Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, January 17, 1862, Image 3

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    TolierbAgettoystetthelkiki , "?4 , mr,---v.i..
And is tnittolllttker iSlirilliPll4
Where kindled friends:* ou . • .•
Why should Merida ninutinicir &MVO Wilk,
When Christ high borrte;hesliontel
01'4; 7 -
Whertilitilitittni toys to tiplih." ak.. , 1 •
' :I
- Wittiot4 tine raittirtir fearf,;:t . 11 ; 1, 1!
Reelittihr hir:Baitottr"albreatir • , 4=' '`.l -
Breathed bat' her ispiedlthift • ~• , r + ;', ; ;
,4 0:1
3 'Li 14.41 , 0900
,:• r . id . .
heti brows
r •
The ,telitNl honeive ?ye t ,
That kw ti 40w.r. piore
Ab0%43 Ihe-o!.rd
That soul is gone awl 0i147,,te1, •
Its tenement fifer*
The home islenely j aia
'The . Mite + C lay
' 'The* end tho'stone?'
' The dewy grass tjb brig4fan4irekt p ,
Thtit Marks hot lh Ig' home.
A•ttoniner bothes to 'iiihiraint*Oeye, ;' 1 "'•
•-•• Ahd• breathed 'his *tail iiitith are; •• • •• •
• With tearliil eyealhat ;cannot' aloof,—
•He offers•up a,prapor. ' • '
!lk ti # lt et 14 5 1 , 41)3 !5‘
hire are,
To come and heal thin - MITA again,
Hvs taihl atitl'abArritiaahttiseri -; •
Sigh motyob! so►'roia tverieken hOart,
For ahe can never roam ' •
Through this vain world whet* reortele part,
•Thy toyed one lest Borne. • t -•
\143 •
'Tie tr thrs.hoine la sad and rear,
The heart;the SpUNE( '
And left poor weeping diourneri hero,
•' So Wail, eS pale and lone.
but soon this solitude of ,woe
Will break, and lirig4iest day
wiil bid Squr . tears ard sorrows go,
Like clouds of gloomy spray.
Angelic hands .shall bind th'a Heart
That blee Ts 'with sore distriss;
For her ,whole'said (44 4 ,
Can only ioire and, bless, ,
A to'end The filieldu's - thicine stove . , •
These little ones shall meet, • '
And there apothei's
Their 'hippy heartaigfall.gieet,
*cep, not, ohl Susband, %Icy thy :leitre,
And strie4rehildren too, ,„
Subdue thYsgiVa, thy groans mid fee4s,
A Algt*.cP/iffer You.
From limerican of Tneoilaylast.
FLOUR —The market is very firm in
tone. and may be gunted as:aclosing steady
at $5.75 for Howard Street Super, '15.62
for Ohio, and $5.25a55.50
,per: ;barrel for.
regular shipping brands of City Mille.
Baltimore Ground Extra to Fancy is sell
ing at $646 12 and Family 'at $6 564'7.
GRAILsi--There were . sales, of ,sOsee
5,000 bushels of -Wheat at '130a135 cts.
for lair to good reds; 137a133 cts. for prime
de.; 130437 cts. for fair •whites; 140a145
cos for good do.. and 150a158 cts. for prime
parcels of-Sii. We quote • low greats as
ranging from 100 to 125 bts. Corn was
in pretty large request, and prices were
steady, qa te . p. were matte -of some 15,000
bushels at 58 cts. for demi; '56;61 cts; f;ri
good parcels of new yellow; 6013 cts._ or
fair to new white, and 65 .cia. for prime
lots of ditto. Oats •were steady with a
good demand for them; and (here was sales
orsorne 5,000 bushels lii_pqa42 eta. fot fair
to prime Virginia and Wryland. In Rye
there was nothing4one, but.we quote it at
61E673 etc fur Mary lend arr.' 751178 eta for
Pennsylvania.' 7 '
SEEDS. -- We h ad
,reported sales of
Clover - Sr:4o'as $4.374.. but choice is held
firmly at $4 50. being and advance of 25
cts. per bushel on Saturday's rates. • ,•
.;. , -0 -IT as •1
-0 YES! -0 YESI
who want:a cigar. , -Ready shall cry
Public:Sales. Vendues, , Aiictiona,.&c., at the wag
moderate Terms. All orders left a t the Office of the
Village Record, will beproniptly attended to, .
Janl7 ' G*10.4 1 . 'MONG •
THE subscriber will sell at public .sttle,,at the
late residenee'of John 'Gilbert, Sen.,'dee'il;iu
Waytieeboro', ou Skruaney, the Sth,DAY of FEBii.P%
aux next, the followykg . parconal `Propetty, to wit
one FMB " • ' ' '
3 settiedrigle . fitqiiess,;l' Riding 'Strafe, 2 Ili
.I,lfitildsos halters, 3 9y-nets, .
3.I3PPGY SF r :RING' Viio,os
Robe; "1 *Cop* r
'Kettle, 1" eighitAlay 1..11ock; a lot of 1,17111BE11;
nattOattla andlathas a small lot Oyproas
aboln 81)0 Cbeatogt
400 13ll1Atql.110 CORN, 400 PliBilJtl t B
• ,
„ ; -80 'BUSHELS OF RYE;
. , .
a 1 , 11..8. 1 418.1* lot of BACON antn,AßD,.about • 0,
bundles of Rye Straw, 2 bushels Cloverseed.. Also
Fhe sheitreafind cfrawera,in , tlto
; atop3,
-3• TONS 11110111 Y
. „
and.a variety of other articlerlioi necessary to nien
fiat.' Also—Pour Shares TURNPIKE STOOK',
in 'the !W'syniisborbt.' Creenctistle- Mercenbug
l'urripikeAßitrifiany, and 2 shares in the Maylnell.
barp / endrMary ia!Artititte _Line Turnpikc COnspaq
Sale to coninnenceatt 9 .oleluelt on said Alsy wkin
the ternis will be niade known by.
" ; OILBLItT, J Adin'r
• c , iSTRAY H - fr..rEER.
riTITA YED front .tht‘glierpisosc of the subscriber
Aivlniratear. Deo....l3esore's AIM; -tienietinns , ip
Anneileatbra )41:4 RHIN 111,E liEwt; w i t h e i r zo o ,
horns chills :tuattea ,Suppeaed to,be between
2orid i it iearartold. A liberal reward will be'paid
r each infortnntinß - nsmiit feed o r h er - recovo
trik,l7l-3w* • ADDlitifillEiNNW
to manitfititure
rrt HE
whlettitst warrant tici
h av ip g 0: 1 19mot:t1 are muested: to, g
47 • " " J AOOBl3O,
assortmer4 of •
• gEgOSVICg, LA*i - 3;_ 4 ;
kod,,gio . F.olloug article of 'Kleinman' . oii:nkift4is
on Inonl.. • 2':411- }MI
--et*MMlift•osbeiKk. ,
- • •; , 7." ----
=rya. ••••
04:1t.ti4:1,:ityiti - o r
ow •
• • 13,,
cuttic . o . l
• /A 'rar
jt v .. l : 4- i el lt )1 .1 4 P '4, 7 L.,1111.11:141)111.
• 16•217. 18 tikir44:174k=lite 28•:•, 7 14 2 $
• t e4 20 1;5ir1eft:7 6 1.4 1, ,,,P
xeb ary 1
1 .;`1`44 7 , :17l l f.)14 i 1 41i4;p2f:ii 2T on /
; g 3; 4 t4 ti 2 ou tAsztrth,
t : 4 '4 - ' - i : ;."11/1
• '
%iv t' .i• ;iv .I,:tk,
16. 17";ili4I I •f016 21 22,
23 24 78r 28 2B
cK 29
1, -AN t:• 1 Vo 0593 , )':1 -15)
, ,tl4t, • 12
•13 ,1,41 46 146 0 ., 1111; 19'
20 21 - 22 24 •26 26
;,, ; 37 , ; 26. 32. ,
,• 4 -
.• 3
• B'' '4O- 40
"11`!",12'"13 ' 17
20ei 20, .27.„ 28, p. , L
-Jttatio. 1 '2 •3
• tlit'; 'o' 10 -:•• 11- 1:4-
15"20•! . 1•1
; .
'•'• 7 •-." • 8 9 -10 -•11- 42
, 13 14 15 •I 8 Is 1 9 '
• • • 20 ,
• 2,3 :.24
. _ 27 .28 20-'2Ol, 31, ,
August •-1 • • 2
' 7
3 4
.5 8. • • ,1 7 , 8 •9
'lO, 11 ' 13: 'l4 15 'lB
JA;: „ . 1[,9 101,:21..
24 25 ,27 ~00
Dee - ember
8.• 9 10-1.1 ,
10- • l?' 8-' •19 ';-20
• ' 21 1 22 ° - 23 24' - 211"" 26 27;
28 29 30 31'.. ' -
- 12eTh's Patrons and friends;• and the
Wile generally, of
A RP again reminded "of his recent tour to ttte
/ - 1 Eastern, Cities,, and of the reception of his fine
stock of ,
Cassimeres.an4 'Vest
• His stock of FRENCH CLOTHS and .CASSI
IVIERES he calls a particular 'attention to, as the
best in town. Also, one of the he t i assortments of
Fbabasnixa Goons in town—all' ady for their -in.
,spection and liens-fit, and kindly asks a 'call from all,
persons desiiious of buying Goods in his line, at ex=
, • Zlarasr*r Lizqr.ficzocs•= a
In the NEWLY FITTED ROOM, next `door to
Updegniff'; Hagerstown,Md. • [Jan. 3, 1 . 861.] '
$5.00 Re' virard;
THE undersigned will pay this above reward in
cash tot such intormstion fl Wilk lean-to the
sprielientieti 01,thm_thievesi,wbu brake:info hit,Bil-
Bard Room and tarried. air one bushel of Oysters
and two oyster knives.- A black Billiard ball. ; was
alan.carried away previous
,to the above theft, If
said Ball is returned to hint, a reward of one dollar ,
will tie psi l anal no questions asked. • , •
Notwithstiiutling ail the storming and stealing,tho
Mechi.aics Street Restaurant is :still piling it up.—
}le is thanktul to his friends for their liberal patron
age during4lie ltolidayg :and previous.
" • • "'
THE subscriber would inform the ,citizens of
Waynesboro' anil the - public that he has,eqm
menoodithOZSliminialiiniibusititiii fu aim Hisement
of Hurtz's Hotel, where he Will at all times be in
readiness to accommodate those who ma
I:n*3e to wider; , on Short Sao • of the bear material,
and vpon- the 'most reason , •
:Oct•2b. - ' 4:18.."1:141NOMAN. •
. ,
WHEREA§,aietteri. of Adminiairation, on the
- .:Estate ,of John Gilbert, Sen,,. tate of i tho 80-
rough bi•Weyneaboro'oleceased,have.been gratited.
to the subscriber . ; tall;
Estate4mre.requested tolrnaltn,jinonediate, pa9ment,
those having claims or drmanda,ageinst the, Estate
of said decedent, .will Ariake known Ike - sorad,
out .DAVID 611..13.41{,5.,9,dger, ,
Janlo-6w Near Leitershorg; Md.
; w:The ;Administrator will meet cieditors 'on
1 444-11cilfart kn.PbboK:
THE subsei4er hail - nofir Oh ` liai I 4000 good
CHESTNUT mutt which he will dispose
of oh ieeSonal)le termd. '-Alio-404'gbot 11041)
WAGON. ' ••' ' L. 13; F0UN51C . .....
..faii3'.Xtf • • • • 5•.• • ; • ~
•" F ° ' l: !‘4
If E . Cabinet Maker S nip new occupied ivy Se
,. • . ce Be er. waif old 'stet:ll6lnd etand
eilitrifveialaly :litigated ler 'a good' aforkmea.-' ly
isi" • " ':"' ' •B 1 13.1'1t0X8L. ,,,
" "" • • `'' .'"
Bradlte Sfackifor Sale.
rrlllgaatiacrilsnr blunt %I:fair-Iron Smoke Stack
33 feet lung, and 16 "fiches in diameter, which
he yvilt dippose 'of 'Nest lg.
ftett , :adilressA.ll.ll/110.,Y_1 1 .• _ -
Dec2o—tf t .L. 14E1
ofrgoAt,opg,toowit . , ! .r•
' Vi1it1313.141 TOR BALE.
V. T9Vito VORS.P,,
4 • . 0444.,14i* 7iAtAtoge:occu•ie.i.o,-
CI fule,- 4 1,ViolortyflOottiici underigidtgariaaqikawi
04reat', • .. J. W.11,1114.1.?ii.
2 3
7" 8 ' 9 10 11 'l2' 13
14' 15' 16 17 18 10 '2O
21.. gg 23 24 25 25 27
29. 29 00 ;, .„ ~„
.•', • 1, .12 , Z. , 4
5 8 • 7 8 , -9 , 10 - 11
12 13 14' 15 Pr 17• 18
19; 20'. 22 - ''23'; '24 : 25-
25 ;2.7
2 3 -4• 5 6• 7 ' 8
9' 10 11' 12..•'13 14 15
16 47" 18 I 9 "20"' 21' 22
23 25 26,, 27. VI, 21)
123 4 6 6
, .
: ..•-• -.., ,, , , ...X4.14111 11 -LP. AU' .
5" c'. fArt:J ..r• V
, ti - 1,141t
t .,..., a . -ea,. , • : 4
Pia:VA E! (. B,7AktEAH
. , .
i _.. Z..';': . ...41 . ....'9. - .ltitf t iV.
. - . , 13, , ,undelsignesko ere at.P..tivaieB4 a ter arm,
' .- tiltitatedilitqutAl) l l.l ll o l l;4 . 4l9 l qPNlOrialikl,4,i
trim4owitibipodiSil946 . l/9ilit 't?r,..19311i I#9,*. e
. 1 Heim .thnwakeiliimtaining ~1 l 3 ,4).tTp#ooil:
of lest ,of i•-..i . .,.` : f;. , :‘,...,,,4, , a - ....4
~ ...1 . ~,. •,f,.,-,..i4 . f...44 : - -.. t ::„;
~ ir :vi, ,.„,4, f:! C,,.....i <!
r * -- i a a lit et "h od
aboui 10.94pp0-0 kl , Ifn -- , 1 1 3 Y..9J 6 ". v.,.11.. L .
. e, batases ... k , ,qu . sill 71,9,, , m,,
DER. - I.Dhs ftpro*WittitOpiteotildwlt 061111 - 11 'e.:i 'A
BRICK 111011111E"'"''' ,
e-, --., .- ,
iNiNg .i.sitiortge, isle.
With WesOoLsi i.tiViitnitat`,ril', iA iio:Ceti L•
Tharp is also aline :01k9 4 14 4 P, 134 hetf' r ** ll ß
ti stresta of orator running through the teliii; iiislll - 1
well 4 1 . A. eau rtall: net:Ahfirwlking. :*ii • .. 1
catwin Ws µµ"}} ).0 view; iiiemiree Will
ll es d Mt . Ildcatri ijesialitif iiii:the:-farnitrtirs tertiii ,
• &e.,Aiiptir ici-thel'iltideitigneW 'rei.titlittgi'lieett.thec
Ma reli' 14.10i1e.' .:': r! .' '''' • ' ' fEIIUeIIAPrAFIINW. ;,.
Dedi'3 l 4w 7- '
,;-/ ':":" .-1- . ,-• • y-' , .! - '' . .t*, ,, 1. , !1 1 . 1
, •
,row.E'llgolk • ,-,,, ,i . a,. .., • • •
•t i. • i latil 4 7Witiitt .. , .
1 • . 60 4 ) CO iti$ 7 ,NV . H.F.0 AT t„ , , ' ,:,,'
The (1'41441 14T Sii j iliS %AtiLT iti l det
• • 2 f 7"." . ", 7 . r 7t! .. T. I
; HE undoiraigrled.:loing; assoepited'thintselites
il l
. ' in thr Milling IliiiinisePiand'iitihigAleased - of
L eter Eahnesteek the old Royer - Mill property , one
Mite lihlithti ist' of , Wig iiislib'rol'; art how, prepared:lb
pereheie,'grain trein 'their friends , at .,, the highest
market pritei•and ' tilse. to . del . /Mt' kinds of qriinlingi
Alucling chotivihri 'te,iti•and ,, eolv. • . We are also,
frepared to furnish at the lowest .market ,prices, all
inds ,of Mill Shan. also Eloilter . .b.Y ibe CO or Lush.
Our old friends will please call and see us: • ,-- -,:-
. JOHN WiklAng; -
i , i•.l OSE PHI II LD Ell.
THE undersigned, will,sell at private sale, his
.a mall taira,,sitnnite4, In quittFy TOwnildiOin
:toad.h3ading bolo 'Waynesboro'. to 9uincy t about
three miles Jima the former and, one froM the-lanai
place, and within' a few hundred yariliot - Snoir lfill
The improvements are a neW,iwEo'story
Oven attached,
to•tater- - laßentilum.
with Wagon Shed and Corn 'Crib complete under
One!roof; also a new hog-pen. These bpildingii,
have. 01: j,een erected. ,within the last
~two xeare.—
l'heltritet,,c,ontakiii '
" 4 VierEtt 0-its-, ~m ore or :(3if rdlichtls 'Meath: we giviend
with' a tine stream Of 'Witter lijislifiibr thretegirhojen
tire length. There:is also, planted a large number
of choice young frill tees; l< number-of grape vitas,
The above is a very, (lockable property, and' any.
person wishing to purchase a small farm, will do
well to givia_kim. a call as his terms are moderate.
Dec6-2m;) GEO.' 13TOLEtt;
: u VIA 0 r..
. •
'Oysters for 11,21-2Vtg.
rir.4l-1E subscrikes is now selling it=his,Bestattratit
•,1„ on Mechnruc'a street, 24 OYTERS' tot. 'll4
cents. Ho has'a foi . thOaccommial a- lion of those fond of_that kind of -:amusement; And
also a Tert'Pik A Iley; 'which ie *fie 'to all who wish
to roll. Oysters furnished to tontines at 37 ;cents
,per quark, ta•hie l li is, me : fourth lops the usual
price charged Wishdbiugh'd ntill,udriekAle
eilways on hand. • • J
, December 12--4 f; • .
Jit Brotherton'a , llamas:ire ella
T " r PGl4l(° iStr;tel•
• •
1 : 'r
take this method of intorming-• the piblic the 1,
intros just received from khilatielithis s
'carefully selected stuck of
Oils, , - . • ..
• '••• . ' .Obis,; ' - • ,
' :' • ' Paints. 0. ,
. .
• ' • ' Sto res., • : , .., . :
; - • • •IBruilies,•. e ,
' •eutlery,.•
. Hardware, ar
, .
.. .
. .
. .
• ' • Oil Cloths, ~ . , , . .
• • ' .' • • -Shoe Findings, ~ . •
AgriCiilfUral Implements,;, :• "
all et woich 1. desire to dispose of
. at
. prices t? suit
the times.' Try me, arid' by
.an•exunnpptiop• of my
stock convince yourself that I•meair-just-what I say;
I take pleasure in showing , goods whether 9alos are
alit:fed-or not.-,- I•'n-peraons — about - tirbjfild I am
prepared to offer extraordinary inducements both in
Hardware and Paint*. 'Thankful! to frlenild for past
favors, a continuance of the same is respectfully sot
licited = protnising to do elfin '• my powar town*
satisfaction to ail Who iniY-favor mo with their pa
tronage... , , .W. H..I3.R.O . IIHERrON.
Apri4,11,....• . .4., .....
IMRE undersigned;will selb l at public sale, near
1 the Blue Rock'Schation Tiimonev-,
the 20th of Mattel{ next, a Tract of Land containing
TEN AC KES, more Artless, piljoining lands of Sol
omon Harhaugh`and Veilentine OiltiVrt, with a story
aritt.a half • ". ..!
L:l4lQt 4 Cl` --- , l == l- 2:5 1 ZZ1
. .
.• „ '
a good log, STABLE, tind Balm avert, thereon. A
stream of spring iiatmptisses Ord the tatid; theie is'
also a good gardertao e, va r i ety of choice Fruit trees
on the premises. , litiltkto,,e,ottimenco aCtcn o'clock
on said day when, the tarms will bd made litiowithy
J4llO , ...141nA it 4 ueac.:
THE anpumices hiniself,as a condi
data 'for; CatenalNV cif gtflitz.Town ehiP•
Having been defeated at'the fast election by roily 18
vote's; 114 labi "pick his Hint and tryjt
Thankful to , his friends for the flatte/ilig
voteiectsivisi'st the last election •he hopes 1.40 they" ,
wtlt ektend!the same 'support again. Ifisuceiansful,
a goners/jubilee swill be held, saint •
; VP: , • ,•, J4/S., ,
• • • .
.FIE subscriber
,iii.frirrs OM pewter Nit' I ) e'fiiis
wrt4 . the'llebees:4sy'rnat:,baeiY .
for tuanufacturtng Yiettiry 'firmirjui." PiMsoMi
nishing with amn . Voirr hay, britUals
Inatie•to order -upon ressMiaibfe terms. Ha
also be hirtiot4l his; by those' tiler Mai hair° sliest
Nis Pr061u,3 .cutt . .be seen it hie rot-like/or or ar this
orrice. " L. B, BBSH.
pun, E 'Cuirtretitti, al/d o.;'ettsoat. - "."
• •-;::•• ; • I L: :
inltP26 , tkeitt;periptttifid at
1.43.6 rhtitez'ol
Shows/4 Arctic rt,yppert!riOnd cif liar'
slOtttf.4u Litt iiXitttl*intl•titt INA SM . ! P, l l
IVO 1,, ' i,,t
-,a,. 4ER:tit:it at Ir.
CitAINR R bei at 16 coin* ver quail:Atilt).
' saw, 26 1
; ,
~, •,
4, ..,.....,,:.•,,,..
~...ti , , .. ~,, .it , , t 5
I - - -•-:, i i . - : , .i... ~ „ ~' 4 , ''• it 1-'..4 .i
% , i'i
1 ''' ',..:•:,::,.. :,-:. f . k."..j.";:;—'? • . ~ ~
• ,••.
1 Z *p t i- Zak - • tiar:Zr:t.„ w ai. 41:122 ' -
_ :%;',.-:-.-•,--_': -.. ----' '.., - -';--'• ,-,.- if. .-",-., ', ''' . • '
: `• i it.`,. ~.' -;, • ;i0;' , 4 . • , ::;,, , : 4444. - .4),•.-•- , !; 1 - , ti .„', - 1 V.. 1) •,,,,i,_ ;4.,
, f,
~ 4 1;A : 0 - 4*A : 1 '.•: ; A;', 4, , 1:4 4i ' •,) i,. -1 ' " ' ,14;
k -.",7 , " it 1 , ,l t .I,
: 011ERON ''
igNE D N i t
11- ' o •
t , • - ' "'' " 1 '-'1
13* TER
.••=, 7 J :.110e0 " .•
14 J
. .
"' T 1
VlET.t•:reopeelfufly inform our c.netnriiirg irit'XOl
*rooms .wlio itim'intgO chcn
,•,, =„. ~ •
thatwelatielaiat re,tutned froin 'the+ eastlan cities
and are now reeeiving •e, large' and , ivelkeelected
assortment of -
-or - all kinds, paterns, varietisaandpriees, wilicliw. ,
promise to sell tte.eheap, .and on asi,fair terms, as
any other houso„in town,,or. country, and we feet
ebnfident we can deal, with att„in stich.a marine
'0.14 to give entire satisfaction ~, , „ , . t .,
The following comprise part of, our Stock ,Whic,ll
is always on hand.. -.. „ , :
; .- • . ~
:. D ' SB' GOO DS
1 3E
n43E : for Fall and : ~ .
i Detentes, ~ .
. ... Merinos, , , , ::. •- -. . . .
*.•(,..CllellegUlP• ••
• tiilivi; A ""
• • .; • . Plaids -;
• bilks,
Cullers, f •
• • • Prints, - ••• ' • ,
• '•• • Hoops, , .•
rail and 1171ritary
. o
. • •
;Viissinetts, •
' • * Vetyst;
Vesting, ' •
' Cord;'
- Cravats, ' '• '
• ' Unitize, '• •-'• '• • • •''
, Breasts,
' Buse,
446 2 :44 2333 X
J IMMY 'BUT 60 4 :-
birtil ES Tjl 0 g - G CiOTYS4I
_ .
h.Zeti Muilin ng,
141ili,tifigc, • '•
Tick ingq,
I ••
c. , Bogging,
• .
, , .ovoF shoa t , i : . i • ,
. ,
' Sho64;
' 'sßoole, , ::
Hate ., . ~i , ~- ,•.t'i
We tender our thanks to pll ourcriehds ssid'usit
towers 'f9r'tl,ie liberal pattariage heretofore extended
Ito us'indisqUest a contintiefrice of the 'entrie: •
Jrin.'lo; I86:V. • • •• •
T BEA VER, in connection . with his Vntiety
• Store,las cornmenealhosivanufactoring of
BOOTS and SHOES in all its various branches.—
Hav inge emplUyett J oreriii ahs Cooper da •fin'eta air,' he'
is prepared to produce the finest, neatest and most
durable work made anywhere.
All are invited to call.
A large stuck of Hate and Capsothd i Etietenilmiti,,
ufacturcd Shoes and. /Boots of the best: make, ion!'
hand; ; „ Clucks, Trunks, Seguin,' Tobaccev&e.,:dtc.
You get thu very belt KEROSENE there. A , kur
fat• Hogs tire wanted... :J. BEAVER. ,
Dec,6—i months. . •: • •1:1'
A CA.RD.--.KindLhtends nmYpatront, you have
AL I my warmest thimits.for your very , iiheraljea•
co ura gment. Having *iecoatinued. t n u fact m
ring of shoes &c.,ton 114'.01,11.accoontiand engaged
myself with d. liciivervat the 'Variety Store,. I ;be
spealcalor him tits continuance °flour patronage. -
1./o come and•soe.urat our new place—
' - 1-FACTORY •
rits r
`A'N D"
igulfscriber, thankful for past pattonago,:etilE
deice the setnfriditr, manutactu
fait kinds of Wor Of ''' -"
i'itteifa#,lf:ir truildJkit A 2
' l,7ititifitit, •1
eych ...1 i ), ..
, .. friAli;:D'OcißO t :',l-Itl:r'r,Eit%',' ;,-i ,l
"i.:. •
ItkiliNuB;• . Filijbl2lNG, •Wfli'ktCAV r--- ±
FAA.lilEis,l2oofi, '''''
1-aupBrgiotrpdAoAmio,usx - ,14.u0 - 91'4..94, ii 1 . 1246 '
far Alit l tltglAtrAtKike#,lii• 4 4l l 44CO ll 44, 4 l l .7 ..! t,.
dillt,g‘itAlFltefft; Li alb. STIJODIiVII,IPA ilk
.... ''' 7dkiii:Or tgIP'44Y.TL I SO , O.O44.P.
Allltit which. wilt be sawed to order, at:short nottce
and upon reasonable terms.. ~.."..) , .ii:.:'. l' , ' . , , t
uthiii, iiiiiiitik, by mill and circular saws, of every
descriptiun: dotal; Fiausingi' kluafainnin:;.lt ateinitem
Ftbriring;, &a. For further particularivapply w 1
the suhaerthei;si - Facittry;iwo • snileCtOlitett*t if
•WitYltPo'9 l 7). ';',S 1,- , ,- r. . ; P•4 l !.. ( iP . P Lie ' '
Jan. 17, 1861 , . , ,--
f`2 1(1S at Ili and 2s ceptta, poi; pot,',,rit at ) v
.. t : von!. 211. • - - :,. ii 3 OiTx'!4.4 .
1,... 4,,...
1,, AKI2IA 1 itoN - It liT'lli* . :at
~; i ,., 1 ,—.,... i
4 ../ JEt . .211 lA, •
~ li 4l i kW:l i
t IV V8 9RY3',791994 , 1-V l 4ii'f;:il l i/. o lY. th lt. '
..‘1.. 11 t5,..7r . ' 44 P
2 1 i'v =.hiled - , , t94,Tfb:
UV , A -
r t J r ii- if . ,-'l. 7,. ; , ..,.::;
- I: ' 10, 1 '
, 11, ' _ M:,........;;11:,
„ ..
' ' 4 1 . Arrillloo/Pti ' - . illeiik i s t:-
15't.L 5- i: • . 4
i -- .^: "f . ' , ''' 1 .• ','
I 111101U -1 i: 1 % . IIfERI 1 10 t t At f '-
• 1 • t rt. 9., t.•••
-- •f . ' 1 'tfi , llS4/;--.0- 4 --•—•` - '` ' f ..4,“`t41 1 2
. , .
‘N .
'i,;„,GEO. rf t i liN fit, l
~. _•
.i3HANKFUI t , 0 1 kipplfavqrsatyl,ktrpnage here - '
iofore licainvvt.d it hi nt , asift appear/4440re
thß , t l2 l ol ic . Ittr I%dicilt, X zentinuiliert :of • the. eldne.--.
ILIO. Vtini*Vitthiniti l troilt tici eiletaett eitleisialtii;
, a hip and well _selected stockier -
NEI* GOOktiS, 1::::,
Wh eh he intends seltitirtiAvveil lord rates, which
he knows he%Can do to the satistatnalli win . )
will:call and examine hie,lloo4`.;: . 1
, , .i3elow yowAutiatird enumerated a few articles.,
which will he found among his stock to which he
calley,etir attention ,nt r, -- ~ --
Fon VHS, Liazips
:116 has a large assortatenoOrtimoVoods consisting
itt part of
Printed and plain lleittinef,
Cothilde rt Lh.
Cothilde Sttipe,
• Plaid Mohtlir; 1. :
- • Silk Ailarrhiehair,
Paratnetta Clothe
- ' ' - !•Pyitited.C6burg,
' I Printed Morino,
f frapih *wino, •••
• ; j ;1111,atIonna Clo th , • „
Printed and plain Ctislimeria,
r French add Domestic iiinghains,
. -Poplins, ' • -
Pongee Mixture,_
ctitirflid ;
' thniii4diditliidareAldbOt
and Morino tihipvls,
Opera .01ciakipt.„ , ' •
Gloves, and
riobierY t 14 great, laTietv. ,
Geiiiteinenls Wear,
Brood Clother., q _
- arid Fanissnen7!!!,
"Uniondiesimerei,, •
'Ji‘ince; - "
• • •
' -•
Velvatine Vcstings of all kit(ils,
in faal'it'ftill tiasiaitiriefit of "goods ttipr Gentletnen's
wear: Aldo a largo and well selected stock of
,DoiiiiiBii-da6OD - s;--
Ticking; and a coMpleie a assortment of
Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate, If
Sr oil want anything at all In, the Dry Gouda line,
judt call in and you will find him • ready to Wait,on
yoti with pleaogrei, ,
To persons having country Produce to sell, they
'will find it to their advantage to bring it to Ste
yer's,as ho always gives the highest market price. So
gi*o him a-call, and ho will sell you goods as cheap
as•they can 'ho purchased elsewhere.
,Xer1..18614, , ,
WMST Warr and rumors of Ware ■re rife
throughout our •cince happy• land, when
co Mtn s of 'armed men are seen on all sades,'march•
inglor ard_irr_dofenee_of their A'aacrid-rights, l " and ,
all are eagerfor the expected contest, each moment,
carries ue nearer the frighful drama; that will'soon
be cnneteil. 'Yee While all this cort'vulsiori is in' pro.;
green, other Beetles ars continually trenepiring to
eteite the Minds of the 'people, and lately this corn.
*malty has been 'greatly cestounde4 by the tremen4
data mak of,proplolt) ' '
• •
to a . 'certain , eh° . ,eatioo of this 'exclitirgil; "which'
proof to Gi the '
' LAR''dE -.STOCK: ,
• , • ••04F,.., - •
.. ,
•„ . - , ... ~.
..,.... ...„...; . ii „ , ,,,...-..
~,.... 4.. .11: ,
. 11
he has just receifed>•and the
they orelsold at , nevertheless thegreat cry of
Prices"•enused'by the wee, .which. i shown to be
false 'by an , eta urination tiktho magnificent stock of
goods offering at thenbovo establi, , bnyint. ~• •
'You: will find a varied.asilortinetit of all kinds of
goods such .as : .
VAii.otßS,: , " - - • ----- "
• cAsHmEttEs,,.,l-, - ,;!.
• • 'I4•6I7LED MIXT% RES, -
tnd 'ti ifirrety 01 7 - other • DRESS GOODS
SILT .ir L. vET S ,
• . cA'sokots;.o.certlK - . •
and' find styles o rGentlfini4's 'Wear, Alai'
a grent`hit: of nit kihde of • Gthr
boii'efiakly kejlt -,
'Way tiosholo:'
'r46 hjs regards . to'his
triepaus frieini . eand'xiatnini; conunti
tin'ed favprq:
-; lt4 ercuaifts through. this 'efiuntiy . ' can find' goods
at Eartorn wh oles a le prices by calling at Itesore's;
tlieriitiy'avinkr,freight.and'ollitY 'it isa
'Peri6iiitfosiO!t i st'a ftied Stiir , lie'e'lefikiitoi can be
, aceotainbdahid tly Oa:Ann . Odin/ alid''d'aftli4 B4o- lof
.; ' ' " • '
141 . u4 of; Nod ace reee i ived , exeliange for
'goad at' ittriAlifar pleat
Oct-11 f
f•t‘'k - :.' < y t:JOSIS,Ef 'Bmso RE.
viTHE.RF;:).s.„.l...kiiii - 4. -- Adininisiration. q a the
. Esfale''or pu.ihrtdd;r: th'4i lluWugh
of Way*eetiore t
,'ideisii'aikft, have boinfkranteff 'to tfto
inlbaiCriber; iferiiins'•baffebtod said E'statn;'are
refloated' to ; mike tat /ne'diate paytiteat;'sitia - theAo
haying pluatns'ew thithsrifhf• spoor. ,the Estate of
esticotid t itA ß - 4q4ok l iowitlho 'tatrotwituouc
- 3dlrrikAnT,Att;'
• A;dinintp.t r an'f':'
-;!" BACK- AG A 'Me, • •
, :C •••• . .
13'2=13,1'16016 ertntilAs , "cittreirbeiit altd , tlik)
",,'llttlali6llolteially‘, that td bus' rianoied
triti Mr; K m47.'11'1-1401,
'Nittitoile'veu led lttpibetlihoti; whet
luifwtliAtOrili-qq47A41., ,w
64,00 -
P*P,L . :4/3D7)ViIiT,ER `tOODS.t:.:
7,;,51.0-a4gorph price..)
larthwestuarnuial fiti,Diatoido,
/ a ‘noN
1: 0 Ao r Eigg , ~S i ‘,
e l i w -:
1 1
-40 4 '•dpi c o - o
- „LI beidaiiii-aaitOtAttiil Attliof tin Rued; .: 1
lensing , a -general ~essorttatatt,i,of tisji {latest' •;
adapted -to fall i ttnik lyinser tnttlei j to.; - La tee,
Wear : ;#ickt Dress tllks, c yrkeli; . p lain and . fayey
,Brocades; Plaids in great 'varietyl'Plen4h 141erinoi
in all oialonti ilelf printed' Matihos',. Wool Delailtei,l' '
Cashmereailattlwstrippeut dui; Motihdelloiatis, Tavel-'
la, Moltair,n3irlaresrThibet :thothst !Stinted Mengpr-1
soliEtintiO, Pelltiett: P}l4P, 1 PoPiill , ),DAngfks, IQ perg. , (3
lan nets, In ail colors,. §cojcit 4 a ri d - Soznay
Trench liingharns, SCotclt 'tlO., LcincOSl Or, do. ,Pla le
Embroideriesa: Cei, Vatitittits;' ltiatlUltes, w'hiti'••
and fancY,T . ninth' Werke& Collarb,4 ;llintitie - 6, fltiley.' '
dress Gimps, Cord rillailinti: alai velvet Eifilbon
&c., &c., in shal t he,11.1,0 , ,, all the , novelties of Au,
Paris long brocha Stiatvls;Aiith . so well borders,
Bay gtate , fitiswift, (latest. styles',)' savurb
ShawA,tiostied bonier; rith ,is . h a wth . w rth
silk fringe; all of wiiitih are lion tiar 'l;iteat intilitr-
JAtiona t ba rid at riciees that defy,coatria
taiiilol l llo . lollllo' ' fit'tilifli l s
Irish and'Scoteh Sheeting; pillm# case and holster
`Linens,- fine, low• pribed !Jewish Linens
Spited and damask• Tattle.. Cloths, .every size and
Eqathl,Napkips, Buyles,,and Huck rovvelings, low
pfice,d Toweling, Bolster; Pillow awl
tilieetin# Muslins, 34', 1 44, G 4,• 8.4, or 11l 4 wide);
draped dimity Blankets, and Alkulsla
.~•~. ,
i 3
lawa'a:vl4 .;/dto
such atitteusy bro. Colton, Welched Muslim!, Os
bahurisi lriciOnas, stripped Apron bucks ;
Kerseys, Debi!us, Cotton, Fl 3SIt Prints, &c.
Dina, .4nd Fancy Clotlis and Vassimeres,. of Os
ricvirF . O.ptylssi Mixed Doeskins, Sattinotts, Cain*
Cassunores, esslynerotts, Mani, tidttonades,
coating's, silk, satin, merino and velvet Vestings,
extra•heavy ribbod Drawers and Shirts, lloilury,
Collars; Cravats, &c.
Carpet, English Ingrains, (ill ‘'n.)l./11e-np and
ltag.Carpeting . , from 25 cents to *l.OO per yard.--
Floor Oil Cloths 2-4, G. 4 and 8.4 wide, all of
the neweal...thssigns o Anjch, he offers nt greAt
. •
Wool, Cocojilain arid Farieiel Buraore
11 shtick is full and complete, atid vain colorist . *
fswirably with any in Waynesboro', both in price
,quality. re tur is his thanks to his friemle,
end by 144, dealing and strict attention to business
he hopes lo merit a cuntieutnce of the s tine.
061.11 lit ICE.
A VlNGjust returned from tiro Etstern dilio•
' with another/ Lot,of new and eJogani 4tAos
ce, ~ . , !, , . ,
Ititsurpoooedlot Boo9tY, Styto mod QttoEty nod 4
FOR TSB 41131.1510,
1 , 11 0. 041 0. 101 ,
rigs/eh Ifsltaa - ok
' Mohair'lap
'••••s‹.-• - • . Jrayella Oloth ' 3°3'
„ Delx.qica•
Pergian Delancs
wins Gingham,-
Ladies Wool Elastic Skirts, B x tension Shirts;
Apron Tassels, and a full alsbitinern or 1ht986 True•
,• • .
E'rench Cloth,
Satinet, •
•: • - Tweeds •
. Jeans, '
Q.)rd, • f
Collars, • '
• (fovea,
• • Skirt Fronts
ALSO--A heavy lot of
not necessory to mention.
1301.4 S AND SEIOES'i
~ , ,
(i f tkig, very ! ti. , st in market amid qualitY: such :as
Syrups, N etv 0r1i:474s ahtl Porp..; !lieu' gtilasses, a
N. t 13iciiro Stiger,•culice• erdshell and gruittlated:
dot hest - article of ,', ' "
Rio•liolfee, , . . •- • . .
4riperial Tea, .. • , ,
litteiincll's!hest!Etecance of catreet. . •
. lialtut•No.„l Chocolate, ' . .
• ItAisiiis, 6 . .
Carburet of Iron,, ' '
" '••• ' Tobacco,
. .• , 'lice, &es,•,. &04:.
All the above goods have boon selected careful,,
ly, bud, purchased at the very luatest„figUre with, an'
eye ..;o suit the wants of this 'cOninittuity. lie is
therefoie'enabled to accoumuulite all who arty Li
vor blur - With 'a call, in' quantity, quality, eitylo and
ptice:• ,l No trouble to Show gbods., .• ... , --.. : • ~
- •Countr3i.Produce•tdltin in. exchange; for. goods at -
*lie Itlghesddrivltct prices.,
,By . stick mate.lll 7 o, so
business arid a destra t o Ailvade .tn . Tier/respect los
hopes to merit a continuance of Patron:tie. • '
ucts 41 -..riP. W. MILLER.
, Aiiiii; and ualidaltela ` . iced cider Vineet
i r ,i i sole; b'y St".. , er,`aijih,:diltiat•Pkalden .Iltkilkar
14 , 1kiiyfrefmr4 utit qurti*,''''" ,' •'' • "• • %lan at ,: i
1 . 1
1:1 4 V ii ii 7 q 71 .,' ki i i a,(1:4,.. 6 Ma lid and (1 ,,, ed Ls ir — l. ,,
sps.coiiss 14
..4 . 9.—,1.• , $ ~ -.;,.., ...$: , $ ,10... ,•• : $.,--,..5,• 4 ,7, $
in grmit