Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, January 17, 1862, Image 2
VILLNI, _ ,4.. ..~~.~ _-. '~1111W1I1~';~Q~T,. LirThe great Allitesei Mr' ition, sailed from Cairo outTri 44- 0 „ . ftb most fo.rushihble sh er. re. Ili ginbupte, 38 mortar boats! and 28 tugs-and , stettahlts,4nd 70,000 y en. The desti• ration uetleiltoaine ''al' .; - adMitiiio..9llßlAS,lllel-11ftdillt a • command, theeatio• ermyt proiee New oilehns, We shall heel stirring-tielia: 7hs Governor's Message.--The sagratraTiriTOYMilirifilrllM . bath Rouses %. Lifiris• bum, on the . Bth - .It . Laltow a bale-nee— in the Treasury ul 351,000ol\the 30th of N 'ovembtr, including $666.00 received from the United Slates •on aceilflit of the . ar- expenses. • k A After ,reciting the, cacti. to the call for voluresere,,he' states that the meats of Pennsylvania tiow'.enumber one hundred - and fifteen,and that theta:al num, ber °rater. now in' the' se* vice• lit *WM: „-, )1-- I whilst the number prepar ng for sefetee Is 16 038; Snaking an: nggr ate of 1.004016. exclusive of 20,61 1 6 of tite'tliritit'inettiths' volunteers now disbanded. Oral of the Legislature.— Me-following. is a hit of the officers elected in the State Legislature: . -- .Ypeuhr of the Senate-400a • W-. of lilsir. .14ief Clerk --George l!iiiioersTy , of Pailat:e/plia. Assistant Clerk —G. S. BCPey. Transcribing Clerics--F. Ilitchaock. M. McAfee; Dr. M. Ahtatiy, Mr. Iluddleson. . • SergearrVatarms—lierman' Yorke'. ..i ; siliants--Meeiri. Moor. and Dick. 5011. lJb'r .Weeilir--:-.Ubb G. Ittivtiu; of Law. easter. Assistants—Meseta. Buoateker, Heins, Moorehead, Riblett, Jolinsfun akta Bubb: ff.fersenger.—Mx. Walker., , , .Bstistant Messenger—Mr. BrOwe r., TUe • House , organian j l by she election, of intib,Rowe, Eq., of Franklin county, as Ppeaker, on the- first ballot, by a vote of 53 to 45 for Mr. Iltipkine, if Ifrashinton county. i Oript.•E. U. Rauch site , ro sleeted Obiel Clerk. The other , tfices sere fairly di vided among t ' Republicaue and Union Dswrirrats; ea: at the Iliouvi may tit mill .... sills* organized on a Union basis. liirTwe diabolical attempts mere :de last week to blow up tire Mansion- Oise Fleapits' at Alexandria. 'high were fortu nately diseovered in time to.frestrace the arrtelo wicked. intention. A .berrel , of 4;14*1":""ta-foutini-in-tne:ealterr4rith-othifFr aainbustiblei. sad a slow fuse extending from them tothikatibla. The funsend had already been ignited When disiiovered; 11 was nearly the same the eondtima„-- . There were nearly SVO sick M. the hospi tal, end hid the incendiary- succeeded, not mere than one-half of theta. could have es. espelh . Can-anything be ,eoneeived mote horrible then, snob an•aett arras large beak barn, iiabiing, oats hence,' and eartitigt--iroilso, of Mr.:Ohrialo pher pe'ttOtighst . own, Climber • • • land cowry, was fired by an iocentiiary on New Year's•eveningoind entirely consum ed, witb4 valuab o ke horses. 5 mileh cows. 2.lieail,of horse:gears, hariness.'aild . a large quantity of oats, hay and straw.-- Hi►loss is very 'heavy. , , ", KllrMbst , of.the vessels composing Gen. Burnside's Expedition have lefi,Vortress 11/lOuroe' quietly=-their . idestinailori being unknown. although i s a!)ppoisiti" ny at Fortress Monroe that the blow will fall on . Vorfork4 U .: 1 is "atlersteod that the troops wfil , , be feuded,. at several ple• est, all bearin u on the ultimate desti- iation. 'Sr Thoprebei lois as thb battle of 401-, ennse'ereek,'llissouri, sv , hiatt ivint , ;fought On the Nth of August list, and ' ivhieh „• ,•, th:e brave Ceneral.Lynn , has been, aseertarned, wart five ihandred•and twenty killed and , seven 'hittidted 'and .lottrteen. wounded. The 'Union hun dred. and, twerny 7 tkree . killedand seven' bundre&and.titenty-one wounded.„ .oorn-411cal Rread.,r-,The fotlo~6ipg re. cilia furnishing bread from Inditionsal,ra,l. eintied - ti pirniiinta ,. ef dullars'at :the ;re. atokeibitilion 'Or f iect mens 'office of rhe .Bmri_ca,?l4llc!situ gat. W e dive it to slur lady .roaders .gratis to that they will ceirty y test it: Take two, quarts iit a bout a pint of (thin) bread 6 , spongo7itfif viten enkough ruin, w A 9 !i.-ha - if a soif,44 f tiOit,lOpptrOful of salt. Let it rise . and then knead well the secood Bake hours. it wilt beef' old. and except in color and ilifferenceiwtastei•;!. k _Good Move..4=iriiii-Vaiylasidilegii IP.rflblillealifP9WeeitAkiatki* Pp; PI!O!!!•") reperpii.laini; owl !Wight cor v4l,ltal, sues upon slt persenirtholilitirethintlis thik *oh me eleites isaiti 0 , igAPI t pnAltAble,.felleSif,3 l / 1 1, J Aird sliPaßeltA4Vbiti Alf.; p,1. 1 . „!4. . t tveryl tcica business. Jhe Cha 4° 9' incoln here ha resident of event of more than ordinary •ignibcanoe. tagrig4etko some importer,' results. 1 tart li en. Cantered was nominal tarts:the - kuntrican...minieter-litill, 00 4!t• . or St. Petersburg. simultaneciusly with the iiiimination of Ildr.,..Stanton to the Vi!af . ', Ligartment, ~ i ndica„ .t es, thai in leaving the CllDlnet lie carrtetw it ~ .kin r e eon 'n e' c .t.• , f,Tf 0 : no.. an Igopd ,w tidies ' firieliOttit`loo4l • -o- • •,•• .'•, -i - •'• tadTbistjp,* * Jko,,vrrii4lsedfie 4itaNili ‘ itlir i gl exeo ions pi)Etqc . rilliy ' l q - 4‘61 - :ii,Vil'ln'o''i - ili ll "nmenctimento alba + '1 , 4 , 01413.14111:4 4E401 3 4: eveiv at imp:erfecr idei , eflthe. reliariVibilltiiiirt;t'dititiPtliOvtitlitiktOPhif xik,4s. ....._ ~ . : 1 ,1 •••;:. 4, , .:.1 . ~ aIV ir nlaeP.l.o V.rf •1 1. 4 1 . 1 , ) gi I Ff e t e -'. f II P rendily,:uni.. - fskand wh.,5‘... ,t4itersd j ;Coill -„ ~ wins :tot qui willing -id' relinithisb , a posit loit'iliiich l iferititndeil'atieb 'ildi'eeasing.tbrii' and: freirientlY 'it'll shined ' t . 'ne env cif`[( [(iris' ~. i•. and theitlisirostuffrieso; . irbailie ileflv,ell, his Departibent—wittnit A itaik. upou L tskt, good bUnfe, 'hill!" with the-Owfidencei of lliriusands , i''bii nearer lib evi hie bier qiinlio ligs before, he entered it, .is 't . ..o4ti' , '• 0,, prouilest.cnnsolation he cesild desire.,, We' lava reputedly spoten of Edwin. Itt.' , ..itinton, as *well in intr enriespondeuee• • ' ' '. I• .1 i . 'Ol 'all :s ) b. as 1.0 4pr ennoria eo nitt is„ public men of our day, ,we knoWOtrito'r4: pore• qualified to grapple. with i ,pres,Elut, troAles and 'coining dangers. - Rigs , - taind is so, quick just, c:om pre beniii vl, rind' Writ= • final that, +slide a^s, a, ia•vrYii i r it: has, pladed him io the front rank of hilr,professiott i , as a st a tesman, even in the -snort term orbia service iuder tbe• ltist-AdniiinfstVetini. it gave iiiinvan in'itantitiikusand'e'omiastoiinic novitioi. Mr. ..SAa:)lo . A„ . itis always ' voted witii that portion :of 141 e... Democratic. party i• dentsfied 'wit& Ihe'forturver, , ofilltephen.A Douglis,faiid bilr'noniinitiiit by President 12ineoln fie wyWell-i i iriiiif rinogip Mon "of:,&e loyal Democrats oitbe‘trtifea. '. - . I Ci7"rhe.oeti; Y - oik Poet ieyi that fhb •,.••• , , • follow ing ,eittaet fram.Fe,iitter received, in that citylby. a: , prontinent niti,sen s , comes from a responsible source. , . . IV samiserron: Jan'.; 1 1 2; ,.. 1862; ' 'a. '4ly bEAR I.ft : 41 '* . 5 s 's' ' ' lite night of the reheßion has, ii , o4 . Bixt,' and ilti' aawn..ia abOut break'int. Before the Oee. ent niiirith tae goes thise'tiiinge Will'enrs fy come to pass : General Balleck., wi t h' :rest flotilla, ara an'simy of one hun dred thousand strong,'*ili `tiwetp/ like an aveleccbe dowii tbe . Miiiissippi; 'Where; they Will' be joined by - Gen. natter ii . NeW Orleans and Mobile, Gen: Btibirviiih Weir: ly, or quite the same`MiCe. will'reire - Wili• to Tennessee, cepturellashville t ,and co • . • a as titilonliiiiiiii'n manner end direction it Worild not be politid now to point net. Generale Rosenerans and Kelly will advance from Western Virginia and do their share ' in harinotiy with the generarplan. Gerierali`Benks Mid Stone will more in eonioneition witlelhe rest from. th . e Upper' Potomac. General . •Burnside will do hie apptriated-work-lirt- Virginia.— Gehl. Sherman will eiplein by deeds, not wortla,lits inaction. . Gen. McOlellin will force the rate from their holes at 'Man se sae,' attack thein at three points , et , ' once, and 44/1061 hie'mndest pledge, that ether ' war wank! *short but deeperataa'• I. •do not give you mere than that generatetttlirie of these stiniiltarreous 'arioverneniti. iThe dtaile of the gread 'plats of this -campaign. will iftat4"the - Wcirlkl; and 'vindiCate: Gen. Mcelellatee 'high reputation BA- military strategy.; The'rnen•and suTiPlieenrtinow, far the 'Riot Unit, nearly readr: J , The de. lays, caused rtfainly by 'red thpe` and : im.' becile fossils in and . ontrifihcdeptittitterits, slid by thieving' "coritrectoirs' And, material' Men, will be ticcootted for; , etid , thnlrlame placed where it belongs. A premature movernenc,woula liavederaßgei the . pion I he whole,campaign,• vrbicb is so perfect, th t Success is certain. _ ,it,htioliiioie, an: •tt stele made, freight , • hsve,,h,e i iiir.cled the, - 1 me. be impending • - mate,:is*;clase 'al' hand in a limited number O'ff?re,ed liSiee:.: Tho toes of a piste lei,e 'or, ihe're,, the 'At: leat.ol ono or anotberdivisitie4:tbksirm:);, cannot effect ur prolorig : '• the, eself. ' 'The 'combination .is DO . perfeel { h at failure is' . jai assible 1'..%,, , . • ight ditildrert at a. - Pirtit.On he. 2d. ei Aug., My.. TintothY Eitedlite, of Trani• bull- county., Ohio. gay.e birth,t o, eight ch ildrett—tiaree iloYa'and five gale. ~They, are ell living, and ate ' healthy, 'bat quite Bradlee's. family ieinieressing fast. He was married 'etx' ,, yeare' . 'lo Eunine Mowery, who weigbe4.2q4, ecitio,Oe on the day , of. , her marriage., Sitc„has given birth to two pairs of twins; ariataaw eight more, citihinkiTaiptra et , tillfrefin siX X Years- • klegillislt,Tarfe,..l?l neyeTeiieless is trut + ~ lkirs.•Bradlee Wea n Aarja,of;tbree. her 'another Wed fate er ; being twins, tbe' Mottle, of Ave Fri her boys after noted'and (hating walled men; orieltlifer filenotlrtll94Mitsiags. , *lto tia"?f after. e 9,111 rilkt niednif briebriet erhe - ' itai: who gave bee.* deed, pi, fifty _me res,of leha: timi:the;otha i r *AO Aiwa,' 44,nliplii litthn sows- ter a slllollCem•tif,t4ilroi 4 ;141,3 1 V Sbribtor.....! , •.; 1,, ~1, 1 n .. s• . • • • Nto ROWA .0.1? .14ANTUO Nx..— 1 •, ", , thiiatbei thst tkieres areowali, AburAtn. lion. 4pin' oats let Air:weal dAteslAkt. o )l lhjq tmtaiiteis.;\ ,, 4 0It4J444sehArt00,00 1 3! , ftiontnis94,soo4lKkAllnial;i4,il4o,loo;v9o", 1,400,000 p, - Ceqemsk t itafilksiPlß geOhyes;`,l - 100;009r-Iiirtio 4,000.000; ittia iiiisiesiiNdni:ol3lo6o: 4 Preneft 00.- 060; Duch, Danish and Mexican, 20,140. give 'mimeos to their-fa En Pie World and oa its ruins to : taidish AlTArtaigi I OnAttritit-Ineeagioa-a4Boton Avae,preacb. : irThieloll,l4, Mo?re, fro m m.: I)* tikippikiiplinjfiglappt a-weareil .... La.the s w p v .alc-A4. th 'ld 'Wit r --- • '-,,, %lilt C hdiai Vii 1 * •Never,' say _•.• s truly as 1 e 1 guently,„in r ,bis t lAspePiisi„pay 41f,eraten, l e .4in ver since thentet ,ts r re t:l:4 4 c o tt u ne c s ics ti o l: l4 l:ri b n e. •. ill e, under the raeiging•kinitles. of ilepubli• I: c n France, has tiftlield theithen*Avat.cry, i• Victua (wo e t„,:fp, t he ootmered !) _Open 3 1 4 11 d m e i r a s t . ak n a he bly t t o li b il u i o4lolq, SO :0 1 14 4 4 in ,o+rne successful, either bylnismnnagement lit ti e ar r n y'—or, may add, by tte 14fusal of tifiVol 'itei s V I C:en lis til l ‘or '. " • la sf„+: ~.•• -V t ) brwartice aitifeegrbpse, 0 . l er., i lnd ' history furnislies : _noi.psgSAiii,:drir i li and bloody as at which would record the re- 1 ~., eta: - Ouriffist!titidlratiestrareo '..vreitit'd be iilatlghteroo liltlittlfo,cia in' the shatubjeii ; 'Our wives atilt 4ang,likers,iliehifit'Orid before laiis-eyernt.dur.okies.„sackea.ittiiitiffilif-fitiAL ivEo l ltl,t4fr: Ipitsps,.pillaged rind.burnetkout im'PeSX* ls 3 ll o Weare.4)ti til.f.l"Vidii e?, IN tee tet,i r frrinf„ti if, ,by, f i n e s, iippeoodstatlerts; our . g.rand , ol,d . Vont na'cin fv e4l fit, • ' r degraded 'from fief pr•bud : bistiaric pl a ce of `'Ancient 'Unritinfon e '', lA, the vassal 'of a huge 'CestraLdespeiistn, • Whietli ' hiving wasted `ilex, tv Oh .tirg end Svruiti, would ibm 01 'het by ,Mi iitsry 'foiee, to iiii,th:e ''"utiritieue ex-• Pe/ip ,O 1 her, gun :subjugaistin, or In ikriult of 1 111 5 . parcel ?t . li'er broad land! Aes iii-'• luiling,ernigraots as a feudal reward "lair the, rapine aiiif murder of dill 'new', • Ncli - min ,con quest,'!", 1 , • • • .• '. • - 4 leyaf Virginfin; ) whole a resident' of , Philadelphia,, iu communicating the abov e to one of the city! papers, says :•-•., ' • • „ - "The' Or. Moore 'referred to is Ake an. thin. Of these Caltunities 'against 'the; loyal *peeple of the United. States, is- the , Rev: Thomas Alos - re,: hotv , the , pastor , of the. First il'iesby 'erten Church' in Richmond-.• Hb le i - -Pennsy I van ia ‘by birth and , eiluca• iti6e.", His father, - John Moroni. shoemaker resided in:the town- of. Vutubee• tand bounty., Pa.., of wittier plies 'be was fortheity :years/the Fostilaster. Hie ap. pi:Anti/rent trt this position by -the Govern. merit of the United Stases enabled- him • to ntintitellis eon, whirnow turns his on , grateful hand againet that -Government, and talks i;il the Ancient-Dominion as 'our', gratiil obi f:':oniniOnwestlth; and of - his. na 1 tiv 'Sena at the home . of ,rourderett , and ruffisisiti.i lie kiss not a drop of 'Southern] .bliiniefrt ilia veins, and never snuffed the ail! of Virginia Until he' was - a. :grown up man. set! lictitited to preach, '1 emphasise. th'it Word; because of its peculiar •-sdapts.' don to a man 'Wlio abuses she functions of .hiii.siieted 'office : 1)1 crying on hie' fellow. traitorki froth tee puipiiiin a Anyle • which vro,''bltli'ditigtate The 'thralldoms of•Smithern • lemeitegifierf: ---- 1 - 1414 fey' litont - e — a - fid4 - 07 dives heretriir."' ' • '' r ' . . .` . j This'aiiiii'l4Ootev is *ell known to many ; peieons to title snooty, he 'laving ` s erved' : , .. r VII c as plater oi .the a--respyierisii ecingrekation . of Greedcastle" for severs! lean t ' ;l i s said to boils fine scholar sod , quits an at ~ . tractive publie'spiaker.' ` these lusli fi ca. . tiOnS coMoWintfed'ealie to diffitent field of lsbnr,,until at lost all, folds , were 'foreahetj l . in obedience 'to: Cod's- *pice coming„ from j Riehmpirdi irt'otret of *BOOO per ' annuntil we believe.' Hi contertted . to'be a' hearer! , , . , . , of, the yord,to the' . owners - -pr the 19aye- i l pens of that eity—and . bow,..staftOully .he, serVes-thero r we leave thorahrin' IT - 4 - extract from -his Fist pay , - serirtoe, tesiify, , ~He . Can accommodate timself to the desires, of his' pliritibbere-Aet them be tile 'friends of God or of Biel. He heti forgotten 'the •hole ~ from : viltic,h,ke wee digged,! and his love for thellence makes him a fit embassador to preach to the Itching ears of -slave dri-, vers. 'Like alt Other 'traitors to God 9r their, couotry,tbie min, Moore stoops to the' meanest falsehmadihdircends 40 •the„nastiest, cesir.porit 01-slander. to 'detente ltislorater beriefaCtOre, incl.' to gratify ,the' enemies - 'of those, whose means e ueated him and made him what he is.—giamberabrarg,'DiSpnich.. Cr : We putzipzk4e!ow,.tke letter address ed .by Roviaigiaint the particulars of .the ness and death of lite son • . • , • , • , , Ol,lO. WOmDar HAUT ,C0,K7. - '' . 1 • , I , .Aanuary.4th,p62,...: -._Mr i nietesi, I?•' 4.11r: 7 - . lt . hi with regret that I,havrt to. ,rite to, vim, on a. subject that I. ue: a friepll, (if your ;son Jacob. have to 40- A -one.. that ; fe ai'deelify felt by meat ,perhaps yoiireelp'bui feeling it, Say (lug as Captain , of,,it'e . c° 4 ?Pri,Cf! app r ige you, ort . herjllneeis,and'sleallt al yeui son. I ; bare- taken', the„ittlei,f,l•l, 01 ' iliv,iiio you the particulars ,ut,..thei 'case. '' On 'tit _ 27th December oar -Regiment .wat ord = - d to go out int . :piekit duty•aero'es . Oree Riv er.and janeb wits'obt 'Wftrilut i erul'ieturned as well is hi uiliv4lij)l4:., '' On . ilie follow iattilay,•ht 404ogipined pfoliiipega , • l and Do temenceti 4101 igli4wWft! ; IC I I ff' 49 tl ts 9.440 I bad ,him taken Ml44 , ,n,ei'Phicalt .)Artli A . :, ter being at the .11341141 M -a _short tune he wairtakee Withmouv4lsioce *chaplet:lk tbat tav bed , to,,be, bald ,down. :bs,i}hret men, 49 that he.eoeld,,nat:liigUre, 049•90,1 ligi.elq; ,I, better in the course—of the night, a d we thought'he' viould - be 'striking , vs'arial but it was oeiliii4 ; iiiliOrl,ist , t 'f . p,O'lliit l nsg he got bad airaea„ and lerntingi.ii, a very weak state tilt-morning. ibi.ut 3 o'clock. 8. , 0444 Wiig)o ol A l P i ti l Y,T l l, d g e ir,48,19P" k (opt or.bill P , Rts - An.), „w•J'n'il,e:'S'Yr"P„: in hir atqw,4 4 .o,lll o XV '‘q. 44 l al . a . Vt a ii\ or a murmur. His ~tilaCbrialh ival acnriie WO rtfapti bJe ; , pa ~, es y, ~e, nd o gltlel, Air i l e :II tilis-Atericklif ear* thelyWitin4i o f•Tpli,??l'l t r had-left lea.till xve,examined #lO and ,Imp,4 that life wes was is til,blow 4,..t. ~ ~ - ,t. Jet ,e of our best sol id a!' piing ipan; ielp In to , but be is (Ii lo ths. _ lave rade arrange ..tegrap,, a friend.of mine torrnirerrOw7!e4e..l4ol4l.4o , ..tibiLinited,y. when it arrives at that plate, to toliii ruWeritandiotsiltitleyt LAu iota. The doctor and -nur on h. s-- - illiarifilliblllarforthEirkindttette. ant VNI gutiowthohgurifmt, tiFei , was 1 . 5 , p old c e . _ _ YqUoin4ol hn1ik 1 11:19•1493 n r.!, , 11t , i it I stra•isith respect, yot#L, tqf SANIT9A,ti*Ji , .11) . 1 % • . J ; l‘. 4 /11 .4‘ P. Siii4a .4 46o' advetriNeilletit b l 3 il9h: NI 'Os? git i o4l4 , "s i" " ; • , ',A 1 1 , 161.'4 0,1.3. 4 h.,% irillteittiarecafritd in as nigh .PA.4l,!lclfor, w 4at. '` NICLX. ad befnt.4ato4 ffax ? a,,fe!s,,;,weaks i ir ; s,,ce .; tiimel, and is prepared - to aktend,,„to„apy„ 6usiiieint in thirlitte - Treasurer , 113Atetsir , tat; efitcp4tio c. n . at t i6ll 6 bfllll:si j t Oupaty treasurPr•-: '-!'1 : Y. I) ke ikenthir.`L:3 4 il4 • .haL' 'Waged•thia,weelc beliitecit ittqmit• e et. ' PP/1 7 'rata— at one time cold and ~another Al:together it'hailieu bi artinat unpleatittat character. • Sale Crieol--iWe 41ireet tiettivkioir• to' -the card of attothet unan. i'Ve 'have a6 -- hiiiiitida ifriwaiteg that %we betieve.Mr. M. to be one - ,01. ;she best' atiCtioireleti LW the . county. enAl adschle those intealliag,allielibae 61"iiidpetly, at puhlie satto.o ayakt ,tliqms.el*Fs • his vices. &co - Ad .Ottor*.-- . the /acted ?ildiiii4r 2 of tite,%ll - pytieSbork ofaitifiirf %ad n dOM. mercial Institute has been e tered upon, 'under the mint 'favorable • a spices. , , We understand the institution ias * thus - 414 Pa bees libera l ly ii:3l • e a '1 : — ) , , ' ' ' 41 c 9 ,r , . Turning aver a New Leate—TO pies - ent is the , period of the year at rangemehts arts meetly made, lot •writing ver new leases. If a fast man is living head of his meant.. fie stainite dearriiiihita to retrench expenees as !loon as the new year coines,ini , • Are bad , hsbits',i,ndulged . Ir , 'thereirt resolves kodrop. )t Sande or the depiriing year are dropped: Death of another Plitiate. : --A few lines from Lieut. Joins K. WiLics, informs us that Lewis Limns; Soo Of" NO. ''pin i ty Lecher. of this cieinity. died • at' „Osrup Wood Ky., on the Sib was st.l tailicno Capt. , Muehler's, -Battery,' ton , nected with the 17th, His diseass was ,Diarrhoea, with: whio,h:ke; lingered four , weeks. , The hearse returned . froni . attneearide. na'Wedneaday eVening s the ;bedio cif ' lile''i deceased having failed, to arrive, there • ,by the 'evening train.' It is probable that .the body his,been thlacerrfed:' !Pell Done /or Quiney..—The people• 01. 1 c Quiney'and, the tteighborhoO 'have. for- Moiled and forwarded a'yilerei liir , the deli and wounded soldierc arrw!, ' g in value to, $175 or $2OO. The following.' , a ~list• or 59 pairs qoitati PlaapelliraWera, , 37, Cotton, F aanri~l _tJ der Shirty, • 31 Curata,il4 • 1 2 1) : Cw 4 v 9 e[7 : ala : 'ad : one "1 1 4 1 1 i 1, Shawl. • •": ' pop] - Woolen 2 Blankets., §oaPoi, , Bandages, -Mes.ors.? James MeGinley, 4 4. good,Znd David • Wertz, Seni •whererappoisted Committee to, solicit contributions, 8*(1 . '0 course, ,igete, instrumental' i th getting 'itp su sugh.a hand•oe Met 44,14titgcs, erstiedriM espeolly: •oft omorindatloti'ror 'the , - .:part be ••, • . rr.•• •• took in 'the - matter. " • ' • 1A is ..the !IS of I itiie" Township more loyol. And Jp0tri4#13.,44,n those '"of Out town llaniti totstliship. ;We "" ' '•', ~•., 'Oft flaitbr , Avvelt. l t , •-•• .• e 1 I^^" . 3/: ),; • . ,41 / W4ll rrefq,e4 aeyrel rein ae d Irons Pon IN erre 4, tc4le ge t r op The Wait e*yrs' : he tiers)* .of < <tiii r , pa ro 're4ll Vie 11 iii6r 'The 'lleeedett 340 8 ROY re l 4rl), JPlk°f.t. !arealtln' ever :nrytiOethibitc , SecreterpSewerd... Ai@ tied" hen I thil 4 e 43111 1 ( fete° irDr. irlien' Mi r - A:left the F r o'rt. I:l l 4 l 6eforn nt the Pfiqf Pni) (XtV tflite`o`t roi the Copot-v; ~offrapk)j* , t h SictiPAiUnigt which wee ilbeelikirnitteln?Pi y 81640 61 lir ifit; Oh Eile 14t ineumbent, Witil;eiptiOgnieit le of. ~ Tkieseitipimint• itnt.eitiotietmiorbrfe tytonifttenii rig tkirril 1it,"*.'4X .: 1862 • r: r,er - i'tE t ittr El tr, J! Borne Guard.—Tbe antboriOes of Mercersburg having given their bends to th *Rhlesions!. a arias a ip• ise nd red b , f !' he z ate for "e we °bee that S. A. I as ma, Ravinga atik ry es lian e Good' mesta = tat hin tivi Of -AI • ft 4 • tare ~, so 4 4 1 di.] i led their names. -It appears that the arms intended for WPirps I/A each a tow ebb that no body babn , qound willing . to bond kir hem #:-AiMPAIT..O:Perso.n: skre.-:-Wa f t re Amon %getting them upon any gon #llo,,fekliave even drubbed us pretty severely for calling attention to the mat. per apew , MAtPßPStitqAlftl? 1 3ta !)! . !!4Psr 411,, ./ ma Our Flag Stolen.-oa.pti4l,l, ! pkoliAme. hb , tooria g ilitibitileteftegl atkapeneled for r iitir (Iffies t window was stolen . Of all ofh..: er . , ,c ocirunoe.4,44, - 9F .44:1?..777f1i?, in , the' , whOketrtaleigue,. of , Prjefelklr-Pril tif i Lileh Ntl lbody: Anti' rebei , scoundrel. leedif ebyo' cribs have been frequently robber, n but„titiii is l'ihewfiisi lbsfanee a n,: whieb• to, :ogle tia6Viiell l ie;, 4 ll4'gtokiibulk , sitar,el.lndatrives?. ••Pee44lr,YilleAl 3 nkr . 9 l of-night. ' Who mould - have, „belteveh haft a single. individual infested this,coniritu. Ay, sii'base'bf.heitri; and' ad en tirely ted , pfltti , feerlagt!pflesic!a l l4ti„.o!‘, , fdr4the , .ou), Not, ntany„ we beligyep . r : *Pr , . • • • r • , Court.r7cpip.r.i e i gnmaesess 0., iburg, on Monday neat. That Jar9vs fur tavinshipaare :as lollop e 2 . !Washing \rba r -I[3l,ria4 :l lrpr A r 4lSaad:s4o ,l . . key:. Traverse 4urora-.--lkaroa Jatriett ParteiV'Seebild l weeklienry "Bair,' f4anitiet , F 4 ,riiritz,"ll. frenniate l , 'Daniel Kubniy, Geo. 'ianiaTsia:, •Ir., ,141elcl or Spealman, Nokll Saydar.•:t• • •i i•" Qpinei-4131traail 4urtir ; '-i-Jaeob C.: 50.., crier,Siaitl, Daviaers.,, ge.cond "Week.=-4. I t) ~ § alai Mann.: . - WASILINUTCiIe 1;111Ury , 13 1.802.--Our preseat,relations with 't,urcipe are , deemed highly important „arid and; :Russia Peers to be a etrongl:pientlky POW'er• the, Pr e s i dent, wait a u,s ious obit ISr;,me one shauld act as minister 19 41 ,1 re Court:ef Petersburg, n !hem he , had .entire gotifi• (knee, vf.ho . catt Ably„ and faiilY.l, ir i esit t his siews,,apid our, T eauee in Gereral,Pameron accepted the O'ffice ' Secretary of War , with great 'relucirtnee,, preferring to retain his seat in the Senate, end has always declared his intentlok to _y_aesiectbe_place-wheu the-,-interests - of the country would allow, and he could have a propor,succespor„. The geritlemeriseleei. EiliNIN M. &SANTO)",is a ,Warrn Per. honal friend of General Cameron, is from is own State, anti. has accepted the posi tion at I the latter's ,s,olicitstion, was 'Aunt ney,qedersi P?etaril. the 'p'i;tildintiOn Buchanan's taliing'the artIPOUR ppaitiee. he • set7rtdeiti inomenOe priraw,bpsOrst, w serve the ay . rnat The appointment is poitniar:;aS is generally concetsed that,he ien , man , or Wi,thopt ant ppliticil tf4listionitlo trammel, his,aotiert any, case whiCA'aitiY come under his,seperrision,, *line he Will prov.e,an able counsellor 'the 'Cabinet,' and, mist , hit 7 * L ia6: .The friends , pf 'General carn'Pron 'claim ttlat hp. can ,yrOl.efford' r iCi, lay. 4/3 ififiNd eat hausting haviPir, acCorhiliiihed'sn much in the organizatibn and stpiiitinetit of the laigest,army ever assembled on' the A' 'merican,pontinent.. ;, • ,The ; rn comenicaitona: were Beni' 'A th e' Senate today by the 'President. ,:'''h ey' l9lSe; as ia, customary, referred to the p: preprilitt. enrernitteep, ,find, witl' probably be acted upon . ip ezeetltive sesiii)an row. 'rheichapge the• Cabinet prpates'lnuih sensation. 11111•111 frpti 't he T,nit,..4Tpi!iiNatitvtt= ,al (ntelligencee " , givea the i t olint.ine ration addressed' to hie ..eciehtrymen. , 'A‘Faihfit of. 'the Con i i '•The' prig intif,iiit in j~GpbiFtleiaY otJames 0, 616ktit,re.,of i+oldvice to my ,rountry.,— Ao tt►ia,ac tie it ever it see the light, will - net - da so till ad] no more, it may be eqnsidered as is jug Irom - thd tomb', whertratuth•Alolie can be respected, and: the,happineas of p tone colibulted— *oil:be entitled, there-, lore, to whatever weight can be derived, trom.goodintentions. andrirom.the esperi. ence of one who has served his country in Varian, stationsibrough.s, Jolty years; who espnused in his yonth„ and, ad ! heredfsbiougirliisAife, .to ;the cause of its liberty; and who has borne a part in moat, of the•transaiitions Which, will ,constittute 'vetch* of Its- • 'The advice nearest to my heart and deepest: lots; yi , to sioi tomtit tbal the Vgion oj+these ;Slates hs thtrishodiatidperpetraltedi let the open enemy to it be regarded„as Paddrka with4ter boslopentavend lhti die gnised oncas , ,the..serpent:ereeping with tEI • .. ‘,„ Ziepprione : ofrßarnflits',l,Expedition. • , , FORTREtift Jatt;l 12.-41nat. thet' , Glenotal , rtifroaidc's Expedition left Atery.;quiet,44;,;ats,igte,taala during last itigh.t....Ott,ercleft during . OA forenoon to-day. including , a,largo,fieet.,oC l sooonairtif winch batit.been.neau fut.:woe, Virile. • :"I•5 ):1•: ' ' ; 'ttrhe INV/if:Y(l,k titltiports.didsuuktfay, till I'l :o'clock' , .4o .day., and, 41t 0, teanopoot ILlairisfa i na and New lirunautiek, areAtell blnio thistafisrnoon.i A nntntiei 41:Lan-MOW era Ind several gun boats, imitif o,olorm r patt oP the , expeditioneare sunlit putt.% r• - fr PitOM WASHINGTON.' lietilgliktion of Geneial'Oaineton. , yivistrotrt The liareal of Mira& 'non Cat lernserat lc, three ash took Virginia les, and forces., ix killed, fourteen _ prisoners. while the Federat loss was twO . tilled and Befoie Co tact a -- - c ,- - Humphrey Marshall cdiangisdp., n". advising the surrender 101 e' e. Tbe men tefused sttbriiit to this disgrace saying that they preferred to with the prospect of defeat, Olt etilhA cowardly course. After the , l Akitllllol4 tol )whole force fled, arid three huntfre lkundre cl.4iWa t ttle a rlier uirY ;itTalitrag ei rid tat 1 Ord verseking:thent-arid-oeothr-- py og Prespoetuttlni thea(kbP,..- ' • All is qusett*. iel,-thelotW:l• • :am p% .4 a ,)17, o a atta Porcis-4;4911c - - , WASHINGTON. all.lis at De. partment hall'reeeirecrinialljgence a that a 'despatch front fikilvf3arfieldr on the .81.1 t, dkilirris:tbri report of the di ripe rsio 410 . 410ip h Oa rill al l' 'forces, it are now fleeing in utter esinfugian, altar having burned a large amount ialpiorl 3B - -- - We have taken firteehliiisodittai! , !'e Another deapatili, Mint .CoLiestfield to .flen, Buell, dated" PrSiiiiiiibrirg, • thii 11th ..We 'fiyiltsday noon, with 1.100 men, arid — erieiged Mar. oball'olorce.ol26soo , 'men • stidthree can. ,non posted on' Wd rongtwtheni . till dark, and driiinifteartilin illtheir po sitions. •• • iethis morning, we idund,kiiiiint'y-tive of ids dead on the 6.eld. The enemy's loss. cannot be fei'ifthait'sixttri',' Welookawert iy-five.prisoneFii Cirltares, The enemy *nett' Most Ul hierliCdpm, and lied precipitalety, during the night.,, t , ' “To-day, I hada ,urossed , . the river, and. bSen occupying ,Prestonburg. • Qur toss la two killed au4 Deseen( Xtpon Sedalia, 1404,, .Lan I€4:-..-Advie4 have . Ikea, received that the Firsl..Xenass-Regi. thent,whick, was.,aent _front,here.some days singe. arrived at Lexington on. Rids}' last, where they arrested several, ral,:ths most protainent-ttritt active rebels thertown, captured and destroyed' aboet I;soWhogs, hich were being packed' lei the use of Gee. Price-79 1 A •beho, too,k ,possessiou of a good eleitl of Otheriel'ailitil'property. About sixty rebels bel onging to thei r reg. iment of Col.• Alexander, now, a priettner at St. Louis, Were captured about six miles born here on Satrirdarlistv <,• General Sregel at Missouri—No ' intentioa of Reolimino St. Louie', Jan. 14`--'There is•high au. dimity int . saying•that Gen 'Stegall', still 'a brigadiee iii th'n United 'States Service at 'Rolla, Missouri. add bait to intention of • • A few mo nths 'age the editoe•of the Charleston Alercury_prayeiLthiti_Oulitithips mitlitTkie sunk. _Quite a number of there, laden with strine.'.."'hacier since 'mien' sunk right before his efes!, 'We hip* hi is/Brake. ful for the answer to hiS ri'II.TPDEGRAFFS. Praciicaf ilatie a, Have just returned from the Eastern Cities with a full assortment of. FALI. GOOD, consisting of • :Hats; 4,laps,,,Ltulia, ..—„,,„ .„ v Buffalo l itohes,,,Horas,Bianitets,,,,„ " "I "'Weigh Blatrigs,lll6ves,2Catiei,-; kinaharellas, &c., all of which are • ow ready iind'aefritik at the iarEOW:E4T oAft rates at their HAT STORE. • Opposite ,Washingtert House, Hugeilitowri, hid. 110" ' OF all ike from Five to t*d~iy IJultitsa'set~ Witlk lguffe, Gulfs, Fur Tritrilums, *dru g ato ' •- - ; - ' ' ' tPDECIICAFFW Baeltitdra, • • Oppeaite Washington House,, t :Fr„gagerot°w l ? , *L. 13 II FEVii3O. 80 tit4o, au its I p A A sdletillid, lot .of, ant! ,No. 2 bought previobs to tit'e adOnitti;',iindlvili be sold et usual rates for cash, at UI'DEGRAFFS' Hat. Store," 'Oppoilite-WriEdriegtou 'Hotrae,; - 4041,40.v.m. Md. Fr GLOVES' A.,:good ,steck., of Buck-skin, Sheep-skin, :rah' Wool,. and Winter Dre'ss GLOVES; at ,• ,' Hat Store, • ;.• • • • Oppeeitee Washington Heusi; • •*4 Hagerstown, 4A41.,..., I.• . , , . „. • :O P HORSE COVERS! .. .. ; R.E.VDS AVIADE ~, ate 11$, ..loweat.cpatt !ivtle i ii UP DEG 4AFFB' ilat.glo,r_ J o ~ ! ~„ yp i pmit. viyatington goi2iii,,.- , • • • . liiigerstbdra; Mil: PRICE CURRENT '' . .$ ~ . 1 : i „. 1- 1 ' AMBERS ON,. 'BENEDICT, At , . CO. • Corrected. Weekly - c: ' '1 - -•,. ... - • . :---!, , 1 ?,. . , ! L' ir auTtag. :. 0! -- ~ 15. • ,t30.64'...- !: 8 ''..V . '• - -': t 4A I , : l!! W ~ an, .., .. , -, 7 , TAkto* • ~'r• , Bec,op, ( iims):,, • ' Jo i , 1,47.A.RED wopii'd . .; . ao ''t i,‘ .D 6. ' sites ; ' ''' . 7 - "ilsiiiiitiii"Wciot , .20 DO. Ohollijitr 7 PARIIID PRipilia" :MO ' Bids> ..t .; ..t., 4' .; . :.• 12 • •DuivariAnioB . ..... 00 • 'Tic& 9.9 1 AreP1 2 , s. •.m • • 1,! , •9P •••• ti ;: .4 7 . 0 41,14#134 • O.RE. • • Co'treciel See ;I ) 4 ltd Y.OSBORO•,• Jen 11301 - tfuTTes le Wean:to-WOW= • JO EGGe ' 12 Uev,taneD '6 n 26 I,ARD7 , • CuovEiregicer ; ,r- • L , . ritiOiV A :II • SD SOAP r- • r FI4,XPED LUU 041Q$ (di c esa 4, I S ,Ar , rde PaiOuis' d 6 BACON ) a," . 11,Acoti c t shoAllors) - 7 i DEED APPLES I - • r 'tea eftwtre (Yri the 9tta ' 'bridee4.parant enry leaher, Muss Bat;(ti ~r • '11.4. ~ , 'Oil It county, Pa'. I Vironed t