ME' Nal we_ 31L3mILTKIL1131 DRUGS MED ICINES, CD M. GUIN'TS, dree &c., Go to Fourthman's Waynesboro', May 24, 1867 EMPIRE-RHUT-T-LMACHINE.- PATENTED FEBRUARY 14, 1860 SALESROOM, NO. 921 CHESTNUT ST„ PHILADELPHIA. This Mactine is constructed on a new principle of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable im provements, having been examined by he most pro. found experts, and pronounced to be SIMPLICI TY and PERFECTION COMBINED. The following are the principal objections urged . against Sewing' Machines : I. Excessive fatigue to the operator. 4 2. Liability to get out of order. • 3. - Expense, trouble, and loss of time in repairing. 4. Incapacity to sew every description of material. 5. Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt from Bali these Objections. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, mak es the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL. and is alike on both shies; performs perfect sewing on every description of ma teriel, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, With linen. cotton or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. IT HEMS, FELLS, BINDS, BRAIDS, TUCKS, QUILTS, PI. IT'S, GA TH ERS. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE. ..111 varieties of CAI3I:IRT MACIIINEBfrom $6O up wards. I? Particular attention is called to out saw and IMPROVED Manufacturing Machine, for Tailoring, Shoe• Pitting, Coach Trimming, &c. Its advanta ges are simplicity. durability, rapidity, easy adapta tion to all branches of nianulaciuring. It makes perfect titlark on all Material._ It is especially desir able in sewing Patent Leather, and is very still. In short, it. is the most perfect manufacturing machine in the market. N. IS. Every machine guaranteed. EMI'IRE S. M. CO., 921 Chealnut,Street, Philadelphia. LV' Agents wanted.] NELSON READ, Agent. Mar. 1-2dmos. ECOND ARRIVAL—A nd with it vce anro ince Oa matt lion in price of Dry Goods, groceries, &r, PRICE & HOEFLI+AiId N sugars from 10cts. up at Palos dr. Hoarraan a B ROW SHAD, Herring and Maar& at Talcs & Manna's F LOOR Matting at Pnicn HOEFLICII'd WHITE Embroidered good at Plt ;cn& Iloantmea BEAUTIFUL Organdie Lawns at ' - PRICE & HOEFLICII'O T AMISE Cloth at CHIP and Straw Irate at ram & Hammed P RETTY Parasols at NOTICE. THE subscriber informs the citizens of Wayne& boro' Oat he intend4to run his Mill Wagon to town with Flour and Mill atulh, and can supply persons with eithez article any day in the week, cheap at cavil prices. - Orders for Flour or Stuffcan be left at the Post Office. "DA VID LOUR. FOR SALE• Prime arte,e of Corn and Oats by the quanti- I-Ity. Also Chestnut wood b•y the load. . ALEX. HAMILTON.; April sth-tf. "i 9 II Ig .--I Z 6- 54 -- • THE inscriber infornis ftiosi in want of SOveet Potatoo Plants thatito is now prepared to sup ply"them'with therchoicest varieties. • ' May 3_4T] • ' • PUNK,. . Tt ASIVE II: Sorn7FlGreinawcat offers him sell as a candidate for the office of COUNTY TREASURER subject„ to the decision of the anon Convention. Chirdierrburg, May 14. • , ' • • vVIII l'E 'abil Gray, Wiwi IsPankow ot Nov 23.1 Pamir. dr. Homilictre. (. , Paws & Holtz,vais PRKE & HOEPLICTI'S M A R . S . II.AL E . (Suoceasors to F. 3. F'OI3EY;) , DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY —AND= SILVER-WARE. N0..13 A'aehiugten Street, - HAGERSTOWN,'MD. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Begets town, May 24,—tf. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE IST NAT. BANK OF WAYNESBORO'. April 1,1867. _ _ ,RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts U. S. Bonds to secure circulation IJ.B. Bonds on band • Due from Banks ' P. & A. Tel Stock Rev. Stamps and Cash Items Qver drafts Current - Expenre Specie and Legal Tender Notes Nat Bank Notes arid frac.Ctirrency State Bank Notes LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Surplus food Profits, Discount and Intetest Viral'Winn out Standing Due Depositors Due to Banks $204,493,58 the above statement is just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, Cash. Sworn and subscribed before me, April 241. 1867 Ap. 5-6t] J. F. KURTZ, N. P. FIRST NATIONAL BANK WaynesboriV, Franklin Co. Pa. pal Collections made promptly and remitted for at lowest rates of Exchange on New York. Directors : W. 8. A mberson, A lex • Hamilton, George Bescre,—Georgo—Jacobs.- Daniel Mic kley John Price, Henry Good, James H. Clayton, Joseph Price. Correspondents :—Tho First National Bark of Philadelphia and 9th National Bank of New York. W. 6 .kataansua, l'res't. Jso. PHILIP,, Cash. Willow_ _=Gr=_ove=Mil I IHE subscriberinforins the citizens of Waynes•_ boro that he will hereafter run his 11 ill Wagon regularly to town. Persons supplied with Flour, Meal and Mill Stuff. Orders can be left at the Post Office, with Amberson Benedict & Co ,at Miller's Store,or with John Walter. Al! orders proniptly filled, the cash to accompany each order. May_24 JACOB 1-100-V-B-R,-- 144123EYFAXAAXIEZZAVIMMORANitS1 El T. J. FILBERT, AI F § . I _at DRAPER, Has eonstantly for side a full assortment gar GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. N 1 12F-Latest-City - Fashions - ahiraya - oxi - h - a - n - & - e — l % Waynesboro', Po. NINKNI'N-MNININKAMMMNNIMUNI,NORMSI 10 CENT SUOMI at G oop Levy Sugar at C7YRUPS—Good and Cheap at c w 4 REID'S, QUEENSWARE_—A new lot Of beautiful styles i oa REID'S C REAM CAKES—Nice for Tea, at REID'S, ) - 1-IUHARB - and Vegetables— hroush - out the eason, at REID'S. May 17 CIARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS—A fresh assortment 'received this day, and sold at 8 cts a paper by W. A. REID. March 8,1.813 WELL-TRIED REMEDIES Russ aLL'a 1 Tea OINTMENr, an immediate and eer • bin cure, 25 cts. It is also a sure remedy for scratches on horses. RossELL's SALT Rums OINTMENT, is unequal ed, 50 cts RUSSELL'S PILE OINTMENT' cures after all oth er remedies have failed. $1 00 These ointments are certain, safe and reliable &pa cifies, ea thousands have and are daily certifying. For sale by all Druggists and' medicine 'feelers. General Depot at PINGROT - BRUEN & HO BART, Wholesale Druggists, 214 Fulton at.. (near Greenwich), New link. sent by mail; Itch. 40c.; S. R. 05c.; Pile, 1.50. CALICOES from 10 acme at Ap.54 Valor & Hozrttcren COUNTERPANES and Bed Spread. at Ap. b.] Puma & llorman'a SPRING Ba!morals at Ap. 5.3 P.,eents for a Head Net at J Ap. 5 ] PRICE & HORPLICII'73, BAGS. -2i and 3 bu.baga, also bagging at A p. 5.] Paws & Homan's. 25cents for co ff ee at AP. 5..] lIEESE at ki April 5. HEETINGS, all widths nt A p. 5.] Paws & ItotaFLion 'a. TINE N . Napkins at 4 B LACK and Drab Cord at PRICa & HOEFLICII'S THE PHRENAKOSMIAN INSTITUTE. A Select Classical School for young Ladies and Gentlemen, at Green Castle, Pa. J. KONG HUGHES. A. I I. Principal. Fall and Winter Session will commence Sep . 3, 1866. For Primary course per term of 20 Weeks $9,00 4 Advanced English course 1 ' •' 10,00 " Classical course " " 15,00 Music on• Piano, Organ or Guitar 24 Les 'including use of instruments• 12 50 " Vocal Music per session , 6,00 Board can be secured with the Principal or in private la"'Send fora Circular. . Aug 3 tf. SRNJ. - - --4-,ILLINLVILICOL D._ DRS FRANTZ. de,. SNLVELY having associa ted thenisel.ea intha pi:netice of Medicine and Surgery wetillattto that they are well .prepared. to treat WI •me .11:tal and surgical cases. Persons' in debted tociuter of the dove willplcasc snakq *oily aettlsment - to the time of Their association; air . they wish to close their old books. • in'llr. Frantz 's reiitlenre in the room for merly occupied as a stem room by Mr. I, Beaver. April 14.-rtf. WAGONS FOR S ILE Z THE etibicriber (Arent et priviete sele„l epring xtittion.2 two hone wag ous..and t four bongo Gcnitrninent wagons., ,J. H. FORNEY: , Feb 13—if. $39,861,80 75,400,00 41,600,00 7,172,81 60,00 263;49 6,06 4 - ,202 - 08 30,421,00 8063,34 43,00 $204,493,68 7.5p0tT0 17,500 00 2.730,90 66,675 00 49,966,20 2,621,48 in $75.000, REID'S .REIl?' S, Pam& & thErtacles. PRICE & HOEFLICR'S. Pala 4 llognicil'e. Plucs & Ilosnacres 1866. L. THE 'GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS.,, EL Muria PrOVan.tiva OP CHOLERA ! a WONDERFUL REMEDY was diseov- L ered and introdneed•about twenty years ago by Dr. S. Cheopsus, en eminent Egyptian physician. Ho had long seen and felt the want.of some rem edy which would strike at the root of the disease, and so prevent much of the suffering which the hu man family was then-compelled to endure. This great question was presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as ho moved among the siek and dying, and observed the inefficiency of nearly ail the remedies then in use. Thus he was lead to think and experiment; and after ten years of study and labor, ho presented to his. fellow-man the wonderful Zingari Bitters. The t ffect of this prep oration in the prevention and cure of disease, was so marvellous end astonishing, that the most flatter ing marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. His name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, and a gold medal with the follow• ing inscription—Dr. S. Cheopsus. the Public Bene factor—was presented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidem ice of cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with great success, that it has been introduced into nearly all the general hospitals of the old world. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with marvellous force to cholera, and therefore any rem• edy that will pioteet us against this terrible disease should be freely and persistently used. • All pathologists now agree that the cholera pisano acts on the system through the blood, and that any combination which acts on the excretory organs. qd kr them In working - Order- It an, ,seeps them In working order, must prevent a sufficient accumulation of the poison to exert :its terrible effects on the organism. This is true - not only of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, es pecially the different fermi: of iever. The Zingari Bitters is just such a remedy as the above conditions require. It acts on the organs of excretion. and secretion, keeping t$ a perfect bal ance between them. This Bitters is composed en tirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ is acte I upon and put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous cases of the following diseases have been cured oy it: Coolera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever Ague, Nervous Debility, Anaemia. Dysyepsia, Flatulency, Colic, Scrofula, &c. EPPrice $1 per quart bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Har risburg, Pa. Sold by Druggists, Hotelkeepers and firocers. F. It A WPC R, Sole Proprietor. Fur aile at the "Waynesboro' Hotel," by V. B. GILBEHT, Agent. THE PROBLEM SOLVED AT LAST. The best met hod of converting paper money into quid end silver is to call et the Jewelry Store of C. C. FORCE, Who has just returned from the city with a large and beautiful assortment of Goods which he offers -atreduced - pricesi - cornsitting of - Lathes' and — Gentle. men's GOLD AND SILVER American and Swiss WATCHES, _ ..SETS OF-JE-WELRY; - PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, CHATALINE, Leontine GUARD antLY__ES_T_CHALXB,_also r _s large assortment of Silver and Plated Ware,such as Dinner and Tea CASTORS,_Cake _Bask eta, Coffee URNS, Napkin RINGS, Ice atid Cream PITCHERS, Butte r DISHES, But ter KNIVES,Saltand Mustard Spoons, Oyster and Cream Lad les, G 0 LETS, SALT CELLARS, TEA, TABLE AND DERBR,T• SROONS, &c. &c. A lao—A large aasortment of the CELE BRATED SETH THOMAS' CLOCKS -17-Persons will please remember that here they can find a large assortment of GOLD, ' SILVER, RUBRER, STEEL, AND PLATED SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING of WATCHES. Er All Watch Work warranted for ONE YEAR ' N. B.— The highest cnsh price paid for OLD SIL VER nria GOLD. C. C FoRCE, Al the Ohl Stand of Thos. A. 13oullt, Four doors East of the ‘Vasliington May 17 1867.-1 y DENTAL CARD. DR. IL FORREST, eaatitskt , D ETT_IIiNS his thanks to the citizens of Charn ithcrsburg end the public generally fn. the pe trunaee he has hitherto received, and w•ouldrespect fully inform his patrons and friends that he has re moved his office to No. 27, Main Street, next door. to McClintocii's hat store. Dr. Forrest being a graduate of the Pennsylvania College of .DENTAL SURGERY, and having been in practice for several years, is thoroughly experienc ed it" every thing that clines within tiro province of first class Dental operations. Dr. F. having furnished his office with one of DR. BEAN'S Patent Improved Appatns for the manufacture of perfectly pure NITROUS OXIDE GAS would announce that he will be of all times prepared to administer this popular • Anaesthe-tic for the. EXTRACTION of Teeth without Pain All DE..VPAL OPERATIONS will be per fornied at Dr. Porresee Rooms, No. 27, Main Street, Charnberabarg, Pa. • (May 10— ly. NOTICE. WF. will ofTer to sell at Fnblic front of F. 'llo wden's limo!, in Waynesboro,' on Saturday IA8.2:0 inst., at 9 o!clock, A. M., the Public Wade of Washington Township, in sections to contractors to make and keep in order according to specifics iions for ono year. All sections that bids are considered too high will not be sold on said day. • - HENRY. Hk MIX, Mayl7-2w. HEN HY X. STONER, N-OTICE. xr OT ICE is hereby given that letters of Admin • istration on the Estate of John Bhockey, of C, late of Washington Townshiy. -Deed, have been granted to the undersign, Alt persons' knowing thermelves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment and .hose having .:elainu will present them properly authenticated tor settlements . • _ CIIIIISTIAN 8H OCKEY, May 17—ft. Administrator. DIMES f' 1), PAPE, 111 D, 1128 Broadway, New York, having foryears made diseases of women n seye . idlitAin dimly. and 'pew deo, With marked piO fev lonal success, ds4ted hid 'into noW moelly to of fice piaciiie and corresponience will -Ws a memos ritrons throughout the United Ste too. Ludics can confidentially address hini on thb.inold delicate sub ject. and receive prop,/ and prompt.reply, . Enclose stamp - pih.t.n3e. C lint 2C--411), W. A. REID, Hostetter, Reid & Co. n ALLS die attention of buy- u j i tiers to, bis stook of gpodsjust - received, vim : - • j Steamed Cove and Spiced Oysters. The "celebrated A lyeters—Lunch_ Parties. All sold by the case, dozen, or single can. ans. 'c ' b * 1 a Shad anill-ntig - by the bbl,or half bbl. Shore Mackerel by the bbl , halves and quartets. Ho keeps everything usually found In a well rag . lated Grocery, all-of - which will be sold 63 a very small advance, for atm only. Come to "Mexican Row." Hie best-bow to his customers (or-the liberal en couragement heretofore extended to him. May 17, 1867.] W. A. REID. P. S. Highest market price paid for Country Produce, such as Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Lard, &c., in exchange for goods, or bought for cash, LATEST, ARRIVAL ®r LIDY & DICKEL JAVING just received from the Eastern marh lets a fresh supply-of Groceries; etc., they are now prepared to sell at reduced prices. Their stock embraces in part the tollowing : Syrups; Cheese, 'Teas— Young Hyscn Sugars, Coffees, Imperial, Molasses, Chocolate, Oolong, Spices, ground and unground,• Baking. articles 'of all kinds, warranted fresh and of the hest quality. Korosene Lamps, shades, wicks and chimneys. Also No 1 Kerosene Oil. • li ngerstown, Md 'tle CC) t 3 ...Aa. CZ3 Cf 2 ZD EM CI li. B. Navy, Nat. Leaf, Fine Cut, and all the bee " " Con., Brands •of Chewing and Smoking " " Spuns, Tobaccos of sixteen different kinds. Oys. she 11. G. A. Snit, Dairy, lane and small sack, Mackrel No I and 3 by the barrel. Confections. Sundries. Cakes and Candies, Shoe Blacking, Water and Su. Crackers, " Brushes, Oranges, Morse " Lemons, Wlt't wash brushes, Raisons, Washboards, Figs, Clothes lines, PruneW, Corn Brooms. Almonds, hickory " Walnuts ' Painted Buckets, Cream Nuts, lines Hooped " Pea Nuts, Bushel Baskets, Pepper. r Clothes " Tomato Catsup, Ladies 'Pray, Baskets Pepper Sauce, Chip 'Snakes, &c. lirown"s Trochee, STATIONA%Y. Babbitts Soap, Envelopes, Harrison's .. Note Paper, Dobbin's Electric. Soap, Fools Cap, Castile Sonp, Fancy Soaps, Barlow's Indigo, Gallager Soap & Oil Paper Collars, Prepired Coffee, liobert's Eml•rocation. Essence . " Hoover's Ink, . • Frey's H. Powders Matches, . Carpet T..cke, Gun Caps, Powder and Shot, Machine Twist. Sewing Silk, S. S. Black Cotton Thread, Spool Cotton. Needles and Pins, Darning /Needles, Singer Machine Needles. flair Pins, Shoe Strings, . LeicrPesicils, t...teel Pons, Pocket Knivee, Pen Holders,.. Combs, Long Com! s, . Lilly White, Ladies' Dress Corn' s, Mean Fun, Hair Oils, . Perfu aeries, Nerve and Bone "Liniment. Cocoa Nuts. And connected,with the Grocery we have Flour and Feed which we will deliver at Mill prices. tV"The , highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Country Produce. • We are thankful for past favors, and by strict at tention to bu-iness and. a desire to &age all, hope to rreeive a liberal share ofthe putdie's patronage. for me fed confident that our goods and prices will cotaparefavoraltly with those of any other house. LIDY & DICKEL. May l t—tf. U . 11l GI.C . ):VES::;-- 50 dozen beet qqality Kid j3LlGloves just received at -- Ib; ZC ALF% a:TES UK • Ch rsb urg. FAMILY GROCERY ......,...0....---, SUCCESSOR TO COFFEE, SUGAR, SY - RU MOLASSES, KEROSCENE OIL, LA O SS AND QUEENS WARE, WOODEN WARE, PURE SPICES, NOTIONS, S. C lIAMS, BACON; CHEESE, SALT, MASON'S CRACKERS. FIELD Brand" in 1 lb. and 3E" 3E. IE-3IE • PIA in Season.) Particular attention paid GROCERIES, .---0- / Salt and Fish. Still the Latest, Minot 'lmportant to Mankind, i•that ‘ l have removed my to Merchant Tailoring and Furnishing Store from my old stand. one door wort of the extensive Hat and Fur Store of Updegraff & Son, to the near ly fitted room in the Washington House, one door East of Mr. Ogilbv'e Store, w here I have now Mature one of tho beet selected stock+ of English, French, Garman and Domestio CLOTHS, CASHMERES. &0., that can be found in the city of Hagerstown or Coun ty. These goods have all been selected with great care, especially adapted to the Fashionable as well as the Plain Drees, and at prices that cannotjail to please all. All thoroughly shrunk before made up and satisfaction guaranteed. I have also a stock of HEAVY COTTON GOODS FOR• MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, OF THE BEST M AKE. Linen Ducks and Plain Linens, and a full amok Plain and Mixed Cassimeres for-floy!s2Arear„and-as-chesp-as_can-be_sold_inzthe_ town or county, will be made to order or sold by the yard or pattern to suit buyers. All work gueranued to fit or no sale.. My stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods is largo and complete of everything in that lino, and it prices to suit the times. I have also the Ageney.for the sale of the celebra• ted improved Singer Family Sewing Machine, and em prepared to cotnpettiwith every other Ma chine sold in the town or country, and fur sample of Machines please call at my atom. I return my thanks to fig customers and the pub lic generally fur their patronage extended me and hope a continuance of the same, __Don't forget—The place is the Waskington House Mere hanil Ta florin g Eatablishment, Virest—Vrabhug ton Street, Ilageratewo, Md. J. A, FISHER. &May 3,1867. TO ALL WIIO VALUE Their Eye-Sight !' 3E -1 .IES. , WOUL ID respectfully announce to the citmuna of Waynesboro' and vicinity, that he has re; calved a large olsottmeat of the celebrated Concave, Convex, Crystal_ Spectacles, in Geld,Silver, and fine Steel Frames. These Glass es are the belt in use, ground of pure Crystal after 'he shape of the cornea of the eye, - they - strengthen and preserve the sight and will not tire the eye by candle light as other glasses so often do. Also, the new style double focus glasses so_v_alua, bhi=for - pacrsena - Wh - die - itighrii - iiripiffed fel - . - distant objectg. - - thT3 double focus, the lower to read, Aro upper to see at a distance,-the-use_oftwo pair_of_glasses ia rendered_ unnecessary. Remember they aro not the old style but of a late improvement, not sp:it but only one lens for both purposes. t.-MOKED GLASSES for weak, and-concave for near sighted eyes. Glasses set in old frames. AU l i Spectacles. adjusted to the eye with an optomster. -Millers'SpeotitoFesT - Riibber - eardr --- eicila — FA:re - G (ASSES, and everything Foliating to this braLtch of business. All Spectacles are warranted to suit the Eye. Fir Call and examine my stock. U. C. FORCE, 1013 Stand of Thos. A. Llou lt.) 4 doors East of tho Washington House. Hagerstown, May 3-3 m. MILLER'S Celebrated Ointment ! A sure cute for Ringbone, Spavine, Hoof Evil, Wind Galls. Old Sores, or any En largement on a Horse. This Ointment is set well known by the Farmers in . thiscommunity,,that it is not necessary for me to say anything about its good qualities, further than that it hoe proved itself to be the HEST PREPA RATION ever offered to the public fo? the cure r f the ab GPO eigenses. I wish to inform the public that I have ' , arch:wed from Mr. Miller the recipe for ma king this "Celebrated Ointment," and am now man ufict uring it at my house at Mt. Hope, where per sons wishing it can be supplied. It is also for sale by ./, F, KURTZ, Waynesboro', Agent, DANIEL TRIPLE, May 10—tf 74EXIACJI.N.1111.1ELM" AND. Fancy Dry Goods! itB. 8. A. FECHTIG would announce twthe BiLadies and the public generally that she has just opened out an ostensive stock of Spring and Bummer Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods, Cloaks, Trimmings, and all other goods minify kept in Millinery end Fancy Dry Good Stores, which she is selling at greatly reduced prices Ladies and others visiti g Hagerstown, are invited to call and examine her stock. If er Store is on the Northwest corner of the Public Square. Ilogartrlown, May 10-2 m. MRS. C. L. HOLLINBERGER IJAS removed her Millinery Store to the house rl formerly occupied by Dr.,Lechler, on Church Street, end the first. from Coon & Stonehoutto's Dry Goods Stere. • She has just returned from Philadelphia anJ is now opening a splendid assortment of summer styles of the latest pat eras, Bonnets, Flats of every style. Ribbons, S and all kinds of Trimmings usually kept in a blilline)y Store. 'thankful for past favors and hopes a continn ance of the same. A p ril_26 tf. To the Republican Toter& of Franklin County. rt,IVCOURAGED by the generous support recci i ve() from you, on a former occwdon, and at the earnest vlieitation of a j number of friends, I again olfer myself as candidate for "County Treasurer," sulject to the decision of the Iter..ublican County Convention. Any aid you can consistently ei‘e me in tiff•cting my nomination, will ho gratefully appreciated. Viry Truly Yours, Quincy,. March 29, 1867, t.c. SASH, BOOR, SHUTTER, BLIND *AND FLOORING FACTORY I. Ir.ANUFACTURING to order and otherwise, all kinds. Building material et moderate pri ce 4, Also sawing of ev. ry deocoption, by mill and circular styes, at the Antietam Factqry. • April 19 —3m.] ,1). F. GOOD. N. B. Maw loge of toVery deFcription wanted, for which we will pay Ilqa highest price. I).F. G l _ Pl i ant-s! Plants! METPesutateriber having turned his alto-tin to 1 dm evltivation;of Plants is now prepared lo fur nish the.publie with - ;tan, eabl , age, 11,4 t and Pepper Pion: lost improved varie ties, byor hundre . Renitence and gar den -n .'f tarn Junction. A pri' t.] M. C. DP. ATRIUM Plants, Plants, Plants. vi a ARLY York CoMago, Tomato, Egg, Pepper, I ,e-truavberry (A grieu tari-I.) ‘ BlYeet Potato . Sr. L. by tho di vti, tat:Adria! ur Ltioa•Mott sit thog.4- dem of a. Y. April Newest, Best,_ Cheapest •••-e• 4.1\7" T3Er.331 CiCl - 1:7101'911"/C GEORGE BENDER Or Has recently cruel up an entire now stock of MATIEM All of which has been obtained from the justly celebiated hoese of A. JAitairt,l3al - Every article sold is WARRANTZD to be of the beat'eus,tom make, and the .material jm.t whatit isrepresented to be. A full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING OOODS'always on hand, such as Under Clothing, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &e. All we ask is, that you give us ono tiial, and you will altvays buy, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods Me all of the latent Ely le. GEO. BENDER, May 4—ly] liiKynesborn " liagerstciwn theplaca' to 13 iTy Tr &A. YlNGLlisig,fEast 'corner of the putt -11,• lie square, have just opened out their Mam moth Stock of Spring and Summer DRYOOO Ds, NOTIONS, &c. They have now in sture and fur sale 4,500 " " best qualitie3 3,200 " 4 4 Bro. Muslin 1,100 it 3.4 &7 8 " 4 4 bl'h'd " 1:10 -- " 3 4 & .6,000 " Plain and Farley Dress Goods, all - stylosy - gualities - and - pricesTfroia a good. *t - 21!,! laine at 425 cents to a Gro Grain Silk worth $5,(.0 par yard. Their stock of • CLOTHS, CASSI3IERES, WHITE; GOODS, EMI3ROIDERIES, ZIOSIE-R-Y,-GLO-VES, &c - , - ia=tlt largeetjin the county and will be bold at ,giestly re• duced prices A largo stack of Table and Floor Oil Clotbs, Straw Mattiogs, &c. Sze., will be sold at City prices for Cash. ,A large stock of F. HULL & CO.'S celebrated Hoop Skirts always on hand. H. & A. Y. May fly. THE eitiaene •f Waynesboro'. an,/ 'vicinity ate respectfully invited to eve our Establiehment a call when visiting Chambersburg. We have a general assent - neat of 8011001. end MISEELLAPiEOUS STA"! 10iVA and BLANK'BOOKS. Alan a full l i ne of WALT. P ATTN.'S, 13(JRDER ING, Paper and Linen Window Stuidea at.d tures, Picture Frames, Cords and Tease's. Fairchild,,' and mho, celefirated make of '(lo!,/ Pens, which wo warrant to giro satis'action. Ladies and Gentlemen's Morocco :Satchels, Tray ding Bags end Baskets. Berlin, Zephyr and Dotrintic Wool. Photograph Albums, Pucka Bras, Faini!y, I'Jc-c -at and lechool U ibtns. Presbyterian. Met ho.ligt. Glrrnmi I - Zxfurred s.ll Lutheran BYNIN BOOKS. Book Binding in all its branches attended t 0..., Paper rulA to any pattern. , Blank Hooka made to order. Goodsnrdered weekly from the Eastern Ciiive. Orders from a distance promptly attended to, Agency for the sale of Internal reventi o Stamps. J. N. &NMI:I:. April 26.--Gt. Spring & Sunimer Got &. TT AVING returned from the ttt,tern :itief-, witit las choice aseurt:nent of vuda be!ottong to te.Lie line, such as I tender my thanks m the enmovuliti for the it initromile a nd h o p ) t o ' , p et i t , aeohti•lulr ell of the same. J. W.fd, April 19. 1837. 'unrouoce to tho r that tlo y arc carrying on the conch-in busi• I eas in all 43 branches, nt Iha old Lod, ott Ent Main Street, and have now for Sale a tine stock cf CA RRIAG ES and BUGGIES, new nod second•handed, %filch they will d!snoac of..Fr:mjet upon the most reasnn•hlo trneg, end tvnrrantecl to be as reprepresented. Repairing of all hinds den., at short notice and upon reaeonable Urine. None but the best material uged Iml only the best ies employed. They feel confi.leilt tibia their work will give sati.faetton, and respectfully solicit n . ,live of the public patronage. WM. ILEAGLE. übscribet takes lh's method to it:torn.' the public that he pu-pos s continuing .the Live-v business an I is now well styp:ied wi th ei , m c irt „b i , conveyances anti lino traveling Horses l'or either rOng at (Hying. P.lrrias convey. rd to any poi) t /lesire)l, A shore of put, =LI lie pa Innings is reap-alit Ily eil.— Pert.ons desiring eonveyeincrs " ill pleats appiy at the" Waynexhort) JOirt April lv—tr. Tiin inbserihvro take - thisctnfthod of in f'orminq the public Hint they hyto nuiv on hind, it new Kitn , n sup: rior irtlete; of 'Wood ll'urnt, Lire' f or whitevri , 4,ing.Pliptering, e., vehkh they will 7antinue tl e, p an , ) Fie!, nl runs .10e rsrbs be peignn. 11)1IN St. ithiEt•.l:l4.. March B—ym' . , Irt;rle. • f 114 vt Ap —Paiwc CLOTEUNG AND SUMSIER. A NEW DISCOVERY ! DRY GOODS! ards Calico fast colors CIIAMBERSBURG BOOR STORE AND BINDERY! J. IV. MILLER'S A RIZIVAL OF DRY GOt)DS, Ivcrrio:, QUEEN , PAr IR E, CED_ARWARE GETTLERy, 'GLASSWARE, &A; , &U. COACH MAKING ! Apii; It--Gm wAyNEsßonity LIVERY 7. FRESH LIME at l2i HESS & CIIOUSM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers