VILLNI, _ ,4.. ..~~.~ _-. '~1111W1I1~';~Q~T,. LirThe great Allitesei Mr' ition, sailed from Cairo outTri 44- 0 „ . ftb most fo.rushihble sh er. re. Ili ginbupte, 38 mortar boats! and 28 tugs-and , stettahlts,4nd 70,000 y en. The desti• ration uetleiltoaine ''al' .; - adMitiiio..9llßlAS,lllel-11ftdillt a • command, theeatio• ermyt proiee New oilehns, We shall heel stirring-tielia: 7hs Governor's Message.--The sagratraTiriTOYMilirifilrllM . bath Rouses %. Lifiris• bum, on the . Bth - .It . Laltow a bale-nee— in the Treasury ul 351,000ol\the 30th of N 'ovembtr, including $666.00 received from the United Slates •on aceilflit of the . ar- expenses. • k A After ,reciting the, cacti. to the call for voluresere,,he' states that the meats of Pennsylvania tiow'.enumber one hundred - and fifteen,and that theta:al num, ber °rater. now in' the' se* vice• lit *WM: „-, )1-- I whilst the number prepar ng for sefetee Is 16 038; Snaking an: nggr ate of 1.004016. exclusive of 20,61 1 6 of tite'tliritit'inettiths' volunteers now disbanded. Oral of the Legislature.— Me-following. is a hit of the officers elected in the State Legislature: . -- .Ypeuhr of the Senate-400a • W-. of lilsir. .14ief Clerk --George l!iiiioersTy , of Pailat:e/plia. Assistant Clerk —G. S. BCPey. Transcribing Clerics--F. Ilitchaock. M. McAfee; Dr. M. Ahtatiy, Mr. Iluddleson. . • SergearrVatarms—lierman' Yorke'. ..i ; siliants--Meeiri. Moor. and Dick. 5011. lJb'r .Weeilir--:-.Ubb G. Ittivtiu; of Law. easter. Assistants—Meseta. Buoateker, Heins, Moorehead, Riblett, Jolinsfun akta Bubb: ff.fersenger.—Mx. Walker., , , .Bstistant Messenger—Mr. BrOwe r., TUe • House , organian j l by she election, of intib,Rowe, Eq., of Franklin county, as Ppeaker, on the- first ballot, by a vote of 53 to 45 for Mr. Iltipkine, if Ifrashinton county. i Oript.•E. U. Rauch site , ro sleeted Obiel Clerk. The other , tfices sere fairly di vided among t ' Republicaue and Union Dswrirrats; ea: at the Iliouvi may tit mill .... sills* organized on a Union basis. liirTwe diabolical attempts mere :de last week to blow up tire Mansion- Oise Fleapits' at Alexandria. 'high were fortu nately diseovered in time to.frestrace the arrtelo wicked. intention. A .berrel , of 4;14*1":""ta-foutini-in-tne:ealterr4rith-othifFr aainbustiblei. sad a slow fuse extending from them tothikatibla. The funsend had already been ignited When disiiovered; 11 was nearly the same the eondtima„-- . There were nearly SVO sick M. the hospi tal, end hid the incendiary- succeeded, not mere than one-half of theta. could have es. espelh . Can-anything be ,eoneeived mote horrible then, snob an•aett arras large beak barn, iiabiing, oats hence,' and eartitigt--iroilso, of Mr.:Ohrialo pher pe'ttOtighst . own, Climber • • • land cowry, was fired by an iocentiiary on New Year's•eveningoind entirely consum ed, witb4 valuab o ke horses. 5 mileh cows. 2.lieail,of horse:gears, hariness.'aild . a large quantity of oats, hay and straw.-- Hi►loss is very 'heavy. , , ", KllrMbst , of.the vessels composing Gen. Burnside's Expedition have lefi,Vortress 11/lOuroe' quietly=-their . idestinailori being unknown. although i s a!)ppoisiti" ny at Fortress Monroe that the blow will fall on . Vorfork4 U .: 1 is "atlersteod that the troops wfil , , be feuded,. at several ple• est, all bearin u on the ultimate desti- iation. 'Sr Thoprebei lois as thb battle of 401-, ennse'ereek,'llissouri, sv , hiatt ivint , ;fought On the Nth of August list, and ' ivhieh „• ,•, th:e brave Ceneral.Lynn , has been, aseertarned, wart five ihandred•and twenty killed and , seven 'hittidted 'and .lottrteen. wounded. The 'Union hun dred. and, twerny 7 tkree . killedand seven' bundre&and.titenty-one wounded.„ .oorn-411cal Rread.,r-,The fotlo~6ipg re. cilia furnishing bread from Inditionsal,ra,l. eintied - ti pirniiinta ,. ef dullars'at :the ;re. atokeibitilion 'Or f iect mens 'office of rhe .Bmri_ca,?l4llc!situ gat. W e dive it to slur lady .roaders .gratis to that they will ceirty y test it: Take two, quarts iit a bout a pint of (thin) bread 6 , spongo7itfif viten enkough ruin, w A 9 !i.-ha - if a soif,44 f tiOit,lOpptrOful of salt. Let it rise . and then knead well the secood Bake hours. it wilt beef' old. and except in color and ilifferenceiwtastei•;!. k _Good Move..4=iriiii-Vaiylasidilegii IP.rflblillealifP9WeeitAkiatki* Pp; PI!O!!!•") reperpii.laini; owl !Wight cor v4l,ltal, sues upon slt persenirtholilitirethintlis thik *oh me eleites isaiti 0 , igAPI t pnAltAble,.felleSif,3 l / 1 1, J Aird sliPaßeltA4Vbiti Alf.; p,1. 1 . „!4. . t tveryl tcica business. Jhe Cha 4° 9' incoln here ha resident of event of more than ordinary •ignibcanoe. tagrig4etko some importer,' results. 1 tart li en. Cantered was nominal tarts:the - kuntrican...minieter-litill, 00 4!t• . or St. Petersburg. simultaneciusly with the iiiimination of Ildr.,..Stanton to the Vi!af . ', Ligartment, ~ i ndica„ .t es, thai in leaving the CllDlnet lie carrtetw it ~ .kin r e eon 'n e' c .t.• , f,Tf 0 : no.. an Igopd ,w tidies ' firieliOttit`loo4l • -o- • •,•• .'•, -i - •'• tadTbistjp,* * Jko,,vrrii4lsedfie 4itaNili ‘ itlir i gl exeo ions pi)Etqc . rilliy ' l q - 4‘61 - :ii,Vil'ln'o''i - ili ll "nmenctimento alba + '1 , 4 , 01413.14111:4 4E401 3 4: eveiv at imp:erfecr idei , eflthe. reliariVibilltiiiirt;t'dititiPtliOvtitlitiktOPhif xik,4s. ....._ ~ . : 1 ,1 •••;:. 4, , .:.1 . ~ aIV ir nlaeP.l.o V.rf •1 1. 4 1 . 1 , ) gi I Ff e t e -'. f II P rendily,:uni.. - fskand wh.,5‘... ,t4itersd j ;Coill -„ ~ wins :tot qui willing -id' relinithisb , a posit loit'iliiich l iferititndeil'atieb 'ildi'eeasing.tbrii' and: freirientlY 'it'll shined ' t . 'ne env cif`[( [(iris' ~. i•. and theitlisirostuffrieso; . irbailie ileflv,ell, his Departibent—wittnit A itaik. upou L tskt, good bUnfe, 'hill!" with the-Owfidencei of lliriusands , i''bii nearer lib evi hie bier qiinlio ligs before, he entered it, .is 't . ..o4ti' , '• 0,, prouilest.cnnsolation he cesild desire.,, We' lava reputedly spoten of Edwin. Itt.' , ..itinton, as *well in intr enriespondeuee• • ' ' '. I• .1 i . 'Ol 'all :s ) b. as 1.0 4pr ennoria eo nitt is„ public men of our day, ,we knoWOtrito'r4: pore• qualified to grapple. with i ,pres,Elut, troAles and 'coining dangers. - Rigs , - taind is so, quick just, c:om pre beniii vl, rind' Writ= • final that, +slide a^s, a, ia•vrYii i r it: has, pladed him io the front rank of hilr,professiott i , as a st a tesman, even in the -snort term orbia service iuder tbe• ltist-AdniiinfstVetini. it gave iiiinvan in'itantitiikusand'e'omiastoiinic novitioi. Mr. ..SAa:)lo . A„ . itis always ' voted witii that portion :of 141 e... Democratic. party i• dentsfied 'wit& Ihe'forturver, , ofilltephen.A Douglis,faiid bilr'noniinitiiit by President 12ineoln fie wyWell-i i iriiiif rinogip Mon "of:,&e loyal Democrats oitbe‘trtifea. '. - . I Ci7"rhe.oeti; Y - oik Poet ieyi that fhb •,.••• , , • follow ing ,eittaet fram.Fe,iitter received, in that citylby. a: , prontinent niti,sen s , comes from a responsible source. , . . IV samiserron: Jan'.; 1 1 2; ,.. 1862; ' 'a. '4ly bEAR I.ft : 41 '* . 5 s 's' ' ' lite night of the reheßion has, ii , o4 . Bixt,' and ilti' aawn..ia abOut break'int. Before the Oee. ent niiirith tae goes thise'tiiinge Will'enrs fy come to pass : General Balleck., wi t h' :rest flotilla, ara an'simy of one hun dred thousand strong,'*ili `tiwetp/ like an aveleccbe dowii tbe . Miiiissippi; 'Where; they Will' be joined by - Gen. natter ii . NeW Orleans and Mobile, Gen: Btibirviiih Weir: ly, or quite the same`MiCe. will'reire - Wili• to Tennessee, cepturellashville t ,and co • . • a as titilonliiiiiiii'n manner end direction it Worild not be politid now to point net. Generale Rosenerans and Kelly will advance from Western Virginia and do their share ' in harinotiy with the generarplan. Gerierali`Benks Mid Stone will more in eonioneition witlelhe rest from. th . e Upper' Potomac. General . •Burnside will do hie apptriated-work-lirt- Virginia.— Gehl. Sherman will eiplein by deeds, not wortla,lits inaction. . Gen. McOlellin will force the rate from their holes at 'Man se sae,' attack thein at three points , et , ' once, and 44/1061 hie'mndest pledge, that ether ' war wank! *short but deeperataa'• I. •do not give you mere than that generatetttlirie of these stiniiltarreous 'arioverneniti. iThe dtaile of the gread 'plats of this -campaign. will iftat4"the - Wcirlkl; and 'vindiCate: Gen. Mcelellatee 'high reputation BA- military strategy.; The'rnen•and suTiPlieenrtinow, far the 'Riot Unit, nearly readr: J , The de. lays, caused rtfainly by 'red thpe` and : im.' becile fossils in and . ontrifihcdeptittitterits, slid by thieving' "coritrectoirs' And, material' Men, will be ticcootted for; , etid , thnlrlame placed where it belongs. A premature movernenc,woula liavederaßgei the . pion I he whole,campaign,• vrbicb is so perfect, th t Success is certain. _ ,it,htioliiioie, an: •tt stele made, freight , • hsve,,h,e i iiir.cled the, - 1 me. be impending • - mate,:is*;clase 'al' hand in a limited number O'ff?re,ed liSiee:.: Tho toes of a piste lei,e 'or, ihe're,, the 'At: leat.ol ono or anotberdivisitie4:tbksirm:);, cannot effect ur prolorig : '• the, eself. ' 'The 'combination .is DO . perfeel { h at failure is' . jai assible 1'..%,, , . • ight ditildrert at a. - Pirtit.On he. 2d. ei Aug., My.. TintothY Eitedlite, of Trani• bull- county., Ohio. gay.e birth,t o, eight ch ildrett—tiaree iloYa'and five gale. ~They, are ell living, and ate ' healthy, 'bat quite Bradlee's. family ieinieressing fast. He was married 'etx' ,, yeare' . 'lo Eunine Mowery, who weigbe4.2q4, ecitio,Oe on the day , of. , her marriage., Sitc„has given birth to two pairs of twins; ariataaw eight more, citihinkiTaiptra et , tillfrefin siX X Years- • klegillislt,Tarfe,..l?l neyeTeiieless is trut + ~ lkirs.•Bradlee Wea n Aarja,of;tbree. her 'another Wed fate er ; being twins, tbe' Mottle, of Ave Fri her boys after noted'and (hating walled men; orieltlifer filenotlrtll94Mitsiags. , *lto tia"?f after. e 9,111 rilkt niednif briebriet erhe - ' itai: who gave bee.* deed, pi, fifty _me res,of leha: timi:the;otha i r *AO Aiwa,' 44,nliplii litthn sows- ter a slllollCem•tif,t4ilroi 4 ;141,3 1 V Sbribtor.....! , •.; 1,, ~1, 1 n .. s• . • • • Nto ROWA .0.1? .14ANTUO Nx..— 1 •, ", , thiiatbei thst tkieres areowali, AburAtn. lion. 4pin' oats let Air:weal dAteslAkt. o )l lhjq tmtaiiteis.;\ ,, 4 0It4J444sehArt00,00 1 3! , ftiontnis94,soo4lKkAllnial;i4,il4o,loo;v9o", 1,400,000 p, - Ceqemsk t itafilksiPlß geOhyes;`,l - 100;009r-Iiirtio 4,000.000; ittia iiiisiesiiNdni:ol3lo6o: 4 Preneft 00.- 060; Duch, Danish and Mexican, 20,140. give 'mimeos to their-fa En Pie World and oa its ruins to : taidish AlTArtaigi I OnAttritit-Ineeagioa-a4Boton Avae,preacb. : irThieloll,l4, Mo?re, fro m m.: I)* tikippikiiplinjfiglappt a-weareil .... La.the s w p v .alc-A4. th 'ld 'Wit r --- • '-,,, %lilt C hdiai Vii 1 * •Never,' say _•.• s truly as 1 e 1 guently,„in r ,bis t lAspePiisi„pay 41f,eraten, l e .4in ver since thentet ,ts r re t:l:4 4 c o tt u ne c s ics ti o l: l4 l:ri b n e. •. ill e, under the raeiging•kinitles. of ilepubli• I: c n France, has tiftlield theithen*Avat.cry, i• Victua (wo e t„,:fp, t he ootmered !) _Open 3 1 4 11 d m e i r a s t . ak n a he bly t t o li b il u i o4lolq, SO :0 1 14 4 4 in ,o+rne successful, either bylnismnnagement lit ti e ar r n y'—or, may add, by tte 14fusal of tifiVol 'itei s V I C:en lis til l ‘or '. " • la sf„+: ~.•• -V t ) brwartice aitifeegrbpse, 0 . l er., i lnd ' history furnislies : _noi.psgSAiii,:drir i li and bloody as at which would record the re- 1 ~., eta: - Ouriffist!titidlratiestrareo '..vreitit'd be iilatlghteroo liltlittlfo,cia in' the shatubjeii ; 'Our wives atilt 4ang,likers,iliehifit'Orid before laiis-eyernt.dur.okies.„sackea.ittiiitiffilif-fitiAL ivEo l ltl,t4fr: Ipitsps,.pillaged rind.burnetkout im'PeSX* ls 3 ll o Weare.4)ti til.f.l"Vidii e?, IN tee tet,i r frrinf„ti if, ,by, f i n e s, iippeoodstatlerts; our . g.rand , ol,d . Vont na'cin fv e4l fit, • ' r degraded 'from fief pr•bud : bistiaric pl a ce of `'Ancient 'Unritinfon e '', lA, the vassal 'of a huge 'CestraLdespeiistn, • Whietli ' hiving wasted `ilex, tv Oh .tirg end Svruiti, would ibm 01 'het by ,Mi iitsry 'foiee, to iiii,th:e ''"utiritieue ex-• Pe/ip ,O 1 her, gun :subjugaistin, or In ikriult of 1 111 5 . parcel ?t . li'er broad land! Aes iii-'• luiling,ernigraots as a feudal reward "lair the, rapine aiiif murder of dill 'new', • Ncli - min ,con quest,'!", 1 , • • • .• '. • - 4 leyaf Virginfin; ) whole a resident' of , Philadelphia,, iu communicating the abov e to one of the city! papers, says :•-•., ' • • „ - "The' Or. Moore 'referred to is Ake an. thin. Of these Caltunities 'against 'the; loyal *peeple of the United. States, is- the , Rev: Thomas Alos - re,: hotv , the , pastor , of the. First il'iesby 'erten Church' in Richmond-.• Hb le i - -Pennsy I van ia ‘by birth and , eiluca• iti6e.", His father, - John Moroni. shoemaker resided in:the town- of. Vutubee• tand bounty., Pa.., of wittier plies 'be was fortheity :years/the Fostilaster. Hie ap. pi:Anti/rent trt this position by -the Govern. merit of the United Stases enabled- him • to ntintitellis eon, whirnow turns his on , grateful hand againet that -Government, and talks i;il the Ancient-Dominion as 'our', gratiil obi f:':oniniOnwestlth; and of - his. na 1 tiv 'Sena at the home . of ,rourderett , and ruffisisiti.i lie kiss not a drop of 'Southern] .bliiniefrt ilia veins, and never snuffed the ail! of Virginia Until he' was - a. :grown up man. set! lictitited to preach, '1 emphasise. th'it Word; because of its peculiar •-sdapts.' don to a man 'Wlio abuses she functions of .hiii.siieted 'office : 1)1 crying on hie' fellow. traitorki froth tee puipiiiin a Anyle • which vro,''bltli'ditigtate The 'thralldoms of•Smithern • lemeitegifierf: ---- 1 - 1414 fey' litont - e — a - fid4 - 07 dives heretriir."' ' • '' r ' . . .` . j This'aiiiii'l4Ootev is *ell known to many ; peieons to title snooty, he 'laving ` s erved' : , .. r VII c as plater oi .the a--respyierisii ecingrekation . of Greedcastle" for severs! lean t ' ;l i s said to boils fine scholar sod , quits an at ~ . tractive publie'spiaker.' ` these lusli fi ca. . tiOnS coMoWintfed'ealie to diffitent field of lsbnr,,until at lost all, folds , were 'foreahetj l . in obedience 'to: Cod's- *pice coming„ from j Riehmpirdi irt'otret of *BOOO per ' annuntil we believe.' Hi contertted . to'be a' hearer! , , . , . , of, the yord,to the' . owners - -pr the 19aye- i l pens of that eity—and . bow,..staftOully .he, serVes-thero r we leave thorahrin' IT - 4 - extract from -his Fist pay , - serirtoe, tesiify, , ~He . Can accommodate timself to the desires, of his' pliritibbere-Aet them be tile 'friends of God or of Biel. He heti forgotten 'the •hole ~ from : viltic,h,ke wee digged,! and his love for thellence makes him a fit embassador to preach to the Itching ears of -slave dri-, vers. 'Like alt Other 'traitors to God 9r their, couotry,tbie min, Moore stoops to the' meanest falsehmadihdircends 40 •the„nastiest, cesir.porit 01-slander. to 'detente ltislorater beriefaCtOre, incl.' to gratify ,the' enemies - 'of those, whose means e ueated him and made him what he is.—giamberabrarg,'DiSpnich.. Cr : We putzipzk4e!ow,.tke letter address ed .by Roviaigiaint the particulars of .the ness and death of lite son • . • , • , • , , Ol,lO. WOmDar HAUT ,C0,K7. - '' . 1 • , I , .Aanuary.4th,p62,...: -._Mr i nietesi, I?•' 4.11r: 7 - . lt . hi with regret that I,havrt to. ,rite to, vim, on a. subject that I. ue: a friepll, (if your ;son Jacob. have to 40- A -one.. that ; fe ai'deelify felt by meat ,perhaps yoiireelp'bui feeling it, Say (lug as Captain , of,,it'e . c° 4 ?Pri,Cf! app r ige you, ort . herjllneeis,and'sleallt al yeui son. I ; bare- taken', the„ittlei,f,l•l, 01 ' iliv,iiio you the particulars ,ut,..thei 'case. '' On 'tit _ 27th December oar -Regiment .wat ord = - d to go out int . :piekit duty•aero'es . Oree Riv er.and janeb wits'obt 'Wftrilut i erul'ieturned as well is hi uiliv4lij)l4:., '' On . ilie follow iattilay,•ht 404ogipined pfoliiipega , • l and Do temenceti 4101 igli4wWft! ; IC I I ff' 49 tl ts 9.440 I bad ,him taken Ml44 , ,n,ei'Phicalt .)Artli A . :, ter being at the .11341141 M -a _short tune he wairtakee Withmouv4lsioce *chaplet:lk tbat tav bed , to,,be, bald ,down. :bs,i}hret men, 49 that he.eoeld,,nat:liigUre, 049•90,1 ligi.elq; ,I, better in the course—of the night, a d we thought'he' viould - be 'striking , vs'arial but it was oeiliii4 ; iiiliOrl,ist , t 'f . p,O'lliit l nsg he got bad airaea„ and lerntingi.ii, a very weak state tilt-morning. ibi.ut 3 o'clock. 8. , 0444 Wiig)o ol A l P i ti l Y,T l l, d g e ir,48,19P" k (opt or.bill P , Rts - An.), „w•J'n'il,e:'S'Yr"P„: in hir atqw,4 4 .o,lll o XV '‘q. 44 l al . a . Vt a ii\ or a murmur. His ~tilaCbrialh ival acnriie WO rtfapti bJe ; , pa ~, es y, ~e, nd o gltlel, Air i l e :II tilis-Atericklif ear* thelyWitin4i o f•Tpli,??l'l t r had-left lea.till xve,examined #lO and ,Imp,4 that life wes was is til,blow 4,..t. ~ ~ - ,t. Jet ,e of our best sol id a!' piing ipan; ielp In to , but be is (Ii lo ths. _ lave rade arrange ..tegrap,, a friend.of mine torrnirerrOw7!e4e..l4ol4l.4o , ..tibiLinited,y. when it arrives at that plate, to toliii ruWeritandiotsiltitleyt LAu iota. The doctor and -nur on h. s-- - illiarifilliblllarforthEirkindttette. ant VNI gutiowthohgurifmt, tiFei , was 1 . 5 , p old c e . _ _ YqUoin4ol hn1ik 1 11:19•1493 n r.!, , 11t , i it I stra•isith respect, yot#L, tqf SANIT9A,ti*Ji , .11) . 1 % • . J ; l‘. 4 /11 .4‘ P. Siii4a .4 46o' advetriNeilletit b l 3 il9h: NI 'Os? git i o4l4 , "s i" " ; • , ',A 1 1 , 161.'4 0,1.3. 4 h.,% irillteittiarecafritd in as nigh .PA.4l,!lclfor, w 4at. '` NICLX. ad befnt.4ato4 ffax ? a,,fe!s,,;,weaks i ir ; s,,ce .; tiimel, and is prepared - to aktend,,„to„apy„ 6usiiieint in thirlitte - Treasurer , 113Atetsir , tat; efitcp4tio c. n . at t i6ll 6 bfllll:si j t Oupaty treasurPr•-: '-!'1 : Y. I) ke ikenthir.`L:3 4 il4 • .haL' 'Waged•thia,weelc beliitecit ittqmit• e et. ' PP/1 7 'rata— at one time cold and ~another Al:together it'hailieu bi artinat unpleatittat character. • Sale Crieol--iWe 41ireet tiettivkioir• to' -the card of attothet unan. i'Ve 'have a6 -- hiiiiitida ifriwaiteg that %we betieve.Mr. M. to be one - ,01. ;she best' atiCtioireleti LW the . county. enAl adschle those intealliag,allielibae 61"iiidpetly, at puhlie satto.o ayakt ,tliqms.el*Fs • his vices. &co - Ad .Ottor*.-- . the /acted ?ildiiii4r 2 of tite,%ll - pytieSbork ofaitifiirf %ad n dOM. mercial Institute has been e tered upon, 'under the mint 'favorable • a spices. , , We understand the institution ias * thus - 414 Pa bees libera l ly ii:3l • e a '1 : — ) , , ' ' ' 41 c 9 ,r , . Turning aver a New Leate—TO pies - ent is the , period of the year at rangemehts arts meetly made, lot •writing ver new leases. If a fast man is living head of his meant.. fie stainite dearriiiihita to retrench expenees as !loon as the new year coines,ini , • Are bad , hsbits',i,ndulged . Ir , 'thereirt resolves kodrop. )t Sande or the depiriing year are dropped: Death of another Plitiate. : --A few lines from Lieut. Joins K. WiLics, informs us that Lewis Limns; Soo Of" NO. ''pin i ty Lecher. of this cieinity. died • at' „Osrup Wood Ky., on the Sib was st.l tailicno Capt. , Muehler's, -Battery,' ton , nected with the 17th, His diseass was ,Diarrhoea, with: whio,h:ke; lingered four , weeks. , The hearse returned . froni . attneearide. na'Wedneaday eVening s the ;bedio cif ' lile''i deceased having failed, to arrive, there • ,by the 'evening train.' It is probable that .the body his,been thlacerrfed:' !Pell Done /or Quiney..—The people• 01. 1 c Quiney'and, the tteighborhoO 'have. for- Moiled and forwarded a'yilerei liir , the deli and wounded soldierc arrw!, ' g in value to, $175 or $2OO. The following.' , a ~list• or 59 pairs qoitati PlaapelliraWera, , 37, Cotton, F aanri~l _tJ der Shirty, • 31 Curata,il4 • 1 2 1) : Cw 4 v 9 e[7 : ala : 'ad : one "1 1 4 1 1 i 1, Shawl. • •": ' pop] - Woolen 2 Blankets., §oaPoi, , Bandages, -Mes.ors.? James MeGinley, 4 4. good,Znd David • Wertz, Seni •whererappoisted Committee to, solicit contributions, 8*(1 . '0 course, ,igete, instrumental' i th getting 'itp su sugh.a hand•oe Met 44,14titgcs, erstiedriM espeolly: •oft omorindatloti'ror 'the , - .:part be ••, • . rr.•• •• took in 'the - matter. " • ' • 1A is ..the !IS of I itiie" Township more loyol. And Jp0tri4#13.,44,n those '"of Out town llaniti totstliship. ;We "" ' '•', ~•., 'Oft flaitbr , Avvelt. l t , •-•• .• e 1 I^^" . 3/: ),; • . ,41 / W4ll rrefq,e4 aeyrel rein ae d Irons Pon IN erre 4, tc4le ge t r op The Wait e*yrs' : he tiers)* .of < ..t .; ..t., 4' .; . :.• 12 • •DuivariAnioB . ..... 00 • 'Tic& 9.9 1 AreP1 2 , s. •.m • • 1,! , •9P •••• ti ;: .4 7 . 0 41,14#134 • O.RE. • • Co'treciel See ;I ) 4 ltd Y.OSBORO•,• Jen 11301 - tfuTTes le Wean:to-WOW= • JO EGGe ' 12 Uev,taneD '6 n 26 I,ARD7 , • CuovEiregicer ; ,r- • L , . ritiOiV A :II • SD SOAP r- • r FI4,XPED LUU 041Q$ (di c esa 4, I S ,Ar , rde PaiOuis' d 6 BACON ) a," . 11,Acoti c t shoAllors) - 7 i DEED APPLES I - • r 'tea eftwtre (Yri the 9tta ' 'bridee4.parant enry leaher, Muss Bat;(ti ~r • '11.4. ~ , 'Oil It county, Pa'. I Vironed t