" 171 bA,LinNinAnLi.p.ttjAmts._, 4, 4t4 2 a.' 1 • 4 • .T aau • 1 2 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 , 11 12 13 14 1.'4 16 , 13 ,19 20 .21 .21' 23 ~tv; 26 29 - 30 —re4ruary . 8 .22 mask • 29 lt.) 11' 24 al Attlrwie Septeittiber Octaber Noveniber December HO! FOR QUINOY SofOnd Arrival of Spring and - Rummer Goodi. LEWIS CELIFLOWER. I aril tice , meeiviug and offering to Bell a mar: anti lull aeaorimont ef DRY GOODS. Whie h I think I am prelmred to sell on as sea sortablo terms as any other house in ,towin or enun- A fullaesortment of • LADIES DRESS GOODS of ail kinds. Pet Aim, Alpatna, Printed- Clinflies, Canghams, I.!►wns, Fancy Prints, Ladies bhaivlst&r. MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMR GOODS of all kinds. , Cloths, Casahner sans, ..otiona es, 'stings, Handkereheiti4 'Neck Tiee, Hosery. A fed assortment of Plain and Fancy Coesimeres QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE. A large stock of CEIWKSS O CVAIDI:naCIGO , 23o. Which am prepared to offer as Law as any othn er retail store in the coo tory. BOOTS AND „SHOES• for men's and' I.ndie's wear of Alt sorts anti sizes. Also a large end well selected stock of ' DOMESTIC GOODS. Muslin., Ticking., and a, !complete assortment of Notion.. Looking Glasses. Hardware, Hats and Cape,Paints and‘this, Fresh- shad and Herring by the.barrei. It is noose trying to enumerate. If you wantanything in the Dry Goods line, just call and jTu will find tot.remly to wait on you with pleasure 10,060 - CHESTNInt JOINT SHINGLES for Sale Lt' fanny produci taken in. excharige foligoods at the highest market prices. by strict attention to business lad - a desire to prease-in every respect, I hope to merit • cite. umlaute, of patronage: May 214 COLLIFLOWER &CLUGSTON.' N ' - DEM A& Air M. IRTQNER tskeai this method of thanh iyi.ing his eudtouterii; ind informs the public that uti had just returned-trust' “Philadelphia the largest assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye ettutro, Soaps, Perfuntakt; Fruit. , Conroe tiokeryi. ate., that , has been htetight to, the plume this season, which hi' will sell , shop. : He !moon hand. witir What he is receiving. makes his assortment of Pawn Medicine greater lit .Itariety WWI any other establishment in the piaci. in a taw weeks, be will publish hislist, of manufactured orticles. He hes ou had,now, Ilk's up is sationoci bottles', =price hmi? erne, Jo pay." Its - curative properties are sow apywciated, Judging frotwile-daily allew - 1,..11ay Si, '4llt; ' • 0 - .:4v , , ' • , CHIPI"E'Ir•ABITis 1 RA* itZ 4 `),l:tii • • ikidtki 'tali ••• Burn. , -•,;'• • - • • • 0.1 4,,•• 1. gumption' 14.4 " 14 ' 11 ' P".9,,11cr0r puo utjUil ktilcr iP 4.; rte e. Pitoyeaerp., /lit* Ail' Xa%V: 3 4 6. 6 16 11 12 12 'lB' 19 ro at 36., 26 27 .11,tj.4,;°- -0.0 11 ' la 18 ft:lslct*: 24 28 '26 27 81 10 28 10" i'S 00, 1 2 7 8' 14 15 10 21 22 28 22*1112 lit 19 2t) 6 0 1 . 1 LB / 9 • 119 96 ST 11 18 215 II ft .6 10 10 17 LAS ,_ll4 ao ~7 14 11 SS 19 22 20 id. , 22 tok 14 21 to 18 88 80 111 Y 3 19 ial 10 17 24 .81 111 12 19 96 16 , 11 , 90 2 9 10 10 17 ±B°-24 111 14 21 7 8 14 18 IL 93 38 SO P 2 19 lie 4 5 lt 18 19 16 23 SO 15, 29' 9 10 18 17 28 24 30 81 13 20 27 !MOE . Prim a, 604141, CAA at RAIMUMII V ~....„,..._, , T , LAT. rAREIV . ~. PF • '' ' . . , HI All E n BDOS o . rdware, IA 21 gi. 6,....,,„4‘,, - 1 1 . 1 1WIL QUEENSWABE AND cEDOWAREI ~..,.........4) , ......—. and AVING justreturnedlrom the Eastern Cities he•woold cell theattention.of hie customers an the public gen*dlY to his • . LARGE it SPLENDID ASSORTEtNT 4 11 18 21) 10-0081 Which will the sold et extremely Low' Nice'. ;. llelow you w.:41 Ilud enumerated a few taticles which will be found among his stock, to whieh he invitee ypur attention : 1 2 9 1518 93°8 24 6 FO'R THE LA DIES, all Weal Detainee.. Panay Alpacas, bombazines, • Plain GingNuns, Plain Flannels, Grey " 18 ao v Ladies' Shawl's. Fancy Prints, Extension Skase, 13einiersi Skirts, Ladies Collars; • Magic. I.4nsmaandk'fs. . Rohm, dee. rli MEN'S. WEAR. 11 18 Wk. is lo st Tansy Caosinterat, - " -- • haling Cloth. trestings, Itittunets. diElaGMClDecbco Tweeds, Jeans, ththiet non* • tient& Neck Ties, Under Shine, Drawers, Beek Gloves, 4 Chu inlets, DOMESTIC r..SIIJRTING 10 ts so It 19 fe 11 18, 25 Furnttere Chivi, ayrups, end' NPVII Orleans Molasses, Best Rio Coffee, Smpenor Prepared pollee, Nuonnull's Best ,Essence;. baker's No. 1 ,ChoColate, Raisins, Tobacco. Rice.. &e., &e. The !drove goods ha7te been earl:silly selected anm purchased - as - the viry lowent . liguro. Nil is thercfdfe enabled to accommodate all who niay favor him with a call. By strict attention to,business and a desire to pleas* in eSbrfresPect.'he hopes to merit a continuance of patronage. NO Tlbef,lll,E SHOW GOODS,. Country rank:ire token in erehange for it ontlot nt he Highest market prkes :b. W. MILLF:R Oft. IS '62 71` . 41 - 71 - 4 7 . -1 1v THE undersigned respectfully announces too the public generally that he in still at the old stand on Church Street, Waynesboro, Pa.oshere he continues the manufantitring of Family 43,1i1UUCilidlla Harouches, Wagonsv nod every speeles efvehicles usually made, in Ditch, estublishmen is.— His work is warranted to be composed of the best ane most durable material, and •nonir- but the most expeiieneed. workmen are emPloyed.—. Ho has now on hand a number , of Cibraiaitee, Bug gies, dco., &c., 'which he will posineely sell at greatly seduced, prices for cash, or upon a short. credit. By keeping Or good stock, at nil tines. and always holding himself reedy to• supply die de mands eg.!the people he hopeavto totain and secure a liberal ,share of ,plitronage. - Repairing, Trimming, and Painting done in the beat manner, and at the shortest notice. - Produee, daco will be taken in JACOB ADAMS. of thefirin of:(. &, A. DI. Ad• la of the . underrsigntil. Renton a 'indebted are reVicatod. to lustre 40 Oysters - lor 2 Cents.,! - lIE subsc ri ber infermi the public that he; has , opened:a itinaattrane in tho ruotn.foruaraiy as- Supierl ftelie4; cm' doer 'west of Trithea Storp;.irintie the 'public, can . be accomotiated .with o.lrd 1 tt.. fried, roast ml and stewed ALE, HOLOt4NA t3ACSAGE. EGGS, dtc., Zca. • rifitain goo4 4 oyaters for cents. !tidy' stale 9.yaters, ruch.as are sold at clhaittires; los 25. cts. - (Nov.,3it-41.) • A. fel,S•ll Kriner4gIeaMiMPINDSZNIMMOCZN , • -MAYER, . • 51 . Amax:Sim* faislialulloarortmod h 690118 -for,-G'erstkpaint's tssri. City- fisbione;ileays , on hand. g ifl'asetesbur,.?%; 10%.%11.6,A*MitIntrinrarRSPOMIRWVYTAN AM-106A 4.mia by b. Ittilitiel.l , 4;. • siga of this . .. Sig itetl , • - • ; 114erch1J' 13 11 . 1 :. .•tSAUCP ft - •r VA • 1.71-1741551ASIAtintivacrare • 1 , Iktle?en -AigEbaitti;dtowle, ' I , • Si` r ifiCl4%.oo cei,ljov put it i u d a a ts . . Shoes, 'edar Ur.air - 0 ON Tq00..,10E I Nusresi i lrativir , R • , , .. Nitoulti• yoti nip. nfunt you ifiounor. t I „I - ,Viktef P 1 1001:00° ' 011 11 .4 ri c iA9g e ' E , liv ou ofloweht *# ~ you— ttilo ispio,the .11011,40 r, Olt iodin - Who,* diu the sign is; • '''Plikett's the best Cobh Stolz , andrin-yram, 411sahl cheep by D.'ll. Bushell." ; i , . . • rFronißle *mkt Of Hiawat#4. Hl t Bsuderolgue4t , inkrms7the public in gelitbra ind especially those of hisociutolliers in wait of anything in his lite of busiihhis, tat he WO coma lilete*asidikamMii Occupying; his -no*. mat extdheive y ening/ail #oablitiououqor the ... • • IVianinfaktitre and Sale OF,TINNFARE. SREET4RON WARE, AND , He is now . repared to supply any . demand for has Cook Stoves. general liouttekeepeng Goods and Kitchen Ware, on such terns_ as it give entire satisfactlion. wicaciat • °flitted ate otitis hist ankamesthitiVeied kinda,and lining Levitt& tried - aiii'ailtittivilided to be all that can be delired as good cookers and bakers, and are easily kept, blein.. • Has own NANUPAOTURED WARS is all , made with a view to 'he wanta t of i enstomera from the best mate rial and its itlitaseato he good. He also keeps a large assortment offancy article'. s paid • attention ht [oven to Vuttigg tp SPOUTING:Made Of the beat, , ' n, for houses and barns, hiPihikh bat { bail lenlYand extensive ex. patience. ' Remember the sign of the Big Red Horn. „Au g .9„,,1860 , 1%.,13_ iIt43.Ib3ELL. ANTIBTAt AMOR a , Ap • za, Lk' zra 629 HE subscriber. thankful fur past patronage l 14 solicits the 'Sane; and in addition ni!rinitinfa , ol. ali kinds ,td,werked Material for Building Purpoacia; ' such•cs • SASH, tIOCRSI,‘; 111:411)8, FLOORING, *WINDONt• FRAMES. DOOR FIUME% FACING, ,IVIGLIIAbINGS, &c.. &c lam prepared to furnish all kind, of oaktiniher for dilferent - purposesin budding, such as JO ICE; tiArIskii,IATH:StUDDIN G, PAIL 408, SCANTLING, 110Aidia, All of which will. be sawed to order, at short noitce and uptih" reasonable terms. Also. sawing, by mill and circular saws:, of every description done;.. Framing, Nurfacini, Matching, Flooring, &c., &G. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two ralleal southeast of Waynesboro. D: F. 1100 D. Am.17,°186,1 FLOUR - , -- FEED PROVISION STORE I ... rr HE ebbseribers announce to the citizens of 1 Waynesboro' thnt they, have f oliened a Flour Feed 'and Provision Mote m the' rooin next door to Dr. Bzontettotfis. taro; where tlakti v will at all-times - . have for isle p - Milll, MK EIME AULLSTUFFS OF ALL KINDS; SCREEN INGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN ' THE DA.R,' OATS, POTATORS-, APPLES, VINEGAR.;. Man; Rye, Wheat. and Barley by the bushel or in moaner quantities, and other articles usually kept ill suca establishments. All Flour and Mill Stull; Mira. ?mei ran ilk•Ctiur: The highest market prices will* paid rot Wheat, Rye and Cora to be delitiered nt the att he sub beriberi'. " —JOHNAVAPFER, (Sept. 3.—tf.) W OPEWING- J..- A. F , ISM , ER ANNOUNCES to his Waynesboro' friends and the public generally that he has quite cently replen Me& h ist stock of for fientlemen's wear, which embraces all the latest st.sles of Clothe (French 'and American manufacture), Cassitneres; Veal ings, most fashionable. sty les, undershirts, drawers. !week lies, ,handkerchiefs suspenders, s gloves.l ,dife. rersona trout ,Way.riesboro' snit vicinity visiting Ifagersiown are invited to girl him a call ris ha is prepared to sell allgoodii,in hie line at Low Norio OfES or the cash. His More is in the NEWLY FITTED 'DOOM,. next door to Updegrofte, Hagerstown, hid. , Oct. 241 ' j •'` • "., Important to , E'armers rll 11 t: subacriber takes this method Of announcing• of the Fanners and others, that he has on hand a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with smile specimens o& the corn. ;Phis le an excellent article of Broom- worn. and-should be — raised by ev.• ery one. He has also a full assorUnent of fresh Mugs, Medicines, Chemicals; tic. J. F. KURTZ, P. 8. I am palling Cranberries at 121( cents per quer! ) ' Mar. 14 4 , 'Defence of Armaggedon. BOOK .1 0 011- J'43 f 'fisis acknowledged to hwone,oi,theotost re . b um &' proditothirmtlatt;hos ever heeirOlfiiied - to that American people. The style is ebPsWand,trutlk eloquent. The •subject treated o t ietit the most' ittsitiringi. I, The Tinited States in Prophecy. Fos sale by- - J F. Kuitrzr Noll - - Mentes Val:gorse aCtittliVourdes M. STONERpurchased?: vng of Mr. ee,,1r,.,10r making the ab o ve latqfahuntilartie indllattle - Powd e r,fot FO'imsy I va. nijiand Maiyland,Asilielihii method oristforu3ing the cartnersolrovers, 4cc., that-he, has on hand, and intoidi keeping a good' supply allays .ow. hind. Country mere ha n ta and tithe re ke epi ng swish articles fca sale, would do, well to sopplithenntelves with t quantity: 4iowilil tteil Won commisaton or fop 'ems& cheap. Orders will ha punctually attended to. Jautl:3l: . t, . /0 62 . _ : . ; ' Cook and Tea... Plate Moves. WILL clam out my Fermat' i!tock of Moves let I redu.ed imstOM. # 0 etoon4 lot II loottoo calk tt , warrant -my' tfiovito to look 'sad cook equal to,cmy stove its Me, morkat. Jon. 18 'O3: Wx. H. limorocoms. Spdrof: iiptWa!; LAIrrIC tsureT i tSpuist; sulking at thcr price oia ..12a o.o4skOrltiPif..iptti:st pp kg, *ate. • s uitiergroAa.AAtiiPliiillie , that he Isar' j i ,; tt*w ifor g reen hy l ypasiottioftlet. , e t 441101tM5 1 / 4. 11 , 10d0111).941 sitevem. Ot r t": 1: 7"Icoi, • • 4 4 0. , 4f‘Aulalk-N ' • . 'ti• - I;iwAiztitimoito' . , fil. , • , ~ ~. ..-...- i -i-i t -1'1 , 14 POONDIt Yr l i i- RA i ; '' E- SRO 1 , • .: „:, : • 1 • , t . i,,,:,,_,--, ::(: .; •4111011r f ,..,_ .., ' .l ' 4 '' t ') I -. _. , . T 'lj ' •.: ,„ . i i,,'•.... .''; 4 ; , ..a . ,, ~•, •A ' ..• _• i . 1 1 ithir , 14111' ARE GEIfiER'S PAtiNT KELF-REGU4AtiI . paium, sEpAri3Oent i -.OLEANEfi, ''''..,.. *VD itilsithE if 1 Stoves anal Plow castings,alsocast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a wad, I am prepared to do everything _usually:donain_a_ 'found ry _and machine shop. Hating supplied myeelf with the latest im proved machinery, such as Lathes,'Boring, Planing' and Drilling %Machine., personstan •rely on having their work. done in ,the most satisfactory manner._ ram also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery for wood, such as Tonging rind' Graving machines for flooring, .Surface, Teninit and Mould ing machinesi- &c, 1 also offer to the public, au new and valu able inipmasthent in - my engines, ramie . within the Met year, viz: for,: ecanomizing,of fuel, ahtl , t f*P2ollltitibn Urspii44:l,liihr renders my new , enginteilittaruiieiluetu Engthes. 'All my machines are sold under warrantee. 'My hant.s are all experienced tVarlimen in this line of business. and I use all, good material, so that I sin perfectl3l MI in Warranting - all my work. ; am also prepared to do repairing in xvorkmah• like, ra a n tier, on• the shortest-notice: Orders sol MM. ed and promptly attended to. All orders . sent in or repairing must hirtrceolnpatiied with' the cash. For particulars and circular.* descriptive at ma chine, address . L 41011134: Flt 11.:K Om llsiakt GEPIHR, Proprietor of Territory and so licetor of orders, Wavnesboro' Franklin Vo. Pa.. April 18—if .1 Ob. ELDEN. ~)Fib: undersigned having leased the well-known fvoactunakin g Establishment of Alex. Hamilton. ors•Medhanies'stieef, Wa'ynesboxo', respectfully an nounce to their friends and the ptittqic generally, that tbs.) , purpose carving ,on the business in all its branches, and are now prepared.to mantifactura to order all kilt& of Carriages, Buggies, Earouches Sping Wagons, dz. iSte.i, of the heat - material, and rondo Sy superior wort men.' • ; • • BAACICSAIITHINti and REPAIRING of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to this" satisfaction of cuatomersi • - • ,•• • 4301JI1iTIAY • Pit . ol4l l Ce taken exchange . for workt4 j.rices. tarl'ersonsilesiring articles or work in the Coach `Making hne, are respectfully in*ittett to give them a oalt.L. K. MO.KIiiISON, Ma ti GE0.13.11A WKER. 0140 "C"-oNevyA Firm. 1E subscriber having disposed of , his entire Goods to Messrs. Collidower Si Clog stun, notifies all p4sons indebted to him on Store Hooks to dettli theii accounts with and pay the a. 4, 0 004L 0 f 42e#40, 0 b 441 d 14002 4 , 0 ' 4 # gilfr , irskin.ti:elStutly 0 1 1troadqk Pncketai:tehO:neur, firwvuacontinue the business as heretofore. - A. Itt. M(JNN. wlb • Cheap and iteautifial O. 1 Carbon Oil—pure and non-explosive—r wananied to • born Wittiouroniintingliny smell. Jt t • 1 Ott LAMPS, • of the letest...:gityliritna itotortteeineeitt4—ill.sold CHICAP iron 111.46u.5t the - 1110 nEDltotreir.' .- Apr. 4 , ri a mion. a n dA c i u d e pus. Hli undersigned, ' having become Agent for Wino ha tilisoac th 5714.46 1. thatintobi), cotoliatal pianos and of t:arhart, Mesdhant It, Co's, unser us_ittriiksttlndistd- nib; with the abuse named instruments at city pri ces. MI instruments witrianted by the mantriactu- Lessons on the *boas instruments giren.in town or country. (may23l, - T. L. BUDD. y - ouptu, dololloWaili tb ere the. :•niceslAsiort ment of Plain and Valley, Cassiumni 1, *gni,* toircall it b. / IH ! fur linage to aims," tight (lowa, at Price's kJ Wino. , Lat. tar t ay to get /some mote of that Agri* Y& illyrup—utily ceius a yiluart et ,Pazas'a ypn want to preiSyrup Nswer au tlueltous cite jiLesystas aud sukasweet as Isoneyi.eall st • , Nowt • • •-•;, 4. • : PAW, (4 )1;1(14,4A ; tuctsaijia 'Zts A &noggin, llessotre tic CO. , oN • y.j?l•t; ki 1.,v f t..i. =lffl eta-4811 , . , Latest Improved-Thresiter..coul Triple o"earr. • • 4cl.llorse,OmfeAs,pg,toittr2by aeceir,- - : i 4)r i1e1e,.. 1 6/1/ fri . .hiitlON443/ete ' .read, y, be put 021 , , Fay 005. , '. : ~, -. . , 'undersig desire to call ~. i,the ned, d the attention of liormore,and Thrshermen, offrcanklitwand attioim • 44' enntite to in . .. , Thielfilehine ilitti ben before the public for' seven years, during which One it has given general satisfaction, and the patentee ; having made some' very important improveinents , which render it 8411 more complete,, both for dead *setiiiiikidir 81141 efeaninfi; 'add iilso r Aii'' ease of ,tlringht and fae threshink. 1 tine plcaeurejin re- C.oinmendritg ibetkihe publici,,,lttiotvW4,- that it will give Am best of satisfaction. lam intourecturing, three different else', as foiling= . Ntu : 1 J6'8 , 1161.00 Pitafei;will thidehiditil citanirom ixerr , 200 to 500 busk la per day.'• •-- . ‘ , -. 1 .2.1 - ' ,No. 2is o 0 horsepower, will thresh andcieau from tl5O , 110(rbushetslmf de ri, ~:fi, ? , 1 Illii 4,10 kborse4olferOwillthfelihnd clean. Irony , 1004o1100 4 ‘uthelli pe} daft. 0 ' • ' 1 These Maciunes are warranted. to do the above, and do•it much better, in .every. i respect , than any other machine in use.. ~,.:, : ~.. ~ siz; . • ' . diain having much light filth in it cleaned on thiti , Machine is worth from 2 to 9 cents more par bindle etthan ren.clfikilhd onJOy othdieparainx, or the infnmon oteleaninOitil to ,,ot this riliison thiiie 4i101.. the eighth paitkl light ifkottenita * gra es when:Cleo mid ;tin tfit' 'l;he bloat Ws 4*lity on Mt the giklas itt,,Wvois 1,4 shires, Whereat', When cleaned will riddl; thrit.ad. vantage, .is. lost ' • Phis machine dies not return die tallends as most of the separators do. Ily,ratiiiiiihg filthy tail. eilds'alternately / it4 ie impossible to make mercninta. grain, AnOthir important feature in this machine that others of the kind have riot, is the Self -fitting • hist-Reg - tdatorin the fail, v;iliich ieniedies-all-dif ficulties.in bad 'cleaning, blowing gain in.the Chair in. high speed ofiriegUlar &Hine- h.cannlit be avoided in cleaning grain by horse po er This Machinkis also more durable , nu ess tedious to manage thatuliny other Separtitdpanil aner,or the epaution niaithine With shaker.. °filets toinatiie their being" lige& until harvest should be sent in immediately. I OM lully•prepared to make to order and oh short notice Portable and Stationed • K. STEA' ENGINES, OliBT AND SAW MILL GEARING, WAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRONbBRIDCES. CAST IRON WATER marals. IRON KETTLES, &xi NEW FIRINI! coachniakang! --( .• • . ..... -.• , • . . • -.: :1 :-:! , .,; lt : ''iii: - 1 - 41.1411,i4je .6 't ,1 . 1? .. 1 . "-' -- '. ..- - 4 t -**, sod aims ihtitild it ileiit Prittati .., ~. ' . -,,:-,,f °P SO. offo on thailtatit a *Mid C o oking &Ott that ; OW •• i. „ell:VIVO; callittf /i . P'•%:., 4 . ' I.' '..' ' gg, 1- Ik'' • .01 ''' n..... t tirve - fik • 1,, , ,,,,... , la .• ..,0,_,f,..ff1;17:-.• l'"iC O• I c. andl fa 6E5 Sliv Ili* ~ ,ViitititmaSiii- j *ick .L. • a of the. hest litoiew in Market,-tiad.by far the e• :a ...... I Makes a•liong atiek - Of ward anti is pr. ' • wilt Sr. 114811.1114711‘1141r etaieblttigi*4 • 'Ciie - i 'th ' it''' l'i' Weft- or Wilt It is a fine Cooking Stove and is easily kept lelliiii I aiways i have e ttrg issoitment-on hand, on *ill give bolter lin a • ine otSer house the i eonnUy. ,•'''' Soo ' di • mplame is not Gen. Bragg clealea yo elve . • ''. Also on'hand Heating Stoves, gulch as '• ', 111:1 1 11 1 11 for feiyllow • 'Yoti 'et 'kite dssditment of RLPIZSI" • eriflt Cupperirßrastrand - Sheo: Wale, Whiab 1.10 altornil ' 4, oroven cannot be - found bettor in an place. ow remelt!: ber I am, bound , ts;sell chea • . se abl,titat:winivane, tbing it my line , g ive i0,:45 5 shop. ie• ill it the old 'Oise° Oa IdalS,Sire.e42,tmder r ilio Ysintini thrio?!.(. I . r • • dorie oCulirtigleband if the best'double ~,Footinsi vary thonhful,cor Ate marry pelt fai,ors I 'have:roseAVltfrorn. the public,L;Woudd : invitesll to give ula t ,a cahY.fori then yOu can see for,yourielves where to,get ,bargains. Old ;Rena taken at Foundry Prices : in exchange . tor,nevt(Steves. • W.A. TRITLEI Et= YiAstlrN; 11.11A1 •Aii:?44T - Iffinit .Pi I,IIMERY, Confectionery, Fruits, &co; M. NE subserilter tikes this method of announcing 0 t . • $ 4: 1 - 1.. • I . - i • .• • stofe l ' i prionerllgiff! csierguk s,electotitock of FRESH. DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Midiciines, Paints Oils, Dye Stuffs, window Uteri!, Putty; Tobicco t Spun; and Begets, dec., which he is- now prepare dno soil a* cheep as the cheapest and will misfire his custom►% erg that in regard tb quality, whichsisof die first irn. portance, his goods will 'compare with any in' the market. , .1 lie has'also a splendid •assortment oePetinmery Soaps and Toilet .articles. of 111 kinde r consisting in part of • the following, rii . Hantiolinee t Poinadee i , Amber an#ltedialtOil Extracts for the I andker 4 enierp „ n trdaecaithoi., lierrison'e I.oieb!-Soap, Honey Sbep, •• • • : liotersodp, Diamond Wtiiie Soap. CONFECIPZONERT, PR $, l&O Tito/ .Pttindir,; - Curtants, Bafea4l3iiron;tliahg69, Lemons,Ndei of all'kinds, and Candies of every. variety. Kertiseno Ramps,. Lamp globes, and, Brushes, ,lieruSerin'oll. Camphine, Alcohol, Burning and in fact anything and everything that is usually finiiid in' re sting. Thankful for kind lavers and patronage hereto. fore beetowf4 ttponidin; he selieitli a contiriu a nee of the Seine. nrid &via , that by 'efidijairdririg fd please, he may win the confidence of the people: • Physician's' prescriPtiOns promptly and carefully, compounded at all hours. J. F. Krirrx. ropy .29,, 18613 F. FIAJR#III4IV Doles oin all Hee trarietylof Drags c ,„ . .4.ll;e4 cines, Yankee Notions, Perlumet*, Liquors Jos medicinal purposes, Oils, 4'e, 4c., • AVOVI.D tenser his thanks to the community and still solicit; the patronage of re geterous public who , want anything in his line. Inasmuch sit tie has enlarged lusito,ck so : ructo he enabled to inter all , Calls or anything arid:enritiYthingiisual ly found in a Drug Store, and haea thoroug ac quaint e•with the business; he hoPel. ': in the once .f the ComniunitY. ' lie wil y par! Cuter attention to filling physicians" P cc riptiuns, a • more care and precaution used i w ring up on c r drert. shan adults. ' • r 1. d gllE ~ i I ' rl ` ULM Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental. purpoies,S'atent Medicines are endless in variety, including albttort 'hate Veen inode tift , ta this date end spine-that are yet in , embrycre „Milo White Lead, Zinci‘Paint,Artriting.. and Irarniabea for house building or inidde ,work., besides all sixes ottrhiss.' Commercial, Note, Foals Cap add Letter. PePer,elintye On hind, with a Variety of Envelopes of differem and_ colors. ,I;trutiltere Combs, Finiiiideatar4Soitip,' , Heir-OilVeeitoltna, risen cm, Flivoring Extracts, and namerous articles the Fancy line on hadand otfurad for sale, case ; N !ir thanever . ortered before. • Also a large,..suisortmen t. of Kerosene • Oil Lam Chnnneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to 'fill them. A general assortment . of, Fruits and Vonkiiiiriiirielt,.TObiieVu and Organ. • Oc. 11. . . To Ca.pitalitts. EOBOR tr',ASA YIN F UND.—This Society will pity. the fullowingrates of in. terest per ananalwon aIL sums deposited in the Itt. stitusion. ltos 3. months,: per cord.; from. 3 to 9 months, 3 pen cent.; from 9 to 18 -months, 4 per cent; and oven 18 months, 4f per For shorter period than 3 meatus the rermowill be mad. (town by the.Troisitfor. A. • ' Neiesfordiseenaitsbould be tlittl . **the' Tress. urer an ; Tuesday, AS tileeat Dtreckike Intel moistly On Wednesday of each WOOF . tOCk A.M. by order oktiortiostd* . •.. . J sae 17 — .58 JD.i O. PHILAPIS .7gtelfll7. Ceettacal Wringer. /14 NC:fttik;iAltl 4 ll l 4;egtPliiiiiii i. Wringer for We at the sign of. •the Uig Red Horn ,• lk b !tumor., gput fin , Fraktian moray. (Jrity ,Lt. '62.) A - prfsvatort.aipitustst boo."*LS craw u A 4 . 31.00 at (may 23), , ralCia ' •Waynesboos ,I,;W Jog G o irb g e :erne* tiiiie r o!v;,l kft3 T. - urP Etti - 7 , .•t I • ;A , H ,lilLrliMiti SiVi i i , A.... 42 . . liofesio 0 I l d ni n . tiiiiv ib" , ni InA,M,_ •1 i 6 -- /S. ifirefol4Wirjolat4emi TILE. OLD iIIILLER"AGAI 413., isbelli ? rt is no r on its last, neArty,oliii; thOitst3Cililif Wiiikithabe • th Mit Ate Vint, macro:lol4A , ', 20'.blis or upbraids t OltittititiA kilt* 4#11,117 UMW bit# tirtlMUtif. " Itoi/ft)11 thug- bY•ttis iilttirsP Pg,thatjt44l IttidlinPriShiPstg4 BI S % itt.CobOtopped n s,sh o rtn o ti os . or in: w het on. ha r tcl. inotitet,fos Wit We can 444 1 11 dp.,op op4t work iiktatoilowhd. "Idand,Noo4(4,and-k*Onlnt, i#N,WmatsL losgm Apylaf TfArTE [ il'Apar'illu' Ujiia litEOSEkiiitoitity r in,imiciniw that she as mewed her Millinery Store to the dwelling , hew, Main She et, et, 840h:tips thelesitlenne Of Mr. da Wolf,and has just • received from the, Easters iss a fall assortment of ' , • • ilbsizati. Hats Baft4dti Tribluslits 4 • • • and Other articles usually lteit by mars,. , Ladies•are requested to;o111 an:l Amanitas her Appll,ll'6.t: Just. RecelLvad. • • . •, • • ItitarlfgfiVo.ooBr Jot Rosakitet; P4s1011;• i i„ Colts,Pi*P(ArtzigifilWAX: ' l BbnitioS Cartriagis. • ' Obits „,,,,fek's4.F. 8 Asinzt. talstlapt Ids Coppss Pinta , „HeF.artio Pfolich Gun Welding &c., its — . • Goods of titit2tlescriptiOst, hsite become Scarce. Peispai visoting tims * 0n., : r41,0:01s ;Pi made, w ill do well to cntu immOdiitals.n9li:putch one of "Colts Potent piiestt.iOaLlityi,P.s4,9lvSrs. Sept. 26 . '62... '''OsrAterStl. 7091ter.t IS , , rrilitiniclersigned infOrais 10 public that:he 'opened a ltestaurani, in the Haseine . rit of Bowden's Hotel, which has been handsomely fitt tip, all, lir4rWeo::o 44 1 )4.5 POI:Ons. A nolegna Sausage, Cheese, tam, ahil all ortic usually :gold in "a. fast crass Restauraitt- Every Siete is new and cleanliness in' all (hinge will be served. The ,public areinvited to give him& eall (pct. 3l— • W.. • • It •.. Ba,rbering,saliatnaNit9 • 2 , HE anhscriber informs the-citizims of Wayn .. bore' and vicinity that he. has fitted apt t room nevi doom° Ik. Bsothertom's Office, up sta Ma Harbor Shop, and is prepared- to shave, cut, a dress hair in the beat style. fie asks a ASAMUIEIIII:4I.-ITHE WS. AN apprentice t i the'Sheemaking basineits'th can. come well recomMended, find a' sit nano by applying at- the office - of itte• Vttt* Itscono.. (Nov. 24.—if.) Itoodtit. .100 &LSI , ust received per Egress, qiett , et.erom'ilieAn ofaitures soother large iniroke Rt.Siikers.. "(Ny4 s -se , , .:Joitti t t Bs:min tsar, .lit*1": cuoiv , bru Vt* irt the sonnet in he.,:hsch- at the•sign of Big Red Horn• rf or • outbr itutt i kil - Br kyjustrecailted solio etre torfil 'llo* by, M. BTONEB. ‘" ''! ' 13 . •TINTROArEIYBeeIf-SBAUVIEtr;' cAN that can' fireilo'sietf, enti Opiuou' coy rum 'kir 'gide' at the signlit:lde, But Zit Mien , (July 11, '62;)`,,,, - ,B..Rcuser,r... A .NorAttg, lot of those nie;t3iiaikere at F yu want to aee the aaartatant of Ca 0.4 itt, .71440* FarCs'.e fJR V end unadulterated spiced cider Via. Jk" for salenby giconif, sigiret.Virll4l . tdt !, , .uiMo Piro ouiti tt' peirittart. - a it trHE feTeibsdilait of flooritli '" • • b:'1 • • •at (Noy 2l Plumes. TlV7Tuys *Winkle' °"' D lN er.2lo' , l3o !. • ; , - t ADIES:do you wiilt to see a new a viand assortment of Drew Goats calf . ' Nu. 21. Patois. A full assortment of Hoods, Nubia. and tikati 2% : -Jackstst to DO lir • 4 Pius:Wyk a riot.at. ,L I ALI. shades' of Shetland Vicoot t at (may 23) ' t • • LAMES., if. yogi watt. to see * loco assortute of DtiftsiStiOUlLLS,.eatl at. Api 614 . Remem r HE tirgeat Wailifi;OpThiarvier brought Waynesboro ; east berewertert , (nrey23) TEEL Shovels, Spada*, Hoes, Forks, Bak S • Itaaatit.biattpiAra.,4.64 t iteitaiathai will de etungetattto : . -1 1 :a4atalcatat futtountalinah at aped,. ;4 ?;•,„ Higifirewrotea --••••!!'"•••-.: s • -isai Boy's may dew* ,• at ,o c t.4 - • , : : Basozi4 RD CA, at due alga of jjA A** 'Oen , g ItAtaiXe..—Llned ed at Anaaaaespl, 10,CONOMT tigill!! 8140 .E.P;IaY II3 - • Y.A E. stir' I[-Is4, , .RuAsta6•- Pawn's Puny*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers