+tk ' o I n ~ I ;E XECIErrA. V .O4 'NAN 8/ON, 1.114 9,1864. 4940-Atett ! ." of on and Liberty `-- - ---EltouA - is - icnown of die array operations ~.11 ) • - rob - last five rjiiis . .to, claim our 060- ;?;- s our. in re ray rs t done denia d our-` most since e o • and reliaopa„uport; Him, withont whom alt banana effort is in vain. I 'ieoPmmenct that 'ail patriots at their , homes, in • theit :places of publics worship, and. wherever they, may he, unite - in common thsilksgivinCon , Lprayer-to--Almighty—God— ABRABAIII LINCOLN. Lckhr.' "•10SL—A lady's gold breast-pia,• round with shell on.. it; :wae lost In this place tecent= Iy 'the firiilei will be:'stiitably Tetvatded by lea:g it at this office. . oltserve- that- Tuoir - . -- KV/VALI', of aanibersburg, has, associated with' himself in, tho dry 'goods and noooilv 'EdLess; our young friend,, of Ein ,, geld Di for the lasi several' eats engaged in business in Baltimore. Billy is tr:olOarer; H energetie business wan; Success. I to the new arm, ' GLORIOUS NEWS:—The West of imx iecond 'page is taken lip to-day with despatch• cs from the Army of the . Potomac, to •' - txclusiop, editorial varieties, etc 40 .C 1.. 3" t?Ef THE r eltASlgtht)le.reribit r g Clhs - E4'o,sghiatieirlikifit;ilnee:lnei:Yriday even ittiN according to previous antiottneereent.— Abotit forty tipmiters,'cliniiial and lay, were werei . etieit dtirinir:ibilicefing; 'After di . vi.l 3‘ Ber 'l!eeN Clis* by r the -election- cif Itov:Dr of Obi b ; lit e ETEN _ ______ , urg, , , ns President; 11.e4. ?dr. ' Denifioli) . d ri %...,?: 'Charlosville, is stated Clerk, It continue v :iismessions during four dals,li A vi ng adjou ~ .;134 on Tue?day evening f . to me et , 40) ... t , Sp g inlBhippanaburg„ pg. transeetions 'of this body nter of an ;ling' chiffonier, and ihroun'hAt the 1 harmony ed Prgvali• - The,. Parochial , of tho,seireral.Pastors exhibite d, an en vtate.tif alTuiriwith-it*rd 'to' reli 'rats , in ' all did . coliveiationg, / ii : ' , '6m P 4 4,l ll s. , 7 l P te rup t a4 la ,, t tly4siou ,, q(*lLJvhpfibrivil 43b0 ibioitzhimilvoth , Irani, Abi!iiiii l tilit;iion , i 4ll6 'm `sra's'..killy ciploilktaii 4 , 11 Triakty,,suncias , ok 'ill * offerings of.the pr . Year, in the "bsfieds iat, to, op,ror '.3 At. 'ever. A..2,6QQ641) • I meaboo' Charge. , the Spirii.of ; lih.: 1 1 1 ,ii iaild„°T l ! )- ;es, have Ci ,:inerivisis?g ; 51 ;04 11)1' ff' cin u on,' i•'-, co-:notice 0 IMI=EME us indeed, ~d~b"~ietl:'. " 7 '..1.' - : . ;•';_: ... : . .' - *..i. , rX_.O7;.P.Pgi `1iC:04.6711 .•, ' ~;'Y; • - •°!.fror, -zr.c. ,r , *• , - -- .777 , -- -,, - - 77.77 --- t . F,77'" 7 " t', , /._ , .. ', ', QR•iimtaliPi r m. ~ V. ;.- ~ ~ ire?,it ,', ' 4 a" q t 6 116 tre 6 i . ° llr- t 6W° 11$i Iry ia 'a, , , , I) '17.44* *lli. 4-4_ .., if l 4 -: th, 0 A.'filistd of 'iota% We hit k. nmdito aitioh, beaded "the titYlitnii ;t6tion, in! . vottriitt the irtifee - I tlios or - t copperh ead style) over "the. death of. ilailiii,'''iadjilllkildttelletitoddett4; arty gene, the heel ofDesire*/ Non. dic. One ef the judgek of ttA (InAttisi wingrg) his Disttiet ta,chargoit with not iwin'g hie hrothera to vote,: I Veitere to that these brothers nevi*.io' infiftnied but ethers At malice 441'01i - illicit lan -could , re . pori. , .ineh tale . falsehoods ie contaiood , la, tlie Spir it' s ortiele l •arKl I 1- theieiliteir hatilifide hinhole a toxiar l their siuni!li,y aid:aiding' the'al . tthtit iti aka Cover of hih iiditoriattiOhat the. fon fors might not-be exposed fotEeptibli Whole 'naiad is blitAin'tistiliCiaf fall At•ods, and the Spitit-ininiffinvii beeniihor sighted indeed not to detect th'e' nletiVit his'inforMant;.but:fiiiiiit the °hornet& of . i * paper it perhaps iiiis congenial With histt it,. as its-hatare—seeinis-to-he-Very cons hty impregnates with thelerpentine idOMeit':' If-he irants_to_vent-hii spleen_ agtilnit-t.(e / Governineht in 4 'general' way 'for4the•le•Osil foreof home traitors' I hope •'in " ft,iiiite - * iv ill refrain' from using his sheet 10 , 11d:1344 Corrupt men in their attempts to odgmotioi , good loyal Citizens:- I say it withont-fearnf contradiction i t hat- Ale Leitersbiivg Eler' WAS conducted in as fair and dignified, ner ns any other intim county. 'The :eel who• reported the, alsehoods tire 'Well-k! 10 - 1111. writer. - irik'sOirit - nirk - languAg , the artiele betrays them, ..Ifilndertittind thernditor of thegpfrif • n - oir -- Villa - ge -- on ---- Fridarlast - to:tuther- - the wounded orthctiOn day, , e4eatint• . in it that his article would cause -eager for his paper,' lint have reason to thin: was greatly qiiiappolitied. , Those h are Demoerits4ould rather resent thin courago • annh a • course , of conduct do` part 'of' ati - Oitor, And consequently ,fii volved 'but "''cool comfort" and-few -4U- pityrogSilbeeribers TheqSrant s inform are rebels;so called' hat'e; in your State ‘, :flatheads!' ' Man g y. of thim• have bean luded by OM ledders,"and lheirli'ejudi too'tong ;cherished %as' fitted' thenf'for , _wctrLety are:bow doing.. The old Soil had hie head '6111114d when'te - became it ;el, soil nteti in the faixiltif light and: kM. I edge'' heconfiti- rebels My must expeit to bruiiett 'Oise. Bontetinies when this' hem hurt isiiiiehief ,iidot e se even \with , the tail . hiak it isgaiftiv the ,,.trief now ' 'fat is fer [ ri !i ,a n4.34,thatiiig , , Astf effort: S. 10.4 u LOAN.—In another of today's paper will be, round the ad iseinefit•ef the Tept'orty 'Bonds. The AUthf.ktiatn't,,, the Waning of - thOe Bonds its of the loan to two !Andrea' llions of dollars ; and the rate . of . interest Table on , thein, in gold, is Ave. Ter cent, annuli, The funded , debt ofthe United bite March 3, 1864,- wa5.5108,905,000, Aloh the annual Weraat, payable.in gold, 44;735,650. Theleresontliseal year end 30,1864:ahowas , at least 40 pee , ' last, to gold customs un increase on year, lonuteto about ;$90,63,303.;,,1eav,iing Pk tuatioaw dollars;: are of all ttlzise - , _icilaf 3 #44 " 6 " 6 4itiad ''''' wit of ac , rfo - ttY flliotiont . 4 . ;-, ' liv t • tt,o-hiitt , 'af 'girt' kinglibiiii ir,.. i ..0 0 ,, , ' -- 7' .0. L,. .c - -- J. ,4 1 0.,-, , ,,, t 4 e i k nn in. 4 wtm „ r_..i i rrrstuktlyT o ,‘,,,.‘ Ti k t i. ,''' '' k i trolik ite 4 lol 1.1/ ' ' ,4 .44 • 4 divi u l 4 •„-} . , b ~ , -"' to i guti tn ny mark .-'. • , i,.,,,," - L i r y atoll Vg v ,7 5 - - a Ai* Ct. ,- r---r.i.; ._ ~ • , dr , .. vivel e. s w tavodoor's d , lo Aft rwries , when ,it irriic6l3 by °" e - Th I r i :ata` Gobi ' `-'' - ted 41 11 1.14 1. . , ,- 6 •-• 6 • - 'n 1 4 ,s rvl . 7lr. , N2z.„.4 , 4' :- ‘*t iAto , A.ieceirqt StalL:_."„.„, 04 . 1 0:4 7 ,7. 4 P., ' ' Whether. the ISIV.R.I ' • • ' e i i. l'or . t , ' ItS • ~' .. , *„..2• ' ' .,i;ii' '46 fitrei - veablel! to dew - 1 ..,,i . ;,,, To i, u. ! .., 7' x• ' • "I' • + en 41"' lr '' W344'4126- and VI!, iiiiiettitOrf ,- j,•'' 'iLiii.ti4(6litroalo - . A 211 9 6 g- i fir f441111141,0;kat4 for ' ... "I I ) I C OitiOiliii.::l49 soon tie igi itlitaiii - ,iii , , 10 I! ',O il 1 1. 0:;' , 4 - 4 afi; iiir.wr- • . , '4 - 1 . ,4114;ie1ti1 4 b " 4° ' t Y .. 11 , 1 Tri4E, gT fl.jr ,tr-,.„ TO:lifaXBtr-Mact; l 4' 9 ! _ . tti';;h4tartifil,fsr* lla•ltreOter' ) ' ~,, pr'iiiiii*lelt '3,lliCati ni°4ll- 7,; ' r ‘t.•lsot.Le i 7, f-2 '••if..,? , ,Y, - ' ~111001,** :: . 'i',.1.:;:f.',.: . ??. - ..'4 , T,....Y: , :.:,. ,. .,::',k , i. , ...: - ...',' , . - . ....,,a,' , . - '..: . :?5'..4, .:';',;',:,..:.•1!::...'::1;',;:..:::,,,:,:-'.':i4.7.-!..;!'.... • OITICIArfVIkiIi" 0,1/ TILE TIM C i. ~... (Special Deopsytches to "The Pal ~ 1,-; - t 1 • . • 1 WASHI *otr, wy ‘ V. the Chtirnicle"of yester y,i*OteyietKA — I • he situation. speaking of ' fointrip f,e '. o 7 ed Motivate highest' en `eiltyr,; : rip_ L ia:t. interestink-and iinniiith S iatiiiient,f_AV , .. 1 o ) eleek z i4litSeediy , lkiluttietn'riMb' had been received he- War wiartra.e) from t*Anoiott Put**i4iofett44 later this Thursdn' night. ~ Getiorfik' 0 3 side bad•at that-ti clotltillattOitioli t . ' WI di troor . , vigori r oz a 4, to brea • ' ''' h' - ' P i t is . s ri .,, m 4,---7ertil-Wg : detween. the n, atlhe Will Aoinutaideil by Iriiiiiror uler betiniand. 'o igest. in the igthened 'l4 a tried to break nitre and our Jere! Hancock,- ' - aborti ve The'New 'ward', toward - foreed liaok iursdity'itight` ,e Potomac fe le 'etiy—War-- leritessj" flail- - the' :left; and, iilio - i i to Ger: ions not more army 'were en _ have been to, omi . ..tattle's; the country 9r.l3iig.,diSr General lo Insylvn- regret ..sander Hays, AC This g allant \ Jer th4Ahole war. Be held tbe position w__ borelthe brunt of General and iOl at,--the bead of his 'command, just at A.. I'. Rill's attack, tili(treigna-sona,!:iontlistshii:ct hsnimProrsteliveardalboetehn„..,obrEdiecreerds were souiiskled"With more or iestieicrit.Yl but t the details nie not been received.the hour of goi - g,.to press, rep orts of th e Opera- . i tra tiOrts of Fri a ' a nii.Satpratti dre li°urtY es • . petted at the Varweirrtment. A despatch ' ni G neral Butler, r eColvocl.' Samrday, evecinehr. the War Department., states that the nryjr4ebt-frora VettressAo n - roe hhd ttius-5114 suceessful!y accomplisbed ever34l4glllllt.hal ,Veel't.:eiPetell• :lilt ittiTat.f.X., 0 ' PRlDakt. WAsniNersirr, May B.—The itefinbticatt's extra, says Gen Grant hurled his entire ay.' , my against Ake rebels on : -Yriclay., Lee .was driven three miles, •leay.ing,A,o o killed acid 10,000 sounded in our hands:. Gen. Grant is master of ; tligrfteld.. - Lee. is ,""in full retreat. Gen:Grant is in hot pursuit. • ! Everything is being done for the wound. ed that llesle the power ot otti surgeans and Ambulance _Corps. , SUCCESS' or GEN.lsmrrws MOV EMENT • PET,ERSBURR ADIANDOV. ED BY TEE RE. • Firm y ou ,K, N a y §,—The steamer . :Wes tern Metropolis,. frpm Fortress )..lorkkoe on the 9th; :reports that on the sth hist. the Ist and 2d Regiments of c olored cavalry, under Col. West,. made a ilash across the Chicka. hominy river ~and two companies, Aismount, c d , „, c h ar g e d iiiro.the.cathimprt-yof m th e e nc .l6 llin tar d V ett i v r. ginitt Gavairif 'Wiling' hiring as•many,borses. ; The horses were hn. inediately .mounted '' by our troops, who put. sued:Abe obeli to within ten miks', of Bich mond , ()Ore 6th_instant; lair ihrees,who had larnte yat Citgnint moved on Tiptershurg, vthinlthe e-ncoly.inunealitely set Ire to the 00,04 6 0 11 g i t o i n i t t Y o p 4 d a i :7; h ll a ti n g 'l t d p a n a o b e n o a l t t o h t r i s o iti tt a ;L P :r ' s e a ro::to: ;l o . .r at t : p:n n ' i h, ? w e lt , L 15 1 : I r e: : jr i v n e l l ' : ,, fi e : k e . i f r i pa, was blown -44+ by,4 , 17 to)Tido, ono ' snail 6f li g i e igaysbaped infellmalsoutik several:- of so me *ir,officersjand then killed and isome ..forty l, t , -,,... 0(10 , i , .. ,I, 1 , ,J.. , z ,-. ; ;,:., II , a rebel who had, ciltarge , .or. the .; tope- G e ne 1 Oot, an , ditwoiorlis ceingOiciiiereaditeriga • ,' ........ ;' l . ; . +- ;,' :: +7 + 7, : ~,., .7. ~ , '7 s t o ic -4t..Ni*Noliolt, 11uy 4 8.--+Thi+ iferao extra rein' 11.1). it: „... ..03 taring thapaiur, .Afro ' op' sinnitit Go ti e e T ht'ireVertalairoe4leepeteh!intted get OW I e -oral Antler are jn: pe ssmosiag eri•Pe6ftiniro A t , gilEßAo4l , t , ' PIiESFCIG 01 ‘DALtOI+.I •'. 11, #iiv Vi 4: Slay ..- . he l'atitune'i spi 'Blll-*aYs:ttEiikhaii.V4l64l reePit4d by thel Gt 4 1 eir r inentAliNegliiitiZSli ; errnan is figiitin.' , ! ii. *tiAtOtigh Ttivi_ inf",ll/11.,inciessfull; 4.1 preAing' 4fOrlVAßiv."'lbeiitiemy is f; it buitTl4l.oeoAtel ;inalimindia 5 : ,e f * 13:66: '," .... ~., 312 ~. ,,:, . .:. . j,,, , , ,_ 421.1 1 , ..1 . - ...1 , ;, 1 , 7 ,--, : -. ~...,,..... e r FrPtlx;th:e Penil'i-1. , , - 4t 3 04+44 . 'ii ' 'ix --:4-4- -ii .t+X.... - ‘ :..."'elnek - i l. a''- 44.11,4-141t.0rr.0.4ve 31POndOk,,, *4II4AnIV,AIt• " 14i ,01P 1 6 / 4*oltttlins,l344' I ,lWiti , OF i ~,`Atiremeat‘en..ll#4llli*-3,!+0 II 2 . . '' '2 ;4200#2 1 Steg 2 04 14 1 1t° ' - jit22 2 i410 2- b*,g ll o 4o/4 .: ST :# O :' tAil l o sl A s3 PA dith O killritutt4P, iiimogenont rieC:/c0.000 1 ( ,44tur.agi , ' , )04 4 ,s 1.140 40 to °Jaded 4410 ,- ammon s # 41ilititt fi - - 40 410 00 Jos 4" for ' 4;',lint to of We old far on ing al. atS: ma but iho nO made' 3 i lefafaiihrti j re f 31` yestet ilay, but the,i - alitY 2 d corps' 4Al?it, sou ~, its gronnd;.lll ii tbe ) enemy burial; his hit' talibukupolt Sedof°, k, z l ,_ 4 "!l'Pt b P',4.r . '6'1,6 gttind attelptloritsY uvol'ltis At`vill'-:ceW - : raria,Were t .riebly mi di unit tne,re4ilirreW: sed,iiitVatent sift Ilter., Agi) as l Pnif peat i f ' " 0- 414 Lr 1 ( feint attar , upon t iii , Ay loi; With lif. 16k,-.'diviilg hin l .v A nt 4g -amas,soc2 hurled -back with ep_ape„dn anti it re,..... 4) 4.fus hour, me r r ont. Al . 1314451, has been,pf it being , eo think: Ini . renunta all but flatiron tbe otiei..- has-Ven4-signal fliii, attacks , anti "nothieg he esitiktieldhas prevent. It ' 'W , ~ VrePtdsOCit.i r f , but the nature 4 edit froth ' hell 4esi-mrhothi - E;id , . at th is h011v:0t0,,.. giio anesCimg,fl . ..' NEw Y.toit,#,; 'May:S:—The ~speolar des. t .patches t 94h 'i .j ' ribOe'saY. that -twelve trains iif wounded ari n the way , from.' the front. ',the lic4,lsL e realyfor_the.ir_ - _reception , — 7-W - Wkide , ,May 9: 7 --The .Arpriotiat fie pub/leen has 7 t publisheif,in an extra, that official despe! es o.llllollllCliour victory Niel piste. ' leo .. is, :. ret tang in the direction of Spit sylyatiia‘. hod - Grant is pursuing. The U. „I t nion General Wadsworth IS killed. The rob ett:.Greneral. ones_ancLimikius' are killed,, and -the, reb- Generals Picket - - d - Hitrite - 0 wounded.. :1 , .; Butler li whipped Ileaure;icarn, and curl stir I the getersli g and Richmond . itailroad. , t Wasiiiti Tow, Noon— fleadiinarters Ar-'. my of the', otomac9 no . • - Saturday eveid At i • -, • . • . . noon ,th.da our skirmishers , iiitfauced in found Lechad retreated. i.._ .i-4:..; Int Fished oat a strong . picket 'norm on .illftwiiip,ues leading westward,: and icsnz, mod his firgin---1,-. Ft t Lt i ' sin _.,!j Hannack's corpS ii - now . et pottsyliatlini Court'House. ..- . . , , We ' y not hear-again from the - my o , thepo an for a week. •• : ~ The. diet' directors of the army estim ate our loss at nearly - ten .thousand, as followi, Weirs fifteen htindted.killed, eight th e . Build ' W nde,d. ', ' . •, 7 1 ' ' .11 i ' Grait has taken up the. bridges in h rear, . I. _ The th Pennsylvania Reserres charg' 1 1 ihrdiO, a dense thicket,- and. , :heing tine e to OetS ek, all but.sixty.Were."-thlten, Os Th is a statement that Gillet has flan - dei Ai. th nemy, and got betyr4n him aid war Mehl° d. 1 • - " ' Y al Ws INOTON, May 9.—ln'ithe Senate,, tins p noon, Mr. Collamer , read a despatch , fiemb Secretary of War,.aii fellows 1 34 le. latches have• been riceiVed from , GonG , rit,uud .Gen.' Mende. -They, were. RiE. %Ono iehroond.' Lee is . ' in.full . retreat, °I , Witl4 4 gwicki Hancock, Warren, and Burn. , , - side; . e on his heels V s INGTON, May'9......-11;-• Star' s , extra uP B a y i t rre is no foundation in the report 11l ;the, rebels are evaeuatin , Richmond; c l, ) ; not • PaterSburg has been Ivacuated. 111 . fficial despatch , of Genital Lee to the c telt a ,thorities at Richinenil,. transmitted i , l l , bylo oral Butler to "the YVar . l ,Departutebt, sti4 hat the rebel loss in killed is: net latge, c bi rn ny are wOUnded. He furtherstates I tit li , regrets to sayitlitit General Lougstrect islan , ereasly wounded ;.•aliii Generals Pet 'ti, gam 1 d Staff9rd, and that General nkill I. General Jones is. also reported to !''' b kil , ii, and his . bodyis said to be in our ' l ' ose - ion.• ' , - .; !. ' • .. ~ . .. ar4 OFF lAL DESPATCII4IYEA.TH OIL' , 1: . , GEN. SEDG-WIPK. - . f'A '' . ' ' e l a • IVAgairlOoN; Mn is, ' ui , ii:Glif - leicti Dix :- - ------ ir — - T -. , LI- p latches have ' bean received this even nao64iiii Greet; dittd. at 1 P. M. lay.' The enemy inti,de6 stand at iotva uti.Couir House, hind there , was aid figlitin(!•,-: lint - ho gerieralhattle!had -"en place thole --- "''D '.''''-'. eply 3 , :eiiet.ltki?ihiiiitatitio • ado; ..iiiijor 1 . Sagwiiti`ivali' killed in'"yeSterday'S mentfat - bpotisYlVarqa,':har,oo - 0 1,been k bpi bAti , fiolled , , shuiiiioioofor. - 4 -, Ifie, ns` tO'll'el'iOdiCrielidittr,,:san& aref..oi it hero 1 4 ,1 titiche: - ' A ie aie4iie'repieeieleat tel:1) &jai' 'keel bonditiliiii;iiiii With - ,iiiitile;LetiPOie inilltlimiiiiiiand'lrlotrii are' • ydiddOl: ither cinenaltics to -gendral-'dfficers ara`i& 4. 11 oneral Wright has been play:fait' paTtef.SOdgotick'p odor. ~ .„: fielion4:4ipt did pofj.esipitO renew the . it t 4,( 4 ,,„* . y . ,,44l6:so4l.Ttgidqn'oP, l *!if'ti,,ivg: 'fr°m - di-PlPlll3'#Ao_loo a5!.010,1'0119P444.- t : 4 2 ukigerii.,-,, 'ic' :, • ; ~. „; • :. ; ~,.;;'. : t .._.... , ..:-.': - :t r DVlX..Ztt.l.4*l' 4l4 ..sV -- .. ;,- .. e6retsfy-0& . Okiicat'..:ll.trOAT $403t..q.,4,.Att ,-.. !'-,' 1. rias% ..•-' ~,,..., , 1 , ,'• , 4; ' 1' t. 11, Ia I , '.:P Y. 41 4 1 % /191 , MmA$7 : 1 3:.° l' ll tajA t i i ° o 9 4l P' l:', 'ts ~, 2!,, i ,i ci,:i . i,LtoTrq,cd;43, ?espatch,thin tnuMeol a . 4.inlitt. .I.*POrial:AnitCri: 1t to fig the 4 , ;;;•'.. -" : .Hite I$ .14. §TA*74) : ;'' - , A , i'Vi ''',+‘ ',-.64:•.iii,....7 . CM . All) Go.. No por col rs , - L -:•:,'.,.'.,': ; , .:0.it•,04.:i :. iy Potbillact, mr,dernint 11017 tha llium. at. gnu wing b(itai F 01 0 6 : ik+ 4 , 334 staniiit Visurile4 rt -- j 1E.' ,..i4t. -- ilit;i:iiporegard'it o 4,H aL4 'i i vir 4 -s. --, ~ t il v olteir4 Ilti It ' t ,i* ! l i Vt z l i i t lZlL :oad Pm} halm; got tilP ' ' jOlk, With Per 4 4 0 litsPeOs we 9* o•, ' ‘ tlie wh f 4-400 0 4rl/1--t 1 4 ' !`,,riPilikilP\ i o ' 0 94 11 .', aurhaik 4 Aliiill 1 g141011)* f,,19s co i li i Wand *a left so" , !-0f„,4.11 -44 t ag of .4,` rallroaday.Read. ‘. '' , a .att4QP-Wkqh reamed Petarabti u•' r- c it eYe whip. Oa 1 0 .dfr-iiiii r tg . ' ' ainrilnhqs nod taking Man y ilrlitilvern. 41' 4 1, Ocitire,an4 weli:eonlested fighl,:"- - TAYAVAdif, 011kiLW111- , :gotr‘e r Wilil ruitliol *Olalbieerceo t h(it ,WA 11 -t e. ~ Ith Ilea friniteßed4+je_too 3 _....s. _:` , ,e,;_,4, ' 13,141N'ile. IIItUTLEIR,'" , ,',. lirajalliiiiharGightiiiMbig: ;l :" .WAsihrsciTtkit, May I Q:''''lbl''' B o o , a. messenger gotin last night from the army who : • lett Spotto,lvaitin Genii Banat ,yostOr-• 0 day at 12 46014 sea eteee;oh *lncline% to Acquia Creek, aid, theneo,yeatne .. tip on a gunboat at noon yeatc.iday.. ' A' %navy fight • vrA, going; on at . Spattayliania coot'. tieuee: we held the place., At thatrtiine Lee gave avidohce of being weakened , and of falling back. • The messenger had an escort. of 150 Ca `airy. Guerillas were frequently eneount er a o n , thisytty, end it is A not .improbable. i th 't many .46f"the escort 'ware .captured when re rtiiiro to , the , army. Our mounded are 1 Ir' 1.5 000 t ofat .e orted at , , most whom are ll' , dc r icksbuili so thickly lying in the streets attplintho pavemente that a tiasairy patrol i o °red out, couid not 40 &its', as it WAS di cult 'Wpm betiketiOhe , rows of wounded 1 ir tient trampling - Upon them: It. is , said I 1 c re Were between. 2,ooo and 8,000 rebel rUilled-ieft_uporr...the_field,_who_lavelltbe: len brought. to Fredericksburg. , . -"'I A FIGHT NEAR PE'rEREATJRG. '5-tuDA--licitcpertpili-g weed'Yossterday aeliod'n, and was con- Ailed : till night, behiteen Geneitil Iliekinari's 'gade, and several other )biigades uuder 'n - erat Smith, with -iliC4iibels General ahrivrd commanding int:1011)d. 'During it fight our: forces 'drOVOlitif±eiletut--btiet •,l'ee inild;i" - mirlf iiiiiol , PCtertilitit; • • ~. , IVVe hold the railroad 'beitireen•lltichinciiid •li d Petersburg. . - '..1, 1 General Ratvtz' cavalry command:has sac= beaded in destrOyinif seine' Iperti4uS Of , the Petersburg and Weldon (N, C.)ltailioatt at a ilicksford, Capturing. inaitY; reio prisotiors: !Twenty ot thew go to Fortress' ot ,t o-',•,di y. deluding_the eattaidS'itit-lieedenti- NEW I9uK, May AI:J-erre pondrt ayei: "We lean thatSieuelr4 Butler ';.cour ineneed his'inaich for* -Rithuipid;•'"frciiii the oath side, early yesterday , twining. ' One day's uninteriliptal inarch 'oral bring hie troops, to thel-,Taiiiiss. , riyei„ o oaite; the/city We uray,lhei•bfOrel 6*•pptiV. fue• important news fropi that qiilifte? to - 'ti' ." ,'. • • 1 r Blitibittu; May 10;:-.1, e riorfokk Re- L. in:6 orMouday says , ( "A ' ' ' ' en ` _ 3i tle.r_.l3.4_ll,AirtSk"bniiotintili with 13eillregnrd on Saturzlnr...Petersbiir.i and yesterday (SUliday)4srEi considerable force and drove him: . t.titi ar Butler it acids 'has, the.. key of EliniOnd'i in his hands. € .- 1 ! , Rebel, iliiiime l ie' l ySp l ort at Lee wound' 1 e.4l'ou-yrociy;and Gen.' jolt:Ott 'killea: , - : 'IV Atliriiiiobl, May it 'The 67it•onicte , announcesthe,receptiolof - edlicial'ddi 4 patchl e s by s th e N av y b e poiheiit, laSt'iiiiht, of .the .the deatitietion oe'the4b4' iatt:a`Alf4iarle,'; ih 2111i,einarle Somiid, I . lttit ',oll3:,4llit'lz*S'a ir u 5.... ,I -, -, 4 ,t 1: .' '-' -, • : " 2- 111 1. Sassacus is no s itotistsa, IN! woo i.i i iddlewheel i;te el . , (4,774 WO-, 4 She': i l Hiltt - lat year a, the Portsmotliilnavy . 6 1dreps,pf floral P4eai.e.l l , following ,is en, Meade's add l.; ' ','to e i s Idiers,previo. to the;commencle cat It tilities : ,' . • ..;...t.. 7 " cadsnarters ' my of the Potomac, .fay 1 4—oldiers Again you are c Ifed f )o to advance the enemies of your co n y. The ; time a the occasion are dem ed )p tune by m -Genera to yo COmandina ld H you a fe words of - cou ri fidence pid F Lut, n. You h e been reercmize. ,, a ,:str le and fulltequipped nit:wry -tesp ot; ou orm a pat of the severalarmies of3PUT :ou y--the .1 ole under an able and aisi ting *shed el ral, who chnjoys i the cOfi tlen of th government, the . people ind arm Yon 4mvemont being in co r opPa- . ~ In ith of rs, it is of the, 1,4110i3._t impm ; -, roe, that n Alert. should I.4%pared tire#ket su cessful " idlers' he "eyes oft 'e Whole country •.,, Poking' h anxious hopo to the blew M. re abo to strike in Atte most sat: .us that,: r called m to anus: Be. AM' er yotOteines, you ! wives and e il- Area - , nif;y6w-in-mind-t ' t thn sooner yd_nr_! °newton tifio!pvercome, th sooner You. wiltbc returned !In ,ilnjoy the be: cats and blessinl of ,pinice. Bear with pat cacti the hardstcps and the 4acilfiecs you w 11 be called upont to eiidui.lirave conlid dee to your ' o 64ra tied, in 'h' e ther. i t ', , , 4 "'Cc yolln ranks o':the,,lnirch and '- n the: bu - l ' a Id, and t eicli. limn' 'cnknos ly. linplorti O . i . bless . g, lid' ei*.iiior'. by is i i ''fiou„„.;,. :an netid _ wider hitivelf w ;F• tt r Se:9f; 'i .. iiltir 40•ie s. Witli Al6.a: ' - i ij;cieri 44 routg ar, ,aettiacc . a.,,tiy 4Llii h .1 , !Ouse f ditty' tightie to . pterrt4 thell - v ein'tia, In'tantlii e - 'list itonit,lAnidge.6. n to "u by .citcl bil4.li :, if 00:6cinhel', si NiC,toy, voidol' tl"'s, Icssitig, *lst and.' 11 ittlei'd our eit .' ': . '") • ,!, , - ' ~EI) GE G.,MPADE, ',", ?f'-`• ' '`f . .1, Ila Xren.'Vnitinitildin.P IeVII•LIADi4 -..1.,. - 4. ',, ' ,, :1,.. , , 'lir:. 41...-- 11';0-44 llii'' , 10'.1.is'i) ' ..:::;,q4'..'.;!;i:tr ii,giie .',.tll''•';'l.,';;A:sl'.::;r4 , :I', ...' 1.„ . - ''' - . ".. - ,4.,..'. , . , '''"%5, !..i . A 7f ,' ,-- .: t i't4i. - 'ti.'•. - f , t 4 '''''''' . -444 1 iii/til ehifiiMisl;fiSts, , • ~j , Abort thittialeMilit_l*:out--,,,i0-,A1 16 4 o;i : of the, forge ' steiehotAi onxip Vorral; high wha pieitiiiing Oi iiit.**lkVolikinti' niontell to'nthtt , huittlitideAhagltallif tibi",.i ; ' `• • 1 city rilewrapped '.lll l , ll aikkW4 liti . 'l , 0 - 4 4. „II ' ‘.;.. were nodtly an,-constrotba'ofirOolirloi l ie tub. h:Vielf - WilliftibiabloP•lt4titiftlf ' +440rt" , :1 . 11041,1 one xenittlkiket4C*ol4 o •• , ' . 4d• ofrtlarbuorleatitiittl tomb.- -1 o . it •liiiionOta:::, regarding tilOgigiu of tile Att-,sl:4#wilic''- fideBinutoOtwt, thit t 4 *wits:Pittun- boat Lotiligota , , do th e taokio . lll,o* liebels frOlti - VgAn;itijis Others: rat some of dal " tr w iNcit Belie'f's I'f-41W work as, they approached the place o iti iteeti • hundred strong, t tilulet7goludhl,,Keauedy,;* , bout au holit'affailfe thodSrAttios42l`bist , loft: All the Ocentoistli,f stores, atneest• - - • lion. &0., *eta safelyieloiNiallefore the vuotiation. I• CUMBERTI.AiiK kay - fi,':44C barit .% siitty OP!. *Or Panothiliiig'lit :T o'clock and "taptitketd'" 3 a*vseW'find 'fid the uiehicie.iskops-ival'sil the taiirdicv,l proper 4. -They thes,"weAt• 'Wilomiilgtllki. ai - arviptured•the passertgoutrain coining ca and a freight train. They burned both trains , an '''d-their - cwitttirs - i -- nteept the assenucts i - aggage.---bOP t uithrniad so ldie r s "werei bn;the traiik:utio.vicre paroled. The pass enger trait whitiliAtift , Baltittioro.last nig% Stopped ait roils dobe.th.e;riiiltsatttraqkathitiliCih. line-- The tWokititt_4o.4*igtarm? A I .lil . At,the latest dates General Aleiundria, and no intinuttion hifs.toixeg gl en Mini heileigrie4 to leiiiie.that - fttisitiOn.ti : Positive orders froni General GrielitAtviti ed General Bitukti to afford prritedtioitio' tt gunboats in 'the Red x i irpr. His. force la strong •enotigh,,Under,eotepetteth oonitnandi to bid defialice . to - aofOreii , - .- tb6 Rebels can brit3i4mainEitrit. ---Attiiiikeini for suppl: sill be nipae—lvith bnergy .111ajot Gen oral to that field-thitthi A W.igiiiratil-- Lioughe.qraii;lltiliOrth ago, very '.urketiOr of tl tt a rithslo; i 9 ag , t nr , relativef..a.A4o4* Ati otheatlieti ter:aCf . ... of - hie'fart , His alleged reaia;) .4 - ' l 4 7 gtic.„ 6 *as that by her.kintl, ger Aqdretiotiatd ' e zti 4cmua ltitii tea Wmgrt. ire :in almeSt'perfeeP ) isioti iti the part of th e eoite i ty; and it, was dt.ving a cent visit... 4 ilt# Inir,ii:f t.hae.spe tipa, that first saw her 4,4 - - I. gf,,,.t.k. ,( ; „ ,. .1 . :.... • -.,`,.. 40 . U - ' 3;o*. 1±.61:201. - ''Y NEN tliA,N' 'L. I.lkl f t l E. 0F o 911 P— 11171-lAl' ' D - and intOies Yelii,ki'l iavi' , iist r ` . a now Ma .it KW tion Of ci genii iti''riinril 4#:41 , ,, , r 'Died •tltiitprAW4i >tii liiiiii-nent i 4 , ;,, .-..._' - - I ' _ . _ Died ....... •tritrirp!AfWAlL ,40*Ithilli, Tabiar: neiii liiiiirnedt Wii.oll4n6aiacei it frikenAii tier!' No /gathers, vr.0:11::Rotal io.3rpul: ;.`,Xlia-natlire if 0 py. train and irs;afti,*(iiiiiiikeri - ifilt,lai the-aako; 1 your infant dad illatmirod , Ilerr:Pitniat yotir' f ieei roun is: a Alanderoun rliaeawV.llsa Dr; tOida Vet alai' 4.,init3ieric.in .fjrnav, - vil,it l la rastieri-Oli tcrrots Always kee'Nii . Akt ..iha.:5 , .; 1 4 3 af:Y 0 / 1-I riativ wantit64ifithei?idli.t.:AirktfolAll6:lollhigiiimi but artdeir With , ttliirlilifinkit, - j?Bii ardspit ( Wfidd i t ,,,, me . wiaon . ii . ifilii.; , - Nrief' ,6 $ 1 11: 2 gicugAkg* 4 Orrice 56 Uortiantlt Street, NovF,y9rk. bold try. a. April 29--im. UPDEGRAFEW, Practical, If44l4lnorn, have ready the SP RING ,1401.elttlaitl*Thoati who would ttiAtil- , oo.l2WAtbA l 4' 4l 4 ,C the FOUN'rAII4 liEA Dre::?lP-”'w' ':4ll "` ; P 64 Lo~old from ,fit4(inte.: lietetseistiticiefi. Oppositii AP; 1 5 lirtil i DEGßAPPS *, ;64 o ic t i llf Ciiived an extrinelver SPIIII4I AN LI StIVIME it Kticty oriel nOilti' 1411V.M G r Ofakeze: , I Miotusate'irie ltt*tnir, rnb, • t;29 1 t, = 01*,4itc,ike "Wigiingtow:ll9nil4 Atkls, 1804.1 t S/71,t.---Thc` v e ntaaio'r; tai ' \ r JL I ECM ''Lltit)ll,ll;t• 'Neat - Quincy; on the 3d inst., Mrs 'ANN:. M., Wife' . of Henry Switzer, agefi 20, oat S nionths` , and 25 days. '' 'II,I49OELIE-lIIMM. From 14 . ~elopri6gra; of- 714es - day' l Fi LOUR ''ii4O, -ite*y tow buyers , • - T hom ,- • • ~, on •Thang,o,o4. ~11iPifil., ana.t.F,r9o B ,ao, o ! a i r ''' . ported ~were unimto ~ • -'3Aet to { th e otty4 sales gpre, imaijc O(1;pet .l4s ildppt nit brands : City Mills. Extra ,$ . 'g*tiffild -1,0 0- 'bblg i t cholge,oowarii,Strefit .er,.., ir'iaep bblt: (1 . R4/4,-. - There 11 % ',@ :IA foi.Wkiti, and prices closed - qttitettioset :. COrn,7l --- hooll- Solos of 4,69 ft Imk.,.= , )8 - 34 10 w , ,at el. 26@51.45. ; rants, .I,VARlCbrislte4 l 'ifflite at $1 201®61.24 eents,.';‘)ala:warst:Atikr. :-- ti a Sal6;ofLPet totalwla,t. 064 fftar , :fit # 7 owitif 6aeaartntond 4% _ k bailKs, li l yii Aitv at 81e8 8, Ooto'rNik 1 ,54j 6 % ' a lit Y• No nolir '(lPatif4 ol so, - 11 a 6 t , J tnt 4 li . t ime t I strictly olioicoittintlittpll.:hacktitheat 218 Q 1 22 41,1 6 cents ;Ack4g da.;..A 04 eipts ; forr do 'l9s@2o:soentfiiTA* r tciveclitim dol, I'l Ul9O (oOtiti fairito 1 4 :line , P9PsilY ' a 66 l do.. 8p . a.149,1100094 . luferiPTo, 'iiforn-' nor!, 6 3 6 014/7#:. 3 ents ; litlte; oo *P lo @ - . 1 40. NM= Jim. 'Hui .6 3 nonvereti. %rn lit the ear
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers