VILLAGE RECORD. ISE= ~~a~~_~=:ice -'~=l~~~~+~ Friday, June 7, 18417. sigt..An election was held in Washington nn the 3d inst., which resulted in the choico of the Uoien ticket by about two thousand majority itt - •*OeneriT . Grant has accepted an Invite • tion from the managers of the Soldiers' Na . tional Cemetery ht Gettysburg to v . isit that town on the 20th of June. Governor Geary las also been invited } and will probably be 'pre-sent. ~~.'; i,;, r~'< '.~~ . Tho eatupdtp for Governor in Tenn. , eFsee waxes warm. Joint discussions are being held between ilorace Maynard and Em• arson Ethridge the candidate of the rebel or guerilla party. D.EcramNo.—Flour bas recently declined from ono to two dollars per . barrel in New York and other large cities. The prospects of an abundant harvest thoughout the coml. try must still farther reduced the price of wheat nod flour. Look out for a tumbling vt' prlcee ON ♦ "BENDTlV . .—rleSidellt Johnson is uft an a Southern tour. Ilia Accidency cached Richmond on Sunday last where be received the congratulations of his rebel ad -1 toirers. He will continue to s a wing around the circle for a couple of weeks, necompan- 1 -4A-by-Seward-and-Run - dull, visiting the most I noted Rebel haunts of the South. At such tints as Memphis and New Orleans he will no doubt' be most cordially welcomed. "LITTLZ Purr." AT WOE E.—General Sher idan on Monday issued an order removing Governor Wells, of Louisiana, and appoint ing Thames Durant in his stead. Some time nO the eneral disnosed_o iivtri boards - of - Imo commissioners, one of which had been appointed by Gov, Wells, and the other by a secession legislature, and _ the Governor has since manoeuvred in such a manner as to obtain from the President and and Secretary of War an order requiring • General. Sheridan to withhold the execution cif_h_is_order regardiag_the_nammissionera— On the strength of this interference with the acridan immediately issued his order re- Of Governor Wells the General says: I say now unequivocally that Governor Welle is a political trickster and a disunion ist I have - seen him myself, when .1 first came to this command, turn out all the Union men who supported the Government, -and put in their stead rebel soldiers, some of whom had not doffed the gray uniform. I have seen him again, during the July riot of 1866. skulk away where I could not find him to give him a guard, instead of coming out as a manly representative of the State anti joining those who were desirous of preserv ing the peace. I have watched - him since, and his conduct has been as sinuous as the mark left in the dust by the movement of a snake. I say again that he is -dishonest, and dishonesty is more than must be expected of me. IMPORTANT LAWSUlT.—heavy rerclict:— The suit of Butler's heirs vs. Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, was tried at ,Middle burg, Snyder county, last week, and on Fri day evening the jury rendered a verdict of €518,000 for the death of Co}. Butler. • Mrs. Butler was killed at the Fame time, and a suit is also depending for her death. A mo tion for a new trial was made. The accident, it will be remembered, occurred this side of Lancaster, and from all the information that - could be obtained at the time it was . difficult to decide what caused it; but from the testi mony on the part of the plaintive it was shown that the oars were crowded, that the train was running at a high speed, and that the sudden turning of axle and whcels(caus• iog the loss of life) was a rotten tie. John Dipple, landlord of the 131ack Horse Hotel, Lewistown ; -After receiving license, posted the following unique notice "To all whom it may concern:" "The undersigned desiring to obey all laws restraining the sale of liquors, respeetiully ' requests all heads of families who have drun ken sons, or husbands, wives or daughters, to give me the written notice required by law forbidding me to del! such habitual drunk. ards liquor, with their signatures attached and I pledged myself, my reputation,and, .roy property, that Et uoh requests shall be rig idly complied with. I desire to comply with all laws regulating my legitimate business and in order to do so. request the assistance of all abiding citizens. The members ortemperance societies, who have annoyed ino for liquor, will please me much by with drawing their patronage from either mo or the society." rclrNew Yorkers are said to-bc negotiating for the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. It is to be hoped that wonder of the world will pass, into hands that have some energy and enter prise, for the Kentucky paralysis has fastened upon all its surronn.tings. If the owners do not sell wo would advise them to go into the cave and pull the hole in after them.—liar. feel; ONE LI ENDUED AND SIX YEARS OLD. —Near Carlisle there" lives a Mrs. Kissel, who is now one hundred and six years old, is in good health, moves around briskly, and can assist in doing the &meat's work. , Stephen Smith, is the richest colored man La 'kb tiscielphis. He owns seventy.five houses it and is not worth lora than OW, PoRTANT LET - TER.—The following let. ter from that venerable statesman and foe of traitors, lIcP. Thad Stevens, will receive the comm3ndation of citizens generally who were despoiled of their property by the Rebels during the tate war for the Union: LANCASTER, Thursday, May 25. To tlte Chairman of the County Committee, and the Assessors of the b totonships of the counties of Adams, Franklin, Fulton, B , dftrd, York, Somme,' Perry, and Cumberland, GERVLEMEN: As I am about to prosecute the claims for confiscation at the next session I of Congreas,if I should be permitted to appear I there. I eesire to ascertain certain facts. Will i you. aid me in procuring them in a small part of our own State? Invite returns from all the peiple in each township of the amount of pro perty which the rebet,,raiders, or the armies of the so-called ' COntederate States," de, stroyed or appropriated to their own use du -I,':irig tteir several incursions into p oonsy l, yeah, and hand the same to the assessors of the different townships, who are requested to return the aggregate for each township to the chairmen of the respective parties of the different counties.- May 1 here ask that the various newspapers of the counties above publish this notice for a few weeks in aid of the object specified as I intend to press the o entef-the-damag_es_done_to—laya .. out of the confiscated 'property of the con quered belligwots? I desire each and eve ry person whriesided in the above-named comities to make ont a list of the amount of 1 all property of which he was despoiled by the rebel-raiders, or the rebel-- government, and I return the same to the assessors of his town ship, who, 1 hope, will f rwarffthe sante to the chairman 'of the coup committees of each party, who, I hope, will 1 ke the trouble to aggregate-the-same, — and - return it to me. I desire a fair valuation to be placed on all the property, whether personal property abstrac ted or real property destroyed, except Cale donia Ir . oliWorks, in the county of Frank-' lin, which will not be appraised, as no remu neration is claimed for it. This may seem to be asking our friends to take considera ble trouble, but as a small part of the labor only falls to each person, it will be found light, I hope it may finally prove profitable t. .. '.'. I a $ a 1 7 -04H13, . P. S.—Were it not preautripttious in me, I would invite the loyal men of all the States Who have been plundered by rebel raiders or confiscated by the Confederate States, or ei ther them, to form associations and furnish statistics, such as are above solicited. Claims so imperatively just must be finally allowed and paid, but the funds to pay the same will certain ly-bo-raised - nowtrere - excopt - ourcirth fines and confiscation of the richer and more n m klefae_turs era are, if I had five years more added to my life, tehould not doubt that this would be come an aceom lished fact. , Such 'ustice urged by a - determiilid will though feeble in tellect, cannot fail. HI should be denied that extension of life, Providence will raise up to the work some younger and abler man to whom these facts would be of great assis tance.- I trust it will not be supposed that I have abandoned the determination to pro cure 61E01 homesteads for the freedmen, to be furnished by the rebel masters whom they conquered at our request—homesteads cal ried by tile late slaves and annexed to their mas: ter's estates. Let them now be severed by partition. All the newspapers in the several counties named are respectfully requested to publish this artiole. BURIAL PLACE, of BOOTlL—General L. C.-Baker has published a diary in which he details- his connection with the 'secret ser vice' of the War Department during the war of the Bebellioc. He makes the statement in regard to the disposition made of the bo dy of John Wilkes Booth: General Barnes, Surgeon General United States Army,was on board the gunboat where the post mortem examination was held, with his assistants. General Barnes cut from Booth's neck about two inches of the spinal ebitrin through which the ball had passed; this piece of bone which is now on exhibition in the Government Medical Museum in Wash ington, is the only relic of the assassin's bo dy above ground, and this is the only muti lation of the remains that ever occurred. Immediately after the conclusion of the ex amination the Secretary of War gave orders as to the disposition of the body, which had become very offensive owing to th\s condi tion in which it had remained after death, the leg, broken in jumping from the box to the stage, was much discolored and swollen, the blood from the wound having saturated the underclothing. With the assistance of Lieutenant L. C. Baker, I took the body from the gunboat direct to the old peniten tiary, adjoining the old arsenal / grounds, The building bad not been used as a prison for some years previously. The Ordinance De partment had filled the ground floor oells with fixed amunition. One of the largest of these cells was selected as the burial place of Booth. The amunition was removed, a large flat stone lifted from its place, and a rude grave dug; the body alone dropped in, the grave filled up, the Stone replaced; and there rests till this hour all that remained of John Wilkes Booth. TUE HONEST MAN.—Most men are not BO dead to moral principal as not to feel a sport- I taneous glow of admiration for the man who does right, because it is right, no matter if he does make less money by it. Some men say he was a fool or a lunatic not to make the most of his advantage, right or wrong; but the heart of many is loyal to rectitude. We look, and admire and praise. We can not help it. He who in a selfish, covetous age, when all men are fighting and scramb ling for money, stands tip strong in his in tegrity and modestly does the thing—not that is legal, not that is exacted, not that is costomary, that is as others do, or as many preach, but • does the thing that is right —such a man is worthy of all imitation. if the heavenly minded are few in the world, are not the righteous few, like wise? A mor al character that is genuine is - as rare as Diogenes' men, when hunted for with a lan tern at noonday. A fidgety traveler at a Western town was dogging the baggage master for his luggage before he could.get at the bottom of the hugh pile, and continuing the annoyance, the other addressed him thus: "Mister, it's a pity that you wasn't born an elephant, and then yeld have had yer trunk always under yer nose!" i=!l A - DDEIJ Boas, etc.—We observe that a few hogs arc still permitted to run at largo in our town. This is not by any means carrying out the "hog law" to the letter. We would also in form our High Constable thatjf he will take the trouble to visit the alley running west from Bell's Pottery ho will there find the carcass of a dead cat. The sickly season is approaching and public safety requires that al: such nuisances be removed. It would be well enough we think for this official to per sonally-inspect the alleys at least once a week during the summer season. Many of them are filthy enough just now to breed pestilence. A person caught throwing a dead carcass of any kind into an alley should be severely dealth with. MAD Doch—Some little excitement v• as occasioned on Tuesday by ' a report which was put in circulation that a veritable "mad dog" had made his appearance on one of our streets. Not having any legally at oWii - i;ed "dog catchers" no ono felt inclined to pur. sue, so the Brindle departed as he ca me,un molested. Whether mad or not, it would be well for persons to be on their guard and not expose , their children too much to the sheets and alleys, especially after nightfall. This is the season when hydrophobia pre vails most among the canine species, and in other sections, according to our exchanges, the_country of late has been infested with an unussnal number of such rabid dogs. Look out for them, boys. TEIE PROSPECITS.—The wheat fields in this section continue to present It most lux uriant appearance, but we are still not with- out well-grounded fears fur the safety of the crop. The wheat not being billy in Lloseem yet must make harvesting a couple of weeks later than usual. This being the case, the crop is certainly more liable to blight from its greatest enemies, Rust and the ravages of the Milk Weevil. But we can only wait and hope that these dangers may be Providers• tially averted. DEA.TII OF 21.1f15. BAKER.-WO learn from the Fulton Republican that Mrs. Harriet Baker, wife of Mr. Samuel Baker, died sev eral weeks since at her home, in Ohio, from the effects of injuries received by the run ning away of a horse last fall in the vicinity of McOonnellsburg, which at that time re sulted in the death et Miss. Laura Hassler. There afe - 730,000 more =len than females in th 3 United Staies. LOCAL MATTERS. Patniss.—A prime article at Reid's. , CHERRIES.—Ripe cherries were selling in llarrisburg last iieek at 15 cents per quart.-- So says the Telegraph. GRAIN IN THE GROUND FOR SALE.—Dan iel Light will safer for sale on the 15th a bout 110 acres grain in the grcnnd. See advert' uent. Pout OADS.—The public roads of Washingto • to unship will be offered in sec tions to the lowest bidders on the 15th inst. See advertisement, . EMILY RISERS.—Since our landlords are not allowed to deal out the "ardent" before sunrise early risers are not so numerous by half. So says our devil, who is mildly a• mong the first to "turn'out." CLEANING UP.—Some of the citizens on Leitersbut\ , --Street we observe are using - paint and lime with a lavish hand. If they can't get their street paved they are deter• mined to make themselves comfortable in o Ifertesp - ectshis - sh - o - w - a - likluck, 8n ie praisworthy, MINERAL WATER.—Friend Fourthman, druggist, has, his Mineral Fountain now in operation. There is no healthier -- summer drink. Gentleman and ladies will find him supplied with the finest syrups tho Eastern markets afford. GRAM—The favorable weather of late has much improved the prospects for a good yield of grass. In about ten days the "hay making season" will have commenced among our farmers. Those who have• not yet pro• vided themselves with a good Mower can be supplied by Flanagan. • Oa. RECEIVED.—We aoknowled , :e the teeei t of_s2_fromilenry_Sho °key, Elkhart, 111. Wo would he pleased to make similar sc. knowledgments to some of our more sluggish patrons who are in arrears far a number of years. Iftoo "hard up" to square accounts let us have such arrcarages in part. Mir •The MeroersburgJournat is blamed from the local — department of our neighbor, the Pilot. Under some cir cumstances—the —else ors— a-re--mighter , - th an the pen, but Milt. should be careful how he uses them. The best ws • to settle such lit- tle grievances among editors is to retaliate •by borrowing a little "thunder" from the other when occasion offers. DECEASED.—.The last Greencastle Pilot contains an obituary on the death of Robert E. Crooks, which occurred at Petroleum Cen tre, Venal:lgo county, on tho 19th ult. 31r. C. was formerly editor of the Pilot, and was much esteemed among friends and acquaint ances, being a young man of a naturally kind heart 'l2‘.i affable disposition. He leaves a widow with one child to mourn the loss of a kind husband. • DIMINO OP CLASIi3.—The "Mercersburg Classis of the Germain Reformed Church convenned at Pat tonsville, Bedford Co. Pa., on the evening of the 17th. inst. The open ing sermon was preachei by Bev. H. Beck erman, of Bedford. Rev, Walter E. Kreps, of Waynesboro' was elected President. Sat urday was taken up chiefly by the reading of parochical reports. From these it was maul. fest that the ministers within the bounds of this Classis are active in their work, and that their congregations, generally, are in a good condition. During the past year sever al new Charges were formed. and at the pres ent meting, permission was granted for the organisation of three new congregations, Three students, who had just graduated at the Theological Seminary . at 1 31erectsburg, were examined and licensed, and two of them were ordained to the holy ministry and ap pointed to Missionary fields in lowa. Sev eral young men about commencing their stu dies for the ministry were taken under the care of Classis.— Valley Spirit. RESIONED. - -Rev: W. A. Shively, form erly of Greencastle, has resigned the pee orship-of--&.—Andrews.--Chttre-b r -Pittsburg; preparatory t o aedeptiog the charge of Christ's Church. Cincinnati, Ohio.—Reposi tory. A FEW BARRELS L _ EFiT.— _Fora prime RT. tide of Family Flour apply at Willow Grove Mill or call on Hoover's Wagon. I.t. Murder. ALBANY, June 4 L. Harris Hiscox, a member of the State Constitutional Conven tion, has just — been shot dead at Stanwix Hall, by a man who talks deliberately of the deed and says he can justify. it. SECOND DESPATCEI. The man who shot Hon. L. Harris Hiscox is General Cole, a lumber-dealer, of Syracuse, N. Y. About 8.30 P M. Hiseox was stan ding in the large reeeption room of the hotel, near the clerk's desk, in his sli ,era. oe,w io was sitting near sy_, rorte,_and_ approaohing Uiscox, made some remark which was not distinctly heard by those near by, and immediately drew a small pistol and, presenting it at his head, fired the ball en tering near the right eye. Hiscox fell back senseless, his wonnii - bleeding profusely, and expired within thirty minutes. Cole remar ked that Hiseox had been his best friend, but that while he (Cole) was in the arm_ WM — lre - he rose to the grade of general in the cavalry service, Hiscox had raped his wife _and _adde d r U._have-the -ev-idea ce-now—in - my pocket.' He quietly awaited the coming of the po. lice * -and-was-eon-veyed-ity-trir.-. • • station. A coroner's jury is being empanell ed, but•it is not likely the inquest will be commenced until to-morrow. (role is a tall, Sue-looking man, as was Risen . , who was, however, larger and heavi er. WilY A Doo WAGGLES HIS TAIL--Lord Dundreary teltil his friend the solution of this difficult riddle:—'Because a dog is stron ger than the tail, if it wasn't, the tail would waggle the dog." A negro named Jordan is to run as the Copperhead candidate for :Nlayor-of New Or leans. SPECIAL NOTICES. 166 SIGN OF THE •RED HAT. 150 150 COMPE PITION DEFIED. 150 150 Lndiee Genuine KID GLOVES American Man ufacore nt 150 cents. During the last year we have sold large numbers oftheso Gloves in all eizos and colours and safely say they are not surpassed by other Kid Gloves 'gold, to be had only at UPDEGRAFF'S Glove Factory, Oppnsile the Washington House Hagerstrwn tar SIGN OF THE RED HAT. 10 13 20 COMPARISON INVITED. 10 15 20 STRA %V HATS, A full assortment of new Spring Styles of STRAW H NTS, Guyaquilla, Legliorns, Canton, Braids, Mackinaus, Ma'am's, Palm Leafs, &c. &c., from 10 cents up at UPDL GRAFF,S HAT FACTORY, Opposite the Washington House liggeratown. SIGN . OF THE RED HAT. 2150 75 OPPOSITION COURTED. 25 50 75 CANES.—We have a now lotof Fine Imported Caner, Plain Bone Finhled and Carved. Hickory, Reed, and 13 - amboo Canes from 25 cents up. Those who want a staff of service, convenience,comfort, Beauty or Fashion should call at UPDEVRA FP'S Hat, Cane and Umbrella Stora, - Hagerstown ' SIGN OF THE RED HAT. . 12 3 PERPETUAL, MOTION. I 3 Ladies SUN UM BRELLAS, New Style PAR ASO...S, RAIN UMBRELLAS, &e. A. complete Mock at UPDEGUAFF'S hat, Cane and Umbarella Store, Hagerstown. ME:IEI - - A --1 1 11 A . On the 29th inst., in Fannettsburg, by the Rev. Wm. A. West, at the residence of Mrs. Mary Kyle, the,bride's mother, the Rev. J. 63.111:H GORDON, Pastor of the Presbyte rian Church Lower Path Valley and Burnt Cabins, to Miss bIAGGIE B. KYLE- RD Xi MI, 'l' (C 1 M .113. . On Saturday, May 19th, at Patrice= Coo. tre, Venago county, Va., after a brief illness, Mr. ROBEBP B. OltOOKS,,aged 27 years, 2 months and 2 days. ' _ ivz.e.riammeiza. PIIILADELPIIIA MARKETs, Tuesday, Juno 4, 1867.—The Flour market continues to drag, and although we make no alternations in our quotations, the tendency of prices is decidedly downwards. A few hundred bar rels were taken in a retail way at sB@9 bbl-for superfine; $9®10.25 for extras; $ll.. 50®13 for Northwest extra family; $12.50 (013 50 for Pennsylvania and Ohio do, and $14®17 for fancy brands, according to qual ity. The mast p - romioent feature of the 'Wheat market is extreme dulness, and in the absence of sales orimportance we quote Peousylvania red at $2.70®2.80. Rye ranges from $l.. 65 to $1.70, with small sales. Corn is dull, and we reduce our quotations 2e V bushel; sales of 6,000 bushels, yellow, in the oars and from store, at $1.18®1.20, including 1,000 bushels inferior at $1.15, and 500 bus Western mixed at $1.16. (fats are lower; sales or 2,000 bushels Pennsylvania at 80 cents. SECOND ARRIVAL-And with it we announce sedivtion in pact! of Dry Goode, groceries, &c, Grand Opening of all the Varieties of . Dry Goods, Gra. eeries, arc. at PRICE & 110EFLIC111. Tire attention of the community Is respectfully directed Li the splendid assortment of • Cassimeres, Cloths, Tweeds, Jeans, Denims, Cottonades, !Atm Goods, Cap durcvs, Velvets, &o, lso a fine variety of Ladies "Press Goods of the latest novelties, consisting of Mozambi.ues, 2121=1 Percalls,' Reps, Plaids, A Ipacees, Ginghems, Lawn., Prints, with a large stock of Groceries, Queensware, and Cetlarwere, all of which the undersigned are offering very cheap. The subscribers tender their thanks to the com munity general lyi for their liberal patronage and kindly ask a connnuanee of the same. PRICE & HCEFLICH. June 7, 1867. Grain in the Ground. AT. PUBLIC SALE. u.bscriber will offer at Public Sale in front rt — iT Bowden's Hotel. in Waynesboro' on Satur day the ;15th of June, 110 Acres Grain in the Gronntl on the farm formerly owned by W. W. & G. W. Walker, about 40 acres of which is rye the balance wheat. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by DANIEL LIGHT. G7V;ltlotio, tic . NOTICE. WE will offer to cell at Public Outcry in front of F. liowden's Hotel, in Waynesboro,' on Saturday the 15th inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M., the Public Roads of Washington Township, in sections to contractors to make and keep in order according to specifications for one year. All sections that bids are considered too high will not be sold on said da • . HENRY HE \ June 7-2 t. HENRY X. KTONER, UFIIATS - arrd - C - PrPS - at -- DECHERT'S, Big Red Hat, Chambersburg, Pa. p IG RED H A /I—St. Cloud, Jerome, Baulevade, Plarre- DECHERT'S, Main Street Chambersburg, IG-RED HAT, Mein Street, Chambersburg, II Pa, is a sure sign that y.'u are near the Uheap and Fashionable Hat Emporium of TRAW GDODS in endless variety and very t3Cheap, at the Cumberland Valley Hat Empor ium of DECHERT. ANY MAN, Woman or Child in Chamberaburg can show you the way to the Cheap Hat Store of DECHERT. Big Red Hat, Chainhersburg, Pa. May 24 ly. NEW DR's' GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, MHE Subscr:ber has just received a . most exten• I sive assortment of new spring & grimmer goods, embrcing all the la' est styles or Ladies Dress floods, Cloaks, Sacques. Black and Colored Cloths, She Ws, Gentlemen and Boys' Clothing, Domestic Goods, Blanketi, Carpets, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, &c., &c. The extent and variety of our Stock can only be appreciated by personal examination, which is so. Belted. Purchasers may save 15 to3o'per cent. oy examining this stock, as great bargains will be giv er S. OGILBY. Hagerstown, May 31. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE .SALE. • THE subseriber ofrers at Private Salo his valu 3 bie property, situated on Main Street. known as the 66 1Wainesborce Brewer y,'' including Dwelling Houee, good Stabling, &c.— For terms, &c. apply to jan GEO. FOURTHMAN. Lightning Rods I THE subscribers would infirm the public that they have made extensive preparations fur put ting up Lightning Rods during the season, and for this purpose expect to visit farmers and others gen erally in this section. One of the firm has had ma ny years experience in the business. The public can therefore rely upon having their work well and sathiactorily done. No humbugging. HAUSE & DEATRICH. April 26—tf. SURVEYING. rpH I!: undersigned, having thoroughly studied the subrectiind having in the last five years had considerable experience as a practical Surveyor, id prepared to do all kinds of surveying, laying out and divi hug up lands at short notice and on reason able terms Persons entrusting him with work rn.iy rest assured that ho will spare no pains to reader his work accurate and satisfactory. Residence in Way nesboro% Pa. A. li. STOLER.. April 5-3 m, SOMETHING WONDRIMUL FOR THE MILLION, all may be rich, wise ar d happy. Agents wanted. Enclose stamp foi particulars. H. Came, 142 Bleecker New York, [April 26-3 m. DR. T. D. FRENCH, rIoIE3INT 'MX SO ris INSERTS Beautiful and Durable teeth mounted oil Fianna, Gold and Vulcanite. Particular attention given to the preservation o. the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the extrac tion of teeth without pain. Office at his residt.nce on Mechanic Street. Feb. 8. DR. D. A. STOIJF)FIER, DENTIST, GREENCASTLE, PA. nrSETH extracted without pain. Office in Clip -1 perigees building, nearly opposite Adams' H 3. tot, where he will attend to Dentistry wit i care and attention. Old Gold and Silver plates taken in part pay for new ones. Teeth inserted from a single tooth to-a fill set, insured for one year. jan 18-Iy. A tremendous Arrival of New Goods at Metl & Hiteshew's, WE have just returned from tho East and are• now opening a very large stock of Dry Goods , and Notions of every description. We have White and Checked Matting 1 and 11 yds wide; Ca•pets of every description, very cheap; best quality %% hilt: and colored Shawls, all seizes, Ladies Hatc, a nice assortment. There has been a decline in Muslins.. N,,cv is the time and this is the place to buy' lyd wide good Alualiu for 15 i IL .i /I if 12 t " fair It . It 10 Our stock of Muslins is full embracing 25 differ. ent Brands. Chembersburg Woolen Manufactur ing Co.'s goods. always on hand. In short we claim to bay . o the largest stock of goods in the county and. thly arty House to heat us in low prices; therefore you can rely on having the pleasure of selecting from the largest stock at the lowest prices May 31. METCALF & 111TESHES. N.B. Goods of every description Wholesaled at City jobbing prices. . CONFECTIONERY AND BAKERY S. J. STRITE, No. 3. North Carlisle street, OREENOASTLE 7 Pa. Having purchased the establishre.nt lately osvned by Strite & Cushwa, is prepared to snpply all kinds of confections and Bakery at the shottest notice.— His stock comprises Bread, Cakes. Rusks, Pies, Bum idtc„ &c. 153 Candies ate manufactured expressly fel his establishment, which he will sell at wholesale and etailv—Orders - from - a — distance promptly attended A LADIES' ICE OREAIVI SALOON has been ° fitted up, adjoining the store-room where he will be happy to serve it up every evening. May 31-3 t. P. T. BARNUMIS (PATENT) Elastic Strap Eir4Buelrle, • FOR PANTS, VESTS AND DRAWERS This little inven-tion is just out, and as it is no "humbug" is meeting with &rapid sale. It can be ppliod,in_runoment_to_any_garmc_nt,byany_person, catifislit tcTifit perkelly, Its elasticity prevents tearing the straps and buck les off the clothes, and also allows perfo•it freedom f-theho Mak' xereve I — For sale by tailors and the trade generally. Send 25 ctn. for strap, circular., terms to agents anl the. trade, to the DECHERT, ,Agents Wonted in every county May 31--3 m. THE tubscrber would informe formers general' that he is still acting as Agent for the McCor mick's Celebrated Self-Raking Beeper, and has now a supply on hand. As improved it is uneqUiled for all conditions of heavy or lodged grain and the only perfect self-raker in use. Call and examine and judge for yourselves. • ' Also McCormick's Two WHXZLZD Mow= with Flexible Cutter Bar, Lifting Leaver and Leaver for Fitting the Cutting Edge to any angle instanta neously, white in motion, to secure close mowing on rough ground This is a new thing in• the mow ing line, to which the attention o' farmers is partic ularly directed. WM, E. FLANAGAN. /1111 E largest assortment of OaA R PE TS in town at the store of ANDERSON, BENEDICT & Co, FLOOR Oil Cloths, all patterns and style at the store rf ANBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. CHECK and plain Matting at the store of ANDERSON, BENEDICT & CO. PRIME N. 0. Molasses at the store of A$ EMERSON, BENEDICT & CO. OIL Cloth and paper Blinds at the store of AurteaScas, Buxom . & Co, L ADIES Dress goods of ail kinds it the store of ANDERSON, BENEDICT & Co. L ATFST arrival of New Goods at. the store of AMBERDON. BENEDICT & CO, CURTAIN Fixtures of all kinds at the store of AUDUBON. BENEDICT & CO. COUNTY TREASURER. A T the solicitation of a number of my friends, I annonnce myself a candidate fir the office of Coun tv Treasurer, subject to the decision of tho Union Nominating County Conventiun. - FRED'K. D. SNIVELY. Shady Grove, April 5, '67, tc. BANK. DIVIDEND. THE Directors of the First National Dank of Waynesboro' have declared a Semi-annual Dividend of 5 per cent for the I est six months, pay able on demand, JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. - DEMONS indebted to the subscriber by note I or book account are notified that all such notes and accounts have been left in the hands of John Richardson for collection and if payment is not made within twenty days suit will bo rought May 3l—ts. 11..11110 'NOTICE. subscriber having been subjected to consil -1 erable annoyance of late by parties passing to and fro through his groin tields,notifies such persons not to tresspass upon his premises in the fUture, as ho will be compelled to enforce the law against all who fail to comply with this notice. May 31-4. IS .IAC FO.X minestrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Admin. istration, on the Estate of Thomas Smith, late of Waynesboro, dad, have been granted to the undersigned All persons knowing themselves indebted to said E s tate, will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenti cated for settlement. May 31-3 t. prilv 0i44,41 . Cl HALER'S Family Scales, two sizes of If& 25 Ohba capacity, weighing by ounces, eerily to un derstand and warranted to weigh correct: Also an Improved Cherry seeder which has been in use for the last five years and never failed t,, give entire eatisfactiou. It will seed a bushel of Cherries in 25 minutes. Sold by May 31--tl. LIEISER & RINEHART. • 186 7 , NO. 15,- MAIN STREET, CIIAMBERSBURG, PA. HALLO! HALLO! Changes, Lemonti., Pineapples, Figs, Dates, Raisins, Nuts, BARNUM E. S. & B. Co. 650 Broadway, New York- 1%1 cOORM ICK.'S, SELF-RAKER Improved fo1;-,1867. LAST NOTICE. GEORGE STOVER, Adm'r, with the Will annexed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers