' . l,4{W. biILLOt. LATEST ARRIVAL Obi a, SNAG BD SIMMER gOO DS 3 g Hardware, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE AND CEDARWADE I AMC just returned from the Eastern Citia . 111- be would call the attention of his customeri and the public generally to his LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORTIENT DRY GOODS! Which will be sold at extremely Low Prices. below yOu will find enumerated a tew articles which will be found among his stock, to which he mites your attention: FOR THE LADIES, -ALSO:- Ladies' Shawls, Plaid Gingharits, Brocades, • Foley Prints. Lawns, Brsiges, Linen Handk'll. MEN'S WEAR. Fancy Cassimerea, Plain Cloths, . • italian Vesting'; Marsaires, • Grenadian': AkaGnapecach Denims, Tweeds, Jeans. Linen, Shirt Fronts, shirt Col:ars, Neck Ties, &c Queensware, , Hardware', mes, Cedar Ware. Of the very best quality, such se :Syrups, and Porto Rico Molasses; • Beet Rio Coffee, nuperlor Prepared Coffee, Barnumll's Best Essence; No. I Chocolate, Raisins, Tobacco, , Rice. The above goods have been carfully selected and purchased at the yr ry lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict attention to business and a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit a continuance of patronage. I'o' MA ME TO SHOW GOODS, ountry Produce taken in oschange for goods at the highest market prices J. W. MILLER. April l 8 '62 MT; HOPE STORE. r HE underaigred would inform his customers A and the public generally that he has just re ceived from Philadelphia a full assortment of 7 Springadt Sum er Dry .Goods Groceries, Hardware, Q ensware, Shoes, Boots, Hats Caps, and all othe articles usually retailed by country merchants, a of which will be sold as low as the same goods can be purchased elsewhere in the county. The public are invited to call and examine his stock. JOHN M. COOK. Mt. Hope, April 18 HI. W. D. LECHLER ANNOUNCES to his friends and the public generally that he is now in possession of all the late and most improved instrument/s t and is well prepared to perform all DE4TAL operations. He will be happy to wait upon,hoge who may require the services of an experienced Dentist. All opera tions upon the mouth and teeth performed in a scientific manner. Teeth inserted according to the latest improvements in the art, and at moderate rates. Office in his residuum on the South Corner of the Diamond. April 11,762 I PECK OF TROEBLBS TIMED EP AND SPIRE! OCT,! WllO can snake a Triani—l mean in appear ante, with a coat fining like a faahioh-plate pants and vest fit for a president. Who makes the fine gents you see in the city! The Tailor!—no mistake aliens , it, Well, then we have just brought from the City, the neatest, sleekest, finest, fanciest, !oiliest, hit of ,c,AN CY CA BSI MEM BLACK C ABM EBBS CLOTHE AND VESTINGS, that can he seen in this quarter. We will pledge any selves to turn out good FITS AND 0101 AP Suva.— Fresh, sparkling goods always please, and we have them, We have the latest Fashion Plates, and will leave nothing undone to please our friends and tho P'rest of mankind." G. & J. BENDER. April 18 eTWAIN Fitturea at Mar 28 Amami:am Baszaro? & 1 ALIEN if you want to Forams* a nice Parasol j_jcall at (may 23) Pasces SHE latest style of Bilk Dusters and ace Points at (may 23) 1 11.18,k. and unadulterated spiced eider iinaT for sale by Stoner; sign of the Golden Mortar ire anis* rentscee" Mint. lan. 26 DEAD Facinatore of all dee.riptiuns et (tneyral) Psi I'S 148 ACHEete—Dried Peat/tem. pared and mow ed at Atomises, Eissssun. & Co's. • tr yop want to see Syrup newer fro thieltiaa deg .1: "esyatal and sr wheat as honey, can at spr4 Pattes Del tines, it !paces, Printed Chalice, ISombezinee, Ginghanno, NEW GOODS IT Vill:1011! 'Zion and Rise!. • Shovels and Spades, Hoes and Rakes, Spades end Forks, . Wallop Hinds and Spikes, Locks, Hinges and Sernws, Latches, Staples and Belie,: Oils, paints, Glass and Varnishes, . and Circulai Saws, Hand, Tenon, Web and Compass Saws, Angers, Auger Bins, Gimlet and Dowell Bitts Socket Chisels, Firmer Chisels, Mortising Chisels, Pruning Saws,and Chisels combined. Pruning saws, Plaitering Trowels, Pointing and Garden Trowels, Double at Single Bitt Axes, Hatchets, and Draw ing Knives; White.wash Brushes, Shoe, Store and Horse Brushes, Scrubbing Brushes, Cloth, Tooth, .1 and Paint Brushes; Table Oil Cloths, Floor Oil s, Carriage Oil Cloths; Spokes, Facies, Hubs, Peles. Springs and axles; Black-smith Bel lows, Anvils, Vices, Hoot Knives, and Rasps; Tubs, Bucaets, Churns; Rope, Baskets,Brooms and Wash Boards- i Waiters, Trays, Candle Sticks Snuffers Coffee Canistersi,Table Cuttlery, Pocket Cuttlery, Pruning Knives, Pr u ping Shears, Silver-plated Ware, Table and Tea Spoons, Salt Shovels, Forks, and Ladles, Albata Table and Tea Spoons, Iron Spoons, Tinned Spoons; Trace Chains, Halter Chains, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Sporting Pow der, Blasting Powder,Shot, Gun Wadding; Ar nolits Writing Fluid Shoe Blacking, Stove Black ing; Lead Pencils, Gillott's Steel Pens, Writi g Paper; Flour Selves, Meal Selves, Sugar Selves a , Wire Cloth; Cooking Stevie, Nine Plate St° Coal Stoves; Carriage Lining. • Carriage Lace, and Carriage Trimming; together with a large and carefully selected stock of Cabinet and Saddlery Hardware. All who desire to buy cheap arc invited to call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere, as I sin determined to sell as cheap a. usual, autwithstanding the advance of some kinds of goods. The subscriber would hero take occasion to return his sincere thanks to. the public for former favors and hopes, by fair dealing and cheap goods, ro merit a continuance of the same. apr2s WM. H. BROTHER -THIS-WAY!- CHINE MIEN 1 THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public generally that he is still . at the old stand on Church Street, Waynesboro', Pa., where he continues the manufacturing of Fa i.ily tarar i gua.-s , 3.,.....,-- .._ . Buggies, Barouches, Wagons, and ev • 'species of vehicles usually made in such establishments.— His work is warranted to be composed of the best ann most durable material, and none but the most experienced workmen are employed.— lie has now un hand a number of Carriages, ,Bug gies, &c., &c., which he will positi ely sell at greatly reduced prices for cash, or n a short credit. By keeping a good stock \at times, and always holding himself ready to ii ply the de mands of the people he hopes to retain rine secure a liberal'share of patronage. • Repairing, Trimming. and Painting done in the beat manner, and at the shortest notice. .nber, 11..:10 , ^" ,-r- 'reduce, &c., will be taken in JA1.3013 ADAMS. ,umber, Vountry exchange for work. The Books of the firm of J. & A. S. Ad anis, are in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted ars requested to make immediate payment. Nov' t. Delbnce of Armaggedon. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. THIS is acknolledged to be one of the most re markable of human productions that has ever been offered to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of the most inspiring: "The United States in Prophecy. Fur sale by J F. KURIZ. Iluvl xxXxXXEßwrg.MMEZEZrzzOgrez It 4 T. J. FIUME KT, 12Z, DRAPER, 1 . Has constantly for sale a full assortment . 6tc N GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. pi ar Latest City Fashions always on hand. IX Waynesboro', Pa. .N.V.24:4O:44C4V44.4>t,XIXXXXAMMN>gV2i: TO 0 apitalists. WY Societyi S wl 3i ORSAVING 1 pay l the following U F FUND.—This rates DT .-0i in terest . terest per annum.on all sums deposited in the In stitution.,For 3_moratha2_per rent.; froin_3_to 6 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per cent; and over 18 months, 4f per cent. For, a shorter period than 3 months the terms will be mate ilown*by the Treasurer. Notes for discountshould be handed to the Tr era urer on Tucsiday, as the Board of Directors meet rgularly on Wednesday of each week, at 9 o'clock A.M. ,By order of the Board, June 17'58 , JNO. PHILIPS Treasurer, Notice—New Firm. • HE subscriber having disposed of his entire T Stock of Goods to Messrs. Co!Hower & Clug awn, notifies all persons indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accounts with and pay the a• mount of their indebtedness to either John P. Study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the business as heretofore. A. S. MODIN. Quincy, Jan. 31, 180. idantaeie florae 7k Cattle Powder M. purchased. ofab above Mentzer , tae STONER rher eci having making tar-lamed Horse and Cattle Powder,for Pennsylva nia. and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, 4c., that he has on hand and intends keeping's good supply always on band. Country merchants and others keeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with' quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. Jan. 31. Apr. 1, 18fi2. Ready-Blade Clothing FUR FALL AND WINTER! FRESH SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY! S. ADAMS would respectf illy inform his pStrons and the public generally that be has returned from the Eastern cities with a general as garment of Ready-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, embracing all the -latest styles of Colts, an ta,Vests, bhirta, Collars, Names, cluspenders, e , all of which are well made. The public are cordially in vited to call and 'examine his goods, as he is deter terniined to sell at. short profits. lie will continue to carry on the business of Tailoring as heretofore. Pawns desiring gar. Incubi cut out or made up are iuvited to give tom Latest fashions received regularly. 1.)025. A. 8. A. ALL shades of t4butlaad Wool a. (rany23) . • Places )oti CATti [JP BOTTLES ,- rot issle.at thu biota al W. H. BROTEBBTON dep6 GUAM RIDZIA:3 of ths be. make at (1 unelB) ektuassuuses. far fame for ask, at -7-7- (June 18.) H. sasrassotias'a. Aliann AND CIiADLE our:rasa, of he kykon kind at• kliniel3.) li. tiTonnuousn's klski Mackerel at ' jr Mat 28 Assammos, BuilDtor & rana lAD %14FAU Sbouleyon ask Me:should you wonder.. :VPhereitp buy Your Stoves and,Tinveare; I would - tintwer. I would, tell yeu -6.130 Unto the fine new store liodrn • Where the Big Rod Horn, tho sign is; There's the lien Cook Stoves and Tin•wars, All sold cheep by D. B. Russell." florom the Song of Hiawatha. - Vi HE undersigned informs the public In genera lj and es pecially those of his customers in want o" snythitig in hie lino of business, that -he has com pleted and is now occupying his new and extensiv ly enlarged establishment for the • Manufacture and Sale OF TINWARE, SHEET-IRON WARE, AND STOVES. . He is now prepared to supply any demand for his Cook Stoves, general "Housekeeping Goods and lietchen Ware l 7 suck terms as must give entire satisfaction. . vcaa altblaa offered are of the best and meet improved kinds,and having been tried are acknowledged to be all that can be desired as good cookers and bakers, and are easily kept clean. His own MANUFACTURED WARE is all made with a view to the wants of customers from the best mate rial and is warranted in all cases to be geed. He also keeps a large assortment of fancy articles. arSpecial attention, is given to putting up SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had a long and extensive ex• perience. 'Remember the sign of the Big Red Horn. Aug. 9, 1860 D. B IRUSSELL. ANTIETAM FACTORY sxx Llr.‘ — `aab Et! 2 VO HE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, still solicits the same; and in .addition to manufactu ring ail kinds of worked Material for Building Purposes, itich SASH, DipRS, :HUTTERS, BLINDS, P OORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES; FACING MOULDINGS, Are., &c• sm prepared to fur lish all kinds of oaktirabr for different purposes in building, such, as JO ICE, RAFTERS, LA STUDDING, PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c., All of which will be sawed to order, at short iritce and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing, by mill and circular saws, of every description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, &c., &c. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two' tittles southeast of Waynesboro. L. F. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1861 IM Q.__ . / t 4-4 V HE subscriber takes this method of announcing 1 of the Farmers and others, that he has on hand a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one. He has also a full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. J. F. KURTZ. P. S. I am selling Cranberries at 124 cents pe quart. Mar. 14 Light I Lights! ! THE cheapest Light in use can be had at H STONEHOUSE'S Hardware Store Nov 1 " Hazard's Electric Powder." American Sporting Powder, American Sporting Powder, Hazard's Duck Powder, Hazard's Duck Powder, Hazard's Blasting Powder, Hazard's Blasting Powder, The best Powder mode, The best Powder made. • The only place you can get it is at aprl6 BROTHERTON'S. "At Brotherton's Hardware Store." Grain Cradles, Tram — Seyttsei Grass Scythes, Scythe Sharpeners, Wooden Forks, Hay Forks, Grain Forks, Fork Handles,- - Scathes, Rakes, &c., ate. Cum.! Caner!! Casey!!! June 6 '62. LAItD CANS, at the sigh of the Big Red Horn • dec2o 1). B. Roseau, Smoke Stack for Sale. pHE subscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack 93 feet long and 16 inches in diameter, which he will disclose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of fice address, Quincy, Pa. Dec2o—tf JOHN L. METCALF. "STOVE CLEANING MADE EASY." CALL at "Brothe,ton'r and get a package of "Carburet of Iron.' It is the beat polish in the world. Unrivalled in economy. Permanently lustrous. The only place to buy the genuine article is at apr2.s ' BROTHERTON'S • FOR SALE OR FOR RENT.—A Ten-plate r Stove. Apply at PRICE'S Store OctlB IME SUGAR CURED HAMS. Plain and fancy. For Sale cheap at Paton's Le :y21.) VHE largest lot of Hoop Skirts ever brought to j_ Waynesboro', can be seen at (may 23) F you want to see a nice and well selected stock jot' Mourning goods call at may 23.) Patcs's lIEPPER and Corriandar, grpund & ungrounJ . nov 2 9 Kvirres. T F you want a pretty Summer Balmoral call at apr4 Plumes IF you want a nice plaisTirr fancy silk call at Vr 4 Palmer / (LOTH, liat,Hair, Tooth and Nail Brtirb kAtiatreceived and foraale very low by M. M STONER. ' May 19. KEROSENE LAMPS.—AII kinds for sale by, D. B. RUSSELL, sign of the "Big Red Horn." March TO FARMERS. STEEL Shovels, Spades, /I_ . ;' Forks; Rakes; Manure Drags, &h., ike..,st-Pees that will defy competition. Call &n 4 eefor yourselves. at aprll 1111 HE BEST GOOK tiTU . is the market to be hat; at the si gn of the Big Red 'Horn. • I) B. Rtisaat.D. "WHEEL tinEASE." IF you wint epos Wheel Cireui, buy it at apr26 ' BuenasTotes V EN and lloy's heavy Boots sad 'Shoes at Oct 4 Basona'a. 1 ALES AND ' ORK'Spef on kin it, for sale at 1 thug It) J 1 Elsoissoixes. WAYNESBORO' NORY AND MACHINE; SITOP MITI T TO WHAT GUMS. GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING • GRAIN-SEPARATOR, .CLEANER AND BAGGER F _ AND TUN Latest Improved Thresher and Triple Gear ed Horse Powers, Driving either by Gear or Belt, all furnished Complete ready to be put on Wagons. 1; the undersigned, desire to call the attention o Farmers and Threshermen of Frankling and adjoin, ing counties to it. This Machine has been before the public for seven years, during which time it has given .general satisfaction, and the patentee having made some very important improvements which render it still more complete, both for clead separating and cleaning, and also fur ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in re commending it to the public, knowing that it will give tho best of satisfaction. lam inanuroctuting three different sizes, as follows: No. 1 is 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per day. No. 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150 to 300 bushels per day No. 3 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from IN to 200 bfishele per day. These Madmen are warranted to do the above, and do it much better in every respect than any other machine in use. Grain having much light filth in it cleaned on this Machine is worth from 2 ta 3 cents more per bush el than when cleaned on any other separator, or the common way of cleaning on hand fans. For this reason there is not the eighth part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the shues, whereas, when cleaned witt. riddle that ad °orange is lost This machine does not return the tailends as most of the separators do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to snake merchanta grain, Another important feature in this machine th6t others of the kind have not, is the 'Self acting Blast Reg ulster in the fan, Which remedies all dif ficulties its bad cleaning, blowiiig grain in the chaff in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in cleaning &sin by horse power This Machine is also more durable and less tedious to manage than any other Separator and Cleaner,or the common machine with shaker. Orders to insure their being lilted until harvest should be sent in immediately. I am fully prepared to make to • der and on ;short notice Portable and Statio STEAD" . E _ _ _GRIST AND ~ S AW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES, &c, Stoves and Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, lam prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im proved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.-r I am also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery for -wood; such as Tonging and — Gloving machines tin flooring, Surface, 'Fermin and Mould ing machines, &c. 1 also oiler to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new enghles far superior to the old engines. All-my machines are sold under warrantee. My hant.s are all experienced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly sale in warranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must be accompanied with the cash For particulars and circulars descriptive ol ma chine, address ' GEORGE FRICK, Or Diann GEIRER, Proprietor of Territory and so licetor of orders, •Waynesboro' Franklin co. Pa. April 18—tf NO HUMBUG ! THE undersigned having opened a Watch and Jewelry Store, in the new building on the corner of the Diatno ~and having recently' return. ed from Philadelpit' , would inform the residents of Waynesboro' and e public generally, „that he has now on band a le assortment of WATCHES, J WELRY, SILVER APiD SILVER- LATED WARE, CL 'KS,, &c Having had consblerable experience at Watch repairing, he is prepared to do all work promptly in dui best manner and guarantee the performance of it, An assortment of spectacles, and spectacle glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest manner. P. S.—Ohl Silver taken in exchange for goods, Apr.4-Iyr. Cheap and Beautiful Light. NO. 1 Carbon Oil—pure and non-explosive— warranted to burn without emitting any smell rf used in the CARBON OIL LAMPS,. of the latest styles arid improvements;—all sold . CHEAP POE Casn at the sign of the BIG RED HORN. Apr. 4 D. B. RUSSELL. YOUNG, do you want to see the nices assort ment of Plain and Fancy Caesimere is Waynesboro', call at apr4 Puroa's Just Received! At "BROTHERTON'S7 an assortment of Pruning Shears, Pruning Knives, Pruning Sew and Chisel, Pruning Saws, , 'Budding Knives; For sale cheap PRIME Coffee, sugars, Teas and Cr eese.et Oet4 daeoas's P RU :O N v E 2 S 9 at 12i And 26 cents per ;wr i t z e. Pianos and Melodeons. THE undersigned, having become Agent for Wm. Knabfi dr. Co's. (of Baltimore), celebrated pianos and of Carhart, Meedham dr. Co's. unsur passed Melodeons, is prepared' to furnish individ. gulls with the above named instruments at city pri ces. All instruments warranted by the manufactu- Lemons on the above instruments given in town or, country. (may 23) l' . L. HUPD. DePPEIII43A Ut;k; at nov. 29 KURTeII LUTHERAN Almanacs at •nov2B• AN HOD wanting anything to the . 4 rug line" eau be supplied • Koala's , Ake American timn atijr :the Royal blood;eifen should in be a Prince. So all you that want a good Coliking Stove that bums either coal or wood. call at 7117111 9 3 and ask for the CcCental, which is one of the best Moves in mark , t, and - by far the cheapest. It takes a long stick pi ; clod and is provided with fire brick to burn coal:. It is one of the best baking and cooking Stoves that has ever been of for sale. It 'is a fine Cooking Stove and is easily kept clean. I always have a large assortment on hand, and will give better ha rgaina than any other house in the country. So to prove that my name is not Hem Bragg call and see for yourselves. Also on hand Heating Stoves, such as lIIKPLITI Mill - COAL STOVES, • for shop or parlor, all of which I will ad very low You will also fiud a large assortment of wachuor cu:VdAzi.lammi. with Copper, Brass and Sheet-Iron Were, which is all of my own make,.and which• has been proven cannot be round better in any place. Now remem ber I am bound to sell cheap, so all that want any thing in my line, give nie a call. My shop is still at the old place on Main Street. under the Printing Office. done at all times and of the best double -Cit . !' Feeling very thankful for the many p ast favors I have received from the public, wouldinvite all to give me a call, for tiled you can see for yourselves where to get bargains. Old metal taken at Foundry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. • • W. A. 'TRIPLE, Mar.2B Waysboro'. 1111311 ARRIVAL OF Ina, ENS,' MIME CoutectioNery, Fruits, &c., &c., &C. THE subscriber takes thismethod of announcing to the people that he has received at his 'Drug store,' alarge and carefully selected stock of FRESH DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Mitlicines, Paints Oils, Dye Stull's, window Obis% Putty, Tobacco, Snuff; and Segars, &c., which he is now prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest and will assure his custom ers that in regard to quality which is of the &rat im portance, his goods wilt compare with any in the market. He has also a splendid assortment of Perfumery, Soaps and Toilet s Articles. of all kinds, consistin, in t art of . • , CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS &c Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron, Or - tinges, Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil, Camphine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, and in fact anything and everything that is usually found in a drug store. Thankful for kind favors and patronage hereto. fore beatow,ol upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same. and hopes that by endeavoring to please, he may win the confidence of the people. Physicians' prescriptions promptly . and carefully compounded at all hours. J. k'. KURTZ. nov .29, 1860 Dealer in .all the variety of Drugs. Meth eines, Yankee Notions, Perfumery, Liquors for medicinal purposes, Oils, 4c., 4,c., NVOULD tender his thanks to the community and still solicit the patronage of a generous public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to be enabled to answer all calls or anything and everything usual ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, he hopes to gain the confidence of the Community. He will pay par ticular attention to filling physicians' Precriptions, and more care and precaution used in waiting up. on children than adults. Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including all that have been mode or to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside work, besides all sizes of Glass. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap and Letter Paper always on hand, with a variety of Envelopes of different sizes and colors. Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen ces, Flavoring Extracts, and namerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and offered for sale, cheap er than ever offered before W. A. GROVE. Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil' Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fill them. A general assortment 'of Fruits and Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars. Oct. 11. NEW F 111,31! Coachmakingl rrIHE undersigned having leased the well-known .2. Coachmaking Establishment. of Alex. Hamilton. on Mechanics street, Waynesboro', respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public generally, that they purpose carrying:on the business in all its branches, and are now prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Carriages, Du i 'es, Barouche arl , s, Sprig Wagons, &c. ~ of the best material, and made oy superior work en. . ' • BLACESMITHIN and REPAIRING of all kinds dons 'at reasonable rates,lirotaptly and to the satisfaction of customers. • ' . , • COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for work at market prices. Fir Persons desiring articles or work in the Coach making line, are respectfully invited to give them a call. L. K. MORRISON., • Mar. 8. 13E0. B. BA WKER. g ENVIS /sheaf is, Arctic rappers, and othei kjcoinfortable fixing foreohl • r• tither at 11014 . - Bssass e. FIGS at 18 and 35canuiear par rd at nov. 39. • KilaTays. fIOR No. 1 New Ostrana Molasses call at 1444 Poor" WURTS'O gee WAR OP 1776. $E name 110antinental" iounis. roved dear to House Spouting; Pomades, Amber and Bears' Oil Colognes, Extracts for.the Handkerchief, Lyon's Kattgairon, Burnet's Cucaaine, Harrison's Ladies' Soap, Honey Soap, Hotel soap, Diamond White Soap. P. POUR MAN, Mai 1111 DOMESTIC MINS. fetiettatiao;itifintsti ; ", lett IV. . , • Itiffeig...tti.loslctid in tidiandei Or ihkeiknionthe=;42.oo after the espitatiott Ofthriti months bitt within the. yeiii. A DVERTISENE Nrs.—rew Tines, three iffseg done St; for every subsequent Werth*, 25 cents. ®'Patent medicine, and other city edvertiee= ments to be pdid advance. , , TO THE r 1111410: NEW ESTABLISHMENT PUB subscriber would inform the citizens of Waynesboro'.and the public that be has com menced the Shoemaking business in. this Basement of Kurtz's Hotel, where he will at all times be in readiness to accommodate those who May give him a call. BOOTS AND SHOES! made to order, on short • notice, of the beet Material, &adopt% the most reasonable terms. , Oct 25. THOS. ORINOMAN. FAYETTEVILLE SEMINARY. Recommendations from the Faculty of Princeton College. N. J. Pasaotros, N. J., Feb. 28th, /861. ' The undersigned are happy to testify that pupils of the Fayetteville Academy, Pa. have maintained a high standing among the recent graduates of the College Wilco Jersey. JOHN MACLEAN, President of the College. JAMES U. MOFFAT' • Professor of Greek. • G. MUSGRAVE 016E11, Professor of Latin. JOHN T. DUPPI mar.2B Professor of Mathematics Dr. Jacobs, lkarbaugb dr. Co's Celebrated American Liniment . , "For Man and Beast." THE greatest and best external remedy ever o tered to the public. For sale by F. J. R&M* Druggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists in the county generally. lair Price 25 cents per bottle. December 13, '6o ty NO LABOR. NO GLOP" DIXON'S PURE CARBURET OF IRON STOVE POLISH, The cheapest article in the world. Unrivalled in Economy. Permanently Lustrous.. The only place to get it is at 'BROTHEitTON'S. , March 22. - Hotel, " "Continental WAYNESHORO , , Y%. THE undersigned having recently taken tho a bove named House, formerly known as the "Globe Inn." takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the pribrre that he is prepared to receive. and entertain Guests in a style not to• be• excelled! by any country - Hotel. The House having bees thoroughly repaired and newly furnished with eve.- ry thing calculated to make his nests co •.y assure t s.O they. will at alit times find it in a condition suited to the comfort midi convenience of the traveler. His Bat is always sup- - plied with the choicest Liquors, and his-Table with the best the markets afford, and• all other appliances. suitable and necessary for the accommodation of 'non or beast. With faithful and obliging servants: and his own personal attention and supervision, he' will leave no means unspared to merit public pa, tronaga. The proprietor assures those who may,flivorliimi with their patronage that they shall ever meet at his houses cordial reception, and that everything es— sential to the convenience and happiness of his guests shall be attended to. June 21, 1860 IMPORTANT. J. A. FISHER ARE again reminded of his recent tour to the- Eastern Cities, and of the reception of his fine stock of Cloths, Cassiineres and Vest• hags. All of the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. His stock of FRENCH CLOTHS antl,„-e-ASRE -11Ell ES he calls particular attention tn, as the heat in town. Also, one of the best assortments of Penman's° Goons in town—all ready for their in spection and benefit, and kindly asks a call from all persons delirious of buying Goods h. his line, at ex tremely I;Pozraccicas• In the NEWLY Frrrou ROOM, next door to Updegrairs', Hagerstown, Md. [Jon. 3, 1861.] THE OLD MILLER AGAIN ! AS the Rebe is now on its last legs, and. nearly over, we thonght right to announce to the public that we will grind Grists of 20 bushels or upwards either for pay or Toll separtely,and that we have on hand all kinds of .FEED, CORN ilk ear or shelled, or ir, MEAL sifted or not. Also— Oats by the bushel or in any way that it mayoJne—N . wanted;—also, Midlingo, Shipstuff and Bran, Corn in Cob Chopped at short notice. Plaster by the ton or bushel on hand. Still in the market for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was dohs at Island No. 10, and Fittlburg Landing. JOHN WALTER, Aprtrr Th JOSEPH ELDEN., TO THE LAMES! NEW MILLINERY GOODS! MlBB M. C. RESSER informs the 'Ladies of` Waynesboro' an I vicinity that she has re moved her Millinery Store to the dwelling house on_ Main Street, adjoining - the residence of Mr. Jacob Wolf, and hap just received from the Eastern Cur ies a full assortment of Bonnets. Bats, Bonnet Trimmings, Flowers. arid other articles usually kept by Milliners. The Ladies are requested to call and eLunine her stock, Aprill 1'62 . " 5000 Rails for Sale. THE subscriber has now on hand 6000 good CHESTNUT RAILS which he Will dispose of on reasonable terms. ' Also—one- good' ROAD WAGON, L. IS. FORNEY, Jan3—tf ANOTHER lot of those nice fihakere at may 2:4 • Patents LEATDID Embroidered goods, at Oct Mumma's. ye want to see the largest assortment of Car• pets in town, call at .apr4 Paws% I ' you want to purchatunire Hoop Skirt fr ont .31+ to $2.00 call at taped. . • Patoe's A LARGE iiiiioiiiiietit -- of,,T/NWARR at the sign of the Rig Red Ham. dee2ollo D. • R. Room. TIN Toys for sale at RUlllates „ 'BO IF yon want's nice Shaker, tall a 6 apr4 , Paios's r ADIEB and Misses' Hooped skirts at (104. • • Ilssona's CITRON can no had nay 19 , Kunn.a r EORAPir FODDE ' ?Wins The beat in Ina Foe gale by . TROXEL, A4O. L. B. KURTZ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers