I=SOS2MMeMOMMEtI On Tqesdheete rfgPlaspilartits /tends in this place; Air. arls o Nr.'ll.4llßA: GH, aged 36 years, - 11 tilonths.'and 10. days.. • , In WestrninStee,'Olf thel6Eli fast, RETTY, infant dau hter f ti t is i nand Mary .Catbarine Hornak nd 1 • aye. -Died on Bts "ins o fnn no Croup, CHRISTIAN SHELLNI,*son of Solomon and Catharine- A. Stably, aged 2 years, - 9 months .arld , lo days. We weep-in eileneeloirer thy tomb, • • to neWieo freshly made, Where tenderlends, ales! so soon ' - Thy cherished form hath !aid. ' #re,lll3bu i rpnOrto Illy fanny ; E •4011014 #4441,19 ntt 4' . i - -kWherd ihealsteffAidOn ii.; n ctimils - abov!rtbe - sky. A FRIRNIN--- IVLEILEILI:C3EIT I MEL, PIIILADELPIIIA, _Sept, 20.—The Flour Marketis dull, and prices are drooping.—, The demand for shipment and home use is limited; sales comprise about 2,000 bbls. -in eluding 1000:•bbls..Ciq Mills extra on vete'. termiortill tpo,, Ob,ls extrn family, :st. - sl:l.so®l2. e ttibl.• The 'retailers' itto • bal era aro buying at from .10.50®11 for super fine, $11®11.50 for extra, 811.50@12 25 for extra family, and 612.5012)13.50 111.. bbl. for fancy brands ;as to qualify:: ' Ilye .I lour -and-Cler-u---Mes are quiet, and there is very little doir , • - tittle doing in either. GBAlN.—!Wheat is in limited demand, with sal& of alkine AOOO brishels to notfie at 242®248e. for old reds, 254®260. for new dp—the latter for Delaware—and white at from 275®280p:19 bus. as to quality.— Rye is selling inn Small v q iy atlBoelit bus. Corn is dull ; small sales of prime yellow are: reported at 171.e.11 bus. Oats, are firmly held, with oiled of 07000-bulineW at 89®900 If) bushel. -3,000 bus. Barley Malt sold on private terms. POCKET BOOK • 'UTA.F, lost On &Willey night laA September, I tth, hetWeen the Diemohd and the Union Church aTiocket Book Counting $22 0.." The find er will be liberally rewarded. EMANUEL DIFFENDARFER. Sept. 23-31.) iXA C. 19 P. . . - • APocket Book containing $49.65 in notes, 25 cents in silver, and a couple notes-of-hand, was lost on the 17th inst. on Machauic Street, in Waynesboro'. - The finder - willlialib - erally reward ed on returning the-same to the subscriber. Sept. 24-31.1- ' M. H. STONER. 3r..a CO g 3 . 0N Saturday evening Sept. 17th ; 1864 ; between 11owd - cn's Wieland the rest Office, a small Me dellin enameled on one side. The finder will re ceive 'illiberal reward by leaving the same at this Office.. kept. 23 —3t PUBLIC SALE. WILL sell at Public Sale at the residence of thu.subseri her near Quincy, on the road lead ing to Funk gown. On Satter4ay the 19th day of October,lB64, the following prof erty, viz: 41 WORK HORSES, 9 two rising three and four two years old, 22 HEAD OF CATTLE, among which are four Mitch Cows, one Bull and five Fat Steers, the rest young Cattle, 10 HEAD OF HOGS; 2 Plant , tion Wagons,. 1 one Horse Wagon, 1 Pair Hay Ladders, 1 Pair Wood Lad ders, 1 Wood Bed, 2 Barshear Plows, 3 Double and 2 Single Shovel Plows, 1 Corn Coverer, 2 Hanovis, 2 Log Chains, Fifth Chain and Spreader, 1 Corn Sheller, 2 Windmills, 1 Cuting box, 1 jackscrew, 3 long Ladders, 1 large Chop chest, 1 bag wagon, 3 sets H ind Gears; 3 sets Front Gears, 4 sets Plow Gears, 1 Wagon Saddle, 3 Fly Nets, Collars Bri dles and Halters, 1 MeCornrickt Reaper, 1 Wheel barrow, 1 Grind Stone. 1 eitta dinner Bell, 20 Cow chains. 24 Grain Bags, Forks, Rakes & Shov els, 1 Mattock, 1 set of BLACKSMITH TOOLS, 1 Cross Cut and 1 hand saw, brace and bits; about 15 TONS OT HAY, 200 BUSHELS OF OATS, 50 BiJSHELS RYE; 20 BUSHELS CLOVERSEED, Bishels Plaster, a lot of hoards, a lot of old Iron, Cradles and Mowing scythes and many other [tra cks not necessary to mention. rr Sale to commence fit 9 o'clock on said flay when the terms will be made known by. JOSEPH MIDDOUR, G. V. MONG, Auct. Sept. 23—tea TRUSTEES SALE. ~ , . THE undersigned trustees of Hannah Fitz, dcc'd will sell at public sale, on. Saturday the 22d day of October. 1864, on the premises, the following Real Estate, situa ted in Washington township Franklin county Pa., on the road !leading from Waynesboro' to Hopewell Mills, about 1 mike from either place, to wit, a tract of firs.trate Limestone land containing 34 ACRES, more o r less, adjoining lands John l3onebrake, Nicholas Bonebrake, John Metcalf and Emanuel Miller's heirs with a log DWELLING HOUSE, good Wash House, LOG BARN and Hog Pen thereon erected, with n never failing well .of water at the door, a &strata alzsc,32„Ebra, - of gkafted Fruit, and about 3 MIRES of gold Mead ow. The above land is nearly all cleared. `Any persons wishing to view the above property wilicalt on Samuel Rinehart living near the premises. Of Sale to commence at I o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by SAMUEL' RINHART, JOHN WALTER: • Sept. 23-- 7 ts.] TitiatzeB. HOUSE AND LOT FOR ITIHE subscriber offers at private sale his HOUSE and LOT, situated about. 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro' akar Good's Sash and Door ;Factory, adjoining lends of D, Gam); Joseph BOhrer and others. The lot I ACRES with a ..two Story - • . • Gr HOUSE . , with Back Buildings attached, Log„Stab..leßog Pen end other necessary Out-buildings thereon. The lot is well set with choice Fruit Trees with a Well of never failing water at the door. _____Any_person_wishing_to_vic_w_the_property_can-do so by calling on the undersigned residing on the premises. WIC the above property is not sold pri ---v-a-tely-en-orbefore-Saturday-the-15th-of-October,-i will be offered at public sale on that day. t I. o'clock P.M. JACOB E. PRICE* Sc .t. 2Z-31 - 4514 - ,itioorAt9r 9 s -111otle. - '01'1.01:1, is it;yelligiven,l6sit, - lillistrittionmt the kisis . te oi*Janies Brothaton, late of- Waynesboro',. died have -,Neon parsle: to the endarrsigood.• • • - 1.. -.• , • All persons knowing themselves , indebted to said, Estate wall , please make immediate rayment, r and those haying claims will present theM propirly tbe*ated for settlement. "• • W:t3. - AbillEßSON,Avim'r; ; ; - aipt: 16L 4 Ow. ' • .SALE, • - tifil i'.' ''t '' .;i tl' ' Am e . 4. -- Y144 - ' Alt- . iii4riitii]7cP 1, Tarl ir ti g A ltis t iii...is , twile - pirirma , -: o' . F ' , i .; 4 I' s '• . - .t.:4 . = .' *,' : -:; -i: . '-' ' '. A - opir Farsners'itill piernielottiCat tho gr t laeat tidy/9104*e ,Thynabing 413itiiii wi ; ...0:-F 4 15 . 'S .- R:1$7 . RA:TX ~.1',::. 81_14_ , U.GIL.IVIN6 t,1:11-N111)4:-#.',.kri$;;;' OLEANER Aign ~ . . ._, . ilte-ihoitiesent_hen'ialicii iwyer - Iseince, it •is,inportont that, farmeip wino ism inteteti above mqiii - tma)iol '..4 - w - laolt-will_cot cons iderably the expense of thieshing give attention to grain over the common way. This machine has been before the public for , a number of years, but cot very' widely cireulated,•al though it has , competed with all the best of the iffe-ent patented rain Separators, and proved a decid ed advantage, end now has the reputation of being the best Separator ever before the public. Id order to prove this in new neighborhoods wherelt known, lam willing*, forward a machine for a teat to any person desiring a trial, and havelts Merits tested,' and I wish to have it understood-that I put the Machine upon its Merits, and want tamers to judge'for themselves.. If it does not fully meet theirvonts - and - they - do - not wish to parchedie, I am perfectly welling: to bear all expenses of slapping. The machine is particularly adapted - to 'farmers for their own use,. and wilt apply to lever, or railway power, will thresh and clean in good grhin,litxi , loo to 150 bushels per day, using font to six horses am/ the same number Maeda; hut under very favorable 'circumetaneepwilf thresh more per day. It cleans the grain thoroughly clean by one °potation, WhiCh is not gerierally'done'by other Separators. Grain cleaned on this inachine,'with much light filthy matter, is worth ope or two cents more per bush el than if cleaned in the common way. There is also a great saving of grain, in straw and chaff over the common way of thrashing and cleaning, and alto over other Separators and Cleaners. . The machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, being permanently fixed on. two wheels.- One man can easily.trieve or Wirth about, so that it is not half the troithle in a barn floor as the common thresher and shaker.. Itis also falsity put in operation, being simple, easdy managed, relia ble, durable, compact, and cleanly to work by while in operation, rot makingnear the dust ee the com mon machine or oner Separators. • Far Hers can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, and judging from the high recommendation front farmers that are using them, I mrst come to the Conclusion that it is the very machine that farmers want and'ivill have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate , and attest its merits, which 1 hope they swill giVe Me an opportunity, as I sin willing to be responsible, as already stated, Price of. Machine at Shop, (all coMplete, ready to attach to belt Lever or Railway Power,) $1,75 cash, slBo' io Woe months, with interest from date. As materiai for inenufaCturing advances, there may be a corresponding advance in.the price of ma chines. .The ma chine is fully represented in the above cut. I warrant the machine to do as above represented. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. The machine is manufactured in Pennsylvania and Maryland, at different shops. For further information and . description of m whine, address • DANIEL' GEISER, Proprietor, Waynesboro', Franklin County, Penna. Sep. 23—tf.] PUBLIC SALE. Fr HEitintlersigned Administrator of Dr. James ßrotherton, Jr., late of Waynesboro', Franklin county deed, will sell on SATURDAY the IST day of OCTOBER, at the office of said deed, the fallowing personal property, viz: ONE HORSE, 2 one Horge Wagons, 1 Sleigh, I Shovel Plow, I Cultivator, 2 Saddles, I set Double Harness nearly new, 1 sot single Harness. 4 horse blankets, 2 strings leighbells,-1-w-hoolbarrow,-3--Ital-ter-chainz - gy, ILO "MITE 1 Copper Kettle, 1 Iron do., 1 sausage machine, 2 Bedsteads, 1 Be I, 1 shower bath,2 shovels, 2 bench es, I doublebarrel Shot Gun and fixtures. 50 VOL. STANDARD MEDICAL WORKS, 4 Vols. Exploration Pacific Railroad, I r ocket case, 2 pair Sc-ilcs, 1 G utta Percha Syringe, a lot of drugs and medicines, a lot of Jars and Bottles, 2 mortars, 1 Book case and tvble,',l Ward Robe, 1 side-board,' 1 Settee, 2 Mahogany Tables. 65 BARRELS CORN, 6 bushels Potatoes, 1 Ton Hay, a lot Corn Fodder, n lot manure and Lime, a lot of Building Logs, a lot of Lumber, 2 window frames, I craw bar, to gather with many other articles too numerous to men Lions LV'S ale to commence at 10 o'clock when the conditions will be made known by W. S. AM BERSON, Administrator. Sept. 16—ts. • ?)aaloaaacta OF REAL E§TATE• On Thursday the '2oth of October. P HE undetsigned, executor of the last will and 11, testament Of Michael btoner dee'4l, will sell at Public Salo f,' On Thursday the2Oth day October, 1864, the following property belonging to the heirs of said deed., viz: A TRACT OF LAND situated about half a mile South of Waynesboro', containing about 2.11.-411DIERLIENMit, on which there aro.a Stone Darn, a one, etorj, brick Dwelling and a well of good water. The whole will be sold together or in loth to suit.purchasers.— lso TWO HOUSES sitauted on the South side , of Main Streetin Waynesbore'. Sale to commence . at .10 o'clock on.said day when„tha terms of sale will be made known;by e. STONER, Ex'r. Sell 16—Is. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED I HEREAS, the cash system having been es tablished by dealers in the Eastern Cities, and by.menufacturers generall,-and we by this a greement are obliged to pay cash for all kinds of stock and merchandise entering into our business, and whereas, considering the present unsettled state of the country, we believe the adoption of the cash system will be ormutnal wive:tinge 'to both • buyer• and seller. Therefere, • ' ' Resolved, That we the business men of Way nesboro', do hereby agree to adopt 15e System of selling our wares and merchandise for cask. ' • A mbersOn,flenedict & Co. WM. E. Flanagan Geo. Stover; D. 13. Russell, F. Fourthman Woleh & Son • PriCe & Hoene M. M. Stoner J. W. J. F.' Kurtz ' Joseph A rrderson W, A. Trifle • J Depver J. S. Rider W - n — aP. Weagly C. W, Logan Au ugt 19-6 w Mentzer's Horse & Cattle Powder. M. STONER -having purchased of Mr. A ri Lu.Mertzer, the reciPe • for making the; above farfanied Horse and Cattle Powder, fir Pennsylva nia and Marylind, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers ' &c., that ho has on hand and intends keeping a good Ripply thways.on hand.— Country merchants and others keeping such articles for sale, would do well to supply themselves With' a quantity.: Ho ,will sell it on commission or fur cash cheap. Orders will be pu,nctua!ly attended to. ••..lanuary "31. VICICARDT'S Cattle Powder,at • • 'Feb. 15, '64" • X tiRTZ'S John Walter J. D. Diehl:mason • " John Cline John Harbaugh • Elie Little Conrad Ruth Thos. J. Filbert • Lewis Deatricb , G & J. Bender Jacob Bender John Fishor J. Cie*" O. %V. McGinley - H. Stonehouso. {l'Tr..l > ~tf ~ ~,~ f~. PUBLIC SALE. THE subscribers will sell of FUME) Sale, at the , late residence of Conrad Zody,dec'd, at Mount Hope, four miles , from Waynesboro', on the road leading to Chambersburg. on TUESDAY the ,4th day 'OCTOBER, '64, tlio following' petsonal ptoperty, to wit ler,4 HEAD 011 HORSES 5'111111.C11 COWS, 1 - BULL, 2 STEERS, 3 head of Young Cattle, ' ' E - Alita ll • 6 head of fine.wool SHEEP; 1 Road Wagon with bed, bows, cover and trough; 2 Plantation Wagons; 1 one-poise Wagon, 1 pair Hay Ladders, 1 Wood Bea, 3 Bars' , ear Plows, Double and Single Shovel Plows, 2 Harrows, 2 Log Chains,l Wind mill, 1 Cutting Boa, 1 Jackscrew,.l Sleig h, 2 Long Ladders, 1 Thrashing Machine and Horse Power, 2 sets Hind Gears,3 sets Front Gears, 2 fifth-chains Collars and Bridles, 5 Halters and 'Chains, 5 Fly- Nets, 1 Wagon Saddle and Lines, 2.. Riding Sad dles, 4 sets Plow Gears, 1 set Harness, break and cow chains, 1 crowbai, 2 mattocks ' • 1 s hovel, 1 Ci der Press, I Grindstone, 1 Bag Wagon, 2 half• bushels, a lot forks and rakes, IFI bags; 25 OR 30 TONS OF 9 a lot WREAT, RYE, OATS AND CORN, Pota toes by the bushel; 1 well rope, 1 work bench, trip. ple, double and single trees ; 2 se's Chairs, a lot of Rocking Chairs, 2 . Bedateads,*l Bureau, 1 CheatO Table, I Flour Chest, 1 Wood Chest; 2 Meat Ves sels, 1 Tub, 4. Barrels. Vinegar, and many other ar ticles not mentioned. Sale to dommencc at 9 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by , GDO. SUMMERS, Sr., Adths JOHN ZODY, GEonO V. MONO, taint. sep I 6 ts HOUSE AND LOT AT PUBLIC SALE. T"Esubscriber will o ffe r at Public'Salo, on Fri day the7th day of October next, a ono acre Lot of (,rounds situated near Quincy, on thwroad ilea d ing to Funkstown, with a Two-story ' DAVIALING: 1101181 i, . _ (Rough.cast) with Back-building attached, Log!Tenant House, Barn and Log Sta. ble , Corn Crib, Granary and Hog-pen, (all under one roof and in complete ortlrr) new Buggy Shed, Smoke 'House, Bake House, and other necessary buildings thereon erected. "There are also two nev;; er-failing WELLS OF WATER, with pumps in' them, one in the kit - then and one at the hard. The entire lot is •covered with the choicest FRU' 7' TREES, such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, a pricots, with grapes, etc., all of which arc thrifty and in bearing order. ' GP The above is known as the "Fyock Proper. ty." It is favorably . /ocnted for a mechanic or per son wishing to live retired. Sale to commrnce at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be mado known by Sep 16—tsJ , / N. E. WERTZ. Repository copy' tied - Beni bill to this office for collcc deo. HOUSE ANDT • - Vg.0121. r HE undersigned offers at Private Bale her jt, House and Lot of Ground, situated in Antrim Township, at the Month Run-.Btore. The- Lot con tains 93 Perches of well improves land, with acorn .-- Portable story and a half x3rj.c s l3;,. ffe I 3 'u. good Log Stable, Hog -Pen and other necessary out-buildhigis thereon, and a well of never-failing water with pump in it at the door. There are also a variety of choice fruit trees on the peeresses. For further par ticulars application may be made to either of the underaig Fred, ' ; xsAur.LLA KRllllkll. Jscou ; Csa mica% Agent. _sepi_4,l-pt- • • • Adininistrittor's Notice. N . OtICE is hereby _given; .that 'Leiters of M miurstrairon' on the Estate ;or,' Conrod 'Lay, Into of Quincy 'deed have been granted to the undersigned ] 411 persona knowing them,elve indOlged to said Estate will please mike immediate payment, and 'thoso having claims will present them properly ay thenticante for,riettlement. JOHN ZODY, ; 13110.SUNIMERS, Administrators. Sept _l6 ^6l . rr W. ITTNAIiII'S potent Cloth, Wringer Jlll , * for sale at the sign of, tho Dig - Red Born ' 1). U. ,(July 11 'MI.). Aleut or Fmklion county. ; • . : _ r: _ • BLOOD Z ER, Is 8010 by Fi FolorrituAl4 Wnyneoboro!,..:l.etiio Colliilowei, Dr. H. 'Rogonb ol ig. Quirky; Hite. show, Ringgold; J. S. Nljton, themberoborg.C.J. Cook, Mt. Hope': !iewiti Elliott, Vomeitown ; Mr. Sni r eky,-, Shady Orpve,- : J. 1.41515tv.t6r,, faprel;tos.i . Wiley; Albi•VAfe. = • • Sop ii•••tf.• 111114:-$01011011K,11;1, IrHE sitbseriber 'Murat nionn his customers and publid generally, that* having, with other busi ness men of WaynesbOiti iidoti,fed the "cumenst , -iSmrstAterizeivic,P , he is now prepared to Ise:Vatic shOitiie"tiofits than formerly. Pinions lirisitint'orairr‘ article, in his line are• resOctfulfy itivitakii give' hintri His stock of , HOUSHICEEPING:VOODS I and KITCHEN WAtlltirticeiiif-dete, and wilthe sold tit subir prices (the tfmcis Considered) as cannot fait to give satisfaction, Alt kiiide " ' • .• ' r3C7' CAI .711 - 311131. Si RP. embracing the latest and most appreFed •Pa terns - , &or eithet wood or coil, constantly on hand. rirSpecial attention is givemto putting up Spout ing, made of the best tin, for houses and barns. Remember the Sign of the f‘ilzu:RED Holm" August 26, 1864. PUBLIC ~:SA LE. PY.order, of, the Orphans' . Pond af Franklin will': sell, of public stile; on SATIIa- DAV lila 04TO, Dii 'thr§EP TEMBlift. NEXT, TWO LOTS OF GROUND, the dilate of Wm. Fox, dec'd, situkted in' Poke-, town, almint 2/ miles west of.Waynesboro', each containing 1/ aces, more,oriess, with a Log Sta ble on the ono anti a variety ilchoide fault trees on the Other, the whole under fencing:. ~ , Sale,to corn-, mence. at 1 eclOcli on'said day When the terms will be rri tdoluioWn by • DAVID HA llN,Adre'r. Aug 28—ts ti t V. Mona, Airet VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE ! ryHE subscriber offernicir sale his valuable farm-, containing SIXTY' ACRES.. LIMESTONE LAND; situated in Washington township; Frank, lin Co. Pa., within 2 miles of Wayneiboro' end / of a mile from the road leading from Waytiiiboro' to Hopewell Mills, bounded by' hinds of John Gehr; Abraham Snowhergeri and other+. The . ' above de scribed farm is in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are, 1 TH-20111111C1 1111 and Wash House, Wood Shed,;Bank Barn,(6o feet long) Wagon Shed and Hog Pen. There are also on the premises a thriving ORCHARD of Grafted Fruit Trees, two wells of never failing water, one with a_p_ump in it, and a good ; Cistern near the house. Also about 5 acres of - Mountain Land.— Any person wishing to view said premises can do so by calling on the undersigned residing on said farm. JACOB' F. HESS. Aug. 1.9-Im. PUBLIC SALE. DY authority of the last will and• testament of jJames NW. late' of Chambersburg, que'd, the :igned on - the premises, on Wednesday the 12th. day of October next, at 11 o'clock, ../k). /4;Olie.following described Real Estate, yis.D.) ,- A tract of ; Land, sit uate in , Washington te4othip, Franklin county, Pa , on the road leading, from ,-Waynesiroio!. to Hughes' Rolling MID, about trades from tliefoim er and l from the latter place, adjoining . lands of Holker Hughes, Snowberger' s and others; and con taining. -131„ A:0 R E S . and , 4a , Pratunts rieat. The Unproven:tints are a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE good FRAME B.IRN and other buildings, with running pumps of pure water at the house and in the barn yard, and a stream of water running titre' the farm. There is also on said tract a good water power and SA W MILL, which being situated as it is,. near the mountain and in the neighborhood of good timber, would be a source,of great profit to an enternrising man. The terms .will be made known on the,day of sate, by SAM'[. MYERS, T. J. NII.L. Sep —ts..l Executors. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE, pHE subseriber oilers at Private Sale his HOUSE I and LOT of GROUND situatcd at the Eait End of Waynesboro', on Main street. The house is a comfortable'two strory WEATHERBOARDED BUILDING and has been but recently relltred•with new frames, flooring, &c, ant L. a attac'led a mw Back Build ing, Smoke House, Wash House, &c. If the above property is not sold privately, on or delore the Ist day of October next, it will be offered at public sale on that - day at 1 o'clock,,P. M. ;Sept. 9 —Pt) WM. OVERCASII. FIRST CBE DIU STORE IN, WAYNEBORO,' PA. •M. M. STONER , Druggis, P JINKFUL to his friends and customers for the very liberal en-Ouragemeht received in his "old business" an I he hopes that thefintrOduction of the cash systems will add ta.their interest and his ad vantage iecontintiing their favors. He balsam a distinction: ought •to : be made be tweerr , cash end credit and he Intends to exhibit it in the prices, of his articles offered for sale: ;Colt and aee and it not so, purchase where ever`you can get' flu; cheap est, the best article at the lowest price. His assort ment is more general thsti is usually found in coun try Drug Pions, lie has quite a variety of-Books, illtc.i'which he will dispose of 'cheap far cash, intend ing to close it,-considering itnd partof•his business, and has adopted thisfmottorliveiand let live. sup. port and supporting. M. M. !STONER. Aug. 19 D 364,, • • • - STILLY MARE. THE subseriher would inform the public that he took up on the •public road leading • from the Greencastle and , Wayneshoio', turnpipke to de Wharf Mill, oil the 20th lust., a flea-bitten gray mare, supposed to be between It and i 2 years °V, The a - lump from collar bruise on her loft shoulder. with owner is requested to prove property. pay charges and talcs her away. . NATHANIEL VANYOS SEN. itesideneo 3 milts West of Waynesboro'. •. , • aug 263 t... 42ITICE - TO WRAC MEWS.: inTvHE Board of Dircbtors of Washineton School _Distrietwill-ineet-nt-the-Western-Solool-Ifotrar.- aynesborce., on. let SATuttota IN Ocrnnau, f.r the purpose of employing 15 Teachers for the term of five mouthr, to take chow of the various sehoo's in the District , By order of the Board, Sep: 9 7 -3 t. • , D. FAORDON*SeerY• - -' , ' BARBERING. ~ , MIIE sobseriber informs die former' patrons and tho public generally, that de lies re-commenced the BA RUBBING linsiness, in the room next door to Trifle's Tinning establishmeot, and is now pre- pared to dck Haft-cutting . and lihnving in ,the 'best style. Ot tulwr IG. i x - ~.r•.rac'wna.• 7r /1 1: tilt in i j subscriptions bd *.yeepon Trca: eery. Nolte payable 0;604/airs horn Angt: •1811 k, 7 . •,.. . 04 of germ iliree-tentWe 0100Pai and inteieetiotiriir beiiild'iirgawfOhnOtrik. • Theta ell'itertitti- at ‘ tie op, •tO etif the tic; I d a .* : ,,,, t o i si,liserc'e t , goltli e4-' i iqr . , ble -not I the:heron •yeeili sow their date, as the tiovernment they elect. They will be termed irt.,ioterniwitiontot f:594, 00igi, O. ,000 end 6',660 rifiliAtt suittiiritiOns'ilitighielor 1 ty dollars or soot Ittri . ei , #fifttglqtrit. '. , The !totes will lo iiiii'lirners free .01 triiii**o4:l:4or, 01810 tiqto,lltritt** it - '‘ . inalbtitit;etlite efOrepoeit 0,!;' ft' ong nal preptireql., . fi z - 2 , As the notes draw interest Pein - iingest IS, per ! 6 9 118 mokiiiit4ifiges *1140410M to , ttott4otepnet l'pay the l intetesi Mtof yae;:io deposit'' ;1..4 y 1: • • Parties depositing tlioidmnd dollars aod apvrards for 1h esenotea'at-anir one time will be rellowocl; conalnisidoa of.Ctai34lllll44We9tuF.rr: cent.; which' *II I be. paidmby the' . ,Tnitoiery Defied:- ment upon the rece•pt oere,llill for the' amduht,`'ner• tifte4lot_by tUe p , rcerssithw,hoprstho_dep_,o eit:,~ wss , made. No deductions for coixithissieni Meet be made from the r depositii. ►. :; ' . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES BETIO LOAN. ei rate of Interk:it titan. ariy:other,.inefhe Gist:secu rity. Any savings, bank which pan!. its depositors in 14.0, ,Ntotea, considers- that it is 'paying ist„the, bait circulating medium of the country; and' It caa not pay in anything better for its ovtli deeds Ureei tiler. in government seettriticaprin ...neeesstrhonds payable "in jiver niqiet ier) " It is equally convenient as a to taper:fry or perma nent invest ment. The notes can'ahvays be sold fcii withili a fraction of' their:lace - 20 accumulated in terestiand are' the beit.secitrity with banks as col-. laterals for diatomite... Convertildeinto a Six per rent. 6-20 Gold Bond. In addition to'tho very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this .privclege of 'conversion is now worth ab6ut three 'per cent. per annum, for the cur rent ratee7or - 5.2080nds is not less than nine per cent. premiuni, and before the war the pronium on six per cent. U.S. stocks was over twenty per. cent. it will be-sitelitiatlbe actual profit on this loan, at the present Mirka ; rate,'lo,not less than ten per, cent: per annum. , Us Exemption from &tate or Municipal Taxation. - But, Aide NM all the advantages we hoye.entt merated, a special Act of Congress exempts' all bonds and Treasury notes from local tdiation.— On the everage, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxa tion in various parts of the; country. It iit=betii3veil-tharrto-seturities-----offer- ducements to lendersas thi:so issued by the govern ment. In all other forms of hide tedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property is held to secure the dis charge of all the obligations of the United States. While the government Offere s •the most liberal • c oriM - oans, 1 c eves I a t. a very strong pt appeal will ba the loyalty and patriotism ;of the eople. Duplicate teinfidites will be issued foinll depos its. The party diPositing must endoree' Upon 'the original certificate the denomation* of notes requir ed, and whether they era to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it mist be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be for warded to the Treasury Department. SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL 135 asasivsn by the Treasurer of the 'United States, at Washington; the several. Assistant Treasurers . and designated pepmitaries, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF:.WAYNES. 130R0', and by all National Banks which are depositories of publicmoney, and ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS & BANKERS throughout the country will give father information and afford EVERY FACILITY TO SEBSCRIBE. Aug. 19-3 m. THE subscriber has' still for sale nt Metcalf s Mills (formerly Gilbert's) LUMBER,auch as Boards, Plank, Lath, Pailinga, Strips, Joins, Scant. ling, &c , all of which he will dispose of on the moss accommodating terms, being desirous to close out his stock. Persons wanting, Lumber will please call upon hint at his residence, in. Waynesboro°. Ap.'2t— if ]V. B. °MBE RT. " POIC FOR THE. THIEL While war's nu rce'peals alarm.us i •• nr victory's shoots oft charm us: The calmer notes of local news,' Of little brawls, or breaks, or stews,- Are equally engaging. • The former often shock or please, e But such emotions quickly-cense, But when jervels bright and gay,. .. In multitudinous array,. • Our serious thoughts assuaging:— Are placed to vie* at Groire's aid eitind, To brighten eye, or ear, or hand,— • To Oceerate the late or lad,-' . To beautify the calm or sod,-; Oh orery heart'idelighted ! • With rings, and pins, and bracelets bright, Glistening like the starts of night, • On wrist,inid• fingers; bieniit'autrear, Like seraphs fair the youth appear! With beauty's splendors freighted ~ . ~ . . With thimbles, tocketaiinnurning-eetta r Box-Ane, gold-chains, and setts of jet,l • Skal jewelry, belt-slitle& and hooks, ,• All oche latest stylei and looks, , ... I'm sure you'll be delighted. Fight-day, alarm, thirty-hour, and,fancy clocks, Spectacles, cases, and a full, assortm , nt at jewelry of the latest Stiles and'moet elegant finish, watches and jewelry . promptly repaired at the- lowest cash prices; ' C. W.I,OGAN • April 22—tf. . AdminisiratOr's .Notiee. XTOTICE is nereby' : giierr that Letters of M ill ministration ,on the ; Estate of Daniel Snyder,. late or Aitainti county;deioased, - have been grant ed to the undersigned, residing in Wayriesbore'.. il - p - e - m - themselves ludo to to said, Estate will please '.make itiunediate payment : and those having elaimirwill present them properly au thenticated for settlement. . - nig. 2513tj ' D. IL RITS§ELL, Adm'r. It. Je . FAHRNEY'S BLOO TNIS artiele so well knotvw by reputation for, having clines; some of the worst cases-of T,3t ter. Scrofula. and all impurity of the Blood, is al. ways ow haniltst Fourthmin'a Drug Store. has just received a fresh supply of the above article and can, accommodate hie customers. Irene • - D. PRICE. Lumber for Sale. =ME - 7 „ t„ SECOND .Aititlvdtti v • '-or" ' • Sink 1 00411141114: , 7 - irititlign:t4ooDsr , - , .. 1 • ..•'1! HOEFISCH , ..,. - • ' :i. +s t ` 3 HTTAVING poiehased 'the large and excellent stock of goods lielciiiiiiig - to the Estate Josiah. Besore, Esq , . deceased; and combining w►`iii tEo ei am e „in Air e ' large arid eapiseious Store Room, pm new .supp lee !roui n we . • ,• forming the stock :of Josepfi , pre senting to the public the hugest , choicest and cheap est seleJtion ot SPRING AND,SU/1410.ER,GOODS1 now, offesa ir k - this ,florough,.tnibrncinea hirgsatd varlet!, attos tin eat. of DRY GOODS GROOKItIgg, DHSS GODS, Suet as Fancy Silks', Wool Deloins, . Alpaceas, Shepherd Plall4, Debe?:es WHITE. GOODS,- Swiss, plain and. figured,. Striped do., - Cambrieii Bishop Lawns, Mulls, ZYJDUZIZa tC)CiDlik . . Vie boost othavintr the largest 'aseortrnent ever bropght to town. Were bonaht twentY..five per cent. cheaper athan prcecn t prices and will'bo sold accordingly, , , • Silks, Baroges, ~,„..' Grenadincl, lir ' . . : Wool Delains,, • Poplins,. • Chatlies, . Lawns,-plain and figured, . . . Baleerines, .- ;,,. • Crape. - Despanges, , Eng. Crape, . . American Prints, . , ' French Crape. . . . . Collars, flidkrfs, . , . • • Mitts, . Ccauntletsote, ' OUR rANdir . :woos. comprises agreat variety of Ba!morals, Hoop Skirts Showle, ammtlets, Kid Gloms, ffead•Nets,.Trira ming Ribbins; Laces, &c. ' - DOMESTIOCOODS ROWN '1.1.41) . BLtACTIFID 11.111Stift, Linen Sheeting,s, Blenched: and Brown Diapers, • : - Titkings, ' StriP's;', - . • . Furintrrro Cheek% Burlass, Cottenades, Linens, ' ' • • 1 - •': Bags & Bagging,, CARPETS, gEOBEEHIES. Our Stick of Grocerieslivery large. Sag:wi r d different grades-;-Molasses at various prices. loaf Sugar, Syrup, entrees, rim! Rio and Dan&lion q American and English braakfast Teas, Fish, Cheese, Ricee: l , • , -311M- 1 111:111--A111L-7-31M' AM. : -•• QUEENSWAICE" And Gym article- necessary to. supply , the: necesai lice or render comfuttible our old friend& and ac quaintances., Wei• mean to give PERSONAL -*war rzoN To nesutass and give. our friends'every accom modation possible., With. many thanks for a gen. cram patronage heretofore we 4.hn11. endeavor, to merit acontinuance of the public's favors. " ' JOIIEPLI PRICE. - VILIFIER. •, • tfAhIUEL H0EP.1611711, Worwabirits..runt In 1664., i t,•t71,:. , , 7:;"3:-,--,..11;7!; ....-: , t ....,„ 7;44.1 . 0 4::•:1' ,;..71,,P,,, 4- ji 4 , ~', - ...] :., , ,, , ,, t ‘,..:,,:, ' . -'' ," ..,,,:i.,- MMMI EIMIM QUEENSWARE, lIARI WARE, NOTIONS, &C rape a panties, — Challies, - - 'Lawns: and Chintzes. Nain Sooks, &c OIL CLOTHS, Blinds and EavlOngs• WaLOW WARE AND
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers