VILLAGE RECORD. irrtday s OcCober 11,1867. Tau COVNTY.—The result of the elea. tion in this county on Tuesday last has been in ravor-of the Democratic ticket by 150 to 200 majority. TniSTATF.—As we go to press it has not been definitely determined which party . bas elected their candidete for Supreme Judge. The majority on either side prom ises to be very meager. Tux ELECTION.-The election in this place . en_Tuesday last passed of—without; the-least . ,eittitement. The—following is _ theroffieial vote of Washiogton.Towtaship, which shows a considerable falling off from the maprity' of the Union party as ompared with the . vote of last fall. There are different causes . for this result, which seem to have extended shronghoni the State, the most prominent of ---whieh—was-doubtless-a general-apatby among _the people. The election being merely a lo cal one, comparatively little interest was manifested as to the result: . ta'Asi Sharnwooi ABBOOl4 te Judgo. Pax ton A rrnstrong Amienibly. 319 317 McGowan Frank . ,• ingot' =surer Greenawalt kinnor Commissioner Etter Bhinafiold Director of Poor Maclay Gillan Jury Cummisioner. Im brie Bo d Auditor Witherow blower Onto EL'ECTIOW:--=l. Ircfew - r:turns of the Ohio elsotion received indicate the sucoess of the Republican ticket by a majwity _of about 20,000 votes. The Amendment to the constitution enfranchising the colored citizens has been defeated by a large major. ity, both parties voting against it. consequence of alleged bad man.- agensent of the affairs of the Antietam Cem etery, Gov. Fenton, of New York, feels jus tified in refusing to pay over the entire ap ___propriation made by the Legislature of that State until a special commission shall have presented a satisfactory report upon the past and present management. The loveror of Peno - sylvania has also appointed a special commission for a like purpose. 'The remains of the Asaasslation con spirators, convicted and executed for the murder of Prestdent Lincoln, and also the remains of Wire, the' Andcrgonville jailer, were exhumed on Tuesday evening, and re• interred in another locality that has not been divulged. The removal was made by order of the War Department, and was rendered, necessary by contemplated improvements in the old penitentiary grounds. The affair was very quietly conducted, rirA Richmond despatch, on the beat authority, says that the trial of Jeff. Davis for levying war against the United States will be commenced on the eighteenth of No vember, and that there will be no postpone ment by counsel on either side. The fact of of levying war will be admitted by Davis' counsel. The prosecution will argue that he has been guilty of treason. The defense will be that Davis, being a citizen of o State and under its laws, his allegiance was due to his State, and not first to the United States. Chief Justice Chase will not 1)0 present at the trial. _ BOSTON, NfteP., Oct. 8-At the terenade to Gen. Sheridan, last night, the crowd in Bowden Square was so great that over fif ty ladies, who bad ventured to the scene, fainted. 02e had her ribs broken and oth ers were more or less injured. Ite,,Gen. Andrew W. Denison was on Friday last unanimously nominated by the Republicans of Baltimore as their candidate for Mayor at the ensuing municipal election. sterA recent visitor to the oil regions of Pennsylvania describes the desolation whiih reigns in a once famous locality. Between Oil City and bleadville not one well is in operation. It is only a long line of rotten derricks and rusted boilers and engines. ,The fall session • of Pennsylvania Col lcge at Gettysburg opened on Monday, with an addition of lorty-five new students, being the largest accession of new students since the organisation. 10,,,IToder the homestead law, it is said ono hundred and•sixty aeres of land can be obtained in Missouri for 618 expense. Im proved farms can be bought at from 65 to 6.10 per :cre. iter-Mr. Elias Howe, Jr., the inventor; - 01 the sewing waehioe, died at his residence, in Washington avenue, Brooklyn, on Friday morning, after : A Acre an"a protrabted ih nras. t. ~ 11=112: I , ' TaiI9IREAT COUNT • .—A certain Wes tern paper was very m oh given to, ghafalu tin' on the subject of his great country, un til! a rival paper somewhat modified its tone by the following burlesque. "This is u great and glorious country! It has longer rivers and more of them, and they are muddier, deeper, and wider, and run faster, and rise higher, and. fall loWer, and make more noise, and do more damage than anybody else's rivers. It has more lakes and they are bigger, and stormier, and clear er, and wetter than those of any other coun try. Our railroad cars are bigger, and run faster, and pitch-off the Crack oftener,and kill more people than all other railroad ears in the world. Our eteamboats_carry_bigger loads they are longer, and broader and bigot d buret their boilers ofiener, and sends up their passengers-higher r and-lets-them-fail — barderT and the captains swear more, than any steam, `boat ea ptaina in any other country. Off men are bigger, and longer, and thicker, and can fight faster, and - diEk - more mean whisky, and chew more bad - rob:mooted spit more and further, than the men of any other country. Our ladies are richer and prettier, and dress finer and spend more money, and break more hearts, and wear bigger_ hoops, and_shorter dresses. and -longer _curls,_and_ paint and powder more, and run the streets more, and follow the fashions closer, and kick up the devil generally to a greater extent than all other ladies in all other countries. Our children squall louder, grow—fatte too expensive for their pantaloons,and become twenty-one years old sooner by some months than any other children in any other country ort fr the earth We have better, and sharper, and meaner lawyers than any other country. We have more preachers than any other country, and some of them can sing louder, preach harder, pray longer, and act the hypocrite better than any other preachers in the world:—We— have -faster---horsesi—and fatter and , bigger hogs, and better beef, and everything else ahead of anything that can be produced elsewhere. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.—The fol lowing' is the amendment to the Constitution proposed to the people of Ohio, upoti - which they vote on Tuesday: Every male citisen of the United : -States of the.age of ticity-kine-years-F-who-has-been a resident of the State one year next preced ing the Isleetion ' and of the county, township or ward in which he resides, such time as may be provided by law, except such persons as may have borne arms in support of and insurrection or rebellion against the Govern ment of the 'United States, or have fled from their' place of residence to avoid being draf ted into the military service thereof, or have deserted the military or naval service of said Government in time of war, and have riot subsequantly been honorably discharged from the same—shall have the qualification of an elector and be entitled to vote at all elec tions. LADY'S FRIEND.-This number is remark ably good. The-Steel-Engraving 'Learning to Sew" is a sweet, quiet home picture, The Fashion Plate is stylish and gay; nothing of the kind in the country is worth looking at compared with the elegant refinement of the fashions as shown by this magazine. The Wood Cuts lead off with some captivating skating Costumes, and some illustrations of a novel and most convenient kind of hood; and include a wonderful variety of things interesting to ladies. There are two pages of Music—" The Pearly Stream Polka;" and the literary matter is uncommonly rich:— August Bell, Elizabeth Prescott, Aunt Alice and Frank Lee Benedict have done their best. Price (with engraving) $2.50 a year; Four copies (with one engraving) $6.00. One copy of Lady's Friend and one of Saturday Evening Post (and one engraving), $4 00. Address Deacon 46 Peterson, 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. llAoznarowN, ()weber 7,—The barn of Jacob 11. Keedy, near Keedysville, Washington county, Md., was set on fire a bout 9 o'clock on Saturday evening the sth inst., and when discovered by the neighbors was surrounded by a number of hands em ployed on the Washington County Railroad, late members of the Rebel army, who refus ed to allow Oe citizens to save such proper ty as they might have, cheered for Jeff. Davis, Stonewall Jackson_ and other Rebel Generals, and swore that this was the first Radical barn harried, but would not be the last. Mr. Keedy lost II head of horses, 25 loads of bay, all his farming utensils, some wheat and oats, ace. It is generally believ ed that the barn was set on fire by the Rebel miscreants on account of Mr. Keedy being a Union man. Hon Mr. Shanks, member of Congress from Indiana, in a speech at Richmond last night, said that if President Johnson was guilty of the charges against him be would be impeached, and, "even with the aid of the Maryland militia be was arming, be would be powerless to do anything, as the men of the North were ready at the tap of the dram to quell him and his militia. If Andrew Johnson, instead of Abraham Lincoln, had been killed by Booth s the reb els of the South would to-day be obeying the laws. Rebel defiance of the law explains why Johnson was not killed. Fle was pie served from death by the hands of tyitors that they might have protoctioe in violating the laws. Twenty-two thousand dollars were abstrac ted from the Cashiers desk of the First:Nat. Bank of Providence,..R. I. on Tuesday last. The Express office at Brownsville, Nebras ka, was robbed the same eight of 815,000. Some idea may be formed of the. number of baso-ball players by the fact that a single manufactory in Lynn Mass., has made and sold thirty thousands pairs of shoes for base ball players this season.' . The man who pays more for his shop rent than hie advertising don't know his bud ness. Isis, Oreelq. LOCAL MATTERS. MILLINERY GOODB.—Mre. C. L. !lonia berger has received her fall supply of new Millinery goofs, to which she invitee the at tention of the ladies Futsitumi.—Miss M. 0. Resser Las just opened out her firirtinp - ply of new fall and winter Millinery goods. Ladies are in. vited to call and examine her stock. Ad vertisement next week.-- - DENTAL CARD.—WO direct special at. tendon to the earl of Pr, D, 4, Stouffer, Dentist, of Greencastle,' to be fCtind — in our advertising columns. LIVERY fOR SALE.—The extensive Liv• ery stook, einlinioing vebiOles, eto., beloicgini to Mr, F. Weagly, of this place, ie offered at public sale, See advertisement. Nzw 400n5.-14r. Geo. Stover has re ceived bis first supply of new fall anii winter goods. Drop in and examine his assortment. Advertisement next week. NEW GOOllO.-31r. J Iv. Miller, it Will be seen on reference to our advertising col umns, is now in receipt of his first nrrival ENGINE rort—SALE;----Tho—New Market Fire Engine of this place . is announced for sale in another column by the Town Council The engine was purchased in Baltimere a few years since, is a very superior article of the kind, in good order, but too large for our town. It is a suction engine with gal lery stream, and can be purchased low. Sor.n —The farm belongingto the heirs of Henry Stamy, deo'd, near Quincy, con taining 103 acres, was sold by G. V. Mong, auctioneer, on - tho -- 4th — tost; -- to Geo. L. Knepper, for the sum of $105.25 per acre. Also 12 acres of Mountain land to Jacob - Rock - for $5,25 per acre. PItOrESSIONWL =Our young friend Dr. A.. J. Soively, of Williamsburg, Pa., (for merly from this county), has permanently located in Hanover, Pa., where he purchas ed the Drug Store, and rented the offices of Dr. 11. C. Echer, deo'd. Dr. S is a gradu. ate of the Bellevue Medical College of New York - , and a thOscugh pharmaceutist, being eminently qualified to take the place of his successor, and we have no doubt, will meet with that patronage of which be is so wor thy. MINSTRELS COMING.—The "Di'amond'' Minstrels, composing seventeen members, accompanied by the famous Long Brothers and S'ister,—a - nd also Miss Jennie Blakeville, will give _ two grand entertainments in this place on Friday and Saturday evenings, Oc tober 18th and 19th. They will be in Quin cy on Thursday evening the 17th Th!s troup is celebrated for_ their entertainments and we bespeak for Them full houses both here and at Quincy. Futt.—On Thursday morning last, about 4 o'clock, our citizens were arousdli from 3 their sl \ u mbers by the cry of fire, and the announce\ ent that Mr, George Frick's Foun dry was on fire. In a , short time after the alarm was given citizens of the town' gener a • , ere on the spot, and with the aid of our fire engine, buckets, eto., succeeded in arresting the flames, with the destruction only of the Moulders' department. Had the entire buildings been destroyed,. Mr. Frick's loss would have been very heavy, which' is only estimated at between $l2OO and $l5OO, upon which there is no insurance. The fire is supposed to have originated•in the core house and was communicated to a barrel of rosin in its vicinity. The building will be refitted in a short time and active operation resumed. We understand his foundry and shops, with that of Messrs. Geiser, Price & Co , will hereafter have a night watch. FIRE AT MERCERSIMEG.—On Thursday night last, about 10 o'clock, a Sre broke out in Mercersburg, in the Hay loft of Mr. A. L. Coyle's stable, which was entirely consu med, together with an adjoining stable and carriage house, belonging to Mr. Coyle. Loss from three to four hundred dollars. The fire is supposed to be tha work of an incendiary. BARN BURNED.—On Wednesday morning last, between 7 and 8 o'clock, it was discov ered that the Barn on the farm belonging to Col. illo;.1lure and occupied by Mr. Linn, about a mile north of this town, was 'on fire. The barn was totally destroyed, with all its contents, a larg quantity of hay and grain. It is said to have taken fire from a lantern which was used in the .Barn early io the morning and thoughtlessly left there: We understand there was no insurance on it.. This was one of the three handsome Barns built' n this vicinity by Col. McClure, whose taste and enterprise in the . erection of farm buildings have done so much to embelish the northern suburbs of our town Its destruction is regretted by all our citi zens.— F. Spirit. GRAIN CROP OP EUROPE.—lnformation has been received at the Treasury Depart ment, from an official source, that the thresh ing shows the crop of wheat in the United Kingdom of Great Britain to be short in quality as well as quantity. Competent judges, with whom the writer convened clOring the month of September, estimate that it will fall twenty per cent, below an average crop. NOMINATIONS.—We learn from the lad Herald that the Conservatives or Rebel sym pathies of Washington Coanty, met ta,Con. ye:ales in Ifagertown op Saturday last, and nominated the following ticket : - For Clerk-11. MeK. Keppler. - -- For Register--M.B. Bather. For Seoator,—Jae. 11. Grove. For Delegates—F. D. Herbert, Sam. Fi ery, Alf. Showman, Jus. Coudy, Elias E. Rohrer. • . Fur Judges of the Orphans' Cout—j. W. I .40.„ Brea*ed - ,,J . I. iturley, W: if. Knoda: FfsNount Commissioners—D . rs, David Hoover, n Asb, — Davi Cushw y, John Wilier:— - .•'--- • ..- For Sheriff=—G. W. Grove. For Comity; Surveyor—Sam. S DoWnin. For tatesAttorney=4l_ll_lC„e_ed_y - - - ... Yellow. Fever• ITS RAVAGES IN LOUISIANA. From the latest New Orleans mails we glean the following details of the ravages of the yellow fever in the city, The following table e4hibits the progress of yellow fever deaths in New Orleans from week to week since July /3 ; Week ending July 13 Week ending July 20 Week ending July 27 Week ending August 3 Week ending Anoint 10 - Week—endiag-A-u- r gu, et 1 - 7 Week ending August 24 Weekending August 31 Week ending Se'ptember 7 Week ending September 14 • 354 Week netting September 21 Week ending September 28 The increase has been steady and gradual during the whole time, with the exception of two weeks— one the week ending August 17, when there was- a decrease - of - the deaths by that disease. pow much longer it will con• tinue to increase baffles the judgement of the most skillful physicians to determine. The Republican says ; "The disease pre, veils among all clams and all nationalities. It does not seek out for its victims those on ly who have resided Lere but a short period. They who have escaped other epidemics in New Orleans have lost their lives by that which is now sweeping over our beautiful city. Heartless Desertion A sad case of heartless desertion had transpired in Albany, New York The par ties were both of high respectability; the gentleman, as he had been considered, was about thirty years of age, and the lady about twenty-five, A Gong acquaintance had ripen ed into 'mutual affection, which resulted in an engagement of marriage. During his ab sence in the army she had-been-true-to him, and, after his return, a day was appointed for the consummation of their happiness by uniting in marriage. That day oeJurred on Wednesday of last week, The friends of wow io t par tea assem . le 'Ti e, as ienu• tiful as she is accomplished and good, was arrayed in her bridal attire, awaiting the ar rival of the •groom, The hour passed, and he did not come, but in his stead his mother came, with the announcement that he was at home, and so ill that the ceremony could not proceed The poor girl was so overwhelmed with mortification and the conviction that the ex cuse was false, as it afterwards proved to be, that she went into convulsions, and remained in that oonsdition as late as Monday last.— Her deplorable state excited the most pitiful apprehensions for her lite, and, as a last re• sort, the author of_her suffering was cow. pelled, almost by force, to visit ber.-=ifbat theresult of their interview was is not known, but the excitement and indignation against him was so great among his neighbors that it was with difficulty they could be restrain ed from laying violent hands on him. If she recovers from her illness she will have rea son to congratulate herself upon het.Ricky escape from one who by this act of treachery has proved himself unworthy of any woman's love. A TOUGH STORY.-A Western paper tolls the following rather tough story. If true, it is the most remarkable on record: An accident of a remarkable nature occur red in the woods of a neighboring county last week by which a man was thrown eigh ty feet in the air. lie was standing on a balance tree lying across a large log, to• . see another tree come down, when the tree in its falling courses truck the other end of the tree on which he was standing, nod the tre mendous weight of it coming on the spring leaver, threw him like a shot into the air. The remarkable part of the story remains to be told. When at his highest elevation the man caught hold of the top of a tree •a- bout fifteen feet from the trunk, and remain ed suspended by the arms until the person who had felled the tree traveled a distance of five miles and returned with help and a ladder before he could he released from his perilous position. He was found in the same position as when left, evidently in the best of spirits, for, he was whistling "Yankee Doodle," and making a strong fight with his feet against a delegation of wasps that were endeaioring to build a nest in the seat of his pants. He said, upon reaching the ground, that he had a "healthy time" with the "var mints," and attributed his powers of endu rance wholly to the hotly contested canvass he had with the "critters" by their persist ent "fire in the rear," and the tremendous excitement incilent thereto. If that Man ever gets into office he will be provilcd for, for the rest of his natural life. He will know bow to hang on to it. Italy BIARILITZ, Oct. B.—The following plan has been agreed on: Italy is to take posses. sion of Rome. The Pope is to remain there until his death, when tempora: of power popes will cease. FLORENCE, Qet. B.—The Romans claim to have killed• seventy nod caught one hun dred and ton at Bagnarea. 'The Garibaldians are marching on Rome. The Morence press urge upon the govern ment to anticipate them. It is denied that the American minister demanded the release of Garibaldi on the ground that be was an Ame rican citizen, but be naked the government to show clemency. Garibaldi has issued an address denounc ing Ratazzi. Ilon. Thos. E.. Noel, member of Congress for the Third District of Missouri, died on Weiinesday in St. Louis. BEAUREGARD'S ADVICIE.—In a speeeh at Richmond a few evenings since , Beauregard urged the people to manifest the same spirit that characterized 'them during the war. That is to say, he would have them unyield ing, and pursue the same path of folly which the whites of Alabama and Louisiana have entered upon by leaving the entire work of reconstruction to the blacks. The little Creole evidently is animated 'by "the same spirit." Re is the 'same Beanregard who wote to William P. Miles from Charleston, under date of October 13, 1862: "Has the bill for the execution of abolition prisoners after Jaitaaijr next been passed? Do it and England will , be stirred into action. It is high time to proclaim the black flag after that period. Let the execution be with the garrotlO______l • A few days ago a train of cars ran into a hand car containing fifteen men, 'one mile east of Aurora, Ind., and killed three men on the spot. besides wounding six • others, some of them 'nfortally. The train was an extra, and was running cautiously, but owing to a dense fog, neither party could see over a few yards in advance, RAYAors or WAR.—It is announced that since the Act of Congress of July 16, 1862, authorizing artificial limbs to be furnished to maimed soldiers, there have been issued 3,981 leg 2,240 arms, 9 feet, '55 hands, and 125 surgical apparatus. The Surgeon-Gen ,ral-estiuratew Out 1;000 - Iimbs I to be supplied. 5 9 14 69 126 212 SPECIAL NOTICES. Italia Xtc3.l3. !itch 2US SCRATCH 1 SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCH !! ! I n from 10 to 48 hours. Wheaton's Ointment cures The Itch Wheaton's Ointment cures Salt Rheum, Wheaton's Ointment cures Tatter. Wheaton's Ointment cures Barbers' Itch Wheat on's Ointment cures Old Sores. Wheston's Ointment cures Every kind of Humor liko Mngio Price, 00 cents a box; by mail, FO cents. Ad. dress WEEKS &PO ITER, No. 170 Washing ton Street, Roston, *ass. • For sale by all Druggists. • stir SIGN OF TUE RED lIAT. 180 150 COMPE ITTION DEFIED. 150 150 Ladies Genuine KID GLOVES Americas Man ufac,are at 150 cents. During the lastyear we hnvo sold large numbers of these Glcves in all sizes and colours and safely say they are not surpassed by other Kid Gloves sold, to be had only at UPDEGRAFF'a G love Factory, Opposite the NV Ashington House Hagerstown. la" SION OF THE RED HAT: 10 15 20 COMPARISON INVITED. 10 15 20 STRAW HATS. A full assortment of new Spring Styles of STR A W H STS, Guyaguill4, Leghorn& Canton, Braids, M ekinaua, Malages, Palm Leafs, ite. dm, from 10 ants up at UPDEGRAFF,S HST FACTORY. • Opposila the Washington House Hagerstown. 2180 75 OPPOSITION COURTED. 25 60 75 AN EB.—We have a new,, lot of Fine Imported Caner, Plain Bone F niched and Carved. Hickory, Heed, and Bamboo Canes from 25 cents up. Those who want a staff of service., corivenience,comfort Beauty or Fashion should cell at UPDEGRAFF'S Hat, Cane and Umbrella Store, Hagerstown Ur SIGN OF THE RED HAT. 1 9 3 PERPETUAL MOTION. 14 3 Latlie4 SUN UMBRELLAS, New Style PAR ASO&A, RAIN UMBRELLAS, &o. A complete stock at UPDEGRAFF'S liat, Cone and 17mbarella Store, Hagerstown. WESriall 49.1- T.A.R. On the Bth iost., in the Reformed Church Parsonage, by Rev. W. E. Krebs, Mr. 311. CHAEL KRINER, to Miss AMANDA C. SPONSLEII, both 0 this vicinity. In this place on the Bth ins'., by the Rev. 11. Stonehouse, Air. NOAH E. SHANK, to Miss MARTHA STRITE, both of Wash- Ington Co., 51d •r 3EIC .Iffl 90 0 la 13 . On the 30th of Sept. at Dry 'Creek, Linn co., lowa. ANDREW JACKSON , infant son of John Stamy, and Anna Stamy, doe'd. aged 2 months and 7 days. Repository please Copy firtm• Pnibanzugira, Tuesday, October 8, '67 . —The volume of business in Flour to-day was quite small, but there was no disposition to accept lower figures. For shipment there was a limited inquiry, and the sales for home consumption only foot up 500 bbls, including superfine at $7 50®8.50, old stock and fresh ground extra at $8.50@10.50, Northwes tern extra family at $10.50®12; Pennsylva nia and Ohio do. do. at $11.50®13; 100 bbls fair St. Louis sold at the latter rate, and fancy at $l3 50®15, ag to qualitq. Rye Flour was quiet, with small sales at $8.25® 8.75 131 bbl Notting doing in Corn Meal; we quote Brandy wine at $6.75. Buck wheat Meal sells at 5.75 cwt. The advance recorded yesterday in C ali. fornia Wheat was well sustained, and 1,000 bushels sold at $3 25. A good demand pre. veils for prime red which commands full pri ees, but the stooks are exceedingly small; sales of -3,500 bushels at $2.50®2.70• 300 bushels Virginia white went—taken at $2 95. Rye is steady at Si 65®1.68 for Pennsylva nia, and $1.58®1.68 for Southern. Corn— The demand was good, and prices again ad vanced; sales of yellow at $1.46@148. and 5,000 bushels Western mixed at $1.43®1 . 41, Oats are quiet with sales of 6,500 bus. Southern and Penna. at 70®78e. ?UR frIPE subscriber intending to quit the Livery " JL businesm, Will offer at Public Sate, in Way. ne'buro' on Saturday the 2nd day of November, 1867, his entire livery stock viz: 9 HEAD OF HORSES ell in good condition and well calculated for riding or driving; New Faeton Carriage, a valuable article. 0 Falling-top, Buggies, three of Which are as good as new; 1 rpen-top Buggy. I two•seated Aristocratic Buggy, 1 Skins Wagon with top as good as new, 4 Sleighs and Bells, 10 sets of Single Harness, 4 seta of Double Harness, 4 Biding s a ddles, 2 Bide Bad ,lles, B.Hy•nets. 4 Riding Eli-idles, 9 Horse Blankets, s•e new; 3 Carriage Polls, 1 Cutting Box, 1 feed, trough. Horse Buckets, Shovels. Forks, Rakes, dte.4ke. Also 1 Cook Stove, 1 Template Stove, and a lot of furniture Bale to •eomtnenco it 10 o- clock on said day.when a credit of Nine Months will be given on all sums of $lO sad upwards. Oct. 11, ts. Ftt A NKLIN WE AGIN. U. V. Mona, Auct. CUMIIII 8 1 IC SAO QUARTERLY REPORT OP 'NM IST NAT. BANK UP WAYNESBORO.' October 7tb, 1867. RESOURCES, Loans and 'Discounts - -, .03.8,92377 U. Soßonds to secure circulation : 76,900 00 U.S. Bonds on hand 91,1150 00 P. and A. Tel. Stock , _ 300,00 Due fro* Beni. 29,091.74 U. B. Mint HAM Expense and Tax acct Legal Tender Notes Com. Interest Notes Nat. Currency State Bank Frac Currency Rey. Stamps and cash item LIABILITIES ital Stock eltculatton Deposites Duo to Banks Surplus and Profits • $214,523,81 The above statement is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, _Lworn-untLsubscribed berme me, July R 1867. Oct. I J. F. KUR'I'Z, N. P. DR. D. A. STOUFFER, DENTIST. PER3§NENTLY LOCATED IN GREENCASTLE, PA. WITH more than five years' experience, anti all the late improvements, is prepared to practice his prolession with care and attention. Double and Single sets of Terra neatly mounted and insured on the new Plate, city style, which is beautiful and more comfortably worn. 'J'eeth also mounted on Gold or Silver. Having ono of Dr. Richards Ether or Narcotic Sprays, a process of freezing the gums, proves an excellent method of having Teeth extracted. Pain scarcely is felt, id generally liked, and always safe, I prefer it to Ni trous Oxide Gas Magneto -Electricity is used for weak nerves and' neuralgia. No charge fur exam ination of Teeth. Have your Teeth examined once or twice a year, and filled as soon as a cavity is formed. Thus all Teeth maybe saved. Particu lar attention is paid to children's teeth (too much neglected by parents), also, the preservation of the natural organ by filling. Dental rooms - in Na. thaniel Martin's residence, once occupied by Dr. Hammilt Dentist, West Baltimore street October 11 4367. ILLERIS ARRI'VAL or— NEW GOODS . HAVING received a large assortment of goods I nm prepared to offer greater inducementa "than heretofore at reduced prices. All l ask is an examination of the stock and prices, arid - they wilt concur with the abovo. DRY GOODS, QIJ IC ENS WA RE, CEDERWARE, GROCERIES, CUTLERY . , GLASSWARE, 011. CLOTH, C.. 4 It PETING, I tender my thanks to the community for their liberal patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the same. Oct. 11 1867 el RAND EXHHITION o f Spring , Styles of k_THATS and CAPS at DECHERT'S, Big Red lint, Ulm mbersburg, Pa. BIG RED HA Glom', Jerome, Bau'evade, ithel, Howard, Broad Brim, Planters, &c. at DECIIERT'S, Main Street Chambersburg. J3I G RED HAT, Mnin Street, Chambersburg. Pa, is a sure sign that y u ate" near the Cheap and Fashionable Hat Emporium of DECHERT, TRAW °DODS in endless variety and very OCheap, at the Cumberland Valley Hnt Empor, ium of DECHER T. ANY MAN, Women or Child in Oftambersburg can show you the away to the Cheap Hat Store. of DECHERT. Big Red Hat, Chambereburg, Pa. May 24-Iy. Eire Engine for Sale:. TILE largo 'New Market Fire Engine, of Waynesboro,' with Suction and Gallery all in good order, is offered at private pale. For further particulars inquire of, or address the Oct. t I-4t. TOWN COUNCIL NOTICE. IMIERS'ONS who gave their notes at the sale of the subscriber on the 18th of February last,are notified that said notes will .be due at the First Nat. Bank of Waynesboro' on the 18th inst. Im mediate pay moat is requested, B. F. STE W ART. Oct. 11.-3 w, y W. MILLER offers for sale upon reasonable 0 e ternal, a double Ship Ten-Mite Stove. Oct. 11.-2 w pAIM'S for FARMERS and others.—The Graf ton Mineral Paint C 0,,, are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest, and most Durable Paint in nee: two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or lb years' it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit tho consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fen ces, Carriage and Car•makers, Pails, and Wooden wore, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Ves sels, and Ships' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shin gle Roofs, (it being Fire. and Water proof), Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having used KOO bbls. the past year,) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Warranted in all cases as above. Sand for a circular which• gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Graf ton Mineral Paint. Adroes DANIEL, I3EDWELL, 254 Pearl St. N. Y For sale at the Hardware store of GEISER & RHINE Ei ART, who are also agents for Bidwell's Carriage Grease. . Oct,4-6m. Penknife Blades. ri - niE subscriber• has now on hand an assortment of Penknife Bladed. Persons wanting blade. put in knives ate requested to give him a call. 5ep.27.-4t JOHN H. JOHNSTON. _ HUBAIII3 and Vegetables-- hrouehmut the ~,season, at 11-EIIYS. May 17 ACON.—Country Sides and Shoulders for sale Jijby - W. A. R.EII). Jane 28. C E-EAM CAKES—Nice fog Tca, tit 100.00 1,200 z 1 14,215 00 12,010 00 1,390.00 54,00 132,35 826.6'8 4214,623,81 75,000.00- 07,500,00 58.400,20 2,134,70 11;428,91 ac. ac., J. W. MILLER
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