IMMMN!! MBE subscriber will offer at Public Sale on'SA URDAY, TRR 23DSEPTRMBRR, '65, his House atui - braiviklad,,sjitultittk on Main Street, Waytieetere,: , formerly:4)lMM by :Jacob , Wolf, dec'd. The improvements are, I Trio SNItY DOM 111, part Brick and part Frame, a good Wash house, smeke•house, new, with new Cistern and welt eCtikcellent. miter lil th,iyanl, ~- " T,l. t eroshre also oh' the' lot a `Fraine Stable' larga enciugh ''fbr thrre-horses, Carringe , house, large now Hug Pen. with Corn Crib attached and tame Chicken Coop, the whble in thorough repair.. Sale to commence at I o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by FRANCIS BOWDEN. ;• • . • • , At the:same time eh& plaie offered )I ACRES and ,---- perches of Land, adjoining the Borough and lands of Michael §toner's heirs, Jno. Philips and Jacob Adams. 'rho land is in a fine state of Cultivation, under good fencing, and easy of accost. F. B. se I—tv. 10 UNTAIN .ItiNP,..FOII. 814...,:, IM!Mi E tindereigned, agent find attorney for W. i. G. Lydoy, will offer for male in WtOneabOrn'i On the 9th'itii.'y' of ISeptembei-;48135v 12S ilicitE.S OF LAND, lying '6;4 being in Watihington loWnship, Franklin, Uounty , Situate on the South MeVantain, about five Wnymphorii, intersected by_n_p ; read called the ..Snider Road," and within three hundred, yards of the Mentzer Gap Road, bounded by lands of Bohn Clehr, .1. H. Hughes ana.others. This land contains an average growth of Pino, Oak and Chcatput timber, excellent fir fuel and building purposes., It will be sold in three lots to suit pur chasers. .I.uataius-31-aerea_sB.4: r net measure No. 2 " 46 " 63 " ' " " No. 3 " 69 " 49 " :1 itar Title guaranteed. B{de to commence at 1 o'clock on said day 'when the terms will be Made _know_n_by • JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Agent Sid Attorney for W. G. Lydey. • sep t—lt , ,:, . GV. Memo. Auct . T 3:11 N' ,I c „IV . ALL soldiers of the war of 1861, who have been discharged Nyanja two years for disability or other cause without receiving bounty, by fil ing i heir_ claims-with-the-undersigned; will secure lull bounty. Land Warrants will likewise he guar anteed to all soldiers of this war. • Rep I—at - JOSEPH DOUGLAS. JOSEPH D _OILTG _ _ L AS, ___ ATTORNEY AT LAW, :DIEING licensed ii • s CLAIM, REAL. ESTATE Jjand LAND Viv ARRANT ,BROKER, will at • -'-tend- to SR:ideation% tor Pensions, Bounty and Back Pay, and all claims against the State - or National - Government. As Rea/ Estate Agent will lease, sell, or purchase lands in Franklin County, or ex- Change therefor Western Lands—also will buy and 410 .1 sell LAND WARRANTS. ' CONTRYAN4IN - eels, W ills, Agreements. Leases, & c., execut a here tofore at moderate prices. • s l---.6 in ' • CARRIAtiE•MAKING BUSINESS 1 _, TILE NEW FIRM. c - A NE subscribers would inform the public that 141 they have opened out a new shop on Main Street, east end of Waynesboro', where they arc now prepared to put up all inds of 313 tir . ar 311 IS and do all kinds of repair work at short notice.— Persons wanting anything in their line will do well to give them a call. ISRAEL HESS, NATHANIEL. CROUSE. sep I—if - .'-BL R. Eit. 3111 . m HE subscriber announces to the public that he JL puiposes giving his attention in the future ex clusively to the treatment of diseases fn horses and and cattle. From a long experience in the treat 'tient .of Lung Fever, Thislow, .Kingbone, Spavin,. Pole Evil, and other diseases common among hors es, he flatters himself that he can give general sat i3faction. Medicines, such es pits, powders ' lini ments, blistering ointment, etc., can be had of hint. All calls promptly attended to and charges moderate sep A fIhAHA SHORr. MkTCOXUCC:J7E. THE Notes given at the sale of Daniel New . comer Jr. are now due. Persons are r. quested to call on the subscriber and make payment. Cur iy rent Pennsylvania or Government tunds • will. be re uircd. • JOHN WALTER. PRIVATE SALE. MITE subscriber offers at private tale FORTY ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the Monterey property on the Bouttt Mountain, 15' to 20 acres of which are cleared, the balance well set with timber. The imprevementsoare, a two•story LOG HOUCIE, Log Stable, spring House, dm. There is a spring of excellent water at the door and a young Orchard of choice fruit on the premises. sep 1-3tl FREDERICK FITZ. Mechanic Wanted ! Agood Wagon-maker will hear of a good situ ation to carry on business in the vicinity of aynesboro' by applying at THIS OFFICE. sep I—tf. Chains Chains. T HE subscriber intends carrying on the Chitin business in connection with Blackamithing.— He will be ready at any time to fill orders at short notice. Either single or double Fifth Chains, Spreaders, Jockey Traces, Butt or Carrier Chaim; made by an experienced workman and of the beat material. Persons wanting anything in this line can apply at the Hardware Store of Geiser dr. Rinehart, Waynesboro'. " • • LAWSON SCHILDKNECHT July 21—tf. Mentzer's Horse & Cattle Powder. Ar M. STONER having purchased of Mr, 111 Mertzer, the recipe for making the shave far-famed Horse and Cattle Powder, for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on hand and intends keeping a good supply always on hand. •Country merchant. ,and others keeping such articles for sale. would do well to aupply themselves with a 'quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cub cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to January 31. STRAWBERRIES I ; I TIEWBONS wirhing to enjoy an excellent dish 1..0f Strawberries next season should not fail to purohase plants of the Brooklyn Scarlet and Col. Eliworth varieties• Only a limitsd number of plants will he sold. Apply soon. Price, $1 per down. D. D. FABENEY. Neer 'Waynesboro', Pa. Avg 25j LASTINOTI A LL persons indebted to Jacob Knout are hero .ja_by•notified that suit will •be broucht ~ egainat them attleas their accounts are settled up before the fuat e dny•of-tkpteraber no: Rug 11) rm:At:Fp & IirtBOLLE W • AVE JUsr opernitnnother. large lot of Dry Goads and °norm • avg. 4.' _ 111.113 LE Button. and Mope, with , a oflondia vo _Unity, of !piney . Bintoini for Ladies' Coate and Jacketcat ~ • (lona 2) ~P=oll & ilannaaa's yetit bottle 4figtract. oNighl Blooming Co 2111,"aztiaci altyaiiinh,leansoV 4 Whits Pond illy-f-t go to • •-, • . - -, • --71KURTZ13., . ikrzfrom, glr. RITES Etilid;oveeiotie Sheet, lietiiiethreitsklail sad WMhington N,aure, 88utbiid6:•it'", #EW ISKIRT FO 1S - Thefeta itiVimition et end In HOOP-14IC.IRTS. 3. W. BRADLEY'S Now Patent DUPLEX EL LlPTlO•(priouble) - BPRING,SKIRT. • THIS` INVENTIoN CattiiittSofDtterarit'-(inivro) Ebrarricr Pima Rewrap &reit; Seamus, ingeniously samujob epaititg end yunitaf 4 ogether, stißg to soak, making:the itouilitiet; iimit et..atitee;ibid riuttAnOt Seattlu,: ever' 'C. They .ifildotja traaa4likii Oie * ,.44 l ill o '; , S prings, and: eoniequehtly preseOetherrptif,ecatail beattitul ettitipe snere . iets twice ea Icing 'al 'any Single Spring 'Skirt that Ever Has or Can he made. THE wonderful flexib „ ility tied great comfort and pleasure to any Lady weaning the, Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced. particularly orinvited Assenibliiis, 0 p enui Ctirriagesißdiltoad<ani,Chuseh Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the skirt can be folded when' muse to Occupy a Small ptect as easily and conveniently ae a Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having Enjoyed the Pleasure, Comfort and Great Convenience of wearing the Duplex El- . liptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will Neve; ofterwords , willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are supe rior to all. others. . THE HOOPS are coveredwith 2 ply iloable,twist ed thread and will wear twice as long as the Single yarn covering which is used on alt Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The'ilirce bottom rode on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the covering from wearing off the rods when dragging downstairs, stone steps, &c. , &c, which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and .elegant Corded :pea r and-are-the-best-quality-M-every-part,-givin. to the Wearer the moat graceful and • perfect Shape possible, aniline unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made - . WES'I'S' BRADLEY dr CARY; PROPRIE TORS of the Invention. and SOLE MANUFAC TURERS, 97'ClIA MBERS, and 79.& 81 READE STRE Ell), New York. • • I Ein all flist•iibies St; • • • anti throughout the United States and Canada, Ha vana, de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. EP Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring , IS. & C. August 25—mm THE MOUNTAIN WELL OIL COMPANY, The Company is regularly organized under the Alining Laws of Pennsylvania, and Letters Patent issued. OFFICE N 0.407 WALNUT STREET PIMA JOUN RICKETTS, Pres% Plamer, Pa. J. F. Wynkelp, Plummer, Pa. Geo. C. Ricketts, 44 Dan'l Leach, Treas.," 0. E. Shannon, Bedord, Pa. • . . , . ' eiphiat-P —W. W. Walk-r, Waynesboro', Pa. 1. L. Register, see' y. . Kirkpatrick, Buperintenet The properties of the Company are ell in fee sim pie, viz: let, The undivided one.third of three and one-half acres on Cherry Run, containing five producing wells, prominent among _which are the Mountain Well, Sweeney Well and Creswell Well, and known to all dealers in petroleum, lying on each side of and adjoining to the property of the celebrated Reed Ye ell. There are live more wells going down—two ready for tubing, with favorablc prospects. There ig an abundance of room for a number of additional wells upon the property, all of which *released, and i,reparationa for boring in pro gress. The Co. own the I.sixth of all the oil of the producing' wells and those to be bored, and is now receiving dividends that pay on the capital stock from the time it is taken. The product of these wells being now about 180 barrels, the royal:4 to the Company is some 34) bands per day. 2d, One acre of ground in Plumer, Venango county, Pa.. upon which is a refinery, with all the necessary fixtures, known as the "Wynkoop.Refin ery." 3d, The one undivided half of one hundred and five acres on Muskrat Run, one mile in a straight Hie from the United States Well on'Fithole, known as the "'Reeser Farm." Wells are to be bored on this property without delay by parties leasing from the Company; 4th, The undivided three-eighths of niniey acres on Pithole, known as the "Geary Farm." Pasties are about leasing wells on, this property. As the wells of this Company are now yielding a large amount of , oil, withi,very favorable prospects of nn inhrense in a short time, this prospectus is herewith lerbmitted to the public without further comment. 11;7 - Agents for the sale of Stock, D B. Russm, Esq., W. H. BROTIIERTON s W. W. 15/ 0. W. WAL KER. THE undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on A, SATURDAY THE 16TH OF SEPTEIVI - 1865, the Farm formerly occttpleti by John Omwake, now deceased, situated in Washington township, on the Marsh Run, 3 miles West of Way nesboro', cont atning and 69 Perches, neat measure. The improvements consist of s LOG HOUSE n excellent repair, a STONE - WASH HOUSE, A .LARGE 82 ONE BANK BARN, with other necessary buildings, such as Smokehouse, Oven-house, Work Shop, Hog Pen. Wagon Shed, &c. There is on the premises a well of excellent water with good pump in it, also. a large ORCHARD of choice fruit in good bearing condition. About 15 acres of said tract is well tim bered. The remainder is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, all under good fence. One third of the purchase money will remain in the property during the lifetime of the widow, the in terest thereof to be paid to her semi-annually, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when. the terms will be fully made known by SAMUEL, OM WAKE, HENRY OM WAKE, • Agents for the Heirs. ang 18—ta] G. V. Moen: Amt.. ,IrHE co.partnership in the Barbering bisiness between °flora vas & BEIOITAL having been issolved, the undersigned informs his customers and the public that he will continue the business. He has secured the services of 113138 Par= as an as• sistant, and is prepared to accommodate all who may be pleased to favor him with *their patronage. C. C. RHOVULL. July 28—tf. . ' . . J. HERVEY AITORNEk AT, LAW.' no. 11 Law BUrLD/Wat IT. PAUL • ,'• , Baltimore llefersio editor of 'this paper. (Mr. E. Is author ized ,to transact' any business connected with dap '.Record" in Baltimore.--Ed. Reermil INE PPLECiitESE:Iien - Tions7, - 1171 Ana Almonds, it HOSTZTIMI Ralto,aC' CO's JACOB KNOTT?. WNTEXt 14ELOVS, Cantslopes, wholesale do retail at , Tss GROO' STORZ. • UREICAoodp Fit. Biers — Latest thing of things, at the " ' GROCialt Sinn. ' PNII26II. 61-11 ' 1111 ' NoirtbrAOgiOArc'ret.,:.,:- Capital Stook 56.20,000 ayes Oise Dollar each. Stock not sub ject to assessment. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS August 18 —tf. PUBLIC SALE. SIXTY-NINE ACRES BARBERING 1 BARBERING N ,;,.., , , , ,..;.."....,„,c , ,t ..,5.• ~..,;;.,,,..,. ,•..,..,, ,•.; • ,!. ~..,, ...„ .. it 110STIViiEU,,REID & c 0": 'tespect.fallif `.:the 'citizeni of Wayatiabcira' lad viclnity that' hargrie.' delved a netts and istaiirivo'idack of, . :• • HEMS, • Embracing in part-- : SYRUPS. • • ' CHEESE, ' - • ' SVGA RS, ' 'COFFEE, MOLASSES,. • 'CHOCOLATE. HAMS, DRIED BEEF. TEAS.—Hyson. imperial and Oolong, of the finest flavor. SPICES, ground and unground, anti BAKING articles, vvelrantail kali and pure,and of the best quality QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, a very heavy stock, to which epeeist attention is in vited. Fine ware in setts or by the single piece, of the latest styles; Cut Glass Goblets, Tumblets, KEROSENE LAMPS of every pattern, n large 'assortment. Shades, (new style) wicks, chimneys; spring hinge burnin4 al ways on) hand. Also No. 1 herosene Oik NOTIONS, THIRTIES, O. A thousand and one fancy, useful and necessary ar ticles, used in every family and by everybody. ENO, EN AID PIPES, Willett's Cong, Navy, Nat. Leaf, Mich Fine Cut, and all the best chewing and annking tobaccos-- ; Havana cigars, goad common do. Sanitary :tnd :iconic Pi es latest thin out. • SALT AND FISH. O. A. Salt, Liverpool, large size sacks. Pickled Shad, Mackerel, No. 1 and 3, bbl., half bbl., totemic bbl , :law. . hunruT EAL Being in connection with Hostetter & Co., of Greencastle, which.firm have a Market Car on the R. R, we ore enabled to supply our customers with the choicest luxuries of the bastern markets in their proper newton. ice" By strict attention to business, furnishing the best artictes In the market, and doing all in our power to accornmedare customers, we hope to re ceive a share of public patronage. No trouble to show goods rirTerms. Peanut* CABO. We buy out goods for cosh and must sell them in the same way.-- Country dealers supplied at wholesale prices. ' HOSTETTER, RELD 45r.:. CU_ Waynesboro', Aug. 25, '65. PRIVATE SALE. rr HE subscriber offers at Private Sale a Tract of 1 Land. situated about 3 miles from Waynesbo ro, near the turnpike leading to Emmittsburg, ad joining lands of Abrm. Shockey, John Steffey, and others, containing .196. Ci St , more or leas, between lour and five acres of 'which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation. no improvements are a . STORY AND A HALF LOG HOUSE,. with good cellar under it. Frame Stable, Frame' Hog Pen, 'anti other out.buildings., There is an ex cellent well of never.lailing water near tho door and vatiety of choice young fruit trees on the premi ses. About 3 acres of this land would• make a. fine meadow. tar For further particulars apply to the subscriber. JOHN ISINGER. Aug.ll—tt. • NW - AIL WV 111: INag • CHOPPING MILLS THE subscriber would inform the public that he has purchased of V.B. Gilbert, the well•ltnown sawing and Chopping• Mills, situated about one quarter of a mile from Beer's Factory, and is now propared to saw Lurnbe to ord er , by mill or circu lar saw, and is also preps dto chop corn,oata, &c. at short notice. Ho has won hand a supply of ene•inch Fine Boards, Biting "rig and Ceiling Laths, the latter 2, 314 and 4 feet g, a large.lot Oak Failings, Broom Handles, Ric Rungs, and other Lumber, all of which will' be d on reasonable terms. . JO HN• L .METCALF. • Aug 4. „ • EAGLE HOTEL.' Central Square, Hagerstown,, Md , „HE above ivell•known and established Hots has been re-opened'and entirely renovated, byg undereigned, and now teas to the public every 7e , comfort. and attractionfound in the best boils.— THE TABLE is bountifully sugplied with, every :delicacy the market will afford. THE SALOON contains the choiciest liquors, Mid is constantly and 'skilfully attended. - THE STABLE is.thoroughly repairedi, and CarPfill Ostlers always :ready to ac commodate, mummers. .________,_-JOHN_FISdiER, Proprietor., • Jlagerstown, June 2-4 f. ' mt. Musts, tr. i." tr. =Tina, xi D. DRS. FRANI 2. & SNIVELY having itoicia• ted themselves in the practice of Methane and burger) , would state that they are well prepared io hest allmedical sad' surgical' casein. , Versons in. debted to either of the aborswill please mcittrearly iettleinent to the time , of their emocistion r es they wish to close their old &mks. , • . . Office in Dr. Fnintes residencein'the . ioam; iota minly .occupird as atom room to Ms. J; Diinver; :, • April 14—if NEW .GOODS,I GEISER ilk. lIIPIERART4. Succerserg to -H. Stonehouse in the Hardware and • • '' * - 'c'tttfery Business. - .. .; .. ' ' '''', c .;' , 4-.-- , -;---- . - . • 'TllE•rubscribers having purchased of 11. atone hotietihks-IlerdwartilEitore.. they •wOuld inform t e did au'stettien .of the establishment, and others, that in adilltion , td eke; large 'stock on hand, they are ,l'uo recelblag *largo and Well selected• Attack, con alining it• part of • ": .. 'f , • . ~,;•..., , IRON AND STEEL, dUUE rusimus, SADDLERY AND CARRIAGE IVARE, CEDAR WARE,: OIL CLOTHS. ._HOLLOW WARE , - PAINT'S, (*Ass AND VARNISHES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Wji invite the attention of the Fernier* to the. RUNDELL'S PREMIUM tAII PORK, for the sale of which we are the sole" agents. Scythes, Rakes; Farb. Shovels, Grain Cradles, &0., &e. All our goods were selected with great care and weinvite an examination of them. • May-28-,-14186,--44E4SER-• ' • "It is WISDOM and 'ECONOMY to Insure in the BEST COMPANION, and there is none better than the Old Insurance Co. of North America." 1794. Incorporated 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY North America, PHILADELPHIA, THE Abstract of the 142nd Semi-Annual State, ment, showing-the - condition ofihe Company on the 2nd day of January, 1865, shows the Total Assets to be $1,715,171 71. UP7I Years Successful Business Experience r rirrhe Prompt Payment of $17,500,000,00 Losses Or A Reputation for Honorable Dealing Unsurpass ed! rirAnd Cash Assets exceeding $1,700,000,00 ! Claim the References of the public for this, the Old est Insurance Company in America. DIRECTORS : . Arthur Q. Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason, Sam'l W. Jones, It. D. Wood, O. L.Hurrison Jahn L. Brown, Win.E. Bowen F. R. Cope. Chas. Taylor, _ _ _Jas. N. Dickson Ed. Trotter S Ambrose W bite, .M. Wain. Bd. S. Clarke Wm. Cummings, T. Charlton Henry. ARTHUR 0. COFFIN, Pres' t. CHAS. PLATT, nec'ry. May 12— Bra] JOB. Donau., Pt [ft, Waynesboro'. __JUNE 9TH, JAM HOT, HOT, HOT WEATHER! PREPARE FOR IT I Metcalfe & Hiteshew, Second Street, West Side, Above the Jail, CHA MBERSBURG, TT.% ve just returneu from he Eastern chins with Jan full line of goods of every description (lollies, • Sun Shades, silk &gingham. Lawns, Fans,.(many kinds, Lill and wh't tamer- Wrappings, every description, tine, Bugle Trimming. Buttons, Fancy Chintz, ticrd,all colors, French and Swiss Gingham. • 4 11CALltilL.11E• 1 1111ETN#0 . American Hemp, Lint and Imported. WILII.III, We have ()loth, Uassimere, Linens, Cottonades, end in short a full line of goods of all kinds. We will just here say parties wanting anything in our line will do well to call upon us as we have the largest stock in the county and sell at short profits. METCALFE & HITESIIE W. • Juno 9, 1866. Ni 13. We sell Wholesale and Retail. ROCK EORGE FILE WORKS, (ADJOINING DAYHOPP'S MACHINE SHOP.) M. L. BELL, FILE MANUFACTURER. Vi ILES and Rupp of all descriptions, wholesale .L 1 and retail. Files cut expressly for wood, iron. brass or steel. Old Files re-cut and warranted e qual to new. Vice jaws cut and repaired All or dot by mail promptly attended to. Adress Box 146, Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Pa. •July 14-Iy. NIA LIVIiIIY STARR! subscriber would inforni the 'public that he - -iT has opened a LIVERY STABLE in Araynesbciro', and is now prepared : to f urnish good Riding or Driving H or-' see, which. he can recommend as perfectly safe for family ariving. His VELIWLES are all new and in p ood condition. Verson. wanting horses or vehicles will apply at the saddler shop of W. P. Weagley. FRANKLIN WEAGLEY, Ally 14—if. Viltkr4ll:llibt:lo PP ant tVi AT PRIVATE SALE! TIME 'subscriber offer! at Private Sale his Farm,' altuated about one mile fiorn Waynesboro', a lunv tho Turnpike leading to Greencastle, contain ing FIFTY AORE,S7'.I more or Less, first quality LimestOne Land. The improvemenis are a .. . nIIIEI.IIIIIEI- ill - ...... .. AND STONE BARN with two Thr.• h. ing,rloors—Stone Spring LIOURO. and excetbnt Spilrig,,with all necessary outbuildings. Them is also on the premises a good APPLE ORCHARD. 'rhe. West or Little Antietam crosses the tur ike within•about one hundred • yards of the barn ' ard. The property is pleasantly situated and altoge er a Desirable one. For further particulars apply. the undersigned. in Waynesboro'. . f i • Aust • . . . , HENRY- SMItH. gu 1.---tf. I LAST NOTICE! ALlpersons who have not paid:theirla due on the books of Joseph Funk, dec'd, ill be surd unlesia.the same is paid in ten days - the_ date of-this notice to mu or my ittttney. i r ' '• . DAVID H. FUN, sag II) . Administrator of Jor..Fanlyec'd.' BUENA - VISTA SPRI G'S. I'HE undersigned inform the pntlic the this de ligbtful Watering 'placeis now open to the re ceptionof boarders and Visitors. The lii Minim is eonveniinf and in'ttood`chnilition. Ds y Wen tion.will be paid to the'eatislOit'and Con lanes cs. guests. ." • -. • ... • - /••• Al C. P K. '' JAS. II . fn. . L_la' I ~ ~S ~7' Eaol GOODS, 1111111E.AIL117: 1.1).- 1865. THIRD SUPPLY ! AMMON, BENEDICT & CO., ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR THIRD SUPPLY, THIRD SUPPLY, THIRD SUPPLY, -71 t6il -111 01b. NE 01111 SP. SPRING DRY c;OOD4 SPRING DRY GOODS SPRING DRY Gr)olss :11[..21 .11DIEli LADIES • LADIES LADIES - • DRESS GOODS , DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES MAE MI _NW' . SMIN SPERM gIJI! MEN'S SPRING GOODS. MEN'S SPRING GOODS. MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, CHEAP. CHEAP, CHEAP. CHEAP. CLOTHS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SATINET TS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SATINET'S, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, COTTONADES, COTTONA DES. • , ~ • CCiTTONA DER. 1 J NOTIONS.• NOTIONs, NOTIONS:- GROCERIES! Groceries, Hardware, Groceries, Hardware, Groceries, .* hardware. DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. again 110 10110 E. Queensicare; Qucensicare, Queensicare, 11;15"We would call the attention 'oar eustoiaL era and the . public to our new 'of.gooda, and at the Mime time return, - our thinks to customers and:Miters for their,libasid pattattetter end will et OtiterbY fair detilidg wffl nfl, to • petit r contistu•-, anfey4 the me*, • • 1. AMBERADN,;BENEDICT do eq., • - milith:t4, nob. • - . - J r ARGE antt ral aWShalionr if . , . I_4 Jun. 2, - Plan ii , ffmcnicit a. .7 , . : . - • Riy , A „ ALI, ilitilooollllC 3 KURTZ WlSHElrtelnibins thecgood citizens of Way neiboro' kid iieirrirjr; that he hoe just reeeiv.. ea &mill& East a large and - full - assortment of ,fresh Drugs ' ,Medicines ' Oils. Pnintaa Dye Sires, WindOWE/leis, Phtty,Brushes. 4Ste: dre ! , which ho is prepired't tell as cheap as they can , be had at any other house in the Own; arid which. in regard to gUality, cannotini•excelled. He h.s alio un hand a large assortmedt of - • TOILET ARTICLES comprising innert;the following articles, viz : Toilet Naterp,all kinds, ' Eau de Cologne, endless in va . riet.q., • Extracts for the handkerchief, -Fine English Pomades, nandolines, Herten . Oil, Fine and Fancy Soaps, • ' , Tooth brushes, • Nail - . Muir eninhs, &c. &c. For Culinary purpeaes ha hag Omit Starch. Pearl Barley, Nail r3ago, Plavoring Extracts, vii Lemon, Vanilla, Strawbery, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange, Banana, Velery, Pear, Peach, Nut. tong, Sac. Fresh Spices ' Black Pepper anti all oth er articles in that line. Ho has also something to please the CHILDIt EN tnn atnele of Tolle of all a large w China ware, X 2 a,tefit He ha Drake's Plantation Bitters, lloffland's German dm_ ------ Sand's Sarsaparilla, - do. Iliteshew's Cough Syrup, Diarrhoea Cordial, . Prey's 'Venni( uge, • Vermi nips, doz, inds. t's •Judron's, ,Spaulding's, Ayer's, Brandreth'S, Morse's, McLano'F, liver; %Ira Wiuslow's Soothing Syrol.- Dr. Parisha's do. Keroseoe Oil, Lamps and ()him, neys always - on hami. Thankful for kind tavern already bestowed upon hith, he solicits h continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please he may win the confidehce of the people. As much care taken in waiting up on adults us children. Phricians' Prescriptions promptly-and-ca - rafullY compounded at all hours. 4 . J. F. KURTZ. MIMISSIZEL, TIC-WIRE, SHEET-EOl WARE, ER MIRE subscriber would inform his customers and I public generally, that having, with other busi ness men of Waynesboro!, adopted the " Citsa.finEi ekleS ur iC / M.Wip" he is now prepared to sell at shorter profits than formerly. Persons in want of any article ,in his line are respectfully invited io give him a call.— His stock of HOUSEKEEPING Gt)ODS and KITCHEN WAKE are complete, and will he sold at such prices (the times considered) as cannot rail to give satisfaction. All kinds of Iffia 7E I 11Cli 1117 - embracing the latest and most approved patterns, for eilhet wool or °mil, constantly on hand. rarSpecial attention is given to putting up Spout• ing, made of the best tin, for houses and barns. Remember the sign of the 1 .'ilfoillpo HORN" August 26. 1864. HOUSEKEEPERS, TAKE NOTICE I I\TOW IS youn TIME TO BUY CHEAP 11 FURNITURE, as I have, opened in the Junior Engine House, on North Potomac Street, aria of tile LARGEST AND BEST AsSORTMENTA OF FURNITURE TO HE POUND IN WEST ERN MAR,YEAND. . The attention of purchasers who desire , as well as beauty of finish, ia invited to my largo stock, consirtitig in part of • . Sofas, To te-a-Tetes and Bureaus, Mahogany Bedsteads and Chairs, Marble Top Pies, Centre and Card Tables, Mahogany and Marble Top Wash Stands, LOUNGES of various styles and paterns ' EX TENSION TABES,SPRING BEGS A NUM AT TRASSES, common Bedsteads and CHAIRS of every description; in short, I will guarantee my stock of Furniture to oe the largest general assort ment, to be bold cheap, that can Lbo bought any where. • Let me now call your attention to my splentli3 cheap ono fresh stook Of GROCERIES, . . at my stand right opposite the Market. House. I have always in store and for sale, The Cheapest Sugars, Coffees, Teas ana Pro , visions to be had anywhere. I ate determined to please one and all, and to sell cheap. Remember, if you Want Furniture or Gro ceries, to give me a call. as you shall not regret it. Dont forget the places—in Junior Hall and oppo site the Market Houro. S. MARTIN BLOOM. Hagerstown, July 28-3 m. SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONABLE CLOTHING Empomum:' JAMES A. rzsazn. MY stock embraces all the best styles of Plain and Fancy CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy .C215a6234251:Wiiac2612 4, 35a23 a Plain and Fancy VESTINGS, all of which will be made to order in the most fashionable and work mtudike manner, or mold in.Pa ttirna to suit custo . - mars. Also a full stock of ',READY-118.DR CLOTHING SfirCIErEAP FOR CASH.-$22 Also, one of the beat selected stocks of GENT'S FIJRNISHINGGnODS in the tiAti : , rfule Shirts, Hoisely, Gloves and Ties in endless variety. Also, _Military_cloths_and Cassimeres whichLwill , be Made to order at the shortest notice. ' ' J. A. FISHER, opposite Washington Rouse. Hauerstown;.:.*d".. e . Ap,2S, 1886. !QUID Rennet. Corn Stercb, Rica Flour, T. Lamont, Saga, Pearl Batley and Cooner's Gebi tine at -• KU S;' RES "HOOF SKIRTS" and the largest _assortment in:the Stets. at -a ' .••• • airg*4.] • •Atircetrs St.Hrriosnstetr. , - Notions, Notions, Notions. IiXTHERE yottiet too worth of your monlyott y - 7 • Aar-etas :St•Hzusativert: D. D.-RU SELL. SUPERIOR INOBKMANSIIIP GOOOS, AT THE
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