IV; 'Will/it. - c./1:u, W. WALSER. itiogalit - oar, Will & Co., SUCCEssOns TU .- A. U. HAUER, IIOLESALE AM) RETAIL dEALERS IN STAPLE & FANCY GIB I~ItIGS, WINES AND LIQUORS, Glass, Queens, 'wood and Wil- low Ware, Ci:Nl F.:NY .c . ‘i)i i'IIItTILIZERS', II A cinawrowN, M. June 14--1 v. . „ . e,;•:40 Is J,S_ N. C. and l'o. t_ll lrer , jrig, 1,1, 1:• for vale by NV A 1, Is 1. IZ, IYII.L & CO . AR 10 0 ,1 " „ li g 1 ( IC a :3 11 0 d 'in fo . rstfianile 1, LIU IS liagerstollll. p, 1;131.6 til:il:l'S in store and for sale by _i J 2tl.li.ElZ, 1111,1. 454 CO, Ilagusto•A 1.- c(;ri. , l:T.', in stare ava far sale by • V% Al.'s. Elt, NIL!, & Ut ) ; l'St(11111, )/ fm-ri , ...rin and Dairy Snit /!;r Flqie t y IVA Nll,l, & CO. Ortard Brandy, du. l',•rt, Mader, er Iy, AlHava and Cliaril•atrn„ W ines, I.! • store ut:rF•,l, , ly 11'A1,e, i;lt , IstoINJI ',:xIFiCI - AT stock of Queenswnre, 1k (.;:6 6 11, - urt• al, ' Cul Ivry , for .11,K I: it, I LI, & UO, =MEM t' • I rirwa, V.ushrnoni, Gra• ',..• ; t :rt. .1 tot 'or ,aIC by .I,tx & CO. of 0.56' , it aro' IViVow IVtlre . .\ ' &ILL 4.4., d I.insu:a Uil, lathricating, liar 10. u. tA.OII alit, for sale by :\!LL & Cu, I vI - I 011 in stmro and for sale by ' 1111.1, arc UO. 13,`.• 4 it t,tore an) _for safe by \ tNILI. S.. CO. Tizieco , Irctl V , ; !! ,•ni .~ ~., .a . f'l IST Noy_ i~i::>(:i~i~:F:.`i d, clue iii IILLiI.II ; ,, n)s 1 IA111.1.! ! ii . I`, •' t S •t , tttr,:c.-0 f a , t arid Luc it) tl,e Lett Lunn) .1(11i:; Cash. 114 at', I:se7 IitAITZ, ix. P. ) 1 , .Au(! Ointment ! Spnvine, Hoof t-,ures, 01 any En I.l.nee. EIMMEEI ~v vrt l‘y the Farmers tt.at it i-, titscessary for me to .t f. , oott furthe•r than t 4. • t ' Lt_ial_the.--14-F;ST-111-111 I tn the publtn Inr the cure of ev,,t ; to int Ur n -) the publi,t that , •wel •.-I . 1.: ttj rerti r for ma u I, :t, d I ~ t nnent' and 41111111 W .t 1..: at et hare per- .., J., i. \VtyricAoro', _x;•11:1. TR IT E, • KEL L E R 7 to r..i. POSE Ir.) Dl] I,"1: IN :•c, .31._1 i;,' ELItIr • - ANo VElt NVAJE , rt street, ; .1 ('I `allee C —ln the N(o•fiz rina, 1 rilJi 441 Plit',...lelphia, Hon.. 1.1 1\1.=•ll td tr.(' CUtig.Lt Vailqi Itaf UPI • itil-IfIZANCI:— the Etnn of Hanford •• end the Isq iitnLlu of :Nov • i{A. NCB from accident causing Death or 1:,.1y, in the travelcr':. lusurance Company 01 .1 I, a v.uunl•le Insurance for Travellers and g nut: of al{ trades. i m ,u r aii r e, (Ai Horses. Mules, Cattle, and Crlflint4 .1../mtiti, orly •,i; germrll uso by farmers anti b m e k rais- In .ecions end tabs s).,;ven an,lpninphiets fur by DOLIULA, • t4—U:] En,urance Agent, !ES Dre44.160,3t , at' all hinds the store of 11:JBEesuN. litixELth.rez Co. F.ST arrival of Netv 61 ,- )ads at the store of .11:,:txrtzios. BEtierac.r,ak ERNIE j i TE has a large litock of Stoves:ma TIN IV.IRE 1 i on hand, ',vide!' he , A.il bell Clitap. r Stillhe Latest iicus to ' , nit tI:0 Inn F. , t, 1 ills stock otilhrices the br,t of CoA, Nine-ptatt 1 nhJ Coal 6toves. 00 0 it: NT 0 I" E S AIND ' --- - I 0 -eremoved aiy . 0 iF;_, IA n 99 AL Qrgt LYX9PTPI.I.t. '• 1 _ ff-°" /. '"Ilr'l 4° "r"""") ti I 1,281; .5 1.) , 1 (111 ()II iferehant Tailoring and Furnishing Store : L s 1- zi , T. : v.3 from my old stand. ono door west of the extensive ' Hat and Fur Store of iTlidegrstri.Sc Son, to thenow lv titled room in 'this SA'aslsington Iletise, one doo it. good, sth.ng and made of the best Tin. Bake E n ast of Mt. Ogilhv's Store, where I have now in shirt Brass and Iron Klettles., Brass Dippers, v ans and Tinned Iron ware; also ci f the last selected stocks of English, French, German and Domestic. 28,2 (0,011 .3,66,5,0(1 6:2 ,110, REST CISTERN PUMPIN MARKET, is ::rung, sitnp!c•, durable and cheap. Price 4;12 Insured not to I'tt•c lA' • Don't fail ta i give him a call Old Castings taketi in exchange fur Moves I ware, next dent to liller'.3 Illy Good :Row. 11'. A. TRITLE. $;5 110(1 (it) 7ii).011 L,3,1;11,:33 8f 6,50 '24,t; 1 Fcla war 8, 1866. W ATED: WATJD The higLest Market Price will be paid in CASH for euNiNtoN as welt a, FT,Ng wool., delivered at their Mill, by the CII.I3IBMSEUIta WOOr.EN MANI:FACTCIt CoMPANY. Arrangements made to receive largo lots at ditlallt point.; ler 'shipment. A full neFortment of fine Common - all Wool PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERES, constantly on hand anti for Rnle, .st the lowest Phil adelphia and :New York prices, to dealers for cash or it,unl terms, or given in exchange for Wool. JUlle 28-1 y) . J. U. AUSTIN, Pres.t. A T the solicitation of a number of my friends. I a.nerurtp myself a candidate fur the office of County Trlsurer, * , ub ject to the decision of the Uniouf Nora nating County Convention. FRED'Ii. B. SNIVELY. Grove, April 5, '67, te. igtzcz•4l2,x -t •T. J. FILBERT, DRAPER, N aas constantly fur sale a full assortment of GOOD 6 Jor Gentlemen's ware. City•F4shions always on hand. V I 4 - Wasinc:,honf, NS; .;;N:.O.:%7X,NNNINANN'AXIdtro'iI DEE) TO ';71;HI; undrrsigneil, a resident of tho Borough of ~•a'+' "I, era tx-ir 4..mr . S._ :VI ercus , .hlrg, oirrrs hiniself as a candidate fir efewe nf C )1:IN T TREASURER, subject to tho diel,loll 4 , l the ilex t Union Republican COnven (lea vt l'irouLltu Cuttuty. i4rrzn, Ali but', JAM ES C. PATTON. i‘lcrcQrshurg.. Ainrcit 1.5, 1867, tc. jBALES kieninlew Urain Bap:: in store and lor sale cheap by WALKER, 'NIL'. & Co. Hagerstown SHALER'S Family Scales, two sizes of 12 & 25 bbd opacity, weighing by ounces, ensiy to un derstarnr and warranted to weigh correct; Also an Improved Cherry steder which has been n use fur the last live years and never failed t. give entire satisfaction. It will seed a bushel of Cherries in 25 minutes. Sold by May 31—tt. CEISER & 'RINEHART. OiWCCo • • - ,,11 °Rocco and Linings skin nt AP. 6 I Paw mot Irokaucu p ItETTY Parasole, at I ITT ALN Fixtures u: all kinds at the More of AsuigltsoN. & Co. COOK STOVES! Tilaware9 Ironware, Brassware - 0 ffotse Furnishing Goods Anti other useful artteles at the sign of the DIG RFD HORN, Waynesboro', l'a., where alusga at. sortment of COOK STOVES, N IN E. PLATE STOVES.-, 1 ., _ - PARLOR STOVES ; - COAL STOVES, &o. of the latest improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and (Stovu Store of 1.). 11. 1a1888131,L. TINWARE made of the hest Tin hi the market, and warranted at the sign-of th© "JELic RECi, 31Ercoma.." D. B. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of House _Furnishing Gouda for sale cheap. Pure 'No. I Kerosene Oil and a large nssintment of Lamps: Washing Made Easy !. by calling at the sign of the "Big Red Horn" and gets ing the hcst-Close—W-ringer-exer-matie.-- M Persons in want of :Stoves, Tinware, House get full t lien money I , y , caring on D. B RI.NSET.L, Sign of the "1116 RED HORN," Wayin;Hboro', Pe Feb. 16 k; %V IP 111, M. ! MAKING! TUE subscribers would inform the public that E ?het have tr•seciated thr•lnselves together in the Oarritige making business. an i that the business hereafter will be Continued at Jacob Adams' old stand ttralir the tirtn et nuts & HAWKER. They Ibtve constantly on hand BUG ,;, of every description ; new and" : 4 ,:. - _g,a ,, ond,bra_mbel—V elneles—of—alb - kindsvN, : 1 ,!;!* liepa it ing done at short notice, They employ' none but good mechanics and use the best, material. Persons wanting anything in our _line gill do well to give us a call beline purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS, 1 7 ; 0 Mill 13. HA K Church .Vf rce 1, nta7l9 JCL )sift fie al. Church I Jan 26 - It . MEE •;LT. AT Tritie's Stove, Tin and Copper Store ! w,),AI. 11,s WOOWO 0 I; ! TWEEDS, FLAN: ELS, BLANKETS, cLorns, YARNS, &c., COUNTY T_REASTJE,ERe. COUNTY TREASURER ..VlO -1 4 ; A Japanned ware, Pinch & HOWXLICLI'S Improved , ilytriishing.:lffeiefrO' Farmers will please look at the great advaniageln Thrashing Grain with _ . GEISERS' PATENT 6ELII I -REGULATIIia GRAIN SEPARATOR, With the latest Improved Triple- Geared Horse Power, This Machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, being permanently fixed on twi t wheels. One man can easily move or *shifl it about, so that it_ie not half trouble in a barn floor as a\ common thrasher and shaker,__tt is - ' 4uit—in-4rpe-ret-ion. 11. iereimplevenbily nui age . — l3llol7lloll7lJut malt a hearititritagrairtY 1117111 ,_compact-and-cleanly-to-werlr - Itrdhe; machine or other separators. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, and judging from the high recanmenda fion of fanners that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far , mars want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, for which I hope they will give me an opportunity, as I run willing to be responsible if it deessnet_perform.. as representedem - Nu. 1 is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresherframe and wrought iron and wood cylinder, sire teen inches in diameter and thirty three inches long. Trunk has ten-inch rake crank and seven rakes, is thirty-live inches wide, and delivers the straw on. the second rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, arid deliver ft cn the stacker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to carry the chaff with the straw, or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff, remedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against windy weather. It bags the grain by reasonable management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to forty bush els per hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable ( circumstance, it will thresh from linty to, fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeablenes& to hands than any other machine now in common use. . The No. 2 Machine, fully represented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's use; is intended to apply to any common lever er railima y rpewer;veeighs__l,3o o po_u_tailis;_has_aa_iron_thresber_ ranie, - andilylinfilai, 121 - nolin - rid dramaor and 28 incises lung; delivers the clean grain in bags, or if desired, in a half bushel. It delivers the straw fifteen feet from the nioder, or if desired, can deliver the straw and chaff together; will thresh nail clean, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat, or from :300 to 500 bushels of oats per day, using four or ch, horses, and the same number of hands; but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good g. dr.,q., will thresh and clean considerably more. The Machine will threah and clean all kinds of'grain generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases does not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horse railway power ,Shop Prices of Machines range from 8210, to $525. art tho Maeliiites-to-b . res'enteti- workmanship, &c. aving now ,iken a room to keep Repair uastings on have-also Relatedim& am prepared to furnish a variety er other agricultural implements, the latest and best improved, and such as are best adapted to the wants of the farmers of this part of the country : Such as the Hagers town (Miller's) Clover Stemmer, Huller and Cleaner. which is proving by its own merits to be ohe of the best, mantes of the kind now in use. The latest improved BUCKEYE RE ,I.lkEll ANI) MOW ER combined with lire rwr a No M The American day Fork and Knife combined, lay Rakes, Fodder Cutters, Cider Mills, &e. &c. &c. which 1 will furnish on short notice and warrant them to answr-r, the purposes Mr which they aie intemled. n'''• 'Orders solicited and promptly attended to. For further particulars, circulars, &c, address DANILEIL tU KISER, Waynesboro', Franklin Uo. Penn'a. May 4., 1560.] CLOTHS, CASS IMERES, that can be thund in the city of Hagerstown or Conn ty. These goods have all been seleCted ss ith great care, especially adapted to the Fashionable as well as the Plain Dress, and at prices that. cannot fail to please all. All thoroughly shrunk before made up and satisfaction guaranteed. I have also a stuck of IIIiAVY COTTON GOODS FOR NEN AND BOY'S WEAR, OF TilE BEST MAKE. Linen Ducks and Plain Linens, and a full stock Plain and Mixed Cassimeres for Boy's Wear, and as cheap as can be sold in the town or county, will be made to order or sold by the yard or pattern to suit buyers. All work guaranteed to fit or no sale. My stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods is large and complete of everything in that lino, and at prices to suit the tunes, I have also the Agency for the sale of the celebra ted improved . Singer_Family- Sewing—Machine, and am prepared to compete with every other Ma- chine sold in the town or country, and fur sample of Machines please call at my store. • I return my thanks to rny 'customers and the pub lic generally fur their patronage extended me and hope a continuance of the same. Don't forget—The place is the Washington House, derohan t Tailoring Establishment, West' Washing ton Street, Hagerstown, Md. J. A, FISHER, May 3,1867. NE W VIRTU. T HE undersigned would respectfully call the at tendon of the Public to their stock of 3MIL:r3SLICI•I 4 IETELM, embracing all articles of Furniture usually manu factured by cabinet makers. We will also give our attention to COPTIN LI AXING ' and hope by strict,attention to business to merit a liberal share of public patronage. AR orders for Furniture or Collins attended to with dispatch.- -Our Furniture Rooms can be found on Main Street, up stairs, in Willaims Fltnegan's Drill Shop. J, M. &F, BENDER, December 31—tf. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT • PRIVATE SALE. /TIDE subscriber offers at Private *ale his va lu a JL bie property, situated on Main Street. known as the “Waynesboro" Brewe ey," including Dwelling Douce, good Sta For terms, es . c. apply to. jan 18—tf] GEO. PO NM AN. To the Republican Voters of Franklin County, ENCOURAGED by the generous support recd.' ved from you, on a furrier occasion, and at the earnest solicitation of a number Of friends, I again etrer'myself us candidate for "County Treasurer," subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. Any aid you can consistently -give me in affecting my nomination, will be gratefully appreciated. Very Truly Yours, - ' FLEACi LE.. u incy, March .10,1.857, tc. llEEl'lNGScallTvidths u Ay. 5 J Pain; ...Si-1-14zyLrcv 's. C I : driven either b Gear or Belt. soirgarnst - tutt - I.'exrscrna NEW SPRIXG UJJII,I 4 II GO ITT! GEORGE STOVER HAS RETURNED FROM PRILA - DEL PIIIA WITII A SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS .411110 GUI) r3llL' AND NOTIONS, KIEENSIVAMI GR,OCERIES, sto- To which ho invites the attention of of his patrons and the public, wenerally. • October. 26. 1)R. T. D. FRENCH, 114 • re , 3E 1 WWI" SPX', TNSERTfi Beautiful and Durable teeth mounted on Platinn, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the preservation o the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administe d for the clam tton of teeth without pain. 10 Office at his residence on I=cltanic Street. Feb. 8. B ROWN sugars from 10cts. u. at Pam% .artaca a SHAD, Herring and Mackrei at _- Paws Ar. }lawmen's F LOOR Matting at 'WHITE Embroidered go puc o l dsa , t ,s, HoErracies _ B EAUTIFUL Organdie Lawns it PRICE Sr, HOEFLICII'S T AIVIISE Cloth at CHIP and Straw Hats at PRICR & 110EPLICII'S 131Z.NJ. ITAIVTZ, M. T) DltS FRANTZ & SNIVELY having associa ted thegnstives in the practice of Medicine and w.luldstit- that they are well prepared to treat nli mo licai and surgical cases. Persons in det tea to el.ner of the above will please make 0 nIY settlement to the time of .their association, as they wish to close their old books. 01Tim in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly ace das a store room by Mr. J, Beaver -- • . td--- . OR a cako of finvonli, you must gro In - KURTZ'S Alarge lot of Floor Oil Cloths, all witlthe just oyened at , Peens Si: llosinacu'a. Aprils. 4 fair article of brows' Sugar at 1'23 cents at I 5 .) i'ulub: & flue 'MICE: A, rpm; targobt aso►taiunt A li Y i T 6 fti WWI/ at tho store or AuosnsoN, DENsuicr dc Co. flACON.—Country Sides and Shoulders for gale )0y • W. A. REID. Juh.. mm= Dr. Parishe's do. Keroseoe Oil, Lamps and nays always on hand. , Thankful for kind favors already bestowed upon him — he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please*Ltaajakkit<ellirvonfitlence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up. ion adults as children: if uniteria Phy-iotions promptl- s and carol-UHT PRICE & Hoznicris PUKE & .IiOErLICII'9 1. N. EiIVELY,II. D. SALT CELLARS, TEA, TABLE AND Dram? SROONS, &c. &o. Also---A large assortment of the - CELE. SKATED SETH THOMAS' CLOCKS. rirPersons will please remember that here they can find a large assortment of .. GOLD, , . SILVER, RUBBER, • . ' STEEL AND ' PLATED • SPECTACLES and EYE ,GLASSES. far Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING of WATCHES. ormi Watch Work warrant/0 fur ONE HEAR. . i N. 11.—' he highest cash price pal& for OLD SIL VER and OLD. . C. C. FORCE, A the Old Stand of Thos. A. Routh, rourltloors Etist of tho Washington House, May 17. 1 ,11.z67.—1y. Hagerstown, Md. THE LATEST ARRIVAL EICINS, WU OOHS, it J F. KURTZ WISHES to Inform the good citizens of Wa,• Vic nesboro' and vicinity, that he has just resew ed from the Eaet a large and full, assortment of fresh Drugeolledicinee, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs Window Ulan, Putty; Brushes, dte. dtc l , which he is prepared to sell as cheap as they cen•be had-at any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality; cannot ho excelled. He his also an hand a large assortment of TOILET ARTICLES comprising in part the following articles, viz : ,Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau do Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkorohief,, Fine English Pomades, Bandolines, Bear's Qil, -- Fine and Fancy Boaps,_ Tooth Brushes, Nail. -IS 1' or u :nary purposes a as orn :larch, Pearl Harley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: Lomon, Vanilla, Strawbory, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange, Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices, Black Pepper and all oth er articles in that lino, Ho has also soreething-to , please the CHILDREN. A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China ware, 7".stt aiat ita clicslimem. Draki3VTllintation Bitters,_ liofflaa's German do. Saud's Sarsaparilla, • Bull's' Hiteshew's Cough Syrup, is Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's Vormifuge, Vermieugos, dos. kinds, Fills--Wright 'n Judron's, . Spaulding's, Ayor's _ _ _ Bindreth'e, Morse's, McLane's, liver Mrs Winslow's Boothin _— mem) ions ?romp Van carp nl compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. August IV, 1864. ,GOOD NEWS To every Man, Woman and Child. The great reduction in prices at the Waynesboro new II AT AND SIIOE. li1.11)0.111U1VI. First class goods almost as cheap as ever. This - is a personal invitation to the reader to ex amine my largest and most complete stock of spring and summer goods ever offered in this little Borough Also the befit make of Clocks and Trunks Tobacco, Segal's, , 1 Collars Soda, Ginger, Variety of Soaps, Chives, Ci namon, Extracts, Hair Oils, Pepper, Matches, Lilly White, Rogue Balls, Pearl and Silver Infant Powder, Gloss Starch, Shoe blackning and Varnilb , Candies, Almonds, Mill Wall and IN indow Filberts,Pea Nuts, Brushes, Oak, Bushell, Clothes Canes, Umbrellas, Chip and Market BUskets, Shoe Strings, Essence of Coffee, I Stonebtakers Liniment and Pain Killer, aild many other Trinkets. The Menthe Shoe Sole, to keep the dampness from the feet should never be lost eight of. Retail price, 25. Also shop rights sold at the low rate of $lO, and the sole furnished at a price which will pay a large percentage, Remember the place directly opposite the Town Hall, on the Diarmnd, Ladies and Misses call and see the nice trimmed, and untrimmed Hats. Oh, I can sell them so cheap. April 123 '' ' J, BEAVER. STONER & STONER, DRU G 0 ISTS, ARE receiving fresh articles in their line of bu siness from the Cities weekly, which enables them to offer and sell at a fair price, with the ad vantage of the reduction of the eastern market— Their stock is large and increasing proportionally to the reduction of , the wholesale prices. They have for sale Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Fruits, Confectionary, with all articles *pinny kept in drug stores.— Thankful for the patronage heretofore received, re spectfully ask an increase as'wel/ as a continuance of public favors. M. M. STONER, M. H. STONER. • Waynesboro', August 10, 1866. THE PROBLEM SOLVED AT LAST, Tho best method of converting paper money into gold and silver is to call at the Jewelry Store of C. C. FORCEI,, Who has just returned from the city with a large and beautiful assortment of Goods which he offers at reduced prices, consisting of Ladies' and G entle men's • GOLD AND SILVER merican and Swiss WATCHES, SETS OF JEWELRY, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS,. CHATA LINE, Leon tine GUARD and VEST CHAINS, also, a large assortment of Silver and Plated Ware,such as Dinner and Tea CASTORS, Cake Bask ets, Coffee URNS, Napkin RINGS, Ice and Cream PITCHERS, But ter DISHES, But ter KNIVES,Sa/tand Mustard Spoons Oyster and Cream Lad les, GOB LETS, MR. d. S. Nixos.—To the multitude In thh tion of our State,who have used your Cattle PI no commendation is necessary. Its beadle fects have been fairly tested, and hence its ul ded popularitt. I have used it fop my horeet cows for several years past, end cannot afford without it. It keeps all kind of cattle in go( dition, - loosens the skin, smoothes the ha, sharpens their appdtites. As apreventive fr, ease. I regardit as hiffiFtft - thi e. Yours, e , REV. R. O. BCE, Chambersburg, April, IBM. Combs, &O. &o, Mn. J. B. Nixon Dear Sir gave yo Bair " Chimneys, Wicks, Hose, •Kerosene, Inks, 10.000 POUNDSTpIie • • / • THENktantity of buttetmatle in this couirY is too swan— Ition,be:lnCreased 10.000' slide by the, use of IVilgon'e !force and Caine' *re. Hood r'all disearibi 6114riied. Cattle Bep and Hoge. Sold by J. F. KUI 'AK • ways ord. gar Bead these certificate', could- be published r Four or &clears ago, J. B.INIXON' ed a Horse and Cattle Powderi and, tali! , try it. I Was the first ratifier to whofti it W and the 'first one to use it for stock. I font Irequitl to what 'Ma Nixon said, of it, ars used itextenelvely since, and heartily rev it to farmers as a sure thing in fattening stow kinds and a capital Powder for Howes. • ' MICHAEL EBERBI Chambercburg, December, .805. an ,attle Powder a fair' trial with ttirmy Horses and cattle, and it improved them world. ly. Ii speedily increased the richness of the nil my cows, and improved the condition of my greatly. ____Lcan_cordially-recommend-it-ss-the-best - t1 the kind I have ever known or 4Wt—d—in it should be kept in•every stable( Yours truly, A. K. McCMURE, Ed. Repeat° THE SURE CUR ARMY ITC`Ef, CAMP ITCIII, BAantu's Frcu, BIIGI WORM, Z ETTER, and a Skin tliseneee. certainly cured by NIXON'S Glycerine Ointment. Firm's-East - India -Tfaervire The best medicine for Internal and External _Porfectly_safe_under_all circumstances. Every ily should have it. rir If you have pains, use NI. East India Tincture. i If you have Skin diseases, use -DIG'S-Glycerine Ointment,. --- Ifirlf - yolrhuvoliorses of . thrive, use NIXON'S Horse and Cattle NI Chamberaburg, Feb. B—lv. LOW FIGURE ILMBERSON, BENEDICT & C Are now Receiving a Large Stocif DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE. We call the attention of our customers and the community to our new stock of goods which are note cheaper than they have been for five years. Our goods have been bough t , at low prices and we think we can sell them to suit all buyers, Give us a call, A MBERSON, BENEDICT & Co. April 5, 1867. NEW LEATHER, AND FINDING STORE ! LEWIS S. FORNEY & SONS, Would inform the public that they have received another sup. ply of geods at their new Lear' Store, - ombracing among other art . Sole Leather, Rough Skirtitk Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, F• Sheep do., French and . Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasi and size, Threads, Boot W Galloons, Size Sticks, M , Deer Bones, Burnishes. Ht Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Kni7es, Nails and Tacks, Crimp Boards, Bubbers, Bh Irons, Files, Ink Powders Compasses,. Boot Trees, Pinchers, hammers, variol and Files, Auls and Handle Long and Shoulder S ticks, Eyelett Punches, Strip Au, And all other articles usually kept Highest cash price paid for Feb. 8. FORN HOUSE PAIN GEORGE & A.D. MORGAN' associated tbemselves in co-pal Peinting,Gritining and Glazing the public Au they are now prepai painting wl neatness and despatcl lonable ter Persons h av i ng an! line will do lto give them aca .-3e engagement 'll4whcre. MORGANTHA March 29 M ACK a Drab Cord at Waynesb PECc 45c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers