,k e ILT Z 4 lia CELEBRATED *au anti tattle Noutitto. ate YI ewe preventfre of Lung 'Perez', and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse,. Such as Glom- ders, Yellow Water,, Dis- temper; Pon n,der, Heaves•, Slaverintr, Coughs, Fe vers Loss of: Appetite and Vital Ener gy, &e. In poor, low-spirited animals,• it Ices the mast beneficial ctrect.. Thees 6 of them improves the Iv ind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and gloqsy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this Loble The property this Powder •possesses itl 111 4 Creasing the quantity of INlillt in Cows, giveB it an importance and value which •should place it in the bandit; of every person keeping A Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In titttening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide ,and makes theist thrive much faster. HOGS. In all Diseases of the Swine. such as Coughs, Clair.; in the Lungs, Liver, Sc. By putting from half a paper to a paper of th'i.e Powders iti a bar rel of SWill, the -7'..P74. above - Diseases" ears he cured or entirely pre vented. By using theSe Powders the Hog Cholera ran be prevented. Pricia 25 ets.per Paper ~(3 r 5 Papers for Si. PREP \RED BY -- - ere • 7% :if? - . . S-d-PO-UTZ-&-BRO4 - AT TUEII WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For .Sake by Driirgists and Storekeepera throughout the 'United States. M"Plie alaWe Powders can be had at Manufac turer,' of F. POIII2THAIArsi, Waynesboro'; JohllSoll. I & ( • owden, Philadelphia; J. J Bender & Co., Pittsbeg; Laughlin & Buslifiehi, Whoeling, Va. [Dec. 9--ly. THE WAR IS OVER ! NOW IBS TUE TIME TO BUY DRY MB 11 [HMG, METCALF & HITESHEIV'S, ur HIRE they are selling them for one hal V V the former prices. They keep eirerything fir the Dry Goode alui Notion line. BUGLE BUTTONS, 111;G LE 'tRININTINGS, LADIES' CO %TS, SACKS, CIRGULA RS, Ite , t receit•ed and of the latest stolen. Also Ladles' colors acid prima. • 91 CA I,l' & ENV, d St., just above the Jail, Wo,,t side of the e•treet. Aloil 14. Efti AND CZEOPPZNG MILLS subs . criher would inform ,tho public that he hos purchased'of V. H. Giihert,tbo well-known bawing sad Chuniag Mills, 15 ktuattd about one quarter of a love from llear's Factory, and is now prepared to saw Lumber to order, iiull or mum lar saw, and is also piepared to chop corn,oats, &c., a t short uutice. Jr Persons wanting' WATER Wiiia:Lot, can hate than made to order at short notice. None but the best , material will bo tied for this purpose. fly punctuality and attention to business he nopes to Merit. a liberal s har„, o f th e pulMc's patronage. JOHN 1,. M ETUALF.. The babscriber otb.rs fur sale a aar 'FRAME , 70 by 11 . 1 leet, budalde for a huckbudding, a a.II eatable, etc., ull ready for ruoilag. J. Nox.-1, 18G I. ___±___2_ £E Vti COORS ! 11 1 HE subsei Own; have opened a "Variety :Rare' on the :North west Corner of the Doutiond, and Live just returnedlrotn dr East with a lull assolt toeut ut boats, cotnprisiug in part the BOOTS AND SHOES, Bats, Caps and Bonnets, Baskete; &e., al so Gents' .12'uruiShirz Gcsids, consistiog 01 ~neckties, Paper Cyllars, • Suspeudcis, 'Ker chiefs, Cotton nose and. Glove*, together with Tobacco,,Sauffti And a gee assortment urchofel: Cahreatibus, c`Otnprisitig . Dandies N uth, Oracges, Lellibue 2 _&c. Adice stock Jwelry, such as B, tii Jewelry, such as BreastpinN, Ear !Ships; Atiugs, Sleeye Buttons, § . -day and thiriy hourelocks. VirATCHES CLOCKS wait Jetielry rep:urea dr, short., 1101Gle.d. •The subscribers tender their thanks to the plat& for pastluvors and hope by - Strict attention' to busi. t o is to merits cram/mance of the same. Iklsi_l2, /8645, • at. J. EL DtIV.: SHERIFF ALTY, T , firrEß myself no it CatiditiAte tor'the •►+4f+ei sulject to the dieisien` Of the t:twx • ' ' ' • tesePowdere strengtiw theStomaaii" Al Intestines,. (eanso them om offensive Ater, and' ing them:to lealthy state. Tllo3tAll WAFER. t., W TIME WINE OF IRO& - 11$11C, Corrective and efficacy in diseases of BOWELS. _mess, De pression of SpirVs, Constioation, Intermitent Fever, Acidity of the Stinnett), Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for . Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swiniming of the Head, Dffretilt. tlipathing, Yellow ness of the Skin anti Dyes, Fever and Dull pain in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, •will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility,Dis easeself the Kidneys and And Diseases arising from a disorder ed Stomach, • good fur male or female old or young. • ''he most beneficial tridieine known; gives bet ,ter satisfaction and cures more diseases than any cr-. then preparation offered to the Public. Prepar .ed solely by 8. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. BEWARE OF te:i- Counterfeits -lin As Ktinkels Bitter Wino of Iron is the only sire and effectual remedy in the known world for tho permanent cure of Daepe . psia dnd Debility, and us there are a number of itrutationaMfered to the pub. lie, we would caution thocomMunity to purchase none but. the genuine article, manufactured•by S. A. Komr.m. & ilam, and has their stamp on the top of. the.eork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $1 bottles, and sold by all respectable &egg / 6st throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the Jac simile of the proprietors' signa ture. This Wine -includes the most agreeable and ed . '. eient S_alt_of Iron we possess;.Citrate of Magnetic Oxhide combined, with the most energetic of vege. table tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. - The effect - in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and gener al prostration; of an efficient Salt of Iron, combin ed with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy.— It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, tests oft muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility and gives a florid figure to the countenance. • GENERAL DEPOT, 118 MARKET sTiturrr. • HeaursialuG, Pte. For sale by nll respectable dealers throUghout the country. For sale by J. F, Kunz, Druggist: , April 29-Iy. PA Al Wood Working And .IS.A.NTETIATaGr ESTABLISHMENT AND MILLS I SIILL continuing the manufacturing of all kimis of Building Material, such as 8 A , Doors, Shutters, Blinds, - FACING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Fraznes, FLOORING, &c. &C lESAET 3SE .141114 T 411Wir y miii and circular saws of every description.— .Ashitig a continuation of favors. I promise still to sell ott as equitable terms as possible, considering Limes and prices. For Waller paiticulars apply to the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles Southeast of Way itosboro'. April 1, 18134. D. F. GOOD. • 1111 IV. D. LECHER ____. ‘"': - .4 , ".. 4, - . 414,41r-1- . _- , :‘!.'''''.. . _.., ---'''-- - , ~t 7,..,_ , --. i A NNOUNCES io his friends and the public /X get etolly that he is now in possession of all the Lite and most improved instruments, and is well prepared to perform all DENTAL operations. He will be happy to wait upon those who may require the services of an experienced , Denti.t. All .opera tions upon the Mouth and teeth performed in a sci entific manner. Teeth inserted according to latsst itoprovernetOs in the art, and at Moderate rates. Offule in 4is residence on the South Comer of the Diamond. Ap. 11, '62. FIRST UM DRUG MU IN WAYNESBOR.O,' PA. M. ,STONER Druggist, TlitiliTUL to his friends and customers for Ole I very libeial encouragement received in his "old business an I he hopes that the introduction of the systota will. add to their interest and •his ad vantage in continuing their favors., He believes a dirtinetion oughtito be made between cash and credit and he intends to exhibit it in the prices of his articles offered for sale. Call and see, and if not so, purchase where ever you can get the cheap est, the best article at the letivest price. His assort ment is more general than is usually found in coun try Drug trtores. He has quite-a variety of Hooks, clic., which he will dispose of cheap for cash, intend ing to close it, considering it no part of his business, and has adopted this motto, "live and let live,. sup. port and suplorting. i M. M. &FON Pt. Add. t918G4, . . Yelicines. Perfumery, ani fancy Articles, FOREIGN a, uOMESTIO FRUM, coriceoLiu.uaaw, Arlo; TOBACtO A.ND =AIR 2, j Main Sirect 0 .• 4_10); • - eaboro' 11, Pirk..Zie.EMAWKWAIIEWOVVA'eakr.t . &• T. .I.; FILBERT,. • Haa • • ,• •;••', P.;# eonstangy fur sale skitell assortnant ril - GOODLS for gentteinen's ware. kartetest Cif . ? 'Faihicins o AP E S f 'esbOro'; Pa. • • - ' "k? s 14;fived Thretskiny PI dine Farmers *lll . please look at the great advantage In Thrashing . . Grain with . . GEISERS' PATENT 9RLM•R6GO6ATINO GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAGGER.. • At a time like the present, when labor is very Imam, it is important that farmers Who are interested should give attention to the above improvement, Which will Considerably reduce the eXpense of threshing grain ever the common way. This machine has been before the public for a number of years, but tot very widely circulated, al though it has competed with all the best of the diffe-ent patented Grain Separators, and proved a decid ed advatitage, and now has the reputation of being the .best Separator ever before the public. In order to prove this in new neighborhoods where it is not known, I am willing to forward a machine for a test to any person desiring ri trial, and have its merits tested; and I wish to have it understood that I put the machine its, own merits, and want fawners to judge for themselves. If it does not fully meet their wan( and ey do not wish' to purchase, lam perfectly welling to Dear all expenses of shipping. Th • inc is particularly adapted to farmers tbr their own use, and will apply to lever or railway power, will thresh and clean, in good grain, from 100 to 150 bushels per day, using, four to six horses and the same'number hands, but under very favorable cireurNstancee will thresh more per day. It cleans the grain thoroughly clean by one operation, which is not generally done by other Separators. Grain cleaned on this machine, with-much light filthy. matter, is worth one or two cents more per bush el than if cleaned in Ihe common - way. There is also a great saving of grain, in straw and chaff over the common way of thrashing and cleaning, and s -also over other Separators an d Cleaners. The machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, being permanently fixed on two wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it is not half the trouble in a barn floor as the common thresher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation, being simple, easily managed, relia ble, durable:compact, and cleanly to work by while in operation, not making near the dust as the com mon machine . or of ter Separators. Far ners can rest assured that this' machine is no humbug, and judging from-the high recommendation from farmers that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that.it is the very machine that farmers want and will have as soon as they havetin opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, which I hope they will give me an opportunity, as I am willing to be responsible, as already stated, Price of Machine at Shop, (all complete, ready to attach to belt Lever or Railway Power,) $1,75 cash, 6180 in three mouths, with interest from date. As material for manufacturing advances, there may lie a corresponding advance in the price of ma= Chines. The machine is fttlly represented in the above cut. I warrant the machine to do as above represented. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. The machine, is .manufactured in Pennsylvania and Maryland, at different shops. For further information and description of machine, address . DANIEL GEISER, Proprietor, 11ruyipsboro', Frcinklin County, 'Penna. Sep. 23—tfl traynesboro 7 AND MACHINE otisEß's PATENT - SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR. CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THREsIIER AND TRIPPLE•GEAREt). HORSE PoWERs, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT, ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE, READY TO PUT ON WAGONS. . '- I, the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Threshermen of Franklin and adjoin ing counties to this machine. It has been befiire the public for a number of years, during which *time it has given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made some very important improvements which ren der it still more complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fitst threshing. I take pleasure in recommending it to the public knowing that. it will give the hest satis faction. •I urn manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh, and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per atty. • The am all size. :ice the above which fully represents the machine, also full description, price, &c., of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable time to insure their being• tilled. aza.l, --- eDat - tazv 71 alaa4azaduicYzi• tara AND MANUFACTURERS OF SYRUP 1 • I am manufacturing different sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to be driven either by water, steam or horse power) and Evaporaturs'arid fixtures for making Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Steam Engines fur driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Woou, &c. I am fully prepared to make tho above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND . SAW MILI. tlEistllliNUt,-SHA,FTiMiI &NI) PULLEY'S, IRON inticats, CAST IRON WATER-WHEELS. IRON KEI'TLES, &c, ' . toves , and Plow castings,ulso cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am . prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines; persons can rely order having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. 1 am also prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood, such as Tonging and Gro,ing ma chines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Alm+Wing machines, &ó. I also offer to the public a new anlYvaluAle improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the oid engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experi enced workmen in this lino of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in war , ranting all my work. I urn also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must on accompanied with the cash. Per particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address Or DANIEL Gptsslr,,lroprietor of Territory anti so .eds 0-11. CARRIIGEMAKINC JACOB ADAMS WOULD inform his numerous customers arid the public generally that the war having t er : intruded he is now preparing to carry on the Car riage-rn eking busit.e,is more extensively !ban ever, and will have constantly 0n',. 1 4 - WA - ;•!. hand -BUGGIES of every description; 1 441aveset: new and second-handed Vehicles of all kinds.-- E - 4" llepairing done at short notice, lie will employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in his line will do well to give him a.call before plirchasing elsewhire. JACOB ADAMS. Church St At, warty opposite the. AI E. Church. Jun.: 9—tf. DR. J. FABRNEY'S BLOOd PURIFIEIi. rlft HIS article so well known by reputation for having curred some of the worst cases of Tet er. :Scrofula, and ull impurity of the Blood, is al; ways on hand at Fourthman's Drug store. . fle haajustseceived a fresh supply of the above article and can accommodate his customers. Juno 3—ly. • At "OLD • raid Es.” ALargo lot of HAY AND OtAIN FORKS, G/i A IN RO:ESOiIIi.AIS CHAD LBSO'orlt Do:wales; Scythes, &c. c. if you wish tusave looney call ut Li ROTS ER. ro N'S Hirdware Store. Juno .16 , )COUNTY TREASURER. • A T the aoliFitatkort of a number of myfriends, ALI 'announce triysilf a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision, °Mc_ Union ~Touitnattng Cilunty Convention. • . ' tiuincy, 141ny s—ti.l `IV M.' PLR AG L '"''COUNTY TREASURER. Ci A MUEL , F. GREENAWALT offers hiniself Oae a Candidate for the office Of • County Treas urer, hubjeCtto the decision of the Union. Noinina ' g tints Ten t ion. COAMBELLSButta t • May. 12. . . County.. Treasurer... . WH. "H. BROTHERTON will he a candidate erfor County 'Treasurer, suitject to the de. cleion of the Union Nominating , Convention. • Jane ' • , tOO 11 . Si AT "OLD • PRICES IP.: • . :At pRoTH ER.rt-Evs naidwaiu stoo: tine .2' Foundry SHOP GEORGE FRICIC ) icitor of orders, Waynesboro,' Franklin Co. Pa. TIIE WAR OP 1776, THE name "Continental" sounds more dear ID the American heart, than any of the Itoyrl blood even should it be a prince. So all you that want a good Cooking Stove that burns either coal or wood, call at VEITLES and avk for the Continental, which is one• of the best stoves in market, and by far the cheapest. It takes a long stick ofwood and is provided with fire brisk to burn coal. It is one of the best baking and cooking Stoves that has etrer been offered for sale. It is a tine Cooking Stove and is easily kept clean I always have a large assortment on band, and will give better bargains than any other house in the count7y. So to prove that my name is not Gen. Bragg call and see for yonrself. Also on hand Heating Stoves, such as - 111 E !UTE HD COIL SIMS: for shop or parlor, all of which' i will sell very lo* You will also find a large assortment of "Carcr-4:11....W9 with -Copper, Brass and Sheeteirot. Ware which is all of my own make, and which has been proven can not tbe found better in any place. • Now remember I am bound to sell cheap, so all that want anything in my line, give me a call. My shop i s still at toe cild'placo on Main 'Street, nest door to Millet's Store. • • House Spouting! • done.at all times and of the best double tin. 'Feeling very thankful for the many past favors- I have received tTorn the public, I would' invite all to give me a call, for then you can see for yourselve where to get bargains. .Old metal taken at Foundry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. W. A. TITTLE, Mar.2B Waynesboro'. . Army - and Navy Claims. OSEPH DOUGLAIS., Attorney stAw Wayneapore . being • duty - licensed, as Claim A gent will procure Pensions, Bounty, Bounty arrearages of pay and clothing, and all 'other allow, ances due seamen and soldiers, their heirs 'or rerire, tentative*. • ' • • " • " May Da—m. ~•• • L T - .. 1111 1 111 • skiiiiaAstisl3l4o4;,- „. - GEO. ST9VER'.S 4 '-' ...:Waynesboro'Or#, HAMKFULJ for kind favors and Patronage bete j totote bestowed upon him, again appetite befitte the public to, solicit a, continuance, of the' semi-- He having just returned from the eastern cities with a fine and well selected stock of new SPRING AND SIMMER gOO D 8 9 Which he intends selling at very,'; low rates, which he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all will call and examine his stock. Below you w ill find enumerated a few articles which will be found •among his stock to Which he calls your attention. FOR THE • W-4 AIL KO IE2 iey He, has a large asaortme of Dress Goods coneiating , hi part of Printed and Plain Delainea, , Fig'd and Cot'd•Silks, Plaid Mohair, • Silk Warp Mob air, Dereges, Medona Cloth, Lavellas French and dointic Gingham' Poplins, Pongee Mix*.re, - Cloth for Ladies, ' Wrapings, G loves, Hosiery, in great variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, • Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Caisimeresi Union Cassimeres, Duelt Linens, Cottonades, • Summer Coatings, " Tweeds, VelV3t Cord, , Marseilles. • • Silk Vesting, • Velvaiine Vesting ' of, al kinds; in fact a - full assotment of goods for Gentle men wear. Also a larger and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. lt'a no use 'trying to enumerate. if you want anything at all in the Dry, Goods line just call in and you will find him ready to wt.it on you with pleasure. To persons having country• Produce to sell, tbey will find it to their advantage to bring • it to Sto— •ver's,aa ha always gives the highest market price. 130 give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. May 5,1865, LATEST ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER. DRY GOODS J. VV. MILLER'S. TT AMG returned from the Easters cities layvith a largo and chciice assortment of Dry goods, Queensware, Ce darware and Groceries, which I am prepared to otreiwith much greater in , ducements thanlieretofore for Cash. la.Jaciao (toicwat Silks, all Wool and printed Delaines, French Me rinoe, Alapacas, Ginghams, Shawls, Balmora lioopskirts, Collars, Magio Ruffling, Bugle Trim mings, Hoosery, Cloaking Cloth, &c. GENTS GOODS : Fancy and Plain Caaimeres, Black Cloth, Italian Cloth, Vestinge, Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans,Shirt Fronts, Collars, Neck Ties, Under Shirts, Drawers, Buck Gloves, Buck Gauntle ts, &c DOMESICT GOODS : . . Furniture Check, Bedding, Cotton Flannel,' 'all Wool Flannel, Linsey, Table Diaper, 'fowling &c. QUEENSWARE, CEDARWARE AND GROCERIES. Syrups, Molasses, Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee; Ras eoffea, Sugars, Tobaccos, Babbit Soap, Tea, &c. The above goods have been purchased for the Cash and 1 desire the same to be sold for Cash as we don''t keep any books. By strict attention to busine• B and a desire to ukase in every respect I hope to merit a confirm. pace of patronage. May 5, 1865. -TNT Co CJ 3EI . STATE of Daniel Gehl, fate of Washington X4Township dec'd. Letters of administration hay ing been grtntet-to the sabecriber, he• hereby nod= flea all persons indebted to said deceased to make payment thereof, and all creditors to pretreat their dawns. - • JACOB S. GOOD Adm'r. haer w STATES. UNION HOTEL OPPOSITE THE Le,banon Valley and i'inne,yliania R. R. De- pots, TERMS-50 elmTs PIMAr, AND 50 CssTs Pita ' . I:l4.sszsacriaGin, PL. 1011/1 W. TAYLOR, Ap. 7—lv) • Pmirietor. • - A LL the popular Patent Medicines of the day at A t. . , SYRUPS, Sugars and Coffees received at . . ?mai& lictraca's. 111/GL E Buttons and pimps; with a splendid va-, ...I.lrietjr of "randy Buttons' for Ladies' Coats and lai:keta. at Sdnimt) Praez & Benitacit'S. , CI tiIRYBR Balt:Aorta' en d,Btriped Skuting at 0 • , , Panfi& Hcizinaca'fi: IDIARLOW.'S ItiDIGO, the . genuine-article, and JUDI only place to be had ee rnren & Monica's • 1101PL10,111 b, • COLUMNI • ,~ , =ME LATEg , 'Ooiri.Tp,FROT! THO stfirscriberi brie just received from the Eas: tern cities a Inge' and fine assortment of HT COON! GROCERIES, &Cl_ bought by one 'of the firm who was in the city im mediately after the fall of Richmond,.and consequen 1y had the advantage of the Panic Prices, and which enables them tasoll their present stock much lower than °otitis have been sold for the past 114 months in this town' or any other town, (Chambersdurgnot accepted.) • To satisfy.the community of what we have said isto give us a call and learn the facts,' :l The great est evidence of their present assortment being low. , er than they have been for some time is from the constantly increasing demand. LADIES' GOODS in their varied stock can be found the latest styles of • Delaines, Allwool Delaines,. • > Atmore Weir* • - Brazies, Fancy Silks, Poplins Chambray Gingham, • Alpacas,. Spring Detains, 'Gingham, ' • Idozambiques, Cloaking 010014. SuunnerHalmoralsi. - Allwool Carpet, Hoop Skirts, Rag Spring Shawls, Henn, " ' Shakers, Floor. and Table Oil Clotho awlazazid (tiocx)o. We boast of having the' largest assortment ever brought to Town. Weit:ibpught twenty.five per cent. cheaper than pr,espni t pficepand will be sold/ accordingly Silks,. ' Bateges, Grenadines,. 'Wool De}sins, Poplins, Challies, Lawns, plairond figured,, Balzetincs, • Crape Despanges, Eng. Crap , e, American Piints- t French Crape; • , Collars, Ink'fs,. Mitts, • Gauntlets,&c: GENTLEMENS' {BAR; Through their stock ofMen's wear you wIll• ha a splendid assortment of Cloths, Allwool Tweeds, Cassimeres, Fancy Battens, Veszings, Plaid' Linens, Linens, Heavy Cotonades, Drills, Farmers' Drill, OUR FANCY .STOCZ comprises a great 'variety 'of Ba Hoop Skirt Shawls i Gauntlets, Kid Gloves,. Head Nets, Trim tning Ribbons, Laces, &e. DOMESTIC GOOD BROWN AND BLEACHED, MUSLIN; Linen Sheeting,s, Bleached and Brown Diapers ; Tickings, Strips, Furinturo Checks, Burlass, Cottonadei, Linens; ' Bags .it Baggin A good asedrtment of tiOtE'A.II.ES, Brown Sugars • Mackerel, White Sugar,' Cheese, ' Syrups, ' • Cofee. 41E3 3E - 4 MD. ..49L • WILLOW WARE AND Q E N. S W A R' E • And every article necessary to supply the necess ties or render comfortable our old friends and a quaintances. We "mean to give esursonir.,A Trott To summon and give our friends every acne •. modatiop possible. The subscribers return thanks to their patrons past favors and kindly ask a. continuance';'of same. (Ap 21, - 1885.) P. 'a It' A PRIME article 'of - Cheese ar• • ?rack & them frIIBINt3 and Mackreb at .• , • , . • Paicts &EL:tart:lc S iilK r!:PSiEIS at oirata at • • in. 'Anne 2] • : OVATAIN FMTWIES' with - von', and ;al, N..:1 11 ' • . Parcr:Si. EICIPLICH LADLES' Fancy Kid and Lasting Gaitois :*Parca' & Home Ur W. PUTNAM'S Patent Platt): W DILA for sale at the sign of the Rig Red D.II. :Roan (Jute. il.'6 Agent for Franklin, county. Tobacco,. UETZ'S Drug, St IF s'ou want. goo . • Mil= V ~ Parca & HrEnz,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers