NEW STORE. NEW GOODS !'NEW GOODS! COON J STONEHOUSE WOULD respectfully inform the public that they have now opened at their new roons,on the south•weat corner of t • fond, in—Wayoa• how', a largo and well sel cted stock of pry Goods, Groceries, --- Hardware and Cutlery, Lon, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queensware, Cedarwere, Shoes, Car pets, Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush es, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and fresh and have been bought for cash at the late decline in prices. We flatter ourselves that from our long experi ence in business, and a determination to sell ,gk.ods at small profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducements to all buyers who desire to save mon ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of sta ple anti fancy Dry Goods, embracing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords,.flen ims, Stripes, Cheeks, 13 inghorns, Linin and Cotton Table D;apers, Crash for Towels, Calicoes ,1)1310.itld, A Ipaccae, FANCY DRESS GOODS, Trimings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shillings, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, 1-losiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pny the highest marketprice for all kinds of country produce such as Bacon, Lard, But ter, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, &c, \`‘. Oct 18„ 1867. • 'OIL IL A. STOUFFER, DENTIST. PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN G R ENCASTb 1 1 1, P IVIN . G taken a thorough course of instruc• lion in Dental science and mare then five Sears experience, is prepared to practice his profes- Ellen with care and attention. Double and single sets of Teeth mounted and insured on the new plate, city style, which is beautiful and more cum!. fortebly worn at prices which defy competition. Teeth mounted on add or Silver. Having one of Dr. Richards Ether or Narcotic Sprays, a process of freezine the ! urns, Doves an excellent method of having Teeth--extracted_._Pain_s_carce.ly_ is felt, is generally liked, and always safe. I prefer it to Ni trous Oxide Gas. Magneto—Electricity is used for weak nervett,and neura.gia. No charge for exam ination of Teeth. H ave your Teeth examined once ____er_tw_mc_a_y_ear, and filled as soon as a cavity is formic]. Thus all Teeth may be saved: — Piiiitcu- Mr attention is )31,1 to chtldren's teeth (too much neglected by parents), a 50,t30 preserva ion . - f — tb - e - I natural organ by filling. Dental rooms in Na• thaniel Martin's residence, once occupiAl by Dr. Dentist, West Baltimore street. ' October 11 1867. J.W•MILLER'S ARRIVAL or NEW GOODS . _TAVING received a large assortment of goods, 1 . I am prepared to oiler greater inducements t an heretofore nt reduced prices, All I ask is an viarnination of theiock and prices, and they will IL with the above. Antic GOODS, NOTIONS, qu EENS lIVA. RE, CEDERWARE, GROCERIES, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE, 011. CLOTH, tender-my-thankiailthe community for their — liberal patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the same. Oct. 11 1867 PUBLIC SALE rrIPE subscriber intending to gait the Livery 1 business, will offer at Public Sale; in NVay neshoro' on Saturday the 2nd day of November, 1867, his entire livery stock viz: 9 HEAD OF HORSES 7 all in good condition and well calculated for riding or driving; New Futon Carriage, a valuable article. fi Falling-top. Buggies, three of which are as good as now; 1 ('per.-top BuggV, 1 two seated Aristocratic Buggy, 1' Spring 41 agon with top as good as new, 4 Sleighs and Belk, 10 sets of Siugle Barnes.; 4 so Is of Double flarnesP. 4 Riding Saddles, 2 Side Sad dles, 6 fly -nets. 4 Riding lirsd les, 9 Horse Blankets, fine new; 3 Carriage Polls, 1 Cuttieg Box, I lecd, trough, Horse Buckets, Shovels, Forks. Rakes, &c. rSte. Also 1 Cook Stove, 1 Template !!Stave, and a lot of furniture. Sale to commence at 10 o'- clock on said day, wnen a credit of Nina Months n ill be given on all sums of $lO and upwards. Oct. 11,1 s. FRANKLIN WEAGI.Y. G. V. Moto. Auct. Zire Engine for Sale: MBE large New Market Fire Engine, of Waynephure,' with Suction and GaHely all in good order, is offered at private pale. For further particulars inquire of, or address the Oct. 11-4 t. TOWN COUNCIL NOTICIFI. PERSONS who gavo their notes ekthe Sec of the subscriber on the 18th of Febralast.aro notified that said notes will he due et the First Nat. Batik of Waynesboro' on the 18th inst, Irn• mediate payment is requestA, 13. F. STEWART. Oct. 11.-3 w. JW. MILLER offers for vale upon reasonable . terms, a double Ship Ten-PI au IStOYO, Oct. 11.-2 w Penknife Blades. rIIHE subscriber his now on hand an arsirtmen: 1 . of Penknife Blades. Persons Warning blades p•ot in knives nee revagted to give him a call. 4t JOHN H. JpfiNSTON. CA RPETINO, ec , C. 0.:C., J. W. WI,LEk IFIrOtWANTTOBIITCUptIPpOODS PRICE & HOEFLICH'S, Where they have received the finest assortment of goods of all kinds that have been brought to Waynesboro' since the war. Bought at a low price and will be sold accordingly. - , - The eul scribers kindly ask the citizens ot Wayne's.- boro' and vicinity to call and examine their goods. and feel assured that they will concur in the a bove statement:. - - Bilks, Alpaca Reps, Pique clothe, Mohair Rips Merines, Delains. Coburge, All-wool Detains in all shat'es anti qualities _ Cloths, Cassimeres. Cords, Satinels,Jeans,ll'weedif, all varieties, with a host of all kinds of- goods at Oct. 4 1867. PRICE & HO.EFLICH'S B EEAKFAST shawls, ' Long and Square Shawls, Small Shawls, Infants Sacks, at Pam & Hosindon's C . PLENDID Goods from th o •Chambersburg Woolen Factory a PRICE & 110EPLIOII.8. G UM Blankets a nice article for a rainy day at Pit icE & HOULICEI'd MITE Wool and Grey Blankets at Pruett & Boamen's MANHATTAN, Germantown Factory Yarns a( Pales a lioanictea A LOT of Pretty COWMeTS at Paws & HOFFLICH'S • NEW Styles of Hoop skirts at Place e HoEruca's B ALMORALS a very chenp lot just received at Puma & Hossuctes m N and Boys Boots and Shoes Also Ladies Misses and Childrens Shoes and Gaiters at PRIQB e Elosnten's H OMEMADE Rag Carppts at Vales a Hosspen's I , RES H Mack rel at B UCKSKIN Glor ea and Glauntleti at PHICE a Hoer L ADIES Sack Clotho at G IIM Shoes and Sundals Ptucti 4SL. llossueees._ a VERCOATINGS at Ambbrson, Benedict& Co. NEW GOODS ! IX? E ARE now receiving tho largest stock of y geniis we have had for ten pears, to which we call the attention of all persons who wish to buy GOOD C3IrCICODSiI LOW FIGURES We haven large stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS W XRE, HARDWARE, cheaper Than they have been for six years. Our goods have been bought at low . prices end we .think we can sell them to suit all buyers. Give ua a call. AVIDERSON, BENEDICT & CO. October 4. 1867. VALUABLE PROERTY PUBLIC SALE. MHE subscrilwr will °Mr at Public Kale, on Sat ] urday the 19th day of October, 1867, his valua ble farm, situate in Washington Township, Frank lin county, containing 121 ACRES, 80 acres lying West of the road leading front the Waynesboro' Greencastle and Mercersburg Turn pike to Hoover's Mill (formerly C trbaugh's) and 41 acres lying cast (+leak, road. The improvenu nts are, a one and a half story DWELLING ILOUSE ; ,. and grille. On the Elit flare tract there is a him, y oUNO ORCHARD, 2 springs and running water, and on the 40 acre tract a mill rice running through the Eastern part. The farm will bo•sold undivided or divided, to suit purchasers. After the sale of the land he will off'er his valuable residence on Main Street in the Borough of Waynesboro,', being a large TWO-STORY HOUSE, tecontly remodeled and refitted throughout, with well ot i good water, spring house, cistern, bath houuse, stable and all other neccesaary out•housos thereon, together with a fine seleetion of choice fruit. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, un the first mentioned premises, when the Wring will he made known by W. .W. WA LKE It. Oct. 4—ts. G V. MONG ADC?• CI. C7..IFNIC).II.CMis, No. 16, West Washington Street, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, nine Gold Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, SPECTACLES, &C. , /(1H largest assortment of CARPETS in town at the storu of 10C Ammons, BENEDICT & CO 19F6CGAll at G OOD Levy gugar 41 The undersigned Agent for' the heirs at law of ireob Hoffman late of Washington county Md.. ( T\ will offer at Public Bale in the town of Ring gold in front of notilihie idr. Ilildebrand's State, on URDAY, OCTOBER 19th 1867.. _. at 9 o'clock A.M., all the Real, Estate of the said dec'd, d fur ibed as follows, tin FARM NUMBER ONE. The same on which 'the said deceased mudded, sit uated about i of a mile East of the said town of Ringgold,land adjoining the landsof Christian _Hoff man, Washington Kohler and ethers, -------- - VINTAINING 71 AOJtES, more or less, of the very best li nestone land in a high state of cultiv anon. The improvements con-- sist of a good two-idory and a stream of water running through the Farm FARM NO. TW O Adjoining the above Palm and the land■ of Juba Welty and others, contvining with a well of never failing water near the door Bank BARN with Wagon Shed attached and Ira hit; c - ee ry out•buildings. all of which are nearly new and in good condition- Also, PRICE & Hosnica!a— Pmcg do Hoesticn'e. HOUSES AND LOTS POE SALE. •tHE sulmcriber offers at Private Sale SEVEN I HOUSES and Lot-. situate un %lechanic and on North Street, Waynesboro.' ALEX. 11.1111ILTON.. Sep. 20 —tf RHUIJA Hit and Vegeribler— brou,h nt Mu, aCriliiin, at 14E10%5. May 17 13 AL:UN--Country Sides and Shoulders for sale jpby '4'..1, REID. Juno 28. CREAM CAKES—Nice for Tea, nt REM'S. liegentown. JTIB r received nt Metcalfe St Hireshew's, High colored Wool striped carpet, Ptico $1 00,such us has Veen selling for $1.25. All oro of iugrein oeutifhl styles, from $t 2. t.) $164. REID'S. IEW'S, PRLIC SALE, • LOG DWELLING HO-USE with a well of never failing water near the door, large Dank BARN with Wagon Shed attached, and all other neecessary out-buildiftge. Also Two ORCHARDS OF CHOICE FRUIT, 72 Acres and 42 Perches of Land, more or lea s; also in a good state of cultivation The improvements consist of a fine 'BRICK DWELIA-gO-11-0-USE, AN ORCHARD OF 000 D FRUIT The above Farmq ore both under good fencing, the o st of w hich being post and rail fence, I►IOUNTAIN LOT NO. ONE. Containing 10 ACRES and 45 PERCHES OF LA IVD, adjoin ing 4he lands of Christian—Hoffman-, and Jucob Hoover. MOUNTAIN LOT. NO. TWO, Containing 10 acres and 13 Perches, and adjoining Lot No.l. MOUNTAIN LOT NO. THREE. Containing 11 ACRES and 109 PERCHES OF LAID, and adjoining Lots Nos. 1 and 2 as above described, MOUNTAIN LOT NO. FOUR, Containing 8 ACRES and 145 PERCHES OF LAND, more - or - lessrand 'situated about 1} miles South o f Germantown. The above -Lots consist princippally of OAK and CHESTNUT TIMBER. Any person desiring to view the above pm perty will call on the 'subscriber residing near the Ring gold and Leitersburg road, about 1 miles from ti ther place. TERMS.— One-third of the purchase ;money to be paid - on or before the Ist' (lay of April. 1868, the remainder in two equal annual payments, for which .e_purchar•er will he required to give notes with approved security. bearing interest from the Ist day pril, 1868, when possession will be given. Sept. 20 JOHN W. MENTZER Agent. Way_ae_sharo' "Village Record " copy 3 t . and send bill to this office.—Hag• Herald. JR - • DEALER IN • Ladies-, Alisses,-Children,__ltten_andßoys :BOOTS iIt — SHOES - i - Hats, Caps, Trunks, etc., Segue, Tobacco, the very same old kind of Rap. pee Snuff, Candies, Nuts, Cloves. Cinnamon, Pep• per, baking Soda, Ginger, Baking 'Mollasaes, Shoe and Stove Blacking, Essence of Coffee, Paper COI. lava and Cuffs, Suspenders, Hose, Paper, ink and `Sled pens. THE METALIC SHOE SOLE. Soaps, Lilly White, Hair Oil, Perfumeries, Matches, Kerosene, &c. Government Blankets. Also Gum Blankets. Many more articles needed and used by everybody. Room on the norlh•east Corner in the Diamond,' WAYNESBORO'. C t zens and persona living in the Country will find a large and well selected stock of first class goons at as low figures as can be sold in the coun ry. Sept. 20 1807. rp E ~E UREKA" SMUT AND SEPA IRATING MACHINE. PATENTED Ft:BIWA RY,2 . 3, 1867. M. HAYS, Sole Agent For Franklin, Perry, Cumberland, Bedford and Fulton Counties, Pa. and Washington and Frederick Counties, Md. This Mackie is put before the public upon its own merits. It is the most complete machine of the kind now in use, and is guaranted to all purchasers. In no case will pay be required until the nincbine has been thoroughly tested and oath hiction given. For Circular ad .;rees M. lIA YS, Men ert•burg, Pa. N. B —The subscriber also builds and repairs MILLS ofall kinds at short notice and upon the most approved plans. Cast Iron and Turbine Wa ter Wheels, Burs, Molting Cloths, Flour Packers, Belting, Proof ritalTs and all kinds of Mill Furnish ings furnished at the lowest cash prices. All work and goods warranted. M. H. Juno 24. ly. PAINTS for FARMERS and others.—The Gra ton Mineral Paint Co., are now 'manufacturing the Best, Cheapest, and most Durable Paint in use: two coats well put on, mixed with pire Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years• it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone. drab, olive or cream, to suit the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fen. t es, Carriage ar d Car makers. Pails, and Wooden ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Yes. eels, and Ships' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shin gle Roofs, (it being Fire and • Water proof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having used 5000 tibia. the past year,) and as a palnt for any purpose is unsurpassed for holy, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Warranted in all cases as :move. Send for a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Graf ton Mineral Paint Actress DANIEL 13IDW ELL, !MI Pend St. Y . For sale at the Hardwire store of GEISER & RHINE H A UT, who are also agents for Bidwell's rriage Grease. Oct.4-6m CilltPtrl'S I CAMPETS .1 [ 0 - )RUGS MEDICINES, O X_ IC. Xiill PnOLIT'S, dte. &e., Go to Fourthman's _ . - ih, IMMILVZ2I. EMRLE'criCiaLKEI CO Waynesboro', May 24, 1847 CELEBRATED BASE BURNING STOVE TUE MORNING GLORY ! The Morning Glory ism perpetual burner, having a magszine or reservoir fur reserve coa l, which is re• quired to he (W.ll but once a day, and if the proper sized coal is use I it is nut necces-ary to rekindle the fire during the entire winter. (No clinker will remain in these stoves, nor will thew be any trouble from slate, or other impurities in the, coal, the lire being always at the base of the coal, the impurities are telt in the ashes and ground out by the "M ilbgrote.") THERE'S NO ESCAPE OF GAS OR DUST ECONODIY OF FUEL ! The com'iuteion of fuel being perfect and nt a high temperature, the amount of heat produced from the same quantity of coal is much greater than at a low temperature, hence but a small qunn• Lily of fuel is necceesary to be uudegoing the ,pro cess of combust km at one time. The et.tiro outer surface of the M oraing Glory is radiating surface. Add to this the surface of . bjects heated by rays of light through the mint witidovte, lied you have cry) the secret of th e ge e eating properties of the Morning Glory with sin II amount of fuel. Siol - For sale at '. A. TEtitte's Tin nod Stove More. - He has a large stock of Stoves. Tinware and oth er goods in his line, which he will sell cheap. You will find the best COOK. NINE PLATE am! CO % L SroVES in mark.t. A lea on hand qs Copper and Iron Kettles. His Copp r Kettles are better than aro offered for sale els !where, and cheap er, as he makes them, and can sell at eborter profits Also the best CISTEIIN PITNIP in market, i s throng, simple durable and cheap, is insured not to freeze. Call and ate it. All kinds of repairs done in Tin, Copper or Sheetiron. Don't tail to call as you will filed a largo stock of goods. Sept. 6.-7 mos., W. A TRITLE. _TOWN PROPERTY POE SALE. T TIE subscriber °tress at Exivata sale his se s i dense situated on Church Street, Waynesboro.' ne improvements are a comfortable and conv e M. eat Cutup Budding, good stable, arid other neces sary out-buildings, the whole being nearly as good as ~ew. Cistern and well of good water conveni ent For terms an I other p trti -Mars apps y to the subscriber living on the prermses sepr .7,0-3ra Dit). I \IF LUMBER WANTED. TilE aubembers will piq the hizhest cash price for Lumber, to ho dolive.e.l this season. and will also want a Ingo lot fir next sem». GEIIE It, & CO. ' COOK STOVES! litsware, Ironware, libmonware, House Furnishing Goods And other useful articles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa , cohere a largo as• COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVE,S- - - • - PARLOR STOVE, S COAL STOVES, &o. of the latest improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store of D. B. RUSSSELL. TINWARE rnado . of the best Tin in the market, and warrantell at the sign of the "Big Reecl 3ECcriv.m.” D. B. KUBSELL keeps constantly .on han a large assortment of House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a large assortment of Lamps. Washing Made Easy ! breallinicartre — sigifor getting the best Close Wringer ever made. VP Persons iu want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c,, can get full value f.): their money by calling on D. It RUSSELL, Sign of the "RIO RED HORN," Waynesboro, Po Feb. 16 THE IMPROVED ORIENTAL -- ilaverrerelyed Four First Chowtremlnmivntil Neer York Moto and other Palm Akio, the greet SILVER MEDAL at the Fair of •he_Amerleari Institute held !nth& City of New York, 1563. THEY ARE PERPETUAL BURNERS, ONLY ONE FIRE BEING REQUIRED TO BE MADE DURING THE SEASON. THEY ARE PERFECT VENTICA - TORS - 01 , TLIJ APARTMENT. MERE CAN DE NO ESCAPE OF OAS FROM THERE CAN BE NfY-OLINKER OR SLAG TO 15BSTRUCT. THE FIRE WILL REMAIN FOR DAYS WITH- OUT ATTENTION. THE ILLUMINATION IS EQUAL TO AN THEY ARE POWERFUL HEATERS AND YET PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO LILD WEATHER. THEY ARP, THE MOST ECONOMICAI STOVES AND FURNACES EVER MADE. THE FURNACP, WILL HEAT, SATISFAC TORILY, BOTH AN UPPER AND A LOWER ROOM, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL. Eight Sizes of the Stoves, and Three Sizes of tho Parlor I'llrnaces. Manufactured, and for Salo to the Trade by PERRY & Co., ORIENTAL STOVE WORKS, No. 113 Hudson St., Album, Sold at Retail by - - Rcpt. 20— tf. CARRIAGI MAKING: THE subscribers would inform the public that they have associated themselves together in the Carriage in:ski:lg business, an I that the business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the•firm of ADAHS & HAwrtea. They will have constantly on hand BUG. vir OfF.B of every description ; new and s ,a ; 4- . • secon4.l•handed Vehicles of all )(inch:. "sztairsiir's - rir Repairing done at short notice. They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in our line will do well to give us a call hel;tre purchasing elsewhere., ' - JAColl A 13.11118, . GEORGE B. 11A K KE: Church Strcet nearly .nc:!if: !fie 1l C Jan 29 - if Glt IND -EX 111 lITION of Sprinw Styleg of HATS and G IPSat D Eel! ERT Rig Red Hat, nut m beraburg, DIG Ilt:D HA I !—St. Cloud, Jvronte, Bault lilt:aim:l, Howard, Broad Brim:1'110 , 1N, ekc. at DECIIEICT'S. Main Street ChamherOurg. 1)1G RFD HAT,, Main Street, Chambersburz, I)Pa, IA a sure sign that y u are near the Uheap and Fashionable Hat Emporium of Mny 24 1 y C~~if ~ s tom`#~~►~i~`~ *~ ~~~ AND MACHINE SHOP ! in- NIT t E ri ta i k c e m l . e l a n v i e ut t v n . i t n .l f:rr t n t u he t, T r i; bi t i t c o tba t, t i “ w d e hu,lncFs near Quincy. l'a. NVe are Ilrepred .0 do all kinds of repairing nt shr , rt notice, also mill gear ing, rust anti wrought iron sit ifting„ stows, iron iii•t• tles, oven doors. shoo scrnp..rioLtQco 11.)oks. 45. c„ arc. We also build an improved baggy and tvagmi J c lc. horse powers, bevel tack, wuoll saws, iron ash fity• pent, iron bottom plate for barrels. iron lencin; knd railing m obi to order. Old moo bought or ta. nett in exchange fur ticw work. 1111 - 'S & ENINIERT Oct 2-I—tt. • EOM Japanned ware, al Stoves, and Parlor Furnaces, " OPEN FIRE." D. D. RUSSELL, , Sign of the Big Red Horn. Waynesboro,' Pa NF W FIR M! DECHERT, , DS in endless variety and very Cumherlanfl Valley 11.1 t Ettipor, DECHEI?7'. Woman or Child in Uttatubentburg the wiz to the Chew Hot tore DEcHERT. Heft Hat, ChatztLersburg, Pa. -0- IMMILY ipROUYI .s., , sosMa•Ck. •t • - SUCCESSOR TO Hostetter, Reid & Co. VALLS the attention of buy era to his stook or goods just = received, vii - V - COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, BIOLASSES, KEROSCENE OIL, ,GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOODEN WARE, PURE SPICES, NOTIONS, LAMPS, S. C HAMS, BACON, C EIEESP; SALT, MASON'S CRACKERS, Steamed Cove and Spiced Oysters. Tha "celebrated A. FIELD Brand" in 1 lb. and 216 Cans. McMURRAY'S Bnit. Oysters. Lunch Oyfiters, an x L N T thing for Pic Nic and Private Parties. All sold by tho case, dozen, or single can. 11F• It. IMEN .11E3 am [Fresh Fish in Beason.] Particular ottention.paid to the Fish trade. Shad and Herring by the bbl or half bb!. Shorn Mackerel by the bbl , halves and quarters. lie keeps everything udually found in t well reg ulated Grok.ery , ell of which will be.Rold at a very • •111-wdaoincc,-for-CAsu-ori Come to "Mexican Row." His hest bow to his customers for the liberal en couragement heretofore extended to him. May 17,1867.1 W. A. EMI). P. S. Highest market price paid for Country Produce, such as Butter, Egga, Bacon, Lard, in exchange for good., or houvht for ca,h, Hagerstown, Md. June 10. THE ! Dry Goods Do on Twenty-five per Cent & A. 'YiNGLING sum, A El EA D AND LEADING , OFF IN LOW PRICES ! ! AT F. have just returned from the Eastern Cities v with our Peconi I supply of litt mmcr Dry Goods, purchased at prices 25 per cent less thin has been [ought is this in irket this season. We era now selling Good yd, wide Muslin (Bleached) at 14 • II if 1)o. ((Jnbleached) 15 CalicooP, (Fair colors) 10-13 Whale Bone Coreietts $l,OO Good lloop Skirts 75ets, 1,00 Cottenailes 4 . 20—to 5',./ots Our stack of Glottis,(lasimert, hadi-a Cloak insa, Cottenadea, Linen Ducks and Drills, Dress Goods, Notions, hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings. Fluor and Tablo Oil Cloths, Mattin g s. Sze.. are complete and we defy compeditioa in . sty le. qu tlity arid priers June 14.'67 11 & k. YINGUING. COACH MAKING! ,Ithsc:iliers announce to the ruldic this they are carrying on the coach-rniking buyo r cos in all ha branches, nt the old st end, rtn F oft Main Street, and have now for sale a fine stock of CA ItittAGUS and (AIt:CIE:4, new and second-handed, which they will d!sioh.e of upon the most rneaon•h!e forma. and warranted to be al represented. Itepdring of all hinds done at 1.1»,t notice and upon ma so n lito tem.+. Nene lint the best materitl used and only the bent rNr hantce employed. They feel confident that th. it work will give satiafaction, and respectfully no! icit a share of the public patronage. April 12- Gin GREAT PROGRESS IN DENTISTRY ! DTt. VV. B. HA YCOK would respectfully call the, attention of the r itiz ‘Vnytte.hor.,' and vicinity to the great progri si mile iv Utnttl :Schnee. Having had long . exp,rience in the pr .- 1. smton with the InrgrAt and Itt..t tu.lection of Attu FIrIAL 'Tatars! and De teti.4l:l nt.tteria , 4 111 the cowl Irv, he dewy not hesitate: to gudrarre t all work to eiv.i full Ictlist . teti.tti, or the -in , ney will be .refunded trier a fair trial The ino.t Niolent •ilhiehe vv;th , itit raction I.r pain an I the tooth to.:de tl.ctot for years. The best references given In Franklin euun Please call at his office, on second street between Fellers' and McGrath's Hotels. Ch impersJurg, Pa. where ho can at all times be found. August 23.-3 m, LOOR Oil Cloths, all patterns and style at the U store rf A:bIDRILSON, BENEDICT & Co. CHECK and plain Mattintr at the store of AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. L ADIES Dress frIKNOS of nil kinds it the store of MIHEBNION, BENEDICT &•CO pRIME N. 0. Molasses at the store s of unstutoN, BENEDICT ea Co OIL Cloth and paper Blinds atthe store of Amanit9oN,Bsa ,, atc7 dr, 11 W OR e - cake of fine Soap, you must . Kit FT 7;S _ _ _ _ 10 BALES Seamless Grain Bags in store and for sale cheap by WALKERpNILL & Co. thwcfgeown JaxcATFS arrival or4iew la at tho store al T AIai:IVMM. BENITIOT AI CO. I.7EENs WA fie-A new lot of beautirul styles at. S YRUPIS:--01)o I and Clew a R tit D fp, HESS & CIZOI;.-3F. REID'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers