PUBLIC SALE. BY authority invested in me by 8. C . Felker, I will sell at public Helo t on the premises, osi Say . : !MAT TEM 25T8 bay Or OCTOBER,- 1882 , at, 10 . o'• clock,,A. ht., the " " ANIMUS N FIRM," • now the property of Q. C. Walker, situated on the public wail leading from Fnuntain Dale to Fairfield one mile from the former and three milia from the fatter place, - ACHIS, 200 of which * ar&under-cultivation. adjoining lands of Samuel Bianl, Mercer, Shroder and 111usselmon. The impnwetnents are i large Stone Bank Bitrn, Log House and other outbuildings, together with 2 large APPLE ORCHARDS. Two Springs of never-failing water in the yard.— The terms will be made known on the day of sale which will be easy. Any person wishing to view said farm will be shown over it by Nathan Ander son who resides on the farm of the undersigned at Fountain Dale. An indisputable title willbe given. (Oct 10— ts.) SANFORD SHRODER [Attorney for S. C, Walker. CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT I 16 • OYSTERS FOR 121-2 CENTS! THE subscriber tenders his thanks to his patrons for past patronage, and informs them that he is now in lull blast. Always on hand OYSTERS, ALE, BOLOONA SAUSAGE, EGGS, &c. He he's also, a tine BILLIARD ['ABLE for the ae modation of his customers. Roll in boys, old Joe's is the place t) get your money back, ure. Then Come one, come all Both great and small, And roll the Billiard Ball In old Joe's Bachelor's Hall. JOS. FUNK. N. B. Oysters furnished at 161 cents perpint. Oct. 10— if. .1. F. COMMISOIONERS TO AWARD Damages! THE undersigned have been appointed by '. G. Curtin, Governor of the Commonwea of Pennsylvania, Commissioners for Fm..klin Co rity to award Damages sustained by citizens of said County by the impressment of Horses, Wagons, &c. For the discharge of this duty they will meet in WAS' NICSBORO ' , on Thursday, October 16, OincszcAszbit, on Friday, October .7, Itheacznasuas, on Saturday, October 18; and during the whole of the following week, in CgALUMIRSBURG. Persons who have sustained Damages will please attend the sitting of the Commissioners at the times and places named, prepared with the itssary evi• deuce. D. 0. GEH R SAMCEI. REISIIER. rniwn -PAY UP I _ PAY UP THE Booka and accounts of Damn. &omit have been placed in my hands for settlement, all persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to him are requested toieall and settle their accounts Those having occounts against the said Snivel'', are also requested to present them for payment. Oct. 10-3 w. DANIEL TItITLE. Barbering. THE undersigned has opened a Barber Shop in the room above Walter & Elden's Flu and Feed Store, and is now prepared to shave, cut arid dress hair in good style. The public are invited to give him a trial. Oct. to—tf. LUTHER FISHER. . PUBLIC SALE 13EAL ES'ln7Eu - 13 Y authority and in pursuance of an plater of ) sale, granted `y the Orphans' Court of Frank lin County, Pa., to David Gilbert, administrator of John Gilbert Sr., late of said county, deceased, there will he offered at Public Sale, in the Borough of Waynesboro', ON SATURDAY Tea lITH DAY OF 00- Toß6l MOLT, at 10 o'clock, all the Real Eutale of said deceased not taken at the appraisement, the ame consisting of, PURPART Ist being until lately the MANSION FARM of the deceased, adjoining the Borough of Waynes boro', and hounded by lands of Henry Gilbert, Walk er, &sore, Snider and others, containing 120 ACRES AND 90 PERCHES, with fine improvements them on made. PURPART 3D, a BRICK ROUSE, STOREROOM and other build ings on lot of ground located in a pleasant part of the Borough aforesaid. ?IMPART 4TH, an excellent Lot of (round imgrhetely behind purports 2 and 3, fronting on Vb eat street, containing t=l:ii4 end well adapted to being divided into building lots. PUPART STH a lot of - MOUNTAIN LAN D in Washington township, bounded by lands of Welsh, Hughes, Snider and Foreman's heirs, set with chesnut and other trees and containing 77 4..CTLMI.S. PURPABT 6TH, being tae larger portion of the "NIGH FARM," situated in Antrim Township, i miles from Shady Grove and bounded by lands. of Me!chi Snively, Wm. Stover, Sites, Gillen and others, containing ALIEIIIO4IOIO .411LICIEILIEs9 AND 8 PERCHES of limestone land, with Stone House, Bank Born and other buildings, a large Orchard and a considerable body of superior timber. PURTART 7TH, Being the remaining part . of the "NIGH F 4RM" and adjacent to land of Stover, Benneberger and others, without buildings, containing SS ACBES,•' part under culti'vation and the other covered with excellent timber. The opportunity here offered for purehssing is well worth the attention .of any persons ;gashing either to buy good homes or to secure safe and sub stantial invesunenta for their fonds in real estate.— Purport first, whether in soil of improvement is one of the most deirable farms of the size in this region, and is in almost , perfect order. A commodious Brick House,.brick barn and otbeibuildings, (al( en tirely new) Spring. Pump, good fencing fertile soil and convenient to town, to mills and turnpikes form some; °fits advantages. The town property is also galnable,..the one being newly built and well suited fOrtnercheridisilig or other business, while the other is "doable for building porposes,And may be dial.. ded iftto•lots to suit purchasers. The purports, in AntrithlWoehip are good with ohunilsoce ofinne strunt4lo4loitions covered with large and tall nut „: • . Aity i). 14,0 4 Wiliblitg to See the *parties mill bit 4410aaernter them by the parties theron • residing, or by the Aintlentienetten Saturday of each week, which iti:ltVeynesburo'. Vim* .I' 4 iirsate' rig till tbe-t)ay of by - : : ." , ‘,, • -oAvnt Administrator.' , POSTPONED PUBLIC SALE. 91 HE !Inbretiber .will 'sell arPubliolfale in font of Sibbett'a MEd, dint be.TortroAT -THE .18TH Dior or OcToir.n; 18,6201 is Cs) and lot of ground . , shunted on Main Street, opposite the residence of E, B. Troxel. The hduse is a two story Brick. Building with Basement, all in good rr. pair, with a 'choice variety of fruit on the lot, a good cistern at the door.. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known. larlf the above property is not sold on said day it will then he offered for rent for one year from the let of April 1863. .108. HOOVER, Oct. s.—ta. FLOUR;FEED PROVISION STORE! THE subscribers announce to the citizens of Waynesboro' that they have opened a Flour Feed and Provision Store in the room next door to Dr. Brothertou's office, where they will at all times have for sale • KOK COO MEAL, HOMMY, MILL STUFFS OF ALL KINDS, SCREEN INGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, POTATOES, APPLES, VINEGAR; " Also, Rye, Wheat, and Barley by the bushel or in smaller quantities, and other articles usually kept in suca establishments. All Flour and Mill Stuff will he sold at.MILL PRICES FOR THE Cam. The highest market prices wil' be paid for Wheat, Rye and Corn to be delivered nt the Mill of the sub scribers. JOHN WALTER, (Sept. 3.—tf) JOS. ,ELDEN. PUBLIQSALE OF REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned Executors of the last will and testament of David Knepper, will Ail at pub lic sale, on Tuutormy THE 16TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1862, the following tract of land, late the property of said ilec'd, situated in Quincy township, Frank lin County, Pa., adjoining lands , of David Wertz, Win. Stull, Geo. Knepper, John Forney, Alex Hamilton and others, containing 103 ACRES and some Perches, neat measure, with a two STO RY BRICK DWELLING HODSE and Back Building, and a story and a half Basement, Spring House, Smoke House and Bake House, and Black smith Shop, A STONE AND FRAME BANK BARN, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Stable and other improvements thereon erected, also a spring of never failing water in the yard. The farm is in high cultivation. Said tract of land is under good fencing there being one thousand panel of post and rail fence. There is a fine r t 7 . Iv of choice fruit on the premises, pears, plums, peach es anti other fruit, most choice varieties. The little Antietam creek runs about one hundred yards from the barn through ?he farm supplying an abundance of 'water. Persons wishing to view the property before the day of sale can call upon either of the undersigned, one living on the farm close to Quincy along the public road that leads to Funkstuwn. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by GEORGE KNEPPER, Jr. GEORGE KNEPPER, Sr. Executors. • (Sep s—th ) FREEDO N ' " ANT) - FRUIT :GARDENS. THE subscriber ofreni for sale, this fall, at his Nursery and Fruit Gardens, adjoining hi. Bell's Mill, (formerly B. Mentzer's. ) all the new veri ties of • .111P11131ALICIE - 11L.11C4 MINV l 2and 3 years old from the bud. Samples of the fruit can be seen at the proprietor's house. l'he following are some of the best varieties, viz: • Prince Red Rare Ripe, Scott's Nonpariel, Yellow Rare Ripe. CoWage Favorite, Temples Latt white large,Rose Flowering Peach, Honest John, Yellow Hewertt, Old Mixon free, Extra Early York, - a “ c li ng , Early white cling, Lemon cling, " purple, Orange free, " Strawburg, __ George the Fourth, Snow peach, Royal George, Blood cling, Bergen yellow, . Kick cling, Crawford Latt, . Rel Cheek Malocetan, Crawford early, Grale Mignone, Alberge yellow, Grand Admiral. Morris white, Large, 15,000 Strawberry Plants for sate, viz: Hovey Seedling, lowa, Boston pine, McAvoy superior, Crimson Cone, August and September is the time to plant your Strawberry bells it you want a crop next year. Gooseberry and Current. Houghten Seedling, Gundownen Red. Cherry Current, " White, Red Dutch White. Grapes. Cataba, Clinton, Isabella, 'Madarius, Freedom Seedlings, ncu! vitrifies, Raspberry and Blackberry. Brinkles Orange,. Yellow Antwerp, Hudson Drier, Lawton Blackberry. Red an twerp, Thornless Raspberry a new variety, GIANT ASPAREGRASS. RHUBARB—Victoria, Prince Albert•nnd Leni us. Plume, Cherry. Apple, Pear, Apricot. ROSES— Prairie Woe, Green of the Prairie, Baltimore Belle, &c. Garden seeds and flower seeds for sale imthe fall. There is a greet many verities not named. All orders punctually attended to. Any person or persons wanting strawberry beds laid out and planted can have it done iii! „..k nice order by calling on the proprietor.' Address . • S. MEN - VEER. Freedom Nursery and Fruit bbirdens. Leitersbnrg, Washington Co., Md. _Aug. 22, '62-3m. Just Received. "AT BROTH ERTOWS," A thane tor or Colts ReVolving Pistols Colts Pistol Cartridges. Sharpes Pistol Cartridges; Colts Pistol Cape, Hick's U. 8. Army Caps,' Bullets and Bullet Moulds, Fine Bowie Knives, • Copper Pistol Flasks, Hazard's Electric Powder • -French Gun Wadding, die., Goods of this description have become exceedingly scarce. , Persona wanting - the• only- reliubk Pistol made, wilrdo well to call immediately and' purchase one of !",Cults Patent Breech loading Revolvers. - •• Sept: 26,'62. COPPER KETTLES. BRABb KE*I"I'LES . , IKON KEI"TLES *t thilf siga v of the Big lid Horn. • (July 11 '62) " D. B. , A fresh arti 3 / 4 , 41 of Carpatimo frous ulna : tr 41410 at (inayM Puttmell Albriny Seedling, renbody, Triunrib . e rl'gand, Early scarlet, PitICO benitExT 7 o si&H S ORE. WA kNE:SI.IORn . knee AL 1062 • 10 AVAinnED Wont. 8 UNWAPHRO " 7 OLOVIIR SEED • S TIMOTHY SHIM 4n6 FIt:MED Bum& Baas I.AnD TALLOW Som. IhooN (hams)" lO • BACON (tiffea) 11 Bacot; (shoulder) B RICHMOND TAKVI BY THE UNION FORCES ,TOBETHER WITH THE WHOLE REBEL ARMY ! 11101 PRISONERS REM" This Victory was gained with very little Loss on Our Part; and yet another, JOSIAH BESORE has just returned from the Eastern Cities,. and is now opening the most extensive stock of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will sell cheaper than any other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually found in a well conducted establishment. The community is invited to call and' examine my stock which I will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me with a call. To con vince you I have a splendid stock I will ennumerate a few of the leading articles now in store, all of which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. .. FOR THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the latest novelties in Summer Dress Goods, to which I respectfully invite the itttention of the ladies, The choisest dollars,The finest qualifies, I The largest stock, The beet assortment, ever exhibited in .Waynesboro', and at unpreceden ted tt:lgErF3;. UPEt.fla)(3)6r) Superior extra heavy I3lk. Silk, 131 k., Brown, Blue and Lilack Foulards, Pik& (light grounds? Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and grin• Marguilise, Valnc is Plaid, Silk and Shepherds Plaid, Silk Luatres,striped Himalayas, Blk. Persia, 131 k. Grebadine, BM: and fancy Barage, Anglaise Braze, Angla's High colored Challies, Jackonets and Or gandies, Grissaile gr luntl A french Brilliants, French Chintz of the latest styles, Cambrick Lawns, Pop lins, Moh airs, striped do., Lavellas in all whore TOURISTS Manchester, Pacific anti Hamilton Delains of all styles and .shades Stumm:Lew Olotlam for ladies wrapings. Sacques. Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collars, Under Sleeves and in sets, Embroidered and Hem stitched Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Silk and Lyle Gauntlets, Cord and Tessles, Head-nets, Bt Its Bel ting of all descriptions. MOORING in MILLIMY Such as Blk. Bombazines, Blk. Parcailes, Folar and Poplins, Bnrages ' Ducalls, ChoHies, Ginghams, Prints, 131 k. Eng. Crapes, from 2-4 to 7-4 wide, Blk, Kitis, Gauntlets, a Crape Collars, Ob. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. -TRIMMINGS such as Bugle Gimps and Laces, all widths, Belt Ribbons, narrow Silk taro ps, Dress Cords, Fringes &c. Spool Silks and all Colors of Shetland Yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. PRINTS AND DOMESTIC GOODS!! embracing all the most favorite Branas such as Merima es, Sprague, Pacific, Godlier°, Manchester, Dunnels, American and English l'ri nts. (BLEACHED -GOODS. Harrison Mills, Cheater Hill, Ne.orMarket, Lonsilale, - Conewago, Great Lake, Mayflower, Tmwrenee, Helm ont, Waltham, Hill Manf. Co. and other bramjs. BROWN COTTONS. Pacific Shectings Portsmouth " Shimmut " Appleton i 6 Ply mouth • ! GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. In which lam prepared to offer great bargains, ALSO 2.1 and 4-4'eheeka, Tickinga Dennims, Blue Drilla, Moreena, Damasks, Shirting Strips, Nankeens, Corset Jeans, Cruch 4,1-luch Towlingo, GENTS WEAR. IT A LIANT CLOTHS, Blk. and fancy Clotho', " eassimereir Silk mixed do. Merino , do. Caslaineretts rdarsailes Potencies Grenediens Hosiery Cravats Collars, &C. GROCERIES. A large and well selected stock, .in wnieh I am prepared to offer great inducements to purchasers. Consult your ow n interest and examine my stock before purchasing.., . • • - QUEENS WARE China, Olass and Stoneware. °Elbe latest styles always on hand it prices that defy competition. The subscriber tenderrilis thanks to, his friends and Customers for past ravine and, patronage, and respeefully solicits * continuance of the seme. 7 - Doteteforget the piece, Corner of Main And Church Streets. where the STA iltt AND PES -Country produce token in exchange for Veda at thehighest market price. ' , (inar23) 15E30n. PARED PICACIIES Oo UNPAGED !‘ , 011 DittED APPLES 00 A moskeng Sheet ings, Ant'chants Medford " Canton ' Shavvinut /I Tweel!s, Jeans Linens, M -AR Kim CORIIEOTED WEEICI; AMBERSON 1311NEDiCT &-po• HA YIVESBORO, Oct.A Burma - Eaos. BACON, 4 ' ( SIDEs) ' 4 (9tiouLDeaß) TALLOW, LARD, 1862. SECOND ARRIVAL. ......0......... IVERSON, BENEDICT & CO Waynesboro' Pa. MAY 23. th. •40 mi t *A SPRING AND SUMMER OOHS!! 71. E ore now reeeiVing and o &ring to sell a new 4 1 41 V and FULL ASSOIITYIE NT of IN \W D'AY Which we think We are prepared to sell at as low terms as any other house in town or country. •-- DRESS GOODS of all kinds D eleincs, B eregee, Lavellas, C~OLLBR~, Eili BROIDE TtIEN. MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMER, C 23. CID CI) LE , o:3 a Cottonndes, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, - Cass imere, Fine Tweeds, Yes tinge, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Cravat sSumme r Hats . , Handkerchiefs, - Shoes, Slippers A full assortment of Plain and Fancy t;ASSIMERES. QUEENSWARE, A good supply. of Queensware and Gla'ssware of the latest style. GROCERIES, Always on hand a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, SUGAR, §YRUP, • MOLASSES, SPICES, &c. To which we respectfully call the attention of our customers and the public generally; and at the samo time we return our thanks'to customers and the community for their liberal patronage, and will en deavor by fair dealing with all, to merit econtinu ance of the same. Please call and soo. • AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FRUIT: 11411.1:332..aaM1M r.: 10 6.el :,.s 0 Dr__. -1 at ANDERSON. BENEIDICT & S PICKLES. A LOT OF Good Pickles, at " AMBERSON, BENEDICT & errs CERTAIN FIXTURES, OIL _CURTAINS, AMBERSON;,BENEDIC't & CO'S A FULL ASSORTMENT P1111,T . 5,, itiffsl4Ns,-..G.1,N6111115. aramaavm CtiSy3soo •OF ALL DESCATTIOX'S • at A MEIVEION, 11E14 EDIVIC: CO'S. DANDELION COZTEa nunIKELL'S ESCENCE OF COFFEE, a 1 ,AIVIU&RSON, lIEN&DICT 4 CO's. 10 cents 8 it 10 " 0" 0 •t 8 44 7 q 0.0015, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, &C. GEO, STOVER, Fi HANK for kind favors and patronage Fiera tofore bestowed upon him, again appears before the public to solicit a continuance of the same.— He having just Veturneds :pm the eastern cities with fine a and well selected stock of new SPRING AND SUMMER Which-he intends selling at very low rates, whicti he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all wh., will 'call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he calls your attention. FOR THE LADIES He has a large assortment of Dress Goodssonsisting in part of Ulla Hies, Printed and Plain Moraines, k, Pig'il and Cord Silks, Plaid Mohair ' Silk Warp Mohair, - Bereges, Medona Cloth, Lavellas, French and domestic Gindhams Poplins, Pongee Mixture, . Cloth for Ladies, Wrappings, Gloves, Hosiery, in great variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, 1111 Silks Col'd do. Fig'd do. Lustres, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Caasimeres, Union Cassimeres, Duck Linens, Cottonadea, Summer Coatin_s Poplins, Twee s, 'Velvet Cord, Marseilles, Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds; in fact a full assortment of goods for Gen men wear. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just call in and you will find him ready to Wait on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Stu ver's,as he alWays gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and he will' sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. April 1862 kill , 0-I: 4 '. IF ON n{- - : - .1 , -t i od M . ing s h T is ° c N us E to ß me ta rs kes an t d his in m fo e r t m b informs meth t iti a b n l k i; that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs,` Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Perfutnary, Fruit, onfec tioaariq &c., &c., that has been brought to the place this season, which he will sell eheap. He has On hand. wit what he is receiving. makes his assortment of Pa nt Medicine greater in variety than any other tablishment in the place. .In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured articles. He has on had now, his Cough Medicine, put.'up in six ounce bottles, price 25 cents, "no cure, :io pay." Its curative properties are now fully appreciated, judging from its daily sales. May 9 '62. FOR SAL -L, ,HE subscriber intending to remove to other parts offers at Private Bale, his valuable little Farm, situated in , Washington township. Franklin county, Pa., adjoining lands of S. Bear, D. Fox and others; three miles northwest of Waynesboro', con taining • • CI. 4M A_ CIE!. - JIE 'of filet quality Limeatone Land, in good order. The improvements are, A TWO STORY BRICK ,HOUSE and lame Back Building new, Bank Barn. Wash House and other out-buildings, There is al an a well and large cistern with pump convenient to the buildings!, and a large Orchard of excellent fruit on the premises with cherry, plum. poaches, pear and other fruit, all of the beet quality. These wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for thenasevea. HENRY C. LLISHER. (Sep. s—tf.) Timothy Seed f'or &ilea THE subscriber has now for sale 40 bushels of Fame TIMOTHY SEED which ho will dis pose of It fair prices. Persons in want of seed for fell sowing are requested to give him a call Resi dence one mile northwest of Waynesboro' • mat BEND: E. PRICE. f , ! for wings to soar," right down at Price's k) Store. What for 1 Why to get some more of that New York Syrup—only 12} cents a boot at Auces TTE subscriber o ff ers his ssrvices to the public as an Auctioneer: , He has had some expertence at the business, and respectfully Solititili a call, train those who may hereafter have sales to cry, 'as hey) confident that he can 'give general g a ri s f ul ti on ._ Residence at the Antic - tam Junction, • ' (July 25 3m.) _MARTIN FUNK. • - Clothes Wringer. TT W. PUTNAM'S Patent Cloth. Wringer jai for sale at the sign of the , Horn, • Agent foriFrnklian county.. 2' - I.lnly 'I t '62.) I ItIPIIPVED SELF-§BALIDarr FRUIT VAIsI;IS kthatcan be closed and opened' •tif-,,eity 'przion, kir Stile at the sign of thhilfg Be -- • r_(Julyill 'az.) ' D. B. litriam. ifitioyent Salta') us ! Vita p for SO sets. - per ga s it •-• (oil 4 •" • - Bums's.' r' you want a' want pairior Mime Made Illotacca- Boot.',Viztuartun sot! 11111 P on Valt, at " apr.4 , , •'• - • • Ptuoes. fey'nu wont '4l theap. pair 01 Congress (biters can 44 a_o4: ?ma:4, SPRIG & SUMER Groceries, - mon, ---...0-..... iIIBM, (168 U VALUABLE FARA Aiicttonecring. HUE EXPLOSION ! vnL Ira arknnivi, Loalied with fresh SCigiiititx GOO arrived trona Philadelphia this week, steamed up to our squre, and othrew—oh ! ye fair ; portion of creation !—the moat delightful stock of fleoeY goodg straight into our door; that ever• brighteried our counters. First, doubtless to plea:relit° came a' shower of Silky Debeges, Halzirihds,.Sky tinted Lawns, Chintzes,' Aludenas, Mozambiques- Himalayas, Poplins, Challies, &c., of evi ry hue of the Rainbow, glistening like stars, that willminko the old look young, and the young like Geiiii : then followed a broad stream of Nankeens; Muslin% Ta ble-diapers, Calicoes, oanaburges, beneath which • came flying like birds ,of beauty, Head-Dresses;„ Sleeves and Collars in sett*, Shakers, Hosiery, Sun- Umbrellas--beauties--gauntlets, and all those dear little tick-tacks which make the ladies look so charm ing; above it a dark sheet of lOURNING GOODS. . egani variety. 131 k. Grenadines, Byadrire ,Bere ges, Wool DeLaines, Mollies, Lawns, Bairtrines, Crape Despanges ' Eng. Crape, Eng. 'and American Prints, plain 'and figured, Eng. and French Crapo Veils, Mourning Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, &c everything to render the mourner beautiful in her sorrow. After these streams ceased to flow thero was another explosion and in came pouring for Ilia WWII%11,:ii7)11:1ZI Bales of Silky Brocul-chiths, Parisians, Cassiiners Black and fancy, double and singled milled, in su perb styles, fancy as a sunbeam.--with the accom paniments, splendid Vestings, Silk t yarseilles plain, brilliant, and beautiful Neck-ties, unimpeachable Shirt-breasts and Collins everything to set the Gent fit for a piet e, anal make lum presentable even at the Capit i of the Nation. So Genti. look in and see, seein is believing. All over the pavement lay boxes, whit when opened display64.those good solid, substat at wares, our noble, industrious, MOTHERS like so much to see ; because they must have them to make the boys trowsers, and the girls dresses: here they are strong as buck-skin. cotton, woolen, mixed, jeans, goods of new styles, cheap anti Jum ble, cotton stripes, drillings, calicoes of late styles, ticking, sheetings, in fact all that our young friends require who arc starting on their matrimonial jour ney through life, Well tht se _oods were hardly stowed away; when here came tru ging a ong Our Poor, Old Rhimodstoss asses! loaded heavy,--ok very—with, Groceries, Queens- Ware. and Hogsheads of that delicious Loaf-sugar. Syrups, and Bugar-house molasses, hogsheads and barndls of sigars of every grade. Shad, Maekeral Herring, fresh front the briny wave, lucious cheese rom Never, ngland, brooms, spices,—a nil a splendid lot of SUGAR CURED VIS,--and sweet BA con--and Yankee Notions, together with a full as sortment of "\ HST AND SHOES ! Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool Hats, gents and la dies bootees and shoes, cheap, distractingly cheap.-- Now all these affairs startlingly, rand touchingly set forth are for sale and Exhibition at the store of the undersigned, who, with many thanks for past encouragement and patronage, remains Respectfully your oh It. servant (may 23) JOSEPH PRICE. • HO! FOR QUINCY. Second Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. LEWIS COLLIFLOWER. I am now receiving and offering to sell a new and full assortment o f DRY GOODS. Which I think I am prepared to sell on as rea sonable terms as any of her house in town or coun try. A full assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS of all kinds. Silks, Delain% A/Pacao, Frints.l Chaflies, Ginghams, Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies Shawls, dtc. ' MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all kinds. Cloths, Cassimere, Pine Tweeds Ken. Jeans, Cot tonades, Vcstings, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Hosery. . A full. 'assortment of Plain and Fancy Caasimcres QUEENSWARE-AND GLASSWARE. A large siock'of ZZl.wicz:taitoDla4ftztom Which I am prepared to offer as low as any oth er retail store in tun country. BOOTS ,AND SHOES. for men's and Laois's wearer ail' sorts and sizes. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC 'GOODS. Mullins, Tickinge, and a ontiplete assortment of Notions. Larking GLi wies, Hardware, Hat* an.l Caps, Paints and Oils, Fresh Shad and Herring by the barrel. It is no use, trying to enumerate. If you want anything in the Dry Gnods line, just call and you will tind 'us ready to wait on you with pleasure 10,000 CHESTNUT' JOINT SHINGLES for Sale Country produce taken in exchange fur good's at the highest market prices. Hy strict attention to business. and a desire to please :n every respect, I -hope to merit a cons unuance of patronage. May- 21) Ci..LIFLOWERAt.CLUGSTON. MORE NEW GOODS "VARIETY STORES" T BEAVER, in connection with hie-Variety ttj • Store, has conuneneed the manufacturing of kttrO,TS and SfIUES in all ittL various branches,— Haying eraptlyed. leremialt Cooper as forentan,.,be is pre mitt to pre - duce the finest, ,'neatest and•most ducal e work made anywhere. .. , ~ - A bre invited to cat," ' A large stuck of Rats . and Caps,' (inaliding, all kinds of z'ounnter fiats- fOr' men and boys,) aLd Haiitern manufactured Shama:al' Boots of the. be. t tuakei.on hand; Clocks, Trunks.. Segarn,. Tobacinr, &b., Ito. Ton get Vus very best KEROSENE eagle '.! ''. 14144--tf.......:...' „ ~ J. BE4VEIL AL.4.;o3tomir Mg.inay24 •„:, ZaiaaV AT Tiff':
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