TIT LATEST ARRIVAL ORBS, 111111 BES, ma tOllOB, U. Fa KURTZ IFSHES to inform the Rend citizens of Way neahoro' and vicinity, that ho has just receiv ed front the Ea't a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oile, Paints, Dyc Stuffs Window Warts, Putty, Brushes, &c. &c., which he is prepared to sell as cheap as they can be had at any other, hour in the town, and which, in regard to qua lit};--eantret-be---e viletlAte , t -- • large assorttnent of TOILET ARTICLES comprising in part the following article% viz : Toilet Waters, nll kinds, Ean de Cologne, endless in variety, .I!lxtraets- for the handkerchief, . Pine English Pomades, Band°lines, Bear's Oil, ri - n - traltd — Frthcy Tooth 13rushes, Natl" Combs, &c.. &c. For Culinary purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl Bailey, Pear! Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz: Lemon, Vanilla Stratvbery, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange, Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut g, &c. Fresh Spices, Mack Pepper and all oth er artioles'in that line. He has also something to please the _ • A line stock of Toys- of all hi - ds, a large supply-of China ware. "Es'l9,t a zit Ma a °Via lra ITe - bas Drake's Printation Bitters, ii =s el.' as 0( Sarsaparilla, Bull's liiivclew's Cough Syrup, gc Diarrhoea Cordial, 4/44,i--V-eva4 , 14.1. o.rini futres, do `.• k n 11:i r 101 J mu's, Spauldit, ‘.2 s , Ayer's, Pralidretli's, • Mor , e's, fiver; Nfrs Wirthlow's Soothing Syrui- J)r. Pari•she's do. lieroseoe Lamps and Chita, D( . 3 ,, / A wa y: ru h Ti.:l Is P.I u I ter kind favors alleady bestowed upon him, he solleits_a_o,litintilnee of the_saine,_boping ih a Lbe_i_rying_to_pl ea se-h e--in ay-m, in-tile-confidence-- et the peopk. mach care taken in wailing up rn Physicians' Presciiptions promptly and carefully oppainiled tit all lh , urs. • J. T. ICIATZ. ;f3 It is WIS110:11 and ECONO3IY to Insure in the - 13ENT COMPANIE3, and there is none better than the Ohl insurance Cool North America." corporat et( 1794. S 491. INSULIN:CF: COMPANY . . 4 :- - 1//eriCa l PiiII,ADEI.IIIIA. Abstrwt of the 142na Serni-Annual Shit: ment,.shov.ing the condition of the Compitor on the 2nd day ()I' .1a nu.lry, 18,65, shorts the Total A 581: tti C. 4) 55:11,715 171 11. E_= - 71 Vears tzlicceEsful Busintss Ex prrience ! r-rtfl ho f rompt l'ayniclit of $17,500,000'00 Losse Reputation for floi:ol able I)cdtng Unsurpass . 1 . int Cash As-sets ext—ein rig ;11 ,71)0 1)00,00,! t ha the kclt tt nee- el the public for this, the (lid t 'elliptinv ill Alnilieri. I , IN EC .1 ,ti t t:. c s , mn, \VIn. \Vele!), John Mason, 1). NV).otl, G. 1,. Ilarrison JAI) L.JlrolAn, \Val. Bowen F. I:. Cope, ci »s. "i't•N !or, .la. N. Did. bO7l Ell 'Plotter A inl•rose \V Lite, S. M. NV:lln, I:d.S Clnrke 11 Cumminzs. T. Charlton Henry. A If Li G. CO/ . 1 IN, Preb't. ATT, Noy 21- 611)] • Jus. ‘Vayt.e..,,bero' ANTIFTIM yVood Working and ESTABLISHMENT AN MILLS TILL COTlllcontinuing t 1 i manufaeturillg of !! ot Building Mllatuial, kucl, as S A S OR 1)oors, F6llautivrm, FACIN(I, 11101:1.,DINGS, 7:oor-Frauies, Window-IF.'ranias, amoonusn, _2:4‘ r -rm>ir Fay mill and ei.cular saws of every description Asking a continuation of faori, I promise still to Fell on us equitable terms as pot-z•ible, considering times and prices. For further particulars apply to tha subt.ctilier and mopriet ,, r. Factory miles Noutin ;Ist of Waynesboro' Aiiril 1, 1864 T 11 b 0 it I.NG I subscriber informs the citizens of Wnynes born' and the public generllly that he bas open ed n shop in the room adjoining the Barber Shop. .xt door to the new GlOctry Store, where he will carry on the Tatioring business. Garmentsflr men and boys cut nut and made to or , Ter at reasonable rotes. IN oh the advantage of many yrars:experi- II c in ti c I usinrs , : he il.mershimsell that he can give general satisfaction. - I..rjit—The—latcsLcity_Pashions regularly received JACOB RE.l.titaiGEl2: Oct. 21— tf, PER YEAR! We want agent,. Wl * t yvv everywhere-to- ioll-our—Eitesovin *lo :Si wing Machin( s. Three new kinds. Undo std upper feed. Warranted five years. Above sal or) or large commissions paid. Tha omit. machine, sold in 'United 'states for less than *AO, which tire tally lirensed by Howe, Wheeler Wilson, Grover et Baker, Sinter 4 Co.. and I.4kbelder. All other p machims are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest. fine, and imprisonment.— eircu!ars free. Address, or call upon Shaw Clark, Bitiefiml, Maine, or Chieigo, Dec. 22 ly S® A MONTH! AGENTS wan • ted for szx entirely new articles, jum out., A ddresB O. T. CAREY, Cily Building, .et'fnr•l, 22—ly • TtrORTII GOING FOR.—Theao cheap mu !, •line at Metcalfe and iliteabew's. Chambers burg, yely LcuTy for 12 good lining muslin .(or 10 -May 18. TIA - cpri..-wwiiffeTfor sate thisday a cboic6 lot of Bacon, sugar Cured Hours, Uuuu try Sides and .Country Shoulders. AlSy. 4., 1866. finirarrza, ftsp & - • : ?: 115. `. '7. J. 1. MILLER'S LATEST ARRIVAL SUMMER GOODS. TrAVING returned fiom the &stem cities jciwith a large and choice assortment of Dry Goods, Queenswore, Ce- which I am prepared to offer with much greater in ducements than heretofore, prices ,being much re duced. IDOS 9 Silks; all wool De!eines, Printed Delaines,Alpneeas Chu!lies, Ginghanis, Hoop Skirts, Collars. (mag ic) Ruffling, Hosiery, Cloaking Cloth, Repp mo hair, ro line Arwure De!nines Linen HJk'fa. GENTS - GOODS: F„ncy and Pl a in Cassiineres, Black Cloth, •Itnlion Cloth, Tricot Cloths, Vestings, Shirt Fronts col- lars, Neck Ties, Cuffs, Blay Linen, Linen Check, Union Shirts. DOMESTIC GOODS: Furniture Checks, Bed Ticking, fine Bleached Ta. ble Diaper, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Ta ble Diaper, fine Linen Towling, Napkins, Ameri can Towling, Bleached 'and Umbrellas, Carpetting—all wool, Ingrain and Rag; Oil Cloth, stair and floor. 1111EENSWARE, GLASSWARE. CEDAR -WARE. - HARDWARE, Tubs, Churns, Bucliets,Knives and 4ks, Table and Tea Spoons—curry combs, horse cards and brushes. GROCERIES. Syrups, Molasses, Sugare, Rio 'Coffee, Tobaccos, Cigars, Teas, Spices, Concentrated bye. Ex't of Logwood, Corn Starch, Ex. of Coffee, Babbet's Snap, Fancy Soaps,_Keroscne—Oil and Tanner --- The - alro - vekiiiihraces ell thlatest styles of goods, which have 'been purchased with great care and with a-view to suit in quality and style the ' tastes of all. All we ask is a call and examination of our present large stock to convince those wish ing to purchase that we are enabled to sell as cheep nanny house elsewhere By strict attention to business and a desire to please in all respects I hope to receive a continua tion el public patronage. J. W. M. April 20, 1866. - . - FASUIONABLE RESORT PATS LANitglir"So .Y. L. DECHERTI ClilEt,'l3l3.l•o3rfi3 . oCDl.ll.X ° §; art. TT AS lilted up the finest Hat Store this fid e the Em.tern Cities and is selling at greatly reduc ed prices His block' embraces all the latest styles Witte 113aCif: Light Felt, Wh't Planter Ate Farmers who wear the Mond Brim, old tyle Ru :•ia Hat can find a superior ankle ihat cannot titil to give bati etion. ' Hats for old and'young men, boys and children, of cv.ry qtyle and duality, at prices to suit all. re- Store Room on Main street, opposite Fyster & Pros Dry G. House, Chambersburg, Pa. April —1 y . "177avnesborol Hotel." D. F. GOOD liITOULD inform his friends and the public that he has come to the conclusion not to sell tor the present, but will continue the. Hotel business Is tt , r than heretofore. Having made considerable improvements in the house an I" stabling he feels em.lident that he is able to give every comfort his guest. may want. his TABLE and II A 12 shall always be supplied with the very best the mar ket entt alt rd. J hn Richdrdson havirrfintaehei a Livery all can be accommodo --- He has also improved' his RESTAURANT in the Basement, IA here Ladies and Gentlemen can he accommodeted with every delicacy 'thit can be had in the city or elsevk here. With many thanks for past elm unngoment he hopes by 1410 attention to busincsa and a desire to plea,e ail, to receive a eontinuanee of public p.x trimage. May-ll—lf FIRST ill HUG SIMI IN WAYNESBORO,'• PA. rilLm N KFUL to hi, friends and customers fen the very liberal encouragement received in his "old business" an I he ' lium that the introducti on of the cash system will add to their -interest and his ad vantage in continuing their favors. ' He believes a distinction ought to be made between cash and rredit and he intends to . exhibit , it in the prices of his articles offeied for sale. Call and see, and- ii so, purchase where ever you can get the cheap est, the best article at the lowest price. His awn': mant ii.-More general than . is usually found in coun try Drug Stores. He has quite a, variety of Hooks, &c., which he will dispose of cheap for mid, intend ing to close it, considering it no part of htit business, and basiadopted this melte, "live and let live,Mtp port and supporting. M. M. TONE It: Aug. 1915G4., :., -:,,~ ~ . ~~ ~. ~. OF SPRING AND --.-0--- Groceries, FOR LATEST STYLES OF MAIN STREET, Silk. Derby, Fr enth Yeelt, Phenter, White Planter, t'rel ch PROPRIETOR, M. M. STONER; Druggist, AtiLLA'S AIarI i ERAVIVE Candition- POwdent FOR HORSES, CATTLE. AND SWINE PRICE 25 CENTS 4 PAPER, OR 41,1 A BOX• immense sales of these powders durinjthe ahort•periud they have been before the'publicja apsuffibient guarantee of their great popularity; and the decided benefits derived-from their-use. They are confidently recommended not only as a 'preventive, but as a complete cure for an diseases incident to the Horse, Cow or Hog, as Distemper, tounckr, Yellow Water, Heaves, Loss of Appetite, 4c. By their• use the Horse's appetite is improved, and derangement of the digestive organs corrected, sof tening.the skin, and giving to the coat•a sleek and shining appearance, and may be used with perfect safety at all times, ae it c.ontaine no - ingredtWitif 1,-;rijora These powders also possess peculiar properties in increasing the quantity of milk in cows, thereby place them in the hands of all interested. • For fattening cattle they are invaluable. In all diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Ulcers in tie Lungs and Liver, etc , we guarantee their effi ciency, if once fairly tried. —o— LINIMENT •IN USE BELL'S WHITE OIL. • PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. _ A .Powerful Oleaginus Compound for the, Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Numbness of the Limbs, Wounds, Frosted Feet and Hands S•payins7Sadclle Galls, Poll Evilltiwg iiruises Swelling of all kinds -- - a - rr7fazt_every__Disease_7 for which- an-E broca ti on is applicable, The Cleanest and Cheapest Liniment in Use It is extensively used in many parts of the coun try, and being a compound of the most valuable and • 1 'nus romntlinn, to—plopritunrecornincruls--it with the utmost confidence as a safe and certain remedy. Sold in Waynesbiro' by F. FOURTGINA!.i, and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Prepared by W. D. Dell, Apothecary, (Graduate of Philadelphia College ofXiaraiacy.) • Htigeistown, April 20-Iy. ES WE N" ELM FOR - SALE. mHE subscriber offers at Private Sale the follow ing described Real Estate, situated 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro', on the road leadi eg from Antietam . Junction to Ringgold, to wit: A Tract of first quality Limestone land, containing THIRTY-NINE-ACRES nti - 28 - Perchesoidjoining - lands - of - Rev7DvrTGood David Stoner, and other lands of the subscriber.— The improvements are a TWO-STORY LOG ROUSE with Basement and Cellar. a new Bank Barn, with Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and Granaries attached, Stone Blacksmith Shop and all other necessary out buildings. There is also a never-failing well of good water near the door, and a fine young orchard of choice fruit trees on the premises • There is also 'on the above premises a one and a half story . with Basement, a Log Stable, Smoke House and other necessary out buildings, and a fine young or chard, embracing a variety of the choicest fruit trees —a well of water and cistern near the t'oor. The above is a desirable property and well ca - lated for a mechanic. Persons wishing to view the property can call on the subscriber living near it. March '3o—tf.] A BUM. BA RR. N. B. If the above properly, is not sold privately on or before the Ist day of August neat, it will then he offered at pullic sale. A. B. 102aY svnm, Pr HE subseriter would inform his patrons and I the public generally that he has recently large. ly increased his Livery stock, and is now prepared to accommodate those wishing to hire with either f& . ROUES VEHICLES • at the shortest notice, all 4:, 1 hours. Persons desiring Horses or Bug . gies, for riding or driving, would do well to give him a call, as his stock has been'seleeted with great care as regards gentleness and fast trav eling. His vehicles Att, trzw, fashionable, and rids easy, having been bought with.a view to accommodate the Parties conreyrd to any point desired, ac companied by a careful driver. Persons wishing Horses or Buggies, night or day, will please aim!) , at his father's Saddle and Harness Shop, Main Stseet, 2 doors west of the "Bowden House," where au attentive Ostler will always be in attendance. FRANK LIN WBA OLE Y. April 27---if Teeth Extracted without Pain ! DR. T . D. FRENCH, . 3::)MWMXISPI", • T Ij XTBACTS Teeth without pain on Wednesday and Friday of lia'adbar each week, (won any other day of the week if thirty minutes notice is given. Through the influence of Nitrous Oxide 'Gas the most a greeable sensation is produced during the operation Those who have had teeth extracted through the influence of the Gas, declare they will not have a troth extracted in any other manner. Beautiful and durable teeth inserted mounted on gold, silver, vulcanite or ember bace. Particular attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth Office (until futhcr notice) the first two weeks o each month at the Photographic. Gallery of Mr. J. B. Hamilton. in Waynesharo', the balance of the time nt Brown's Hotel, in Foyettville. Satisfaction guarantied in all operations. April 13 7it9NJ. FRANTZ, M. D T){S. FRANTZ & SNIVELY having • associa ted themselves in the practice of Medicine and surgery would stite that they are well prepared ti twat all medical and surgical cases. Persons _in debted to either of the above will-please make early settlement to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old books. 011ie Je in Dr. Frantz 's residence in the room for me-11Y occwieti as store room by-Mr.-J.-Beaver.— BARBERING ! BARBERING TTIE subscriber would inform his customers ii . nd the public generally that he purposes contin uing the Barbering business, next door to the• New Grocery, having purchased the interest of C. C. Ithoynal in the Shop and is now prepared to do hair cuffing, shaving, shampooning. etc., in the best style. The parenage of the' public is reap. ctfully solicited. WM. A PIMP.. March 2, 1866,-, STATES UNION HOTEL QProBITZ TnE Leb IralleY Sr, Pennsylvania B. B..Depais, ELARRIABURG PA. L. B KURTZ, Proprietor, , • Succeieor to .I. W. Ta y lor. • SELILREGRATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, With the latest Improved Triple-Geared Horse i Power, tier by Gear or Belt. Thiahlue is conveniently arranged forEl - It - Tag iietmanentlfilitititcW wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it is not half trouble in a barn floor as a common thrasher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation. It is simple, easily managed, reliable, - Jumble, c oapant and clearly - to work - by - vvhen - in — opmatietTritit - Triakidustits - thercommoni machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, and judging from the high recommenda tion of farmers that are using them, I must come, to the conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, for whichZl hope they will give me an opportunity, asi - um willing to Fe responsible if it does not perform d as represented in this Circular. j , No. lis a eittht-horse.power, (IT men Inc i es n lameter and thirty three inc es long. Trunk has ten inch rake crank end seven rakes, is thirty.five inches wide, and delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it on the stacker, Which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyond the feeder, on a stack fifteen to eighteen feet high, and can be easily managed to carry the chaff with the straw, Or deliver it in a separate place. The trunk and fan sides being closed, to confine the straw and chaff', remedies all difficulties in cleaning grain against wino? . weather.—lt-bags-the-grrdn-try-rea-serratile-matitigement, suf -flciently clean of and its capacity, under ordinary circumstances, is from twenty to foity bush els per hour,'using eight horses and 'the same"number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, it will thresh from forty to. fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hands than any other machine now in common use.. • The No. 2 Machine, fully reptesented in the above cut, is particularly adapted to the farmer's use; is intended to apply to any common lever or railway power; weighs 1,300 pounds; has an iron thresher frame, and cylinder, 123 inches in diameter and 28 inches long; delivers the clean groin in bags, or if desiVd, in a half bushel. It delivrrs the ritraw fifteen feet from the reeder,-or if desired, can deliver the grow ant! chaff together; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready for naarketJroniloo to 175. bushels of wheat, or from 300 to 500 bushels of oats per day, using four or six horses, and the same number of hands; but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good grain, drc., will thresh and clean considrably more. The Machine will threat and clean all kinds of graingeuert_____uu thetL common m whine, and requires no more horse power, but in many cases apply - very - well - to a two-horse railway power Shop-Prices-of--Machnles-range &o- -m -- 821 - 0, to g 525. taPi warrant the machines to be as above represented; also against any reasonable defects of material workmanship, &c. 13"11 - aving now taken a room to keep Repair Castings on hand, I have also selected and am prepared to fort:Wt . :: variety of other agricultural implements, the latest and best improved, and such as are best adapted to the wants of the farmers of this part of the country : Such as the Hagers town (Miller's) Clover Stemmer; Huller and Cleaner, ;which is proving by its own merits to be one of the best machines of the kind new in use. The latest improved BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOW.. ER combined, with Dropper, and the Mower alone. The American Bay Fork and Knife combined; Hay Rakes, Fodder Cutters, Cider Mills, &c. &c. &c., which I will furnish on short notice and warrant them to answer the purposes for which they are intendd. ri'Orders solicited and promptly attended to. For-further particulars, circulars, &c. address DANIEL GE.ISER, Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Penn'a. GEISER'S PATENT SEE - X -REGULATING 'GRAIN SEPARITOR. CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THRESHER AND THIPPLE-GEARED HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT, ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE, READY 'l'o PUT ON WAGONS. I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Threshermen of Franklin and adjoin ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during which time i hns given general satisfaction, and the patentee has-made some very important improvements which rent der it still more complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. I take piea'sure in recommending it to the public knowing that it will give the best satis faction. fam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per any. The small siie. See tho above which fully represents the machine, also full description. price, &c., of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable time to insure theh being filled. aanavamit aaaaaaaua caaazaaa I nm manufacturing different sizes of Sugarcane Mills (Itibe driven either by water, steam or horse. power) and Evaporators and fixtures for making Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Steam Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Woou, &c. I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WAT E It- Wl' E E LS. IRON KETTLES, &c, Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and mnchine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing end Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. I am also prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood, such, as Tonging and °roving ma chines for flooring, Surface, Tenant and Mo”lding machines, &c. I also offer to the public a new and valuable improvement in my steam engines, made within the lost year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experi enced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in war ranting all my work I am also prepared to do repairing in workman lik and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for rep For particulars and circu!ao, descriptive of niacin NEW LEATHER EWIS S. FORNEY & SONS. would inform j_jthe public that they have this day associated themselves in the business of Tailing and Currying, besides have also connected with tile above business a Leather and Finding store, at the house of L. S. Forney, where they will keep constantly on hand an assortment, as felluws: I. N. SNIVELY, M. D Sule.Leathcr, Rough Skitting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, French Calf, do , Sheep do., French and Mens Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads,--Bunt—Webing,_Laces,_ Galloons, Size Sticks, Measure Straps, Deer Bones, Burnishes. Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Kni7es, Nails and Tacks, Wax," Clamps, Crimp Boards, Bubbers, Thistles, Lasting Irons, Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, „Pegs, knives, Pinchers, Hammers, various kinds; Rasps and Files, Auls and Handles. Collis Irons, Loog and Shoulder Sticks, Eyelots sod Eyelett PUnches, Strip Auls, And all other articles usuilly kept in, such stores. Highest cash price paid for lades and akius— A Ise 500 cords bark wanted. Mar. 16— ly , :FOILNEV & SONS. CUiisET•Syrings at Paws &sIIoaFLICEIS'•! METCALFE & HITESIIEW go East es ,, y month, the year round, to purchase g. s they therefore have fresh stock and latest styles • II the time. Intim -• . . Io , l*-,erOd';'Thills.4o4Moiehiiie!A GEISERS' PATENT CLEANER AND BAGGER. May 4, 18N.] Waynesboro' Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. AND MANUFACTURERS OF SYRUP I Or DANIEL. GEISER, Proprietor of Territory and so •edB AN D FINDING STORE ! ease look at the great ads antageln Tlirashin Grain with 'll ro I. ! Wier fro with OR iron and wood cylinder, six- e and Wes ' - - . oes not run so hard. It will e ?canner, On the shortest notice. Orders solicited miring must De accompanied with the cash. ae, address GEORGE FRIC4, icitor of orders, Waynesboro,' Franklin Co. Pa. NEW FIR M NEW GOODS ! GEISER dr RINEHART, Successors to If. Stonehouse in the Hardware and Cutlery Business rr HE subscribers having purchased of H. Stone ' house his Hardware Store they would inform the old customers of the establishment, and others, that in addition to the large stock en hand, they aro just receiving a large and, w , .‘11 selected stock, con sisting in part of ----IRON—AND-STEEL, SHOE FINDIMIS, SADDLERY AND CARRIAGE WARE, . CEDAR WARE, OIL CLOTHS, 1101.1.0 W WARE. PAINTS, G LASS AND VARNISHES, AGRICULTURAL: LTIPLpMEN7S, We in% ite tee attention of the Fanners to the PUMA:IMS PREMIUM HAY FORK, for thee:tie if which we are the s,)le agents. Scythes, lltkes, Forks, ,shovels, Grain Oradies, - All our goods were selected with great care and we invite an examination of them. May 26, t 865. GEISER & RINEHART. Mo!Lases, also some line Syrups at AY_ .Patez & Hoses LADIES Corstts and Eliptie Spring 'Mari; at hues & IfoErwen's . . _ . . NEWSKIRT-FOR The Great Invention of the Age W . " HOOP 81C.T.RTEL . 4 J. W. BRADLEY ' S New. Patent. DUPLE X E LIMO (or double) SPRING THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEI(Gi . ELIPTIO Peas REFINE:' STEEL _ Srantos, ingeniously , bestow) TIGHTLY Mid llllthiLY.LOgegleik EDGE ki m a king the TotIGH2I3T, most FLEXIBLE, imitirto Mid ,' DURABLE SPRING ever used. They seldom sewer sung, like the Single Springs„ and consequently preserve their perfect and beintiftil'sbape more than • Wks as long as any Single Spring Skirt that. ever Has or Can be Made. THE - woriderftd fietibility and great comfort and pleasure to 'atiy_LftslOreartti • Skirt will be extertented partibularly, itt all crowded Assemblies. Opera e,'.Ceirtilagelti Railroad C are i Church Pews, „Arm ,Chairt; for Proutenade And Hours Dresdk as the Skirt can he folded when in use to occupy a smell place as easily and Conveni% • ently as a Silk.or Muslin Dress. • . eying Enjoyed the Plealmre, Comfort and Great Convenience of wearing the Duplex EZ liptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will Never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are super rior to all inhere- THE HOOPS' are covered with 2 ply double . twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the Single yarn covering which is used on • all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on eve ry skirt are also double steel, and- twice or double_ overed to prevent the covering from wearing off the' rods when dragging down stairs stone steps, etc., etc., which they are constantly subj ect to when in use. • All are made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable,—comfortable—and—economical-skirt—ever made. WESTS' BRADLEY & CARY, PROPRIE -TORS of the Invention, and SOLE_MANUEA TIMERS, 97 CHAMBERS, and 79 & 81 READE STREETS, New YOrk. FOR SALE in all 6rst•class stores in this City, and,throughout the United States and Canada, Ha. vans de Cuba. Mexico, South America, anl.-4141 . West Indies. Warlnquire for the Duplex Eliptie (or iotthl&SprirrHil Feb. In, 3m 'SAFTY AT LAST THE PARAGON OIL LAMP ! No Chimney; No Smoke, No Smell, No Grease And Non-explosive. Call and ace them at the sign of the `313.1.ig Horn.' D. B RUSSEL, Sole Agent for this Township. A large assortment of COOKING STOVES, of the latest improvements, the best in the market. Just received and for sale at the cheap Tin and Stove Store of B. B. RUSSEL. ZMI a A large Assortment of Tinware of every doierip tin, made of the best Tin in the market , and war. ranted at the sign of the "U 1U RED HORN." D. B. RUSSEL keeps constantly on hand and for silo a general assortment of 1111 USE FURNISHING GOODS. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and Lamps of the latest improvement. WASHING MADE EASY By calling at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN" and getting Putnam's Clothes Ringer, of D. B RUSSEL. Persons in want of Stoves of any kind or good Tinware, or House Furnishing Goods generally, can do well by calling on D. B. RUSSEI,, Sign of the "BIG RED HORN." Waynesboro', Pa. WE 11VESTMEIT YOTT that are wanting the 'best and cheapest Cllcocsit.izis SitcoNrotha is in the market will do well by calling at W, A TRITLE'S TIN AND STOVE STORE, The-e you will find the reamer stock of Stoves and Tin-ware in Waynesboro', The subscriber tenders to the co:nmunity his thanks for past patronage and hope's for a continu ation of the same. Call and hear what induce. ments he offers for you to invest. for in your deal ings with him you will be dealth with with fairness You will find a good stock of Brass and Copper Dippers, Brass Ladles ; • Sheet-iron ware, Iron Wash Kettles, Iron Bread Pans, Brass Kettles, &e. MI kinds of Copper work (lone and repairs made, Yowl will find among his stock of stoves those splen did Cook Stoves, the • Niagara and Combination They have an extra large oven. extended fire-box, taking a long stick of wood, square top, good draft, and in all good Bakers. In fact just the stove a good housekeeper wishes. Don't forget to, call and examine his stock. It will pay. Next door to the Post Office. Fob IG] W. A. TRITT,g NOTICE! , MFIE almost universal cash system prevailing in j every department of business in this communi ty, in connection with 'the high prices for every ar ticle of consumption, espo ially the high price of medicines, renders it necessary that wo require the settlement of all accounts every six menthe. Aft bills therefore will he made out and be ready for set tlement by the first day of January next, when those indebted will please call and settle. JOHN J. OELLIG. FRANTZ & SNIYELY. E. A, HERING. J, A ROYER. H. X. BONEBRAKE. Wayn• shore', Dec. 22, 1865, 6m. ATTORNEY AT LAW, DEMO licensed is CLAIM, AGENT, REAL lIIESTATE AGENT and LAND WARRANT BROKER. will attend to appliCations for Pensions, Bounty and Back Pay, and all claims against the ' slaty or National Government. As Real Estate Agent will lease, sell. or purchase lands in Frank. lin County, or exchange therefore Western Lands —.also will buy and sell LAND WAaatNTs. COIF* VEVANCING—DeetIa ' Wills, Agreements. Leases, 'do. ••- •1 executed as heretofore at moderate prices.. Oct 21-41rn. FRESH FISH: Shad,:.` Herring, Her!doe, &e., received every Friday noon- We warrant them sound end fresh. March 9. HOSTETTER REID & CO. IV' L ADIES' orino vesta at A.. lot of Country Baena at •i• Pitlcs & Tfonstaczt's • • `‘,."t;. A. & C. Isn els at ;*; Pam & likenactes. Parrs & ETIfrFLII•fi'Q. tr!,
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