.ST-PONSD PUI3LIC,,SAI4V:: . . A.HE .eubieriber will sell nt Publie 13:le in front of Sibbetee Hotel, on SATURDAY TIEZ "liir it op Ocronsn, 1862, his BRICE:HOUSE , and, tot of situated.mi Main Eltrret, opposite , r thaoresidettcl3.of 4,13, l'oixel.„ The:house ia,a two ettiiy Brick,l3uilding with Basement, all iti good re. flair, with fr:ehiSiee , vaiiityAof fruit on the lOtca good cistern at the door. Bale - to commence at 1 o'clock on Said day when the terms will be.made knoWn. KV"If the above property is not sold on said day if will-then he offered for rent for one year from the let of April -1863. • JOB. HOOVER, (Oct. B.—ta.) FLOUR S ' FEED, AND - • ritOTISION STORE!' • Tr HE subscribers announce to _the citizens of I Waynesboro' that they have opened 'a 'Flout Feed and Provision Store in the room next door to Dr. Brotherten's office, where they will at all times have for sale COR MEAL NM • MILL STUFFS OF ALL KINDS, SCREEN !NOS, COIL N„_SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, POTATOES, APPLES, VINEGAR; Also, Rye,lWheat, and Barley by the bushel or in smaller-quan-titiils, and other articles usually kept —in sum es (midi:Aim( nts. All Flour and Mill Stuff will be sold at Mini PRICES FOR TICE OA mi. The highest market in ices wil' be paid for Wheat. Rye and Corn to be delivered at the Mill of the sub scribers. JOHN WALTER, (Sept. 3.—tf) JOS. ELDEN. PUBLIC SALE fIELAI I) Y authority and in pursuance of an ()racy of sale, granted - V - the Orphans' Court of Frank lin County, Pa., to David Gilbert, administrator of John Gilbert Sr., late of said county, deceased, there will be offered at Public Sale, in the Borough of Waynesboro', ON SATURDAY THE 11 TU DAY OF OC TOUEI NEXT, at 10 o'clock, all the Real Estate of said deceased not taken at the appraisement, the lane consisting of, PURPART Ist being until lately the MANSION FARM of the deceased, adjoining the Borough of Waynrs bora', and bounded by hinds of Henry Gilbert, Walk er, Besore, Snider and ethers, contatning 120 ACRES AND 40 PERCHES, with fine improvements there on mode. BRICK HOUSE, STOREROOM and other buildings on lot of ground located in a pleasant part of the Borough aforesaid. PEEP:ART 4TH, an excellent tot of Ground immediately behind purports 2 and 3, fronting on West Street, coLtaining 158 PERCHES and well adapted to being divided into building lots PUPAR l' STH a lot of MOUNTAIN LAND in Washington township, bounded by lands of Welsh, Hughes, Snider and Foreman's heirs, set with chesngt and other trees and containing 77 ..A.C0M1.3M115. ruRrA RT fiTli, being the 'larger portion of the "NIGH FARM , " itpnted in Antrim Township, 13 miles from Shady Grove and bounded by lands of Melchi Snively, Wm. Stover, Sites, Gillan and others, containing ..11M101100 acs AND 8 PERCHES of limestone land, with Stone House, Bank Barn and other buildings, a large Orchard and a considerable body of superior timber. PURPART 7TH, Being the remaining part of the "NIGH F A RM" and adjacent to land of Stover, Hennebergerll ilsop, and others, without buildings, containing ' SS A.CRIES, part under cultivation and the other covered with excellent timber. The opportunity here. offered for purchasing is sell worth the attention of any persons wishing either to buy good homes or to secure safe and sub stantial investments for their funds in real estate.— Purport first, whether in soil or improvement is one of the mn-t deirable tiirms of the size in this region, and is in almost perfect order. A ctimmodious Brick House, t rick barn and other buildings, (all en tirely new) Spring, Pump, good fencing fertile soil and convenient to town, to mills and turnpikes form some of its advantages. The town property is also valuable, the one being newly built and well suited for merchandizibg or o h r business, whilelhe other is valuable for milding purposes, and ray be divi ded into lots uit purchasers. The purports in 4ntrirn To lip are goodw. it I.lh tolm nee of lime stone and pottions Covered with large and -tall tun. her. Any persons 'wishing to see the properties will be shown over them by the parties•theron residing, or by the undersivned on Saturday of each week 'which h s spends in Waynestioin'. Terms made known on the day of sale by . DAVID GILBERT, Administrator. and Transcript, copy (Aug '29— ts.) Chamlwrsburg Reposifori PUBLIC SALE MOUNTAIN LAND- Y virtue and in pursuance of an order of enle 111 granted by the Orphans'_Court of Franklin County, Pa., to E. S. Troxel, outing Executor of Tobiaa Furilt,decrased, will be offered at. Public Ode, in the Borough of Waynesboro',"on SATURDAY TRH 4TH o OCTOHHH NM, A TRACT OF MOURAIN LAND not taken .at the appraisement, situated in Wash. . ineton township, bounded by lands of Win: Logue and others, containing about =IIM .AL4llDalllit_llo.6lliil4 welrset in Chesnut and other timber—ensy of sc..' ceas as it joins - the-Mountain Gate .House. The above property will be shown by the subscri ber to persons who may tiesire to 'View, it. Sole to commence at I o'clock on said day when . , .the,' toms will be made known by (Sep ;s—to • ,At.Brotieeirtonls, . _ Grain 'Grain Cradles, 2 " . , • • I > . Grain • • . ' - 'Grain Sovthea . ' likeoso4l7 • Cri* qualit,*;::frn: !!?le, ‘ , "=-.•":";(10ne Wr-412`-) 111[1600164- I,Llooditi moods I-21 „„ ITEST :Ride:l44o4 apreer, diieet-inini , the man ' :ufzioterea another IMtgelovohte iSh Aiwa; ' • Josien BF:ao eg. AEI° 111E-311E311EMili 1 2 and 3 years old from the bud. Samples of the fruit can be seen at the 'proprietor's house. The 'Wowing are some of the best varieties, viz: Prince Red Rare Ripe, Scott's Dionpariel, Yellow Rare Ripe. Colridge Fat orite, Teniptes Isiitt white large,Rose Flowering Peach, Honest John, Yellow Hewett, Old Mixon free, -Extra Early York, " " cling, Early white cling, Lemon cling, " purple, Orange fiee,_ George the Fourth, Royal George, Bergen yellow, Crawford Latt, Crawford early, Alberge yellow, Morris white, 15,000 . Strawberry Plants for sale, viz : owa, Boston pine, McAvey superior, August and September is the time to plant your Stniwberry beds if you want a crop next year. Cherry Current, Grapes. Calaba, , Clinton, Mattering, Freedom Seedlings, new verities. Raspberry and Blackberry. Brinklea Orange, Yellow Antwerp, Hudson Brier, _ - Lawton Blackberry. Red an twerp, Thornless Raspberry a new variety, RHUBARB—Victoria, Prince Albert and Leni us. Plums, Cherry. Apple. Pear, Apricot. ROSES— Prairie H. se, Green of the Prairie, Baltimore Belle, &c. Garden seeds and flower seeds for sale in the fall. There is a great many verities not named. ' All order-3 punctually attended to. Any person or per Sons wanting sti•atvherry beds Laid out anti Planted Calf have it done up in Mee order by calling on the proprietor. Address 'S. MENTZER. Freedom Nursery and Fruit Gardens. • Leitersburg, Washington Co., Md. 'Aug. CLASSIC 16 & COMERCIAL W. T. BA RINITZ A. M., Principal Classical arid Seientifil Department. A. M. TRIMMER, Principal Commercial Department, and Professor- of Penmanship, Pen-drawing, &e. T. 1.. BUDD, Principal M Musical Department. This Institution ofli'r•s inducements to young Men and Ladies, tit siring to prepare themsekes I'm :sashimi or to enter our higher Colleges, to pursue a thorough Cl..ssical, tictontilic, it r Commercial Course,— such as are nßi•red by no similar Institu tion in this quarter of the State. Thorough practical idYdruction. with Lectures in each of the departments, MI a sY,tem }Mr:ied in no other school of like character, will iinAtre rapid nod efficient pragresq. The Min4icai Dcpartriient tG under the directirin of an experienced, practical and Classical MusiCian. (om. Eng. Branches per quarter of 11 weeks $4.00 Higher ,' '. 00 6.00 •' With I/ 9 t i n,- . - 8.0 0 Greek, French, German, (each) - - 3,50 Thorough Commercial Course, including Single and 'Double Entry Book-keeping, Practical Poll- manshiy, (time unlimited) Penmanship, (thorough course) , Musical De . partment. Vocal. in class, per quarter of 1 I werks Parh 1.00 Instrtimintal, Piano, Melodeon. Flute and Guitars tio Bdarding nen low'rate 'rail he hall in reapectible families in the, town. For further partic ulars .ad dress Piincipols.• • (August - 22—tf)' Just .Receiveo. "AT BROTHKRTON'S," A LARGE 'LOT OP • Colts Revolving Pistols Colts Pistol Cartridges, . Sharpes Pistol Cartridges, • • • Colts Pistol Caps, • Hick's U. S;Arstiy Caps, . • Billtets - and Bullet • Fine Bowie , Knives, • • Copper Pistol Flasks, Haziisd's -.Electric PoWder, - • • French. Gun Wadding; dtc., &c. '-• Goods of this •lescription have , liteorne exceedingly scarce, 1 1 !orsons' wanting' i unlt retiolder Pistol made, will do well to call immeillatclv and purcliase ono of "ColuiPStent Breech loading Revolvers; =•, .kept..-26;-• , • , E, S. TEOXET., Acting Zceptiton LI G.T i tiN•fIOTTLEgat ...ryowa 4, aat a vto.l- chesr- of Tuitatoof.eallat: up:4 - • ', Fames AMES. if you want -to see ai,nice issonmen iiebetss 7. 24t Pennes • t rlog twair ap ia n itrye ;flaw . ilwelnat Sh aw i'' call , I'Am/6;a i'.--li-014-0, .0-jiii-t1; % - :. ,::::: 0Y . ,;: ".. . - ~..•?„, - STATE-_. ' INE undersigned fliectitois of the laSt wilt and i. `tt stem out of David {{nipper, will offer et pub lic sale, on"Tutatsitar Tits 161 u DAY Qs OCTOBER, 1862, the following tract of land, late the property of said d,ee'd,.situated in Quincy township, Frank lin County, Pa - :; adjoining lands of David Wertz, Wm. Stull, Geo. Kuopper, John ; Forney, Alex and other's,-containing 103 ACRES and some Perches, neat measure, with a two STO RY >BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Back Beilding,'and a story and-a half Basement, Spring Rouse, Smoke House and Bake House; and Black smith Shap, A STONE AND FRAME BANK BARN, Wagon Shed-, Corn Crib, Hog - Stable and other improvements thereon, erected, also a spring of never failing water in the yard. The farm is in high cultivation. Said tract of land is under good fencing theritteing one thousand panel Of port and rail,ferice. 'There is a fine youNG of choice fruit on the prernises, pears, phims, peach es and other fruit, roost choice varieties. The little Antietam creek runs about one' &Mired yards from the barn through 'he farm supplying an abundance of water. Pertains wishing to view the property before Air day of sale can call upon - either of the undersigned, one hying on the farm close to Quincy along, the public road that leads to runkstown. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by GEORGE KNEPPER, GEORGE KNEPPER, Sr. (Sep s—ts ) Executors -^ FREEDOM NURSERY FRUIT CARDENS. THE subscriber effbys for snits, this fall, at his Nursery and Fruit aartletrslnajoining G. 13ell's Mill, (forinetly li. Mentzer's.) ell the new., 7nri ties of Seed in Crimson Cone, Gooseberry and Current. Houghten Seedling, Red Dutch White. GIANT ASPA REGHASS WAYNESBORO' 1 1 4dl'aVVV - 14, TEACHERS. TER rss. Commercial Department " Strawburg, Snow peach, B Kid cling, Black cling, Bed Cheek Mnlocetani Grose Mignone, Grand Admiral. How ards Large, Peauutly, • Triumphe d'gaud, Early Scarlet, Gondownen Red Ru;sel,ttis. , liClll ,rOSAAR-BEBOrtE , . . WA YIVE..S . BOO' , i Oct 3,1862 BUTTER lO 'WASHED WOOL 30 Baas - - , . 8 .. ILTNwAEocc ".20 I LARD 7 OLoVNN SEito , • ' . TALLOW' • '..f. 8 TtstOrai BRED •00 SOAP_ . 406 FLA:CARED 100 BACON 011100\ : 7 -10 PARED PNACHRB 00 BACON (sitiCe)'•, % •- 11;; I . t.I.NkitED " 00 BACON ( shOdlilisio);- .cc Dsoiti Acil,ss 00 ..• .• .... . • RICIBIOND TAKEN BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER WITH THE WHOLE REBEL ARMY ! IEN MEM HMSO." This Trict'y,tvasgainetl with Ter,y little Loss on Our Part; and yet another, JOSIAH MORI has just returned from the Eastern •Cities, and is now opening the most extensive stock of • SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will sell cheaper than tins other house this side of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually found in a well conducted estab lishment. The community if= invite.' to call and examine my stock which I will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me with a call. To con vince you 1 have a splendid stock I will ennumerate a fi.w of the leading articles now in' store, all of which I will sell at gr'eatly reduced prices. 101-3, THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the Infest novelties in Summer Dress Goods, to which 1 respectfully invite the attention of the; ladies. The eimisest Cußars,l The finest qualities, The largeNt stock, The , best assortment, ever exhibited in Waynesboro', and at unpreceden ted rcc3 Superior extra heavy , 1311 t., Brown, Blue and Mack Foulards, Pikes (light grounds, Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and prin• Marguilise, ValnciaPlal, Silk and Shepherds Plaid, Silk Lustres, striped Himalayas, 1311 t. Persia, 131 k. Grenadine, 131 k. and fancy Barage , A nglaise Arne, Angla's High colored Challies, Jackonets and Or gandies, Grissaile gr , und, French Brilliants, French Chintz of the latest styles, Catnbrick Lawns, Pop lins, Moh airs, striped do., Lavellas in all collors TOURIS'IS . . U Manchester,,Pacille and Hamilton Delains of all sty tes and shades M1.1.11:13.33:L0r Cloths for ladies wr4ings. Sacques, Mantillas, new and elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collars, Under Sleeves and in sets, Embroidered and Hein stitched Handkerchiefs,Kid Gloves, Silk and Lyle Gauntlets, Cord and `assles, Be,r<nets, Bt Its Bel ting of all descriptions. 11101111111 11111 MILLIIERY ROODS. Such as Blk. Bombazines, Blk. Parcailes, Folar and Poplins, Barages, Ducalls, Challies, Ginghams, Prints, 131 k. Eng. Crapes, from 2-4 to 7-4 wide, BUJ, Kids, Gauntlets,_ rape Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. TRIMMINGS Such as Bugle Gimps and Laces, all widths, 'Belt Ribbons, narrow Silk Gimps, Dress Cords, Fringes &c. Spool Silks and all Colors of Shetland Yarn, Zephyr worsted, &c. PRINTS AND DOMESTIC GOODS!! embracing all the most favorite Brands such as iVf eritna es, Sprague, Pacific:, Cochiceo, Manchester, Dunne Is, American and Bng - lish Prints. BLEACHED GOODS. Harrison Mills, Chester Hilt; New Market, Lansdale, Conewago, Great Lake, Mayflower, Lawrence, helm out, Waltham n, Hill Mara. Co. • and other brands.' - EROIATN COTTON'S. Pacific Shretings Arnpskeng Sheet ings, Portsmouth Simwmut " A ppletou " Ply mouth " GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS. In which lam prepired olT.r great hair : min., . ALSO 2 I and cheeks, 'fick - inp Denniing, Blue Drills, Moreens, Dumrtsks, Shirting Stripes, Nankeens, Corset Jeans, Crach Sr. iiuch Towhow; GENTS WEAR. / ITALIAN CLOTHS, Blic.sna fancy Cloilis, " " " Cassiinercs Silk mixed (10. , Merino ,(10. c•I Cashtneretti Valen - cies .- '-Grenediens Hosiery • Cravats. • Collars, &t. GROCERIES. A lac;c and, well selected stock, in ,arnjc4. I am prepared to nisei great intinceinents to pincliaSeimi Consult your nue . n ittterest and examine — my atocie -before put:amain*? • ' :(4,EEENSWARE , . G /wok and Stoneware. , of the , latest styles kliain itit hind at prices that defy. -competition. The subscriber tt ndeia his'ilt; nits to fyierpti and customers far past 11***Ori gttir t patroaaiti:4l) l td, iespecfully !Ochs', a continirantiroVihe Pnlei .41ge;,litte plaer..Vorner of,Mitin scut t:hutch' Altteets.:WirOre the bi I'A ItS A No,7,,Stilritll!l:B 'float; thtuttfry produce taken in crehanie for putts ~ !At, 'thff . tiigli n rit.t rks • - - (01p04) • r lE=EI ff= Men:hints . Medford Canton ci • Shawznut• •" Twreilq, ream Limmr, 4*-.****V eitiftßpeTo'wE2KL aließEßtiON, BElttlitdT & . . _ - . IVA YillESßOilb , Oct, 9, - • • B arson - . • 10 cents . Enna, •• - - • - . g it BACON, (41 . 131E0 t ' - 10 ~ a •," (Sini) , . i 3 it ...., " (ititou Limes) . , 6 •' • TALLoNvi ' • , •• 8 - ~ LARD, • „.. • " ' 7* ': - 1862. SECOND ARRIVAL. .....-.....0............ AMBERSON, BENEVICT it CO Viraynesboro° Pa. MAY 23 lb. No .%,-*A SPRING' AND SUMMER GOODS►t 7:11E are now receiving and o fli , ring to sell a new 4 0 1 1 ,' and FULL ASSOlirgE NT of Which we think we are preparril to sell . at as low terms as any other house in town or country. ~~~~~~ 9 DRESS GOODS of all kinds Challies, D elaineg, B ereges, Lavellas, ccomir_a.a.m.ls, MLUM Zs'_ EMBROIDERIES. MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMER C.D CI) ceitonades, Ken. Jeans, Fi ne Tweeds, Neck Ties, Cravat s Ha ndkerchiefs, Cloths, C ass imere, Yes tinge, Hosiery, Summer Ha Is Shoes, Slippers A full assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIMERES. QUEENSWARK A good supply of Queensware and Gla SAlvare of the latest style. GROCERIES,' Always on hand a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES, SPICES, &e. To which we rest ectfully call the attention of our euqumers null the public generally; and at the 6 nine time we return our thanks to customers and the community for their liberal patronage, and will en deavor by ftir dealing with all, to merit a coot inn ance of the same. Please call and see. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FRUIT: 1-P 2_ft _ 11Uw_111_1°' at AM BE RSON, IjENE IDIOT & 00'S PICKLES. A L 0 T_ O'F Good Pickles, E lISON, Il N EDICT & CO 'S CURT in FIXTURES, OIL CURTAINS, at ,": AMBERSON,-BENEDICT & CO'S A TELL ASSORTMENT riitil.rs,:.ltii . gi . ,f,'s, ~li*li,tlis 'r,a4ta'crao..ca.:4 - ra - 4a - i, .OF A1.1.• D ESEIRIp r lONS 46 FAISON ,dENEDIC r & ' CO'S, VANDEIMANT COrritEr ittmimEtarm :EttEttitt ortuffEE ; = II COOIIS, LADIES'AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, &C, GEO. STOVER. T? HA NK FUL for kind fay - ors and patronage here ll bestowed upon hire, again appears before the public to solicit a continuance of the same.-- He having just retariied from thd eastCrn cities with ine a and well selected stock of new SPRING A. ND SUMMER Which he intends selling at very low rates, whicq he knows he can do to the satisfaction of all who will call and examine his stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be tbund among his stuck to which he calls your attention. FOR THE LADIES He has a large assortment of Dross Goods consisting in part of • Printed anti Dclaines, 131' k, Fig'd and Cord Silks, Plaid Mohair, .Wilk Warp Mohair, Bereges, Medona Cloth, • Lavellas, French and dome:die Gingliamq Poplins, Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, Wrappings, Cloves, Hosiery, in great variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Brk Silks Cord do. Fig'd do. Lust rcs, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Union Cassimeres, . Duck Linens, Poplins, Summer Coatings, Tweeds, Velvet Cold, Marsailles, Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds; in fact a full assortment of goods for Gen men wear. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, Merlin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. If 'you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just tall in and you will find him really to wait on you with . pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it io Stn. ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and ho will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. April 1862 F - " - FM A i r M. STONER. takes method of thank -1 i ong his customers, and • informs the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia With the largek assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, I Ells, Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Perin:nary, Fruit, Confec tionary, &c., &c., that has been brought to the place this season, which he will sell eheap. lie has on hand, with what he is receiving, makes his assortment of Patent Medicine greater in variety than any other establishment in the place. In a few weeks, he Will publish his list of manufactured articles. lie has on hatinow, his Cough Medicine, put up in six ounce bottles, price 25 cents, "no cure, no pay." Its curative properties are now fully appreciated, judging from its daily sales. May 6 '62. R EMOVED AGA N. OLD JOE. respectfully informs his numerous customers and the public generally, that he has removed his Restaurant to the basement of Kurtz's Hotel, Where he is at all times prepared to furnish Chaumershurg and Reading Ale, Oysters, Tripe, Pigs Feet, Bologna Sausage, Egg, &c„ Ate. He has also a Billiard Table up for the acrommodat ism of ett.tormirs. ' JOSEPH FUNK. July 18—tf. • V AL uTaft-1,--re-A-1111 , „ u R subsrrilmr intending to remove to .other parts idlers at Private Kiln, his valuaide !Otte wilted in Washington township, Franklin conniy, PAL, adjoining lands of 5.11...1)1 , , D. Fox and others, three miles northwest of ‘Vaynesboro', con. taining of Gist quality Limestone Land, in anod order. The improvements are. A TWO STO4Y BRICK HO USE and latire.Thiek.Building.new;liank Barn; Wash House and other 06i:buildings. There is al so a well and large ei:derti with pump convenient to the buildings, and a.large Jhelm] of excellent fruit en the ittannises! with- ,cherry, plum, pear . hura . , pear and other fruit, all of the best quality. Thoie• wishing to purchase will do well to gall and examine "for' thentseves: IFENHY (Sc * • • , i snot is y gi,-,e41 for Sale, THi; snlyserPmr has now for silo , 1.4 bushels of prime TlMtli'llY .SllOl.l which 1w wdl dis poss of it fair prices. Perems in want of sowed fiur fall sowing are requested to give hisn a call* Resi dence one mile northwest of Waynesboro' 'inn2 BENJ. El. PRICE! . " 011! fur wings to soar," right down at Pricer! Store.. What for.? .Why .to g 4 riome more of.that New York Syrup—only 12 cents _a Wart at l'u lutes Auet ooneerinvo% V. rrlTE.FubsPriber_olfqs „his, e,:r% to the public as an Auctioneer. Hu has hs.l some esp. 4am:a at the b u siness, and respectritily" solicits a call foal those tniYliefert Stet, hose s..irs to cry, atr he is cnatfiilitst that ho cow; give iretieral satisfaction: 7 Residence at the A J inp-tinn . • • - ' 25 5 m4 " WEIN FUNK. PLeVellrrq..urlicle ot syrup et. 4 per la nt. BEscuuelf.--1 r . ,yrket,w.aolt.a.gcr TivilTortroin ß ;64?.4u &tomcod . t , ' " • '" Patca'%s.l.. 1 4 -you" Want -9 'cheap—pa Ca!illicem,44ater* T call. e ,apri • - Pince; SPIN SIMMER Groceries, MENTAL L -NOME, -0- a,23.c1 3613ELMISitiC 113, 7,010*AP100:117 710..:': - -V. Pi 81153a8g ~~t~ Loaded with fresh SUMMER r . P arrived from Philadelphia, this week, sterintra up to our squre, and threw-eh ye fair: 'portion of creation !—the most delightful stock of flileoy goods straight into, our, iloOr, that ever brightened our counters. First, tioi s ubtiess to please the. Atti_ mut- came a shower of Silky Dehegtg, Sky tinted 1. - awriii, Chintieig, Modenas, Unzambiques liimakyas, Poplins, Mathes, &c., of ev! ry budiof the Rainbow, glii , tetting like stars, that will Make the old look young, and the young like Genii: tAith followed a broad stream of Nankeens; Mustins, Ta ble-di:titers, Calicoes, ostiaburgesi, benedth which came flying like -birds of beauty, 4ead-Dresses, Sleeves and Coll trs id setts, Shakers, Tlosicry, Sun mbrellas—beauti:,s--gauntlets, and all those dear little tick-tacks which make the ladies look so charm ing ; above it a dark sheet of MOURNING GOODS. n elrgnnt Byndore Dar nel, I,V 001 Del,;(010!:, -Lawns, Irdziiirmi, Clore Desraliges, Ettg. Cripo, En. 4. antl Atilorimit Print 4, plain 'and figured, 1:!tg. and French Crape Veils, Mourning ti.-e-- ceer„,,tliittg to render tito mounter beam til t ! in 11,v Sorrow. After these stream, c,.:1,,,q1 ICI II Y.V 'ler was aitotlier explosion and itt eaote pauritig for the: GENTLEMEN Bales of Silky Broad-cloths, Parisians, Go.4siuor.i Black and lancyolonblttand singled ; ii su perb Nt."*.les, fancy as .1 the aceoni pa niments, splendid Vesting, SilLt, Malseilles brilliant, and beautiful. Neck-ties, tniilapeaeliable :dirt-breiFts and Collars everything to set the Gent lit for a picture, and inakil him-pr esent.thle cveit :it the (taint of the Nati.,m. 5o Geo Lt. lack in an see, rceing is believing. All over the pavement lay boxes, which when opened displayed `those go , ,J, solid ob:da ntia I wares, our noble, industrious MOTHERS like sr) moth to SPC ; becrtorlp they muNt hive than t make the trowsers,.:lnd the girls dresses:: here ihey are strong as buck-skin. rotten, woolen, mixed, jeans, goods of new styleS, cheap and dura ble, cotton stripes, drillings, valicoes of late sty lea, ticking, sheelings, in tact all that our young friends ri quire who arc starting cm • my through lire. Well, tin se goods were hardly stowed away, when here came trudging along Our Poor, O 1 Rhinlcarossesses! loaded heavy,—oft very—Will Groceries, queer's wnre, and lingslncads of that delicious , Syrups, And Sug-Ar-hou,e molasses, hogNhead4 'and barrels ol sugars of every grade. Shad, :Backend herring, freNh from the briny wave, luciou9 cheese front New England ) brooms, spiees,—dnd a splendid lo telS Chß 11.1,M5,---and sweet B con—and Yankee No lions = , together with a full a.- sortment of HITS BD SUES! Leghorn, chip, fine fur and wool Rats, gents and l a dies bootees and shoes, cheap, ditAiartiitgly cheap.- - Now all these affairs startlingly, and - touchingly set forth are for sale add Ex hihition at the store of the Undersigned, who, with many thanks fur past encouragement and vamp:eV, rem sins Respectfully your oL It. sorvan t (may 23) JOSEPH PRICE HO! FOR QUINCY. Second Arrival of Spring and Suminer Goods. LEIVIS efiblnOWEa. I am now receiving and offering - 10 pelt a new and full assortment o f DRY GOODS.__ Which I think lan prcprired to sr l on as ren soilohle ti rmi ns any of r ht,tisc iu town or COUR ry. . A lult nssortmrnt of LADIES DRESS GOODS all kinds. Silks, Dela ins, Alpacas, Orirliml (Mall ics, (finghains, Lawns, Fancy Prints, Lailicq shawls. Sic. MENS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of all hinds. Cloths, Cassimere, Fine iT ken—leans, Cot lonailes, litis,t lugs, Handkerthiefq, Seek Ties, Hmiery. A full assortment 'o f Plain and Fanry (;as4ilurres QUEENSWA RE AND GLASSWARE. A large stock of r'' ~COt~Js'AL~.~~o Wlt!ch I am preparea. t( oirt.r nsluyV as. any err. 1.14 store fu Luc country. BOOTS AND mons. for men's and La Tie's wear of All sorts aml.sizes. ,Also 'a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. E4uslins,'Pickings, and a • complete assortraek k ,l* Notions. Lookiiig Glasses, Hardware,, Fiats and Gaps, Paints and Oils, rreslOShati Ilerripg:l):y the barrel.' It . et no use trying to ennmerate.! you want anything in the Dry 4;ot/cis and .you •will lied us ready to Wait on you with pleansure , • 10,000 CRESTN•IIT .103 - .ti_T, SHINGLES for . Sale (:011 try produce taken in rxchangi: for goods at the highc•e.t market prices. By strict attention to ImAnesa 'and a ilesirh Ai every in spect, I hero /0 merit a cite. Una:ince of patronage. .- May 23) ,L114.1.1171;0 7 4'Ett & C 11.:1,4I8TO N.. MORE NEW GOODS "VARIETY, STORE." _ t: -.BEANIERt'in•-eopnection-with his Variety • More, ha's torainanded the' niatiufaCturing of BI lls'.and..situnain.to atg vo,rjoA t s branches;rr, Having emplo3red deo-guild% Cifeiper:ris. foreman, he is prepared toproduce the fiaiest,'•fleatitstand amt . • 11 atkinv.ilfid : : , A taxgo stuck of Hats and . Caps, (inclutiing ,411'. of : 4- utniner for-metr-nnti-boysiX-entrit - Eastern iuuutit toeir Stioe4nciti make, on hand; Clacl,-Trunks, Bi3gats,'%Tstbac‘ 4 o: Ste. tltt. very best KEROSErilrEiha t iit, . 4 `" 3. REAYER.'• if_mx)N4w . 11'1. TIFF: V bit Mit chap
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