METCALFII CIIA.MBtitS33URG-4 wish'to inform the public_ that we are sell ing goods at.extrethely low Flees. e have a full stock and ore daily in receipt of goods. We keep almeit , article belonging to NOTION LINE, and are determined not to'.be undersold. Balmoral Skirts tve have in and quality. Stiaivls, an endless variety. • • 'HOOP ,'SKIRTS. • Jost received another lot Of those Piegant (Patent fastings) skirts direct .from the manufacturers m Birmingham, Conn. Wo have the A gen..ty for the county. FLANNELS. Wo have a tremendous stock and are selling an all wool Flannel for 37 cents. Delains. Wo are selling dolains fur: 0 cents.— Best new style defeats only 35 cents • Gloves. We too, nro in receipt of another lot of gloves direct limn Glovesvillo, N. Y. We have Buck, Kid, Goat, Sheep,"Woolert_n_ad nee rly all the different styles in the market. Wo would just hero say anything you want order or go to Metcalfe Hiteshew and you will be almost sure to get it. METCALFE & HITESHEW. Cht mbersburg, Dec. 15, 1865.. N. B. We sell wholesale and retail. A KING Molasses, nn excellent article at • lADIES" Morino vests at .1 NICE & I:ICCSI;irteS, GVANTIAIMPAN'Sundcr clothing et Paws & Ilir.Fracn's CORD, CORD, a heavy piece of-.d rob cord at PRICE W BITE and grey bltinkets ut' • PRICE & HCEBLICR'S EfEA-T-SAL OF REAL AND PERSONAL PILOPERTV rrnE sul•scribcr, residing at Fountain Dale, Ad• WIN CO Pa., on the Waynesbom', GrecncaFtle end Mereer4iurg turnpike, six miles above Em• mittsburg Md , will , sell at public .silo on TUEs DAY Tut.; 2611-I OF DECEMBER, 18C5, the following personal property. 3 head • WORK HORSES, one colt, l milcli cow, 2 heifers, 2 brood sows with pig, 3 Ist hogs, TEN TONS GOOD TIMOTHY NAY, 2 tens of clover hay, a lot of corn fodder, one four hot?* wagon. one cart, 1 buggy-, 1 sleigh, 2 harshear aihg!c and 1 double shovel plow, 1 cutting box., 1 windnull, 1 folder _cutt-EG-2-farmarrills-' • • , ne ler ey s patent cylinder bark sett of cast iron segments and pinion for doable or tripple saw mill, 2 log chains. 1 fifth chain, 3 crow bars, but- chains, breast ,' ° chains, cow chains • ..• setts bu., • harness, collars, bridles, and halters; 2 cress•eu sup , 1-7-S-T 0 V E S, five ten-plate; one parlor, ani one cook stove, 2 guns, one double and ono single barrel, 2 grain cra dles, 2 mowing scythes, 2 pair of wood ladders; 3 clocks, one twenty-four hour, one 12 hour, f man-. tie do, I patent washing machine; also household and kitcheriltuniture, about 50 bushels of potatoes, vinegar by the barrel, a lot of cider barrels, I cop per kettle, and many other articles not necessary to mention. Immediatety after the sale of personal property the subserii•er will offer his real estate. Lot No. 1, 50 Acres of Mountain Laud, ' well set with chestnut timber, known as the Craw ford lot. Lot No. 2, 48 acres, more or less, adjoin ing lands of Mussleman and heirs of Dr. Thomas Walker, dec'd.,'Well set with rock oak, chestnut, and other timber. Lot No 3, 47 acres, mare or less, adjoining lands of the heirs of Dr. Thomas Walker, deed well set with chestnut, rock and black oak. Lot No. 4, 15 acres, more or less, ad joining lands of Christian Mussletnan, dee'd., Mi chael Kugler, and the heirs of Dr. Thomas Walker. dec'd., well set with chestnut, locust, rock oak, and and black oak. Lcit No. 5,2 t; acres, more or less, 3 acres of which is cleared and with a fine young orchard of apple trees in full bearing. A good one story log house thereon erected; the balance of this tract is well set with,cht stnut, and a varielY of oth er timber. TR 1111 ERY contains one hundred ami forty acres, on which is cercted a good rough cast TWO-STORIED HOUSE with back . bui:ding; a barn, con, crib, smoke house, a Jorge - riiir AIL l'qtg 111. - 35L 7- bnrk inill,.roller ant lulling stock all run by water power, containing ponderous and valuable rnaelii acry; one tripple geared saw mill, with shingle and lathe• machine attached thereto. The water power is of the fnast class, a large dam affords a constant supply of water; the head and hall of water on the property is 36 feet; about 60 acres of this tract is clear land, and in a high state of cultivation, the balance finely set with young locust. poplar, and chestnut timber. This is a very desirable property, in good repair, delightfully, situated, and suitable for any public business. 330 acres of mountain land adjoining the above mansion tract, one half of which is well set with chestnut timber, the balance with yellow pine and rock oak. The most of this land is situated on the plateau of the,mountain, and is level and very accessible. Perlons desiring, can view the land at any time before the day of sale by calling on the subscriber at Fountain Dale. Sale to continence at 10 o'clock on said day when terms of sale will be made known. SANFORD Slit - MUER. Dec B—ts. PUBLIC SALE. 111 HE bubscriber will offer at public sale on FRI i.DAY THE 221) OF DECEMBER, lBlis,llis property situated about I miles' west .of Wayne's- Wry', on the Turnpike Wading to Eireencastle, eon . slating of 27 ACRES , more or less, of first quality limestone Imo, about lb litres which is well sit with thriving oak tim ber. The improvements are a one story STONE HOUSE with basement and cellar, good wash house; smoke house, woo I house and bake•oven all under ane roor--albo a good frame stable large enough for 5 horses end 5 cows, buggy shed, corn crib, hog pen, and cticken housa, --- There -is alio_a_large_cistern under the hog pen feeding loom. There'a also on the premises a • ' Fine Young Orcbar of choice fruit trees, such - atrapples, peaches-grapes, 48r.c. Sale to commence ut 1 o'clock on said day pslien the terms will be made known by GEORGE J. ROYER. rp-Tlre buime4ber will °Cur for sale at the eamo time and place, 3_B ...tkortatius, snore-or less, same quality limestone land, adjoin jug hula of V. J. Royer, David tinively and oth gers, Terms made known on ARTIN day of sale by M Mom), Auet• Vec. R—usJ PRIOR & 110EPLICIP8 NEW FALL AND uliavaa ThE undersigned tender to the community thc it thanks for past patronage, and would also take this opportunity of reminding them that they have lately received from the East a splendid selection of goods, which for beauty and style cannot be surpas sed outside of the cities. Their goods have been selected with much care as regards durability and price. LADIES' GOODS The attention of the ladies is directed to their handsome ttylcs of - S,ILKS, ALPACAS, • • "PUCE & HCEFIAOII% POPLINS, They have some beautiful patterns of French Merino and all wool Be lains that are 'hard to beat. 1 ,,aD411 - araral a4acla4 Black Silk, . Black Alpacas, Black all wool Delain,double width, " French‘ Merinos, " Enl2,-lish French and English Crapes, Mourning Handkerchiefs, Black Jack Flannel. They ask the gentlemen to notice tfteir fine Mock of • COATINGS, OASSIAIE RES, VESTINGS • as they pass along, and they feel assured that they have the goods to suit them in pattern and price . Tweeds and Jeans, Cords and Satinets, Shaker Viand, Opera Mane), Flanels, Striped Flanels. Or Ladies wh) are . in want of "a nice Coat or Cloak can find the article at their establishment, with all Iho necessary trimmings. such as buttons, gimps and cords ot different patterns. Ladies' Gaiters, Balmoral Ties, Head Netts, Cor sets, Corset Clasps and Collars. Plain and Barred Cambric, Tape Trimming. Velvet Trimming and rAngEEIESu BEST RlO MOLASSES at GO ets per gal, Boots and Shoes, Gum Shoes. • When you wont Stocking Yarn both wool and cotton just step in and you will find a good assort ment, . M"The subscribers kindly" ask the public to vis it their luiuse and inspect their stuck before per ch:ming elhewhrre, ns th,y feel confilent that their priers and goods will plense nll. PRICE & HOEFLICH. Ere. 8. 1 TA L 0 It N G IV TIE subscriber inthrms the citizens of Waynes -horu' and the puhlic generally that he has (Tep id a sloop in the room adjoining the Bather Shop, next door to the new Grocery Store, w Ler° he will carry on the Tailoring lousiness. Garments far men and boys cut out and made to order at reasonable rates. With the advantage of many years experi ence in the business he flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. Gir The lams' city Fashions regularly received. JACOB REININGRE. Oct. 27—tf, • METCALFE & 111TESIIEV HAVD3I7§T opened another largo lot of Dry Goods and kik Dug. 4. COLUAIN! GOODS! MERINOS, DELAINES, BARATHEAS, COBURGS, PLAIDS, An attractive line of .Wrappings, such es Plaid did Plain Long and Square Shawls, — Breakfast Shawls, Hoods, Nubies,--Searfs & owvin s t oyes, arnettes; - Thread and • 14..1in0 Gloves, Hosiery in abundance. • 1 ENS' GOODS • Table Covers, Shirting Flannels and Flannel Shirts, Drawers, Neck Tics, Bal noral hoop Skirts for Ladies and Misses, Linen and Pa per Collars, all sizes, Buck Gloves and Mittens. WHITE GOODS Cnmbric H'Llks, IMPERIAL TEA, QUEENSWATLE, Cutlery Spoons, Cedar Ware, Baskets, 11 uckets. ICerli.rm, Carpet, Oil Cloths Gold 6000 Ladies' Jewelry, Cameo, Pearl, Opal and other stones 4to 15 10000 Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holders and ,Pencils 4to 10 " 10000 Gold Pens and Gold ?Mounted Holders 6to 10 11 5000 Gold l'ens and Gold Extension Holders ' 15 to 25 6000•Ladies' Gilt and Jet Buckles sto 15 GOO 4 , Hair Balls and Bare 5000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups sto 50 3000 silver Castors 15 to 50 2000 " Fruit, Card and Cake Baskets 5000 doe Ruffling Edge Ribbons, Button!, SYRUPS AT COST AT COST. rrHE subscribers would inform the public iffat I they are now selling off their stock of W I N TER CL OT HING for Men and Boys, at COST Persons is want of Clothing of any de scription would do 'well to give them a call, next doOr to Nibbe t's Hotel. Dec 1] FELLHEIMER & STRAUSS. . tires; BARBERING BARBERING ! Brooms, ,:i,10 . 96,00 : goo - & SILVER 0.000.00? ; • II 0 L I'D'Al AlitTS. GREAT ATTRACTION! GREAT 'SENSATION! Watches, Clocks,,Chains, Diamond Rings, .Moto• deans, Sewing Machine's, Pianoi, &a. " .ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTH TO BE. DISPOSED OF, AT One Dollar Each 7.!. Without regard to Value! he aid for. until you know what you are to recoiiiT Splendid List of Articles; all to be sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH.''' 100 Clocks (French) 8 and 21 day clocks. ranging trom . $lO to $250 each. 100 Pian - w, the best manufacture,36o to - 850 ‘• 250 Sewing Machines, of the best manufacture, 50 to 150 250 Gents' Hunting-case Watches 50 to 150 each, 250 Ladies' Gold and Enameled Hunting-case Watches, eoo, Gents' Hunting-case Silver Watches, 35 . t0 70 200 Diamond Binge, 50 to 100 " 5000 Gold Vest and Neck Chairs 4to 30 " 3000 6' Oval Band Bracelets 4to 8 " 5000 Jet and Gold Bracelets 6to 10 " 2000-Chatela in (3.haingtmulard Chains • -- 51 - 0 --- 20—"- 7000. Solitaire and Gold Brooches 4to 10 " 5000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches 5000 - Mosiae - T - Jet, - Leivr-and-Floren. tine Ecar Drops 7500 Coral, Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops 4000 California Diamond Breast. pins 3000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch keys " 2,50 to 8 000 Fnb and Vest Ribbon-slides 3to 10 5000 Sots so litaro Sleeve-buttons, Studs, &c. - 3 to 8 3000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, &c. 4to 6 10000 Miniature Lockets 2,50 to TO 4000 " Magic spring 10 to 20 3000 Gold - Toothpicks, Crosses, &c. 2to " 8 5000 Plain. Gold Rings • 4to JO 500 - ' . _ - 10000- tone Set - nnd Signet - Ringt=o to 10 10000 Cal. Diamond Rings 2to 10 7500 sets Ladieo' Jewelry—Jet and • Tea Spoons 30 4 30 --4 • -- 9 - ntie Spoons & Forks 20 i 40 -7. ' In consequence of the great stagnation of trade in the Manufacturing districts of France and England, a large quantity of valuable Jewelry, originally in tcrided for the European market has been lent off for sale in this country, and MUST BE SOLD AT ANY SACRIFICE! Under these circumstance., Pits for the min cipal European Manufacturers, having resolve up on a GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION I Subject to the following regulations: Certificates of the ;various articles are first put in to envelopes, sealed up. and mixed, and when or dered, are token out without regard to choice, and sent by mail, thus giving all a fair chance. On re• ceipt of the certificate, you Will see what you are to have, and then it is at your option to send the dol. ler and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Piano, Melodeon, Sewing Mac no, Gold watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jewe . on our list for ONE Doman. Send 25 Cents for Certificate. In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the certificates, paying postage. and do ing the business 25 cents each, which must be en closed when the certificate is sent for. Five certifi cates will he sent for $l, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty five for $lO, and 100 for $l5 AGENTS.— We want agents in every town and county in, the country, and those acting aifsu, h will be allowed ,10 cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remittance amounts to sl,_ A gents will collect 25 cents for every certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or poste as stamps. •Agt nts remitting at once, $3O, will been titled to a beautiful silver Watch, and also 200 cer tificates. Plefoe write your Plaine, Town, County and State plainly, and address all order to . HAMILTON & CO., • Agents for Foreign & American Manufacturers. Salesroom, P. 0. Box 5675, NEW YORK, 36 Libel ty Street. [rum 24, 3m. PUBLIC SALE. BY order of the Orphans Court, the undersigned mill offer tit Public Sale, on Saturday 16th of December, 18(5, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on .the prem ise., in front of 13owden's Hotel, the following ne scribed real estate of C. ,T. Weagly, tlcc'd, viz One half lot of ground, with a . ONE STORY 1101 USE, part Frame and part Brick, Wash House and Out. Kitchen, a good Stable with Carriage Shed at. tached. HOg Pert &c. thereon. There is also a. good Cistern on the lot with pump in ii, and an abundance of choice fruit, such its apples, poaches, plums, grapes, &c. The above is one of the most pleasantly situated properties in the town. Terms made known on the day of sale, by JOHN WALTER, Trumee. Dec. 1-- te.l G. V. %Irma, Auct THE subscribers mould inform the public that they have associated themselves together in . the Barbering business, nd ore now prapared to do hair cutting, shaving, shampooning, etc., in the best style. The patronage of the public in respectfully solicited. Wbt. PR rct. C. C. RHO YUAL. Sept. IS DM. ?RANTS, E. D. I. N. SNIVEL?, Y. D. TARS. FRANTZ & SNIVEL'S( having anode _Vied themselves in the practice of Medicine end surgery would st ,te that they are well prepared to treat all mediaal and surgical cases. Persons in -debted-toeither_of_the_ahove will please mike early settlement to the time of their assuci - aliTiff i — irs — tin7 - wish to close their old looks. Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for. misty necypied as utoro room by Mr. Beaver. April 14--tf STATES UNIuN • CPPOBITI rum Leh. Valley & Pennsylvania R. L Depots, HARRISBURG, PA, KTJRTZ & CO , Protectors, sueocseorp to .1. V. Taylor. • Dec. 8--tf. SECOND. SUPPLY 35 to 70 4, PALL and WINTER 4 Icg`' 8 " 4 to 8 4 to 6 2.50 to 10 DIBERSON, BENNICT & CO'S. 6to 16 NY"We are now receiving our SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY. 5 to 10 I=l.. - ar (3- co co ro 20 to 20 into 20 DRESS GOODS RIATEA MBES Cloths, Cassimeres, . Snttinetts, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Cloths, Cassimeres, 'Sattinetts. ' Woolen Goods, Woolen Goods, Woolen Goods, Notions, Notions, Notions. GROCERIES! 11111111,01, ETC t.7"We call the attention' of our customers and the public to our stock of new goods, and at the same time return our thanks to all for their liberal patronage, and .we will endeavor by fair dealing with ell, to merit a continuance of tha same: A MBERSON,IIE.NI3I)IC dt CO. Novreovr 24, iso, NOVEMBER 24th, 18155. .T--30‘7 1 17 GROCERIER, . HARDWARE. QUEENSWA RS, NOTIONS. LADIES LADIES LADIES LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. MK AEI 141W* 0 MN SIM AR, COFFEE, SYBITPS, SUGAR. COFFEE,_ SYRUPS, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUPS; FISH, TOBACCO, • FISH, TOBA(100, 11S-R, TOBACCO. Q UEENSW AR E, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE. HARD WARE QUEENS WA RE, HARDWARE; NOTIONS, • NOTIONS, NO2 lONS. -„It It WIEDER and ECONOMY• to tante BEST EOMPANIEII t , and the re- . ; tone 110! than gib bldindiranti Co.nt NOLO iiiierica 1794. Incorporated 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY North America, T.Abstrait of the 142nd Semi-Annual State• nient, showing. the condition of the Company on the-2nd day of January, 1060,, shows the 'Total Meets to be $1,715,171 sai i- ri Years Successful Business Experience ! rirThe Prompt Payment of $17,50,000,00 Losses arA Reputation for Honorable Dealing Unsurpaso. • ed ! rirAnd Cash Assets exceeding X 1,700,000,00 ! Claim the References of the public for this, the Old 'eat Insurance 'Company in America. DIRECTORS : Arthur G. Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason,. Sufi W. Jones, 11. D. Wood, G. L.Harripon Jahn L. Brown, Wm. B. Bowen Chas. Taylor, Jas. N. Diclreon Ed .11 Trotter Ambrose W hire, B. M. Wale, B. S. Clarke Wm. Cummings, T. Charlton Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Prat. CHAS. PLATT, b'ec'ry. Nov. 24— , Gm] Jos. Donne., Ag't, Waynesboro'. SPECIAL NOTICE portant to Eveybody ! ATFISHEIV,IIERCIFANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER has just returned frOm the Eastern Cities with one of the largest and best selected stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTIN G 8 that has been brought to Hagerstown since the out. break of the late War. Also, OVER COATING of the best quality all of which will be made to us der in the most,Pashionable and. Substantial man. ncr Cheap for Cash, or sold by the yard to suit put. chasers. My motto is Quick Sales and Short Profits. Also, a good stock of CLOTHS FOR LADIES' CLOAKS, and in oonnection one of the largest stocks of Wool and Cotton UNDER SHIRTS and DRAW ERIS in the county; also, TIES and CRAVATS of the latest styles, fine SHIRTS, over shirts, wuol and cotton half ILTie - , - Euspendera, Silk, Linen and Cotton Pocket Handkerchiefs, Heavy Wool Jack ets and every thing else in the way of Fulnishing goods. Also a Stock of READY MADE CLOTH- All work guaranteed to lit and be. well made. I return my thanks to my Frit nds and the pub lic generally for their very liberal patronage extend ed to me, and hope by stoct attention to business to share a continuance of the same. • J. A. FISHER. 2 doors West of the Hagerstown Bank, Wash.. ington Btrcet. • • Oct, 27, 1865! SHE subscriber wishing to remove west will of• fer - at - Pohlie - Etate7M — SX - 7111a7XY, e ay of DECEMBER, 1865, the following describ ed Real Estate, situated 2} miles East of Waynes boro', on the road leading from the former place to Boar's Factory, to wit: A Tract of Land contain ing .133. AL CI .Mt. 3EI 181-, ,r less, in a high state of cultivation. The TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE with Basement in front and Cellar behind it—a never-failing well of water at the door—a good Bank Barn with Wagon shed and . Corn Crib al; under one roof, Frame Bog Pen, Frame Wash house and slaughter house together, which is over the race—a stone Smith Shop. and other necessary out-buildings; also a good Water Power with a Frame, Grist and Saw Mill, all in good order. No trouble witl ice in the win ter. There is also on said premises a large variety of choice fruit trees, such as apple, pear, peach, plum, three difrerent kinds of tame grapes. There is also a Tenant• House on the above tract, with good improvements and' a never•failing 'spring on the lot. Sa'e to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by Nov 24—te] P, 8. In case the above property is sold 2 tine M U 1. E t 3 will be offered for sale, suitable for any kind of work. J. 1.. M. EAGLE HOTEL. Central Square, Hagerstown, lyld I'IHE above well-known and .establishe d Hotel i t has been re-opened and entirely renovated, by tie undersigned, and now offers to the public every comfort and attraction found in the best hotels.— THE TABLE is bountifully supplied with every delicacy the market will afford, THE SALOON contains the choicest liquors, and is constantly and skilfully attended. THE STABLE is thoroughly repaired, and careful Ostlers always ready to•ac: , ,commodate customers. JOHN FISHER, Proprietor !turndown, Juno 2—tf. NEW MILLINERY GOODS ! MRS. (IL 11OLLIN1IERGER Announces to the Ladies of Waynesboro' and vicinity that she has just returned from Ph ila delphia and is now receiving a moat extensive and varied assortment of new Fall and Winter Millinery goods, to which she would invite their particular at tention. Ladies visiting her 100 M will find that she is prepared to please the taste of all who mils favor her with their patronage, both in sty la and quality or trimmings. October 20—tf. Administrator's Notice. OTICE is hereby given that letters of Admin istration upori the estate of Henry F. Stover_ late.of Waynesboro', deed, have' been granted to the subscriber residing in said Borough. All Per sons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are requested to milk° immediate payment; those having claims will present tin m properly authenti cated for la tt Lemont. 11. BTONEHOUSE, Ader. Nov. 17— tit. PINE APPLE CHEESE, Lemons, Figs and A lmnns: at ffO4Tl WICK, RKID & Co's AiII ETUALFF.: & 1/111:skiLIW go East every jjimonth, the yekr round, to purchase goods; they therefore have fresh stock and latost stylers au the time. [aug. 4. AT ER MELONS, Gimlet °pee, vrheleenle & 1' V retail at Tare GROCERY STO B .• eitta;St;—iore.sll int, just re L saved by HOSTETTSR. Roo & Co. Al PRIME article of Cheese at Pawl: & NIA. the plaiWPticontitoilicines - of - tho - dara KURTZ'ka., F OIL a cuku of fine Beap,yotfrouaht.loit:6l4 IATENT FLASKS—Jost th e thing for bottd ing wine and catsup, at rep 8] HOWITTTER, REID dro COB. SPERM OLL—A good article for solo by sop 8] BOSTIZTTSR, Ram & Co F you wont to remove, those pimples and blotch - es froin your face, go to KIM rws and get a bottle of Ayr'a Sarsaparilla. FINE -BUNCH RATAENS- - at HOSUTTNR, TZRID JOHN L. METCALF, G. V. Mose, Auct. ♦ND MINTERIMDS.II GEORGE STOVER, ETAS RETURNED FROM PDITADEL -PIIIA WITII A SUPPLY OF _ 0 . . j '-'• i.:::.'"?.., ~ '':r- '',' . .- . . . 7 NOTIONS, QUEENSWIIIIi AND. GROCERIES, Mir To which he invites the attention of of his patrons and the public generally. September 22, 1865 DR. J. A. ROPER, (SUIVESSOR TO F. POURTIMAN) DEALER. ]v Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fine hair and Toot t Urnsitch, PERFUMERY. Fancy end Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs; . Toys and Yankee Notions; • Glasa,•P,rtty, Kerosene Oil and Lamps. MA NUFAC7 URED Tobacco, Segara and Snuffs. Wines and Drandies for Die, ical purposes ; Foreign and Doinoqic Fruit. CONFECTION DIES, &c. All Abe Patent Medicines of the day, together with other Betides in my line to numereus-ta-men tion, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. I invite those wi-bing articles in my line to call as I f.:el assured I can make it to their in terest to purchase of me N. B. Phyeicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. The undersigned avails himsr!f of the opportu nity to tender his thanks to his farmer patrons of Waynesboro' and vicinity for their kind and con tinued support in his business, and would regard it as en additional favor to have them continue to pa tronize Its successor, Dr. John ‘‘... Royer, who is well worthy their confidence.. _ . Octolmr 130865 FARM FOR SAIE —250 acres of land situated in Antrim township, consisting of So acres of choice timber, and the remainder of excel lent meadow and ,bo:tom fund. Title good, and terms low. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. Oct 20-2al DB. H, X. BONEBRAKE I Formerly a student with Dr. James itrotherton, deceased, having practised Medicine at Leitersburg, Md, has returned to this place and respectfully of fers'his professional services to the people of Way nesboro' and _vicinity. Office next door to Kurtz's Drug Store. Nov. 3—tt. 6 4 ROC - Ei FORGE" FIVE WORM'S A Li, persons desirous of having Files recut IV would flo well by sending them to me at once nit I a m going to remove my works to York, Po., the coming spring. Address M. L, 13E11. Dox 14G, I,Vayneaboro', Frank, Co. Pa Oct. 27. 1.865, FIRST ARRIVAL ! Mlss M.,E!.sr3it nnneunces to the Taolice of ‘Vnyneaboro' , nd vicinity thnt ghe ha 4 just returned front the Eabtern t;ities whit u, fine isenrt• meat of_hew__ 111 14111.11.13iEltir - GOODS . such as Bonnet's - B .nnet Trirnings of every c . l, lion, Ladies and Misses Hats &c. invited to call and examine her new stock, sep TIACON , boki,tht th nil gold b' l inWrarTrn REID &Co. WII I‘ ,F:N ' ,int) Mint In SinnNU n la o &got, d o C 4 tiVIITO's fur it. P. FOURTHMAN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers