A Reniiirictiblif Mori DI the steamship Bellona, Captain Dixon, which a few days since arrived at New York, were two steerage :pitsiengers; texcerning whom a thrilling incident is :related) Franz Moyer, aged twenty-three, and his wife, Ann; aged nineteen, from Canton Soleure, Switz erland, were passengers int:the. ill-fated ship William Nelson, recently destroyed by fire at sea. In the confusion incident to the efforts to save life, the husband:and WifeWere•sePa rated. The husband' was picked up by one of the ship's boats, which was soon fallen in with by the brig Mercury. The wife, young and expeating shortly- to become a mother, was not discouraged about husband's fate, but prepared for her bilin'safety. Self-preserva tion could not aplila. press her womanly instincts, so far as to igtare the feeble cries of an in fant only fourteen days old, left to perish by distracted parents; but, regardless of ber own state, she plunged, . with her self-impo sed charge, into the sea. For two whole days did this braveyoung girl suppoit her self and the infant on the remnant . of aship i spar. without food Or water, sustaining the infant's life by the moisture of her own mouth. Late on the second day the same vessel in which her husband was saved, havibg ceased cruising, without hope of rescuing more life, fell in with this heroine, and saved her and her little chart°. Eventually the family were landed at Havre, France. The Prns sian_Consul at that port took the charge of the-infant, as its parents were supposed to have been lost with the wreck. Many ladies at Havre interested themselves to enable this brave young creature, with her husband, again to venture to cross the Atlantic in search of a western home. Des titute of everything necessary as an outfit, having lost all, the b kindness of the ladies at Havre was doutless most acceptable. This heroine of real life, during her recent voyage in the Bellana, gave birth to a child. Dr. Blewitt, the surgeon of the Bellona, has kindly offered to give authentic infor mation regarding this woman, as be posses ses documents establishing the truth of the facts. Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold ! Bright, yellow, hard and cold, For less than Fifty it is sold, To get the "Divy" you are told To call fat UPDEGRAFF'S Practical Hat Mi lkers, where you zan be supplied w ith all the Near °Spring Styles. of HATS and GAPS for 1865, at prices that clearly establisksthe fact that - the precious metal has declined. A 1, 1865. 9L'IX3n At the residence •of the officiating clergy man, Rev. John Lloyd., in this place, on the Sd inst. ' Mr. JOHN J. BOWMAN, to Miss HANNAH B. WOLF, both of Washingtoa Co. Md. On the same day, by the same, Mr. JAMES RHYNE, to Miss JULIA A. WII/TE, all of this county. On the 6th inst.,' by D. B. Russell, Esq., Mr. JOHN H. BURNS, to Miss CATHA RINE REESMAN, all of - Quincy town ship. P l 4ex IA O SA Ikailt, f =ll In Morrison's Cove, on the 27th of July, (of oonstunption,) Miss KATE WORKING, aged 28 years, 10 month and 23 day's. Dearest sister thou haat left us, • Here thy loss we•deeply feel, But God that bath• bereft us, He can all our strrows heal. Farewell sister take thy rest, • Peaceful in the grave so low, • Thou no more will join our numbers Thou no more our songs shall know. Yet again we hope to meet thee, • When the day of life is fled; There in heaven with joy to greet thee • Where no farewell tear is shod.• • 11 , ,v , =II nig isr-=lll Purr.,A - DurrirA, August B.—Holders of Flower are firm in their views, with a very reduced stock to operate in, but the demand is limited, and the sales are in a small way only, mostly to supply the trade,,at $8.50® 9 50 for old stock and fresh-ground extra family, and slo®ll for fancy do., the lat ter for 'St„ Louis, ineltiding superfine at $6.- 50®7.25, and extras at $7.50@8 bbl, as to quality, the market closing very quiet.— Rye Flour and Corn Meal are unchanged, but without any sales to note. GRAIN comes in slowly, and holders of Wheat are rather firmer in their views to day, with sales of 5,000@6,000 bus, mostly good old Western and Pennsylvania reds at 195 c; some small lots do at 200 e; 'and now Southern at 185®195e, the latter for prime; white ranges at 210®220c, without sales,— Rye is wanted, and 300, bus sold at 110 c Corn is quiet, with further sales of 1,500 bus. Southern yellow at 97c, and 1,200 bus. Western mixed at 960. Oats are unchang ed, and 4,00') bus. sold at 50c for new, and 68®70e for old=-the latter for prime Penn sylvania, in store. Barley is quiet, Of Bar ley Malt a sale of 2,000 bus. is reported on terms kept private. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. MHE.Bonrd of School Directors of Washington 1 District will meet at the Western school House, in Waynesboro', on SATURDAY, AUGUST 19th, ut 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of employing 15 Teachers for the term of five months. By order of the Board, JOHN 19. 'ODLE it, Sec'ry.• . Aug 11-2 w NOTICE- PERSONS who 'gave their notes et the sale of the subscriber, on the 20th of February lest, Ore notified,that the same will. fall duo on the 20th inst. The notes have been left for collection in the hands of John Philips, Cashier First Nat. Bank, to whom thoseindelted are requested to make prompt payment. . W. 'W. WALKER. aug 11-3 t 6 CENTS REWARD- RAN away from the subscriber on the Bth inst., a colored girl named Menacing; en indentur ed apprentice tathe subscriber. 'The public are no tified not to harbor said girl. Any person. arrevting and re tunting•her will receive the above reward aug 11) GEO. W. PORTS. N OT A LL persons indebtid to Jscoliknouff MIS here -IlLby notified . that suit will be brought against them unliws their accounts are settled up . beforo die first' day of Septa:libel' next. . aug 11) , • ' ._JAC,OII.IiNOUFF. o - T,z:c - ALL , , . . persons who have not paid their nicer due ,4:ol,books of Joseph Funk, will , be cued -unless the same is paid in ton day's froiethe dote of - this notice to 'me or Inv nttoiney.v . :' . „ DAVID H. 'FUNK , mug 11) Administrator of Jos. Funk, dee'd. . , The following genilamart , 'comprise the collie of Managers, and Directors T. D. Deery,,' • i. ' ; Alex. Robintam• , Dr. Geo. W. Stevens, Leon. Whinony. Prof. Wohle,_ - Cansisting of a magnificent outfits a }mope of, Equestrians and• Equestriennes, a corps of Gymno ats and Aciobats, a company of Equeatro.dramatists, I /I ists a lull com 'lenient of equerries, grooms, and chevaliers of t e arena ' en a to ensemale. BRILLIANT AEYOND PRE CEDENT, Comprising in its comprehensive de tail, . A STARRY GALAXY, selected from thelererne-de-la- creme of the various amphitheatrical establishments,of Europe and Amer. ice. has been chosen with no less care, and in bloody beauty, and training. can defy rivalry. H E TRICK HORSES AND ,EDUCATED MULES, are marvels of equine sagacity, and the latter.iwhile falsifying the old adage of "stubborn as a mule," completely bewilder the spectator with humanlike intelect, and comprehensive facile power, in short, -in-every-particular, the Great World Circa, can lay claim to the title of the HIPPO.ARENLC MODEL OF THE AGE. The calvacade entering town in grand procession proceeded by the Croigeous Dolphin _Chariot, the oat ma. nificient specimen of art and elaborate workman', ip ei. -- Tp - iira - ded before the public, splen didly caparisoned and driven and controlled by Jack Mapes, the champion whip. Two clowns at each performance. MR. LEE POWELL, the great wit an 3 modern Grinaldi, CHARLES COVELLI, the talking and singing Clown, acknowledged as the most accepta ble man of humor, who ever assumed a motley at tire, will occupy a prominent.portion in the depart ment of fun. • are led by the following artists, eabh•of whom is a widely celebrated star in his or her profession. MADAME MARIA ROBINSON, the sun beam of the Cirque, the prima donna of Equestriennes. and a paragon of grace, beauty, feminine bravery nd artistic excellence. LITTLE ANNIE, the Juno-like Queen of the arena, and terpsichorean artiste. Her classic pos es upon the slack mire, and her beautiful equipoise are equally poetic' and incomparable. /, LA FAIRIE ALICE, the beautifill little histri. onic equestrienne. MILLIE LEONETTE, The daring' and magni ficent horse-woman. ' ' JOHN SPAR the champion iwo,• four, . and six horse rider. THE WHITTONY BROTHERS and, Master Tommy. The moiety delineators of the'Graciai and Roman schoolcof High Art, eximplified in their beautiful classic Olympian melange. MASTER CHARLES, the Arbacian master of the Egyptian science, illusionist, and prestidigita teur extraordindire SIGNOR WALLACE, the great Globe equili briest and maim du cir4ue. LEE POWELL, the wit, jester, humorist, and clown, panexcellence. A merry offshoot of Momus, a "fellow of infinite. wit," and a genuine and origin. al specimen of the Shaksperian 'buffo. ALEX. ROBINSON, his motety associate add qpaint, and quizzical compeer. MEESRS. CHAS. LONO, G a o. NIXONE, HENRY lows, Jons NORTON, 808. SMITH JOE. %WIDE% acrobats, 'Gymnasts and amphitheatrical professors of la haul ecule THE.MAGNIFICENT JOHNSTER, The prodigy of the menagre, a superb specimen of blood, symmetry and intelligence, will be intro duced in his educated performances, by madam Rob inson DR. STEPHENS TROUPE OF EDUCATED DOGS AND MON KEY'S, From Ashley A mphi then tut, London . THE FAMOUS TRICK MULES, Sancho the Spotted Spaniard, and Paul Pry. 'unhesitatingly pronounced the wonders of the mule family, will be exhibited at each performance by the trainer, Mr. Chas Coville. SHELLI3ARK, the incomprehensible Roan, etc., all exhibited s sinder a spacious oriental pnvillion, a mid strains of orphous•like music by the double band of string and wind instruments, led by the great di rector, PROF. E. WA H E. Admission to all parts of the pavitlion, 50 cts.— Children under 10 years 25 cts. I.;PN.roars open at 1 and 7 P. M. Ttis large and inagnificant establ:shment will ex hibit at WAYNESBORO WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1.6.. MILLERSTOWN THURSDAY " 17. WM. FOOTE, Jr., Agent THE subscriber offers at Private Sale a Tract of Land, situated about ai miles from Waynesbo ro% near the turnpike leading to Emmittsburg, ad joining lands of Abrm. !Monkey, John Steffey, and others, containing 14 C, "Et. , more or less, between four and five acres of which 18 cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The improvements are a STORY AND A HALF LOG; nousE, with good cellar under it, Frame Stable, Frame Hog Pen, and other outbuildings. There is an ex cellent well of never.failing water near the aoor and vaiioty of choice young fruit trees on the premi ses. About 3ams of this land would make a fine meadcil. 11.T* For further particulars apply to the subscriber. JOHN 61.NUER. Aug. 11 - tt VALUABLE SMALL FARM ITIHE subscriber ofTers at Private Sale his Farm, I situated about, one mile fiom Waynesboro', a long the Turnpike lending to Greencastle, contain ing PIPTIV,AORES more or less, first quality Limestone Land. The improvements are a • • A lifiCi IHICK AND STONE BA RN with two Thr.ih. ing Floors—Stone Spring House and , excellent Sprint, with all necessary out-builiings. There is also on• the premises a good APPLE ORCHARD. The West or Little Antietam crosses the turnpike within about one hundred yards of the barn yard. The property is pleasantly situated and altogether a desirable ono. For farther particulars apply to the undersigned. in Waynesboro'. August ;—tf. .L 11.7117 11167 . AND 'ICE! CHOPPING WILLS ITIRE subscriber would inform the public that he .11, has purchased of V. B. Gilbert, the well-known sawing and Chopping Mills, situated about one quarter of e..mile front Bear's Factory, and is now _propareiLto_saw-Lumber to order, bymill or, circu lar saw, and hi also prepared to chop corn, oats, 4c. at / abort notice.. He has now on hand a supply of one-inch Pine Boards, Shingling and Coiling Litho, the latter 3,3 .1.44• arid 4 feet tong; a 'large lot Oak probnf Handles, Rack RnPflay, and other all of which..will7be said: owns:Sortable; terms. L . , •, JOhN L. XIBZ'CALP,,- Aug 4. DEERY'., GREAT WO r"' D ( E 11, Equestrian Director. • Leader pf the Band. THE STUD OF HORSES, THE COMPANY. PRIVATE SALE. AT PRIVATE SALE! HENRY SMIWH. ' 11110$EKEE'PERS . TAKINOTICE1' -I .OW 18 YOUR TIME TO BUY CHEF FURNITURE, nal have opened in the Ju 'ngine House, on. North• Potomac Street, on the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMEi OF FURNITURE TO BE FOUND IN WE ERN MARYLA,ND. The attention of purcha who desire ' ` •. SUPERIOR WOIIIIMOISHIP: as well as be City of finish. Is Wilted to my liii stock, cunsistint in-pirt of ' ~ Sofas, Tete-afTeteit and Buttons, Mahogany Bedsteads and Chain, Marble Top Pies,' 'Centre ind • Card Tables, Mahogany and Marble Top Wish Stands, LOUNGES' of•Variotts styles and pittores,:Et. TENSION TABES,SPRING BEDS AND MAT. TRASSES, common Bedsteads and CHAIRS of ~. ~: • ,tion• in short . , I will guarantee my, Proprietor. • Treasurer. stock of Furniture to be t e argos genera merit, to be bold cheap, that, can be buught ary where. .Let me now call,your attention to my splendid cheep and fresh stook of GRO.CEItIES, at my stand right opposite the Market House. I have always in store and for sale, .The Cheapest Sugars, Coffees, Teas and Pro visions to be had anywhere. • I am determined to please one and all, n(d to sell cheap. Remember, if you want Furniture ‘r Gro ceries, to give me a call, as you shall not regret it. Dont forget the places—in Junior Hall and oppo site the Market House. 8. MARTIN BLOOM. Hagerstown, July 28-3 m. SPRING AND S MER G 000 S, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM JAMES A; FISHER. XY stock embraces all the best styles of Plain and Fancy CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy CMensogoilmacsoricesn a Plain and Fancy VESTINGS, all of which will be made to order in the most fashionable and work manlike manner, or sold in Patterns to suit uusto mere. Also a full stock of READY-DIADE CLOTHING IitirCHEAP FOR CASH.-Um. Also, one of the best selected stocks of GENT'S FIiIINISHING GOODS in the town—fine Shirts, lloisory, , Gloves and Ties in endless variety. Also, Military cloths and Cassirneres which will he made to order at the shortest notice. J. A. FISHER, opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. Ap. 28, 1865. • •T .1' AR VEERS' FRESH MEAT ! FRESH MEAT! mirp subscriber would inform farmers and others that he can supply them with a prime article of Beef at the Basement of J. H. Gordon's house, on the Diamond, on Monday evening or Tuesday morn ing. Also on Thursday evening or Friday morning. The public are invited to give him a call as he is de termined to slaughter none but the choicest cattle.• FRANKLIN WEAGLE Y. July 21-3 t. EAGLE HOTEL. Central Square, Hagerstown, Md THE above well-known and established Hotel has been re-opened and entirely renovated, by the undersigned, and now offers to the public every comfort and attraction found in the best hotels.— THE TABLE is bo,untifully supplied with every delicacy the market will afford, THE SALOON contains the choicest liquors, and is constantly and skilfully attended. THE STABLE is thoroughly repaired, and careful Ostlers always ready to ac commodate customers. JOHN FISHER, Proprietor. • Hagerstown, June 2—tr. BENJ. FRANTZ, M. D. I. N. BNIVIILY, M. D. TANS. FRANTZ & SNIVEL . '" having 'associa. ../ ted themselves in the practice of Medicine and ;surgery would state that they are well prepared to treat all medical and. surgical cases. Persons in. debted to either of the above will please make early settlement to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old books. Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly occupied as store room by Mr. J. Beaver. April 14--tf Mentzer's Horse It Cattle Powder. M TONER having purchased of Mr, Mer: 8 t2,er, the recipe for making .the above far-tamed,Horse and Cattle Powder, for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on hand anti intends keeping a good supply always on hand. Country merchant' and others keeping such articles for sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to January 31. STRAY .COW. STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber H ving in Mount Hope, on the 21st of July lost, a RED CO W, with Horns. She did not give much milk and was not in very good order. A liberal re ward will be paid for hor recovery. JOHN M. COOK. August 4-3 t. W 35,40 REWARD. THE above reward will be paid for each infor mation as will lead to the detection and convic tion of the parties who broke my carriage on Sun day night last by throwing it down an embankment on iho mountain. Monterey, Aug. 4-3 t. J. HERVEY EWING', ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' NO. I 1 LAW BUILDING, BT. PAUL ST. Baltimore, Md., Refers to editor of this paper. Ofr. E. is author ized to transact any huanoess connected with.the "Record" in Baltimore.—Ednecord .1 • r 'S "1:100P ISKIRTS' r a . nd the largest assortment in the State, nt aug 41_ Marbar,rn & Iftrasszw.a• WHERE you get tne worth of your money, et METCALFE & LICTIBI3SW 8. VrETUALFE & HITESHE W are still at the Ind titund. on 13econtl !Street, between the Jail anu Washington House. Itlouth-side. aug 4. PRIME article of Cheese at PRICE & HcewLica's. H ERRING and Mackrol, at . • , PkICE & Hcenion's. 8 - thk - Poplins at ek i a Idt.:1!; Hooped okula at' • al. lune 2,1 Plllei a Hansicies! G URTAIN FIXTURES with cord and tint Pawl: & Hatinawf.. ADLEa' Fancy Kid and Lasting Gallons at JU PIIICS & Haman% 'll4 A k'lti Patent Cloth Wringct r 11 . italu at the sip . * of the, Big Iced Born 1). D. rioreit4. (July - I I '62.1 ge nt i q Fynn k lin county V - A T.HEN •yatovant to tanoke a hue ngzr, so to KULLTV/S for it.,, lUGLE'Buttons and Gimps, with n splendid,vn• rifity of. Fancy Buttons for Ladiee• Coats ..nnd Jackets,at (Tune Pence & lbark.lolo/ AT THE DAVID MILLER. PliasAlc FTAEr NEVI GOODS I 7 1 . iSc RINEMIA ;siact4ittoil f Sfpnehouse in the Hardware and Cutlery HE itibibribers hash* purchased of H. Stone ; °Waif his Hardware they. would inform of ' • itoiners ,Olthi3 establishment; And others, a • ion to O thir large itock odtiand, they aro 1; rge anti well. selectiikistock, con ,,; , , tre oL that in. cu. just ipeoivink. *ling in part of IRON AND STEEL, sHop FINDIAUS, • sADD-'I • • - CEDAR WARE, • - OIL CLOTHS* • • HOLLOWWARE, • ' PAINTS, GLASS AND, VARNISHES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, We invite the attention of the Farmers to the RUNDELL'S PREMIUM HAY FORK, for the sale of which we are the sole agents. • Scythes, Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Grain Cradles, &c., &c. All our minds were selected with great care and we invite an examination of them. May 26,1865. GEISER & RINEHART. "It Is WISDOM and ECONOMY to Insure in the BEST COMPANIES, and there is none better, than the Old Insurance Co.df North America." 1794. Incorporated 1794. INSURANCE - COMPANY- North America, PHILADELPHIA. THE Abstract. ot the 142nd Semi-Annual State .l. meet, showing the condition of the Gompany on the 2nd day of January, 1865, shows the Total Assets to be 1;4715,171 71. aril Years Successful Business Experience ! "The Prompt Payment of $17,500,000,00.L055es I.7'A Reputation for Honorable Dealing Unsurpassr ed ! IZ'A ad Cash, Assets exceeding S t 1,700,000,00 ! Claim the References of the public for this, the Old est Insurance Company in America. DIRECTORS : Arthur G. Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason, Sam'l W. Jones, It. D. Wood,' G.L. Harrison Jahn L. Brown, Wm. E. Bowen F. R. Copo, Chas. Taylor, Jas. N. Dicb son Ed .H Trotter Ambrose While, S. M. Waln, Ed. S. Clarke Wm. Cummings, 'l'. Charlton Henry: • ARTHUR C. COFFIN, Pres' t. CHAS. PLATT, bee'ry• May 12. Gm] Jos. Dottar.eq, Ag't, Waynesboro'. BARBERING 1 BARBERING 1 THE co-partnership. in the harboring business between Camila & ktHOSIVAL having been dissolved, the undersignM informs his customers and the public that he will continue the business. lie has secured the services of JAMES Paws as an as sistant, and is prepared to accommodate all who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. C. C. RHUYUAL. July 28-tr. JUNE 9TH, 18616 HOT, HOT, HOT WEATHER! PREPARE FOR IT ! Metcalfe & Hiteshew, Second Street, West Side, Above the Jail, Cli A MBERSBURG, ifAve just returneo from l he EastPrn cities with a full line of goods of every descriptikn : Sun Shades, silk & gingham, Chathes, Fans, (many kinds, B l'k and wh't tamer- Wrappings, every description, tine, Bugle Trimming. Buttons, Fancy Chintz, Cable Crrd, all colors, French and Swiss Gingham. r t • American Hemp, List and Imported. 313EIVAIS WA.II.IEI We have Cloth, Cassimere, Linens, Cotton:ilea, and in abort a full line of goods of all kinds. We will just here say parties wanting anything in our lino will do well to call upon us as we have the largest stock in the county and sell at short profits. METCALFE & HITESHEW. , June 9, 1965. N. B. We sell Wholesale and Retail. ROCK FORGE FILE WORKS, (ADJOINING DAIMIOEF'S MACHINE SHOP.) • M. L. BELL.,, FILE MANUFACtUREII. FILES an'd Rasps of all descriptions, wholesale and. retail. Files cut expressly for wood, iron, brass or steel. Old Files re-cut and warranted e qual to new. Vice jaws cut and repaired All or ders by mail promptly attended to. Adress Box 146, Waynesboro', Franklin Co. Pa. July 14-Iy. NEW lIVIIIIR STABLEI inTvHE subscriber would inform the public that he has opened a LIVERY STABLE nynesboro', and is now prepared asy;;ire to furnish good Riding or Driving II or- -"' set, which he can recommend as perfectly snfe for family uriving. His VEHICLES are all, new and in good condition. . Persons wanting horses or vehicles will apply at the saddler shop of W. P. Weagley. FRANKLIN WEAGLE Y. July 14—if. BUENA VISTA SPRINGS. HE undersigned inf;min the public that this de lightfutt watering place is now open tor the re ception of Boarders and Visitors. The Bath House is convenient and in good condition. Every atten tion will be paid to the coneint and convenience o guests. A. C. FUNK. JAB. HOVId. July 14—V. Zciltl4oll34 EAST BIDE OF CARLISLE STREET; GIWENCASTLE,,XA:.. H E undetaighed respectfully announces to the traveling public that this Hotel has been Itt.MODDLED. The room are large and comfor table and are well furnished .with good new-'furni ture. Persons stopping at this Hotel can have ei ther double or single Boerne, with or without fire in them. The TABLE Is always supplied with the best ht the market, and his BARB tilled with the choicest Liquors. There are also a fine lot and o pair of Hey and Stock Scaler connected with the n owl for the accommodation of Drovers and Butch ers.• His Stable• will always be provided. with 'good wholesome Provender for Mock. and attended. by careful ostlers, JOHN H. ADA.McI... . . April 15. 18643 • - Proprietor. I 141.111) Kentiet;fJurn, Studs, Atco !quits, Tit il4oc3? tifyiga,Punri 1h iey and .Ourtor's Cola. tine ut . ' KUIII.'Z'N 13.'arE NEW • rair.AL-iv:: • te,C7>. • THIRD SUPPLY ! INBUSOVBENEDICT & CO., Waynesboro' Pa. ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR THIRD SUPPLY, THIRD SUPPLY, THIRD SUPPLY. OOHS! SPRING DRY GOODS SPRING DRY GOODS SPRING DRY GOODS II PM. II * DRESS GOODS LADIES LADIES LADIES DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES; HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES 1111111 .111E1 _LIIIJ . MS sang MS 1J MEN'S SPRING GOODS. MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, CHEAP, • CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. CLOTHS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SA7INE7TS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SATINETT'S, COTTONADES, COTTONADEs, COTTONADER,, AND AND AND NOTIONS. NOTIONs, NOTIONS. GROCERIES! Groceries, Hardware, Groceries, Hardware, Groceries, Hardware. DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. EMU Oil 10T10111 Queenszcare, Notions, Queens:oars, Notions, Queensware, Notions. Cat 'We would call the attention (ow custom. ers and the public to our now sock of goods, and at the sometime return our,thanks to customers and others for their liberal patronage, and will et deavor by fair dealing with' mark a cantina. (ince of the same. ` AMBEItION; IICNkID107:& CO. Maich 24;1865 ; LARGE avid sinall Shakers at • June 2 ; Putea a 51 oprArstn't..., THE LATEST ARIIIVAG I • -' uliug - log iin J,,tougnnsic • 1 • 4 , F. • Y' ‘IC 111111. - urislltsiiinfor.4:the,.;od oitif:eilkoi *ay v nOtioio' end vicinify, that he just receiv ed froirkl*Bast. a Jorge and full' aiaintmen l or fresh Driiiii:ltedieines, Oil, Points,,,l)yo Stuff's, Windbvi Uhus, Paiiy, dre.,oco., which ho is prepared to Sell ae eheapi - rei - ,they-Tenn-he-had at ~ her h - 110 any other hou,se itt the totvui,and which, in rogtire to quality, cannot' be excelled. He ha also on hand a large assortment of . TOILET ARTICLES - comprising in' pert the following articles, viz : ' Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau de Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for this handkerchief, Fine English Poinades, Bandolines,. • Bear's. Oil, - Fine and'Faiiey Soaps, , Tooth Brushes," '• Nail -" • Hair ". /COmba, For Culinary purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl Barley. Pearl Sago, Flavoring Birtracti, viz: Lemon, Vanilla ,-Strawbcry,_Raspherry, Pine_A p ple, Orange, Banana, Celery, . -Pear, Poach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices,Black Pepper and all oth er articles in that line. e hos also something to _ please the A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supply of China ware, . Pecytelat - zifiLedilictiztez , . He has Drake's Plantation Bitters, Iloffland's Gorman do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, Bull's do. ITiteshow's Cough Syrup, 4 4 Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's Vertnifugo, Vertnifuges, doz. kinds. • Pills—W right's Judron's, Spaulding's, Ayer's, Brandreth's, Morse's, McLane's, liver; lvfra Winslow's Soothing Syrup- Dr. Patishe's do.. Keroseoe Otl, Lamps and Chita, neys always on hand. Thankful for kind favors already bestowed upon him, ho solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that by trying to please ho may win the confidence of the people, As much care taken in ivaiting up on adultaas children. Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully compbunded at all hours. .t. F. KURTZ. August 19, 1864. MIMS, LE TO YOUR MEET WE the undersigned intend to put up a Cain Mill and Evaporator to manufacture Syrup et Ringgold, Md'.• We call the, attention of farmers to the importance of raising the Cane, as it is he. , lieved by persons who have raised it to be the most valuable crop that can be raised. It yields from two hundred and twenty•five to two hundred and seven- ty-five gallons of Syrup to the acre. The Cane is best planted on hills. • The seed should be sprouted before planting it. Persons wishing to get seed con get it at Charles Hiteshew's store. Ringgold; nt Charles Hiteshew's store, Smithsburg; at Ground & Logan's store, Leiteraburg; at Geo. Stover's store, Waynesboro; at Daniel Mentzer's Mill, al. Samuel ?Mail Mill, at Geo. Ilosore's Mill, in the Black Corner, and at the Nunnery Mill. Feb. 12, '64 —it) J. & 13. FRICK. ERIN, SIET-101 NE, ETC. MHE subscriber would inform his customers and public generally, that' having, with other bffsi nese men of Waynesboro', adopted the "CUILIBI3Ex he M now prepared to sell at ehorttir Profits than formerly. Persons in want of any article in his line are respectfully invited io give him a call.— His stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS and KITCHEN WARE are complete, and will be sold at such prices (the times considered) as cannot fail to give satisfaction. All kinds of "M"' 11131, 1167 embracing the latest and -most approved patterns, for either wood or opal, constantly on hated. larSpeciallittention is given to putting up Spout - ing, made of the best tin, for houses and barns. Remember the sign of the "I3to RIM HoaN" August 26, 1864. IXTHE .QUARTERLY REPORT 0 Othe Mist National Bank ol'.Wayuosboro'. July Bd, 1865. Loans and Discounts. $62,031,37 U. S. Bends to secure circulation. 75,000,00 8. Bonds and other U.S. - securities, 33,950,00 Due from other Banks, 22,421,97 Cash items and Rev. Stamps, 3,214,22 Specie and toga! tenders 19,0813 00 Circulating notes of this Bank, 15,100,00 Notes of other Banks, 465.00 Capital paid in 875.000,00 ,tiurplus and profits 3,855;15 Due to Depositors 83,285,37 Circulating notes of this Bank 67,150,00 Dividends unpaid 381,57 Due to other Banks • 2,201,47 Tho above statement iv just and true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. JNO.PHILIPS, Cash. , Sworn and aubecribed be tbre me. J. F. KURTZ, Notary Public. July 21-6 t. • THE subscriber intends carrying on the Chain business in connection with Blacksmithing.— He will bo ready at any time to fill orders at short notice. Either single or &Mole Fifth Chains, Spreaders, Jockey'Trerces, Butt or Carrier ChaiLs made by 'an experienced workman and of the bed material. Persons wanting anything in this line can apply at the Hardware •tore of Geiser & Rin chart, W aynesboro'. LAWSON SCHILDKNECHT July , 2l--tf. ' METUALFEA HITEsHEW HAVE SUS opened another large lot of Dry Gonda• and utiOnS. " _ __ plug. 4. ITIHE largest assortment of LADII - 6 1 7IRESS /p GOODS ever opened in Oliambersburg, at i u nog 4] • Mirrosum & METUALF.4 & kifllletiSW go tart every. month, the year rbund,'td purchase goods.; they therefore have fresh stock and latest styles - all the time: DRESS TRINIMINGS:—The beet , astiottmeut outsitio of thu city at -• ..111acalmtr , TIIETLA.UE to buy cheap Dryliooilskat. • ItliticaLvedo liiirsaliNioo.7,7 a Kill stock iiioolact from, at • fir • ; METCALFS & HITEBIIIIIA. I'+TPALF4 h' if (TESH 0 W . will give:notice i±14.94111) go into Lneii now roan. IMMSI CHILDREN . D. B. RUSSELL. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Chains Chains. $231,873,56 - Hmsztsw'a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers