VILLAGE RECORD. Cinteir.liff'll2o3 aCP ELC, . „IFirlday, June 1111567.1 Or Governor Wells having refused to va• este the office of Governor of Lciuisiana, Gar Sheridan sent an officer to eject bin). le thgn retired with a protest, and Mr. Fland• ere, the new appointed, took possession. Bon. Thaddeus Stevens, a Washington de spatch says, expresses himself dissatisfied with Attorney Gcneral.Stanhery's first opin ion on reconstruction, and says if the forth coming opinion is what the indieations,are that it will be, there ought to be a summer session of Congress, Ilter - Gon. Grant approves of Gen. Sheri dan's course in removing Gov. Wells of Louisana and ousting , other rebel officials of New Orleans. This is damaging t o the Johnsonites who have been elammering for the removal of "Little Phil," who has been a little too harsh with the N. Orleans Rebel 'roughs. SURRATT.-Thi - tiiiii of Surratt who is charged with complicity in the assassination of the late President Lincoln, was commenced Monda-y--last.----The-prisoner—a-ppeared—inH Court hand-cuffed and looking pale and care- worn. The trial will last it is thought about three weeks, se—A—Bratlical-eantlitlate-for-the-LouiEdna State Convention was murdered the other day, the assassins being nephews of Govern or Wells, whose removal by Gen_ Sheridan has already been announced. The getters up of "Northern Relief Funds" for destitute "Southern society" should make a --- not - e — ( such atrocities. - It is mock philaathrophy for loyal men of the North to contribute of their means to a people among whom men are assasinated on account of their lusty. The handful of loyalists of the South should be cared for, but rebels should have choice of two alternatives. work or. star maim. -,tie—Lately---some -of--the. Washington re 7 porters tekgrapheetrom that city, says an exchange, that the President now - walks - the streets without a. guard ! And; pray, why shouldn't he? It is only friends of his who asssasinate people. It is only Presidents to liberty who are in danger of assassination. .llarrison, Taylor_and_ibineoln 7 wore-patriotic,_libezt_y_lozing aren4 tuad_t_h_ey_l were murdered. The slaceocrats wanted old Buchanan out of the way to make room for Breekinridge, but he was too much for their poison. They would hardly want Johnson out.of the way to make room for Wade. tsc The Mexican Minister at Washington has.reeeived a letter from President Juraz officially confirming the fall of Queretaro and the capture of Maximilian. The letter says nothing of the President's intentions in' rela tion to Maximilian. Unofficial advices via New Orleans narrate the immediate cause of the fall of Queretaro and the capture of ,Max imilian and his army. It appears that Gen eral Lopez sold out the entire Imperial cow . - corn for forty-eight thousand dollars in hard cash, and the work of treachery was arranged FO completely and carried out so successfully that Maximilian and his entire force were handed over to Escobedo. Maximilian. how. ever, acted his part heroically. He sent his sword to EsCobedo stipulating that he should not be subjected to insult, but awarded the consideration duo to a prisoner, and that if any one must be shot he should be the first led to execution. DESSERTIONS OF FAmiLrEs.—lterotofore wives and children had but little remedy a gainst lawbands and fathers deserting them, but by an act passed by the last Legislature ample provision has been made for such. The new law provides that if any husband or fa ther separates himself frota his wife and chil dren, or either, without reasonable cause, or shall neglect to maintain his family or any portion of it, upon information made by his wife or children, or either of them, or by a ny other person, said deserter shall bo held to answer at court. When tried and found guilty, he shall be. ordered by the court to pay such sum as the court may think proper (nut exceeding 8100 per month) for the maintenance of his family, and until the or der is•complied, with, or bail given, lie shall be kept in prison. tar The Buzzard Cents of 1858— a relict of Bachanan's administration—were lately re ported as toJiog worth 25 cents a piece. The dodge it appears was got up by some brokers to get rid of a large stock of pennies, the government redeeming them only as it does all others. So says an' official. Ale-The fearful cattle disease has broken out again to England, -avd with renewed virulence. A wholesale slaughter of ani mals alone suppressed this terrible plague last year, but it seems has not eradicated it. CONTRACT AWARDED. -- The contract for the erecteon of the main.dbuilding for the Preparatory Department of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, has been awarded to Mr. Vincent McCoy, of Chambereburg, the lowest 1 a 'der, at $18,300, The name of the Preparatory; Building is to be Sterns Hall, in honor of Hon. Thaddeus Stereos. JeT. Davis. Gen. Jubal Early, and lqa on and !....11.d0'.1, are a:K..viater, in Canada. LOCAL MATTERS. IN VLOSSOM.--The wheat fields in this re gion may now be said to be fully in blossom. ICliarnber6buig has' a "Southern Re lief Committee." RECEIVED.—We acknowledge the reecipt of $2 50 from Dr. John Newcomer, Polo, NEW GOODS.-I'a dire - et attention to the advertisment of Mr. J. R. Welsh, who has just replenished his stuck of hate, gaps, boots, stationary, e t c., ne—We had one of the most.dashing rains of the season on Wednesday evening. Fine for oats, corn, potatoes. but not so for the wheat, which has been considerably, 'lodged in,oonsequence. ANNIVERSARY OF ANTIETAM BATTLE. —The Board of Trustees of the Antietam National Cemetery met at Sharpsburg, Ma ryland, and fixed upon September 17 as the day for the dedication of the Cemetery. Ex- Governor A. G. CURTIN, of l'ennsylrauia, was - ohosen - orator - for - t he - o ccasi on .ABouT.--Mad dogs are reported in the neighborhood. We make this brief announce• opu s ree runners a on their guard- Death from hydrophobia is horrible to contemplate, and parents and oth ers should not be unmindful of danger from this cause QUEER PRODUCE —They have a queer,kind of cows up at Lewistown. At least a queer kind of butter making is practised there. The-G-azette-says-that in a certain store a roll of butter, when cut, was found to contain a - of I 41 cucumber mow. large-sized cucumber . pickle in the centre. At another grocery a ro i l' was found to con tain lard. But the last heard of was filled in with ma shed potatoes, PnoroottArne.—lt will be seen'by refer ence to our advertising columns that Mr. J. 13. Hamilton has associated with him in bus- iness, Mr. L. C. Brackbill, a skillful operator, faing_added—new-instrumente to th • • stock, they arc now prepared to take the finest 'Photograph and Ambrotype pictures. — Give the new firm a call. EfirOur readers attention is called to the advertisment of Joseph Douglas, Eq., as general — insurance agent. The—subject—of limurance of all kinds is becoming well universally praetts — cd — hTtre — beit business men and financiers of our country and we are assured that the companies re commended by him are of the beat, so judged by official sources of information. nown an STRAWI3EhrtrES.—We are under obliga tions to Mr. D. H. Fahrney, of this vicinity, for a present of a quantity of very superior Strawberries. Finer varieties we never saw. They are—Jocunda, , Agriculturist, French Seedling, &c. Samples of these berries can be seen for a few days at the grocery store of Mr. lteid. Persons supplied with plants by the dozen or hundred. GEISER'S GRAIN SEPARATOR.—Messrs. Geiser, Price & Co. of this place are, driving an extensive trade in the manufacture and sale of "Geiser's Parent Grain Separator."— During two days this week we noticed not less than eight on ten new machines pass our Office window. They have a large force of hands at work on these machines, for Which they find ready sale. It has been much im proved within the last few years and is with out doubt, the best Separator, Cleaner and Bigger now in use. A CorrnnuEAD •SUOUT.—'l3rick' Pone roy, editor of the La Croese (Wis,) Demo crat, sets up the 'following shout over the release of Jeff. Davis, his companiop in trea son: 'Glory to God in the Highest'. In spite of Rump tyranny, abolition malice, Johnson timidity, and the hatred of the fanatical and bigoted, Jefferson Davis once more breathes the air of freedom (that is to say, as free as it can be in a rump despotism,) and walks among his fellows, "the noblest Roman of them all." Lang life and happy years to the bravest man of our dountry and age." As traitorous and indecent as this sheet is it finds admirers and supporters in Wayisesbo ro'. NEW GROCERY—Attention is directed to the adcertisments of Walker, NW & Co., of Hagerstown, successors to A. H. Hager, to• be found in to•day's paper. They have per. haps the most extensive stock of groceries, queensware. glassware, &c., &c., is the state outside of Baltimore. The parties constitu' ting the firm are all active business men, and if they are not I:berally patronized by the people of llageastown and the country, gen erally, it will not be for lack of honesty, bus iness energy and perserveance. Success to the new firm. BEAUTIFUL AND TRUE.—In au article in Frazier's Afagazine this brief but beautil'al extract occurs : Education does not commence with.the al phabet. It begins with a nio.her's kok— with a father's smile of approbation, or sign of reproof—with. a sister's gentle pressure of the hand, or a brothel's noble act of forbear aoce— with a handful of flowers in green and daisy meadows—OM bird's nssts admired but cot touched—with creeping ants, with bumming bees and glass bee hives."---with pleasant walks and shady lanes, and with thoughts directed in sweet and kindly tones, and words to mature to acts of benevolence, to deeds of virture, and to the source of all good—to God himself. Ie==IIIIIIIIIN GOOD TEslPLatts.—Tito Grand Lodge of Good Tempters of this State convened at, Allegheny City on Wednesday 1E4)4 Lodges of the State generally being represented.— Of this order the Harrisburg Telegraph sap: In 1851, the Good Templar organization, now so popular and so wide spread. had an obscure origin - in one of the small towns in Western New 'York. For a few years after it was instituted but little was heard of the society, but for the past twelve years its pro gress has been steadily onward, until it now has Grand Lodges in all the States of the U• nion but five; also, in all. the British Pro vinces, with upwards of one million, of mem bers, all pledged to total abstinence and pro hibition. As an instance of the growth of the order, it may be mentioned that in 1863 there were less than ,thirty lodges of societies in all Pennsylvania; now there aro three hun dred, and there are but six counties at pres ent in the State without any lodges, and to these the Grand Lodge lecturers have been directed to go, and organize lodges in each of them at once, so that at the annual ses sion of the Grand Ledge, which is to be held in Allegheny City, the Grand Lodge officers may le able to report the order established in every county. Rapid as has been the increase of-the Or r in Pennsylvania, it has been equally say 'ssful-in-other-Statesrrom-MainT-to 'cubs. 11 PORTANT FROM MEXICO ALBANS, me vices to the 2d inst. y.l . en received. bliramon was atil angerously ill from his wound. . Mendez was executed by order of Esoobado on the 16th: He was shot a low hours after _ by a wound. When Maximilian gave up his sword to Escahado he said : "I surrender to,you my sword; owing to au infamous treason, with- out which to-morrow's sun would have seen yours in my hands." EscoWo — had Ordif•eil a court martial to assemble on the 29th ult. for the vial of the Emperor. Maximilian sent, through Porfirio Diaz, a telegram to the Prussian minister, in the City of Mexico, to get Mariano Rivi, Publicco, and Licentiate Montezzi de la Sarno to de fend him. The following is Maximilian's proclamation — IfELLow-couNTuvmEN : After the volo 1r and patriotism of the Republican forces have • b ti uy ed - nry - se - eptreirrthis - p - twetTrh - e - te - n - a - cious defence of which was indispensible to save the honor of my cause and of my name— after the bloody siege in which the Imperial and Republican soldiers have competed in boldness, I will explain myself : Countrynien, I came to Mexico not only animated with the beseof faith of insuring the felicity of all and each of us, but _called and protected by the Enperor of France 'Na- -poleon 111. l e, t o rth of -- Fra rice, abandoned me, cowardly and infamously, at the demand of the United States, alter hav ing uselessly spent the forces and treasure and shed the blood of her sons and your own. When . the news of my fall and death reach es Europe, all the monarchs of Charlemagne's country will demand of the Napolean dynas ty an account of my blood, and of the Ger man, Belgian, and French blood shed in Mexico. Before the whole world Napoleon the Third will be covered with shame, from head to foot. To-day h e has already seen his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, my august brott er, praying for my life to the United States 1 and myself a prisoner of war in the bands of the li f epublicao Government, and with my Sown and my heart torn in pieces. Countrymen, here are my last words. I desire that my blood may regenerate Mexico and serve as a warning to all the ambitious and incautious, and that you will act with prudence and truthfulness, and ennoble with your virtues the political cause of the flag you sustain. May Providence save you and make you worthy of myself. Yonx, June 10—A special depatch to the Llerald, dated Queretaro, May2G,,says that Es - cobado had issued an order that all of in hiding, who did not surrender in twenty-four hours, would be summarily shot when captured. Mendez did not give himself up, but was captured on Saturday night, and shot early on Sunday morning, in the public park. He met his fate like a rave man. Col. Campas, the commander of Maximil ian's body-guard, was also shot. No other executions are known to have taken place, though many are suspecto I, All the French officers are missing. • The principal prisoners—are confined to gether in a church, in very indiff , :rent guar. tern. Maximilian continues ill of dysentery The wife of Prince Salm Salm, an Ameri can lady, closely related to President John son, made her way alone to President Juar ez, at Sam Luis Potosi, to intercede for her husband's life, and that of the Emperor• This lady has sped so far on her brave mis sion that yesteraay, on her arrival here from San Luis, bhe, the Emperor, and Prince Salm Salm had a long interview with Esco. bade, and there is reason to believe that terms were arranged by which the lives of most of the foreigners will be spared. BURNED TO DEATU.-A few nights since a daughter of George Buttermore, residing in Fayette county, aged about eighteen years, attempted to pour Carbon oil into a burning lamp, when the oil can exploded, throwing the burning oil over her clothes and person. The family had retired and she was alone; she gave the alarm and ran out into the open air. Iler mother soon came to her relief, and was severely burned in trying tore lieve her. The young lady expired about twenty. four hours after the occurrence. A boy named Young died in Philadelphia on Thursday, froth the poisonous effects of eating sour grass. It appears that the boy went into the woods a few days since, sad while engaged in his sports, with a few corn panions, plucked some roar grass and partook of it. Soon after he was seized with violent pain, and continued to suffer until death re• lieved him of his misery. A colored women, one hundred and eleven years of ago, died in Norfolk county, Va., a day or two ago. She had been a slaw, all her life, up to the emancipation proclima lion, • Letter from General Sheridan NEW ORLEAN, June s.—,General Sheri dan having hem asked 'for his reasons for his removals, this day forwarded the followr . ing: lIDQRS, FIFTH' MILITARY DISTRICT: GENERAL: On the 20thof March last Ile moved from office JUdge K Abel, of the Criminal Court of New Orleans; Andrew J, Herron, Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, and John F. Monroe, Mayor of the city of New Orleans. These removals were made under the power granted me in what is usually termed the military bill, pass ed March 26,1807, by the Congress of the United States, I did not deemit necessary to•give any reason for the removal of these men, especially after tho investigation made by the Military Board.- on the massacre of July 30,1866, and the report of the Congres sional Committee on the same massacre but as, some inquiry has been made for the cause of removal I would respectfully state as -fol lows: The court over which Judge Abell pre sided is the only criminal court in the city Of New Orleans, and for a period of at least nine mouths previous to July 30, he had been ed uoating a large portion of the community to the perpetration of this outrage, by almost promising no prosecution in his court against the offenders, in case such an event occurred. The records of this court will show that he fulfilled his promise, as not one of the guil ty ones Vas been prosecuted. —ln—refereuce to A. S. Herron, Attorney 0 n eral of the State of Louisiana, I considered it his duty to indict these men before this Criminal - Co - urt -- Ttris - he failed-to-do-li-ut-went-to • as to attempt to impose on the good sense f the whole nation by indicting the victims of the riot, instead of the rioters—in other words, making the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent. He was therefore, an abet -tor-of-rand-comb u tor -w bringing on the massacre of July 30.. May or Monroe controlled the element . engaged in this riot, and when backed by an Attor ney C 3 eneral who would not prosecute the guilty, and a judge who advised the grand jury to find the innocent guilty, and let the murderers go free, felt secure in engaging his police force in the riot and massacre. With these three men exercising a large in fluence on the worst elements of this city, giving to these elements an immunity for ri-' of and bloodshed, the General-in-Chief will see how insecure I felt in letting them occu py their present positions in the troubles which might occur in registration and voting —the -- --nizafr exican a in the reorganization. I am, general, very respectfully your obe +lien t-serv-am t, P. 11-r-S FIERI-DAN Major 'General U. S. A. General U. S. Grant, Conznzanding Armies United States, Washington. The Johnstown Tribune says that, during a friendly scuffle on Thursday rooming in the - Rolling - ISHllbetween — several — yourt — men, - con - of — them, n - amed Leopold—Haiser;was pushed against--a—revolving---w-heel and_his MuratifFilars - e - veret - fronArisAied-y—.l4 wa - nineteen years eld,•unmarried, and a resi dent of Conemaugh °borough. Horrible! Mr. John Antrim, of St. Louis, has fallen heir to a fortune in Ireland of £3,500,000 sterling, part of the estate of the,late;ail of Antrim.. Brigham Young was enthusiastically re ceived by Saints 4 Salt Lake on his return from a southern trip, May 15. As he desir ed to be economical, only two dozen of his wives accompanied him. Cayenne Pepper, mixed with fine road dust, sifted over young vines, will prevent their destruction by striped bugs. The same, mixed with a little sulphate of soda, and both mixed with moist meal, save young chickens from death by gapes. Two hundred and thirty-five thousand bushels of wheat are now in store at Milwau kee. Brigham Young only took a couple of do zen of wives with him on a recent tour of his dominions. Be seems to be retrenching his luxuries- MAXIMILIAN A barber in Chicago bas been made to pay $2,800 for cutting off a customer's car. Maximilian is thirty-five years old, and his Friends think be will oot be much older. z SIGN OF THE REI) lIAT. 150 150 COMPE ITFION DEFIED. 150 150 Ladies Genuine KID GLOVES American . Man ulac‘ure at 150 cents. During the lastyear we havo sold large numbers of these Gloves in all sizes and colours and safely say they are not surpassed by other Kid Gloves sold, to be had only at UPDEG RA F Glove Factory, Opposite the Washington House Hagerstown. ®' SIGN OF THE RED HAT. 10 13 20 COMPARISON INVITED. 10 15 20 STRAW—H-ATS. A full assortment of new Spring Sty lea of STRAW If -tTS, Guyaquill., Leghorns, Canton, Braids, Mackinaus, Malagas, Palm Leafs, &c. &c., from 10 cents up at . UPDEGRAFP,S HAT FACTORY, Opposite the Washington Houso liggerstown. I-7' SIGN OF THE REDHAT. 2'550 75 OPPOSITION COURTED. 25 50 75 CANES.—We have a new Wild Fite Imported Canes, Plain Bone Finished and Carved. Hickory, Reed, and Bamboo Canes from 25 cents up. Those who want n staff of service, convenience,comfort, Beauty or Fashion should call at UPDEGRAFF'd lint, Cane and Umbrella Store, Hagerstown _ 0/ 1 " SIGN OF THE RED lIAT. 1 2 3 PERPETUAL . MOTION.. I t 3 Ladies SUN UM BREGLAS, New , Style PAR- AtAh.S, RAIN UMBRELLAS, &c. A comple:e steels at UPDEGRAFrS On the 30th ult., at Claylick Pa., bY'Rev. I. G. Brown, Mr. DANIEL, W, McLAUG H UN to MiP.E$ CATHARINE E. SWORD. On the 6th inst., near Mercersburg, Mrs. ELIZABETH DICKEY, wife of Mr.,James .Dickey, deo'd, in the 68th year of her age. COUNTY TREASURER THE undersigned, a resident of the Borough of J. Mercersburg. offers himself as a candidate fir the office of COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the decision of the next Union. Republican Conven tion of Franklin County. TAMES C. PATTON'. 3lerccrsburg, March 15, 1867, tc. Si' ECIAL NOTICES. Hat, Cane and Umbaiella Store, Hagerstown. 913M30 ALTAR. Tll. 30n "I" 4=lo AM 3Ef. . dv4 , 11 =.lO BALTIMORE MARKETS, June 10.—FLOUR Holders appear to be rather more confident, and_ manifest less disposition to press sales, bat as there is very little inquiry from buy ers, the market can scarcely be regarded as improved. We bear of no sales of moment, and continue our list of prices as follows: Howard Street Super and Cut Extra $lO. 25f@11.75, Standard -Extra 12.50@18 50, high grade 13.75®14.50,. FaMily 15.50® 16 50. GRAlN.—There is no demand for Wheat, and the market remains flat. Receipts only 200 bushels red. No sales reported on the books, but We hoar of a sale of good 'Mary land red Wheat having been made at 230 . cents. Receipts. 10,575 bushels wh to Corn and 6,898 bushels yellow. Wit h / a some what better demand, holders were *Tier, and prices.obtained for white were mostly 2 cents better than on Saturday. Sales were as fol lows: White, 2,000 bushels at 106 cents; 500 at 105 cents; 1,800 at 106 cents; 2 ; 350 at 105 cents; 700 at 103 cents; 250 at 104 cents. Yellow, 785 bushels at 111 cents; 700 at 111 cents; 200,at 110 cents; 1,300 at 110 cents; 350 at 110 cents; and 700 West ern mixed at 110 cents. Oats are dull, and the market has a declining' tendency. Re ceipts 2,884 bushels. Sales 100 bushels at 78 cents and 100 at 88 cents. W. W. WLLIKBR. T. 7. NMI.* • MT • SUCCESSORS TA A. 11. lIAOER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ti-413,k . ,,TALirliNCY GRIMM WINES AND LIQUORS, Glass, queens, Wood and Wil- low Ware, LIME, CEMENT AND FERTILFtEnc3, Juno 14—ly 30 Otoi:ic.,lllSterriHfigA Shed, ( 13 1 1 41., ft c S k r C a ' n r ei t . Pl4 Herring, for sale by WALKEPJ) NILLp Hagerstown. 100 BBLS BROWN SU AL4 3O do. stan dard White Sugars, i st % and for sale WAb- Hagerstown. BBLS SYRUPS in stare and far sale by NV-A-LICERILL-ke-0. Hagerstown J O BAGS COFFEE in store and for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO; • Hagerstown. 9/ - 1/1 SACKS G.A., American and Dairy Salt 01,-/-1,4 for-sale-by L K.ER, _ Hagerstown. IDURR Ortard Brandy, do; POrt, Maderia, Sher. r_r_y_,AlltiWaT - a - n - d=etritrrittn - ne-Wint -- • •r -store--- and forte — tly Hagerstown; A ri AGNIFICENT stock of Queensware, China Ware, Glass Ware and Cutlery, for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO, Hagerstown. • NICE Cream, Farina,Pearl, Mushroom, Gra. ham,Water, Soda, ugar, Jumbles, Ginger and Boston ream Crackers. in store and for sale by WALKER, HILL & CO. Hagerstown. ►OPLENDID stock of Wooden and Willow Ware in store and for sale by WALKER, HILL & CO. Hagerstown WHITE Lead, Linseed-Oil, Lubricating, Har ness and Fish Oil, in store and for sale by WALKER, NILL & CO. liageratewn. 30 BBLS (X)AL 0 1 ; I T A , tzael s t i n i llp a sT ( l ; T i s by Hagerstown. 100 KEGS NAILS e storar :Iolll LcE r ,iiL f:l o. Hagerstown. Cl HOVELS, Spades, Hoes, Traces, Halter Chains &c. &c., in store and for sale by • WALKER., HILL & CO. Thigerstown. ,•', TIERCES Sugar Cured Canvassed Hams in Ostore And for sale by WALKER, DULL & Co. Hagerstown. A .BALESI Seamless Grain Bags in store end ifor sale cheap by WALKER, NILI. & Co. Hagerstown BACON Lard and all kinds of Country Produce wanted by June 14-Iy. INSURANCE AGENCY. TOSEPH DIM GL S, respectfully informs the 0 public that ho has established an Insurance A gency for Insurance of ail kinis in the best complr ies and at rett.onable rate. FIRE INSURANCE—In the North America, and the Enterprise of Philadelphia, Hume of New York and the' Cumberland Valley Mutual of Cum berland Co, Pa. LIFE IN6UIt.4NCE—in the- Etna of Hartford, American of Philadelphia, and the Equitable of N ew York. • INSURANCE from accident causing Death or Disability, in the traveler's Jusurance Company of Hartford, k.valuable Insurance for Travellers and working • mon of all trades. Also Insurance on Horses, Mules, Cattle, and Sheep, against, Theft, Death, or Accident, rapidly coming into general, use by farmers and stock rais ers. Eiplanations anti rates given and pamphlets fur- nished by. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Juno 14—tf] General Insurance Agent, Hagerstown, Md. June 10. TIIE GREIT PIM€ ! Dry Goods Down Twenty-five per, Cent ! IL & A. TINGLING STILL AiIEAD AND LEADING OFF IN LOW PRICES ! ! NVE have just returned from the Eastern Cities with our second supply of Summer Pry Goods, purchased at prices 25 per cent less than has been. brought iii this mulict this season. We are now selling Good yd, wide Muslin (Bleached) at 14 Ct LC IC D ' a:(CobleaChcd) 15 Calicoes, (Fair colors) - ' 10-12 Whale Bone Corsetts • $l,OO Good Hoop Skirts Mats 1,00 Cottenades 20—to 50ets Our stock of Cloths, Cassimers, Ladies Cloak ings, Cottenades, Linen Ducks and Drills. Dress Goods, Notions, Hos'ery, Glove, Trimmings, Floor and Table Oil Cloths. Ma ttings.&c.. aro complete and we defy competition in style, quality and prices. Jultc 14.'67 II Sr, A. YINGLIN G. ago. W. WALKER. HAGERBTO WA - CIC - E R.11 ,- L -- & - GO • WALKER, HILL & Co, PHOTOGRAPHS! 411.111BROTIVES! . JT IfAMILtON informs the public that he hap associated with him in his, business, Mr. L, C. BRACKUILL, a skillful operator, and that his rooms have been materially improved and suppli ed with new instruments. We are prepared to take Photographs of every description. and we guarantee satisfaction. Snead picture copied and enlarged to any size. Pictures taken in all kinds of weather. Children's pictures taken in a second or two. Call and see specimens. HAMILTON & BRACKBILL. Juno 14-3w.] AT TIM "TOWN HAW" WELSH has just received a fall assortment of Goods, in his line of business. His stock consists in part, of all the latest styles of men's and boys HATS AND CAPS, Men's, Women's, Misse's, Boy's and Children's • BOOTS , GAITERS , SHOES , and Slippers of every description. Ladies and Misses Zal Zi aa a Bohnet Framrs, Trimmings, Sundowns and Hats, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair Coils;Hosieryi-Gloverti - ParasolsStm — Vraberellas, -- Fans, &c. School, Blank and Miscellaneous Books, Station. ery of all kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. All of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest Junel4—tf. J el RAND EXHIBITION of Spring Styles of kj HATS and CAPS at DECHERrs, Big Red Hot, Chambersburg, Pa. BIG RbD }IA l'!—St. Cloud, Jerome, Bati!evade, Label, Howard, Broad 'Brim, Planters, &c. at Main Street Chambersburg. DIG RED HAT, Main Street, Chambersburg, is a sure sign that ru are near the Cheap and Fashionable Hat Emporium of DECHERT, TRAW G DODS in endless variety and very kjCheap, at the Cumberland Valley Hat Empor mum of DECHER7'. A NY MAN, Woman or Child in Chambersburg ' s ` 1 - jcan show you the way to the Cheep Hat Store Ot • DECHERT. Dig Dell Hat, Chambersburg, Pa. May 24-Iy. 13 ECOND ARRIVAL—And witht we a nnounce redu tion inprice of Dry Wods, igroc odes, &c, Grand Opening al all the Varieties of Dry Goods, Gro- PRICE & ROEFLICII'S. The attention_nt the_community - is_respectf ully directed tJ the splendid assortment of Cassimeres, Clotbs, Tweeds, Jeans, Denims, Cettonades, L;non Goods, Cor durojs, Velvets, &o. Is° a fine variety of Ladies Dress Goods of the latest novelties, consisting of Mozambiques, Delaines, Percalls, Rep, • • . Plaids, A 'paces*, Gingham , ' Lawns, Prints, wrth a Targe stock of Groceries, Queensware, and Ceclarwaro, all of which , the undersigned are offering very cheap. The su'iscritiers tender ~their thanks to the com munity generally / for their liberd patronage nrn kindly ask a continuance of the same. PRICE & HCEFLICH., June 7, 1867. NEW DNS!' GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. rrHE subscriber has jest received a most exterr -1 sive assortment of new spring & summer goods, ernbreing all the latest styles or Ladies Dress Goods, Cloaks, Sacques. Black and Colored Cloths, Shawls, Gentlemen and Boys' Clothing, Domestic Goods, Blankets, Carpets, Balmoral an d Hoop Skirts, &c., &c.• The extent and •variety of our Stock can only be appreciated by personal examination. which is so li• Purchasers may rave _1 s_tu3o per_cen examining this stock, as great bargains will be giv. en. S. OGILBY. • Hagerstown, May 31, Grain in the Ground AT PUBLIC SALE. r HE subscriber will offer at Public Sale in front j of Bowden's Hotel, in Waynesboro' on Satur day the ;15th of June, 110 Acres Grain in. the Gronid on the farm formerly owned by W. W. & G. W. Walker, about 40 acres of which is' rye the balance wheat: Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be m ide known by DANIEL LIGHT. May?-2w.] U. V, Moro, Auct. NOTICE. E will rifler to sell at Fublic Outcry in front - V V of F'. Bowden's Hotel, in Waynesboro,' on Saturday the 15th inst., at 9 'o'clock, A. M., the Public Roads of Washington Township, in sections to contractors to make and keep in order according to specifications for one year. All sections that bids aru considered too high will not be Fold on said day. HENRY HENICLE, June 7-2 t. HENRY .X. STONER, NOTICE. TIIE subscriber informs the citizens of Waynes. boro' that he intend 4 to run his Mill Wagon to town with Flour 3%1 Mill Stuff, and can supply persons with either article any day in the week, cheap at cash prices. Orders for Flour or Stuffcan boleti. at the Post Office. DAVID 1.01-112. VALUABLE PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE. rrHE subscriber offers at Private Sale his vale ft bie property, situated on Main Street. krn as the “Waynesboro” Brewery,"' including Dwelling llouco, good Stabling, &c.— For terms, &c. apply to jan 18 GT.O. FOURTIIMAINr,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers