conven tion, it has no design to shut out the right of petition or complaint in its proper con stitutional form, but is ready and willing to consider any alleged grievances when pre sented in the proper way. 3 .Resolved, That Synod appoint a com mittee to prepare a pastoral letter to be ad dress ed_to the ch_ur_ches,_touchino_the_sub jeet now brought to its knowle r 'dge, and to 'ye proper-counsel and advice in reference to certain statements, which have been pub lished to the world in a certain pamphlet purporting to be the proceedings ut the Con vention held in Itleyerstown, and to to eonsideratiln the present posture of the Liturgical Question in the Ref nmed Church. 4 Resolved, That this Synod in thus pro nouncing the Meyerstown Convention irreg ular and schismatic, earnestly and solemnly enjoins upon all the members within her bounds to abstain from attending all such meetings as are calculated to interfere with the peace and prosperity of the Church. AN AGED LADY.—There is now in our city a lady named Margaret Stone, who' has attained the age of one hundred • and twelve years. She is here on a visit to a grand niece, and her Venial is such as to warrant a prediction that she may live several years longer. This aged lady is a native cf Cum berland county.—Ear. Tel. cThe lady alluded to in the above par agraph died on last Monday, from the effects received - in falling down stairs. A CURE rots FELoll.—One of the most annoying of so.callad 'little" troubles is a felon, and a genuine remedy is worth circulat ing. One who has tried it says that a poultice of onions, applied morning, noon and night, will cure a felon. No matter how bad the ease, lancing the finger will be unnecessary if this poultice be used. The remedy is a sure, safe and speedy one. The Italian War PARIS,Nov.S,—Iu the fight between the Garibaldians end the Papal troops, near Tetni, three thousand of the former were either killed, wounded or captured. Gari baldi nod his son Menotti were taken prison• crs and sent to Vlorence as prisoners of war. Four thousand Garibaldians, while on the march to reinforce the insurgents, were stop ped, disarmed and turned back by the Ital ians. The greatest agitation prevails in Italy. • The ultimatum of the _Emperor Na• poleon is to be aoswored by or before Thurs- day next. GENOA, Nov: s.—Garibaldi has arrived at Spezzia, on board of an Italian man-of war. He is a prisoner in the hands of the Italian Government. In 1859, a St. Muis busness man,'prosper ous and happy, caught a thief in his room, who, on pleaiing.for mercy and promises to lend an honest life, wus let oil. The met chant failed and became poor and needy. Lately his old acquaintance met him, and on fin4ing out his unfortunate condition, gave hinillo,ooo as an acknowledgment which he had long intended to make As a rule it will not cro to let thieves go in the expecta tion of getting $lO,OOO some time. Rev. W. M Baum, of York, bee received a call to become pastor of the Lutheran Church at Chambersburg. POiWMUNICATED. aieutt was killed, have been found guilty of murder, and sentenced to be hung on the 6th of December. l _is_thesorest—bkiw—&nd re cv-Joh n son—has—rz ceived since he deserted his personal friends and plotted to lietray great principles. Josh Billings says that if a man• profess es to serve the Lord, he . would like to see 'NATIONAL.' A sermon in four words on the vanity of earthly possessions; 'Shrouds have no pock- A man in Lalayett, Ind., is engaged in a tf 'tali 1tc2112-213Etcska: 2 SCRATCH I SCRATCH SCRATCH I ! ! Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum, Wheaton's Ointment cures Tette r. Wheaton's Ointment cures _Barbers' Itch Wheaton's Ointment cures Old Sores. NViteatores_Dirttment--cures---Erery—kind of Humor like Magic Price, b 0 cents a box; by mail, ('0 cents. Ad. dress WEElczi & POTTER, No._ 170 Washing ton Street, Boston, Mass. For sale by all Druggists. UPDEGRAFF'S have nowready their Fall Stock of HATS with a lull line of GLOVES and Ft!HS of their own make, to whkh they invite the attention of dealers. These goods . are mostly of their o vn manufacture and direct from some of the first manufacturers in the Country and will be sold to Merchants and Dealers at shorter profits than City Jobbers. Any sines can always be had. Call and see them. Old Furs clearved, altered and repaired. LIN INGS, CORDS, TASSELS, ENDS, BUTTONS and all kinds of TRIMMINGS for lodise F URS, together with Beaver, Utter, Sable, Swan's Down ar.d Ermine Trimming always on hand • or cut to order of any width. All qualities and styles of FURS on hand, II UDSON BAY, MINK SMILE, FITCH SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FRENCH SA BLE CANADA MINK, DIE i'ATION FURS, dtc, ace. FURS made to order at. UPD EG 11A FF'S llnt, Fur and Glove Manufactory, Opposite the Waillifigten tragerstown. Nov. 8, 1867. — W. SEIN Or lA(lie.. SUN UM IIIiELLAS, New Style PAR- A:30...5, RAIN UMBRELLAS, &c. A complete stock at On the sth inst., in the Reformed Church Parsonage, by Rev. W. E. Krebs, Mr. JOHN McCLA IN, of Frederick Co. Md., to Miss SARA II REBECCA CLINE, of Adams Co. Fa On the 31st ult., at the house of the bride's parents, by Rev W, E., Krebs, Mr. JO EIN S. FUNK to Miss CLARA. S. MOR GAL, both of this vicinity. The above parties have placed us under special obligations to them for a bountiful share of the delicacies prepared for the oc casion, in the shape of cake, wine, and more, a one dollar °greenback." For this mani festation of kindness and liberality on their part; we wish our young friends a long-lived, prosperous and happy future. ri° SEM M , ri• 0 WIC 33 . -On the 26th of Seprembvr, near Burnt, 'abins ' of Diptberin, Martha, aged 11 years; n the-lth of October, Walker, aged 5 years; o - the 25th of Oatoter, Sarah; - aged 21 y ars; on the Ist of November, Daniel, aged 1 years, chi:drop of Elias and Mary Fraker. IVlALWlrimaa r i m •V). PEFILADELPIIIA Yuesday Nov. 5, P. M.— FLOUR AND 31EAL —There is no. life in the Flour market, the demand being confined to small lots to qupply the some consumers, and prices are drooping. Small sales of su• perfine - at $7 50®8.50 "tp bbl.; exqas $8 50@9.50; Northwest extra family at $9:- 75@1U.75; Pennsylvania and Ohio _extra family at $10.50e412 50, and fancy at sl3(a) 14. Rye Flour and Corn aro unchans- .% • , TIEURCIIANGEABLE LAND. --Ti the PAet I A r s MA IF Bft i A B of . the f ormer at 08,60@0. things do not change. As Abraham pitched GRAIN. .—The Wheat market continues hie tent in &Abel, so does an Arab Sheik now • very dull, and :prices are barely maintained.- Set up his earnp; as David built his palace on , Sales 20 0 bush, good, andipriinir rea' at Meunt Zion, so 'would a Turkish pasha non; 82 2.50 iil bushr,Bye-hilotter. Sales of arrange his house. In every ,street may b ' outhern at 81.60, and Pentisy . lvania at 81.- seen the hairy children of Esau; squatting oa 55(®:57:. Cern is very , ; met. Sales of e the ground devouring a mesa of lentils 1ik,30011 bush. yellow at 0,3 1.40, delivered that for which the tough hunter' sold his ,in the Elevator at the latter 4 gore, and Wes birthrigtt. - Along every road plod the Soria tern mixed at 411.137®1.38''. Oats are also in of Baobab, whose fathers, thousands of years ' , limited - reqttetif, and ranges from '6O to 70e., ago, bound themselves and theirs to drink no with sales of 4200 b;!.. In Ilarlef lie ler wine, plant no tree, enter within no door, and ther sales have bee' reported. 1000- bush. their children have kept the oath; and at Malt sold at $1.6 . ' every khan are young men around thn'pan of SEEDS —Ne . Clover: ! has been itt parched corn dipping their morsel into the fair demand at 87. , 0®7.75 1; 64 lbs, the lat. ! dish. _ , -- - ter rate from seco. ; hands. Timothy , ran Job's plow is still used, and the seed is , still, ges from $2.40 to 42. 65, and Flaxseed from trodden into the ground by asses' and Moe.' 82.50 to $2 55. , ... ___ ,-,..-__._ Olives are shaken from the bough as directed CATTLE.—Be 4 cattle - were dull.this week, by Isaiah, and the grafting of • trees is un. and prices were usettied and rather lower, changed since the days' of Saul. The Syrian about 2,400 head -old at 8 @Mc iii lb gross house is still, as formerly, only a stone tent, (or Extra Penna. a, d Western steers; 7 ® as n temple was but a marble tent. What is 7ie for fair to good do., and 5 ® 61. - . dents scot' now in Bethany may be taken as the ex- V lb for common, as to quality. . . net house of Became, where Mary listened Hogs were in fa ir demand, at an advance; and - lltnitiia i'oika, of as the house of Simon 3.500 bead sold atlrom $39 ® 10-25 V 101 Y the leper, whore the box of precious dint- lbs. net. .. , moat was broken, and whence Judas set otlt to betray his master. Six r.e.roes implicated in the riots at Pickens, South Carolina, on the 12th of last 43. ' him do it in weighing sugar as well as when he hollers halleluyer. Not less than forty-thousand persons have had the yellow fever in New Orleans, du ring the present epidemic. • cv. •r. u an urg, wI o wro o wou not live alway,' is now contentedly going through his 71st year. , — Wood, along the Pacific Railroad, sells at from twenty-five to a hundred dollars per cord. In Chicogo - ,a few days since, all the chil dren in one family were married to all the children in another New York city cracks 960,000 eggs dai ly. --- 8 PECIA 1.4 Norraer.s. In from 10 to 48 hours Or TO NIERCH %NTS AND DEALERS. Oppositt. the Washington House Hagerstown Nov. 8,1867. LT' LA DIIIS' FURS. THE RFD PE:IiPEI'UA 14 MOPION Hat, Cane and Umber°lla Stores, Hagerstown. WEI. DO A.Ma3'11.301.. rpHE subscriber has now on hand an assortment u f - Pontimiftailv.Ponnms=alitinrlitorit put in knives ale rogue:4w] to givo him-a-call. Nov. 8.-4 t JOHN H. JOkiNSTON. the U. S . ver & Shoekey in my hands for collodion. I want said accounts and notes paid up by the• first day of January next, or they niav ba collected with costs in order to close up said firm. ' Nov. 8-- 3t. JACOB S. GOOD. Fo intiltrrand - htrteki S hop a~ PRIVATE SALE. ft ESSRS Hess & Emmert intending to quit tho Business, ofLr at Private sale their Foundry and Machine 'Shop and all its contents, Located ear-Qui iry i -F-ra trk-itn-Cov,-P a F or—l-nfo-rtantion— add nag NESS & EItiMERT. Nov. B—tf. Quincy, Franklin Co., Pa. S RUNDLE) ARRIVAL OF 000DS AT . No. 13, Pub Square, under Herald Office. We invite the attention of buyers to examine our purchased since the decline at greatly reduced pri ces. As we have had the ,dr, ntago of selecting our Stuck from both Market , (New York and Phila.,) we are prepared to defy competition in Style Quality and Prices. We ask the especial attention of customers to our large Stock of Prints, Brown and Bleached AIUsLINS, Domestic GINGHA (very low, do.. B irred, Shaker and D.onnt do. Canton and all other grades Sllequeing do. all Styles, FANCY SHAW LS, 01 RE 11 :FAmT DO: WORS TED DO., FANCY (ILOAKINGs,NUIiPS HOODS' DAL- ItEPP ALPACA. POPLIN, Silk Poplins ail Shades, Eng lish. iMeriuoe, Empress Cloths, Double Width :‘louslint , , Alpacas, A ll• Wool Ropp, Coburgs, (Cheap) Plain Pogius, Striped Do., Dolains, French Merinoes, &c. We would call especial attention - to our Minim-. ing Goods Departincnt, which ix complete. compri sing every kind of BLACK GOODS kept in a first. Black Engtiqh Do., Block Alpacas Black COBURf4S, Black r•ILKS, Bombazines, 'Jamie* CLOTHS, BOLA NA ISE, Bepp Poplins, Canton Cloths. Our stock of Men and Boy's Wear is complete, Fuch as Cloths, Cassimeres, Sottinetts, Tweeds, Jeans Kerseys, Full Linseys, &e. Also, n lull line of Nutiens, Hasiery, Gloves, Trimmings, Corsets,F. Hull dt Co's Celebrated HOOP SKIRTS &c., &c., Nov. 8 1887, ON SATURDAY THE 30TII 01 NOV. 1867. unaersigne.l, Asmgaeo of Tl. )I. Stoner, 1 will soil ni putilie Salout/111 Drug Store, in ‘Vnyneshoro' Pit., the following p roperty, to wit: DRUG STORE AND FURNITURE; The undivided one fifth interest in sixty and one• fourth ?ems of land adi)ining the borough of Way• nesboru% UPDEGRAFF's 1 SODA FOUNTAIN. 1 Gass Generator, 5 large Zinc and tin earls held. ing from 50 to 100 gal. each, 3 good Barrels, 15 gal., 4 2 gal., and 3 1 gal, Demijohns, 3 Carboys, 1 Key Diamond, 24 Tin Cans in good order, 1 small Copper still Kettle, 1 Printing Press I Dbl. Churn, 250 VOLS• BOOKS, 0 vols. Druggist Circulars, (bolinti) a lot of Stone Jars and Jugs, a lot td Glass Bottles and Jars, a lot of Boxts, a lot of Iron Piping and old Iron, Ogether with many otht.r arti cies not necessary to mention. Salo to commence et 10 o'clock on said day, when the terms will be made known by W S. AIIIBERSON, Assignee. G. V. MeNo, A uct. rf-t. PUBLIC SALE, IN the square of WAYNESBORO' Pa. The a• hove old and well known TAVERN STAND. will be sold at public outcry. on Saturday the 23d day if November, 1857. Also on the east corner of. the lot, a 2 Story Brick Stose House, 20 feet trout. 453 deep, all newly fitted upon the latest style. Ono 01 the finest rooms in Town occupied by the sub scriber, as a Boot, Shoe, Hat &a. &c. Emporium.— The Ha if the Story Room is Occupied by Prof. Wilson's Select School and Rents for $lOO Also 14 test front unoccupied ground between the Tay. ern and the Storehouse. All offered separate er Dula togelln rto suit the Purchaser. Possession given of the Tavern Stand on the day of sale. The above Preperty situated as it is makes it one of the most de siratee and best in Town Fur slither particulars call on the subscriber at his flat, Hoot, and Shoe Store. J. BEAVER. Nov. I—ts. JT3SI received at Melialfs & Hiteshow's, High colored Wool striped carpet, Pike *it 00,stich as has been nclling tor $1.2 . All wool ingr iiii u. Utiful.r‘tylrg, from $1 .25 to SI,G;;. Penknife Blades.. NOTICE• AN - E - tlie - BbTot(s and noreif-arthifiim-al-H-ooz 11. & A. YINGLING'S, well seloctal stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., MORALS RE PA LT, NT 11., , 11 . 14 Our DitES, 4 tiOoDri U,•pnrtmrut cornimeitni ilia following class of; SILKS, Colored and hi:wk., class Dry Goods 'House such as BLACK FRENCH MERINOES, U. & A. YINULING PUBLIC RAM WASHINGTON HOUSE. C.l EtPETS 2 CARPETS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers