Mara, only shit of - . , . PearOt Char thou hat left * Here thy loss wir deeply het But 'tis 440 d that has bereft top • He can all our sioriows heal. • „ Theit' father, And Mother. it eiTee to know; His. smiles oro more abarimig. !finitiiheie he is lOsi too can 10, Dieroi again to pati,ito novett " At the residence of .his bother, in this* place, on the lidinst., Mr. John Berns Web lace, aged 28 years. In the , bright morning of his life, ho The strength of manhood him, end the bloom Of alure,yonth mantling his cheek and -hr.) w; Hu, life exhaled like a sweet dower's perfume. 'Tis nature's iustmet tettelei of to mourn, When those we love are Wen from our arms; 'Tis nature's God that trachea us to pray, That safe in Heaven • they're shielded from life's storms. • Grieve nut 0 Maher! for the lop of him, Thy hope and comfort in deilining years. , lie went sustained by a fi rm faith in Gni, This thought should quench the fountain of thy team. The Summer of Ms life had just begun, , 'he Spring was liko the - rich dwarrrof-the--daV But ere the Auturm's chilling Wrists came on, And sank into the Winter cold and gray; Death kissed his eyelids, and hO fell asleep In Jesus, fearlessly and peacefully, -And woke in Heaven, there to live with God. The eternal ages of.eternity. IV,i fir-t% - jib L - - - 41 0 '6 4 1114:111 PRICE CURREINT OF xr• JOSIAH BESaRE IVA YNESBORO:, "April., 18, 1862. Butvga 15 WAcipt:b WOOL Jo EGOS 10 I UNWASHED " 20 Lunn TALLOW 8 TIMOTHY SEED . 00 SOAP 436 I FLAXSEED . 1 00 BAccis (himM) 10 PARED PEACHES - OD' BACON (siul.s) 71 UNPARICD " 00 BACON 011102111 M) 7 I DRIED APPLES 00 From. the Clipper of—rxesday lase. SALTIMORE MARKET. APRIL, 3, 1862.. !There were (doted at the Maryland Cat tle Scales this MQJ head Beef Cat tle, and sol 4 at 53@4.75. - The st4Pply of Uogs was large, causing a decrease in prices, We quote at $4..75e1,5.75 per 100 lbs. The demand for Sheep this week was lim ited, sales being made :It from $33.51e4.50 -* 100 rt• per FLOUR.—We had sales to report of 600 bbls.. Ohio super at $5.1 - 2, and 600 bids. lleward street Ex.tra at SS.6SL How ard Street; SUper at $5.1.2@)5.25; Extra to Fancy do. at ;55.62 ; Family do. at $6.40@ 6.00. GRAIN.—The offerings of Grain this morning at both Exchanges were quite light. The receipts at the Maryland Corn and }lour Exchange footed up 10,000 bushels, the Baltimore Exchange 25,000 bushels.— Wheat was, in active demand.. 'We quote common to medium white at 125@135 ets.; Tair to good do. at 145@155 ets.; prime to strictly choice family flour do. at 155E:0160 Eta.; medium to fair red 123@126 ets.; and good to prime do. 1280130 ets. Corn— 'We quote fair to prime yellow at 54056 ets,; end white at 600563 ets. Oats were dull. We quote good to prime Pennsylvania at 380c40 ets.; Maryland do. at 36038 ets.— Ilye": ,, We Inote good and prime Pennsyl vania Bye at 69@70 ets. per bushel; Mary -hod at_b_iets—piirbu • WHlSKEY.—Whiskey is very hiolders of Ohio Whiskey are asking 26 ets. per gallon. City 26 ets. per gallon. _ REMOVAL. ALE 3CE T$ PER GLASS. Mile subscriber in6nms his customers that he 1 hos removed his Restaurant to, the luiuse of Mrs. flair; next door to Iteaver's Variety Store, There te will have . Tor sale Oysters, Ergs. Ham. ("heese, &p. Also Washahaugh's and Ludwi g 's Ale at tt cents per glassi. .1 ruxx. April MT, HOPE STORE. 121bMKr. •Pl'7VGb ripHE nnderaign - ed would inform his customers arel-the 10 , lir generally that he has jtet re ceived from Phil4.lelphia a full assortment of spring & Simmer Dry Goods, Orsieerips, liardware, tl ectetware, Rh.wa, Boots, H u m Caps, and all Mite articles • retailed by country merchants. al whit -o'd as low as the wne gqiida can lu pun iewlien• in the cottutfy. The Wilk ao in At and examine his stock. 4011 10K-. Mt. Hope, Ai ;it la A PECK Of'MOIRE .NED UP Al~ SPILIBD (1,17! AV 110 cep make a inan7,— . l mean in appear- V ance. with coat fitting like a fashion-plate pints tend vet.t 8t for a president. Who Makes the - tine ents you see in the eit)) ..41:Flw Tailor! —no mistake shout it, Well, tit 81ta • pd. rouglit tom the -City, the nyaces 4 , • !Allem, 14 of FANCY CASSIMARS,S,t. ASSIMt RES, CLOTHS AN EsTlNqs, - %hit can be seen in this qliertorolill *Prill pledge our -pelves to torn out good Firs 41 1.3A.p. SCI r 8.-- Fresh, sparkling gocids alwayit-iptesse.-and gie have them, We have the latest Fashion rhatom, and will leave nothing undone tr please our friend' and the "rest of mankind." 0. ift J. VENDER. April t 8 THE .OLD 'MILLER AGAIN ! i t IS 'the RSbelli .n is now on its last leg& and nearly over, we thonght :into. to :mummer to e public that WA will grind Grits o(. 20 huitheli: or upwards either fur pay or Toll . separtely,and ths*, we have on lista all kinds of TEED, CORN ear or shelled, ur ir, 1t1E.1.1. sifted or nos. Altyi Outs by'the vv titell;-- uho in Cob Choy or hutihel au We can always , at lelatulSie. AprlO N•rleeti Wavo. H day co Nifia Treasurer and Ilisuager.liur" lly.anter c l'Avrl6:,bl LATESTIMIItiVAL MEM ::'SPIINiI :Mil :‘ MIIIIIII 1 : 0 Q 'Ha e rdi4.4o4. : : bitoolinitisi: QUEENSWARE AND CEDARWAREI -0- 4 •;...... RAVING just returned from the Eastern Citie a he would call the attention of his customers and the public generally to his _ LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ,our GOODS! Which will be.solti - th - L'ovir„Priebs. Below you -will flit] eicuiberolid litielea -hich-will-be-found-nmoug_h_is_ototh, • to which ho intik% your ottentioig FOR THE. LADIES, • - • Bilks,De tines, A !paw Printed Challiee, bombazines, Gitighams, • Poplins, Ladies Shawls, . , Plaid Giughants, Brocadets, Fancy Prints, I.llw Brumes, Linen Hattibels. MEWS WEAR. Fancy Cassinicrea, • Plain " Cloths, Italian Cloth; %readings, • Man:Mlles, Grenadines; ng3(32> er=c 2 ntoinis, Tweeds, Jeans, Liam, Shirt Fronts, Shirt Collars, Neck Tics, &c. ueensware, • •ari\Yi e, Boots and Shaeta, • Cedar Ware. (Ca - cta 01 theyery best quality, Pooh as Syrups, and Porto RicO Molasses•, Best Rio Coffee, Fuperior Prepated Cotr e e, Ilummell's Best Essence; No. l Chocolate,. Tobacco, . Ii ic 0. de., am. The above goods have been carfully selected and purchased at the very lowest,figure. He is therefore enabled to accommobto all who may favor him with a call. ley strict attention to business atuk, a desire to please in every frapect, he hope s to merit a continuance of patronage. NO TROI, Bit TO SHOW GOODS, Country Produce taken in exchange for goods at the lailicet market prices J. W. MIIII.EIt• A Fa 18 •62 NOTICE. HEREAS, Letters of Adniinistration, on the Estate of Kate S. !daisley, late of Wayne.. horuli—feeeased,--have—beett-grautad4o_the_subseti— her, a II persons indrlited to the &dute o u s , re qu es t e d to make immediate payment, and those havilm elaints or demands against the &Vale of sai.l deco• dent, will make konwn the same, without delay, to tIEO. d. BALI:3I3W. Adner, Chanthersburg. =MA TO THE LAMES NEW MILLINERY GOODS! M IB.Z , .374‘1.i.u.sfinz!!1:08181,Evlitciinisif;!yrtiltilties he hate re nwved her Millinery Store to the dwellint houm on Main Street, in9oining the residence of Mr. Jacob . Wolf. and has just received from the Eastern Cit. ics a fwll as of • Bonnets. Hats, Bonnet Trimmings, flowers. and tkett r a Weleft'uqually kept by Millittera. The Ladies arm rrqut•rtud to CAI awl examine her shock A rill 1'62 Mt. IV: D. LECHER . 4 44111•6111 NicolTNCEs to his friends anti the public 1 - 1„ generally, that he is: now in'possession.,of all tbe late - and MrrPt improved instruanentd,ind is. Well prepared to perform all D) N7'AI. operations. He will be happy to Wait upon those.who may require the services of en czporlenced Dentist. All opera tions upon the mouth and teeth performed in a scientific manner. Teeth inserted according to the latest improvements in the art, and .at moderate rates. Office in lis residence on the South Corner of REIM IMPORTANT. NEWS - nom MEXICAN ROW !: J• in.l.-> vElt, in connection with 'his Variety • .t•tturr, has commence., the rnanufacturitteot lit art . ul SHOES its all its various branches.— Navin •• j . .leyell Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, he la pre ••":''," produce the , tissest, neatest, and most slur •L';' maths anywhere. • vited to call. ",.,, stock of Hats and eapaxod Eastern man .Ir4arml Slava and lima of the beet 7i on litetikClasekts, Trunks Seoul. Tobacco, tfitc.:&c. I,ft•kget the eery, h ast ' ICBM/SEINE there.' 2%, few StfitnTs are Wegtell. ' " •J. 131:4Vkilt. epcc,4-3 month*. friends and patrons, gnu have any warmest tiunike Mr your very %hood en. •our.tztinent. liatinn iliecnntinucil the manufactu. ring alehoce Ito., on my, own acennin,utul engaged. teYeeit . witit J, ne*Vrre el the. variety Stare, I he alicek for ttintAlie continuance of yaw . patronage.— Du come out see us et uttr nevi place. ' • p e va . . L:COOPER. , HaREA.SI4 Lriters of7ktlaniiuisarmuon 04 tor rotate , 01 elnimalae.Eranta, lin t late of Wash . ington Tosruifkiju.‘l44lssial,,bsso.hcen : graoiladio theanfociatits, all Jason indrl4"l to, thvAdaie su re ro l ion+l . d tersanksi luorinlhops paxtursit, and those NecitiedgiiitivitAr - atialasl. Pin 0 10+14 .1 fresothaut, WilLinakairmosto the:same. 010- , :an 4 4v1sty;40 ALSRAC' r XTZ. g Mar 28-61 a LION .I* l B o *- Bunts 13,Avotif (11*0 As 11311/110 " (Anovumait) TALLOW, LARD, AMBERSON: lIHNEDICT & CO GOODS!! 4/ E are now receiving 'anal a ffering toad! a mew and FULL ASSORTVID - INT of E9l s DRY r i nn Ds Which we think we are prepared to Mt At oslow terms ns . nny other house in town or country. DRESS GOODS of all kinds C ita Hies, D Jrn•gra, avellas, EM I3ILOIDERI.ES. `MEN'S SPRING AND SUMMER CD VD 0 9 Co ttoundea, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, Cassimene, ' Fine Tweeds, Vestings, Neck Tice, ~•"' _ , Hosiery, Cravats , Summer Rats Handkerchiefs, Shoes, Slippers A full assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIMERES. • QUE.. -W-A- A good supply of Queensware onctElla swore of ho latest style. - GROCERIES, Always on hand a heavy lot of prime Gmceriea, COFFEE, ‘. SITGAR, SYRUP, • MOLASSES, • SPICES. &c. To which we respectfully call the attention of our customers -40 the public generally; and at the tame time we return our thanks to customers and the community f‘ir their liberal patronatre, and will MP' deavor by fair dealing with all,• to merit a continu ;ince of the smite. Please call and see. AM BERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FRUIT: Ak_"]lEmJWmilL.lMN, at AMBERBON.IIENEWICT & CO'S A LOT OF Good Pickles, OILS' CURTAINS, FULL ASSORTMEAiT EtINTS, 1111181,1iS,GIAGII1MS andr ar4ztaava . a tataao - I:O4X i inEL/014 7 601011 . ; •• `1111MMEL0W!,,9,..P4-ilt`', f:4 ISCENC,F, a, Am uxusoN,,ilz&raget 1 11 0 .'410040:11 I V . A . 466-"iialkagNitlitY YNE4 Arititi Fidasir -o--=- Waynesboro' \P a. . wyr0...d.... 0.,......m. .1 SPRING AND SUMMER ~~,~~~~s SLEEVES, AND " PICKLES. A*BEBBON, BE NEDICT & C 0 8 CURTAIN FIXTURES, AMBEitSON, BrAEDICT &CO'S OF ALL D'ESCIIIPTI(IO AMBLUSON,AENEI6I9I , db CIVPV I 1131:',';:i,-',411111141411-4,- 8, .iso. cetats 111 GOO 7 ;a 7 it 8 CI 7 ►: Gioperies, 11111WAIII. HOUR LADIES' MG CilliiMENSigiES, 80, GE STOVER, cA s tiANKFlilatoiiind favolianti patrdiniga tofore bestoived upon him, again 'appears before the public to 'elicit a continuance of the sattua.--;- having just returned 'front the eastern cities with meant-well-eelected-s • SPRING AND SUMMER Which he intends edit* at very lo* rates; Which he knows he Can do to the satisfaction of all who will call and esainine his Stook. Below yat find chute - rated a few &deka which will he found among his stock to whicli he calls your atunittda. FOR 'VHS LADIES • He has, a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting it pars of ()bullies, • • Primed end Plain Dolainel, Bfk, Fig'd anti Cord S elks, ,Plead Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, Hereges, „ • Medona Cloth, • Doyenne, French and domesiic Ginghaini, • Poplins, . • Pongee Mixture, Cloth fur Ladies, Wrappings, le Gloves, Hosiery, in great variety- Bl'k Silks Cord du. Fig'd Lustres,.. Poplins, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cason:acres, . . Duck Linens, • Cotton:oleo ' Summer Coatings, • Tweeds, Velvet Cora, 111 a rsailles, Silk Vesting, Yel;atine* Vestings, of all • kiln's; in fact a full assortment of goods fur Gen men wear. Also a Large and well selected stuck of DOMESTIC GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a comp/etc a assortment of Notions. It's sio. use. trying to enumerate. It you want anything at alt in the Dry Goodi just call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. • To persons having country Produce to sell, they will fina it to their ndvarstagb to bring it to Sto ver's' vibe always gives the highest marrist price. $o give him a call, and he Will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. • April 1862 NO HUMBUG ! -FI-DE-ttndersignetl_havitig_op Jewelry Store, in the new building Oti the corner of the. Diamond, and having recently return ed from Philadelphia, %mild inform the residents of 1/Vaynesborii'atill the iiiiblic generally, that he has now on hand'a fine assortment of livATcHts, JewtLinr,• Sll.l7 ER. Ais..p SILVER-PLATED WA (4);• CLOCKS,, &c &c Having bat . censiderrible eitperiencr at Watc h repairing, he IN' prepare& to do all wort promptly in the limit: magnet no& guarantee llie performance oF An assortment of speetieleg, soil spvetaclo glasses always on hand. Xesvelry repaired in the neatest manner. • 4V. A. (MOVE. P. S.— Q_liiSileer taken in i'ichstige fur goods, Apr 1: - E4Lttaitico lailla rHE Subscriber.i nondiiig to discontinue farming 1 . sell at Online sale nt his residence 3 miles north„ of Vironesltoro',. on the: rood leading from Toowtown to tiopeiyell Milla, , on FILIDAY the 25th 4,ay of A tot it:0862,11w following property, to wit: 3 HEAD WORK HORSES, 2 of which ore gond It•stilers; 3 first-rate Miliih Cows, one of which is fresh with u. calf by her side; ' HEAD OF YOLTSVATTLE, among which is one extra Bull; 1 Breeding Sow with Pig, 1d head of stork Hogs; . , • =1.L11:1 0 , with bed and'hows, I PLAATATION WAGON, 1 Spring Wagon; 1 4:syringe, 'I bleigli and belbs; '1 Far Hay tiarriages, 1 pair, Lidded, 1 re volving grain-Itske.l Thruidaing Machine, I Screen, 1 Windmill, 1 thisidatone. 2 sets Bret:chile:Ws, 3 sets front,:u r car s ,l, llourens; 5 Collars, 5 Bridles ' 7: six Mudd. hue, l filth and_spreader, .1 •litg (:Lain, single , and trebblei 'trees, 1 13iirslicar' Plow (Moats' make, 1 two-horse Plow, 2 Harrows,- butt chain breast chains: halters, fiirkli,r4kessh 4 xeili .barrels, mowing scythes; Cradles, sick Irs. he ;Ice., ily-neta."2 sets Double Harness, 1, Parlor eittere,,, 1 lank 1 tussle; chest, bed nod bedding, ei EMtisY other articles WO Dttnallour. 'lO 'lntation. (laic tit - 11111/11101Cit at lititeettiek tin-said day, whervir credit of lex months, will ibn given,-un;.a ll sUllml,of 4 44 0" - aii.l, . waritt r , juircluterrs ' giving _their --pottlyvirttly, utitirsveti iirrurity. - • y 4 4.,A „ , • ill iirJ 1 ,ty. ~..u,winttt tiltV. set CC 1.410er, .7. 4 leev es :tD Vq..e.'" iwift;ti s +o cevut.K, 441 . • 1 V. )9 1 . 1 . 3 901 1 l Adger 144" ' •' ) •••• n .1 ,7 7 7- 4:;,7 -7777 7"5ir: • , 17;*!, & Sum ---o 41Eiit-C7►ICI3ICIDONIN. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, .±.. `,, V... "F '''...,, I ' ",, :-;; ~ ) '''' . : 4 • ~, c:IT,.". • , ,t c 274,..... -At:::,:_ .1 7 -,...e ,:',-,. ~. . 2- ;—: 118 THISAND itOtiiiitatiotiliihit. _., „ t y, , -.,11.1.;-::11 111 •11' as Jeeeiving erfaveriabeidi ingetoek'of tonal from tiie.Ea#ern jriftem Great his been the bPioneli have editaneed to enoinniiiii pie*: idea Will bo inunediateli7diepelled4ky melting:el the CIE M' CORNER, thi 11 alit Mid Church Sits:, Where all - kintle'ef tioods- - -stieh as are below-nam ed sinks nsultitirde.of , ather artieles usuall,foland in a Cull house: nevertheless - wo. will name a few Slang With ilitioriant 'leant Silks, Whims, Paris Lustre., ucalii Gingharas ; Fancy - F*KY::MHNG Plaid Gingham, Brocadiv, • Lustres, IN TAE EMU'S EMIT Can be seleeteil some of: the handsomest styles of Cassi mores, Marseilles, Cloths, , Valeneiee,• • Vestings, , Grenadines, SUMMER GOODS. Denims, 'rvvecds, Jenne, The allow: arc only a few of tho ledding items, but any article desired in the drysgoods or other departments can ho 'supplied. ' And further. we have Skeleton and Balmoral Skirts, Collars, Sleeves, Linen lid 'kss Hosiery, Gloves, Shawls, Ladies' (Liters, Gauntlets ' Nuidas; Corsets, Tassels find Cord, Shaker's Ribbons, and Parasols Ruffiings, Laces, Quillings, • Counterpanes and Quilts, Marseilles Skirts, B clts, The people of Waynesboro' and vicinity, and of other places, are respectfully-invited td 'ea!l and ex amine this splendidstock of DRY GOO OS, , GROGERIES&C •; as the proprietor feels assured that no one can find fault in prices or style; anti in conclusion ho returns his thanks to the community for f turner fa. vors and hopes for a continuance of the same r4.pab JOSIAH BESOIIE. 111P-111P----HURKA! THE GRANDEST VICTORY OF THE WAR, ACHIEVED VER YANKEES, REBELS, AND THE "REST OF MANKIND!" Watch and B Y A DISPLAY OF FRESH AND .P . IIE , P.'D.RDIS Prenh as Mornirg-glories, beautiful- as the Spring day, cheap as snuff! Oh!. ye fair portion of Creation!-do ye Want Stlksibsit glisten on Delaines, of every hue "of ,the Rainbow; Hima layas, mottled and printed like fairy fields; Modems, lialzarines, )Moraintriques. Debeges, &c., &c., that Would woo hy their beauty the Genii of the ti -I , VALIc UP "'CO THE COUNTER ! Our, Lawns Of softest tints, Chintzes sparkling like dew drops, (iinghams bright as Venus, with our Magic Collars, Silkpauntlets, li:iteiewal Skirts, Head . Fascinators and Morocco:Satchels:Which will deck you ottt in etherial splenilin, and compel the admiration of the Ucuts!—Wo will insure Pr GENTLEMEN, You err not forgotten!—Not all that is ,heaujiful belongs to the Ladies; fur, 'oleos their hearts, they love to see the Gents in splendid array! CLOTHS fresh from Ffance, and Cos:domes sleek as mirrors, fancy as the sunny-eye; with Vestings of a style so handsome, that TO me is to buy ; which with our sylendid shirt breasts cheaper than ever, elegant. Neck-ties, &c, will-inake yuu Aduniscs,every moth. , er's Son of you • ' • Mill NW YE. THEM MEM Ye mother's of the riving generations! Ye. ire al ways before up-! We lupe for you at prices as low as before. the war , those goad solid Osnoburghs. ISheetings, _ _ tali dings, -Lioena, • , • • Towlings, • • Tickines, ' -• Domeeties, • art I all the Nations -necessary to linueekcepers,and CHEAP is the attain—Give ue a call! TILE:IPILkt"K! 413k.1Et. CP lELIT.M .11E1 - much below [Oat Winter's • prierii,—erian; pine. froth:sweet as new • milk% New York aiut Lover ing Syrup at 12 : 5 and 11 4 1:cti: ofd Iliabioncd Sugar, Hatwe.---thot :maga toipleuite tike .vatrao'.'na.: Su . garit, - 10ite;' Urovin",iwilmtummumt,—tha t iti of every grade. - Cheese,- .7 1.1 make the. ;matt router. tkeur.ware, Gliselrure.titirse — warjr, • HATSMOOTS 'SHOW, &c , in fact it iv "no use to enumetatettlie fitet is; every -thing' totifiltheTiiiiiiititi 4 ll; or the laboring mascara htive;- 7 ate, viiketialiaintapae the cheap , ret sayinure! - "rnetiAneftin, at,our tioor,,:;ott the 134o r tte mutate untiiesigneti_ i tiill be io,,vet4 ,-, • " • : • - - "Ti r,e tful ly NM= stn u „ . Tr - 300.. , «01 . nt tb hh ttoi.l:it#4-,otcts,l**roteds: fit t, in tuwti, uttt tit :-66pt. Thitpo ir`you eiii iiite *i o*Nlt VI - ~ ; ::' - '4: l ;',:i - : , ' ....:'. ,',...9, : ..h ' •:; Yl. : '.. A Iptieal,‘ Thad:lei; • Ben.. Thitaines; Printed Challies, Bolinbazines, Fancy Prints, Lawns, Braigcsi Linens ensinere,tis,. Merino CasAmerce Calicoes, A fmly Rhinoceros load of Uslr ' Milutippaoll, - , • • , if 6 , ; v ~,,,,:,,- • .. ,: ,;'.. , .. 1. ;, : i . , "-' ::: : :: . ; i : 1 :, , ,. 1 ,1 ,;.: ~ • . ~ , f7 : ` :„.'," 1. , ", .4., :,f,:::" 6,: it , ; 4 ::; r e,...4,,;,! :,.. ,,,.. ,.... ~,i,,,, • - • N I)! I 1111111::, ! I Conieetionery 'incite +e dig•, ato . mitOgiubscribe,rtahce l , 8 tinhouncing „ji. w o e iiieo , iNg#ll l 0,1004-d gtore,' a large risid:7'aintig "lfdireted Steck of .. rnosit ' Difitttts, Chemicals; Oils, Dye Stuffs, tivin . d*Otiissi ,Putt;. Transco; 'Snutl; and Segars, iSre:&:*hich he - 11,007 prepared to.rcil as cheap the Cheapest and, , wilt assure lila custOni.;" ere that in regard -to iritnility,#hich is OC • thii first pittance, hisr.gniti..wili compare the market. ; He has atio'iiipleitilid'arisciitinerit i'erfnisievi • Soaps end ' ••••Toil.lDi , : 4 1 iti s tidleSio . . of all kinds., consistinin past of the follOttiitiki iil, Bandolinesi • • • • • • •. • l i gmadris, , . : , • lAnaber and. ' ' Oil - - ' '' • '-'' Colognes,, . ''. ..,.• • .... •--- •` • 4 1 1 ' * ' -Extinets fiii the-Heitakeieh'ice4 - ' ' Lyon'i KithairOiti•' -". • •'•--•>••- ' . - Burnet' Cocixtine, ' " ' 'Jettison's Ladies' Soap, ' ' • '• Hooey Boar; • .- Betel 00,p,, , , . • - ainiard - NirlikerS . • tat= CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, -&c. ERE: Cranberries, ILiisins; Figs, Prunes,' otorants, -Dates, Citroni. Oranges; hensone,Nuts of all kinds, sad ,Candies of every .variety. • • Kerosene Lamps,Lamp -giolies,„and Kerosene °K./Contihide, Aleotiel, !Sliming Flitid, and in fact anything and everything that is esti:illy, found in a drugstore. • Thankful for kind fasters and patronage hereto. 'fore bestowed upon him, he solicits a matitinuance of the saincqpnd, hopes that by endeavoring to please,. he May win the continence of the people. Physicians' prescriptitins proinptly and. carefully Compounded at all hours. J. F.- K URTZ. nov. 1860 TOE WAR OF 1776, THE name "Continental" 'sounds m ore (Tear to the American kcart, than tiny of the Royal blood, eyes should it he a Prince: ' SO all .you that want a good Cooking Stovo that burns either coal or wood, call at ' Tmn - ps and ask for the Continental, which is one of the best stoves in niarkot; and by' fat the cheapest. It takes a long stick orarnod and is provided with firo brick so burn coal. It is one of the best baking and cooking Stoves the l'has ever been offered for bale. t 's a fine Cookin! Stove' and is easily kept clean. laltvitys have a urge ortment on tit ,yr ! I give better bargain's than any other hetige country. So to prove that my Marne is riot (len. Bragg call and see tor yonrs'elvcs. Also on h4nd Heating S:oves , such as EN NMI AID CIA STOVA for shop or parlor, rill of which IYcill sell vary low e You will also find a large assortment of • • cE1 4 12'...9" whit Copper, Brass rind Sheearim N't'are, which is all of my own make, and which has been proven cannot be found Niter in any place. Now remem ber I am liatind 'io sell cheap, • sn all that want any thing in my lino, give mo a call. My shop is still at the old place on Main Strcct,•under the, Printing limise, Spouting! done at all times and of the heet-ddoble tin. _. Feeling very thankful for the merry past loyor3 I hive received from the public, I would invite.all to give Inc. n call, for then you can see for yourselves where to get herniae. • Old' metal taken nt Foundry Prices in exchange for new Naves. • • W. A. TRITLE, r-224 _ .;,_l l Vpy_neshorp! -___ • PUBLIC -SALE; THE underiti,; nod wilt sell at iinblie &ale at 1) er residence at Willow G rove,'one• mileo" south west of Waynesboro', on the 10th of April, the fol• lowing property, to wit: 35 Acres Urain in the Ground', 2 COWS, 8 heed HOUs,3 head of young CATTLE, Plows' nd Harrows, '2O Yds. Carpet, 1 Iron and 1 Copper Kettle,. 2 Secretaries, 2 Bed stends, 2 doz. Chairs*, 2 large and 2 small Rocking Chairs; 2 Wardrobes, 2 Cherry Dining Tables,Cup. board and Kitchen Table, 2 'Washstands, 2 Parlor Stands, 1 Churn, 4 Wis. Vinegar, Lttrtf i Batton and apple-butter, soap by the pound, a Ltit of:l46oms „ tins of Hay, Pot Ito is by . , tfie blisfiet . 2 eloiik4, buckets, bahkets, 1 saw, anttfitany then:thicleS' rot pecessary to mention? Salo to cominensee' clock an said day, When the , terin4 will he'tinido known by MART HA FUNK. • - , Gicor:or.- V. 51011 Ge S oft. Sr ! CoNIO St PPILY - -FRESH' LIME. tt. ....„._ k.. _. ' . . riIIIF subeeriber has now for sale at ,bia Lime 1 . Hi n, ' about three miles - Enst of Waynesboro . ' a fi rat.Ya .article" of WOAD -B LINT LIME, for - White- hingt Plastering. etc- He will be prepor etl,to fu siash Ms cuatomors with Lime any 'time 'du ring the Spring and Summer - . ' , - Aprl I-3w . .-:.'.:,-, JOSEPH M. HESS _.. MECHANICS STREET . RE S T AURANT . . AHEAD Waslabaitylt's and Lialicig's _ 3 cents per Glass. .- , 1..)0.34E now or never, for we hive inore, fun thaw. ever. Also, Oysters, Egg*, Cheraw ; Bread, Hatter, and Pickles. ;It • Come one, come all, Both great and emitlL And roll the hall, Up a nil down the well, In Old Joe's Bachelor's Hall; te. • - A pr4-3w Reap and Bea d*lfni Light. N o. 1 pure' anti- nor-explosive- , .. Irranbul to burn without emitting any.emell, Y used in- the . • ... CARtiON OIL TAMPS;',:!. of the -Inteptr-st y h.* Cueat• Vint Clap, rd. tip.. itigw of the, • • - . B. _ dust - Rficeirvedt- • At "BROTHI:RTOWSP r an aeportment aft. • Pruning Shea's. • Pruning :Sow 'ironing . Sawa, • : • Budding Kayos; For Pale cheat. - Piprii4 7 ' • ' • - 1.. A.DtER,', if yor want to Bee a nice , of. LliE99 ti9oD9,coll - at. Aria: - 1P- moo *ant cirtytty .E!xuntit4.l3tors . l c 4110,. an' Tri3mit.W4ilakt,tv.,fllo4 )4 14'0 1 1 13 :6 041 fu w idnUor c. 3 IL ail• - • 4 - . , , • - z Rion
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers