SPECIAL NOTICE &ad very Im portaat to Eveybody I . I . A. FISHER, MERCHANT TAILOR AND f. 1,0 t'IIILR hats just returned from tie Eastern Cities with one of the largest and best selected stock of CLOTHS., CASSIMEHES and V ESTINGS that has been brought to Hagerstown since the out break of the late War. Also, OVER COATING of the best inality all of Which will be made to or der in the imoet Fashionable Mid Substantial mangy nor Cbpap for Cash, or sold by the Yardl lo suit pur pityprs. My motto is Qiiibk - Sales RUT — Short 'Profits. Also, a good stock of CLOTHS FOR T IDIES' . end in ' oonnection ono of the largest stocks of Wool am) Cotton UNDER SHIRTS and DRAW ERS in the county; also, TIES and CRAVATS t f the latest styles, fine SHIRTS, over shirts, wool and cotton Jtalf Hoee, Suspenders, Silk, Linen and Cotton Pocket Handkerchiefs, Heavy Wool Jack ets and every thing else -in the way, of- Furnishing —goods: Also a stock of READY MARE CLOTH NG. All work guaranteed to fit and be well made,' I return my thanks to my Frig ads and the Pub lic generally for their very liberal patronage extend- pd to me, and hope by strict attention to business to sluice a continuance of the same. J. A. FISHER. • 2 doors West of the Hagerstown Bank, Wash ington Street. • Oct. 27, 1865. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND , -TRUST CO., Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia Incorporated 1850. Charter Perpetual. Author ized Capital, $500,000. Paid Up Capital, $250,000 Philadelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFTY PER CENT, on all premiums received upon MIITLIAL Foments during the year ending De cember 31st, 1863, and in force at that date, 'the a bove amount to be credited to, said Policies, and have also ordered the Dividend_of 1860 on Policies issued during that year to be poid,, as the annttal premiums on said Policies are received. OFFICERS. President—Alexander Whilldin. Secretary and Treasurer—John S. Wilson. Actuary—John C Sims. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.—Alexander Whill din, J. Edgar Thomson, George Nugent, Hon. Jas. Pollock, Albert C. Roberta...lP. 8.-Mingle,-Samuel - Work,AVillianTJ. Howard, Hon. Joseph Allison, Samuel T Butline, John Aik man, Charles F. Heat litt, Isaac Hozlehurst. Wu. G. REED, Chambcrsburg Pa., is the general Agent of the American Life Insurance and Trust Company for Franklin Co. Jos. DocuLtta, Agent. for 'Waynesboro' and akin , ity -ilium Pinups and Wit,Lust RE YEREN If DWI natcratt. , Call and get a pamphlet. JOS. DOUGLAS, Agent. Oct. 13, 1865, ly. NEW FIRM NEW GOODS__! GEISER ESL RINEHART, . Slseeers(rrs la FL Shmehnuse in Me Hardware and r Business. Tsubscribers having purchased of H. Stone- I house his Hardware Store they would inform the old customers of the establishment, and others, that in r,ddition to the large-stack on hand, they are just receiving a lugs and well selected stock, con sisting in part of IRON AND STEEL ? SHOE Fl iN D 11166, SADDLERY AND CARRIAGE WARE, CEDAR WARE, OIL CLOTHS, HOLLOW WARE. PAINTS, CLASS AND VARNISHES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE.MEN7S, We invite the attention of the Fanners to the RUN DELL'S PREMIUM HAY FORK, for the sale of which we arc the sole agents. Scythes, Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Graiu Cradles, coo., &c. All our goods were selected with greet care and Pie invite an examination of them. May 26, 1865. 4: E VER &itINE ART. EAGLE HOTEL. Central Square, Hagerstown, NM above well-known and. established Hotel has been re-opened and entirely renovated, by the undersigned, and now offers toe-the public every comfort and attraction found in the liest hotels.— TH E TABLE is bountifully supplied witb every delicacy the market will afford, THE SALOON contains the choicest liquors, and is constantly and pkittuny attended. THE :STABLE is thoroughly repaired, and careful Ostlers always ready to ac commodate customers. JOHN FISHER, Proprietor. Hagerstown, June 2 tf. NEW LEATKEN • AND FINDING STORF, T 4 EW IS S. FORNEY & SONS, would inform the public that they have this day associated themselves in the business of Taning and Currying, besides have also connected with the above !cosiness a Leather and Finding store, at the hose of 1.. S. Forney, where they will keep constantly on hand an assortment, as fellows ; Sole Leather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, French Callao., Sheep do., French and dens Morocco, Lining Skins, all kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads Boot Webing, Laces, Galloons, Size gticks, Measure Straps, Deer Bones, Burnishes, Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Knives, Nails and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, Crimp Boards, Bubbers, Bristles, Lasting Irons, Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, Compasses ' Boot 'Trees, Pegs, Knives, Pinchers, Hammers, various kinds; Rasps end Files, Auls and Handles, Collis Irons, Long and Shoulder Sticks, Eye!acts and Eyelett Punches, Strip Auls, And all other articles usually kept in such stores. Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins.— Also 500 cords hark wanted. Miir. 16-13%1 VORNEY & SONS. Mentzer's Horse Se- Cattle Powder, Al.MMor.tz B er 7 :°thi:Ere"cilleavlonrgninulrtichngasettliegafbrvi . e. lar. famed Horse and - Dap e Powder, for Permsylve.• nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on"hand,und intends keeping a good supply always on hand.— Country merchants and others keeping such articles for sale, would do well to supply.theraselves with a usntity. He will sell it on commission-in - for cash cheap. Orders will lbepunctually attended to - January al. B AKIN ti Molasses, also some fine-Syrups at Parom 4 lioarGroB's. ADIES Corsets and 'Eliptie;Bpring Skirts at J Pates & Hoasmore Rd'EM Oluings Ppm: fr..ll4naoge. TIM MST ARRIVAL ORBS, 111111CMACY 00011. IC J. F. KURTZ WISHES to Worm the good citizens of Way nesboro' and vicinity, that he has just receiv ed from the East a large • and 818 assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints; Dye Bluffs Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c. &c., which he is prepared to sell as cheap as they . can be bed at any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled. Ire h,s also catband a large assortment of TOILETARTICLES Comprising in part the following articles, sic Toilet Waters, all kinds, Ean de Cologne, andlessin variety, Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine English Pomades, Bandolines . Bear's Pine ant} Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Neil " -"- • Combs, &o. &G. For CulinarY purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl Parley, Pearl Sego, Flavoring Extracts, viz: Lemon, Vanilla; Strawbery, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple,_Orange, Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices, Black Pepper and all oth er articles in that line. He has also something to please the CHILDREN A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of -China-ware.____ Patent Mae , akedia CMS* He has Drake's Plantation Bitters, ,Hoffland's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, • Bull's do. - -lliteshew's Cough - Syrup; It Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's Vermifuge, Vermifuges, dos. kinds, 11118—W righ t's Judion's,. Spaulding's, Ayer's, • Brandreth'B, Morse's, McLane's, liver; Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrut , - Dr. Parishe's do. Keroseoe Oil, Lamps and Chim, neys always on hand. Thankful for kind favors already bestowed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please he may win the confidence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up on adults as children. piuit a -- st ii hours August 19, 1864. „It is WISDOM anti ECONOMY to Insure in the BEST COMPANIES, and there is none better Wilke Old Insurance Co. of North America.” 1794. ,Incorporated 1794 INSURANCE COMPANY OF North America, PHILADELPHIA. MIRE Abstract of the 142nd Semi-Annual State ment, ' showing the condition of the Company on the 2nd day of January, 1865, shows the Total Assets to be 1f1,715,171 71. rir7l Years Successful Business Experience ! rirChe Prompt Payment of $17,500,000,00 Losse Vir A Reputation for Honorable DealinrUnsurpass ed ! 'And Cash Assets exceeding $1,700,000,00,! Claim the References of the public for this, the Old est Insurance Company in America. DIRECTORS: Arthur G. Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason, Sam'l W. Jones, R. D. Wood, G. L. Harrison John L. BrOwn, Bowen F . : R. Cope. Ches. Taylor, Jas. N. Dickson &LH Trotter Ambrose W bite, S. M. Waln, Ed. S. Clarke -Wm. Cummings, T. Charlton Henry. - ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pres't. CHAS. PLATT. Z'Sec'ry. Nov. 24 6m) Jos. DOUGLAS, A g't, Waynesboro' INTIBT IN Wood Working and -IS.A. w INC3I ESTABLISHMENT AND MILLS ! STILL, continuing the manufacturing of a kinds of Building Material, etch as SASS, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, FACING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Frames, FLOORING, &C. &C PW _AK_ IVICT IL libT 4G By mill and circular saws of evory description.— Asking a continuation of favors. I promise still to sell on as equitable terms as possiblo, considering times and prices. For further particulars apply to the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro', April I, 1884. TIILORING! 1 HE subscriber informs the citizens of Waynes• bor.; and the public generally that he has open ed a shop lin the room adjoining the Barber Shop, next duor to the new Grocery Store, where ho will carry on the Tai loring business. Garments for men and boys cut out and made to order at reasonable rates. With the advantage of many yearafexperi ence in the business he flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. 11.7' The latest city Fashions regularly received J-44.:Up REININGER. Oct. 27—tf. $1.500 IERY2 R e ew antg :: everywt i al our il 107 SVI) Si wing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above sal ary or large commissions paid. The ONLY machine, sold in United States for lcia than $4O, which are fully licensed by Rowe, Wheeler 4. Wilson, Grover .rfr Bohr. Singer 4. Co.. and Bachelder. All other cheep machines aro infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine, and imprisonment.— Circulars free. Address, or call upon Vhaw dr. lliodeford,Maine. We.. 22-1! $l9O ted enZ i reii i t n l etp AG a E rltres B , liv j a u n p out. Address O.T. GAREY, City Building. Bid tlorord.itlaine pre. 22—ly - I,N CY ARTICI.ES.—=-Combs of all kinds, for j 2 Ladies and tiontlemen. Pocket Books new twd•faitcy assortment, and °generous other fancy, articles. Feb. 2,11 P of .extract, "Night Blooming - 6e. rm," extract-" Hyacinth," extract" White Pond AY," 31L.4r - JIP 111E0 WI" 00 SU lIIBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. Are now receiving their FIRST ASSORTMENT Ladies' Dress. Goods. lv—anct-rvffAil 'J. F. KURTZ ME'S mEn COTTONADES, CASSIMERES, • BOOTS AND SHOES, • GLOVES, COLLARS AND HOSIERY, CLOTHS, VESTINGS, TWEEDS, CORD, JEANS, DENIMS, Also II full stock of GROCERIES lIIESWHE, MOHR, fit QUEENS WARE, QUEENSWA RE, HARD WARE 11. A RD WA RE, QUEENS WARE, RA RD WARE; NOTIONS. NOTIONS, P. F. GOOD CARPETS: We respectfully request our customers and all o thers, wishing to buy or look at a good sooty:tient, to call and examine our stock ; knowing I.lst goods ,Ana.Jower-now-tbsurthey - liave — been for some years, and believing they will not be lower for some dine tikcome, we feel assured we can give satisfaction. AMBEBISON, BENEDICT & CO. A . ' 13,1,666 QUILTS, Uountatpanea, &c., at, P4lO • 7°41 !EM EN you want to smoke a fine Seger, go to EUIRTE'd for it. " ' A L fine assortment of Queenaware at ' • NO lcoriructre. 4 4- Aram 13TH Ma A. B. bg. CO, NEW srRING. T 4:34r C. 710 IC) X) . A full Block of — DRESS - TR MMINGS, DRESS BUTTONS, DRESS CORD, DELAINES, TISSUES, Collars, Catubrios, Gloves, Hosiery, Shakers, Swiss Edge and Inserting. Ail kinds of SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUPS, TEAS, FISH, CHEESE, and all kinds of Groceries CHECK MATTING, PLAIN MATTING, VENETIAN, INGRAIN, STAIR, . RAG• REDUCED PRICES! NEW SPAINQ AND muntzu 1111 S! tilT IltiE lftltJll RAVE just received from the Eastern Cities one of the finest assortments of Goods ever offered for sale . in Waynesboro', which they are prepared to sell at greatly reduced rates, having purchased their stock at a time when the markets were at the lowest rates during the recent decline in prices, LADIES' GOODS Among the latest novelties in the Ladies' Dress Goods department may be found Poil de ChevreB, Percale'', Repped Mohaire, Linen Lawn, Poppline, ' Armure Deloins, GENTLEMEN'S GOODS : In the Gents line of goods we have an extensive assortment of cat-Glot Cassimeres. Denims, Linen 'Duck, •• Tat eeds. Prints and Brown Muslins from I* cents upward, together with a bast of other goods at correspond ing tow prices. gnoßEnms. A good article of Brown Sugar at•l2 Lb; per lb. RiCt Coffee, Cheese, E•; Dia ig--111 All Wool, Hemp, Ingrain, Matting Rugs, Baskets, Shoes, Figured, and Pluin The subscribers kindly ask the community to call and see their handsome stock of goods now open and will vouch that persons will be convinced that "prices have fallen, ' and greatly too, and to con vince yourselves of the facts just drop in and make an inspection of goods and prices • PRICE & HOEFLICH. April 6, 1866. FIRST 'USU . DRUG STORE IN WAYNESBORO,' PA. BC M. STONER, Druggist, THNKFUI. t o his friends and customers for the very liberal ennouragement received in his "old business" an 1 he hopes that the introduction of the crab system will add to their interest and his ail= vantage in continuing their favors. He believes a distinction ought to be made between cash and credit and he intends to exhibit it in the prices of his articles offered for sale. Call and see, and if not so; purchase where ever you can get the cheap est, the best article at the loWeei price. His assort ment is more general thsn is usually found in coun try Drug Stores. He has quite a mariety of Books, arc., which he will dispose of cheap idr cash, intend ing to close it, considering it no part of his business, and has adopted this motto, "live and let live, sup port and supporting. M. M. STONER. Aug. 191864., STATES UNION HOTEL 0?Pu8ITIC TUB , Leb. Valley & Pennsylvania B. B. Depots, ELARRISETTRG PA, L B KURTZ, Proprietor, Successor to J. W. Taylor. Apt 11.20, 1866. IV - IEI'CALFR Alt 01'1'4 6 / 1 wgo bout, every month, the year round, to purchase goodie ; they therefore have fresh stock and latest styles all the time. raug.4., SVGARS.—Fine assortment-of tobacco and se gem; good segars sold ats2.oo per hundred. 1013P4:1144.1 , TTREKA— Wool Bieve—Lateet thing of U the age, et the Oneezatr tt BUS. LADltyie Morino matt at 'a444 fipurtics'a. Oki Ina , Angora, Mohaire Gingham, Cballies, Delaines Alpines% MI wool Delaina, AR 'colors. Silks Valencies, Coatings, Cottonades, Spices, Cedarware, ,fo. Bagging. Umbrellas Oil Blinds Damasks. NEW 'SKIRT. FOR 18,66. The Greit Invention of the Age in' HOOP SKIRTS: J, W. BRADLEY!S New, Patent DUPLEX E LIPTIC (or double). SPRING SKIRT. 'him INVENTION consists ofnuptxx (or two) Et,time POOR Romeo Bvnar. SPRINGS, ingeniously BmtblMithivirm and Plain , / together, EDGE to ions, inakittg the TM:Whin „most vmewlists, none and DintAßLltApintNe ;sod. They seldom mum or nisi*, like the Sing)/ Spats, and consequently reservit-theii.pitiestantLbetitillfgl almt.4„more than tWied as longas shy Single Spring Skirt WIT ever Has.oi Gambit triithr. . , THE withilerhil tlexibiliti .l" at comfort and Amite to- any . Lady wearing the , lap ex hptic Skirt be .experienctid Particitlaiiiita all hrowded Aisemblies. 'Oporai, , Carriages, 2 Thigroad Cara, Church Pews, Alin Chaim, for PFomenade and House Drese r as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as eapily and conveni ently ae,a Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having Enjoyed the* Pleasure, Comfort and Great Convenience of wearing ' the Duplex E. liptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will Never afterwards willingly dispense With their use. For Children, Misies and Young Ladies they are sups. .:or_WalLuthe_ I'BR HOO '8 are 'covered with 2 pIY double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the "Single yarn covering which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. 'lie three bottom rods on over ry skirt orp . also double steel, and twice or dOuble covered to prevent the spvering from wearing paths rods.when dmggirm down stairs stone steps, etc, etc., which they are constantly 61110 eCt to, when rn use. AU are made of the new and elegant Cnrded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical skirt ever made. WESTS' BRADLEY 4 CARY, PROPRIE TORS of the Invention, and SOLE MANUFAC TURERS, 97 CHAMBERS, and 79 & 81 READE STREETS, New York. FOR SALE in all first-class stores in this City, and throughout the United States and Cant*, El a - rana-de_Ctulla,Mezico, South America, and the West Indies. SID - Inquire for the Duplex -Ml)lie (or double) Spring Skirt. Feb. 1.1,3n5. SAFTY AT LAST ! THE PARAGON OIL LAMP ! No Chimney, No Smoke, No Smell, No Grease And Non-explosive. Call and see them at the sign of the ".131a iteciLMlCariri.” D. R. RUSSEL,• ola—A-gen A large assoktrnent of COOKING STOVES, of the latest improvements, the beat in the market. Just received and for sale at the cheap Tin and Stove Store of D. B. RUSSEL. T U 3 Lt aZt (ea. ' A large Aeaortment of Tinware of every doecrip 'tin, made of the beet Tin in the market and war ranted at the sign of the "8 lU RED HORN." D. B. RUSSEL keeps constantly on hand and for sale a general assortment of 1111 USE :FURNISHING GOODS. Pure No. 1 Re roscne Oil and Lamps of the latest improvement. WA.SIIING mum EASY By calling at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN" and getting Putnam's Clothes Ringer, of •D. B RUSSET,. Persons in want ofStoves of any kind or good Tinware, or House Furnishing Goods generally, can do well by calling on D. B. RUSSEI., Sign of the "MG REP HORN." Waynesboro', Pa. 3E' .416. 3EL 11, 1 . XI . THE subscriber announces to the public that he purposes giving his attention in the future ex clusively to the treatment of diseases in horses and and cattle. From a long experience in the treat ment of Lung Fever, Thislow, Ringbone, Spavin, Pole Evil, and othei diseases common among hors es, he Ratters himself that he can give general sat isfaction. Medicines, such as pills, powders, lini ments, blistering ointment, etc., can be had of him. MI calls promptly attended to and charges mod era to sep I—tf] A II EtAHA M SHORT. NOTICE! almost universal cash i.ystem prevailing in every department of business in this communi ty, in connection with the high prices for every ar ticle of consumption, espe jaity the high price of medicines, renders it necessary that we require the settlement of all accounts every sit months. All bills therefore will he made out and be ready for set tlement by the first day of January next, when those indebted will please call and settle. JOHN J. OEL.LIG. FItANTZ & SNIVELY. • E. A, HERIN(3I. • J , A BoYER. H. X. BONE BRAKE, Waywitboro', Dec: 22, 1865, 6m. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IDEING licensed as CLAIM, AGENT, REAL 113 ESTATE AGENT and LAND WARRANT BROKER Will attend to applications for Pensions, Bounty and Back Pay, and all claims against the p,tate or National Government. As Res( Estate Agent will lease, sell, or purchase lands in Frank lin County. or exchange therefore Western Lands —also will buy and sell Li.wo WAILLIANTS. CC*. VEYANOING—Deeds, Wills, Agreements. Leases, &c. executed as heretofore at Moderate prices. Oct 21-Bm. COBBLIAG! COBBLING! MILE undersigned having opened a shop for the j purpose of Mending Boots and shoes, respect, fully tenders his services to all who will favor him with their custom. The best of material usea.— All work neatly done and charges moderate.— Shop on Leitersburg Street. , next door to Mr. John Dell's Pottery. C. O. RBOYUitL; March 16—tf. FRESH FISH. — Rock, Pike, Shad, Herring, Haddoc, dm.. received every Friday noon. We warrant them sound and fresh.. March 9. Fxl•rsE, the great. cure tor Coneumpuol. e. KURTZ'S Drug Store. Ci BAKERS, just revolved at Perm • IQUID Kennet, Corti Starch, Rice Flour, Ta pioca, Saga, Pearl Barley and Cooper's Calo mel 'at KURTZ'S; • KtlflT — Zbae the finest aosorttnent of Pet (ninety in tg.len, `lAftli paid for Butter andAupLk IVI and grey bleniteA t e at is, H QfklittM OIL—A good article for sale • P , sep si Hosurrea, Roo & cg; A. & C. THE subscribers would inform the public that they have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, ant that the business hereafter will be continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of Antats & HANVICHII. They will have constantly on hand BUG GIBS of every description ; new and second-handed Vehicles of all kinds. ®"Repairing done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in our line will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS, GEORGE B. HAWKER, !ark opposite the M E. Church ii oe'FlTTlelt IRRID & Co. otrisivmai Row & Co H W STIR!, HOSTETTER REID & CO% ' A' • eaf:V:l .rm the t th i e he c y l l aevne of • ceived a new and extensive 'cacti muss, Embracing in part— SYRUPS, SUGARS; MOLASSES, NAM% TEAS.--ifyson, Imperial and Oolong, of the finest flavor. SPICES, ground and unground, and BASING articles,. warranted. fresh and pure,and of the best-quality-quality — • QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, a very heavy mock, to which special attention is in... vited. Fine ware in setts or by the single piece, of the West stylecCut Glass Goblets, Tumblets, KEROSENE. LAMPS of every pattern, a largoassrirtnient. Shades, (new style) wicks, chinaneyst spring hinge burners, al 7 ways on hand. Also No. 1 Kerosene Oil,. NOTIONS, VIRIETIES, &C. A thousand and one fancy, useful and necessary ar._ tides, used in every family and by ever • bod TOBACCO, CIGARSII NM, Willett's Cong, Navy, Nat. Leaf, Mich Fine Cut,, and all tho best chewing and slinking tobaccos.--, Havana Cigars, good common do.. ilinitary and, Neotric Pipes, latest thing out. SALT AND FISH. G. A. Salt, Liverpools large air sacks. Pickled ! Shad, Mackerel, No. 1 and 3, bbl., half bbl., quarter,. bh,l , rum NLAflEirr Being in connection with Hostetter & Co., of Greencastle, which firm have a Market Car on the R. R., we are enabled to supply our customers with the choicest luxuries of the Eastern markets in their proper season. tar By strict attention to business, furnishing the best articles In the market, and doing all in our. power to accommodn!e customers, we hope to re ceive a share of public patronage. No' trouble to show goods Vir Terms, Posnytv.ittx CASH. We buy our goods. for cash and must sell them in the same way.— Country dealers supplied at wholesale prices. HOSTETTER, REID & CO. Waynesboro', Aug. 25, '65. I WE 111YESIMIIT, 011 that are wanting the hest and cheapest Y Eiticalure, that is in the market will do well by calling at W. A. TRITLE'S TIN AND STOVE STORE. There you will find the LARGEST stock of ;Stoves and Tin-ware in Waynesboro'. The subscriber tenders to the co:nrnunity Lis thanks for past patronage and hopes for a continu ation of the same. Call and hear what induce. mrnts he otters for you to invest. fir in your deal ings with him you will ba dealth with with fairness You will find a good stock of Brass and Copper Dippers, Brass Ladles, sheet-iron ware, Iron 'Wash Kettles, Iron Bread Pans, Brass Kettles, &e. All kinds of Copper work done and replirs made. You will ilnd among his stock of stoves those splen did Cook Stoves, the Niagai.a and Combination They have an extra large oven, extended fire-box, taking a long stick of *ood, square top, good draft, and in all good Bakers. In fact just the stove a good housekeeper wishes. - Don't forgo to_ call and examine his *tack. It Will pity. Next door to the Post Office. Feb 16] W. A. TRITI.E. N DIV FIRM! CARRIIGH MAIINg! urc stree,nei yATENT FLASKS—Just the thing for bot ing wine and eatattp_. at sep.Bl earerrss. RED & Co's. URTZ hula nice let of Pocket 800, o ACON,:bouebt and soldby H06T11211111 RED &Co. /pH E HEST "HOOP SKIRTS" and the largest anoit - mant in then State, at ang IL] MrcatYri & 44TPIIRITIs • CHEESE, _COME CHOCOLATE. DRIED BEEF.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers