F` Co IT rivZ ~,Rp.g.BRATED pro aud tarn* gentilto hese Finideti ill strength- L the Stomach td•lntestines, :,ansethem. :! !om of fensive latter, and —hag them to _ ......60010 0111r a healthy state. They are pun preventive ofLung Fever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, such as Glan ders, Yellow Water, Pis• top e r ;F . oun der, 11 ea v¢ s, Sitiv , :ri t.r,, yen,: LOS, nP Al , o.tite :I' id Vital Emr gY. tt In imor, lour-cpiri ten animals, it has the most behetivial efft•Qt. The use olthein improves the wind, strrhgth ens the Appetite, and gives to the 'Hors, a fine, smooth and glossy skin..—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this, The property this Powder rosesses in tn• creasing •the quantity of 141 ilk in Cows, gives. It an importance and vat N% Inch should place it in the hands of every person ]seeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity Of Milk and Cream twenty per rent., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In thttening tattle, it gives them art appetite, loosens their hide •and, - rakes them thrive lunch faster _H 0 G In all Diseages of the Swine, each as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, 4ilgc. By putting from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bar rel of Swill, the above Diseases_ can vented. By using Cholera can be prevented Prioe 25 oti. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. IMEIME3 S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., WHOLESALE DR - OG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, 80. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sate by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. s t orThe aboie Powders can be had at Manufac turers' prices of F. FOURTHM AN, Waynesboro'; Johnson, Hollow , y & Cowden, Philadelphia; J. J. Bender & Co., Pittsburg; Laughlin & Hushfield, Wheeling, Va. iDec. 9—ly. PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber intene ing to remove West, will sell nt nt his re , idence, near 11.1ie siore,s Mill, on the road leading from Waynesboro' in Chambersburg, 3 miles from the former place, On Y'uesrla,y Me 3 , , day of January, 1865, the following per§Onai property, consisting of stock rind firming implements: HEAD Oil HORSES, ;s e 0 0 1 - among which are 2 good brood Ntrirek, , ... heavy with foal,l two-year 1 one-viar old Volt, . 7 HEAD ,OF MILO COWS, I of which will he fresh shout the time of sale, 11 Head of line young Cattle, 1 Fat 30 11E111 OF SHEEP , • among which is one.fine Buck, 12 Head of Hogs, Among which are 1 Sow and Boar, of the Suff . , dlt Breed; 2 fat HOGS; 2 Plantation Wagons, 1 tour inch tread, nearly new, 1 narrow tread, 1 Wood Bed, good--ss—now,—L—' pai . r—goou--Ha-y---Latldors,-1 Rockaway Buggy and harness, I Basket Sieigh, 1 large string of Bells, 2 sets of Breeehbands, 2 sets Front Gears, good a. new, 6 sits Plow Gears,4 Fly Plots, bridles, halters, lines, 2 three 7 horse Barshenr P ows ' 1 two horse do., 6 double Shovel Plows, 2 .1 riglti do., I corn Coverer. 2 three-horse Harrows tripple, double and single trees, spreaders, 1 fifth churn, 2 lug ehairks,2 pair butt traces, 2 pair breast chains, lot of cow chains, 1 Wheelbarrow, 4 Grain Cradies; 4 mowing scythes, I Grind stone, 1 set of BLACKSMITH TOOLS. diging iron, crowbar, 2 mattocks, lot of larks and rakes, I dung hook, lot of old iron; 1 Side Saddle; /5 ACHES OF ll.fill I TO ORB 100 B USHELS OP POTATOES, • 200 BARRELS or CORN Household and Kitchen Furniture consisting of 6 Bedsteads and Belling, 1 Secretary,.2 Bureaus, 2 sets Chairs, 3 Rocking Chairs, 1 large and 3 small; 3 Wash Stand, 1 Looking Glass, 2 Safes, 1 Corner Cupboard, 1 large kitchen Table, lireakfist and 1 Dining Table, 1 :ten-plate Stove, Cooking Steve and Fixtures, new; 1 large Dinner Bell, 2 iron kei. ties, 1 Copper Kettle, 1 meat vessel, 1 pickle stand, 1 churn, tubs, buckets, 2 barrels Vinegar; a lot of tinware, queeusware, Crockery, &c., also a lot isf Pork , end Lard by the lb., opplebuttur by the ,~rosk, lot dried (mit; 3 axes, maul and wedges, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Or Sale to cominotice at 9 o'clock on said day 'when the terms wilt be made known. CiEURGE MYERS. . Dsc 9 —to] G. V;Mosa, Auct. D LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber intending to remove to the West offers at Private Sale bisproperty situated about vine mile Northwest of W synesboro', on the road Lading to Quincy, conPistiug of a 1 Acts lot of grouud with TWO-STORY LUG HOUSE, Weatherboa nled. From thieperi Shop Summer }louse, Smoke Meuse, Good Franco Stable, Carri , ige Shed, Hog Pen, &c, thereon erected. There is al so a gond l:irtern at the 'door,and a selection of the icheicept Fruit frees on the premises. The roofing on th.• buildings are new. The whole lot is endue sid With a good pa iling fence. !For further 'Paden lyre apply to the subscriber. DArlll G I Pl 4. Dec. 9 a rarlf the above property is not sold privately on or before Tcs.DAT THE 3D DAY Or JANUARY, 1865, it will be offered at Public t-ale on that day ,at 10 +o'clock: A. Al FARM FOR SALE . 0 1[1 r ~ HE subscriber wishing to remove to the Wept ofilmkat. P,rivate Sale Ids farm situated near the ermantown School House, iu Washington - con:1- tty, Md., containing . . • 72 ACRES, otorhich is good Men dow Lent-45 in ,a gem state of cultivation, the balance well set with dui vigor Chestnut and flockoak Timber. The improve 03141flie , area good , two-story - " - Ero4o l o*..7:l7oMEßßip' with Ilartynent, Cellar and' Spring prenniit,' tied - . Lng Barn, Hog Pen and ,ottker ings. 'There, is •an Orchard 55`ApPle Treeiipaside4YetherTitlit on the premises. A stream of water parities through -*be tract with an excellent Spring near the door. Dec 9-4 t) OTHO DEAL. ' larlf the abovi property is not sold privately on or before theln,or JANUARY, 1865, it will be oiler. ed at Pubic Sole on that dap at 10 o'clock, A. M. PUBLIC SAE" Fr VIE undersigned, intending to remove .West will I sell at ',Public Sale at his residence, adjoining .1121ftyhoil'e Machine Shop' on the road leading frog► the Leitersburg Turnpike to Jacob""Rhureh, On Wednesday the 21st clay af December 'O4, the followin* property, to •- 4 WORK , ORSES 9 of them hinderer., 1, an eit.m . Family mare, 5 WIII2Cg COWS, 4:head YOUNG CATTLE, 6 head FAT HOGS; 3 Sows, 1 with 9 Pigs, 1 Boar, 7 Shoats, 4 head of Sheep, 2 FARM WAG ONS, (I a four-inch;) 1 Wa gon and Sand Bed, '1 Spring Wagon, 1 Falling Top Buggy, 1 Sleigh and Bells; 4 set of Wagon. Gears, 5 sets of Plow Gears, 4 sets of Harness, 4 sets of Fly Nets,2 sets of Buggy Harness, .1 set of Buggy Fly — Nets (leather;) Collars, Bridles, Halters, Wagon and Plow lines, 1 Wagon Saddle and whip Ca,t Cenis i -I—Riding-Saddie-and-bridte, -1 side Bridle Lcathe, • 1 CLOVER HULLER, (Hnnsicker's make;) 1 three and 2 two•horse Bar shear Plows: 2 double and 1 single d0.,1 Corn Coy riper, 2 Harrows, 1 treble and 2 double trees, 5 spree ers, 3 Log Chains, lot of single trees, 2 pair Butt Traces, 2 pair breast - chains - s lot of Cow Chains, a lot of traces, 1 jack• screw, I wheelbarrow, I set of dung boards, 1 dung sled 1 large Rope, 2 grain cra dles, 1 Cloversectl 'do., 2 Mewing scythes, 2 work benches, 1 grind stone, 1 3.T0015, 1 Cross-cut Saw, 1 Vice, 1 Serewplate, 2 wooden vice screws, 1 large and 2 small stone wedges, 2 mason hammers, I mat tock, 1 pick, shovel,f, digging Iron, Hoes, 2 Fishing Nets, 1 idiot gun,l dung hook, a lot of Forks and rakes, a lot old and new iron. Also, about 35 a cres of . GRAIN 11l THE GROUND, mere or lel3o;:about SO bushels of OATS; 10 barrels of CORN. Also,llousehold and Kiichen Furnb:. Lure, eetvqi•eing of 4 e OMMnn_ii_etWrid'S_ 1 Cottage Bedstead, I Secret ar.; and Bonk-cast., 2 Bureaus, 1 Ward Rohe, 3 sets 1 Poston and Ladies' Rocking Chair, 1 W;iatnot, 1 fancy parlor stand, 2 hooking Glasses, I Safe, 1 largo Kitchen Cup board, 1 Sink, 1 Doughtray, I large an, I small Dining Table, 1 Clot hes Basket. 1 Ten-plate Stove, 1 ESE COI ME, N 0 .9., 1 Slop Stove, I large Blamer Bell; I Iron kettle, 3 Meat—V-esse-ls-,-1 s , tand: Tubs, Buckets, a lot empty Wider Barrels, 2 Barrels Vinegar, 3 Five gal Kegs, 2 Water Kegs. Fruit ariLrickle Jars, a lot crocks, and a great many other articles too nu merous to mention. The above articles are all new and in good con: dition. Salo to commence at 9 o'clock on said tlay,when a reasonable credit will be given. •MARTIN LUTHER BELL. Dec 2—ta. J. Bowan°, Auct. 'Spirit' copy and eh. advertiser. IVIYNESBOHO' HOTEL, Vfira,yrL•agalborcs.,' FRANCIS BOWDEN, PROPRIETOR, THE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generallN that he has concluded not to dispose of his Hotel property and will continue the business as heretofore. The House lati but recently been thoroughly RE-FIT TED and HE-FURNISHED, so that he is now enabled to allbrd evciy comfort and convenience to his guests. His TABLE will at all times be provided with the best provision the markets willmffont. Attached to this Hotel is a large and commodi ous new Stable. An attentive Hostler will at all times be in readi ness, and special attention will be pa id to the wants of transient visitors. FRANCIS R.OWDEN. Dec. 2—ty hiIINANCE, D 0.21. BE it ordained by the Town Council of the Bo rough of Waynesboro', and it is hereby enac ted by the a athority of the same, That from and after the 13th day of December, A. D., 1869, from the curb inward, one-half of the width of every pavement along' the streets of said Borough (ex cept those along Mein street, already provided for) Irail-be—kept—open—a ntl—u-nobstructed.—Amd—aa person or persons who by placing any matter ex thing on said space to lie kept clear and unobstruc ted, or by carrying on any business whatsoever. thereon ; or who in any way or manner' shall im pede the free and proper use thereof, shall upon conviction, forfeit and pay for the use of said Bo rough such st.m (not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars) as the Chief Burgess may deter mine. Providt. nevertheless, That any person or persons ohstrurtipg said space to be kept open as aforesaid, by but tiering thereon, shall upon eon •ictitm, forfeit and pay for the use of said Borough, for the first offence the sum of five dollars, anl firr each and every offence thereafter the sum of ten dollars. Passed this 25th day of, November, A. D. 1364. . Attest —.I H. WciAtt, Seery. WM. L. FLANAGAN, President of the Town Council. Approved—This Twerity-ninth day of Novem ber, A. D., 1864. H. STONEIIOIIBE, Lee. 2-30 Chief Burgens. PUBLIC SALE- THERE will ha expose(' to Public. Sale, on the premises, in Quincy township, Franklin coun ty. Pa., on S.A.TUntit Tne 24Th DAV r DFrIMISR, 1864 , the following described Peal Estate, viz : /Co. 2. A TRACT OF LAND. containing ACRES and 58 Perches, neat Measure, adjoining No•. 1 and 3, and lands of Rudolph Speelman, Samuel Wingert and Samuel Flbutz, on which is °remit] ■ rood two•etory BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Barn and other buildings. About 45. Acres clear, Intl well culthaled and under good fence. Good water and every convenience about the premises. No 3. A TRACT OF LAND containing 21 ACRES and 67 Perches, neat meaaure, adjoining Nos. 1 and 2, and lands of Jonathan Bear, John Sum mers, Conrad Zody and Sumuel Pfontz. Othis tract there is erected a largo STONE CRIST MILL on Little Antietam Creek, about 4 miles from Way nesboro and 1i miles from Quincy. and is one of the most favorable locations In the county. There liaison 11 TII.I, ,E R "if, 2 BRICK .DIVELLING ROUSES and other buildings en the premises, all iu good repnir. Tarots:—One-third of the purchase money to re main et lien on t' , e land during the lifetime of the widow, she to receive the interest thereon semi-an nually, to be computed from the Ist of A pri1,1895, 'when possession will be given; nt her death the prin cipal sum to gob the hoire of M. Pfoutz. balance-. One-third Ist April. 1865, and the re. minder lat April, 3656, with interest from Ist A pril, 1866 All the unpaid purchase money to be secured on the land. ':Sale In commence at 11 so'clock, JOHN MILER. ,Athin'r and Trustee to sell Estate M. Pfouts, dee'4l. Dee 2—te. NWT - 1G E 'WRSO.NtS who gave their noes at .tho sale of the subscriber on the 23d,day of February last, are notified that the. Same was due on the !Sd,ult. immediate payment Pi therefore requested., • iier4 , -4tj ' ' JOHN-PIIICE.. rIC PUBLIC :1:: rip RE subscriber will expose to Public Sale, on , 1 the premises, on MONDAY Tnit 26rn a Wont- SIR, 1864, the following de scribed Real Estate, the property of John W. HarbetuO. dcelf, to'wit: Lot No. 4 on Iteitersburg Street, irr Waynesboro', frontl .ing 67 feet, with a story an d o half Rum( DWELL N(: HOUSE, Frame Wash House, Good` EOG WAGON-MA KER SHOP. 0 good Fillet, Stable with Carriage , ' Shed attached, Hog Fen, &je., thereon. There is a good 'Cistern at the house mullt •variety of choiee fruit trees en the lot. The stand is . an excellent one. for a wagon -maker or 'other mechanic. Sale to commence at o'clock on said day when terms will be made known by 1 JA,CO'S BEAVER. Adm'r. On the same day the subscriber will offer for sale Lot No. 1, on 'the same street, fronting - 83 feet. The • improvements are, a . TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, with a one and• a half story BRICK DWELL ING attached—Smoke House, Wash House and Biko•oven, all under one roof--a good Stable, Car riage House. Hog Pen, mill other out-buildings.-- There is also a good Cistern at thelkitchen door and a variety of the most choice fruit trees, grapes. &c. on the lot. rit'Terms will he made known orb the day of sale. JACOB BEAVER. Nov. 27—is) G. V. Mott, Auct. PUBTIC SALE. PTHE undersigned will sell at Publi c Sale, om I SATURDAY THE 24TH OF DECEMBER, 1864, him !rage two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE now occupied by Powell Haugh, situnted in An trim township. Franklin county Pa.. on the road leading from the Marsh Run to Hagerstown, tog eth er with 6 ACRES PRIME LA.NII adjoining the same. There arc a good Stable, Spring House and large Stone Shop on the premises; also A fine OR CH ARDof A pp:e Peach and Plum trees, Or apes, arc. Altogether it is one of the most desirable res idences in the county. Also at the same time will be sold the following personal property, viz: ONE EAT HORSE , 4 years old, the best Buggy horse in the eaunly; 1 Buggy, best kind, nearly new; 1 sot new B, lack. smith Tools, 1 Patent Dry House, 1 new Cn rt, 1 Hand Cart, end a lot of other articles. {';sale to be held on the premises at 10 o!clock or, , laid day when the terms will he made known. - WILLIAM KO t,► ' ' nov. 25—ts. G. V. MONO, Ain t. VA L B FOR SALE. rp TIE subveriber offers et' Private sale his veina -1 We Farm, situated one toile soutt.staat of 'Way nesboro', containing 145 ACRE S First quality limestone Lana, in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are, TVil). FINE BRICK DIVERINGS#;; i LARGE STONE BANK BARN, WAGON SHEDS and' CORN CRIBS, ijarriage House and all other necessary out-building t. There is an excellent well of water in the yard anti a stream of Spring Water running near the b There is also an eiccellent Orchard of Grafted fruit and about 12 or 15 acres of prime Meat ow Land on the premises. Eir This is one of the host im proved and most desirable farms in Frank'dn coun ty. GEORGE JA( :OBS. Dec 2--t f 'Herabl,' Hagerstown, copy ni:anil act lii bill to this office for collection. PUBLIC SALE. THE subsciiher will 'offer at Pubic Sale, on I SATURDAY TUE 10TH OF DECEMBER next his irop erty, situated at the East end of Main street, in Waynsliboro', consisting of a lot of ground fronting eighty four feet with a story and a half FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Roug!wasted, with Back Building, good F rams . BLACKSMITH SHOP and SHE WING SHED, Smoke Hons.,, Frame STABLE—With room sufficient for 2 hors ce and 2 ows—thereon.lliero-is-alsorga-Cist4-3rn—n the kitchen do n. with pump in it and a ttariety of choice fruit trees on the lot. The stand I atlti been lone established and is one of the best in the town for a Illaeksinith. retlale to comme nee at 1 o'- clo. k on said day When the terms will be made known by nov 18--tsj PUBLIC SALE. MHE sui•nwiber will slier at Public Sale, on a SATURDAY Me lOM of December next, on the premises, the following described ft( al Estate, viz: A Lot of Ground situated near th a German town School House, adjoining land s of Matthias Nicholas, Peter Lout, and others, containing la .43 C Et I .S., with a story and a half LOU HOUt 3.0 g Barn, Hog Pen, dizc., thereon. 'Pliero is a gi mil well of water near the house and a young Orchard of choice fruit -trees on the promisee. s ale to corn tu nee nt 1 o'clockon said dal/ when the terms will be made known by JACO 9 - I.O.HMAN. Agent for Samuel Fitz. Nov le Jour; ht. Stann, Aset. TOWN PROPERTY FUR SALE. I FIE stibseribsr will offer at Pul die Sale, on Sly VEDAS THE 17m tit? DECEUERE2,,. 1864, his House and Lot of Ground situated at I he East end of IVaynesboro', on Main street. Th e house is a com fortable two-story WEATHERBOIRDED B and has been but recently refitted with new frames, flooring, A c , and has attached a nr .w Back Build t•traoke House, Wash House, di c. 17'Sale to commence at 1 &ell ick on said day when the terms will be made known. to:la.:ls—u) WM. 1 ATERCASII. _ !MauledCorrespondence: 9 AGENTLEMAN of good moral character and retinerrient, desires to open correspondence with a number of LADIES of intelligence, tefine ment and cheerful disposition. with a view of mu tual improvement and perhaps matrimony. Must be under thirty. Will exchange Photographs. All letters prompt ly answered. Address, ; • 'EMMOR LEM Ifl 12:2 Bp: 1121. Pittsburg, Pa. N 44" 1 C E • pERBPNB who gave their notes at the sale of the subseriber on the I.)th day of February, 1804, are notified that the came fell due on the 11th inst. Payment is requested. nov 15-3 t) HENRY GILBERT. • EACRAY. OA ME to the premises of the aubsc.iber al Quin. X, icy, on ue about the tint of October, a whilm tind red epottett M LY BULL, 'about 3 years Md.— The owner is requested to come, prgro property, pay charges and take' him away •Quirmy. Nov. 18-20 - 'I.. C. NEPNER. Army and Navy c SUMS. OBEYII 1/0 UGI, , VrI, Attorney at .I,a or Waynesporo', being.duly'licensmii as Claim A gent will procure Pensions,.flounty, Bounty Lan& arrearages of pay end clothing, and all other allow. anCes'ilue seamen and 'Olio's, their-41m p m or reo sentatirest, • ~• . , May t7—tf LATEST ARRIVAL ' GEO. 'STOVER'S : , _ , ..,_Waynesboro', Pa. ~ Till A MNFUL for kind favors and patronage here tofore bestowed upon him, Again appears before• the public to solicit a continuance of the same.— He having just returned from the eastern eities with, a fine and wolf selected stock of new Which he intends selling at very low rates, which he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all will call and examine his stock. below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to, which he calls your attention. ' IL. AL _IUP IL 11E Mil - He has a large assortme of Dress Goods consisting in part of Maks, • Printed and Plain Delaines, Drk, Fig'd and Col'd Silks, • Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, Bereges, IPrench.antindouttis Gingham's Poplin., Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, Wrapingx, G loVas, , . , Hosiery, in great'variety. 13 mad Cloths, • Black and Pitney Cassinierss, Union Cassi mores, Dalt Linens, Cottonades, Summer Coatings, Tweeds, Ye Cord,• • ?damnifies, Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vesting., of all kinds; inlfact7a full essotment 'of goods for Gentle men wear. Also s larger and well selected stock of Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a' assortment of Notions. It's no use !trying to 'enumerate. If you want anything at ell in the Dry Goods line ust call in and you will find him ready to mit on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Sto— ver's,as ho always gives the highest market price. Ho give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased, elsewhere. Nov. 11, 1864. NEW FALL AM WINTER JUST FROM THE EASTERN AUCTIONS AT .THE NEW STORE OF METCALF & HITESHEW, WElnow have a full stock of all kinds of Dry Goods and Notions, which wo are selling at astonishing low prices (for the times). We have Delains Plain & Figured from 35 np Colicoes, 4. 25 111 C litaking Clothe. f• 225 ff Cassinets,•• 73 4 Unbleached Muslin 0 25 w Bleached, .4 I' aO." All Wool Flannel, 4 , 50 i 0 Hoop Skirts for Mins., , is 25 a Ladies, - a 75 of Wool Under Shirts, •of 245 w ' , o , Over " fo 250 .0 Stocking Yarn,lB7 per lb. Pest Spool Cotton only ' 10c In short we are selling almost every thing lower then can bo bought (at present) wholesale in the. cities.. Call if you please and see for vourselvis. METCALF dr. HITESHEW. N. B. We are also Agents for the Singer Sew. ing Machine. ' M, & H. 0ct..28, 1861 -- - - - --- ------ ----- Mill . AIL. 11101117 ,li 15111 W G ELI WTI' LE. G. V. Mom. Aact CHOPPING MILLS • .- THE subscriber would inform the public that he has purchased of V. B. Gilbert, the well-known sawing and Chopping Mills, situated about one quarter of a mile from Bear's Factory, and is now prepared to saw Lumber to order, by mill or circu lar sow, and is also prepared.to chop corn ' oats, &c. at short notice. rir Persons wanting WATER WHEELS can have them made to order nt short notice. None but the best material will, be used for this purpose. •By punctuality end attention to business he hopes to merit a liberal share of the public's patronage. JOHN L. METuALF. P.B. The subscriber otters for sale a new FRAME BUILDING, 10 by 16 feet, mailable for a backbuilding, wash house, stable, etc., all ready for roofing. J. L. M. Nov. 4, 1864. "Money Saved is ]Money Made !" want t o F you w a nt to buy goods cheap go to MET. J.CA LF dr, HITESHE Choinberiburg,whers they are still e - elling at Panic ptiecs. Charnbetsbuk g, Dior .6;1864. $15:06 REWARD ! APAbSENGER'S Shawl was stolen from the Gumbo s of the subscribers, in Waynesboro', on Wednesday, evening, the 16th instant. The a• hove reward will be paid for such inlormation as will lead to the detection of the thief.and the te covery of the shawl. /NOV 251 STONER & WOLFERBBERGER. - Pri.rl7.492l l .lErliiiiiii: I'IHE subscriber offers at Private bale a lot of ground situated near the Hlue Boa School i 1 ouse containing about 19 ACHES, upon whieh t there is a comforlabl two-story ,_ L 0 G II 0111 S -. good Smoke House„ barouche liouse, liog Pen, 6te. Thera is also a fine ORCHARD. of grafted fruit on' the premise' and a Cistern nee "the door ' ' Nov , . 11-4t] - G4U. G Ist 4 EHT. i 4 `ICKARDIIEi Cattle ,. Powder at - V"" Fo r t,. b, 44 ' - ' • EVEITS, , . ...... OF NEW TALL ir DRY GOODS .A.'3' FALL AND WINTER MODDS, FOR THE Medona Cloth, Lavellas, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, DOMESTIC GOODS, GOODS CHAMDRRRDURG. On ieeonel Street, nearly Opposite the P. •, THIRD ARRIVAL ! PRIVE HORPLICH'S i : r-« 11,COLVAI` 1 1 r • :‘,„,;,,;,14- N'aii: - .,. - 4,.iiiii . ltitii: 'r r SECOND ARRIVAL, ". • SECOND ARRIVAL, WINTER GOODS, WINVER-Goons, WINTER GOODS! PRICE to HOEFLICH Ty AVE just received and are yet receiving from. the Eastern market* a fins addition to their stock of HY GOODS GROCERIES, „Sze, • To which the attention of the community is 'direc ted as they will discover that they are offering goads lower than the prices have been heretofore through the country. Their stock of DILLINES, MERINOS, ALPACCAI, Cannot:be surpassed hr desirableness orstyls silt quality. CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, TISTIN3I, Of ths tatearSion, PRINTS, SINGIIAMS, FLANNEL& A - fine assortment of Sack Flannels also TA dies Cloaking Cloths of the different coloni worn, and at prices to suit all. Ladies Clouds, S6ntags, Hoods, kc, znaiaaaa4 We boast of halting the largest sssortrnent • eVer brought to Town. Were bought twenty-five per cent. cheaper than pratiant prices and will be sold accordingly. Silk% • Baregen, • renau Wool Delain', - Chatlies, Lawns, plain and figured, Balierines, Crape Deapanges, Eng. Crape, American Prints, French Crape, Collura, 1-rdlefs, Mitts, Ganntlets,&e. OUR FANCY STOOK • eomprises a great variety of Raimondo. Hoop Skirts Shawls, Gauntlets, Kid Gloves, Head Nub, Trim. ming Ribbons, Lem, &.. DOMESTIC COODS BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIN, Linen Sheetings, Bleached and Brown Disport, Tiekings, &rips, Yarintrtro Checks, Barlass, Cottonades, Linens, Bags k Bagging CARPETS, OIL CLOTS'S, Blinds and hangingrs. B[2OBEMES, Our Stock of Groceries is very large., Sugers'a ilitTeren t grades—Molasies at various prices. Loaf Sugar, syrup, Coffees, teal Rio f .nd 'Dandelion, American and English breakfast do.. Teas, Fish, Cheese, Rice.. CC - JIM 7 2"_ AUL g WILLOW WAS L f AND' QUEFNSWAIIE, And every article necessary to supply the neeessi , ties or render' comf3rtable our old friends and ac quaintances. We mean to givo-esasonatrriffes *los to DINIPEtfiI and give out friends every- accom modation possible. With many thanks for"*.gen crone pCronage.'heretefore . we Abell endeavor to merit a icontinuance of the public's fit 4 Onr: 9;eit. '" •' • NAAIUEI. kor 4. 113 . 1 ,i t . EEi ~',, rJ 1 TWILLS, , INSETS, • .„ :Jo iir t - ikp „, pl t . ,21 ;/ 1-4 t sq. 4! •—• • r.' , 11 e'n !;; „ . • 186, , • „7,,t,4 LATESARRIVAL! ANDERSON, BENEDICT &CO., 'Waynesboro' Pa:- ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR FIRST SUPPLY, FIRST SUPPLY, FIRST SUPPLY: liVar X 111 T "31E• XX. 001 S!! WINTER DRY 006 DH :WINTER DRY GOODS WINTER DRY GOODis orm. IN I DRESS GOODS LADIES • LADIES LADIES DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS FTTRs, SHAWLS AND NTIBTAs, FURS, SHAWLS AND NUBIA'S, FURS, SHAWLS A 1) NURIAS HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HosTE DV AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES lOW sip mAlln rABIDS i MEN'S WINTER GOODS. ME-NIS- MEN'S WINTER GOODS, MEN'S WINTER GOODS, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. CLOTHS, mo 7 FM, CASSIMERES AND SA7 INE7 CLOTHS, C.ASSIMERES AND SA 4 I4NETTS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SA77NETTS, UNDERSHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, AND AND AND DRAWERS. DRAWERR, DRAWERS, GROCERIES Grsceries, Groceries, Groceries, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. UM' An 11011011 Qtternmare, Queetsaware, Qteeensware, • - 41..7, ; CN • -..) ••• Igriieleelicilti t cefillin attention. • out custom ere and tho.ptihliC.tCuue new Noc k, f. gee d., an & at,:the tintenyt, turn" , ' uatonfere . 'slut others for;theirlib'eriit'inftonage.-;104 will en-. ilesiror by fair clealitigwitliWl4 to MOO a aaatimii. .ance`of the same. ' • . ..• AMBERSON, IIENEIAO'il•& CO: OctOer 21.1881 • • ' you we tit Ilive Potniidn yen mulap ntl7'. • • Hardware, Hardware, Hardware. Notions, Notions, Notions.•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers