TI ;JEUgenle,..l.ll _ L itillr 11ap AS driv i ng a li ght pony eattiage obis luintaer; • with ponies dyed, to match her toilette, and every day a ohloge. Mrs. Henry . Itetricb, residing.near York, Pa., was gored to death recently by an infu riated ox. It is estimated that there are now at least eighty million copies of the Bible in existence and yet how ignorant many people are of it contents- The Commissioners of Washington coun ty, Md., have Ei übseribed '5150,000 to the capital stock of ,the'. Washington County Railroad. A Woman living in South Boston whose husband is in the army, gave birth the other day to four girls weighing •five pounds a piece. _ - 1 - ohn C. Irikinridge will be in. anus a the last of this month. Poor fellow! whets kettle of fish he has kicked into the fire!— It is said that vim of the dresses at the Saratoga ball cost $25,000. John M. Botts is at Saratoga. He eon. fines the report that he has written a histo• ry of the rebellion. There are estimated to be 100,000 Ameri in Europe. The California mines have yielded NO,- 00,000 in gold. e s orm m 'mamma hundred farms. 12P'SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES FOR 1865. Are hcivir featly at Updegrafre lint Store a great variety of HATS and CAPS for Men, Boys and Children's wear. Silk. Hats, Cassimere Hats, Cloth Hata on F o ur Bodies, Plain Cloth Hats, Fur Hats, Wool Hats, in Black, White, Grey, Brown and mixed colors, Guyaquille, Panama, Leghorn / Can ton, Braid, &law and Pam Leaf Hare, &e.. Ste from 15 cents up. "Cheaper than the cheapest._ . Better than the Best." Wholesale rind Retail at UPDEGRAFF'S Hat Makers, Opposite Washington House. Ap 21 1865. Hagerstown, -Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold ! • • Bright, yelloiv, hard and cold,. For leas than Fifty it is sold, . To get the 'Dill ' you are told To call at UPDHGRAFF'S Practical Hat Ma kers, when you can he supplied with all •the New Spring Styles of HATS and CAPS for 1865, at prices that clearly establish the fact that the precious metal has declined. Ap 21,1865. TX33111 .A,l.."Lai'r.A.Xt.. 'On 'the Ist inst., by Rev, Jacob F. Oiler, .hiswesidence, Mr. SAMUEL BAKER, Wastiegton township, to Miss MAGGIE AVA, ofleitersbarg, Md. On the 'lath inst., by Rev. W. E, Krebs, Mr. DAVID &ONES to Miss MARY JANE KNEPPER, both, of this vicinity. . 0 , 41 4E40 kvAN =PI • In Funkstown, ABRAHAIVI DECATUR OGLE, aged 8 years 1 month and 2 days. On the 2d inst., A. E. ROO FM‘AN, aged 10 years, 5 months and 19 days. On the sth inst., ANN V. infant daugh ter of John and ary Shank, aged 1 year .5 months and 21 days. , On the' 7th inst., MARY ALLICE, infant .daughter of David 'and Baker, aged 1 month:and 18 d a ys. On the .sth inst., near Middleburg, AN NIE, infant daughter of Rev. Isaac and Su- . ale Shank, aged; S moonths. We deeply sympathise with the afflicted parents of the deceased. Death has already claimed seven of these little ones for his own, .and;hut one remains to cheer the hearts of the mourning parents. Sad indeed, seven little graves side by side. Side by aide in heaven's bright regions, Seven sweet angels sing and soar, Welcomed by the 'hosts of heaven, There to dwell for evermore. Did you know how blest and happy Angels were, ye would not mourn Then to join that band in heaven Where your beloved babes have gone. "M.A.L. Near Ringgold on the 2d of August, SARAFI ELIZABETH, daughter of Jo seph and Elizabeth Hoffman, aged 10 years .5 month and 19 days, Farewell, farewell my parents dear, I nth not dead but sleepi ig here, Prepare for death for die you must, ' And with your daughter sleep in dust. Dear as thou went and justly dear, We will not weep for thee, One thought shall check the starting tear, It is, thou art from sorrow free. A. B. M. . . At New Guilford, on the 2d of August, CLARA ELLEN WOLFKILL, aged 5 years, I mouth and 20 days. • Dearest Clara then bast left us. Here thy lees we deeply feel. ' Buetin God that hath bereft us ' • He can all our sorrows heal. Farewell Olarn take thy rest, Peaceful in the grave so low, Thou no more will join our numbers • Thou no more our songs shall know. , 7,4 Er=-•1 1 rib tr-* PRILADELPKIA CATTLE MARKET, August 14.—About 1,450 Reef Cattle were receiv ed and sold at the Avenue "Yard this week; an increase of 100 head over last Monday.— The market was brisk, and priors fully sus tained and firm, ranging at 12®18e for com mon and fair, 14®15e for good, and 16®- 160 V lb for prime, including a few extra quality taken at the latter rate. Cows.—About 100 head were offered and sold at $25 to $55 each for springers, and $35 to $75 for cow and calf, as to quality. ' Hoes.—About 1,800 bead arrived, most. ly at Glass' Union Yard. and all sold at 515- ®16.50, the 100 lbs net, as to condition, ' prices showing no change. Bau were rather better, and the offer ings comparatively light, reaching 6,000 head, all'of which were taken at 6®76 V lb gross. Lambs sold at s4®6 154 head, as to quality. PLIILAIiELPHIA, August 15.—The only sales we bear of are 800 bbls old Western extra family at $8.50;100 bbls high grade extra fresh-ground at 89;. 400 bbls fresh ground family at $9.50®10, and 850 bbls Blue Ridge Ato, on fauns kept private. The trade, are 'buying moderately within , the range —of-80.50®7 , 50 for superfine; 187.75@8.75 for extras, and from.sB.so 0411.50 bbl for extra family and faney lota, according' to brand and Irddhness. Ryo Flour arid Alpra • Meal are but litHe inquired-for, and dull at previCusquatations. 'GRAM---Sales reach 8,000 bus f red at $2®210 for common , to prime' new Dela. ware, and 2.12®2.15 for old Western. Choice lots are scarce and - held higher,i. out sales to any extent: .Aborttl,VO nab. white sold, part it 2 25. for Michigan, and part on terms kept priyate. Rye is scarce, and sales of 500 bus are reported at $1.15. Corn is quiet, with sales of 600_ hue .yellow at 08e, and small late from store at 1 more, Oats are inactive, and the sales of new moderate at 52@53c, oa the bars and in store. Barley and Barley Malt remains quiet, THE MOUNTAIN WELL OILCOMPANY, Capital Stook $620;000. 14wifs — OFIT - Eralar eac . toe ject to assessment. The Company is regularly organized Trader the Mining taws of Pennsylv . ania, and Letters Patent issued. OFFICE N OAS WALNUT BTRE E r PHILA. OFFICERS. AND DIREDECRS JOHN RICKETTS, Pies% Plainer, Pa. J. F. Wynko Plummir, Pa. Geo. C. Ricketts, d 4 Dan'l Leach, Treas., 0. E. Shannon, Bedford, Pa. H. T. nu 1111 l Philudelphin. a - a. W. W. Walker, Waynesboro', Pa. L.Register,See'ry. A. Kirkpatrick, Superint end% waste two The properties of the Company are all in fee sim ple, viz: last, The undivided errs-third of three and one-half acres on Cherry Run, containing five producing welts, prominent among which are the Mountain Well, Sweeney Well and Creswejl Well, and known to all dealers in petroleum, lying on each side of and adjoining to the property of the celebrated Reed W ell. There are five MOM wells going down—two ready for tubing, with favorable prospects. There is an abuntlamie of room for a number of additional wells upon the property, all of which are leased, and peparations for boring in pro gress. The Co. own the lesixth of'all the oil of the producing wells and those to be bored, and is now rcceivin4 dividends that pay on the capital stock -from the time it is taken. The product of these wells being now about IBu barrels, the royalty to the Company is some 20 banels per day. 2d, One acre of ground in Plumer, Venango county, Pa., upon which is a refinery, with all the necessary fixtures, known as the "Wynkoop Refin . • ery." 3d, The one undivided ball of one hundred and five acres on Muskrat Run, one mile in a straight line from the United States Well on Pithole,known as the "Reeser Farm." Wells are to be bored on this property without delay by parties leasing from the Company; 4th, 'l'he undivided three-eighths of 'ninety acres on Pithole, known as the "Geary Farm."' Parties e arabout teasing wells on this property. As the wells of this Company are now yielding a large amount of oil; with very favorable prospects of an increase in a short time, this prospectus is herewith submitted to the public without further comment. 'Agents for the sale of Stock, D 13:Russect,, Esq., W. 11. 13ntrimearox, W. W. & G. W. Wet asit• August 18 —tf. ' • PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on SATURDAY THE 16TH OF SEPTEM BER, 1866, the Farm formerly occupied by John Omwake, now deceased, situated in Washington township, on the Marsh Run, 3 miles West of Way. pesboro', contatning SIXTY-NINE ACRES' and 68 Perches, neat measure. The improvements consist of a LOG' HOUSE in excellent repair, a STONE WASH HOUSE, A LARGE S2ONE BANK EARN, with other necessary buildings, such as Smoke-house, Oven-house, Work Shop, Hog Pen, Wagon Shed, Six. There is on the premises a well of excellent water with good pump in it, also a large ORCHARD of choice fruit in good bearing condition. About 15 acres of said tract is well tim bered. The remainder•is cleared and in u good state of cultivation, all under good fence. One third of the purchase money will remain in • the property during the lifetime of the widow, the in terest thereof to be paid to her semi-annually. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be bully made known by SAMUEL OVIWAKE*, HENRY ONIWAKEI Agent. for tbo Heirs, aug —tar _ 18 G. V. Morro, Auct. ' NOTICE TO TEACHERS. r RE Board of School Directors of Washington I District will meet at the Western School House, in Waynesboro', on SATURDAY, AUGUST 19th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of employing 15 Teachers for the term of five months. Aug 11-2 w PERSONS who gave their notes et the sale of the subscriber, on the :10th of February last, are notified that the same will fall due on the 20th inst. The notes have been left for collection in the hands of John Philips, Cashier First .Nat. Bank, to whom those indebted are requested to make prompt payment. W. W. WALKER. aug 11-3 t 6 CENTS REAV'ARD:- RAN away from the subscriber on the Bth inst., a colored girl named MAatiaturr, on indentur ed apprentice to the subscriber. The public are no tified not to harbor said girl. Any person arresting and. returning hoz will receive the above reward. aug 11) GM W. PORTS. LAST NOTICE! ALL persons indebted to Jacob Knouare here ti by notified that suit will be broucht against them unless their accounts are settled up before the first day of tlepternber next. sug 11) , JACOB KNOUFF. Mentzer's Horse & Cattle Powder. STONER. having purchased of Mr, * Mentzer, the recipe for making the above far.iamed Hone and Cattle Powder, for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes Ibis method of informing the farmers, drovers, dtc., that. he ha's on hand and intends keeping a good supply always on band.— Country merchants and others keeping such articles for sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Orders will be puncttiatly attended to January 31. STRAY COW. TBAYED from the promisee of she subscriber \ ,living in idckuullope, on the 2 4 1st of Ju!flak s ItSb CU W. with horns. Bh. did not give much milk and was not in very good order. A filial - Ira ward will be paid for her recovery. JOHN M. COOK. August 4-21. PLACE to, boy cheap DryGoode, at r . Mantua & litrastuties: LWAYS. s full stock to select from st• • •' Musawn & tinwares. ETCALIt & HITESIigUr will give notice when they go into their .new roan By order of the Board, JOHN t 3. OLLER, Sec'ry. CE- NO.T. HOUSEKEEPERS TAKE MICH • • • OW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY CHEAP ... FURNITURE, es I have opened in the SUnior `ngine House, on North Potomac Street. ono of thoLARGEsT AND BEST ASSORTMENTS OF FURNITURE TO BE FOUND UsT WEST. ERN MA RY GAND. The attention of purchasers who desire ' SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP as well as beauty of finish, la invited to my large stciek, consisting in port of Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes and Bureaus, Mahogany Bedsteads and Chairs, Marble Top ries ; Centre and Card Tables, - Mahogany . and Marble Top Wash Stands, LOUNGES of various styles end preWrns, EX TENSION PABES,SPRING BEDS AND M AT TRA sspa. common Bedsteads and CHAIRS of every description; in short, I • will guarantee my stock of Furniture to oe the largest general assort. merit, to. be bold cheap, that can be bought any. where. 2--- L - et - riuow t your at ennon to my splerolid cheap and fresh•stook of GROCERIES, at my stand right opposite the Market House. I have always in store and for gale, The. Cheapest Sugars, Coffees, Teas. and Pro visions to be had anywhere.. I am determined to please one and all, and to sell cheap. Remember, if you want ruirnitunr or Gm cedes, to give me a call, as you shall not regret it. Dont forget ,the places—in Junior Hall and epp o -site the - MarkerHouscr.--3.--M-ARTIN-BLO - - . • Hagerstown; July 28-3 m. • not 814 SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM F717'n71,1W77771 Y stock embraces all the best styles of Plain and Fancy (MOTHS, Plain and Fancy • Cliesuntaramactozzaemma Plain and Fancy VESTINGS, all of which will be made to order in the most fashionable and work manlike manner, or sold in Patterns to evil custo mers. Also a full stock of . READY-DIADE CLOTHING DarCHEAP FOR CASH. - en Also, one of tho best selected stocks of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS in the town—fine Shirts, Hoieery, Gloves and Mies in endless variety. Also, Military cloths and Cassirneres which will be made to order at the shortest notice. J. A. FISHER, opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. Ap.-28, 1866. o • PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale a Tract of Land, situated about miles from Waynesbo. ro', near the turnpike leading to Emmittsburg, ad joining lands of Abrm. Shockey, John bteffey, and others, containing . 3.4 42. 0 XI , more or less, between lour and five acres of which is cleared and in a good stato of cultivation. The improvements are a STORY AND A HALF LOG HOUSE, with gond cellar under it, Frame Stable, Frmine Hog Pen, and other out-buildings. There is an ex cellent well of never-failing water near the door and a variety of choice young fruit trees on the premi ses. About 3 acres of this land would make a fine meadow. rir For further particulars apply to the subscriber. • J OHN SINUER. -tt. WV 7111bT CHOPPING MILLS ! THE subscriber would inform the pulalic that he has purchased of V. B. Gilbert; the well-known sawing and Chopping Mills, situated about one quarter of a mile from Bear's Factory, and is now prepared to saw Lumber to order, by mill or circu lar law, and is also prepared to chop corn, oats, &c. at short notice. He has now on hand a supply of one-inch Pine Boards, Shingling and Ceiling Lathe, the latter a, 3 1-4 and 4 feet long, a large lot Oak Failings, Broom Handles, Rack Rungs, and other Lumber, all of which will be sold on reasonable terms. JOhN L. METCALF- Aug' 4. TO PARMERS! FRESH MEAT ! FRESH MEAT I THE subscriber would inform farmers and others that he can supply them with a prime article of Beef at the Basement of J. H. Gordon's house, on the Diamond, on Monday evening or Tuesday morn ing. Also on Thursday evening or Friday morning. The public are invited to give him a call as he is de termined to slaughter none but the choicest cattle. FRANKLIN WEAGLEY. July 21-3 t. EAGLE HOTEL. Central Square . , Hagerstown, Ma THE abOve tvell•known and established Hote has been reopened tad entirely renovated, byl the undersigned, and now offers to the public every comfort and attraction found in the hest' hotels.-- THE TABLE is bountifully supplied with every delicacy the market will afford, THE SALOON contains the choicest liquors, and is constantly and akilfully.attended. THE STABLE is thoroughly repaired. and careful Ostlers Wrays ready to ac commodate customers. JOHN FISHER, Proprietor. Hagerstown, June-2—tf. • EINJ. FRANTZ, M. D. DRS. FRAN'IZ & SNIVE IX having associa • ted themselves in the practice of Medicine and surgery would state that they are well prepared to treat all medical and surgical cases. Persons in. debted to either of the above will please make early settlement to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old books. Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly occupied u store room by- Mr. J. Beaver., April 14—tf BARBERING I BARBERING I YissHE co-partnership in the Barbering business between CBOTIVRII & fluor:rm. having been olved, the undersigned informs his customers and the public that he will continue the helium. He has secured the services of lima Patce as ;an as. sietant, and is prepared to accommodate all who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. C. C. RHOYUAL. Jury 28—tf. SWAPO RE.WABD. TAE above reward will De paid for such infor mation as will lead to the detection and convic tion of the parties who broke my carriage on sun day night last by throwing it down an embankment on the mountain. DAVID MILLER. Monterey. Ana. 4-3 t. J. HERVEY ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, $O. It LAw avummorr. r i m ar. Baltimore. hid., Refers to editor of this paper. [Mr. E. is author.. hid to transact any business connected with the 6.ltecord" in Baiiimore.—,Ed. Record J AT THE I. N. lINIVIILY, I. D. NSW FIR NEW GOODS ! GEISIEIt & RINEHART, - avecessora to H. Stonehouse in the Hardware and Cutlery Business HE rulgicribers baying purchased of H. Bene t house his Hardware Store they would inform tie old customers of the establishment, and others, that in addition to the large stock on hand, they are just receiving largo and welt selected stock, con sisting in part of • IRON AND .STEEL, STE, SHOE ,FIDOMIWS, - SADDLER! AND CARRIAGE WARE, CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW WARE, PAINTS, GLASS AND VARNISHES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEiV7S, We invite the attention of the Farmers to the • RUNDELL'a PREMIUM HAY FORK, for the sale of which' we are the solo agents. Scythes,' Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Grain Cradles, &e., &a. • ILoimgooda_were_seleeteuL:witiLgreat,care and we invite an examination of them. May 26, 1865. GEIGER & RINEHART.- "It is WISDOM and ECONOMY to Insure in the .REST COMPANIES, and there is none b tier an 1e 1 Insurance Co.of North America," 1794. Incoiporated 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY North America, PHILADELPHIA. TIE Abstract of the 142nd Semi-Annual State. went, showing the condition of the Company on the 2nd day of January, 1885, shows the Total Assets to be $1,718,171 71. 11 14 '71 Years Successful Business Experience ! Arnie Preinpt Payment of $17,800,000,00 Logger Or A Reputation for Honorable Dealing linsurpaaa. ed! WAnd Cash Assets exceeding *1,700,000,00 ! Claim the References of the public for this, the Old. eat Insurance Company in America. DIRECTORS: Arthur G: Coffin,• Wm. Welch, John Mason, Sam'l W. Jones, R. D. Wood, G. L. Harrison John b. Brown, Wm. E. Bowen F. R. qope, Chas. Taylor, Jay. N. Dickson Ed. H Trotter Ambrose White, S. M. Wa In Ed. S. Clarke Wm. Cummings, T. Charlton Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pres' t. CHAS. PLATT. beery. , May 12— Om] Jos. Douala% Waynesboro' JUNE 9TH, 1865. HOT : HOT, HOT WEATHER! PREPARE FOR IT ! Metcalfe & Hiteshew, Second Street, West Side, Above-the Jail, CHAMBERSBURG, Nave just returnea from lhe Eastern cities with a full line of goods of every description: Sun SinnleY, silk &ginghnm, • Chalhee, Lawns, - Fans, (many kinds, Brk and wh't tamer- Wrappings, every description, tine,. Bugle Trimming. Buttons, Fancy Chintz, Cable Cc rd, all colors, French and Swiss Gingham. 4i.s WILIEm 1111P.171117 American Hemp, List and Imported. IVEMNAII NATALI 2 I.3EI. We have Gioth, Cassintere, Linens, Cottooades; and in short a full line of goods of all kinds. We will just here say parties wanting anything in our line will do well to call upon us as we have the largest stock in the county and sell at short profits. METCALFE & 1-11TESEIE W. June 9, 1865. N. U. We sell Wholesale and Retail: ROCK FORGE FILE WORKS , (ADJOINING DAYUOFF'S MACUINE slIOP.) M. L. BELL, FILE MANUFACTURER. T,III,ES and Rasps of all descriptions, wholesale r and retail. Files cut expressly for wood, irlan, brass or steel. Old Files re-cut and •warranted e qual to new. Vice jaws cut and repaired All or ders by mail promptly attended to. Adreas Box 146, Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Pa. July t4-Iy. NEW LIVERY STABLE ! THE subscriber would inform the public that he has opened a LIVERY STABLE in Waynesboro', and is now prepared to furnish good Riding or Driving Hot- sea, which he can recommend as perfectly safe for family oriving. 'His YE/HOLES are all new and in good condition. • Persons wanting horses or vehicles will apply at the saddler shop of W. P. Weagley. • FRANKLIN WEACILEY. July 14-tf. Isom ei WI :31 In DIVIOVI VP RI ghl 1140 1 AT PRIVATE SALE! THE subscriber offers at Private Sale his Farm, shunted about one mile from Waynesboro', a long the Turnpike leading to Greenca.stle, contain ing FIFTY ACRES , more or less, first quality Limestone Land. The improvements are a . A lila BRICK 111111 • a e . , AND STO NE BA RN With two? ing Floors—Stone Spring House and excellent Urine, with all necessary out.build intro. There is also on the premises a good APPLE ORCHARD. The West or Little Antietam crosses the turnpike within shout one hundred yards or the barn yard. The property is pleasantly situated and altogether desirable one. ?'or bather particulars apply to the undersigned. in Waynesboro'. HENRY SMITH. August ".—tf. LAST NOTICE! ALL persona who here not paid their tares due on the books of Joseph Funk, dec'd, will be sued unless the same i 4 paid in ten days from the date of this notice to me or my attorney. . DA VII) H. FUNK, sag 11) Administrator of Jos. Funk, dec'd. BUENA VISTA SPKIN.GS: THE undersigned inThrm the public that this de. lightful watering place is now open for the re ception of Boarders and ,Visitors. The Bath House is convenient and in good condition. Every atten tion will be paid to the com'ort and Convenience 0 guests. • A. C. FUNK. ' J.I I SIIOVIS.. _ . . July 14—tf. . LiirTEST NEW GOODS, .71111111EAILIIV 111E19 .1865. SUPPLY-1 I=l HINSON, .11ENEDICT & CO.; Waynesboro' THIRD SUPPLY, THIRD SUPPLY, THIRD SUPPLY. - -- 11 -11 lb& CORI'S! SPRING DRY GOODS SPRING DRY GOODS SPRING DRY Gomm 111 L. ID-1101C DRESS GOODS . LAD/ES LADIES LADIES DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS . DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES 111111 E lIE lilli - 9 Pie NEM MODS MEN'S SPRING GOODS. MEN'S SPRING GOODS, . MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, CHEAP, CHEAP, • CHEAP CHEAP. CLOTHS, CLO7HS, CASSDIERES AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, CASSMIERES AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, OASSEVERES AND SATINETTS, COTTONADES, COTTONA DES, COTTONADER, AND AND AND NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES! Groceries, Hardware, Groceries, Hardware, Groceries, Hardware. DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS., MEM IR ME Queensware, Notions, Queensware, Notions, Queentware, Notions. rlrWe would call the attention . our oastom• ere and the public to our new mock of goods, and at the tome time. return •our thanks to customers and others for their liberal patronage, and will et • deliver he fair dealing with all, to merit a continu ance of the same, AMBERSON;,BSNEDICT & CO. March 24, 1864 , , LARGE and small Shaker* at June 2 'Tama & tiossiaca'e. 11111 :LATIOTARRIVAG ! NHS, MIR FARY &C J. F. K . URTZ WISHES to inform the good citizens of Way nesboro' and vicinity, that he has justreceiv ed from the East a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye. Mufs, Window Glass, Putty, Brushes. dt c, &c., which ho is prepared to Neb . as cheap as they can be had at any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled, lieh.s also on ha* a-1 ergo -assortment o • TOILET ARTICLICS: Comprising in port tho following articki, viz : Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau de Cohyme, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkerchief, Pine English Pomades, Bandolines • Bear's Oil, Fine and Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, • Nail 66 Combs, &e. &C. For Culinary porpesies ho line Corn Starch, Pearl Lemon, Vanilla, Strarebery, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange, Banabs, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices ' Black Pepper and all tith er articles in that lino. He bee also eomething to please the CHILDREN: A fine stock of Toys of all kir.ds, a large supply of China ware. • Pettezat IWO clictixipast. 'lie has Drake's Plantation Ditterfs, Hotland's {ierman' dot • Sand's Sarsaparilla, Bull's do. Ritesliew's Cough Syrup, Diarrhoea Cordial, • Frey's Vennifuge, Vermifuges, doz. kinds. Pills—W right's . Judron's, Spaulding's, dyer's; Braudreth's, Morso, McLane'e, liver; Mrs Wirtqlow'4 Soothing Syrup. Dr. Parishe's do. Keroscue Oil, Lamps and Cider, nap always on hand. Thankful for kind favors elnindy bestowed upon him, he solicits a confinuinco of the seine, hoping that by trying to please he may win the confidence of the people. AN much care taken in waiting up on adults as children. Phpliciane Prescriptions promptly end careful!) , compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. August 19„ 1864. FilMilS, iee TO YiMu lIITEICT WE the undersigned intend to put up a Cain Mill and Evaporator to manufacture Syrup st Ringgold, Md. We call the attention of farm rt.; to the importance of raising. the Cane. as it is kit lieved by persons who have raised it to bit the must valuable crop that can ,be raised. It yields from two hundred and twenty-five to two hundred and seven ty-five gallons of Syrup to the acre. iThe Curie in best planted on hills. The Need .should be sprouted . before planting it: Persons wishing to get seed can get it at Charles Hiteshew's store, Ringgold; at Charles Hiteshew's store, Smiihsburg; at Ground Logan's store, Leitersburg; at tied. Stover's store, Waynesboro'; at Daniel Mentzer's Mill, nt Samuel Frantz's Mill, at Geo. Besore's Mill, in the Black Corner, and at the Nunnery Mill. Feb. 12, 74 —lli J. & B. FRICK. MET-1011 WIRE, FIT. riIHE subscriber would inform his customers and 1 public generall3r,, that having, with"other busi ness men ofWaynesboro', adopted the "C149.16.1-i IfirirSlMM2Vl, 99 he is now prepared to sell at shorter profits than formerly. Persons in want of any article in his line aro respectfully invited io give him a calf.— His stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS and KITCHEN WARE are complete, and will be sold at such prices (the times considered) as cannot fail to give satisfaction. AIF kinds of F AC I embracing the latest and most approved patterns, for eithet wood or coil, constantly on hand. INeSpecial attention is given to putting - up Spout ing, made of the best tin, for houses and barns. Remora Or the sign of the "Lit o B R BED E; H s, " I, August 26, 1864. MMYTHQUARTERLY' REPORT he First NatiuDul Bank or ‘Vayucsboro'. July 3J, 1565. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts. $52,034,37 U. S. Bonds • to secure circulation, 75,000,00 U. S. Bonds and other U.S. securities, 33,950,00 Due from other Banks, 22,421,97 Cash items and Rev. Stamps,. • 3,214,22 Specie and legal toilers 19,688,00 Circulating notes of this Bank, 15,100,00 Note, of other Banks, 465,00 LIABILITIES. Capital paid in $75.000,00 Blirplua and profits 3,855,15 Due to Depositors 83,285,37 Circulating notes of this Bank 67,150,00 Dividend, unpaid 381,57 Due to other Banks 2,201,47 -231,873,513 The above statement is just and true' to the best of my knowledge and bead. • ,JNO. PHILIPS, Gash. Sworn and subscribed before me. J. F. KURTZ, Notary Public. July 21-6 L Chains Chains. 111111 E subscriber intends carrying on the Chain business'in connection with Illacksmithing.— lie will be ready at any time to fill orders at short notice. Either single or douolo Fifth Chains, Spreaders, Jockey Traces, Butt or Carrier Chaim, made by an experienced workman and of the best material. Persons wanting anything in this lino can apply at the Hardware ..more of Geiser et Rinehart, Waynesboro'. LA WISON SCHILDKNECHT . July 21—tf. METCALFE & HrfESHE W HAVE J LYSV opened another largo lot of Dry Gonda arid Autuute. [aug. 4. TIQUID Rennet; Com Starch, Ride Min, Ta 'pion. Saga, Pooti•Alatley and Cooper's Oda- T HE BEST uIIOOP SKIRTS" and the largest ameartatent in the State, at ang 4] • =Aix& & lirrstanswi. W HERE you get the worth of yourtnoney,at hilwroama & klirsausves. IVIETUALI4 & HITFBNEW are still at rho old Stand, on Second Street, between the Jail and Washington House, South•eide. aug 4. A `t articla 4)1 Chem at Palca dL ficepucu'a. ['ERRING anJ Mackiel, at Pmer. Hair " $231,873,58 KtlitTZ'S;
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