LAYE r ST ARRIVAI OF,,NEVI?" 111.1 lly GOODS .4k. iii GEO.. STOVER'S, Waynesboro', 'Pa. -0- VeHAMKFI.JT , for kind favors anti patronage here IA tofore bestowed 'upon hith, again appears before the public to solicit a continuance of the same.— He having just returned from the eastern cities with ufine and well selected stock of hew FALL AND WINTER gOO D 3 9 Which ho intends selling at very It 4 rates, ;WllicYi Ile knows he can do to the satigtiction of all will 'call and eaamine•his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he 'calls your attention. I' H • ILA AIL. 3E6 3iW. . 0 He has a large assort= of Dress goods consisting in part of Charlies. • Printed mid, tlain_Defaineer• ' Drk, Fi g 'd and Col'd Silky; Plha Mohair, Sill: Warp Mob air; Beiteges, Medona Cloth, • Lavellas, trench and dolttic giiiigfiartte Pongee Tbrifturt„. Cloth for tallier - , • Wrapings, • 4 loves, lYosiery, in great variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAK, Broad Cloths;; Illsok and Farley Castrimerew, Union Cassimeres, Duck Linens, Cottonades. Summer ealtringg, Tweeds, Velv if Cord, Marsailies, Siik.Yesting, Velvatine Yestinga,.of nll ifilfact'a full sssotment of goods for. Gentle men wear. Also a larger and well selected stock of DOMESTIC--GOODS; Muslin, Ticking; and a - complete a assortment of Notions.. It's no use !trying to enumerate. If you want anything at nll in the Dry Goods line ust call in and you will find him toady to itait on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sal, they will find it to their advantage to bring" it to Sto—• ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. So give him a call,sind he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purehaied elsewhere. Nov. 11, 1864. PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, in the village of Quincy. on itiolkin,Air THE 14TH DAT ow NOVEMBER, the following personal property, to wit : TWO EXTRA MILCH COWS, bne of which will be fresh sometime in March ; 2 large FAT HOGS; 1 Falling-top and 1 Trotting Buggy, both as good as new; 1 new Wheelbarrow, 1 large Grindstone. Also Household and Kitchen Ftirniture--:2 am Bedsteads, 1, nebr Wash Stand, 1 new writing Desk, 2 largo Looking Glasses, 1 LARGE TEN-PLATE STOVE with pipe,jl large iron Kettle, 6 new bags, 1 barrel Vinegar, 1 barrel preservell Cider, 2 barrels, 1 tensgal keg, 2 meat vessels, 4 new tubs, 1 large funnel, 2 small water cans, 1 pair large steelyards, 1 sack salt, half bush el, 2 bushel baskets, 4 new buckets, 1 new churn & buck 46 Cords, Woo 1, a lot 1 alings and Boards, lot new timber for porch, 1600 FEET . OF WEIR EN 11011111, fur weatherboarding; some Hay and Cornfothler, bus. Potatoes; 1 new mattock, 2 axes, 1 saddle, and a variety of other articles not enumerated. He will also sell on the same day the 1101.1t4C and Lot.' It is a TWO-STORY C> -3EZE C> ICI SI with a good shop attached—Wash IlOuve end Bake oven under one roof—a Well and Cistern near the door, a good :table with Buggy Shed attached for two buggies, with room in, the stable for two hor ses and two rows.; new Hog Pen, there is also some fruit on 'the lot. The rooms in the house are all papered, end everything about the premises in nom• plete ordcr. it is one of the most desirable proper ties in the village for private life. Vir Sale to com mence nt 10 o' lock on said day when the terms will be made known. SAMUEL MIUDOUIt. Nov. 4—ts) G. V. MONO, Auct, •MN -11iie. SAW :11L-241111T CHOPPING MILLS lIITIHE subscriber would inform the public that ho J. has purchased of V. B. Gilbert, the well.known 'arming and Chopping Mills, situated about one tquatter of a mile ham Bear's Factory, and is now prepared to saw Lumber to order, by miff or circa 'Jar sat!, and is also prepared to chop corn,oats, &c. 'at short maim IV' Persons wanting WATER WHEELS can have them made to order at short 'notice. .JV'ono but the best material will be used for this purpose. By punctuality'and attention to lousiness he hors to merit a liberal share of the ;public's patronage. JOHN L. METCALF. P. S. 'The subscriber otTers for sale a new IPRAME 111111D1riti, 10 by 16 feet, suitable for ca backbutlding, wash house. stable, etc., all ready Tor. roofing. . L. M. Nov. 4, 1864. 11 30 .7EL Afk. . QTRA YED from the premiaes of the eubscriber klabout tso last of September a Wllllll HOG, with a black spat abode one hip and a piece cutout of the right•ear. Any person giving such informs• Ilion as will lead to hie recovery •will he • liberally re•, +warded. HENRY HENNICLE. Nov. 4-3 t. . • STATES NON ATEL, 'OPPOSITE'THE liebanon Valley ; and.Pannsylv7it.a. IL De': • • - pat% • • •- - • Alllll4oll' PA. ' . 'AKIN-,.TAYLOR. ,:fnypeiLier. ,7,11eut . -11 , 1 *EV/ FALL : AND, WINTER_ JUST FROM THE EASTERN AUCTIONS AT THE NEW STORE O) • iiiiyanquintract. . On Second Streit, nedrl:v . 'ooooite - the P '.es:i WE nowiaie MI itockil all kinds "Of NV Iloodaand NodOns.Whlch we are selling at astonishing lear'prices (for the times). ' We have Delains4Sfnin & rigured.fronlq‘up Colicoes, 46 '6l hulking Cloths, - ee 225 rr Cassinets,- 75 u • . Unbleached Muslin . 25 " Bleached: " 20 ." 'All Wool; Flannel. ' Beoptkirtis for Misses, " " Ladies, Woof Under Shirts, " Over " crocking Yarn, Best Spool Cotton only TOc' • Inc short we are selling almost every thing lower: then can be bought (nt present) wholesale irt tIW cities. :Call if you please and see for yourselireS. " METCALF & HTTE'SIiBW. T. B. We are also Agents for the Singer Se* , lug Machine. • . M.& H. Oct. 28, 1864 FIRST SUPPLY OF NEW PALL AND WINTER GOODS AT THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM OP 'SASSES A. FISHER. IILFY stock market; all the best styles of Plain and Fancy CLOTES, Plain and Fancy (Zialaseaslitm.cstl:vraDes e Plain g rid Pitney VESTINGS, all of which will be made to order in the most fashionable and work manlike manner. or sold in Patterns to suit custo mers. Also a full' sfoelt of READY-MADE CLOTHING /iffiCHEAP FOR ' Argo, one of the best selected stocks of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS in the town—fine Shirts, Hoisety, Gloves and Ties in enilleve variety. Also, Milifeicloths and Cassimeres which will he made o order , " de the shortest notice. .1. A. FISHER, opposite Washington House, He gerstown, Oct. 21 1864. Third Quarterly Report OF Tilt • FIRST NATIONA,BANK OF WAYNESBORO', PA. Ovrossa 3d, 1864. RESOURCES.. Bills and Notes Discounted $27.411,97 U S.lnans $20,000,00 U. S. Bonder and other U. S. Securities —5100,443,65 Specie at Legal Tender Notes $9,636,76 Remittances and cash items 439,78 Circulating Notes of this B'k 385,00 10,461,54 Due by City Nat. Banks $23,719,31 Due by country Banks ,1,553,06 Current Expenses Total Resources LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in 1550,000,00 Circulation 20,000,00, Profit and Lou 2,883,89 Interestl,l97,oB Surplus Fund 742,09 Deposits 79,227,31 Due to B anks Total Liab ilities Tl.e above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.. JNO. PHIL IPS,Cash. Swort L and subscribed before me, October 3d ;64. Oct 7 —6t] J. F. K URTZ, Notary Public. PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will offer at Public Snle, oh SAII3RDAY the 26th day of NOVEMBER next, th,e following described Beal Estate, viz I—A half Acr a lot of ground,-shunted in Quincy, oppo 'site the Lutheran Church, with a two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE with Ba seinent and Store Room attadhed, Wash House, Frame Stable, Hog Pen, and other out building, 4 thereon. There are a variety of choice Fruit trees on the lot anil a spring branch running through it, with a Well of good water conveniest to the house and a thstern just completed, near the door. / =4 2SIL ICJ 1191L.11 Md. more or less, of first quality Limestone Land, ad. joining lands of A. S. Moan, John Stanay, David Snowberjer and the Snow 111)1 farm, about 2 Acres of which are well set with thriving Timber. , On this tract there is a fine ORaliAltD of grafted fruit trees, A Iso—A tract of MOUNTAIN LAND, ajoining In nes of H. Good, John Lantz, and others, containing 10 ACRE'S, more or less, well act with thriving Chestnut and other timlier. a ... Sae to commence at le o'cl•ock on said day when the terms will be made known by H. 'ROSENBERG. N.B. The above 'groperty may. be purchased privately 'prior to the day of sale. H. B. Oct. 28 —ts. PUBLIC SALE. rHE escriber will o ff er at Public. Sale his +rol lAmble Parm, situate on the Turnpike leading from Leitersburg to Waynesboro', on SATURDAY the 12th day of NOVEMBER nest, containing 135 ACRES, more or less of excellent quality of Limestone band, about 123 Acres of which is cleared and in a high state of cultivation and the balance covered with fine body of Timber. The improvements are a TWO iSTORY • WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE , Frame.l3em, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, hug Pelt &c. Thera is a young Apple ORCHARD on the promises just commencing to bear. Also a never failing •Well of water clime to the dwelling. There is alsort Tenant House and Stable on the farm in good condition. The farm will be sold together or in two parts to suit rurchasers. wale to commence at 1 o'clock en said day when the terms will be made known by Oct 28—t6 . JACOB E. MILLER. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the phone Court of Franklin cuunty, Pa., to digs iithuo3 the balance in the hands of M. M. Stoner, Be'q., Executor of the last will and testament of &wee! •Fitz, late of Washington township, deo'd, to -aett among_tbe creditors of said decedent, will meet •Ote .parties interested, fur the purpose of his appoinurcnt, on Tuesday November. 22d, 1864, at 10 o'clock at Ishii'', ein the Town-Hull, in Waynestinfo'.. li 'Cf. W.' WELSH, ••• , f40 1 7:4-'—;al) , . • ..Auditort • • iitiliteilmr will ply the,lugh- NW est;esidt yrici toe driodtipples.and l'oaehes, to,.ite , deliTeced Aft.Wa,'YtiObor " - S. WACKER. 1101FLIt8l NOV. 4TH 1864. " 60 " • 25 6 6 46 75 g• 66 , 225 , .4 " 250," 181 perlik PRICE & HOEFLICH Mr AVE jrist reeeirOtt and are yet receivingpom _rithe Eastern markets a lino addition to their stock of GROCERIES, &C To whit+ the attention of the community is direc ted as they will discover that they are offering goods lower then the prices have been heretofore through the . country. Their stock of Cannot:be surpassed. for desirableness of style and quality. CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, 80,443,05 Of the West ptterhigi 25,272 37 5'2,84 FLANNELS. A fine assortment. of Sack Flannels, also La. dies Cloaking, Cloths of the different colors worn, and at prices to suit all. $161,152,37 102,00 $164,162,37 415 1 9aZiad aociaa% We boast of having the largest assortment ever biought to Town. Were, bought twenty-five per cent. cheaper than present prices and will be sold accordingly. 1 Silks, Bareges, Grenadines, Wool Detains, Poplins, Challies, Lawns, plain and figured, Balserincs, • Crape Despanges, Eng. Crape, • American Prints, French Crape. Collars, • Mitts, Gauntlets,&e OUR FANCY STOCZ comprises ft great variety or Ba knots's. Hoop Skirts Shawls, Gauntlets. Kid Gloves, Head Nets, Trim ming Ribbons, Laces, &c. DOMESTIC GOODS BROWN AND BLEACIIED.MITSLIN, Linen Steetings ' Bleached and Brown Diapers, irickicgs, Strips, Furintnro Checks, • ' — Btitlass, Cottonades, Linens, Bags & Bagging CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, Blinds and Hangings nnor,E2HE. Our Staik of GrcieCrieft is Very large. Sugars of different grades—MoWiles nt Various prices. Leaf Sugar, Syrup, Calreea ' rear Rio and Dandelion, Amellenn-and English breakfasC do.. Teas, Fish, Cheese, Rice. And every article neressary to supply the necessi ties or render eembrtable our old friends and{ iic quaintances. ; We mean te' give' reitaincat; ATTU TION To mums and give our friends every aceout modation possthle. With many thanks for li:gen. crone patronage heretofore we .ftball ..enileavor• to Merit a continuance,' of the public's 'fa•yors. ' .10s.111'11 Pliter;: • 43/%11117E1, 110EF1.7C11 Wqpiaboro, ." : • COLUMN I sECtotib ARRIVAL, 141COND ARRIVAL, SECOND wririmit GOODS, WINTER GOODS) WINTEit GOODS DELAINES, ALPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGHA M% ',INSETS, Ladies Clouds, Sontags, Hoods, &e, (In 31:111 _AIL MIL 0 WILLOW WARE AND • QUEENSWArtE, !IA Er ESA* A R VA-Li n:R ~~-o_o ~ s tr'AViiNG rettaned fiom the Easton cities JUlLwith a largo and choice assortment of Dry , Goodisi,.4tueenslFeere; - , darware and Grocer!ex, *hich r_gm 'prepnirciicriAi-wittrmuttsiter drcomenfei'thim heretofore for Oath,. --itaanao - abors Silks, all Wool anti printed_Delahrm,__French_Vo rinoo, Alapacas, Gifighnins. Shawls, 13almorals, Hoopskirts, Collars, Tingle Ruffling, Bugle Trim mings, Ifoosery, CloOking Cloth, &c. GENTS GOOD'S Fancy end Plain Casimeres, Black Cloth, Italian Cloth, Vestings, Satinets, Tweeds, leans, Shirt Fronts, Collars, Neck Ties, Under Shirta,lDrawers, Buck Gloves, Buck Gauntlets, &c Furniture Check, Beading,' Cotton Flannel, 'all Wool Flannel, Linsey, Table Diaper, 'fowling &c. QUEENSWARE, CEDARWARE AND GROCERIES. Syrups, Molasses, Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Est& Coffee, .Sugars, Tobaccos, Babbit Boa To The above goods hove been purebmed: fbr the Cosh and 1 desire the same to be sold cot Cash as We ton't keep any books'. By strict attention Vo business and a desire to please in every respect I hope to merit a continu ance, of patronage. Ott 28_0_8_64 rlipY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of JlDlFranklin Coun'ty, the undersigned Administra tor of Dr. James Bretherton, dec'd. will sell at Pub lic Sale, cm the premises, on SATURDAY the 12th dny of NOV EMBP,I2 , at 10 o'clock, A. M., the fol lowing d'escribcd Real Estate, to wit:—The fine two story BRICK 'MANSION HOUSE of said decedent, situated on Main Sheet, Waynes. boro', opposite Kurtz's Hotel. This house is entirely new—is built in the most approved modern style and is well adapted for public business or fur a pri vate residence.. Aloo—an undivided half part of a TWILLS, HOUSE AND LOT on Main •Street. This lot fronts 33 feet 4 inches and is 264 feet deep. and is situated in the most ba einem part of the town. A Iso— A LOT OF LAND within the borough I.mits of Waynesboro'. well fenced and in a good state of cultivation, bounded by lands of Joseph H. Crebs and Lewis S. Forney,. containing. 2 Acres and 129 Perches, neat measure. Terms will be made known on the day of sale by W. S. A M BNItsON Oet. 21--ts] Administrator. ASSIGNEES' SALE IrtSTING S, THERE will be sold by the iindersigned, Assig nees of Jacob Goesert, on the premises, in Quincy township, ON SATURDAY THE 19711 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1864, the following de scribed Real Estate, viz: About of Land, adjoining lands of Solomon Harbaugh, Alex. Hamilton and Alex. Knepper, lying about 3 miles from the town of Quincy, about lELICS9CrY .ALCLI3.5 1 13161 of the 80 hoes are cleared and in a good state of cultivation with good fence. The balance is Wood Land. Terms of Sale:--S2OPO to be paid on the Ist day of April, 1865, when the deed will he delivered and possession given, the balance in two equal annual payments with interest from the Ist day of April, 1865. • ' Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said, when attendance will be given by LEVI C. REPNER, WM. 001iSERT. Assignees of Jacob Gossett. Oetll-•—tel G. V. Moxo, Auct. VALUABLE FARM PRIVATE SALE ! r r ltE subscriber offers at Private Sale his value ' ble Form, shunted t j mike North of Wayne.. bore', near Pike's Chuich, containing about OF FIRST QDALITY LIM ESTONE LAND, 10 acres. more or less, of which are well set with thriving Timber. The Vann is in a high st Ito of cultivation and the whole tinder good renting.— The improvements are, a large tWo• story 44:7 " I ' s BUCK DIVEIdLING, -3g-if with Back Building attached, new Brick Smoke Holm, e 4 tone Spring Berme, Stone Bank Barn— AV non shed, Corti Crib and Carriage House, all u micr one roof—Beg Pen, Bay Shed, &c. There is n NEVER-FAILING SPRING of good wateiTconvenient to the dwelling, with the Little Antietam flowing within - 12• t —yards of the Barn, to which stock can have access from every field except one. There its also on the premises a FINE ORCHARD of Grafted Fruit Tiers Pir A ny'pettion wishing to view the property can do so by calling on the subscriber. All lal. TAM Y. Oct 21-4 W TRUSTEES SALE. • THE undersigned trustees of Hannah Fitz, deed will sell at public 'sale, on Prithry the 18th day of November, 1864. in front or Tfowden's Hotel, lh Waynesboro', the following Real Estate, situated in Washington town ship Franklin county Pa., outhe road leading froiu Waynesboro' to 11 ope well Mills, about miles from either placo, to wit, a . of fire rate Lime* stone'land containing - 34 ACRES , 9 mere o r :less. adjoining lands Joint Honebrake, Nicholas Bonehnike; John Metcalf and Emanuel heiis with a 14; DWELLING HOUSE, • • good Wash House, LOG BARN and Hog Pen thereon , erected, with a never failing well of water nt the door. a &grate Cllretlicurfa • or grafted Fruit, and about 3 AUIW ul good mead ow. The nboee lend is nearly. all cleared. Any persons wishing ViPW'tlie-nbove property will can en Samuel Ritteleirtliving near the premises..., 12? Beic to 'rnituttence at I o i ehielt Oh day u hen the - twine known • IIINEH4RT, ; , • •• N WA MI:1C ' „ . ' Trite-6. FALL ANI) WINTER J. W. MILLER'S. DOMESTIC GOODS : ORPHANS' COURT SUR. REAL ESTATE. 80 ACRES 110 ACRES 00:-TOI,ER-_ , 21* , ' 1864. =EI ll,AllBl.lBRifittl I===ll MINK WIRT & CO., Virasme4baro' Pa. ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR FIRST STIPP]. , SUM. FIRST SUPPLY, GOOBSH WINTER DRY GOOng WINTER DRY GO DS WINTER 1)1W GOODS .Ir-.AIk_XD3(3IEiT DRESS GOODS LADIEI • LADIES LADIES DRESS GOOD!! DRESS GOf)D4 _ IFTTRs, SHAWLS A ND.Numr PERS, SHAWLS AND NTIDLAs, FURS. SHAWLS A An • HOSIERY AND GLovEs. HOSIERY AND (ThovEs. HOSIERY AND GLOVES Mir IE:NW 9 gig. 013 DDS MEN'S WINTER Ofloßß. MEN'S WINTER coops, MEN'S WINTER nocHR, MEN'S WINTER GOolliii, CHEAP. CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. CLOTHS, erm7 C . ASSIMERES ANA MA7 ISE I TN, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, • UNDERSHIRT'S.. . UNDERSHIRTS, • 'UNDERSHIRTS, AND AND AND DNA W DRA WE RN. DIU WEER. GROCERIES! ar.terrirs, ffirrdirrreo, Grorprio , i, . Harr/war/4, Grocerift, .Ilartheare. Dad' ROOM". DRY GOODS, _ DRY GOODS. SEllslfAill AID lifITION: QtmenNiverri, .2Vivions, Queenatra e , Notinviß, Qtteenitca - :Notions. • • NI, ); " • rirWo *mild 'inn the attention custom' ere and the public to .oin new mock of goods, and, die the name time so , turn our ; thanks' to customeri and,othera for theirliberal putronage,, and will en., tleavurty fair dealitit with all, fo Tent' a continn tine* of the'aa me." 'l.l'. AMBERSONi. DZN EDICT dy, CO. October 21, 1661 :" , - I;lloKARikl"ii 'dike I' F411..14'64 . ,R,17.872:51! . . = , 0 .. 7! _ 7 4 . = _ , , LO ' Ustllescriptions evilFlife.foetfivedi!fortliiiipep*: 3 1 rea. 4 ihrie Yenta , . With semi-animal iqereat at the rate.of mien and three-tenths per cent. - Per anninu,—principal Ind ititerastloth to , be paid in 14.Wfu) money. Thcie nottsr will ba e:Opirerithltlii at the eptioti {he, loiclei at maturity, into six per cent, gold bet jag bowls, payable hot', teas' titin twenty years from their date, m the Gevelltiriiiitt":4my elect. They will be issued in filirininatioiiitasso, $lOO, $5OO, $l. 000 and 5.000, rind all sillla Iptions must be for fif ty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. ' Tho notes will be tint/mit ted to the owners free of thin .orintion elbtrgei4 in soon Off& Peposit — us — thry . itet, the original Gera prepared. itillitirn - oterdraw in telest-froni:etiiginit 15,-Per. ruirkiva tlyposites subsequent to that data must paiilip_idien)Liteceitleil !rest date of limo toodute of I spoon: , Partiee depositing twenty-five thousand &pare and upwards for' th ego notes at any ope time Will be . allowed a commission of•one.quarter of one Pei cent., which will be paid' by the Treasury Depart: ment upon the receipt of a bill' foi , tlm atnouut. ea- - tilled to by the Aker with whom the . depasithwas made. No dedu coons for commis's'ions must he made from the deposits. • • SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THISIOAN, 12'10 A NATIONAL SAVIsIiS BANK, offering a high er rate of interest than any 'other, and the best secu rity: Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it caaa tot pay in anythin4 better for its own assets ase ei ther in government_securi ties or in notes or tronds payable in government paper, It is i'tala Ily convenient as a, t emporary ,dr,perma nent investment. The notes can always he sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated in terest and aro the best securit • with banks' as col laterals for discoun ts. Convertible into a Mx per cent, 5-20 Gold Bond. In addition to the very It here! interest on the notes for three years, this privelege of conversion i= HOW worth about three per cent. per annum, fur the cur rent rate fur 540 bonds is not less than nine per cent piemitim, and before the wor the illlll3llll ;NI Six per cent. U.B. stocks was over twenty' per cent. it will be seen that the actud profit on this !min, at the present market , rate, is not less thin! tvn yer a•nt. per annum. • Ha Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. But aside tram all the advantages wo have min. merated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation.— On the overage, this exemption is worth about two, per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxa tion in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great hi, duce/amnia to I. nder •as those ise•ued by tho govern ment. In all oilier tonna of indetednt sa, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or ieptir ate communities, only, is pledied for poplar n t,. while the whole property is held to secure the dir- Hcharge of. all the obligations of the United States. %%•bile the gavernmen o era he most liberal terms for its loans, it bcdieves that the very strong est appeal will be the loyalty and patriotism of tho propie Duplicate certificates will be issued for all del co- : its. The p irty dep 'siting must endorse upon the original certificate- the denomation of notes requir ed, rind whether they ere to be issued in blank or tillable to order. .When so endorsed it must be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be for war. rd to the Treasury Department. Scnscturrion wn.t. ne DECEIVED by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers arid designated Depositaries, and by the e FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYNES Bono', and by all National Banks which are depositaries of public money, and ALL RE:SP BCTA BLEBANKS & BANKERS throughout the country will give farther information and afford ' EVERY FACILITY TO SIILISCR lI3E. A ug. VALUABLE FARM. FOR SALE rplIE eubscriber offers at rrivnto Sole' his Tamp I situated about 3•d of a mile from Quincy, con• towing 151 ACRES , 1$ of which is in Timber and thrivin; Chesinut-4 The Farm is of the'best quality of MM ESTONE LAND, except a few acres which is gravel soil, and all in a high state of cultivation. If purchasers 41c. Piro Wthe subscriber will reserve 3U acres leaving for salol2l A ES. The buildings. will then be in the centre of the firm and convenient to eve ry field. The improvements are a large iRE 3a with n portico and porches, a new •BRIOn. BANK BARN; 80 feet long, with Wagon Shed and Cora , Crib attached a large new frame Hog Pen, Double Frame Carriage House, Brick Wash Musa, Smoke House, Bake Oven, a nd other out-buildings, in gond. repair, all the buildings being under cypress• and pine roof+, with tin spouting to each. There is a tinge Cistern close to the barn, used for Stock, arid. one near the kitchen. There is a Well of excellent water in thoyard. , 'Alt re is also a variety of choice. fruit, such as Pears, Plums, Peaches, and Propels. in the yard; and a good CO al - =1 of young thriving Fruit on the Nemeses. PereOres wiebing viewAgie land can do so by calling on the eubscriber. lall the 'above limn is not Enid privately on or before 11to 'I2TH DAY OF Nil VllttliEH next, it will he offdred at itut.lie halo on that day at 1 &- dock, P. M. &leo 31.1-Iml . JOHN MIDDOUR Repository copy Im. and send Intl to this attics fur collects's*. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES A T 'T 11 fl WISESMI gODSD Dilir GIN STE _ , OGILBY . having just returned tram New e Yurk and Pfitladetinlat with a LARGE 41.N.Dt § e. , E LNDLD ASS,q/a4I I EIV2. OF LeiLtliS.Yund GEATLEALEYS ' FAIL AND - WINTER DRY . GOODS, • _which' he has bought at very low prices and is en— abled to` Offal great Ind neetuents to- persons wish • tug 13AltqA1IVS. . Jetitill:ll#l . visztiair us , we ihaiL lake pkiieure. in etiovvipg • them. our etoct. and 'LANs - Munn Veld oat. Pllitlit .11 . 1 buylHg. t- '•s, t/.. Waabiugtoft .llause`Store,!! Ilsgerstoivn; 0et.:284r.m. - • • • . ... IA - ,t- • W•V'.l l Ert.hil-Ihisa reiiiiit,'• ii•lui.t. • Iti xiiig. r _ la • . l i e sale at the iign -of the Big Bed nom ~ -. . 7 i ;,. I. I, .. B. B. luesiita., . . ~ . Agetit-di rtiii.lien ceuntY• • tia J-1.4",A•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers