1866, FOR SUM. 18N, Hostetter, Reid & Co. WOULD respectfully announce to their rue tethers and the public generally that they. have just received a new and complete stock of foods in their line, purchaired at the last decline, and which they offer at panic prices.. Their stock of . GROCERIES, t WAN I-(7 Embracing in part ELO COFI?E141, P. R. SUGAR, SUG AR ® 10, 12, WHITE SUGAR, PULV. DO., BEST SYRUPS, PRIME BAK. MOLASSES, MOLASSES ® 50 CENTS, TEA-11., IMP., BL'K, SIJG:Ut CURED lIA.SIS, C EIEESE-:-MASON'S CRACKETtS. Queensware of the newest and most beautiful patterns, in sets, and otherwise. Common ware, good assortment, and paces n,asonable. SPICES, &c.—Ground Ginger, Pepper, Alspice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper, Mustard, &c . These are all pure and ground expressly for ourselves. B. Soda, Cr. Tarter, Raiser's, Dried Currants, and other Baking articles_of best_quality. _ Pepper Sai,ce, Tomato Catsup, Pickets, Cider inegar. WOODEN W A !lE.—Buckets, Tubs, 13 ozes, Fli3H.—Mackerel, all grades, Thad, P. Herring. From our connection with Market Cars running to the Eastern ciliem, we receive regularly VEGETABLES, FRESH FISH, rnurrs, &c. Everything in this fine in their proper season. We will order goods of this elan is ti)r parties and deliver them at short• tst notice. Country Produce bought and the highest market price paid Terms positively Cask. IV. B. 'Thankful for the liberal share of custom we h a ve received, we trust by fair dealing, and earnest efforts to please and accommodate, to in crease our trade still furth..r. Mil - 181 HOLI'ETTER, REID & CO. IMPORTANT NOTICE IT will be rety, pleasant these beautiful May mornings, t t take the cars and ride to thiambers burg, to vi:it the Brown ;'tone Front k;tatt !Sargon Dry (ioods Store of Metcalfe & Iliteshew, on Main street, 3d.door, South of the Diamond. Where you will fit d an immense stock to select. from. • W e have Ladies Dress Goods in ,great variety Dress Trimmings, Dress Buttons: Parasals,a large and twautiful assortment direct from the matiufac turcr. Grecian flair Puffs, all colors. Gloves, Hosiery, and fancy dry goAs of all des criptions to suit the ladies. FOR THE GENTLEMEN ! We have Cloths Cussinwres and furnishing goods et prices to suit all. CALICOES AND 2115SLINS at prices that will astonish the natives. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Oil Cloth 1 y.'., yd , I yd., 2yd wide. A leo the celebrated Huh Hoop .skirt, from the quarter I.tyle" up to four yards wide. AU of the above will be sold at prime that defy competition. Please edit awl examine our stork and satiefy yours Ives that we evil cheap. _ _ _ bi ETCALFE & HITESHE Magi bersburg. May 18. NEIV FIRM! CIRRIAGE MAKINC HE subscribers would inform the public that Ithou have attinciated themselves together in the earriage making business. ant that the business hereafter will be omtinued - nt_Jeeeh_Adonis'_ old_ stand und.•r the firm of A lomat & Hawniot. They will hive constatitty on hand 'JUG GLES of every description ; new and second-handed Vehicles of all kinds il3r Repairing done at short notice, • They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material Persons wanting anythi.•g in our line will do well to give uo a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOII ADAMS, GEORGE 13.11 A Church Stost, wax ly opposite !lie 51 E. Churel& fati.t.'6--(1 ,I.k,Ncy A ItT IC I.Ll6.—Colitbd of all kinds,. for !Jodie,. and Gentlemen. Pocket Books new and fancy asemtment. and numerous other fancy tirtie/es. .V 0). 2. '..Or ilosTrgrrEn, ligiD &Co. 12f tur JO cards at oloy 43.itiVICM,YK do _ sep 431 Ititto & Co, FiNn Nu. fieW Mu aeril ;11 --- YkFoY & ifotrucit. and Glassware THE VERY LATEST, And most Important to Mankind, is that J. A. FISHER, Merohant Tailor, leis juat received the Largest Bieck of CLOTHS, CASSIMEItES and VESTINGS in the town. or County, By either diror Or Gentile, and 'don't eacept even Fenians of Carthagenians, or any other man ; and if you don't believe it, call and see for yourselves. I will make them to order in the moat Fashionable and substantial manner, or sell them by the Yard or CHEAP for CASH,— All work guaranteed to fit or no sale. Also, a com plete stock of Gent's Furnishing Goods. It it, not necessary to enumerate the articles, as it is well known that you can always find a LA ItG,E STOCK of FURNISAING GOODS on hand nt my store. I teturn thanks to my friends and the public gen erally for their liberal patronage extended to me,and hope by close attention to bisiness to receive a con tinuance uf the same. J. A. FISHER, Oppoiite the Washington House, West Washington St.; Hagerstown, Md. P. S.—The Celobreted SING ER SE WING MA CHINE always on band, both Family and the Manufacturing Machine. - J. A, F. May 18, 1866 THE HARVESTER OF 1866. &MOM WE call the attention of farmers to this justly celebrated Harvester. As a combined Ma chine, we can safely say is has no equal. It is :a perfect Reaper as a Reaper, an Mower as a Mow- — The - "Russel" is a double wheeled machine with folding critter bar. The Reaper is so constructed that by removirg a• single bolt the platform, reel. &c., swings to the rear, thus making it as conveni ent to pass through a gate or over a bridge matt wa.. eon. It also has the Dropper attachment, which for s evera reasont is much preferred to a self.rake. The "Russel" claims to be superior in the following essentialipointa,l viz: Lightmes of draft, in the regulation of' the spied of the reel, application ot power, Curability and general finish. - I anufactured at Massilon, Ohio, by superior workmen. Those wts mg a Machine. and all lovers of complete mechanism, are invited to give it an examination and judge for themselves. We hope to have it on exhibition in Waynesboro' in a few days. G. V. WILSON, Agent, May 4—tf) preencastle, Pa. The Grecian. Puff . OF the many elegant articles now in use for the perpot•e of adorning the heads of our "modern beauties" the Grecian Puff is certainly the most beautiful and attractive; although a very recent in vention it has nevertheless already been deemed by many noble ladies one of the "indispensables" to a complete toilet. - - As regards its origin-we think it dates back many centuries, for Athens lair maidens were want to wear their rsplendent dark ttesses, magnificently braided, and adorned with precious jewels. As an ornament to the head, it has been acknowledged by many persons of refined tastes to be supremely beautiful, delicate in construction and perfect in symmetry, it cannot fail to gnin the ad miration of beholders. Most thankful for past pa- Voting/we - cordially invite all those-who wish to-a vail themselves of the present opportunity of select ing "Puffs" from our immense stock now on hand, - to visit our establishment, on Main street, 3d door South of the Diamond, Chambersburg Pa., where they can obtain any color desired. METCALFD & HITESHE W. May IS-2w. "Waynesboro' Hotel." ,oGi PROPRIETOR, AxToULD inform his friends and the pubic that IV he has come to the conclusion not to sellfor the present, bothwill continuo the Hotel business bitty r than heretofore. having made consider able improvements in the house and stabling he feels confident that he is able •to give every comfort his guests may want. His TABLE and B A R shall always be bupplied with the very best the mar ket can afford. John Richardson having attached ,a Livery all can be accommod- tea. Ile has also improved his RESTAURANT in the Basement, where Ladies and Gentlemen can he accommoact.cd with every delicacy that can be had in the city or elsewhere. With marry thanks for past encouragement he hopes by strict attention to business and a desire to please all, to receive a continuance of public pl tronage. May —tf CHAMBERSBURG. 'NEW GOODS AT . THE Stone Front Cash Bargain Store of METCALFE & --0------ IH IS is the third arrival this spring and the larg cst that has been brought to the county • since the war. Remember anything you want baton B ing to the Dry (foods and Notion business, you can get at Metcalte & The low priers at which they are,cling accounts for the gr at crowds that throng their store daily METCALFE & HITESHE W. May 18, 0364.. USEFUL FOR ALL! fr Grovel& Baker Sewing Machines of dif ferent kinds. both family and lock stitch, et va rious prices and for the different kinds of work, viz: Tailors, Saddlers, and Coach Makers, and for fam ily sewing gt.neaally, arc kept constantly on hand and fur sale at my room next door to Stoner's Dru g Store, where an operator will at all times show how the work is dine. Havi g obtained the mrencv for part of Franklin Co, Pa.. nisi) Washington, Fred erick and Allegheny counties in Md., 1 am prep red to furnish machines in any of these counties. May 11-40 HENRY BELL. Pirothonotary. LA' N'..;OI7RAGED by numerous friends, I offer LA' mvse.lf ns n candiAate for the oßie of Prothon tury of Frenk lin County, subject to the decision of the Ihron County Convention. J.NO. A. lIVSONG. Mercershurg, Apri) - --- KANNON TAYLOR will be a canal orlato for Prothonotary, subject to the decision of_the_Urrion_Convervion. _ (ap,_27— te. MILLINERY GOODS. uts. 0. L. 1401.1.11CBERGER, Main Street, Illoppasito tho "Bowden House," is at all times rupplied with dm latest stylas of Millinery Goods. May IS X Zed 471117',ZZ 'illi Wit 11 WAY:VAX /at "Z.% X I'. J. ,E 1 I. BORT, A Xv , : X . It A PE.R . 1) 5i I, di ;l1 assortment of y fo. sad I.las cimslant, I s ; ( JOODS - jor Gentli:osen'a ware. 't Latest City Fashions always on bond NI. Waynesboro' Pa. Is:SIi:VV,SN.Vid.V.KK.WitYagr.XXXVOM A BACUN.—Wo t.ffer for sale this day a choice lot of Itacon,fsugur Cured HUMS, Coun try tildes And Country Shoutders. Msy 4, 1806. liosTsarits, ficui & Co. I'7 oltnt._UOlNG FOlL—Those cheap m uw V line at Metcalfe and Iliteshow'S. Chambers igurg, very heavy for 12i good lining muslin for 10. May LB. • LATEST ARRIVAL: 01' GROCERIES. -----0- LIDY & DICKEL HAVING just rec civet from the Eastern mark ets a fresh supply of Groceries, etc.,: they are now prepared to sell at reduced prices. Their stock embraces in part the following Syrups; Cheese, Sugars, Collects, Molasses, Chocolate, Spices, ground and ungronnel, Baking articles of all kinds, warranted fresh and of the best quality. Korosene Lamps, shades, wicks and chimneys. Ala* No 1 Kerosene Oil. ...t . " Cl> ,:t. Cn CM 313 St 3 0 H. B. Navy, Nat. Leaf, Fine Cut, and all the best " Con., Brands of C hewing . and Smoking " Spuns, Tobaccos of sixteen different kinds. " " Oys. shell. • Salt and Fish. G. A. Salt, Dairy, large and small sack, Mackrel No I and 3 by the barrel. Confections. Cakes and Candies, Shoe Blacking, Water and Su. Crackers, " Brushes, Oranges, Horse " wash-brushes,_ Washboards, Clothes lines, Corn Brooms. Hickory " Painted Buckets, Dress Hooped a Bushel Baskets, _Clothes " LadiesiTrav, Baskets Chip thskets, &c. Sums AIM* Lemons, Figs, Prunes, Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Pea Nuts, Pepper. 'Tomato Catsup, Pepper Sauce, B abbitt's Soap, Envelopes, Harrison's .• Note Paper, Dobbirt's Electric Soap, Fools Cop, Castile Soap, Fancy Soaps, Barlow's Indigo, (Wager Soap &' Oil . Paper Collars, —Prepared Coffee, Robert's Embrocation Essence " H oover's Ink, Frey's H. Powders, Matches, Carpet Tacks, GO Caps, Powder and Shot, Machine Twist. Sewing Silk, S. S. Black Cotton Thread; . Spool Cotton. Ne.illes and Pins, Darning , Needles, Singer Machine Needles. Hair Pins, Shoe Strings, , Lead Pencils, Steel Pens, . • Pocket Knives, Pen Holders, " Combs„ Long Combs, Lilly White, Ladies' DressiCom' s, Mean Fun, Hair Oils, Perfumeries, Nerve and Bone Liniment. Cocoa Nuts. Anti connected with the Grocery we have Flour and Feed which we will deliver at. Mill prices. Mr - I'bn highest prices,paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Country Produce, We are thankful for past favors, and by strict at tention to bwiness and a desire to please all, hope to receive a liberal share of the public's patronage, for we feel confident that our goods and prices will compare favorably with those of any other house. LILY & BICKEL. May I l—tf. NEW GOODSI NEW GOODS! E. & J ELDEN HAVE just received their new stock of gaols for the spring trade, consisting of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises. Baskets, Mitts and Pails, also a fresh supply of N [Apr s, consisting in part of Suspenders, linnakerchiefs, Gents Cotton and Domestic Hose, Oloves,Neckties, Butterflies, l'a p.er Collars , Brushes of all kinds, Petiknies, Razors, Photograph Albums, Port monaies,Comos Briar Pipes, Fans, Foolscap end Letter Paper, Envelopes, Steel Pens, Pencils, &c., Babbet's Soap, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Perfumery and Stair Oil; a fresh supply of Itetrourey's Turkish Barriolonian Hair Tonic,. Cie greatest beautifier and restorer of the age. L Tobacco, ,Cigars and Snuff, Oranges, T.emons, Nuts, Candies, Raisons, Pepp'd Corn, Prepared Coffee, Essence, Stove Polish, Barlow's Indigo, Blacking and Brushes, Match. es, Powder and Shot, Watches. Clocks qnd .kw dry, together with Benton's Gold Pens. iltV'Watches, Clocks sad Jewelry Repaired Thankful for past favors we solicit a continuance of public patronage, feeling confident that our goods and prices will compare favorably with those of any other house. E &. J. ELDEN. May 4, 1866. PUBLIC SALE. 1111-1 E subscriber will sell at Public Sale, at hi-' residence., in Waynesboro', on SATURDAY, MAY 26111, 1866, the following property, viz : ONE GOOD CARRIAGE for one or two horses. I Buggy Pole, I fine Sleigh, 1 good Cutting 110 x, I EXTRA MILCH COW; I fine Secretary and Book-case, 1 good Safe, I largo Hook-case, 2 large Med Cases with Drawers and Shelving, 1 High -post Bedstead, 2 . cornmori rt.).. 1 Lounge, 2 Wardrobes, 1 large Rocking Chair, 2 small do., I high do., 1 set cane do.. I Side Stand, I Dining Table. I Round do, 3 Fe( Venitian Blinds I Sink, 1 large Woad Box, I Flour Chest, I small Falling-top Bugg' for cbialrfri, 1 twenty•four hour Clock, 1 Ten plate Stove. I Parlor Cook do., one common do. with fixtures, I large Meat Hogshead, benches, barrels, tubs, buckets and crocks, with o ther articles too numerous to mention. Sat to commence nt 1 o'clock, P. M,. when the terms will ho made known. . J. A. ROYER. May 11 G V. Notici, Auct. _rashionable_Millinery GOODS! MISS M- C. BESSER lbloUrot'' D a n iTl A . e i r ci n t i n i h ty er ti l l a n i t ly s li f e r s d s r ju } s f ‘ l 'li ci n u y r n n e e s ii from Philadelphia with a complete assortment of fashionable Millinery roods, embracing - among e ther articles, BONNETS AND BONNET TRIM.: MINGS of every description. ladies are invited to call and examine her new stylos. Residence on ,Mechanic Street, first house mirth east of the "Washington Inn." [Ap S S . AME to the premises of the sut•seriher, on tl.e . firm of Conrail Iteefner, ono mile Southeast of Punksiown, a Sow and The owner is re quested to prove property. pay charges:and tape them ADAM LOOKADAUGH. *by it —3t • NOTICE! S 0 LDIERS of the war of 1812 or their widow, can obtain 'the .gratuity and annuity valved them by act of the Legialature,of Pcneylvania, March 30. 1866, by applying to JOSEPH DOUG May I t-3:.) Claim Agent. 'i t : . MEDICINES Tras—Yong Hysrn ImpPrial, Oolong, P. FOURTH' MAN T_TAVING purchased the Drug Store of Dr. J. JU . A.4Royer, formerly kept by himself, would call the attention of the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity to , his large and well selected stock of comprising - everything-found in the Drug trade.— My stock consists in part of Drugs, Paints. Oils, • Varnishes, Dye StuffS, • Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Soars, Fancy Artieles, Brushes, - Glass,Putty, White Lead, Sunda• ies. Carbon and Paregon Oi FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Using my utmost exertion to secure the Bost and Purest articles of Drugs and Medicines, I can as sure the public that they will find here only such as can bo relied on. Selling . at small Profits ! I offer my goods at one price and that the very lowest, Mr Physicians' Prescriptions compounded with care. .. . March' 24. 1866. Newest, Best, Cheapest F * ILI -1 -41 OZ - 4.reCi 14-41 GEORGE BENDER Xte2r-Has recenq openel up an entire new stock of Mai 31P 0 MR_ _lit .11111hT 01.1- All of which has bean obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, Bal timore. Every article sold is IV ARI AN7'ED to lie of the best custom make, and the, material just what it is represented to he. A' lull assortment of GENTS FURNIS Ci GOODS always on hand, such irs Under Clothing. Cloves, Handkerchiefs, Hese; Collars, &c. All we ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keCp badly made clothing and the good.; are all of the latest FAY le: GEO. BENDER, May 4—lvl W nesboro xxr ILI. be sold nt Public Kole, in Waynesboro, ,1 V on MONDAY THE 28TII DAY OF MAY, 1866, that valuable property lying and being in Washington township, Franklin Co, Pa, pleas antly situated on the South Mountain on the turn pike, fi miles troth Wayne-bora', containing about 78 acres of land, more or less, a portion of which is cleared, known as the 13UDICA VISTA now occupied by Mrs. A. C. Funk. This is the most desirable location for an inland watering place in this whole region of country, being a high, heal• thy, cool and shady retreat, with a commanding view of the surrounding scenery. The atmosphere is peculiarly bracing—with Bathing Pool of the coldest water !hum( anywhere on the Mountain, together with a valuable within fifty pulls of the house, well calculated to restore health and vigor to the invalid. The im provements on the place consist of a largo with an excellent Stable. Lumber is conveniently hod from a Saw Mill which' is within 300 yards of the house. No better opening than this can be of• forded for on 'enterprising capitalist in view of is access by fuse road, and general superior advanta ges. A clear, bonafide title given, and porsession on the first of June. larßale to commence at 1 o'clock, when the forma will be made known by JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Real Estate Agent, May 4—ts.) G. V. Moan. Auct.. FISH.-Slm I, 314ckcrt.1, & Herring jug receiv. ; ed by tioarrarrgn, Brun & 'CO. /11HE BES'I' .4100 SICIItTS" a►d the largest nxerninient in the State, at ate 3 4.] METCALFE & fritionew's. DRUGS DRUGS, MIMS, &U. Dl3 , h".Pl7lßill'S Snaberger Scotch and liappee Snuffs. Havana, Principe and Common Cigars, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pur poses, Cosmetics and every de scription of Toilet Articles. Purchasing for Cash AND CLOTHING AND SUMMER PUBLIC SALE. COLD SPRINGS, MINERAL SPRING FRAU THEIR NA J. W. MILLER'S LATEST ARRIVAL SUMMER GOODS. IJAVING returned from the Eastera cities with a large and Oleic° assortment of• Dry, Goods, Queensware, Ce. darware, Hardware and which t am prepared to offer with much greater in ducements than heretofore, is being much re• LADES' EBBW,. Silks, all won! Delaines, Printed Delninrs, Alpeceas Chalk Ginghams, Hoop Skirts, Collars. (mag ic) Ruffling, Hosiery, Cloaking Cloth, Repp too. hair, Poplins, Arinure I)elaines, Linen Hdk'fs. GENT'S GOODS. • Pitney and Plain Cassimeres, 'Black Cloth, Italian Cloth. Tricot Clothe, Peelings, Shirt Fronts eol• Nis, Neck Ties, Cuffs, Blay •Linen, Linen Cheek, Union Shirts. • DOMBSTI 01 Fist, Oil, Furniture Checks, BcJ Ticking, fine Bleached Ta. h'c Diaper, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Ta ble Diaper, fine Linen Towling, Napkins, meri can Towling, Bleached and Unbleached !Vitiating, Umbrellas, Carpetting—all wool, Ingrain and Rag; Oil Cloth, stair and floor. QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, CEDAR- HARD WARE,,Tubs, Churns, Buckets,knices and Forks, 'firble and Tea Spoons—curry combs, horse cards and brushes. GROCERIES. Syrups, Molasses, Sugare, Rio Coffee, Tobaccos, Cigars, Teas, Spices, Concentrated Lye. Ex% of Logwood, Corn Starch, Ex. of Cof&e, Rabbet's Soap, Fancy Soups, Kerosene Oil and :Fenner The above stock embraces nil the latest styles of goods, which have beii,purchased with great care and with a wto Suit in quality and style the tastes of all. All we esk is a cal; and exornitottion of our present large stock to convince those wish ing to purchase that we are enabled to sell as cheap as any house elsewhere By strict attention to business and a desire to please in all respects I hope to receive a continua tion of public patronage. J. W. M. April 20, 1866. -- - FASHIONABLE RESORT Ea TS MD CIPS, J. L. DECIIERT. CJl:LeuxilbleyzeleOzrumos Wirt ',,a B ,4tirtneittles"ienntidneisstse",;iintas.i.,otre g rtehaitslylleeJut of the et] prices. Ilis stock embraces all the lutes! styles Fine Silk, Derby, French Felt, Black Light French reit, Plander,A-,e Farmers who wear the Broad Brim. old style Bit' sin Hat can find a superior article• that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Hats for old and young men, boys and children, of cvf ry style and quality, at prices to suit oat. • re• Store Room on Main street. opposite Eyster & Bros Dry (i , ods House, Chambershurg. Pa. April 20 I y. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Pa. Capital paid in 875.000. Collections made promptly and remitted for at lowest rates of Exchange on New York. DiredorB :—W. S. A mberson, Alex. Hamilton. George Brame, George Jacobs. Daniel Midtley, John Puke, Hcnry Pow], James H. Clay ton, Joseph Price. Cerrespemdente :—The First National Bank of Philndslphis and 9th National Bank of New York. W. S. AMISERRON . Prea't. ivo. PHILIPP. Cosh. NEW LIVERY ! fr HE subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally. that he has opened a Livery at the Wynesboro' Hotel, whero he can be seen.— He has a fine selection of VEHICLES AND-HORSES to hi , o on the moot accomm dating terms, with or without drivers. Passengers conveyed to and horn all ',lints at all hours of the day or tiight. A liber al share of public favor is s ilicoted." In his nbacnce V. If. Gilbert will net as his agent. May 4-6 m JOHN 111CHARDSON. NEW TOWN 1 NEW STORE 1 NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS - ri,vvay two weeks at ROUZER 4 SHOCK. 1 4E 'S, Pikeaville We flatter ourselves that we can sell as cheap as any store in the county and pay as high cash prices fur all hinds of country pro duce, viz: BUTTETT. BUGS LARD TALLOW Raos SOAP silt wo aak is fur tit Our stock consists of all k 'Mar. 16-10 OF SPRING AND .............--.0--....... Gioceries, FOR LATEST STYLES OF MAIN STREET, Planter, White Planter, 36 I DnrstrAppwra 10 13 1 SICFDID l/1161111,188 25 16 BLACK LIBRIUM 15 10 RARPIIII.IIOIP I 20 4 PRIACIIRS PEALED 18 08 CA LFBILINS . 11 e public to give tufa trial. ludo of goods. IZSR & SHOCKE Y. ALTERATIVE • Coitaitibn Powders FOR HOMES, CATTLE AND SWINE PRICE 46 CENTS A PAPER, OR $1 A BOX• THE immense sales of these powders during the short period they have been before the public,ht a sufficient guarantee of their great popularity. and the decided benefits dotted from their use, They are .confidentlrrecommended not only as a preventive, but as' a complete cure for all dioeases incident to the Horse ' Cow or Hog, as Distemper, founder, Yellow Water, Heaves, Lose of Appetite, 4c, By their use the llowe's appetite is improved, and derangement of the digestive organs corrected, sof• !ening the skin, and giving to the coat a.sleek and shining appearance, and may be used with perfect safety at all times, as ,it containe no . ingredients which can injure a horse, whether sick or welt. These powders also possess peculiar properties in increasing the quantity of milk in cows, then by giving t Om at iinportifirce and value whic place them in the hands of all interested. For fattening cattle they are invaluable. In all diseases to which. the Hog is subject, as Ulcers •in the Lungs and Liver, etc., we guarantee their rift. cienc - y,tf auce fairly tried. • -_O GREATEST LINIIRENT tlsl USE BELL'S WHITE OIL. PRICE. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE A Powerful Oleaginns Compound for the . Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Numbness of the Limbs, Wounds, t rested_ Feet and Hanes Spavins, Saddle Galls, Poll Evil Ring firuises, Swelling of all kinds and in fut. every Disease for which an Ern• applicab'e. The Cleanest and Cheapest Liniment in Use. It' is extensively used in many parts of the coun try, and being a compound of the most valuable and efficacious remedies, the proprietor recommends it with the utmost confidence as a safe and certain remedy. Sala in Wayneeh iro' F. PounTumAN, and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Prepared by W. D. Bell, Apothecary, (Graduate of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.) . :ge t .reern, Apri " IS 31' AL Xi W AL FOR SALE.. rrHE subscriber offers at Private Sale the follow ' ing described Real Estate, situated 2 miles Southeast of W ayneshoro% on the road lending from Antietam Junction to Ringgold, to wit: A Tract of first quality Limestone land, containing THIRTY-NINE ACRES and 28 Perches,' adjoining lands of Rev. D F. Good David Stoner, and other lands of the subscriber.— The, improvements are a TWO-STORY LOG. LITOUSZ: with Basement and Cellar. a new Bank Barn, with' Wagon. f..4.11ed, Cam Crib and Granaries attached, Store — Blakstaith Slioriand othiiriffeeessary out buildings. There, is also a never-failing well of good water near the door, and a fine young orehar , t of choice fruit trees on the premises There it, also on the above premises a one and a half story with Ilasement,a Log Stable., Smoke noose and other necessary out buildings, and a fine young or cloll, embracing a variety of the choicest fruit trees —a well of water and cistern near the c'oor. The above is' a desirable property and well calcu lated for a mechanic. Persons wishing to view the property can call, on tbe subscriber living near it. March 30—tf.] ' A BRIVI. BARB. N. it If the ftlCove property is not sot I privately on or before the ist (lay of August next, it will then he offered at puPlie. sale ffl2Usru»~~, MHE subscriber would inform his patrons and I the public generally that he. has recently large ly increased his Livery stock, and is now pr• pored• to accommodate these wishing to hire with either W .. IMES tri at the shortest notice, all . &141 r, hours. Persons desiring Horses or Bu - gies, fur riding or driving, would yo well to give him a call, ns his stock. has been seleeted with great care as regards gentleness and fast trav eling. His vehicles ALL N 7W, fantlitilmide, and rile oaav,. having been bought with a vttw to accommodate the public. i s P . ''• Parties conveyed to any point deAred, conipaniee by a careful Per-ons wishing lior,es or Boggles, night Of 11 . 1 will please apply at his father's Saddle and Ifart,e , s Shop, Main.titseet, 2 tloar3 west of the "Bowden House," where an attentive Ostler will alts.tv4 br in attendance. FRANKLIN Wtklii , t: A pril 27—ti Teeth Egtracted wi b.oat 1911 In! DR. T. D. FRENCH, 13:MW17.10 Tz, XTRACTS Teeth without pain fr,^l: o :, l Aon Wednesday and Priddy ..1 t'it,-4h t ,":;);% each week, orun any other day of the " week if thirty minutes , notiet , is given. Thr , ugt: the influence of Nitr o w ('side (b s t h e most a_ grceablo sensation is produced dorm z the op. r.tti.”l Those who have had - teeth extracted througrl influrnce of the Gas declare they %ill not have a troth extracted in any other manner. itenutlful and durab'e teeth inserted mounted on gold, si'ver, vulcanite or ember lat4e. Particular 'attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth 0111.. e (until futher notice) the first two weeks o each month at the Photographic Gallery of Mr. J. H. Hamilton. in Waynetd»ro , the ha , ance of the time at. Brown'a Hotel, in Payettville. Satisfaction guarantied in all operations. April I:3 BBNJ• FRA 4 N7Z, M. D DRS. FRANTZ & SNI VELY having associa ted themselves in the practice of Medicine and 'Surgery would st ite that they are well prepared to treat all medical and surgical cases. Persons in debted to either of the above will please make early settlement to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old books.. • Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the -room -for merly occupied as store room. by . Mr. J. Beaver. April 14--tf BARBERING ! BARBERING ! MEE subscriber would inform his customers an& the public grnerally that be purpo..es contin. Ding the Ilarberi»g business, next' fluor to the New Grocery, having purebased the interest of C..C. Rhoyual in the Shop and now pr•pqred te (Jebel: cutting, sheving, shampt"..tyng, etc., in the__lft_st__ style. The patronage of the puild• is respeetfuffy solicited. . %VAL. A Pita:AL March 2, 1858. STATES UNION HOTEL OPL'OSITR TAW Leb. Valley & Feansylvania" R. R. Depots, HARRISBURG PA,, L B KURTZ, Proprietor, &Wet I.scr to 1. W . Tnylor. Apia. 20, 18611. 1 N. gravnr, ht. D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers