TolierbAgettoystetthelkiki , "?4 , mr,---v.i.. And is tnittolllttker iSlirilliPll4 Where kindled friends:* ou . • .• Why should Merida ninutinicir &MVO Wilk, When Christ high borrte;hesliontel 01'4; 7 - Whertilitilitittni toys to tiplih." ak.. , 1 • ' :I - Wittiot4 tine raittirtir fearf,;:t . 11 ; 1, 1! Reelittihr hir:Baitottr"albreatir • , 4=' '`.l - Breathed bat' her ispiedlthift • ~• , r + ;', ; ; ,4 0:1 aseknournere:o6,..ll6aftimoroZlenworinikilswommar 3 'Li 14.41 , 0900 tesomentoptionloo,-.ti. ,:• r . id . . _ • lack *ROI-DOW jr I heti brows a)? r • Illememberife ,„,,, The ,telitNl honeive ?ye t , That kw ti 40w.r. piore Ab0%43 Ihe-o!.rd That soul is gone awl 0i147,,te1, • Its tenement fifer* ,_„ The home islenely j aia away 'The . Mite + C lay ' 'The* end tho'stone?' ' The dewy grass tjb brig4fan4irekt p , Thtit Marks hot lh Ig' home. • A•ttoniner bothes to 'iiihiraint*Oeye, ;' 1 "'• •-•• Ahd• breathed 'his *tail iiitith are; •• • •• • • With tearliil eyealhat ;cannot' aloof,— •He offers•up a,prapor. ' • ' !lk ti # lt et 14 5 1 , 41)3 !5‘ hire are, To come and heal thin - MITA again, Hvs taihl atitl'abArritiaahttiseri -; • Sigh motyob! so►'roia tverieken hOart, For ahe can never roam ' • Through this vain world whet* reortele part, •Thy toyed one lest Borne. • t -• \143 • 'Tie tr thrs.hoine la sad and rear, The heart;the SpUNE( ' And left poor weeping diourneri hero, •' So Wail, eS pale and lone. but soon this solitude of ,woe Will break, and lirig4iest day wiil bid Squr . tears ard sorrows go, Like clouds of gloomy spray. Angelic hands .shall bind th'a Heart That blee Ts 'with sore distriss; For her ,whole'said (44 4 , Can only ioire and, bless, , A to'end The filieldu's - thicine stove . , • These little ones shall meet, • ' And there apothei's Their 'hippy heartaigfall.gieet, *cep, not, ohl Susband, %Icy thy :leitre, And strie4rehildren too, ,„ Subdue thYsgiVa, thy groans mid fee4s, A Algt*.cP/iffer You. lIALTIMOBE - MASKETS. From limerican of Tneoilaylast. FLOUR —The market is very firm in tone. and may be gunted as:aclosing steady at $5.75 for Howard Street Super, '15.62 for Ohio, and $5.25a55.50 ,per: ;barrel for. regular shipping brands of City Mille. Baltimore Ground Extra to Fancy is sell ing at $646 12 and Family 'at $6 564'7. GRAILsi--There were . sales, of ,sOsee 5,000 bushels of -Wheat at '130a135 cts. for lair to good reds; 137a133 cts. for prime de.; 130437 cts. for fair •whites; 140a145 cos for good do.. and 150a158 cts. for prime parcels of-Sii. We quote • low greats as ranging from 100 to 125 bts. Corn was in pretty large request, and prices were steady, qa te . p. were matte -of some 15,000 bushels at 58 cts. for demi; '56;61 cts; f;ri good parcels of new yellow; 6013 cts._ or fair to new white, and 65 .cia. for prime lots of ditto. Oats •were steady with a good demand for them; and (here was sales orsorne 5,000 bushels lii_pqa42 eta. fot fair to prime Virginia and Wryland. In Rye there was nothing4one, but.we quote it at 61E673 etc fur Mary lend arr.' 751178 eta for Pennsylvania.' 7 ' SEEDS. -- We h ad ,reported sales of Clover - Sr:4o'as $4.374.. but choice is held firmly at $4 50. being and advance of 25 cts. per bushel on Saturday's rates. • ,• .;. , -0 -IT as •1 -0 YES! -0 YESI frlrE who want:a cigar. , -Ready shall cry Public:Sales. Vendues, , Aiictiona,.&c., at the wag moderate Terms. All orders left a t the Office of the Village Record, will beproniptly attended to, . Janl7 ' G*10.4 1 . 'MONG • PUBLIC -'B*L-Ef THE subscriber will sell at public .sttle,,at the late residenee'of John 'Gilbert, Sen.,'dee'il;iu Waytieeboro', ou Skruaney, the Sth,DAY of FEBii.P% aux next, the followykg . parconal `Propetty, to wit one FMB " • ' ' ' Cows; 3 settiedrigle . fitqiiess,;l' Riding 'Strafe, 2 Ili .I,lfitildsos halters, 3 9y-nets, . 3.I3PPGY SF r :RING' Viio,os Robe; "1 *Cop* r 'Kettle, 1" eighitAlay 1..11ock; a lot of 1,17111BE11; nattOattla andlathas a small lot Oyproas aboln 81)0 Cbeatogt 400 13ll1Atql.110 CORN, 400 PliBilJtl t B • , „ ; -80 'BUSHELS OF RYE; . , . a 1 , 11..8. 1 418.1* lot of BACON antn,AßD,.about • 0, bundles of Rye Straw, 2 bushels Cloverseed.. Also Fhe sheitreafind cfrawera,in , tlto ; atop3, ,room,; -3• TONS 11110111 Y . „ and.a variety of other articlerlioi necessary to nien fiat.' Also—Pour Shares TURNPIKE STOOK', in 'the !W'syniisborbt.' Creenctistle- Mercenbug l'urripikeAßitrifiany, and 2 shares in the Maylnell. barp / endrMary ia!Artititte _Line Turnpikc COnspaq Sale to coninnenceatt 9 .oleluelt on said Alsy wkin the ternis will be niade known by. " ; OILBLItT, J Adin'r • c , iSTRAY H - fr..rEER. riTITA YED front .tht‘glierpisosc of the subscriber Aivlniratear. Deo....l3esore's AIM; -tienietinns , ip Anneileatbra )41:4 RHIN 111,E liEwt; w i t h e i r zo o , horns chills :tuattea ,Suppeaed to,be between 2orid i it iearartold. A liberal reward will be'paid r each infortnntinß - nsmiit feed o r h er - recovo .. i. trik,l7l-3w* • ADDlitifillEiNNW ":ARD:OM to manitfititure I,;aminaPies;llptl rrt HE whlettitst warrant tici h av ip g 0: 1 19mot:t1 are muested: to, g 10 47 • " " J AOOBl3O, assortmer4 of • • gEgOSVICg, LA*i - 3;_ 4 ; kod,,gio . F.olloug article of 'Kleinman' . oii:nkift4is on Inonl.. • 2':411- }MI --et*MMlift•osbeiKk. , - • •; , 7." ---- =rya. •••• 04:1t.ti4:1,:ityiti - o r ow • • • 13,, cuttic . o . l ei 74- • /A 'rar jt v .. l : 4- i el lt )1 .1 4 P '4, 7 L.,1111.11:141)111. • 16•217. 18 tikir44:174k=lite 28•:•, 7 14 2 $ • t e4 20 1;5ir1eft:7 6 1.4 1, ,,,P xeb ary 1 1 .;`1`44 7 , :17l l f.)14 i 1 41i4;p2f:ii 2T on / ; g 3; 4 t4 ti 2 ou tAsztrth, t : 4 '4 - ' - i : ;."11/1 • ' %iv t' .i• ;iv .I,:tk, 16. 17";ili4I I •f016 21 22, 23 24 78r 28 2B cK 29 1, -AN t:• 1 Vo 0593 , )':1 -15) , ,tl4t, • 12 •13 ,1,41 46 146 0 ., 1111; 19' 20 21 - 22 24 •26 26 ;,, ; 37 , ; 26. 32. , April. ,• 4 - .• 3 • B'' '4O- 40 "11`!",12'"13 ' 17 1'0:20 • 20ei 20, .27.„ 28, p. , L -Jttatio. 1 '2 •3 • tlit'; 'o' 10 -:•• 11- 1:4- 15"20•! . 1•1 tg ; . :.2 '•'• 7 •-." • 8 9 -10 -•11- 42 , 13 14 15 •I 8 Is 1 9 ' • • • 20 , • 2,3 :.24 . _ 27 .28 20-'2Ol, 31, , August •-1 • • 2 ' 7 3 4 .5 8. • • ,1 7 , 8 •9 'lO, 11 ' 13: 'l4 15 'lB JA;: „ . 1[,9 101,:21.. 24 25 ,27 ~00 Septemberr October Narernber Dee - ember 8.• 9 10-1.1 , 10- • l?' 8-' •19 ';-20 • ' 21 1 22 ° - 23 24' - 211"" 26 27; 28 29 30 31'.. ' - IMPO. I. - 12eTh's Patrons and friends;• and the Wile generally, of FISHER A RP again reminded "of his recent tour to ttte / - 1 Eastern, Cities,, and of the reception of his fine stock of , Cassimeres.an4 'Vest " All of the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. • His stock of FRENCH CLOTHS and .CASSI IVIERES he calls a particular 'attention to, as the best in town. Also, one of the he t i assortments of Fbabasnixa Goons in town—all' ady for their -in. ,spection and liens-fit, and kindly asks a 'call from all, persons desiiious of buying Goods in his line, at ex= trerne}y , • Zlarasr*r Lizqr.ficzocs•= a In the NEWLY FITTED ROOM, next `door to Updegniff'; Hagerstown,Md. • [Jan. 3, 1 . 861.] ' $5.00 Re' virard; • THE undersigned will pay this above reward in cash tot such intormstion fl Wilk lean-to the sprielientieti 01,thm_thievesi,wbu brake:info hit,Bil- Bard Room and tarried. air one bushel of Oysters and two oyster knives.- A black Billiard ball. ; was alan.carried away previous ,to the above theft, If said Ball is returned to hint, a reward of one dollar , will tie psi l anal no questions asked. • , • Notwithstiiutling ail the storming and stealing,tho Mechi.aics Street Restaurant is :still piling it up.— }le is thanktul to his friends for their liberal patron age during4lie ltolidayg :and previous. " • • "' , TYIX,PUBLIC,I ' NEW- E,§TAB LIS .EIME NTi THE subscriber would inform the ,citizens of Waynesboro' anil the - public that he has,eqm menoodithOZSliminialiiniibusititiii fu aim Hisement of Hurtz's Hotel, where he Will at all times be in readiness to accommodate those who ma BOOTS AN LYSII OE I:n*3e to wider; , on Short Sao • of the bear material, and vpon- the 'most reason , • :Oct•2b. - ' 4:18.."1:141NOMAN. • . , WHEREA§,aietteri. of Adminiairation, on the - .:Estate ,of John Gilbert, Sen,,. tate of i tho 80- rough bi•Weyneaboro'oleceased,have.been gratited. to the subscriber . ; tall; Estate4mre.requested tolrnaltn,jinonediate, pa9ment, those having claims or drmanda,ageinst the, Estate of said decedent, .will Ariake known Ike - sorad, with out .DAVID 611..13.41{,5.,9,dger, , Janlo-6w Near Leitershorg; Md. ; w:The ;Administrator will meet cieditors 'on 1 444-11cilfart kn.PbboK: for THE subsei4er hail - nofir Oh ` liai I 4000 good CHESTNUT mutt which he will dispose of oh ieeSonal)le termd. '-Alio-404'gbot 11041) WAGON. ' ••' ' L. 13; F0UN51C . ..... ..faii3'.Xtf • • • • 5•.• • ; • ~ •" F ° ' l: !‘4 If E . Cabinet Maker S nip new occupied ivy Se ,. • . ce Be er. waif old 'stet:ll6lnd etand eilitrifveialaly :litigated ler 'a good' aforkmea.-' ly isi" • " ':"' ' •B 1 13.1'1t0X8L. ,,, " "" • • `'' .'" Bradlte Sfackifor Sale. rrlllgaatiacrilsnr blunt %I:fair-Iron Smoke Stack 33 feet lung, and 16 "fiches in diameter, which he yvilt dippose 'of 'Nest lg. ftett , :adilressA.ll.ll/110.,Y_1 1 .• _ - Dec2o—tf t .L. 14E1 ofrgoAt,opg,toowit . , ! .r• ' Vi1it1313.141 TOR BALE. r • V. T9Vito VORS.P,, 4 • . 0444.,14i* 7iAtAtoge:occu•ie.i.o,- 4boi•„. CI fule,- 4 1,ViolortyflOottiici underigidtgariaaqikawi 04reat', • .. J. W.11,1114.1.?ii. MIME 2 3 7" 8 ' 9 10 11 'l2' 13 14' 15' 16 17 18 10 '2O 21.. gg 23 24 25 25 27 29. 29 00 ;, .„ ~„ .•', • 1, .12 , Z. , 4 5 8 • 7 8 , -9 , 10 - 11 12 13 14' 15 Pr 17• 18 19; 20'. 22 - ''23'; '24 : 25- 25 ;2.7 2 3 -4• 5 6• 7 ' 8 9' 10 11' 12..•'13 14 15 16 47" 18 I 9 "20"' 21' 22 23 25 26,, 27. VI, 21) 30 123 4 6 6 EMEIMINI , . : ..•-• -.., ,, , , ...X4.14111 11 -LP. AU' . 5" c'. fArt:J ..r• V , ti - 1,141t t .,..., a . -ea,. , • : 4 Pia:VA E! (. B,7AktEAH . , . i _.. Z..';': . ...41 . ....'9. - .ltitf t iV. . - . , 13, , ,undelsignesko ere at.P..tivaieB4 a ter arm, ' .- tiltitatedilitqutAl) l l.l ll o l l;4 . 4l9 l qPNlOrialikl,4,i I trim4owitibipodiSil946 . l/9ilit 't?r,..19311i I#9,*. e . 1 Heim .thnwakeiliimtaining ~1 l 3 ,4).tTp#ooil: of lest ,of i•-..i . .,.` : f;. , :‘,...,,,4, , a - ....4 ~ ...1 . ~,. •,f,.,-,..i4 . f...44 : - -.. t ::„; • ES T LEIVIONE LAN% ~ ir :vi, ,.„,4, f:! C,,.....i <! r * -- i a a lit et "h od aboui 10.94pp0-0 kl , Ifn -- , 1 1 3 Y..9J 6 ". v.,.11.. L . statelotqtitiyo.ttssA . e, batases ... k , ,qu . sill 71,9,, , m,, DER. - I.Dhs ftpro*WittitOpiteotildwlt 061111 - 11 'e.:i 'A BRICK 111011111E"'"''' , - e-, --., .- , iNiNg .i.sitiortge, isle. . With WesOoLsi i.tiViitnitat`,ril', iA iio:Ceti L• Tharp is also aline :01k9 4 14 4 P, 134 hetf' r ** ll ß ti stresta of orator running through the teliii; iiislll - 1 well 4 1 . A. eau rtall: net:Ahfirwlking. :*ii • .. 1 catwin Ws µµ"}} ).0 view; iiiemiree Will ll es d Mt . Ildcatri ijesialitif iiii:the:-farnitrtirs tertiii , • &e.,Aiiptir ici-thel'iltideitigneW 'rei.titlittgi'lieett.thec Ma reli' 14.10i1e.' .:': r! .' '''' • ' ' fEIIUeIIAPrAFIINW. ;,. Dedi'3 l 4w 7- ' ,;-/ ':":" .-1- . ,-• • y-' , .! - '' . .t*, ,, 1. , !1 1 . 1 , • ,row.E'llgolk • ,-,,, ,i . a,. .., • • • •t i. • i latil 4 7Witiitt .. , . 1 • . 60 4 ) CO iti$ 7 ,NV . H.F.0 AT t„ , , ' ,:,,' The (1'41441 14T Sii j iliS %AtiLT iti l det • • 2 f 7"." . ", 7 . r 7t! .. T. I ; HE undoiraigrled.:loing; assoepited'thintselites il l . ' in thr Milling IliiiinisePiand'iitihigAleased - of L eter Eahnesteek the old Royer - Mill property , one Mite lihlithti ist' of , Wig iiislib'rol'; art how, prepared:lb pereheie,'grain trein 'their friends , at .,, the highest market pritei•and ' tilse. to . del . /Mt' kinds of qriinlingi Alucling chotivihri 'te,iti•and ,, eolv. • . We are also, frepared to furnish at the lowest .market ,prices, all inds ,of Mill Shan. also Eloilter . .b.Y ibe CO or Lush. Our old friends will please call and see us: • ,-- -,:- . JOHN WiklAng; - i , i•.l OSE PHI II LD Ell. Dec6—tf PRIVA re SNP THE undersigned, will,sell at private sale, his .a mall taira,,sitnnite4, In quittFy TOwnildiOin :toad.h3ading bolo 'Waynesboro'. to 9uincy t about three miles Jima the former and, one froM the-lanai place, and within' a few hundred yariliot - Snoir lfill The improvements are a neW,iwEo'story BRUM. MUSE With PBAIVIE DAPIt BUILDING end • Bake Oven attached, to•tater- - laßentilum. with Wagon Shed and Corn 'Crib complete under One!roof; also a new hog-pen. These bpildingii, have. 01: j,een erected. ,within the last ~two xeare.— l'heltritet,,c,ontakiii ' " 4 VierEtt 0-its-, ~m ore or :(3if rdlichtls 'Meath: we giviend with' a tine stream Of 'Witter lijislifiibr thretegirhojen tire length. There:is also, planted a large number of choice young frill tees; l< number-of grape vitas, &c. The above is a very, (lockable property, and' any. person wishing to purchase a small farm, will do well to givia_kim. a call as his terms are moderate. Dec6-2m;) GEO.' 13TOLEtt; : u VIA 0 r.. . • 'Oysters for 11,21-2Vtg. AT TIIN MECRECi SUM •RESTAMIT. rir.4l-1E subscrikes is now selling it=his,Bestattratit •,1„ on Mechnruc'a street, 24 OYTERS' tot. 'll4 cents. Ho has'a foi . thOaccommial a- lion of those fond of_that kind of -:amusement; And also a Tert'Pik A Iley; 'which ie *fie 'to all who wish to roll. Oysters furnished to tontines at 37 ;cents ,per quark, ta•hie l li is, me : fourth lops the usual price charged Wishdbiugh'd ntill,udriekAle eilways on hand. • • J , December 12--4 f; • . NUS, MIS, WM JIEDUCTfON , IN Jit Brotherton'a , llamas:ire ella T " r PGl4l(° iStr;tel• • • 1 : 'r take this method of intorming-• the piblic the 1, intros just received from khilatielithis s 'carefully selected stuck of • Oils, , - . • .. • '••• . ' .Obis,; ' - • , ' :' • ' Paints. 0. , . . • ' • ' Sto res., • : , .., . : ; - • • •IBruilies,•. e , ' •eutlery,.• . Hardware, ar H , . .. . Varnishes; . . . . • ' • Oil Cloths, ~ . , , . . • • ' .' • • -Shoe Findings, ~ . • AgriCiilfUral Implements,;, :• " all et woich 1. desire to dispose of . at . prices t? suit the times.' Try me, arid' by .an•exunnpptiop• of my stock convince yourself that I•meair-just-what I say; I take pleasure in showing , goods whether 9alos are alit:fed-or not.-,- I•'n-peraons — about - tirbjfild I am prepared to offer extraordinary inducements both in Hardware and Paint*. 'Thankful! to frlenild for past favors, a continuance of the same is respectfully sot licited = protnising to do elfin '• my powar town* satisfaction to ail Who iniY-favor mo with their pa tronage... , , .W. H..I3.R.O . IIHERrON. Apri4,11,....• . .4., ..... PUBLIC S.E. IMRE undersigned;will selb l at public sale, near 1 the Blue Rock'Schation Tiimonev-, the 20th of Mattel{ next, a Tract of Land containing TEN AC KES, more Artless, piljoining lands of Sol omon Harhaugh`and Veilentine OiltiVrt, with a story aritt.a half • ". ..! L:l4lQt 4 Cl` --- , l == l- 2:5 1 ZZ1 . . .• „ ' a good log, STABLE, tind Balm avert, thereon. A stream of spring iiatmptisses Ord the tatid; theie is' also a good gardertao e, va r i ety of choice Fruit trees on the premises. , litiltkto,,e,ottimenco aCtcn o'clock on said day when, the tarms will bd made litiowithy J4llO , ...141nA it 4 ueac.: onstable. Por THE anpumices hiniself,as a condi data 'for; CatenalNV cif gtflitz.Town ehiP• Having been defeated at'the fast election by roily 18 vote's; 114 labi "pick his Hint and tryjt Thankful to , his friends for the flatte/ilig voteiectsivisi'st the last election •he hopes 1.40 they" , wtlt ektend!the same 'support again. Ifisuceiansful, a goners/jubilee swill be held, saint • ; VP: , • ,•, J4/S., , om— • • • . .FIE subscriber ,iii.frirrs OM pewter Nit' I ) e'fiiis wrt4 . the'llebees:4sy'rnat:,baeiY . for tuanufacturtng Yiettiry 'firmirjui." PiMsoMi nishing with amn . Voirr hay, britUals Inatie•to order -upon ressMiaibfe terms. Ha also be hirtiot4l his; by those' tiler Mai hair° sliest Nis Pr061u,3 .cutt . .be seen it hie rot-like/or or ar this orrice. " L. B, BBSH. JoilLo pun, E 'Cuirtretitti, al/d o.;'ettsoat. - "." • •-;::•• ; • I L: : inltP26 , tkeitt;periptttifid at 1.43.6 rhtitez'ol Shows/4 Arctic rt,yppert!riOnd cif liar' slOtttf.4u Litt iiXitttl*intl•titt INA SM . ! P, l l _ IVO 1,, ' i,,t -,a,. 4ER:tit:it at Ir. CitAINR R bei at 16 coin* ver quail:Atilt). ' saw, 26 1 ; , ~, •, 1 4, ..,.....,,:.•,,,.. ~...ti , , .. ~,, .it , , t 5 I - - -•-:, i i . - : , .i... ~ „ ~' 4 , ''• it 1-'..4 .i % , i'i 1 ''' ',..:•:,::,.. :,-:. f . k."..j.";:;—'? • . ~ ~ • ,••. 1 Z *p t i- Zak - • tiar:Zr:t.„ w ai. 41:122 ' - _ :%;',.-:-.-•,--_': -.. ----' '.., - -';--'• ,-,.- if. .-",-., ', ''' . • ' : `• i it.`,. ~.' -;, • ;i0;' , 4 . • , ::;,, , : 4444. - .4),•.-•- , !; 1 - , ti .„', - 1 V.. 1) •,,,,i,_ ;4., , f, ~ 4 1;A : 0 - 4*A : 1 '.•: ; A;', 4, , 1:4 4i ' •,) i,. -1 ' " ' ,14; k -.",7 , " it 1 , ,l t .I, : 011ERON '' igNE D N i t 11- ' o • t , • - ' "'' " 1 '-'1 E'rraUo -REOEIVED, M 13* TER .••=, 7 J :.110e0 " .• 14 J . . • "' T 1 VlET.t•:reopeelfufly inform our c.netnriiirg irit'XOl *rooms .wlio itim'intgO chcn .]•ot Ail WINTtR DRY GOODS' ,•,, =„. ~ • thatwelatielaiat re,tutned froin 'the+ eastlan cities and are now reeeiving •e, large' and , ivelkeelected assortment of - -or - all kinds, paterns, varietisaandpriees, wilicliw. , promise to sell tte.eheap, .and on asi,fair terms, as any other houso„in town,,or. country, and we feet ebnfident we can deal, with att„in stich.a marine '0.14 to give entire satisfaction ~, , „ , . t ., The following comprise part of, our Stock ,Whic,ll is always on hand.. -.. „ , : ; .- • . ~ :. D ' SB' GOO DS of 1 3E n43E : for Fall and : ~ . . i Detentes, ~ . . ... Merinos, , , , ::. •- -. . . . Cuburge. *.•(,..CllellegUlP• •• • tiilivi; A "" • • .; • . Plaids -; • bilks, Cullers, f • Sleeves, • • • Prints, - ••• ' • , • '•• • Hoops, , .• WIEN'S rail and 1171ritary . o . • • ;Viissinetts, • Cloths, ' • * Vetyst; ' Vesting, ' • ' Cord;' 'Fustian, - Cravats, ' '• ' • ' Unitize, '• •-'• '• • • •'' , Breasts, •' •• ' Buse, 446 2 :44 2333 X J IMMY 'BUT 60 4 :- birtil ES Tjl 0 g - G CiOTYS4I _ . h.Zeti Muilin ng, 141ili,tifigc, • '• Tick ingq, I •• , .oanaburg, c. , Bogging, 4". • . , , .ovoF shoa t , i : . i • , ~ . , ' Sho64; ' 'sßoole, , :: Hate ., . ~i , ~- ,•.t'i • We tender our thanks to pll ourcriehds ssid'usit towers 'f9r'tl,ie liberal pattariage heretofore extended Ito us'indisqUest a contintiefrice of the 'entrie: • • AMBERSO3II; BENEDICT & CO. Jrin.'lo; I86:V. • • •• • ;IMf 3 ORTANI`NEWS EXICAN' ROW , T BEA VER, in connection . with his Vntiety • Store,las cornmenealhosivanufactoring of BOOTS and SHOES in all its various branches.— Hav inge emplUyett J oreriii ahs Cooper da •fin'eta air,' he' is prepared to produce the finest, neatest and most durable work made anywhere. All are invited to call. A large stuck of Hate and Capsothd i Etietenilmiti,, ufacturcd Shoes and. /Boots of the best: make, ion!' hand; ; „ Clucks, Trunks, Seguin,' Tobaccev&e.,:dtc. You get thu very belt KEROSENE there. A , kur fat• Hogs tire wanted... :J. BEAVER. , Dec,6—i months. . •: • •1:1' A CA.RD.--.KindLhtends nmYpatront, you have AL I my warmest thimits.for your very , iiheraljea• co ura gment. Having *iecoatinued. t n u fact m ring of shoes &c.,ton 114'.01,11.accoontiand engaged myself with d. liciivervat the 'Variety Store,. I ;be spealcalor him tits continuance °flour patronage. - 1./o come and•soe.urat our new place— J. COOPER. ' - 1-FACTORY • x f rits r `A'N D" igulfscriber, thankful for past pattonago,:etilE deice the setnfriditr, manutactu fait kinds of Wor Of ''' -" i'itteifa#,lf:ir truildJkit A 2 ' l,7ititifitit, •1 eych ...1 i ), .. , .. friAli;:D'OcißO t :',l-Itl:r'r,Eit%',' ;,-i ,l "i.:. • ItkiliNuB;• . Filijbl2lNG, •Wfli'ktCAV r--- ± FAA.lilEis,l2oofi, ''''' 1-aupBrgiotrpdAoAmio,usx - ,14.u0 - 91'4..94, ii 1 . 1246 ' far Alit l tltglAtrAtKike#,lii• 4 4l l 44CO ll 44, 4 l l .7 ..! t,. dillt,g‘itAlFltefft; Li alb. STIJODIiVII,IPA ilk .... ''' 7dkiii:Or tgIP'44Y.TL I SO , O.O44.P. Allltit which. wilt be sawed to order, at:short nottce and upon reasonable terms.. ~.."..) , .ii:.:'. l' , ' . , , t uthiii, iiiiiiitik, by mill and circular saws, of every descriptiun: dotal; Fiausingi' kluafainnin:;.lt ateinitem Ftbriring;, &a. For further particularivapply w 1 the suhaerthei;si - Facittry;iwo • snileCtOlitett*t if •WitYltPo'9 l 7). ';',S 1,- , ,- r. . ; P•4 l !.. ( iP . P Lie ' ' Jan. 17, 1861 , . , ,-- f`2 1(1S at Ili and 2s ceptta, poi; pot,',,rit at ) v .. t : von!. 211. • - - :,. ii 3 OiTx'!4.4 . 1,... 4,,... 1,, AKI2IA 1 itoN - It liT'lli* . :at ~; i ,., 1 ,—.,... i 4 ../ JEt . .211 lA, • ~ li 4l i kW:l i t IV V8 9RY3',791994 , 1-V l 4ii'f;:il l i/. o lY. th lt. ' ..‘1.. 11 t5,..7r . ' 44 P 2 1 i'v =.hiled - , , t94,Tfb: ;"31) MMMIMI UV , A - r t J r ii- if . ,-'l. 7,. ; , ..,.::; - I: ' 10, 1 ' B. 111 , 11, ' _ M:,........;;11:, „ .. ' ' 4 1 . Arrillloo/Pti ' - . illeiik i s t:- 15't.L 5- i: • . 4 i -- .^: "f . ' , ''' 1 .• ',' I 111101U -1 i: 1 % . IIfERI 1 10 t t At f '- •I • 1 • t rt. 9., t.••• -- •f . ' 1 'tfi , llS4/;--.0- 4 --•—•` - '` ' f ..4,“`t41 1 2 . , . ‘N . 'i,;„,GEO. rf t i liN fit, l ~. _• .i3HANKFUI t , 0 1 kipplfavqrsatyl,ktrpnage here - ' iofore licainvvt.d it hi nt , asift appear/4440re thß , t l2 l ol ic . Ittr I%dicilt, X zentinuiliert :of • the. eldne.--. ILIO. Vtini*Vitthiniti l troilt tici eiletaett eitleisialtii; , a hip and well _selected stockier - NEI* GOOktiS, 1::::, Wh eh he intends seltitirtiAvveil lord rates, which he knows he%Can do to the satistatnalli win . ) will:call and examine hie,lloo4`.;: . 1 , , .i3elow yowAutiatird enumerated a few articles., which will he found among his stock to which he calley,etir attention ,nt r, -- ~ -- Fon VHS, Liazips :116 has a large assortatenoOrtimoVoods consisting itt part of Printeti:Thihet—Olinhi;. Printed and plain lleittinef, Cothilde rt Lh. Cothilde Sttipe, • Plaid Mohtlir; 1. : - • Silk Ailarrhiehair, Paratnetta Clothe - ' ' - !•Pyitited.C6burg, ' I Printed Morino, f frapih *wino, ••• • ; j ;1111,atIonna Clo th , • „ Printed and plain Ctislimeria, r French add Domestic iiinghains, . -Poplins, ' • - Pongee Mixture,_ ctitirflid ; ' thniii4diditliidareAldbOt and Morino tihipvls, Opera .01ciakipt.„ , ' • Gloves, and riobierY t 14 great, laTietv. , Geiiiteinenls Wear, Brood Clother., q _ - arid Fanissnen7!!!, "Uniondiesimerei,, • OVerdtiattidgi; • 'Ji‘ince; - " • • • ' -• __• Velvatine Vcstings of all kit(ils, in faal'it'ftill tiasiaitiriefit of "goods ttipr Gentletnen's wear: Aldo a largo and well selected stock of ,DoiiiiiBii-da6OD - s;-- Ticking; and a coMpleie a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate, If Sr oil want anything at all In, the Dry Gouda line, judt call in and you will find him • ready to Wait,on yoti with pleaogrei, , To persons having country Produce to sell, they 'will find it to their advantage to bring it to Ste yer's,as ho always gives the highest market price. So gi*o him a-call, and ho will sell you goods as cheap as•they can 'ho purchased elsewhere. ,Xer1..18614, , , ANTICNUFTATTLIII WMST Warr and rumors of Ware ■re rife throughout our •cince happy• land, when co Mtn s of 'armed men are seen on all sades,'march• inglor ard_irr_dofenee_of their A'aacrid-rights, l " and , all are eagerfor the expected contest, each moment, carries ue nearer the frighful drama; that will'soon be cnneteil. 'Yee While all this cort'vulsiori is in' pro.; green, other Beetles ars continually trenepiring to eteite the Minds of the 'people, and lately this corn. *malty has been 'greatly cestounde4 by the tremen4 data mak of,proplolt) ' ' • • JOSIA-1141ESOti.E'S S R E • to a . 'certain , eh° . ,eatioo of this 'exclitirgil; "which' • proof to Gi the ' ' LAR''dE -.STOCK: , • , • ••04F,.., - • .. , ..... •„ . - , ... ~. ..,.... ...„...; . ii „ , ,,,...-.. ,;..• ~,.... 4.. .11: , . 11 he has just receifed>•and the L=OW I`Q ES they orelsold at , nevertheless thegreat cry of Prices"•enused'by the wee, .which. i shown to be false 'by an , eta urination tiktho magnificent stock of goods offering at thenbovo establi, , bnyint. ~• • 'You: will find a varied.asilortinetit of all kinds of goods such .as : . " VAii.otßS,: , " - - • ----- " • cAsHmEttEs,,.,l-, - ,;!. LAVELL& OLOTHS. • • 'I4•6I7LED MIXT% RES, - • REP. IMUBA iX, tnd 'ti ifirrety 01 7 - other • DRESS GOODS SILT .ir L. vET S , • . cA'sokots;.o.certlK - . • and' find styles o rGentlfini4's 'Wear, Alai' a grent`hit: of nit kihde of • Gthr boii'efiakly kejlt -, 'Way tiosholo:' 'r46 hjs regards . to'his triepaus frieini . eand'xiatnini; conunti tin'ed favprq: -; lt4 ercuaifts through. this 'efiuntiy . ' can find' goods at Eartorn wh oles a le prices by calling at Itesore's; tlieriitiy'avinkr,freight.and'ollitY 'it isa 'Peri6iiitfosiO!t i st'a ftied Stiir , lie'e'lefikiitoi can be , aceotainbdahid tly Oa:Ann . Odin/ alid''d'aftli4 B4o- lof .; ' ' " • ' Ail 141 . u4 of; Nod ace reee i ived , exeliange for 'goad at' ittriAlifar pleat Oct-11 f f•t‘'k - :.' < y t:JOSIS,Ef 'Bmso RE. viTHE.RF;:).s.„.l...kiiii - 4. -- Adininisiration. q a the . Esfale''or pu.ihrtdd;r: th'4i lluWugh of Way*eetiore t ,'ideisii'aikft, have boinfkranteff 'to tfto inlbaiCriber; iferiiins'•baffebtod said E'statn;'are refloated' to ; mike tat /ne'diate paytiteat;'sitia - theAo haying pluatns'ew thithsrifhf• spoor. ,the Estate of esticotid t itA ß - 4q4ok l iowitlho 'tatrotwituouc - 3dlrrikAnT,Att;' • A;dinintp.t r an'f':' -;!" BACK- AG A 'Me, • • , :C •••• . . 13'2=13,1'16016 ertntilAs , "cittreirbeiit altd , tlik) ",,'llttlali6llolteially‘, that td bus' rianoied triti Mr; K m47.'11'1-1401, 'Nittitoile'veu led lttpibetlihoti; whet luifwtliAtOrili-qq47A41., ,w 64,00 - RST ARRIVAL , lAN At MIMI STIEI P*P,L . :4/3D7)ViIiT,ER `tOODS.t:.: 7,;,51.0-a4gorph price..) larthwestuarnuial fiti,Diatoido, / a ‘noN 1: 0 Ao r Eigg , ~S i ‘, e l i w -: ..34 1 1 -40 4 '•dpi c o - o ~, GclilllB,lii'Finaiuk # - „LI beidaiiii-aaitOtAttiil Attliof tin Rued; .: 1 lensing , a -general ~essorttatatt,i,of tisji {latest' •; adapted -to fall i ttnik lyinser tnttlei j to.; - La tee, Wear : ;#ickt Dress tllks, c yrkeli; . p lain and . fayey ,Brocades; Plaids in great 'varietyl'Plen4h 141erinoi in all oialonti ilelf printed' Matihos',. Wool Delailtei,l' ' Cashmereailattlwstrippeut dui; Motihdelloiatis, Tavel-' la, Moltair,n3irlaresrThibet :thothst !Stinted Mengpr-1 soliEtintiO, Pelltiett: P}l4P, 1 PoPiill , ),DAngfks, IQ perg. , (3 lan nets, In ail colors,. §cojcit 4 a ri d - Soznay ,krinted.„ Trench liingharns, SCotclt 'tlO., LcincOSl Or, do. ,Pla le ' Embroideriesa: Cei, Vatitittits;' ltiatlUltes, w'hiti'•• and fancY,T . ninth' Werke& Collarb,4 ;llintitie - 6, fltiley.' ' dress Gimps, Cord rillailinti: alai velvet Eifilbon &c., &c., in shal t he,11.1,0 , ,, all the , novelties of Au, ~, season, Mt WINT,Ek'SJIALV Paris long brocha Stiatvls;Aiith . so well borders, Bay gtate , fitiswift, (latest. styles',)' savurb ShawA,tiostied bonier; rith ,is . h a wth . w rth silk fringe; all of wiiitih are lion tiar 'l;iteat intilitr- JAtiona t ba rid at riciees that defy,coatria , taiiilol l llo . lollllo' ' fit'tilifli l s • Irish and'Scoteh Sheeting; pillm# case and holster `Linens,- fine, low• pribed !Jewish Linens Spited and damask• Tattle.. Cloths, .every size and Eqathl,Napkips, Buyles,,and Huck rovvelings, low pfice,d Toweling, Bolster; Pillow awl tilieetin# Muslins, 34', 1 44, G 4,• 8.4, or 11l 4 wide); draped dimity Blankets, and Alkulsla .~•~. , i 3 lawa'a:vl4 .;/dto such atitteusy bro. Colton, Welched Muslim!, Os bahurisi lriciOnas, stripped Apron bucks ; Kerseys, Debi!us, Cotton, Fl 3SIt Prints, &c. MEN'S WEAR. Dina, .4nd Fancy Clotlis and Vassimeres,. of Os ricvirF . O.ptylssi Mixed Doeskins, Sattinotts, Cain* Cassunores, esslynerotts, Mani, tidttonades, coating's, silk, satin, merino and velvet Vestings, extra•heavy ribbod Drawers and Shirts, lloilury, Collars; Cravats, &c. CAIRN I FLOM OIL CUE! Carpet, English Ingrains, (ill ‘'n.)l./11e-np and ltag.Carpeting . , from 25 cents to *l.OO per yard.-- Floor Oil Cloths 2-4, G. 4 and 8.4 wide, all of the neweal...thssigns o Anjch, he offers nt greAt . • MATS - AND RU7 Wool, Cocojilain arid Farieiel Buraore varlEty -4ROCEII,IE .iND Qt EENSIV ARE 11 shtick is full and complete, atid vain colorist . * fswirably with any in Waynesboro', both in price mind ,quality. re tur is his thanks to his friemle, end by 144, dealing and strict attention to business he hopes lo merit a cuntieutnce of the s tine. 061.11 lit ICE. r 2s.t. OF FILL' INN WINTER GOOK A VlNGjust returned from tiro Etstern dilio• ' with another/ Lot,of new and eJogani 4tAos p4di. ce, ~ . , !, , . , '_DRESS GOODS, • Ititsurpoooedlot Boo9tY, Styto mod QttoEty nod 4 PANIC, .fRIOES. FOR TSB 41131.1510, WfiniDelaihes 1 , 11 0. 041 0. 101 , rigs/eh Ifsltaa - ok C4org, Etaittateres, ' Mohair'lap '••••s‹.-• - • . Jrayella Oloth ' 3°3' „ Delx.qica• Pergian Delancs wins Gingham,- Ladies Wool Elastic Skirts, B x tension Shirts; Apron Tassels, and a full alsbitinern or 1ht986 True• ,• • . GENTLEMEN'S WAR, E'rench Cloth, Caissimers, Vestings, Satinet, • •: • - Tweeds • . Jeans, ' • Q.)rd, • f 'Velveteens, Collars, • ' • (fovea, • • Skirt Fronts ALSO--A heavy lot of itaaaadvll not necessory to mention. ITZEN SWAR E, HARDWARE, 1301.4 S AND SEIOES'i CEDAR WARE. ~ , , (i f tkig, very ! ti. , st in market amid qualitY: such :as Syrups, N etv 0r1i:474s ahtl Porp..; !lieu' gtilasses, a N. t 13iciiro Stiger,•culice• erdshell and gruittlated: dot hest - article of ,', ' " Rio•liolfee, , . . •- • . . ..... 4riperial Tea, .. • , , litteiincll's!hest!Etecance of catreet. . • . lialtut•No.„l Chocolate, ' . . • ItAisiiis, 6 . . Carburet of Iron,, ' ' " '••• ' Tobacco, . .• , 'lice, &es,•,. &04:. .• All the above goods have boon selected careful,, ly, bud, purchased at the very luatest„figUre with, an' eye ..;o suit the wants of this 'cOninittuity. lie is therefoie'enabled to accoumuulite all who arty Li vor blur - With 'a call, in' quantity, quality, eitylo and ptice:• ,l No trouble to Show gbods., .• ... , --.. : • ~ - •Countr3i.Produce•tdltin in. exchange; for. goods at - *lie Itlghesddrivltct prices., ,By . stick mate.lll 7 o, so business arid a destra t o Ailvade .tn . Tier/respect los hopes to merit a continuance of Patron:tie. • ' ucts 41 -..riP. W. MILLER. , Aiiiii; and ualidaltela ` . iced cider Vineet i r ,i i sole; b'y St".. , er,`aijih,:diltiat•Pkalden .Iltkilkar 14 , 1kiiyfrefmr4 utit qurti*,''''" ,' •'' • "• • %lan at ,: i 1 . 1 1:1 4 V ii ii 7 q 71 .,' ki i i a,(1:4,.. 6 Ma lid and (1 ,,, ed Ls ir — l. ,, sps.coiiss 14 ..4 . 9.—,1.• , $ ~ -.;,.., ...$: , $ ,10... ,•• : $.,--,..5,• 4 ,7, $ PIB.ST in grmit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers